A message on the topic of describing a person. What you should know when describing a person's appearance

My friend's name is Andrey. Together with Andrey we go to the same school and sit at the same desk. Andrey is the best friend and comrade in the world. It’s very easy for me to communicate with him and we have many common topics to talk about. Andrey is not only my school friend, but also my neighbor on the landing. We have been friends since early childhood and so have our parents.


Andrey is a fairly tall, thin guy with huge dark gray eyes. My friend is pale-faced. His entire body is covered with bright red freckles, and his head has golden brown hair. The nose is small, slightly raised upward. The ears are small and pointed. The lips are thin and barely noticeable. The eyebrows are light and thick.


Andrey is a neat and well-mannered guy. In addition to him, his family includes three younger sisters and two older brothers. They all received a good upbringing, and their parents are never ashamed of them. Andrey enjoys looking after his younger sisters. He does not give them offense and teaches them good deeds and good deeds.

Andrey is a man of words

If Andrey promises something, he will definitely fulfill it and will never let you down. He is very generous and will always help out in any life situation. He is of a gentle disposition. He will never dare to say a bad word to a person. He will never judge or offend.

Andrey has a favorite expression: “It’s better to deprive yourself than to deprive people.”

And he really always does what he says.

One day Andrey helped me out during a Russian language dictation. I ran out of refill in my pen and Andrey happily shared a spare pen with me.

My friend loves pets very much. He has a huge dog and every morning he walks with it.

If all people had at least one such friend, our world would be a much better place! I am proud to have such a person in my life!

Most likely, many have already realized more than once that some people have similar traits when they made a description of a person’s appearance. This is true. Those people who are united by the same zodiac sign have not only some similar facial features, but also the structure of the figure.

In fact, an individual horoscope helps determine that people’s appearance is influenced not only by the location of the Sun in a sign, but also by many other factors. It’s worth thinking: how can you determine what Zodiac sign he has based on his appearance?

Usually those people born under the sign of Aries have a very difficult character. In this case, the Aries man looks like this: he has matte skin, dark hair and brown eyes. The face is usually angular and sharp. Aries women most often prefer short hair. All Aries have a rough sexuality.

People who are in the sign of Taurus are gentle. They have soft, full lips and smooth body lines. Women have amazing figures, but men can't completely get rid of a little belly. Eye color can be gray or blue-gray.

The description of the appearance of a person who was born under the sign of Gemini is as follows: he is usually tall and thin, but it is quite possible to see a full-bodied representative of this sign. At the same time, he is very active. It has mobile and sharp gray eyes.

Cancers have delicate facial features, smooth skin, light eyes and light brown hair. It is very difficult for them to keep their weight within certain limits. Leos have dark hair and blue eyes. Stately and tall, they prefer to play sports. Women have broad shoulders and slightly narrow hips. Virgos have rather pleasant facial features, a heavy chin shape and an angular face. They also have a medium build. Representatives of this sign have thin lips and a chiseled nose. There are often complications with posture.

The description of the appearance of a person whose zodiac sign is Libra is as follows: he is symmetrical in all facial and body features, has a slender figure with beautiful shapes, and is also very attractive. They often have dimples on their cheeks. Scorpios are characterized by not entirely standard character traits and appearance. If you can’t say about them by their appearance that they are all handsome and beautiful, then their sexual attractiveness is very high. For all their shortcomings, they are able to interest and charm any person. Also, representatives of this sign have a very intent gaze. Sagittarians are always young and charming in appearance. They usually have a thin build and a classic appearance.

People who are united by the sign of Capricorn have a stern look, slightly full lips and also have thick hair. In their appearance they are attractive and inaccessible. Aquarians are tall people who tend to be thin. They can do anything with their appearance: get a tattoo, dye their hair, get a piercing, wear bright and fashionable clothes. In other words, they will do everything to stand out. Pisces have blond hair and the same eyes. In addition, they have rather soft facial features. They are often not very attractive, but charming. They are tall. You can’t say anything specific based on your body type.

All of the above can be used by many when writing about a person’s appearance; it is widely popular, which is why educational institutions often practice writing short stories on this topic. It was to simplify the descriptive process that the common features that people of a particular zodiac sign have were given as examples.

“Only the most undiscerning people do not judge by appearance.”(Oscar Wilde)

To determine a person’s character by his appearance, there is a whole science - physiognomy. Of course, there is no need to talk about its accuracy, however, even in ancient China, physiognomy was considered one of the full-fledged branches of medicine, and in the East they believed that one could determine a person’s character and even life path by appearance.

It is not without reason that some faces attract us and instantly inspire trust, while others cause us to be rejected. This technique is actively used in cinema. Just remember the appearance of Sharikov (Vladimir Tolokonnikov) in the film adaptation of the story “Heart of a Dog” - the first frames are enough to understand: this type of face indicates that its owner has a bad character and a very limited mind. So, let's find out how you can determine a person's character by appearance.

Body structure and character

The body is much easier to change than the face, however, in order to change the shape, you will have to put in some effort, right? That is why it is quite true that playing sports affects our character.

1. Head and neck:

  • pointed - betrays inconstancy and envy;
  • a long neck with a small head, on the contrary, indicate weakness and a tendency to melancholy;
  • a short neck is a sign of shortsightedness and stubbornness;
  • a thick, “bull” neck is characteristic of fearless people, and a “lion” (not so thick, but quite large) - for generous people;
  • a long, thin neck reveals a timid, dreamy person.

2. Shoulders:

  • narrow shoulders. According to experts, a narrow chest and drooping or even hunched shoulders indicate a person’s isolation and vulnerability, as well as the fact that he is prone to self-digging;
  • an expanded chest, broad shoulders are a sign of a purposeful, open person, as well as fearlessness.

3. Stomach:

  • a strong, toned stomach is a sign of endurance and strong character;
  • flabby and saggy - character weaknesses.

4. Hips and legs:

  • narrow, strong hips with toned buttocks are a sign of endurance, the ability to get out of a difficult situation;
  • the hips, with the sides hanging over them (like those of a frog), give the appearance of a chatterbox;
  • wide, massive hips indicate stubbornness, but if the features are rounded, they indicate a soft character;
  • thin, weak and poorly defined ankles are a sign of lust;
  • strong, slender legs indicate the ability to achieve your goals.

Face type and character

Determination of character by facial features often occurs on an instinctive level, in the first seconds of acquaintance. “Horse face”, “predatory eyes”, “toad mouth” - we immediately project these labels onto a person’s character, we judge him by his appearance. What does physiognomy say about this?

1. Forehead:

  • a large, convex forehead without hair indicates intelligence and a penchant for winning recognition. If it is round, it is likely that its owner is prone to lying;
  • a long forehead on a narrow face with a small chin indicates cruelty, even tyranny;
  • a square hairline pattern speaks of honesty;
  • tall bald patches often give away travelers and people with strong motivation;
  • a narrow forehead indicates that its owner is easily angered;
  • low often betrays some limitations, gloominess and practicality.

2. Brows:

  • thin, arched eyebrows indicate arrogance and ambition;
  • fused eyebrows often reveal jealous, rude and even cruel people;
  • shaggy ones speak of simplicity but sincerity;
  • the drooping eyebrows belong to the realists;
  • very light ones often indicate that their owner is playful and flighty.

3. Eyes:

  • deep-set, small ones betray envy, greed and cunning;
  • large, wide-open ones speak of laziness, daydreaming and talkativeness;
  • small ones - curiosity and eloquence;
  • narrow, with a gaze - cruelty;
  • big, clear - the makings of a leader, intelligence.

4. Nose:

  • a sharp nose reveals the owner’s temper and severity;
  • wide and thick speaks of rudeness;
  • an upturned nose indicates frivolity, dreaminess and capriciousness;
  • a long nose with a hump indicates a strict, but not evil character.

5. Mouth:

It is known that his gestures can tell a lot about a person. But even without knowing “body language,” you can characterize different people by their appearance.


The structural features of the neck, shoulders, hips and legs can tell about a person’s character and preferences. For example, a short neck is a clear sign of stubbornness and short-sightedness, while a long neck is usually found in melancholic people. A “bull” neck indicates a person’s fearlessness. Well, the owner of a thin neck can be considered a romantic and timid person.


When communicating, be sure to pay attention to the shoulders of your interlocutor. If they are narrow, the person is clearly shy and prone to self-criticism. And broad shoulders will serve as evidence that he is extremely brave. Broad-shouldered people often inspire confidence and are able to win over people.


Massive and Wide hips usually indicate an unyielding person. Round shaped hips have soft and weak-willed personalities. But narrow and strong hips are a sign of strong character and endurance. By the way, slender legs “speak” about the ability to achieve your goals.


Of course, people most often pay attention to each other's faces. Therefore, it is very important to know how to determine a person’s character by his facial features. So, an intelligent person is distinguished by a high and slightly convex forehead. But those with a narrow forehead are characterized by excessive temperament. High receding hairlines often occur in people with some kind of strong motivation. If the interlocutor's forehead is square, you are dealing with a pathologically honest person.


His eyebrows can also “tell” about a person’s character. Thin eyebrows indicate arrogant and ambitious people. Fused eyebrows are often a sign of cruelty and rudeness, while wide eyebrows are a clear sign of sincerity and simplicity.


Deep-set eyes characterize people as greedy and envious. True dreamers usually have wide eyes. And those with small eyes are distinguished by their eloquence and curiosity. By the way, narrow eyes can betray a cruel person, a usurper.


Some character traits can be identified by the shape of the nose. Thus, a sharp and long nose indicates the severity and hot temper of its owner. Frivolous and capricious people most often have slightly upturned noses. Well, a wide and thick nose indicates a person’s rudeness.


Small mouths often occur in weak-willed people. If a person's upper lip is slightly larger than his lower lip, he is a real egoist. A protruding lower lip characterizes a person who is accustomed to getting what he wants from life. A narrow mouth is a clear sign of secrecy. Well, plump lips indicate a person’s laughter and courage.


Often strong people who independently achieve their goals have a large and well-defined chin. On the contrary, modest and insecure people have a small and inexpressive chin.