Receive secondary technical education via correspondence. Secondary specialized education by correspondence, advantages and features

Specialists from the international association Deloitte University Press, working in the field of human resources management, published the Human Capital Global Trends 2016 report in early spring of this year. The results of research into global trends in human resource management were obtained based on the testimony of more than seven thousand respondents from 130 countries.

10 Trends in Human Resource Management

1. Changes in the structure of the organization: hierarchy has been replaced by teamwork

If previously enterprises worked taking into account a strict vertical hierarchy, now cooperation and teamwork have come to the fore.

2. The emergence of a large number of leaders

Today, almost any employee can be among the leaders, regardless of his age, gender, status and education. Modern leaders are ready to lead their own projects and manage company branches. However, it is still unknown whether proactive and self-confident individuals will be able to take responsibility for the fate of the company in the global market.

3. The influence of culture on business

About 82% of all respondents believe that corporate culture is a serious competitive advantage of a company. That's why experts advise leaders to use all the opportunities and tools to create a representative image of the company, inspire employees and implement a more effective management strategy based on cultural values.

4. The need to involve employees in the work process

The old patterns of interaction between management and employees no longer work. Now employees become “volunteers” who voluntarily get involved in projects to unlock their potential and show their talents. For staff, understanding the meaning of work and acquiring specific practical skills comes to the fore.

5. Redistribution of responsibility in the field of employee training

In previous times, employees were required to improve their skills by undergoing training in special centers. Now the picture has changed: staff independently improve their knowledge, and corporate educational centers become curators of this process.

6. Implementation of design thinking

Creating a creative workspace that is focused on the needs of your staff can improve productivity and quality of work. All design thinking methods are designed to create the most favorable environment for employees in which successful business ideas will be born and implemented.

7. Improving the organizational skills of HR specialists

Favorable changes have occurred in the HR field: a new understanding of success and performance, business orientation, and the use of innovative solutions to improve labor efficiency.

8. Using HR analytics

Modern companies create teams of analysts who make valuable suggestions on organizational issues. A good return on investment in analytics indicates that the strategy is working successfully.

9. Use of digital technologies in HR

The use of digital technologies for personnel management is a real revolution in the world of HR. Companies that implement this practice are growing rapidly and are role models.

10. Development of gig economy

A new economic model, involving open and short-term employment, has emerged against the backdrop of rapid technological evolution. Today, progressive companies often hire freelance specialists to complete specific projects. This allows you to reduce costs for wages and expansion of office space. Over the years, this form of cooperation has become increasingly popular.


As a way out for those who still want to become holders of a certificate, it can be proposed to use the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2000 N 1884 “On approval of the Regulations on obtaining general education in the form of external studies.” To do this, you need to contact any educational institution that is accredited and ready to provide external students, and submit documents consisting of:

  1. Application for state final certification as an external student

  2. Document confirming: certificate of study at an institution of general (primary, basic, or secondary) or vocational (primary or secondary) education, certificate of basic general education (incomplete secondary education).

Based on the results of the certification, a certificate of secondary education will be issued.

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Now in most regions of the Russian Federation, a schoolchild is required to receive only secondary general education, that is, complete nine grades. But many people understand that with such an education it is very difficult to find a job. You must either enter a secondary specialized educational institution or graduate from high school. But what should a student do if he has difficulties during his studies?


Determine what is causing your learning problems. Sometimes the reason may be poor relationships with individual teachers or unsuitability for a particular person, for example, too high demands in school. In this case, a good opportunity to still obtain a certificate of complete secondary education would be to transfer to. But before you do, learn as much as you can about your new school and keep in mind that even the simpler curriculum requires effort to master. After all, it is important not only to obtain a certain document on education, but also to have the appropriate knowledge for use in further education.

Also, if for some reason you are not satisfied, then you can enroll in a secondary specialized educational institution (SSUZ). They exist in completely different directions. After training in some specialties, the graduate will have the opportunity to receive . Education at a secondary school for those who have completed nine grades of school lasts three years, and a diploma received from an educational institution gives the same rights as a regular school certificate - if you want, you can change your specialty and enter any university.

If you received your high school diploma a long time ago, you work and you do not have the opportunity to return to a regular school or go to school, you can enroll in an evening school to study in the tenth and eleventh grades. The schedule at these educational institutions is designed so that you can combine work and study. At the end of the course, you will receive a full-fledged certificate and will be able to take the Unified State Exam for subsequent admission to a university.

Secondary technical education today is not yet sufficiently popularized in our country, although state policy is aimed precisely at this. And those people who understand that it is not necessary to graduate from a university in order to earn a decent living will have the opportunity to reach professional heights.

Advantages of secondary technical education

Every school graduate is once faced with the question of what profession to choose and where to go to study. Every graduate of a basic school, that is, who has completed 9 grades and successfully passed the State Examination, can receive a secondary technical education. Secondary technical education is received at a technical school. A technical school differs from a college in that the latter involves obtaining specialized secondary education. A diploma of secondary technical education will give you the opportunity to even become a mid-level manager.

When choosing your future profession and educational institution, pay attention to what subjects are included in the curriculum, what the teaching staff is and what certificate of completion you will receive. After graduating from technical school, you will be able to work as a cook, mechanic, train driver, programmer, etc. These are quite worthy and highly paid professions.

Education at the technical school can be completed both full-time and part-time and part-time (evening classes). Part-time and evening courses are possible for those who will enter the technical school after. In general, obtaining secondary technical education after grade 11 will take much less time than after grade 9. To enter a technical school, you will need Unified State Exam results.

Where to apply

Refer to the document “Procedure for Admission to Secondary Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation”. He will help you decide on the parameters for admission, of which there may be several. For example, do you plan to study on a budget or paid basis, what are the entrance tests, what are the entrance exams in this or that technical school, etc.

However, you should know that each technical school sets its own admission rules, which you also need to familiarize yourself with. Start preparing all the documents necessary for admission in advance, as this is a long process.

If we talk about technical schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg, they train highly qualified specialists who are in demand in production. There are still not very many graduates of technical schools compared to those who graduated from universities, so they often find themselves in a more advantageous position than young people with a higher education diploma in their hands. College graduates find employment faster and easier.

Based on 9 grades, you will have to study at a technical school for 3 or 4 years, and after 11 grade - 2 or 3. If you wish, you can subsequently enroll in a university related to your specialty.