Lydia Mikhailovna’s act was a pedagogical crime or. Essay on the topic: what underlies the action of Lydia Mikhailovna (in

Subject: “Education of feelings” in the story by V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

Target: reveal the spiritual world of the hero of the story; note the role of play in human life; show the teacher’s originality; identify the moral issues raised by the writer in the story.

During the classes

Teacher: Today in class we will discuss three aspects of the story “French Lessons”. First of all, let's dwell on the image of the main character, his state of mind; further we will talk about an “extraordinary person” - a French teacher; Let's conclude our conversation about the story by discussing its main problems.

The main character in the story

Teacher: I suggest starting the conversation with a story about the hero. I would like to draw your attention to questions that will help you talk about the hero.

    Why did the boy end up in the regional center? (Tonya)

    What were the successes of the hero of the story in the regional center? (Tanya)

    What was the hero’s state of mind? (Styopa)

    What made the boy play chica for money? (Raphael)

    How was the hero’s relationship with the guys around him? (Lesha)

    What was the boy's attitude towards the teacher? (Anya)

Sample answers:

    “I studied well here too... in all subjects except French, I got straight A’s.”

    “I felt so bad, so bitter and hateful! “worse than any disease.”

How do you understand the word “hateful”? Why does he compare his condition to an illness?

    “Having received it (the ruble) ... I bought a jar of milk at the market.”

The hero was not only alone in this regional center, he was tormented by hunger. Now imagine these two feelings together! The year was 1948. There is hunger in the village, there is poverty all around, but despite this, he is sent food “quite often.” How? "About once a week."

    “They beat me in turns... there was no one that day... a person more unhappy than me.”

    “I was scared and lost... she seemed to me like an extraordinary person, not like everyone else.”

Teacher: Throughout the entire story, we see a game, and not just a game, but a post-war game.

    What's special about it?

    Why didn't the children play, for example, in war?

    Why did they play for money?

    What do you think is a game and what does it mean in the life of every person?

A game– an expression of the essence of human relationships. In the game, a person reveals himself, sometimes unexpectedly and almost always reveals himself.

    How did the hero of the story show himself in the game?

    Why doesn't the hero have a name? After all, throughout the entire story we don’t hear him, no one calls him by name?

(Probably this fifth-grader boy was Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin himself, who told us about his childhood in the story “French Lessons”)

Teacher: I have to agree with you. Listen to what V.G. himself wrote. Rasputin about the story: “...More than 20 years later, I sat down at the table and began to remember what once happened to me, a fifth-grader boy from a remote Siberian village. Or rather, I began to write down what was never forgotten, what people constantly asked me to do. I wrote this story in the hope that the lessons taught to me at one time will be felt by both the little and the adult writer.”

Conclusions: For the first time, due to circumstances, an eleven-year-old boy is torn away from his family, torn from his usual environment. However, the little hero understands that the hopes of not only his relatives, but also the entire village are placed on him: after all, according to the unanimous opinion of his fellow villagers, he is called to be a “learned man.” The hero makes every effort, overcoming hunger and homesickness, so as not to let his fellow countrymen down.

Lidia Mikhailovna - “an extraordinary person”

Teacher:How does the boy remember his French teacher? Read the description of the portrait of Lydia Mikhailovna. What is particularly noteworthy about it?

(“Lidiya Mikhailovna was probably twenty-five years old or so at that time...” and further in the text: “There was no cruelty in her face.”)

Teacher:What feelings did the boy evoke in Lydia Mikhailovna?

(Lydia Mikhailovna treated the boy with understanding and sympathy, she appreciated his determination. In this regard, the teacher began to additionally teach the hero French, hoping to feed him at home.)

Teacher:Why didn't he sit down to eat with her? Do you understand his behavior?

Teacher:Why didn’t she succeed with the parcel idea?

(The teacher filled the parcel with “city” products and thereby gave herself away. Pride did not allow the boy to accept the “parcel”)

Teacher:Did the teacher manage to find a way to help the boy without hurting his pride?

(She invited him to play wall games for money.)

Teacher: Why did Lidia Mikhailovna send the second parcel?

(The parcel was a confirmation of Lydia Mikhailovna’s good feelings for the boy and her confidence in her rightness.)

Teacher: Is the hero right in considering the teacher an extraordinary person?

(Lidiya Mikhailovna is endowed with an extraordinary capacity for compassion and kindness, for which she suffered, losing her job.)

Conclusions: Lidia Mikhailovna takes a risky step, playing with a student for money, out of human compassion: the boy is extremely exhausted, and refuses help. In addition, she recognized remarkable abilities in her student and is ready to help them develop in any way.

"Education of feelings" in the story

Teacher:V.G. Rasputin once said: “The reader learns from books not life, but feelings. Literature, in my opinion, is, first of all, the education of feelings. And above all kindness, purity, nobility.”

What are feelings?

(Feelings - emotions, “movements (excitement) of the soul"

In everyday life we ​​talk about feelings of hunger, thirst, pain; pleasant and unpleasant; fatigue, illness and health; joy and sadness, love and hate; horror, shame, fear, delight, compassion, i.e. Almost all feelings are connected with the human soul.)

Teacher:What feelings does the story “French Lessons” bring up?

(Kindness, compassion)

Teacher:The writer educates feelings through the image of a teacher, although her game with a student for money is perceived very ambiguously. How can you evaluate Lydia Mikhailovna’s action? Have your say.

(On the one hand, this is not pedagogical; on the other hand, playing for money with the student was the only way to help him.)

Teacher:Why is the story called “French Lessons”?

(French lessons, communication with Lydia Mikhailovna became life lessons for the hero, education of feelings.)

Teacher:What did you learn from these lessons?

(Participation, understanding of the people around you, sensitivity, dedication and determination.)

Conclusions: From a pedagogical point of view, a teacher playing for money with her student is an immoral act. But what is behind this action? - asks the writer. Seeing that the schoolboy (during the hungry post-war years) was malnourished, the French teacher, under the guise of additional classes, invites him to her home and tries to feed him. She sends him packages as if from her mother. But the boy refuses everything. The teacher offers to play for money and, naturally, “loses” so that the boy can buy milk for himself with these pennies. And she is happy that she succeeds in this deception.

Kindness is what attracts the heroes of the story. The hero discovers kindness and participation, understanding among the people around him.

Teacher:At the end of our lesson today, I suggest you open the “Museum of the Hero” of the story “French Lessons”.

Teacher:What items would you place in a museum?

Pasta (they talk about the boy’s pride, self-esteem, which did not allow him to accept the parcel), a half-liter jar of milk (for the sake of it he had to gamble for money), notebooks (emphasize the hero’s abilities in learning), coins (testing the hero with a game), apples (the teacher’s kind attitude towards him), potatoes, bread (the hero’s menu, the hunger that he had to overcome).

Conclusions: All these items help us better understand the character traits of the hero and speak about his difficult fate in post-war Russia.

Teacher: Our lesson has come to an end, and I would like to tell you that a person’s personality is formed in childhood, it is in childhood that its formation occurs, and everything that a person absorbed in his childhood determines his future destiny. If you and I look at the life of V.G. Rasputin, who had a hard time as a child: he knows firsthand what hunger and longing for family are, but he was able to become a world-famous writer who was recognized during his lifetime (although many writers and poets gain fame and are valued after death). How did he do it?

Firstly, he is a purposeful person, he knows what he wants from life.

Secondly, of course, the lessons that he received in childhood, the lessons not only of French, but the lessons of kindness, mercy, compassion, empathy, the lessons of “education of feelings” - all this determined his destiny as a writer.

We present to your attention a poem by another famous poet Mark Sergeev, called “Life asked me”

I would like this poem to prompt you to the appropriate thoughts.

"What do you want?" - life of me


And I answered her: “I want everything:

heights that are not easy, like kindness,

forests that surround you like doubts,

roads that sometimes lead to nowhere,

palms that, when meeting, give


To summarize, I would like to ask: What did the story “French Lessons” become for you? What did you think about in our lesson today?

Homework: Essay-reasoning “What do you want?” - life asked me.

Lidia Mikhailovna is a young French teacher and the class teacher of the main character of the story. After the director witnesses a teacher and a student playing for money, Lydia Mikhailovna has to leave school. Of course, one can agree with the director’s opinion that the teacher’s action is “...a crime. Molestation. Seduction. And more, more...” But if you know that the teacher decided to do this not for fun, but to save the child’s life, then her action looks completely different. He has a desire to help the hungry

the student to survive in the truest sense of the word. The desire to help a very capable student not to sink to the bottom, not to descend into the life of a thief, but, on the contrary, to help him discover his abilities.

The modest, poorly dressed, very capable boy aroused the sympathy of the teacher. And having learned that he is half-starved, the young woman tries to help the boy. She tries in every possible way to help him, even sends him a package. And only when the student refuses everything, the teacher decides to go to extremes - she tries to let the student earn money himself.

The basis of the act, in my opinion, is mercy. You can talk about it endlessly, or you can take it and help a specific person, as the teacher did. And the result of her action is obvious - the main character turned out to be a good person, grateful to his teacher.


– why Lidia Mikhailovna decided to play measuring with her student

– essay on the topic French lessons

– Why did Lidia Mikhailovna decide to play measuring games?

– review of French lessons Rasputin

- an essay on the topic of how I feel about Lydia Mikhailovna’s action

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In Valentin Rasputin's story, a French teacher committed an unusual act towards her student, who lived far from home. He went to fifth grade in '48. He lived poorly, he did not have enough money for food. Most of all, he needed milk, as he was dizzy due to anemia. To earn money for milk, he began gambling for money with high school students who beat him for winnings.
The student went to school willingly. He was good in all subjects except French. Because of the pronunciation. The student had to go to the home of French teacher Lydia Mikhailovna every day. She felt sorry for the hungry boy. And she tried to feed him at her place after class. But he was proud and refused to eat, so he went there as if it were torture. Then the teacher made another attempt to help the boy. One day, when he came to study, the teacher invited him to play wall games for money. He agreed. But later he noticed that the teacher was playing along with him. The game was losing its meaning. One day, attracted by a knock, the director came to find out what was going on and found the teacher and student playing for money. After this incident, Lydia Mikhailovna left.
I consider this act noble and selfless, because the teacher tried to help the talented boy in various ways and, in order for no one to touch him, left the school.

….And in the middle of the January holidays, the boy received a package. It contained pasta and three red apples. The boy guessed that it was from Lydia Mikhailovna.

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Formation of communicative and speech skills

students in literature lessons

Russian language teacher and


MBOU Secondary School No. 70, Kirov

Beresneva Zinaida Viktorovna

The paper presents material on organizing students’ speech activity when working on V.G. Rasputin’s story “French Lessons,” which includes a description of the algorithm for lessons on the topic “Formation of an attitude to a problem.”

All lessons are aimed at developing communicative competence, within which the main skill is aimed at creating a text as a product of speech activity.

The lessons I have proposed for the development of speech based on the story by V.G. Rasputin “French Lessons” using the model I have chosen “Formation of an attitude towards a problem” give reason to believe that in the process of working on the text of a work of art, communicative speech skills are formed, which can be combined into several groups:

1 group- skills related to text construction, awareness of its structure, for example.

Divide the text into logically complete parts;

Make a plan for the finished text, that is, determine the main idea of ​​each part and express it in one sentence, as well as plan your own speech statements;

Compose the introductory and concluding parts of your speech statement and highlight them in the finished text;

Rearrange the text in accordance with other speech tasks.

2nd group- skills related to language means:

Use the phonetic, lexical and synthetic richness of the language;

Select linguistic means in accordance with a certain type of text (narration, description, reasoning);

Select linguistic means in accordance with a specific speech style

3 group includes skills related to the text as a whole, with all its sides:

Improve your own text;

Predict possible difficulties when solving a speech problem and outline ways and means to overcome them;

Predict several variants of speech statements on the same topic or in accordance with the same main idea;

Organize individual (independent) work in accordance with the proposed sample (model, algorithm);

Organize pair and group work to solve speech problems.

4 group includes skills related to understanding speech utterances (text):

Understand the topic of the text and determine its boundaries;

Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context;

Select and organize material according to topic or main idea;

The ability to predict the content of the text: topic, purpose, further continuation of the text using keywords, title;

Understand the main idea of ​​the text and express it in your own speech;

Form questions about the creation of the text and in connection with it, etc.

5 group skills related to text interpretation , that is, with the reader’s creative desire to interpret the meaning of the text:

The ability to formulate your attitude to what you read.

The model I have chosen, “Formation of an attitude to a problem: the right of everyone to “have their own opinion,” is applicable when working on the texts of works of art studied from grades 5 to 11, as well as when preparing for the Unified State Exam (writing an essay) when completing task No. 25 - express your attitude to the problem.

I decided to build the model in the following sequence.

After reading an article for the lesson in V.G. Rasputin’s textbook “Lessons of Kindness,” the children had to formulate the author’s opinion. Students in the lesson talk about what a kind person is, what it means to be able to do good in the author’s understanding. They conclude that Rasputin does good with his memories by talking about the teacher in his story.The author encourages students to think.

2) Student Reflections

What is a good person?

Polite even when spoken to rudely.

He knows how to help anyone, even those who are unpleasant to him.

Understanding other people.

Patient with their shortcomings. Accepting them as they are.

Attentive, responsive, merciful towards others.

Friendly. A kind person always has a smile on his face.

Always able to help in difficult times.

A selfless person.

Brightening up the world with his smile, attention and care.

What does it mean to be able to do good?

Before doing good, you need to think carefully about the consequences of your action for yourself and others.

Only a spiritually rich person can do good. He will do it quietly, while receiving spiritual pleasure.

To do good, you need to be a sincere person, be able to forgive.

When doing good to others, you need to realize that good comes to those who do good deeds.

A person should not ask for something in return for kindness.

He must do good completely unselfishly, otherwise it will not be called good.

You need to do good only with your soul. At the same time, you get pleasant pleasure.

You need to do good in such a way that those to whom you do it really feel better and they would say a simple word “thank you.”

When helping other people, you need to show special attention and care without reaping any benefits.

If a person has done good, there is no need to shout about it to the whole world.

It is better to quietly rejoice for the happiness of another person whom you helped.

Good can be done when you want to do it with desire.

Good must be done sincerely, with all your heart.

Answering the questions posed, students come to the conclusion that the hero of the story, Lydia Mikhailovna, does good, which is not forgotten by the student.

The problematic question arises about whether she really did a good deed by deciding to play “wall” with the student for “money.”

Students join in the discussion.

3) The opinions of the characters in the story about the action.

Boy's opinion


Lidia Mikhailovna

Students begin working on a text that they have read in advance.

Answering the questions asked

Do I agree with the teacher’s opinion about my action?

Do I agree with the director’s opinion about Lydia Mikhailovna’s action?

The act of Lydia Mikhailovna.

"For against"

Students are discussing.

A boy about the actions of Lydia Mikhailovna

The hero of the story “French Lessons” was surprised that the teacher was playing with him “for money.” The student, in my opinion, did not understand that the teacher was cheating.

The boy was ashamed to accept help from the teacher, even when he won, he felt awkward, but every time he calmed down that it was a fair win.

It seemed to the boy that the game gave Lydia Mikhailovna pleasure, since he saw how cheerful she was, laughing, and bothering him.

Do I agree with Lydia Mikhailovna’s opinion about the committed act?

After everything that happened, Lydia Mikhailovna said about her action: “It’s a stupid incident. It's my fault."

I do not agree that Lydia Mikhailovna is to blame.

The teacher had no other way to help the poor boy. She decided to offer him a game for money. What's wrong with that? The boy used the money he honestly won (so he believed) to buy milk. Nobody except the teacher helped him.

Lidia Mikhailovna did the right thing. She had no reason to blame herself.

I agree that Lydia Mikhailovna’s act was indeed, as she put it, “stupid.”

She didn’t need to play for money with her student. Moreover, she lived alone in the house, and behind the wall was the director’s apartment.

Why shouldn't Lydia Mikhailovna help the boy in a different way?

It was possible to give the money to the boy’s mother and warn her in advance so that she would not let her son know about help. The boy would accept money from his own mother.

Lidia Mikhailovna correctly assessed her action. He is truly thoughtless.

Would it be better if the boy starved or walked around with bruises all the time? The words spoken by the teacher were not thought out. Most likely, she said it in the heat of the moment.

Do I agree with the director's opinion?

The school director, Vasily Andreevich, considered Lydia Mikhailovna’s act “a crime, corruption, seduction.”

I do not agree with this opinion.

Firstly, Lydia Mikhailovna could not have committed a crime. She just wanted to help the boy.

Secondly, Lydia Mikhailovna selflessly helped the boy, without thinking about herself.

The kind, caring teacher did so much for her student. Is this a crime?

The director was wrong when he fired Lydia Mikhailovna from her job.

I agree with the director's opinion. Lydia Mikhailovna committed a crime. It is incorrect for a teacher to gamble with a student.

I do not agree with the director's opinion. Lidia Mikhailovna did the right thing. The teacher was worried about the boy, but the school principal did not understand this. The teacher had no other choice.

I agree with the opinion of the school principal. The teacher violated school rules. She knew the consequences of her action. She should not have played with the student for money. This is not a way out.

I do not agree with the director's opinion.

The young teacher showed attention to the boy and helped him survive in the difficult post-war years. And in what way? It doesn't matter.

Thanks to Lydia Mikhailovna, the boy did not starve and continued his studies at school.

Lesson 2

4) Opinion of the readership: parents, grandmother, classmates.

Having received homework for the lesson, students express opinions about the teacher’s actions.

- Does mom (dad, grandmother) agree with Lydia Mikhailovna’s action?

Parents' opinions about Lydia Mikhailovna's actions.

My mother believes that Lidia Mikhailovna acted absolutely correctly and pedagogically. Lidia Mikhailovna, without compromising the boy’s dignity, respecting his pride, found a way to help him so that he would not starve.

And the fact that she did not forget the child even when she was fired suggests that she is a deeply humane, responsible and selfless person. My mother admires the teacher.

Dad believes that Lydia Mikhailovna was wrong in that she brought up in her student a soft money-grubbing, addiction to gambling. Lydia Mikhailovna needed to find another way out of this situation.

The grandmother believes that Lydia Mikhailovna, on the one hand, did the right thing, but on the other hand, she made a mistake by playing with the student for money.

Mom believes that Lydia Mikhailovna “brightened up” the schoolboy’s childhood, saved him from the dubious company of teenagers, and helped him survive in those difficult post-war years.

Lidia Mikhailovna, according to my mother, turned out to be a very brave woman. For the sake of the child, she agreed to play “wall” with him for money, knowing that she could be fired for this. This is a real deed!

My grandmother approves of Lydia Mikhailovna’s action. The teacher defended the interests of the child and his health, albeit not using a pedagogical method.

My mother agrees with Lydia Mikhailovna’s action. The action was very ethical. The teacher felt that she could not help this child in any other way.

My grandmother believes that Lydia Mikhailovna did the right thing. She tried every way to help the boy, but to no avail. Then Lidia Mikhailovna decided to gamble, thereby helping the boy survive. She did a brave thing.

My dad thinks that Lydia Mikhailovna acted nobly, but wrongly.

You cannot play for money with an underage student. It was necessary to find another way to help the boy.

My mother thinks that Lidia Mikhailovna could turn to the school principal for help. Perhaps together they could come up with another way to help the child.

Opinions of classmates

- Do I agree with Lydia Mikhailovna’s action?

Do I agree with Lydia Mikhailovna’s action?

I agree with Lydia Mikhailovna’s action. Firstly, in the area where the boy came for the sole purpose of getting an education, he had neither relatives nor friends. How could a teacher not help a capable, lonely boy? Secondly, Lydia Mikhailovna needed to distract the student from playing “chika” with teenagers who beat him more than once.

Thirdly, who, besides her, could help the child? The teacher was sure that the boy used the money he won from her to buy milk.

From my point of view, French teacher Lidia Mikhailovna did the right thing by agreeing to play “wall” for money with her student.

It seems to me that Lydia Mikhailovna acted nobly. She played with the student not for fun, but thereby helped him.

The boy lived poorly. He didn't have enough money for food. Most of the time he went hungry. That's why the teacher played with him for money, so that, having won it, he could buy milk.

When Lydia Mikhailovna sat him down at the table to eat, he refused, he did not take the parcel from her. So the teacher came up with a game for money.

While playing “the wall” with the student, Lidia Mikhailovna was sure that he would no longer go to play “chiku” with dubious teenagers. Now the boy was under supervision. This means that Lidia Mikhailovna did, in my opinion, do the right thing.

Lidia Mikhailovna did nothing wrong. She helped her student as best she could. Since the boy refused her open help, she cheated. Is it possible to punish for this?

I do not consider Lydia Mikhailovna’s act a crime. She did good, each time helping the boy get out of a difficult situation, relieving him of hunger. She was sure that the boy bought milk with the money he won. For him, gaming was his only source of income. Lydia Mikhailovna did a good deed.

Lesson 3

Students reveal their attitude to Lidia Mikhailovna’s action after receiving homework:

- Explain the meaning of proverbs about good deeds, based on the actions of Lydia Mikhailovna.

A good deed is “done” boldly.

A good deed has lived for two centuries.

A good deed will not go without reward.

A good beginning is not without end.

A good deed is done with courage

I liked the proverb. Reading it, you immediately remember Lydia Mikhailovna. The teacher, when she helped the boy by playing wall games with him for money, did not think at all about the consequences of her action. And she was fired from her job because of this. In those difficult times, it seems to me that work was not easy to find.

The teacher did not think about herself, about her fate. It was important for her to help the boy who was starving. Lidia Mikhailovna did more than just a kind deed. I think she also did a brave thing. And only a courageous person can do this.

A good deed will not go unrewarded

No matter how you do good, no matter what it is, in any case you will not be left without a reward for the good you have done.

V.G. Rasputin dedicated his story to the teacher. He remembered for the rest of his life the good she did for him.

A good beginning has no end

Lydia Mikhailovna, having done good deeds, remained punished. Therefore, I believe that good things do not always have a good ending.

Maybe it should have been done differently?

A good deed lives for two centuries

Lydia Mikhailovna, having done a good deed, was quietly happy for the boy, without shouting about it to the whole world. The student remembered his teacher’s action for a long time. I think the lesson of kindness taught by the teacher will remain in the boy’s memory, and he will tell others about it. Good deeds are never forgotten.

Good deeds always remain in the memory of any person. The main character of the story forever remembered the kindness of Lydia Mikhailovna. Such selfless help is never forgotten. The kindness of Lydia Mikhailovna prompted an adult to dedicate his work to her. The lessons of kindness described in the story will remain in the souls of readers and will live for centuries.

A good beginning has no end

This proverb applies to the actions of Lydia Mikhailovna, the main character of V. G. Rasputin’s story “French Lessons.” The teacher does a number of good deeds. She begins her good deeds by the following act: she does not talk about the boy’s game for money, fearing that he will be kicked out of school. The next time, Lidia Mikhailovna, having invited the boy to her home, works with them and offers them dinner. Then the teacher sends the boy a parcel with pasta and hematogen. But only when the boy does not accept these good deeds does she decide to play with them with the money with which the boy buys milk for himself. When Lidia Mikhailovna was fired from her job and she left for Kuban, the boy again received a parcel from his teacher.

There is no end to Lydia Mikhailovna’s good deeds.

In the same lesson, students talk about what a modern teacher would do in Lydia Mikhailovna’s place.

What could a modern teacher do if he were in Lydia Mikhailovna’s place?

A modern teacher might act differently depending on his character.

A kind teacher would always lend a helping hand to a student who was “starving.” Perhaps he would have acted the same as Lydia Mikhailovna, without thinking about the consequences of his action.

A teacher who thinks about being fired would never do such a thing.

It seems to me that a modern teacher would not have responded as well as Lydia Mikhailovna did.

Now that life has become better, such kindness no longer exists.

A modern teacher would scold the student, inform the parents, or, at best, have a heart-to-heart talk. But the teacher would not have done such an act. He would value his profession and authority.

It seems to me that a modern teacher would not play a game of chance with a student for fear of losing his job.

A modern teacher would speak kindly to a student. Convinced me that gambling is dangerous and wrong. Help me find another way to make money.

A modern teacher, having learned about a boy playing “chika” with teenagers for money, would immediately take him to the director. And rightly so! You cannot gamble for money.

A modern teacher would engage a boy in interesting class activities so that he would forget about his problems. The teacher would have found another way to help the boy who had nothing to eat.

The model I have chosen for working on the text of V. G. Rasputin’s story “French Lessons” is effective, since in the process of working on the text of a work of art, students express their opinions, independently comprehending the work. By listening to other people's opinions, they learn about themselves. Thus, students gain experience in various activities (individual and collective), experience of cognition and self-knowledge. While working on this model, students develop the ability to participate in dialogue and discussion.

By discussing the problems posed in the story, students go beyond the school curriculum. Due to lack of time and fear of saying something unnecessary, teachers avoid the serious and important issue of the connection between literature and life. Working according to this model, schoolchildren express their opinions, learn to create a coherent text (oral and written), relying not only on the text of a work of art, but also on facts from life.

In literature lessons, the teacher must form in students a holistic understanding of the world, prepare them for life, and develop communication and speech skills. And literature lessons built on this model help with this.


1 . Arkhipova E.V. Fundamentals of methods for developing students' speech. M.2004

2 . Ippolitova I. A. Text in the system of studying the Russian language at school: materials for a special course. M. 1992

3. Kobeleva E.A. The main components of the formation of communicative competence of schoolchildren in the context of modern language policy. Kirov. 2007

4. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010. M. 2002

5. Korovina V.Ya., Zhuravlev V.P., Korovin V.I. Literature. 6th grade. Textbook for general education institutions in 2 partsM.: Education, 2012

V. Rasputin Article “Lessons of Kindness”

The story “French Lessons”

6. Anikina V. Russian folklore Moscow. “Fiction”, 1985

  1. Basic educational program of basic general education for the period 2013-2017

    Main educational program

    IN basic school on all subjects will be continued Job By formation And development basics of reading competencies. Students will master reading How ...

  2. Educational program of basic general education of the Municipal budgetary educational institution

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    These proposals. (I), (K) Free Job With texts artistic and journalistic works. Mastery of monologue and dialogue speech Nikitina, E. I. Russkaya speech. Development speeches. 8th grade; Krundyshev, A. A. How work above ...

  3. Explanatory note Municipal budgetary educational institution "Gymnasium No. 13 of Argun" (former secondary school No. 4)

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    ... , What due to the unity of components communicative competencies How learning objectives: speech, linguistic, sociocultural. Basic line follows count communicative skills, which present...

  4. 1. romanticism in Russian literature of the 1800-1840s: stages, the problem of typology, the position of genres


    IN texts used excerpts and artistic works. Teaching schoolchildren various speech skills, it is necessary to simultaneously pay attention formation they have an aesthetic relationship ...

  5. Giddens E. Sociology


    ... attitude to father and mother, retain their meaning and on later stages development personality. Quite possibly, What process formation ... By for this reason main field activities for women becomes housekeeping. How

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 2

Open literature lesson in 6th grade

Life lessons in the story of V. G. Rasputin

"French lessons"

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Merenkova Svetlana Petrovna

Lesson objectives:


Continue your acquaintance with the works of V.G. Rasputin; introduce the concepts of “spirituality” and “morality”. "ethics".


Develop skills in analyzing the text of a work; learn to summarize the text; work to expand students' vocabulary.


Show the role and importance of kindness, responsiveness and spiritual nobility in life.

Equipment: - computer, multimedia projector, fragment of a film presentation, notes on the board.

Lesson type: integrated (Russian language, literature, history), using computer technology. Lesson form: lesson - reflection Lesson methods: 1) verbal (teacher's word). 2) reproductive (retelling of what was read, conversation based on the story) 3) visual - illustrative (slides of a computer presentation, fragment of a film). 4) partially – search (finding episodes in the text). 5) practical (reading text, working with a dictionary, test task). I wrote this story in the hope that the lessons taught to me at one time will fall on the soul of both young and adult readers. V. G. Rasputin

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys, sit down. Today I will be teaching your literature lesson, so first of all, let’s get to know each other. My name is Svetlana Petrovna, and I will learn your names during the lesson.

2. Video warm-up.

I propose to start our literature study by watching an excerpt from the film based on the story that we will talk about today. Pay attention to the name of the hero, the name of the game and the teacher’s parting words .

/see film/

3. Learning new material

1Introduction to the topic and objectives of the lesson:

We watched an excerpt from a big film. But this is a very important passage. You saw the hero as the director made him. - Does he look like what you imagined him to be? Why is he so thin and dressed so poorly? (Children remember the text, the time of the story is 1948, post-war famine). What is his name? / Volodya, but this is only in the film / And in the story it is spoken from the 1st person. This is an autobiographical story. - What game and with whom did he play? / wall/ /Lidia Mikhailovna/ - Is it right that a teacher plays with a student for money? Maybe the director is right when he kicks the teacher out of work? - Is Lydia Mikhailovna’s act a feat of kindness or a crime of a teacher? -We will be looking for an answer to this question today. This is also the topic of our lesson. Write it down in your notebook . /see slide 1/ -And the goals of our lesson are as follows: - we must not only continue our acquaintance with the life and work of the writer Rasputin, his story “French Lessons”, but also find out what lessons he carries for our soul; reveal the secret spiritual beauty heroes, their spiritual values, moral laws by which Lydia Mikhailovna and the hero live; and put it in your piggy bank spiritual memory the concept of mercy and love, kindness and dignity. We'll even try to grow Tree of Souls. Physical education minute: - It’s difficult to grow a tree, but we’ll try. I’ll tell you what it is like, and you’ll show itBIG, HIGH, WIDE, STRONG, STRETCHES, BENDS, RISES TO THE SUN.. -Write down questions and concepts from the table: What is it made up of?spiritual beauty? What's happenedspiritual values? Do we havespiritual memory ? This means, guys, that today we will learn to live. Learn from V. Rasputin using the example of his main character. Working with the text of the story, we will look in every line, in every phrase for the main idea that the author wanted to express in his work. 2Introduction to the epigraph. The writer hopes that the life lessons that fate has prepared for him will help each of us understand ourselves and think about our future. Write down the words of V. G. Rasputin, which will become the epigraph to our lesson (slide 2), (write in notebook). Vocabulary work: 1) Guys, today we will talk about ethics, morality, spirituality. Let's remember the meaning of these words, because they are already familiar to you (students explain the meaning of the words using the dictionary on the slide / With laid 3/ (Ethics– a set of norms of behavior. Moral– rules of behavior, qualities necessary for a person in society. Spirituality b – qualities that determine a person’s attitude to the world.). 4. Conversation based on text-Remember the episode with the fight. / see p.303 / (read) We note the main words: “On that day there was not and could not be in the whole wide world a person more unhappy than me.” -Why was the narrator beaten?/honesty/ -Why didn’t you run away?/pride/ -What color were the nettles in the clearing? What does this have to do with events?/playing for money is a dirty business; the hero’s soul is black / - Why did the boy start playing “chicka”? / hunger, milk / - What did Lydia Mikhailovna do when she found out that the student was starving? / sent pasta / Why didn’t she punish him for playing for money and participating in a fight? /I regretted, I understood, I sympathized/ -Why didn’t the hero take the pasta and how did he guess that the package was not from the village? /pride, self-esteem, there was no pasta in the village/ - What qualities of soul does the boy, the hero of the story, have? /cm. slide 4 / Write it down in a notebook /- On p. 305 we read a description of the behavior of the school principal. What was most important to him – the desire to help or the desire to punish? Is the director a kind person? Why does the author tell us that the director fought? /doesn’t want us to judge the person; wants everyone to try to understand and forgive / Conclusion: the director is a callous person, his soul is spoiled by the war. - Lidia Mikhailovna- a person of opposite character. She is kind, loves children, tries to help, but in such a way as not to offend a person. Lidia Mikhailovna invited the boy to extra classes, tried to feed him, then sent him pasta, and when the situation with the parcel did not work out, she began to play “wall” with him. Why? - What qualities of soul are characteristic of Lydia Mikhailovna ? \see slide 5 and write it down in your notebook/ Physical education minute: - Do you like these qualities? Then clap your hands above your head for each good quality after its name. - The hero of the story, despite his eleven years, went through a serious school of tests. Let's list them again: 1 Separation from loved ones and loneliness. 2 Hunger, food theft. 3 Unfair fight. 4 Difficulties with the French language. 5 Parting with a teacher who became a friend. /cm. slide 6/- But the boy passed through all the tests with honor. Let us at least remember French lessons, which at first were like torture, and then turned into pleasure./see. p.315/ 5. Generalization of the material: - Guys, why is the story called “French Lessons”? What was the main lesson the teacher taught?

What lessons did V. Rasputin teach us? What is interesting about his story? (referring to the epigraph).


“French Lessons” - lessons of life, courage, kindness.

The writer talks about the courage of a boy who retained the purity of his soul, the inviolability of his moral laws, fearlessly and courageously, like a soldier, bearing his duties and his bruises. The boy is attracted by his clarity, integrity, and fearlessness of soul. Joining the boy’s difficult fate, we empathize with him, think about good and evil, and experience “good feelings.” Name the spiritual qualities of the heroes again. / Children repeat what they wrote down / These qualities - kindness, love, sympathy, mercy, pride, attention, etc. - constitute the spiritual values ​​of humanity. And those who have them are people with spiritual beauty. A person receives spiritual beauty from others. So the hero of the story remembered for the rest of his life that the young teacher saved him from hunger and shame. Only spiritual memory makes a person internally beautiful. On the Tree of your Soul you need to grow only beautiful fruits. / slide 7/ 6. Lesson summary-Everyone who received red circles gives themselves marks: 4 – for one; 5 – for two or more. - On house:

Prepare a story about a person who does selfless good.

7. Reading the poem “Kindness” ». It is not at all easy to be kind, Kindness does not depend on height, Kindness does not depend on color, Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy. You just have to, you have to be kind and not forget each other in trouble. And the earth will spin faster, If you and I are kinder. It is not at all easy to be kind. Kindness does not depend on growth. Kindness brings joy to people and does not require reward in return. Kindness does not age over the years, Kindness will warm you from the cold. If kindness shines like the sun, adults and children rejoice.