Portfolio of a speech therapist teacher at a speech therapy center. Document confirming participation

These are by no means pretentious words. I’m just very lucky, because I consider myself one of those people for whom professional activity is a favorite pastime, creativity, inspiration, the opportunity to benefit people, and, ultimately, life. And it is impossible to live without a heart, so I put warmth and kindness into my work.

There are many teachers in my family (grandmother, mother, aunt), and since childhood I dreamed of working with children. I also always liked the Russian language, its sonority, melody, and polysemy. Fortunately, having discovered speech therapy, I realized that this is an opportunity not only to continue learning the language myself, but also to help children comprehend all its subtleties, teach children to enjoy the sounds of their native language with the help of fun games, colorful pictures and miraculous movements intertwined with music .

And, despite the fact that there are many difficulties in the work of a speech therapist, I believe that my efforts are not in vain. After all, when you see trust, joy in the eyes of a child and hear the long-awaited sound uttered by him, fatigue recedes, confidence in his abilities, experience, and the desire to work further appear.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Ruzavina – teacher-speech therapist of the first qualification category

Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University. IN AND. Lenin in 2002.

Awarded the qualification of oligophrenopedagogist and speech therapist teacher in the specialty “oligophrenopedagogy with an additional specialty of speech therapy.”

Teaching experience since 2003.

Currently I work at the MBDOU TsRR d/s No. 5 “Ryabinka”, Lobnya MO


1. “Workshop on speech therapy games” Author: Nasonova T.R.

ANO "Speech therapist plus" Training center "Speech therapist Master", Moscow, license No. 311553 04/09/2011 (Certificate - 8 hours).

2. Cathedral variable educational module “Preparing children with speech disorders for school”

State educational institution "Pedagogical Academy" Moscow from 09/05/2011 to 12/19/2011 Qualification certificate registration number 29121 PA 72 hours.

Participation in seminars:

1. Participation in the seminar “Solving specific behavioral problems in children: fears, anxiety, aggression, negativism, autostimulation, etc.”

RBOO "Center for Curative Pedagogy", Moscow 05/23/24/2011 (Certificate - 16 hours)

2. Participation in the seminar “Modern approaches to the correction of stuttering in children”

State Educational Institution Pedagogical Academy, Moscow, 04/07/2012

3. Participation in the April program “Quality of additional education and educational system of the institution” of the First Open Moscow Interregional Festival of Pedagogical Ideas and Solutions in Additional Education of Children 2011-2012, State Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, May 2011- 2012 academic year G.

My achievements:

In March 2013, the first qualification category was assigned.


1. From 05/18/2015 to 05/30/2015, training at the Federal State Autonomous Institution of Agroindustrial Complex and PPRO in Moscow under the program “Theoretical and methodological problems of modern speech therapy” for 72 hours.

2. From 06.11.2015 to 20.11.2015, training at the State Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "State Humanitarian and Technological University" under the program "Development of professional competencies of a teacher in a preschool educational organization (in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education)" in the amount of 18 hours.

My achievements:

My personal achievements:

The main directions of correctional and developmental work with children:

Development of articulation organs to improve pronunciation;

Staging and further automation of delivered sounds;

Differentiation of sounds that are similar in articulatory and acoustic characteristics - the formation of phonemic perception.

Development of correct speech breathing, development of speech exhalation;

Work on correctly intonated and rhythmic speech, development of prosody (using the logorhythmic technique);

Correction of the sound-syllable structure of a word;

Expansion and enrichment of the dictionary, exercise in word formation;

Formation of grammatical structure of speech;

Formation of coherent speech skills (composing stories based on a picture, based on demonstrated actions, based on a series of plot paintings, comparative and descriptive stories, learning to retell).

Teaching elements of literacy;

Development of general motor skills and fine motor skills of the hands, development of grapho-motor skills;

Prevention of dysgraphia, dyslexia;

- Development of such mental functions of thinking, voluntary attention, memory, all types of perception, imagination, spatial orientation, creative abilities of children;

Formation of elements of children’s cognitive activity, development of independence, curiosity, interest in new knowledge.

Forms of organizing work in MDOU:

Frontal exercises;

Subgroup classes;

Individual work with children;


Speech therapist teacher

Definition and main purpose of a portfolio

A portfolio is a tool for monitoring professional achievements. A portfolio is a storage folder in which materials are placed that reflect the employee’s achievements in his professional activities and his effective professional and social experience over a certain period of time (during the entire certification period, from certification to certification).

A portfolio allows a speech therapist to analyze, summarize and systematize the results of his work, objectively assess his capabilities and plan actions to overcome difficulties and achieve better results.

The materials presented in the portfolio are considered as evidence of the professionalism and effectiveness of the speech therapist’s work, confirming the grounds for certification, as well as allowing conclusions to be drawn when conducting an examination for compliance with the declared qualification category.

Structure and content of the portfolio

The portfolio should reflect the subject position of the person being certified as a professional, which is expressed in the ability to solve professional problems using professional knowledge and skills, various mastered methods of activity. At the same time, methods for solving professional problems, tactics and strategies for a teacher’s professional behavior may differ significantly.

The main sections of the portfolio, which are primarily assessed by experts, are:

1. The effectiveness of correctional activities, which examines the characteristics of the quality of speech therapy intervention provided by a specific speech therapist teacher;

2. Characteristics of professional (scientific and methodological) activities as a condition for ensuring the quality of correction, which examines the indicators of a teacher-speech therapist’s proficiency in modern technologies, indicators of involvement in methodological work, indicators of innovative (project) scientific and research activities.

In addition to the main sections, the portfolio should include such sections as: general information about the teaching staff, copies of documents and a table of contents. These sections allow you to structure your portfolio materials in such a way that experts can quickly navigate through the presented materials.

Work principles on portfolio design

1. Systematic and regulatory nature of self-monitoring.
2. Credibility.
3. Objectivity.
4. The author's focus on self-improvement.
5. Structuring of materials, logic and conciseness of all written explanations.
6. Neatness and aesthetics of design.
7. Integrity, thematic completeness of the presented materials.
8. Visibility of work results.
9. Manufacturability.

Portfolio requirements

1. When creating a portfolio, you should take into account the basic requirements. Thus, it is necessary to have a clearly formulated table of contents (with names of materials, page numbers, etc.).

2. Volume of portfolio materials - folder - 30 (70) files.

3. The text is placed on one side of a sheet of white A4 paper, observing the following margin sizes:
- left - at least 30 mm,
- right - at least 10 mm,
- top - at least 20 mm,
- lower - not less than 15 mm.
When using computer typing, printing is done in 13 point font. Line spacing is one and a half.

Portfolio structure and content

The certification includes the following mandatory sections:

1 section

(landmarks and grounds)

2. General information about the teaching staff

3. Copies of documents

Section 2

(Performance and quality - student dynamics)

4. Effectiveness of teaching activities

Section 3

5. Scientific and methodological activities

6. Educational, material and technical base

The content of the main sections depends on the specifics of the speech therapist’s activities and is filled with materials at his discretion. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all materials presented in the portfolio must be supported by copies of documents or certified by relevant people. You should not include the full texts of author’s programs, methodological developments and other voluminous materials in your portfolio; it is enough to provide a list and generalized data.


(landmarks and grounds)

2. General information about the teaching staff

· FULL NAME. Date of Birth.

· Information about education.

· Work experience: general labor, pedagogical, (psychological), in the specified educational institution.

· Position held (indicate since when).

· Full name of the educational institution in which he currently works (indicate postal and email addresses; telephone numbers).

· Awards, certificates, letters of gratitude. Documents (orders) confirming the presence of diplomas, academic degrees, honorary titles, awards, certificates and letters of gratitude.

· Membership in commissions and expert groups (certification, Unified State Examination, State Examination, State Examination, Conflict, PMPC, etc.)

· Advanced training (over the last 5 years).

· Contact phone number and email address.

Compiled on a separate sheet (electronically), all information (except contact phone number and email address) must be confirmed by electronic copies of documents presented in the portfolio section “Copies of documents”.

3. Copies of documents

This section should contain copies of the following documents:

· Diploma(s) of education (without insert, diploma of basic pedagogical education, diploma of retraining and additional education);

· certification sheet;

· documents confirming state awards and titles; certificates of honor, letters of gratitude;

· certificates of generalization of work experience;

· certificates, certificates and certificates of advanced training;

· orders on membership in commissions and expert groups.

Compiled in electronic form, in a separate folder “Copies of documents”.

(programs, pedagogical technologies, methods, techniques)

1. Professionalism of the speech therapist teacher in the selection of educational and methodological tools and technologies for correctional work;


1) justification for the choice by a certified speech therapist teacher of a correctional program or pedagogical technology, methodology, method, technique or application in his practice of certain means of speech therapy diagnostics to assess the results of speech therapy intervention (on the topic of self-education);

2) description of the program itself, pedagogical technology, methods, techniques, pedagogical diagnostics, etc.;

3) description of the stages of work to implement the program, technology, methodology, etc.;

5) justification for the choice of the corrective educational technologies used by the certified speech therapist teacher;

6) the use of information and communication technologies in the correctional process, technologies for teaching children with developmental problems, etc.;
It is advisable to reflect.
How many:

· the methodological collection contains _____ presentations.

· of which own developments - _____

· tests - ___________

· electronic aids - _______

· ________ classes were conducted using ICT

7) materials are posted illustrating the work on the correctional program, pedagogical technology (methodology, method, etc.):
notes or fragments of correctional classes.

8) to demonstrate planning skills, you can include annual or daily work plans, provided with the necessary comments.

(Efficiency, quality, dynamics)

1. Effectiveness and quality of correctional work

The materials in this section should give an idea of ​​the dynamics of the results of speech therapy in the correctional work of a certified speech therapist teacher for at least 3-5 years.

This section contains:

1) materials on the results of children mastering speech therapy programs to overcome oral speech disorders (phonetic, phonetic-phonemic; general speech underdevelopment) or written speech and the formation of their key competencies;

2) the results of work on a given pedagogical technology, technique, method, technique, etc.

3) a comparative analysis of the activities of a speech therapist over 3 years in the correction and (or) formation of oral or written speech;


(means and methods for achieving quality and results)

1. Scientific and methodological activities

This section contains documents (certificates, orders, expert opinions) and other materials that testify to the characteristics of pedagogical work experience, its dissemination in the course of professional interaction, and the results of research work. It is necessary to submit materials confirming:

· list of master classes,

· participation in innovative and experimental activities (experimental sites, laboratories, etc.);

· conducting scientific research;

· writing candidate or doctoral dissertation manuscripts;

· availability of publications;

· participation of a speech therapist in professional and creative pedagogical competitions, conferences, pedagogical readings, methodological and subject weeks, grant projects, etc. ;

· work in the methodological association of speech therapists (school, city and district levels), cooperation with the regional methodological center, universities and other institutions;

· organizing and conducting open speech therapy classes, seminars, round tables, master classes and other events;

· thematic parent meetings.

· Information about the methods used by the speech therapist to disseminate the work experience summarized and presented in the portfolio:


Internet posting

2. Educational, material and technical base (presentation of the speech therapy room)

o text representation of the account (2-3 sheets)

o cabinet photos

This section contains an extract from the classroom passport (if available), which records:

· availability of dictionaries, reference books on the subject;

· availability of visual aids (layouts, tables, diagrams, illustrations, speech profiles, etc.);

· availability of didactic material, collections of exercises, examples of abstracts and essays, etc.;

Availability of audio and video aids;

· Availability of technical teaching aids (TV, VCR, stereo system, projector, interactive board, etc.);

Availability of a computer and computer training tools (computer programs and simulators) :

The methodological collection contains _____ presentations.

Of these, own developments - _____

Tests - ___________

Electronic manuals - _______

________ classes were conducted using ICT

· other documents at the request of the speech therapist.

The portfolio is presented in electronic and paper format. The teaching worker himself chooses those achievements that, in his opinion, can be included in his portfolio.

The portfolio is submitted to the expert group for certification no later than two weeks before the qualification test.

Self-presentation of speech therapist teacher Gaidaenko Olesya Anatolyevna


Number of looks: 953

One of the most modern methods of professional development is the “Portfolio” method. It is intended to systematize the experience accumulated by a speech therapist, his knowledge, to more clearly define the directions of his development, and also to make a more objective assessment of his professional level.

Portfolio(from the French porter - to set out, formulate, carry and folio - sheet, page) - dossier, collection of achievements (Dictionary of Foreign Words).

Portfolio translated from Italian means “folder with documents”, “specialist’s folder”. This is a way of recording, accumulating and evaluating the creative achievements of a speech therapist teacher; this is a set of documents regulating its activities, forming a reflection of its own activities. Allows you to take into account the results achieved by the teacher in various types of activities: methodological, creative, research.

The main purpose of the portfolio: assessing the work of a speech therapist on the topic of self-education, the nature of the activity, tracking the creative and professional growth of the teacher, promoting the formation of reflection skills (self-esteem).

A specialist applying for the second, first, or highest category must reflect in his “Portfolio” information showing that he has actually reached a higher level in his professional development.

Certification materials (Portfolio, rating of socio-professional status, expert opinion on the Portfolio, Presentation certified by the head of the educational institution and signed by the person being certified) are provided 14 days before the start of the meeting of the certification commission to the secretary of the municipal certification commission.

The certified employee is not invited to the commission meeting. The commission makes a decision on assigning the declared qualification category or refusing it in absentia based on the submitted materials.

Section 1:

1.1. Title page with photo (indicate the full name of the institution, full name of the speech therapist teacher, position, year)

1.2. General information about the teacher: (date of birth; education, year of graduation, diploma specialty; work experience, teaching experience (in specialty), experience in this institution, qualifications, diplomas, certificates, etc.)

1.4. Presentation of the speech therapy room (2 sheets - photo, text).

Section 2:

2.1. It’s better to start with a short essay that will fully and accurately formulate the speech therapist’s views on his profession, teachers, children, parents, and the processes of teaching and upbringing. The purpose of such an essay is to identify the value orientations and orientation of the specialist, his motivation and main goals in his work. The essay will help the speech therapist teacher to accurately and completely formulate his thoughts.

2.2. Given:

1) justification for the certified person’s choice of a program or pedagogical technology, technique, method, technique or application in his practice of certain means of pedagogical diagnostics for assessing educational results (on the topic of self-education);

2) description of the program itself, pedagogical technology, methods, techniques, pedagogical diagnostics, etc.;

3) description of the stages of work to implement the program, technology, methodology, etc.;

4) results of work on this program, pedagogical technology, methodology, method, technique, etc.

Section 3:

It contains materials illustrating work based on the technology described in section 2 (methodology, method, etc.): notes or fragments of lessons, remedial classes, or fragments thereof, etc. To demonstrate planning skills, you need to include annual and, equipped with the necessary comments.

Video recordings of fragments of work (lessons, remedial classes, etc.) can be made. Video recordings should be accompanied by a short reflective commentary reflecting the effectiveness of this form of work and the specialist’s ability to analyze his work.

Section 4:

Work with teachers and parents for three years (consulting, education).

A summary of the work done (conclusion) and materials reflecting the progress of children in the course of working with them are provided.

Section 5:

There is information about the methods used by the speech therapist to disseminate the work experience summarized and presented in the portfolio (RMO, media, publications, Committee website - Practical Psychology Service “Methodological Piggy Bank”), etc.

Section 6:

Documents reflecting the official assessment of the speech therapist’s work are posted.

Rating of socio-professional status (SPS).
- Expert opinion on the Portfolio.
- Presentation certified by the head of the educational institution and signed by the person being certified.
- Feedback on work in accordance with the activities carried out (administration, colleagues).
- Review (internal and external) for a compiled or proprietary program.

Documents must be dated and indicate the positions and titles of the recommenders. If there are written evaluations of the specialist’s work by parents, they can also be presented.

Requirements for creating a portfolio for a speech therapist

Portfolio structure:

Title page;

Essay (free writing form, volume – up to 2-3 pages);

Introduction, in which the speech therapist teacher explains what materials are included in the portfolio (program, technology, methodology, etc.), and justifies the inclusion of these particular materials as evidence of his professionalism in accordance with the requirements for the declared qualification category (introduction volume - 3 – 5 pages);

Names of sections, subsections that describe the program, technology, methodology, etc. presented in the portfolio, the stages of its implementation, materials illustrating the described work are provided (each individual material included in the portfolio must be dated) (volume - 10 - 15 pages) ;

Resume (volume – up to 3 pages);

Ways to disseminate work experience;

Documents reflecting the official assessment of the speech therapist’s work;

Documents reflecting the level of education, qualifications or specialization of the speech therapist teacher.

Is it necessary to confirm the authenticity of diplomas and other documents in a speech therapist’s portfolio during certification? Yes, all copies of documents in the speech therapist’s portfolio are certified by the head of the institution.

The volume of portfolio materials is a folder – 30 files. Placing in the portfolio materials that are not justified by the speech therapist teacher reduces the value of evidence of the professionalism of the certified person.

The text is placed on one side of a sheet of white A4 paper, observing the following margin sizes: left - at least 30 mm, right - at least 10 mm, top - at least 20 mm, bottom - at least 15 mm. When using computer typing, printing is done in 13 point font. Line spacing is one and a half.

Prepare for certification: pass the .

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Portfolio of teacher - speech therapist Galina Aleksandrovna Popova Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten "Solnyshko" in Sursk

2 slide

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4 slide

Slide description:

Information on advanced training “Modern educational institution (specialization: defectology)” in the discipline: traditional and innovative approaches to correcting sound pronunciation. 72 hours, 2014 “The use of the myofunctional trainer “INFANT” in the correctional work of a speech therapist with children 3-5 years old.” 6 hours, 2013 “Information and communication technologies” 72 hours, certificate No. 1253, 2011.

5 slide

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Certificates and gratitude Certificate of the Education Department of the Gorodishchensky district, 2010. Certificate of Education Department of the Gorodishchensky District, 2013. Gratitude from the administration of MBDOU DS “Solnyshko”, Sursk, 2013. Certificate of honor from the newspaper “Penzenskaya Pravda”, 2014.

6 slide

Slide description:

Publications on the Internet Own website Social network of educators nsportal.ru Title of work Website Time of publication Planning the circle work of a teacher-speech therapist Logomag.ru 11.8..11.2014 “Psychological health as a factor in the successful activity of a teacher” material for a regional seminar of teachers-speech therapists website 11.25. 2014 Scenario of the event dedicated to International Speech Pathologist Day. website November 26, 2014

7 slide

Slide description:

Software and methodological support Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V.. Program of speech therapy work to overcome general speech underdevelopment in children. Moscow, “Enlightenment” 2009. Nishcheva N.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2004. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Frontal speech therapy classes in the senior group for children with general speech underdevelopment. 3rd level - M.: Gnom - Press, 1999. Kislova T.R. “On the road to the ABC”, Methodological recommendations for educators, teachers and parents for parts 3 and 4. Scientifically edited by R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva. –M.: “Balass”, 1999. Arbekova N.E. We develop coherent speech in children 6-7 years old with OHP. Notes of frontal speech therapist classes - M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2011.

8 slide

Slide description:

Nishcheva N.V. Notes of subgroup speech therapy classes in the senior group of kindergarten for children with special needs development. –SPb.: DETSVO-PRESS 2007. Kuznetsova E.V., Tikhonova I.A. development and correction of speech of children 5-6 years old: Lesson notes. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds and words (a manual for speech therapists). - Humat. Ed. VLADOSS Center. – M.: 1999. Arbekova N.E. We develop coherent speech in children 6-7 years old with OHP. Planning the work of a speech therapist in a preschool group. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2011. Arbekova N.E. We develop coherent speech in children 6–7 years old with ODD. Albums 1,2.3. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2012 Teremkova N.E. Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Albums 1 -4. – M.: Publishing house “GNOM and D”, 2009.

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Modern educational technologies and methods used The development of preschool education and the transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies. Innovation determines new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the child’s personality and the development of his abilities. In my activities I widely use information and computer technologies (ICT), systematically using them in preparation for classes. The most widely used are: Internet resources, multimedia presentations, electronic textbooks. Full-screen voiced videos and animations and high-quality photographs provide rich illustrative material. The use of modern educational technologies and methods is the key to high results of correctional work.

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Technologies and methods Purpose of using technologies and methods Description of implementation in teaching activities Results of use Health-saving technologies. 1. Breathing exercises Stimulates brain function, regulates neuropsychic processes. Breathing exercises on individual, frontal, subgroup and on lexical topics. Strong and prolonged exhalation. Lower diaphragmatic breathing, organization of speech as you exhale. Differentiation of oral and nasal exhalation. 2. Visual gymnastics. Relieves eye strain and helps train hand-eye coordination. Using exercises after intense 10-minute work Prevention of myopia. 3.Relaxation Relieves tension and anxiety. It is one of the stages of working in a node. The ability to control your body, control your emotions, feelings, and sensations develops.

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4. Mimic gymnastics. Promotes communication, emotional development Performed at each node, in front of a mirror, by imitation or verbal instructions Clearer facial picture 5. Dynamic pauses in combination with speech material. Development of general motor skills, coordination of movements and speech, relief of muscle tension. Physics minutes on lexical topics. Increased performance, prevention of poor posture and flat feet. 6. Gymnastics for fingers. Development of fine motor skills and self-care skills, manipulation of objects, manual dexterity, removal of synkenesis and muscle tension. Croupotherapy, sand therapy, su-jok, mosaics, massage balls, games with clothespins, with counting sticks, with reels. Directly proportional relationship between the development of fine motor skills and speech.

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7.Psycho-gymnastics. Teaching children expressive movements, training psychomotor functions, reducing games and sketches on nodes. emotional stress. Development of the emotional sphere, reflection of feelings. 8. Fairytale therapy when performing articulation gymnastics. Normalization of speech motor skills, emotional development. Fairy tales on lexical topics nano. Improving pronunciation skills. 9.Bioenergoplasty. Activation of intellectual activity, development of coordination, fine and articulatory motor skills. Speech associated with hand movements. Performing articulatory gymnastics is accompanied by syndentical movements of the hands. Speech improves. 10. Self-massage of the facial and finger muscles. Stimulation and activation of muscle tone. Sets of exercises for nodes, as one of the stages of work. Strengthening facial muscles, forming tactile sensations, developing speech.

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Problem-based learning technology Development of cognitive activity. Consistent, purposeful advancement of cognitive tasks for students. Active acquisition of knowledge. Concentrated learning technology. Creation of the structure of educational activities as close as possible to the natural psychological characteristics of human perception. Thematic planning. In-depth and comprehensive mastery of the material. "Technology of developmental education. Development of personality and its abilities. Orientation of cognitive activity towards the potential capabilities of the child. Development of all components of the language system.

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Technology of differentiated learning Creating optimal conditions for identifying and correcting speech disorders. Mastering the program at various planned levels. Clear sound pronunciation, sufficient vocabulary, grammatically correct sentences and statements. Game learning technology Development of imagination, attention, memory, speech, thinking, ability to compare, contrast, find analogies. Didactic and verbal games, games for the development of mental processes, phonemic hearing and sound analysis, syllable structure, for teaching literacy. Increased cognitive activity, formation of motivation for learning activities.

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Summary table of diagnostics of speech development of children for the 2011 - 2014 academic year. Academic year Levels of speech development High Average Low 2011/12 33.2% 58% 8% 2012/13 44.9% 49.6% 5.3% 2013/14 58% 41.5% 2.7%

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Speech therapy constructor Directions for working with the logopedic constructor: Massage with prickly and smooth objects. Select and name: fluffy, smooth, prickly, soft, etc. words. Find a characteristic for the object (Touch it and say: “Which one?” Associations (What does it look like?, What does it remind you of?). Write a story (“A fluffy kitten walked along a long path, met a prickly hedgehog...”).

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Participation of pupils in competitions and quizzes Regional drawing competition on the theme: “My dad is a soldier”, 2014. Certificate of Honor All-Russian entertaining quiz “Seasons” - “October”, 2014 Diploma II place All-Russian entertaining quiz “Animals in Fairy Tales”, 2014 Diploma 1st place

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Working with parents Goal: to attract parents to participate in the pedagogical process in the conditions of a speech therapy group at a preschool educational institution. The correctional and developmental process is impossible without the participation of parents, therefore it is necessary for them to conduct consultations, at which they should talk about the characteristics of the child’s development at the moment, risk factors and the main directions of correctional and developmental work with them, as well as study and analyze subject-subject relationships in the family, as a condition for the prevention of speech disorders. In practice, it is noted that unjustified parental ambitions cause stress in children, provoke neuropsychiatric diseases, and discourage the desire to engage in speech correction. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the level of harmonization of parent-child relationships.

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Municipal preschool educational institution

“Combined kindergarten “Yolochka”

G.BAlashova Saratov region


Speech therapist teacher

Zhegulova Natalia Alexandrovna

General information about the teacher

Last name, first name, patronymic: Zhegulova Natalya Aleksandrovna

Place of Birth: Balashov, Saratov region

Job title: teacher speech therapist

Education: higher, in 2002 she graduated from Saratov State University. N.G.Chernyshevsky Balshov branch, specialty: teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology

from October 29, 2009 to October 18, 2010, she underwent professional retraining at the Saratov Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers under the program “Teacher-Speech Pathologist of the Education System”

Total work experience: 8 years

Teaching experience: 5 years

Work experience in specialty: 2 years

Work experience in this institution: 2 years

In the development of a person’s personality, the native language plays a unique role. Being the most important means of human communication and knowledge of reality, language serves as the main channel for introducing a person to the values ​​of spiritual culture.

Why did I choose the profession of a speech therapist?

The issue of providing correctional assistance to children with speech impairments interested me back in my student years. While studying at the pedagogical faculty of the Balashov Branch of Saratov State University, I paid much attention to the subject “Correctional Pedagogy,” in particular one of its sections – speech therapy. Unfortunately, the number of children with pathology of speech development increases every year. And I wanted to help children and their parents in developing correct sound pronunciation, in correcting complex speech defects such as dysarthria, general speech underdevelopment, stuttering, etc. But to work as a speech therapist, special speech pathology education was required. And after graduating from the institute, after working as a teacher of a general education group, and then as a psychologist in a kindergarten, I continued my studies at the Saratov Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers, specializing in “Teacher-speech therapist in the education system.”

My student dream has come true! Now I work independently as a speech therapist. The work is very responsible and difficult. Speech defects negatively affect the mental state of the child. Children are embarrassed by their speech, feel insecure, and have trouble communicating with others. In addition, speech defects have an inhibitory effect both on the development of speech itself and on the development of the child’s thinking. After all, if a child’s speech problems are not solved in preschool age, significant difficulties may arise in school education.

I try to interest the child as much as possible in learning new material. Reveal the character of children, give confidence in their abilities. During our lessons, children begin to understand and love their native language. They actively master all aspects of speech: phonetic, phonemic, lexical, grammatical. I try to structure my classes so that the material learned by the children will help them in their further learning and development.

How nice it is to rejoice together at small victories that ultimately add up to the success of the whole work! How nice it is to hear words of gratitude from parents!

The profession of a speech therapist teacher is precisely remarkable in that before your eyes a little person changes, the range of his capabilities expands, his speech becomes richer - a means of expressing thoughts and feelings. It’s not scary that sometimes the process of working on a speech can be long and difficult, but success always lies ahead, and our efforts bring wonderful results.

My profession is multifaceted and interesting. It is chosen by creative people who are endlessly in love with their work. And it’s not for nothing that the following words are dedicated to speech therapists:

Objectives of correctional work with children with

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech

1. Ensure the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child; introduce children to universal human values.

2. Carry out work on the development of phonemic processes: phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis, develop articulatory praxis.

Work on producing missing sounds or correcting distorted sounds, and subsequently automate the corrected sounds and introduce them into speech.

3. Considering that children in this group have some delay in lexical and grammatical development, the correctional education system should include exercises aimed at expanding and clarifying the vocabulary and developing coherent, grammatically correct speech.

4. Pay attention to the development of correct speech breathing, work on diction: improve the clear pronunciation of words and phrases, improve the intonation expressiveness of speech. Teach children to perceive and reproduce a certain tempo and rhythm of speech.

5. Work on the development of mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, spatial perception, work on the development of fine motor skills.

6 . Interact with the student’s family to ensure the full development of the child.

Organization of speech therapy work at preschool educational institutions

Goal: Correction of speech disorders

Task No. 1 Diagnosis of speech development


Task No. 2 Organization of speech therapy classes taking into account individual manifestations of speech underdevelopment

Formation of coherent speech

Formation of grammatical structure of speech

Development of the sound side of speech

Development of phonemic processes

Task No. 3 Interaction in the areas:

speech therapist-educator

speech therapist-music director

physical education teacher

speech therapist-medical worker

speech therapist-parent

Mutual visits, collective viewings

Teacher councils, consultations, seminars


Matinees, physical education, logorhythmics

Parent meetings, conversations, consultations, viewing classes, surveys, conducting ind. notebooks

Task No. 4 Optimization of correctional and speech therapy work with children

Equipmentspeech therapist's office

ZhegulovaON THE.

Organizing a subject-spatial developmental environment in the speech therapy room, teacher-speech therapist Zhegulova N.A. was guided by the age and psychological characteristics of older preschoolers with speech impairments.

Based on the fact that children of the sixth year of life develop an aesthetic perception of reality, the design of the speech therapy room of Zhegulova N.A. I used interesting color combinations and paid special attention to aesthetics in the design of the space.

Equipment for a subject-spatial developmental environment in the office of a speech therapist teacherZhegulovaON THE.

Center for Speech andcreative development.

Mirror with additional lighting lamp.

Individual mirrors.

4 chairs for studying in front of the mirror.

Set of probes for articulation massage.

Nipples, spatulas, cotton wool, cotton swabs, gauze pads, alcohol, cotton pads.

Breathing simulators, toys, aids for breathing development (whistles, pipes, balloons, soap bubbles, “Daisies”, aid “Vetorok”, “sultans”, etc.).

Card index of materials for automation and differentiation of whistling, hissing sounds, affricates, sonorant and iotated sounds (syllables,

words, phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, proverbs, tongue twisters, texts).

Speech therapy album for examining sound pronunciation.

Speech therapy album for examining the phonetic-phonemic system of speech.

Subject pictures on the lexical topics being studied.

Scene pictures; series of story pictures.

Lotto, dominoes, didactic games for the development of the cognitive sphere.

Series of demonstration paintings “All year round”, “Natural world. Animals".

Subject and plot pictures for automation and differentiation of whistling and hissing sounds, affricates, sonorant and iotated sounds.

Board-printed didactic games for automation and differentiation, whistling and hissing sounds, affricates, sonorant and iotated sounds in words and sentences.

Board-printed didactic games for the formation and improvement of the grammatical structure of speech.

Handouts for frontal work on developing skills in sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis.

Handouts for frontal work for analysis and synthesis of proposals.

Cut and magnetic alphabet.

Magnetic board.

"Speech therapy primer."

ABC mosaic.

Center for Sensory Development.

Sounding toys (rattles, whistles, pipes, tambourine, guitar, accordion, metallophone, musical cards).

Sounding substitute toys (small plastic Kinder Surprise boxes with various fillings - peas, beans, millet, pebbles, beads, etc.).

Board-printed didactic games for the development of visual perception and the prevention of written language disorders (“Recognize by the contour”, “Whose shadow”, “What is missing?”).

“Magic bag” with small plastic animal figures.

Center for motor and constructive development.

Planar images of objects and objects for tracing on all studied lexical topics.

Game "Make it up from parts."

Massage balls.

Lacing toys, fastener toys.

Middle mosaic.

Medium and small designers.

Medium and small beads of different colors and fishing line for stringing them.

Multi-colored clothespins.

Coloring books, pencils.

Games corner for boys.

Transport models of different sizes.

Animal figurines.

Puzzles with images of cars.

Books for boys.

Corner of games and toys for girls.

2-3 dolls and sets of clothes for them.

Puzzles with images of dolls.

Planar images of dolls and sets of clothes for them.

Use incorrectionaleducational processhealth-savingtechnologies.

Preserving and strengthening the health of children is one of the main tasks in the correctional educational process. Every year, children are admitted to the speech therapy group who, along with a speech defect, have a decrease in the level of development of general and fine motor skills, mental functions - memory, attention, frequently ill children (somatically weakened). Accordingly, there is a need to use complex health-improving and correctional work in the correctional and speech therapy process, which is part of the “Health” program developed by the employees of the MDOU d/s “Yolochka.

The main direction of health-preserving activities in preschool educational institutions is the rational organization of the educational process.

Frontal speech therapy classes are held in the mode of changing dynamic poses - children perform tasks while sitting at tables, standing, sitting on a rug in a group room. For this purpose, portable means of demonstrating material are used. Using this method allows you to maintain children's performance throughout the entire lesson.

The use of physical education allows you to relieve emotional stress, switch children’s attention to another type of activity (speech-motor exercises, low-mobility games), relieve visual tension (eye gymnastics), activate the functioning of the brain, influence the centers of speech development, develop manual skills (finger gymnastics , self-massage of hands and fingers).

Finger gymnastics and eye gymnastics are used in educational activities mainly before performing tasks related to the development of graphic skills that require visual concentration (typing letters, shading).

Articulatory gymnastics is carried out at the beginning of a frontal lesson, the program content of which includes consolidation and clarification of sound pronunciation.

Breathing exercises help saturate the body with oxygen, improve metabolic processes, psycho-emotional state, relieve stress, and increase immunity.

To restore strength and relieve emotional arousal in preschoolers, to calm them down during classes or after their completion, muscle relaxation is performed.

In individual and subgroup educational activities, special sets of articulation exercises are used, aimed at eliminating specific violations of the sound side of speech. Breathing exercises are also carried out (including elements of gymnastics according to A.N. Strelnikova), which promotes the development of correct physiological and speech breathing, the production of a targeted air stream, and the prevention of diseases of the ENT organs.

Work designed in this way to improve children's health allows for the full, systematic implementation of health-saving technologies in the correctional and educational process.

For the convenience of using health-saving technologies in the process of subgroup and individual correctional and educational activities, a card index was created in sections:

1. Articulatory gymnastics (complex for whistling sounds, hissing sounds, sounds [р]- [р`], [л]- [л`] and the main complex).

2. Finger gymnastics. The exercises are selected according to the principle “from simple to complex”; their content echoes the lexical topic.

3. Breathing exercises. The exercises are designed to develop physiological and speech breathing using whistles, balloons, wind blowers, plumes, cotton balls, soap bubbles and other non-traditional equipment.

4. Gymnastics for the eyes. The complexes are combined with poetic text.

5. Physical education minutes. The cards are distributed according to lexical topics, the poetic text is rich in the sound being studied.


A diagnostic examination of the speech of children in the speech therapy group is carried out three times a year (beginning, middle and end of the school year) in order to track the dynamics of speech development.

Level Chartsspeech development of children

senior speech therapy group "Gvozdika" for the 2010-2011 academic year

Level Charts speech development of children

senior speech therapy group "Gvozdika"

for the 2011-2012 academic year

Comparative histogram of the results of a diagnostic examination of the speech of children of the senior speech therapy group “Gvozdika” for two years

Advisory and educational work

Correctional speech therapy work is most effective provided there is close interaction between all participants in the correctional process in the system: speech therapist – child – teachers – parents.

In addition to classes with a speech therapist, the child needs to consolidate the acquired knowledge in classes with teachers, in free activities in kindergarten, and of course at home.

In order for the correctional and speech therapy process to be complete and carried out constantly, and not only in speech therapy classes, educators need to have knowledge about speech disorders, their signs, causes, and master the methodology for conducting articulation and breathing exercises, methods and techniques for automating sounds.

At the beginning of the school year, an annual work plan for the speech therapist teacher is drawn up, which includes the section “Working with preschool teachers and specialists.” In this section, advisory and educational work with the teaching staff is planned, which is represented by the following activities:

Consultations on the speech therapist plan for speech therapy group teachers. Held 2 times a month.

Consultations on the preschool administration plan for all preschool teachers.

Consultations upon requests from teachers. Conducted as needed.

Speeches at seminars and teachers' meetings.

Conducting practical training sessions for teachers (demonstration of articulation, breathing exercises, self-massage).

Attending classes of speech therapy group teachers.

Discussion with teachers of the speech therapy group about the results of diagnostics, the dynamics of speech development, and the effectiveness of corrective measures.

To fully and effectively work with parents, a plan is also drawn up, which includes: speeches at group parent meetings (3 times a year), speeches at general parent meetings (according to the plan of the preschool administration), inviting parents to classes (at least once a year). 3 months), consulting parents on topics proposed by a speech therapist (once every 2 months) and on the initiative of parents (as necessary), individual conversations (once a week), visual promotion of defectological knowledge in the speech therapist’s corner (as necessary), practical classes with parents on methods of performing articulation and breathing exercises.

The topics of consultations and speeches at parent meetings are taken to be general, affecting the interests of all parents, for example, “Age-related characteristics of the speech of preschoolers”, “Characteristics of the speech of children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment”, “Fine motor skills in the psychophysical development of a child”, etc. For individual consultations and During conversations, topics are selected that directly relate to the specific features of speech development of a particular child.

Consultative and educational work with parents compiled in this way allows parents to form an understanding of the characteristics of their child’s speech impairment, makes it possible to help their child master the norms of oral speech in the Russian language, and in the future to prevent the appearance of deficiencies in written speech at school.