Regulations on the academic council of the institution. III

List of abbreviations

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Academic Council of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov" (hereinafter referred to as the NEFU Academic Council) is an elected representative collegial governing body that carries out the general management of the university.

1.2. The NEFU Academic Council belongs to the 1st level in the structure of collegial governing bodies at NEFU in accordance with Methodological Instruction SMK-MI- “Procedure for developing the Regulations on collegial governing bodies at NEFU”, approved on September 17, 2010.

1.3. In its activities, the NEFU Academic Council is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education “North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov”, and the Methodological Instructions “The procedure for developing the Regulations on collegial governing bodies at NEFU”.

1.4. The work of the University Academic Council is carried out as planned. The work plan of the Academic Council is formed by the scientific secretary of the Academic Council on the proposals of the vice-rectors and approved by the rector.

1.5. The activities of the Academic Council are based on transparency, collective discussion and resolution of issues, responsibility to NEFU employees and students.

1.6. Decisions of the NEFU Academic Council on issues within its competence are mandatory for implementation by structural divisions of the university, as well as by all employees and students.

1.7. For high-quality preparation of the most significant and voluminous issues submitted for consideration by the Academic Council of the university, permanent or temporary commissions can be created in various areas of activity from among the members of the Academic Council, the teaching staff and specialists attracted on a voluntary basis (the composition of the commissions and the procedure for the work of the commissions, see . in Appendix 3).

2. The procedure for forming the Academic Council

2. The Academic Council is elected by a conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of employees and students of the university (hereinafter referred to as the Conference) for a period of 5 years.

2.1. Composition of the Academic Council:

2.1.1. The Academic Council includes ex officio: rector, president, vice-rectors and, by decision of the Academic Council, deans of faculties (directors of institutes and branches).

2.1.2. Representatives of structural units and students are considered elected to the Academic Council or recalled from it if more than 50% of the delegates present at the Conference vote for it (if at least two-thirds of the list of delegates is present) (Article 5.26 of the Charter).

2.1.3. The quantitative composition of the University Academic Council is determined at the Conference.

2.1.4. The standards for representation in the Academic Council from its structural divisions and students are determined by the Academic Council.

2.1.5. In case of dismissal (expulsion) from the University, a member of the Academic Council automatically resigns from the Academic Council of the University.

2.1.6. The Deputy Chairman of the NEFU Academic Council is one of the vice-rectors by decision of the Chairman of the University Academic Council (hereinafter referred to as the Chairman). The Deputy Chairman replaces the Chairman in his absence and performs other powers granted to him by the Chairman.

2.1.7. The Academic Secretary is appointed to the position by the Rector of the University and is a member of the Academic Council.

2.2. Election Commission of the Academic Council of the University:

2.2.1. The election commission for the Academic Council of the University is created by order of the NEFU Rector from among the administrative and managerial staff, scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of the trade union organization of University employees in the amount of 7 people.

2.2.2. The composition of the commission, the chairman, deputy chairman and secretary of the commission are announced by order of the rector.

2.2.3. Functions of the commission for the election of the University Academic Council:

Monitors compliance with the procedure for nominating candidates for members of the Academic Council in the structural divisions of the university at extended meetings of councils or general meetings of faculties (institutes), general meetings of NEFU public associations;

Accepts and registers minutes of councils of faculties (institutes), general meetings of structural divisions and public associations of NEFU on the election of candidates for members of the Academic Council of the university;

Carries out preparations for the conference, including organizing the production of temporary certificates, mandates of conference delegates, uniform ballots for secret voting for elections of the Academic Council of the university;

At all stages, organizes information support for the elections of the Academic Council (information is posted on notice boards in buildings and on the official website of the university, in other media).

2.2.4. A meeting of the commission is considered valid if at least 2/3 of the members of its list are present. The decision of the commission for the election of the Academic Council is made by a simple majority of votes.

2.3. Nomination of candidates to the Academic Council:

2.3.1. The right to nominate and support candidates for the Academic Council belongs to the structural divisions and public associations of NEFU;

2.3.2. The decision to nominate a candidate to the Academic Council is made at extended meetings of faculty (institute) councils, general meetings of structural divisions, public associations of NEFU by open voting and documented in minutes. Within one working day after a general meeting or an extended meeting of the faculty (institute) council, the protocol and the attendance sheet for it are submitted to the commission for the election of the Academic Council, but no later than 10 days before the Conference.

2.3.3. A candidate for member of the Academic Council has the right to refuse to take part in the elections before the start of the secret ballot.

2.4. For the procedure for holding the Conference, see the Regulations on the Conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of employees and students of the university.

3. Competence of the NEFU Academic Council:

3.1. Makes decisions on convening and holding a conference, approves the regulations on the conference;

3.2. Determines the procedure for electing delegates to the conference, prepares documentation and conducts the conference;

3.3. Reviews draft University Charter, as well as amendments and additions made to the Charter;

3.4. Carries out general control over compliance in the activities of the University with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the NEFU Charter;

3.5. Resolves issues of educational, educational-methodological, research and information-analytical work, personnel training, implementation of international relations of the University, including approving working curricula and programs, resolving issues of coordinating the curricula of departments, making decisions on the organization of the educational process, including the terms of study in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards, postpones the start of the academic year, approves the procedure for developing plans for research work;

3.6. Hears the annual reports of the rector;

3.7. Determines the principles of distribution of financial, material and labor resources of the University;

3.8. Adopts regulations on the organization and implementation of the educational process and other local acts regulating the activities of the University, including provisions on scholarships, establishes the amounts of scholarships for students, graduate students and doctoral students, increased in comparison with scholarships established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3.9. Makes decisions on issues of presenting the academic titles of associate professor and professor, corresponding member and academician to University employees from among the teaching staff for awarding the academic titles;

3.10. Conducts elections through competition for positions of scientific and pedagogical workers;

3.11. Elects the President of the University;

3.12. Elects deans of faculties;

3.13. Elects heads of departments;

3.14. Makes decisions on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of institutes, faculties, departments, scientific and educational divisions of the University;

3.15. Determines the directions of scientific research;

3.16. Approves the topics of doctoral dissertations;

3.17. Reviews annual plans for research activities of the university;

3.18. Considers issues related to the activities of dissertation councils of the University;

3.19. Considers issues of editorial and publishing activities;

3.20. Requests for the conferment of honorary titles of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), nomination for state and industry awards and prizes;

3.21. Approves and awards honorary titles and awards of the University;

3.22. Resolves other issues within its competence by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, this Charter and local acts of the University.

3.23. The Academic Council of the University has the right to delegate part of its powers to the academic councils of faculties (institutes), academic councils of scientific divisions of the University, including the powers to elect through competition for positions of scientific and pedagogical workers, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The decision on the delegation of powers is made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Academic Council present at the meeting.

3.24. Issues of research work are subject to preliminary consideration by the NEFU Scientific and Technical Council;

3.25. Issues of educational and methodological work are subject to preliminary consideration by the NEFU Educational and Methodological Council.

4. Functions

4.1. Main functions of the Chairman of the NEFU Academic Council:

4.1.1. Organizes work and chairs meetings of the Academic Council.

4.1.2. Approves the agenda of the meeting of the Academic Council.

4.1.3. Monitors the implementation of the decisions of the Academic Council.

4.2. The main functions of the NEFU Academic Council members:

4.2.1. Participate in the discussion of issues during the meeting of the Academic Council.

4.2.2. Contribute to the implementation of the decisions of the Academic Council.

4.2.3. Make proposals to improve the work of the Academic Council.

4.2.4. Carry out instructions from the Chairman of the Academic Council.

4.2.5. Help improve the quality of management decision-making at the university.

4.3. The main functions of the scientific secretary of the Academic Council:

4.3.1. Organizes the preparation and conduct of meetings, draws up agendas for meetings of the Academic Council and submits them for approval to the Chairman of the Academic Council, promptly provides members of the Academic Council with a package of draft documents on issues submitted for discussion, draws up minutes of meetings and resolutions, monitors the implementation of decisions of the Academic Council, conducts examinations and forms certification files for applicants for the academic titles of associate professor and professor of the department.

4.3.2. Organizes and participates in the preparation of review and analytical materials.

4.3.3. Provides storage of minutes of meetings and decisions of the Academic Council, copies of documents adopted by the Academic Council.

4.3.4. Every year, the Academic Council of the University hears information from the Academic Secretary on the implementation of the adopted resolutions of the Academic Council.

4.4. The powers falling within the competence of the NEFU Academic Council are specified in clause 5.28 of the Charter.

4.5. The Academic Council has the right to delegate part of its powers to the academic councils of faculties and institutes, academic councils of scientific departments, scientific-technical and educational-methodological councils of NEFU.

5. Rights and obligations

5.1. A member of the Academic Council has the right:

5.1.2. Make proposals on the work of the Academic Council, as well as in the annual work plan and agenda of meetings of the Academic Council.

5.1.3. Be a member of the working commissions of the Academic Council for the preparation and implementation of its decisions, involve teaching staff and specialists in the work of the commissions.

5.1.4. Speak in debates on the content of issues discussed at meetings of the Academic Council, express your point of view on any of the issues discussed.

5.1.5. Make proposals to draft decisions of the Academic Council.

5.1.6. Receive in the prescribed manner all documents, materials and information related to the activities of the Academic Council.

5.1.7. Submit an application for resignation from the Academic Council to the Chairman of the Academic Council.

5.2. A member of the Academic Council is obliged to:

5.2.1. Comply with the University Charter, comply with the decisions of the Academic Council, comply with these Regulations and other local regulatory documents of the university.

5.2.2. Prepare for meetings of the Academic Council, take personal part in the work of the Academic Council, attending all its meetings; if it is impossible to participate in meetings for objective reasons, inform the scientific secretary of the Academic Council about this in advance. On especially solemn occasions, by decision of the Chairman, wear a robe.

5.2.3. Take part in the work of commissions for the preparation, implementation and control over the implementation of decisions of the Academic Council.

5.2.4. Inform the staff of subordinate departments about the issues discussed at the Academic Council and the decisions made.

5.2.5. Organize work on the implementation of decisions of the Academic Council and exercise control over their implementation within their competence.

5.2.6. Contribute to the growth of the university’s image by promoting its achievements.

5.2.7. Show respect for the traditions of the university.

5.2.8. A member of the Academic Council is responsible for failure to comply with decisions of the Academic Council.

Annex 1

The operating procedure of the commissions of the Academic Council

1.1. Commissions of the Academic Council are created in order to increase the efficiency of the Academic Council, the participation of a wide range of highly qualified specialists in the preparation of decisions of the Academic Council;

1.2. Standing commissions are permanent bodies of the academic council, resolve issues of organizing their activities, and preliminary consider issues within their competence;

1.3. Temporary commissions are created to prepare a draft decision of the Academic Council on a specific issue. Specific tasks, duration of activity, powers and personal composition of the temporary commission are determined by the chairman of the academic council and formalized by order of the rector of the university. The chairman of the temporary commission is appointed by order of the university rector from among the members of the academic council.

1.4. The commission includes the vice-rector responsible for the relevant area of ​​activity of the University.

1.5. The quantitative and personal composition of the commissions is approved by the Academic Council of the university by open vote by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Academic Council;

1.6. The commissions study in advance all the necessary materials and prepare draft resolutions for the meeting of the Academic Council;

1.7. Approximate composition of the commissions of the Academic Council: commission on certification and personnel issues, planning and budget commission, commission on social and educational work, awards commission, commission on science and innovation, etc.

II. Responsibilities and rights of commissions

2.1. Issues within the competence of the commissions, the functions and tasks of the commission are determined by the Academic Council;

2.2. The standing commissions of the Academic Council have the right:

a) propose issues related to the scope of activities of the commissions for inclusion in the work plans of the Academic Council;

b) request and receive from the heads of structural divisions of the University the necessary materials and data on issues within its competence;

c) within the framework of assigned issues, carry out inspections of the activities of the structural divisions of the University;

d) check the implementation of decisions of the Academic Council related to the scope of activities of the commissions.

2.3. The standing commissions of the University Academic Council are obliged to:

a) promptly submit to the Chairman of the Academic Council or the Academic Secretary proposals and draft decisions on issues submitted to meetings of the Academic Council;

b) give, within the limits of their competence, proposals when considering relevant issues at meetings of the Academic Council, the rector’s office, as well as other commissions of the Academic Council;

c) involve University employees, including by creating working groups, sending materials for examination, etc., to study issues considered at the meeting of the Academic Council;

d) submit draft decisions with the necessary justification to the Academic Council;

III. Organization of work of Standing Commissions

3.1. Standing commissions work in accordance with an annual plan, which is approved at a meeting of the commissions.

3.2. A meeting of the commission is considered valid if more than half of the total number of members of the commission are present. The meeting of the commission is chaired by its chairman. During his absence, the chairman of the commission may delegate his powers to one of the members of the commission - a member of the academic council.

3.3. The commission is convened on the initiative of the chairman of the commission or the chairman of the academic council as necessary;

3.4. Decisions of the commission are made by open vote by a simple majority of the members of the commission present and are of a recommendatory nature for the academic council;

3.5. Each member of the commission has the right to submit his special opinion as an addition to the decision of the commission.

3.6. The decision of the commission is documented in the minutes of the commission meeting and sent to the chairman of the Academic Council or the scientific secretary of the Academic Council at least a week before the meeting of the Academic Council.

3.7. The chairman of the commission or, on his behalf, one of the commission members informs the academic council of the university at its meeting about the commission’s position on the issue under discussion.

IV. Responsibility

4.1. The chairman is responsible to the Academic Council for the fulfillment of the functions, tasks and work plan assigned to the commission.

4.2. Current control of the work of the commissions is carried out by the Chairman of the NEFU Academic Council.

Appendix 2

Regulations of the Academic Council

1. The main form of work of the NEFU Academic Council is a meeting. Meetings of the Academic Council of the University, according to the Charter, are held “... at least once every two months during the academic year.”

An extraordinary meeting of the University Academic Council may be convened at the proposal of the Chairman, as well as at the initiative of its members. In each case, the scientific secretary informs the members of the Academic Council in writing about the agenda of the extraordinary meeting at least one day before the start of the meeting.

On especially solemn occasions, by decision of the Chairman, members of the Academic Council wear robes.

2. When developing issues that do not require the participation of the working commission of the Academic Council in their preparation, the following procedure is established: draft resolutions of the Academic Council are prepared two weeks before the meeting; draft resolutions must be agreed upon with all university services whose competence includes the issues under consideration, and the supervising vice-rectors - no later than one week before the start of the meeting at which these issues will be considered; agreed upon draft resolutions must be submitted to the scientific secretary no later than 6 working days before the start of the meeting of the Academic Council.

3. If the draft resolution is not agreed upon by all the services listed above, this issue may be submitted to a meeting of the Academic Council by decision of the supervising vice-rector.

4. Members of the Academic Council are promptly notified of issues submitted for consideration by the University Academic Council. A package of draft documents on issues submitted for discussion according to the agenda is provided to members for review by the scientific secretary no later than three working days before their consideration at the meeting.

5. A meeting of the Academic Council of the University begins with the registration of members of the Academic Council with the Academic Secretary on the attendance sheet.

6. A meeting of the Academic Council is valid if more than half of its members are present at the said meeting (see clause 5.29 of the Charter), and at least 2/3 of the members of the Academic Council are present when considering certification cases for the academic titles of associate professor and professor.

Elects the chairman of the counting commission;

Issues ballots for secret voting to members of the Academic Council against receipt;

Draws up and signs the minutes of the meeting of the counting commission based on the results of secret voting.

8. The Chairman of the Counting Commission reads out the minutes at the meeting of the Academic Council. The protocol is approved by open voting by a majority vote of the members of the Academic Council present.

9. At meetings of the Academic Council, the scientific secretary keeps minutes.

10. Meetings of the Academic Council adhere to the following order: report; co-report (as required); questions for the speaker; speeches in debates on the content of the issue under discussion (comments on the draft resolution of the Academic Council, amendments and additional proposals to the draft resolution of the Academic Council); concluding remarks by the Chairman on the issue under discussion.

11. The duration of reports, co-reports, established by the Chairman in agreement with the speakers and co-rapporteurs, should not exceed: for a report - 20 minutes, for a co-report - 10 minutes, for other speeches - 5 minutes.

12. After the set time has expired, the scientific secretary warns the speaker about this.

13. The Chairman has the right to interrupt the speaker’s speech, or extend the time for speaking with the consent of the majority of members of the Academic Council present at the meeting.

14. Other speeches at a meeting of the Academic Council can be heard only with the permission of the Chairman.

15. The procedure for making decisions of the Academic Council is carried out in accordance with paragraphs. 5.30, 5.31 of the Charter.

16. The academic council of the university may adopt the resolution as a whole, accept the draft resolution as a basis, postpone the discussion to the next or extraordinary meeting (if the resolution of the issue does not require delay) or reject it.

17. Each member of the Academic Council has one vote. The transfer of a vote by one member of the Academic Council to another is prohibited. In case of equality of votes, the voice of the Chairman of the Academic Council is decisive.

18. During the first day after the meeting of the Academic Council, the scientific secretary makes changes and additions to the resolutions of the Academic Council adopted at its meeting.

19. After making amendments, the Scientific Secretary and the Chairman endorse the resolution of the Academic Council on each issue on the agenda of the meeting. Further, copies of the resolutions of the Academic Council are subject to mandatory distribution to all members of the Academic Council.

20. On the second day after the meeting of the Academic Council, the academic secretary transfers a copy of the resolution to the vice-rector, who is entrusted with control over the implementation of this resolution. The vice-rector, in turn, prepares a draft order, transfers it to the office management and document control department (UDiCD) for subsequent publication and exercises control over its further implementation.

21. Persons responsible for the implementation of decisions of the Academic Council are obliged to inform the scientific secretary within the period established by the decision about the completion of the assigned task or about its non-fulfillment, indicating the reasons. Otherwise, the resolution is considered unfulfilled.

22. The procedure for holding a meeting of the Academic Council is presented in Appendix 3.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Academic Council of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (Technical University)" (hereinafter - MIIGAiK) is the highest elected representative body exercising the general management of MIIGAiK.

1.2. In its activities, the Academic Council is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", the Model Regulations on the Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education (higher educational institution) of the Russian Federation, other legislative acts, regulations acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Charter of MIIGAiK and these Regulations.

1.3. The purpose of the Academic Council is to determine the current and future directions of the university’s activities, to unite the efforts of the university’s management, scientific and pedagogical workers, educational and support staff to train specialists who meet modern requirements, to coordinate the educational, educational, methodological, research and educational activities of the university.

1.4. The term of office of the Academic Council cannot exceed 5 years from the date of election.

1.5. Location of the Academic Council: 105064, Moscow, Gorokhovsky lane. d.4.

2.1. The Academic Council of MIIGAIK includes the rector, who is its chairman, vice-rectors, and also, by decision of the Academic Council, deans of faculties. Other members of the Academic Council are elected at a general meeting (conference) of teaching staff, representatives of other categories of workers and students (hereinafter referred to as the conference) by secret ballot. The number of members of the Academic Council is 60 people. The standards for representation from structural units and students are determined by the Academic Council of MIIGAiK.

2.2. Representatives of departments are considered elected to the Academic Council or recalled from it if more than 50 percent of those present at the Conference voted for their election or recall if at least two-thirds of the list of delegates is present. The Deputy Chairman and Secretary of the Academic Council are elected at the first meeting of the Academic Council on the proposal of the rector by open voting. The composition of the Academic Council is announced by order of the rector of MIIGAiK.

2.3. The removal of a member of the Academic Council from its composition or the additional election of new members to the Academic Council is considered upon the proposal of the Chairman of the Academic Council by secret ballot at the conference. Removal from the Academic Council (additional election to its composition) is considered to have taken place if more than 50% of those present at the conference voted against the candidacy under consideration (for the proposed candidacy). Early re-elections of members of the Academic Council are carried out at the request of at least half of its members.

The automatic removal of a member of the Academic Council from its composition occurs in the following cases: his death; his dismissal (expulsion).

Changes in the composition of the Academic Council are announced by order of the rector of MIIGAiK.

3.1. Academic Council of MIIGAIK:

3.1.1. Considers changes and additions to the University Charter.

3.1.2. Represents candidacies of the rector for election at the general meeting (conference) of the university staff.

3.1.3. Considers competition cases for the positions of professors, as well as all teachers of departments determined by the decision of the Academic Council. The remaining competitive cases are considered by academic councils of faculties.

3.1.4. Elects deans of faculties and heads of departments.

3.1.5. Hears annual reports on the main issues of organizing educational, scientific and economic activities.

3.1.6. Resolves issues of changing the structure of the university.

3.1.7. Represents employees for academic and honorary titles and awards.

3.1.8. Adopts internal regulations.

3.1.9. Determines the timing and procedure for the election of the rector, the procedure for nominating candidates for the position of rector and the requirements for them.

3.1.10. Approves the procedure for creation and operation, composition and powers of the council of a structural unit of the university.

3.1.11. Considers the procedure for terminating a contract with a teacher due to his insufficient qualifications.

3.1.12. Approves regulations on the procedure for the formation of thematic research plans, conduct, reporting on the implementation of research, as well as the acceptance of research results.

3.1.13. Considers issues of increasing the duration of training in part-time (evening) and correspondence forms of education.

3.1.14. Considers the issues of reducing the period of study for persons with secondary vocational education of the relevant profile or higher vocational education at various levels, as well as persons who are able to fully master the basic educational program of higher vocational education in a shorter period.

3.1.15. Decides on the possibility of including deans of faculties in the Academic Council without being elected at the conference.

3.1.16. Establishes the procedure for providing scholarships to full-time students at the expense of the federal budget.

3.1.17. Gives consent to lease property objects, as well as land plots.

3.1.18. Decides to submit a proposal to the rector to extend the tenure of vice-rectors, deans of faculties, heads of departments, heads of branches, institutes until they reach the age of 70 years.

3.1.19. Determines the start date of the school year.

3.1.20. Approves provisions for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students.

3.1.21. Determines the procedure for the creation and operation of boards of trustees and other boards in various areas of activity, their composition and powers.

3.1.22. Determines the amount of additional payments and allowances, bonuses and other payments to MIIGAiK employees.

3.1.23. Considers the possibilities of organizing training in basic and additional vocational education programs applied for licensing.

3.1.24. Approves the symbols (details) of MIIGAIK.

3.1.25. Resolves other issues related to the activities of the university.

4.1. The work of the Academic Council is carried out according to a plan that is annually reviewed and approved by the Academic Council.

Procedural and organizational (creation of various structural units, organization of student recruitment, analysis of various Regulations, plans, etc.);

Personnel (conducting competitive selections to fill vacant positions, nomination for academic titles, awards, incentives);

Analytical and evaluative (analysis and assessment of personnel and scientific and methodological support of the educational process in faculties, departments, the effectiveness of the activities of various departments of the university, etc.).

The results of the implementation of previous decisions are included in the agenda and considered.

4.2. The organizational work of the Academic Council is carried out by the Secretary of the Academic Council.

4.3. All materials proposed for consideration at meetings of the Academic Council are submitted to the secretary of the Academic Council (on the main issues of the agenda) no later than a week before the meeting. The Secretary of the Academic Council, no later than 2 days before the meeting, submits draft resolutions to the Chairman of the Academic Council.

4.4. Chairman of the Academic Council:

4.4.1. Organizes the work of the Academic Council.

4.4.2. Conducts meetings of the Academic Council.

4.4.3. Provides the floor for speaking in the order in which applications are received in accordance with the agenda.

4.6. Members of the Academic Council have the right to receive information necessary for their activities in the Academic Council, documents adopted by the Academic Council. Other persons - only with the permission of the Chairman of the Academic Council.

4.7. Members of the Academic Council are promptly notified of issues submitted for consideration by the Academic Council.

4.8. Heads of MIIGAiK departments, teachers and other persons involved in the preparation and analysis of the issues under consideration are invited to the meetings of the Academic Council.

4.9. Meetings of the Academic Council are held at least once a month.

4.10. Meetings of the Academic Council are authorized if at least 2/3 of the council members are present.

Decisions of the Academic Council on all issues of educational, scientific, financial, economic and production activities are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes. When considering issues of filling positions of teaching staff of departments and electing heads of departments and deans, submission for the assignment of academic titles and in other cases provided for by current legislation - by secret ballot in the prescribed manner. Decisions of the Academic Council of MIIGAIK come into force after the protocols are signed by the rector as chairman of the Academic Council.

4.13. If there is no quorum required for voting, the chairman postpones consideration of the issue and voting on it to the next meeting of the Academic Council.

Persons whose names are included in the secret ballot;

Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council.

4.16. The Counting Commission elects a commission chairman from among its members.

4.17. Ballots for secret voting are checked by the counting commission for compliance with the approved form, the number of members of the Academic Council and the content of the necessary information. Upon completion of voting, all ballots are sealed by the counting commission and must be stored for three years from the date of voting.

4.19. The Academic Council creates all the necessary conditions for holding a secret vote.

4.21. At meetings of the Academic Council, a transcript is kept, which is signed by the chairman and the Scientific Secretary.


1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with:

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197:
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2013 N 1139 “On the procedure for conferring academic titles”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 2, 2015 N 937 “On approval of the list of scientific positions to be filled through a competition and the procedure for conducting the said competition”;
  • Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "RGEU (RINH)" (hereinafter referred to as RGEU (RINH), University);
  • documents of the intra-university quality management system of the Russian State University of Economics (RINH);
  • other regulations of the Russian Federation, local regulations of the University and these Regulations.

1.2. This Regulation has been developed with the aim of:

  • determine the structure, directions of activity and organization of work of the Academic Council of the University;
  • determine the powers of the members of the Academic Council. Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council.

1.3. The Academic Council of the University is a collegial body that carries out the general management of the University.

1.4. The Academic Council in its activities is guided by:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • federal laws, other normative legal acts regulating the field of education;
  • documents of the intra-university quality management system of RGEU (RINH);
  • The Charter of the University, these Regulations, local regulations of the University.

1.5. To carry out the operational activities of the Academic Council of the University, commissions and working groups can be created from among its members, as well as by attracting employees on a voluntary basis.

1.6. In educational structural divisions of the University, including separate ones, by decision of the Academic Council, elected representative bodies - academic councils - can be created.

1.7. The procedure for creation and operation, composition and powers of the academic council of an educational structural unit are determined by the Regulations approved by the Academic Council of the University. The procedure for organizing the work of the Academic Council of the University, holding its meetings and making decisions, the procedure for the work of the commissions of the Academic Council of the University are specified in the Regulations of the Academic Council.

1.8. The term of office of the University Academic Council is 5 years. Early elections of members of the Academic Council of the University are held at the request of at least half of its members, expressed in writing, as well as by decision of the conference of employees and students of the University or at the proposal of the Rector of the University.

1.9.Location of the Academic Council: 344002, Rostov-on-Don, st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, 69.

1.10.The Academic Council of the University is not a legal entity.

1.11. The Regulations on the Academic Council of the University are adopted by the current Academic Council and approved by the Rector of the University.

1.12. The activities of the Academic Council of the University are based on transparency, collective discussion and resolution of issues, responsibility to the employees and students of the University.


2.1. The Academic Council of the University includes the Rector of the University, Vice-Rectors of the University, the President of the University, and also, by decision of the Academic Council of the University, directors of institutes, deans of faculties.

2.2. Other members of the University Academic Council are elected by a conference of employees and students of the University by secret ballot. The number of elected members of the University Academic Council is established by the conference of University employees and students.

2.3. The Chairman of the Academic Council of the University is the Rector.

2.4. The number of members of the University Academic Council is determined by a conference of University employees and students.

2.5. The standards for representation in the Academic Council of the University from structural units and students are determined by the Academic Council of the University.

2.6. The academic secretary is appointed by the rector from among the members of the Academic Council by order of the rector for the term of office of the Academic Council. In case of re-election of the rector, he has the right to introduce by order a staff position - secretary of the Academic Council of the university with subsequent approval at a meeting of the Academic Council of the university and at the conference.

2.7. In case of dismissal (expulsion) from the University of a member of the Academic Council, he automatically leaves the Academic Council.

2.8. In the event of a transfer of a member of the Academic Council to another position, he is removed from its composition by a decision of the Academic Council on the basis of an open vote. The vote is considered valid if at least half of those present voted for the removal of a member of the Academic Council from its composition, and at least 2/3 of the list was present at the meeting.

2.9. In order to maintain the norms of representation in the Academic Council from its structural units, upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Academic Council, the candidacy of a new member of the Academic Council from the structural unit, the representative of which was the retired member of the Academic Council, is considered by secret ballot. If it is necessary to introduce a new member of the Academic Council, the vote is recognized as having taken place if at least half of those present voted for the removal and introduction of a member of the Academic Council from its composition, if at least 2/3 of the list was present at the meeting. The issue of changes in the composition of the Academic Council is being raised at the next conference.

2.10. Early elections of members of the Academic Council of the University are held at the request of at least half of its members.

2.11. The composition of the Academic Council of the University is announced by order of the Rector of the University.

2.12. From among the members of the Academic Council of the University, by decision of the Academic Council, commissions are created to resolve certain issues related to the activities of the University.

2.13. The rules of work of the Academic Council are adopted, as a rule, at the first meeting of the Academic Council after its election.


3.1. The competence of the University Academic Council includes:

3.1.1. making a decision on convening a conference of University employees and students, as well as other issues related to its holding;

3.1.2. determination of the main promising directions for the development of the University, including its educational and scientific activities;

3.1.3. adoption of local regulations on the main issues of organizing and carrying out educational activities, including regulating the rules for admitting students, the mode of classes of students, the forms, frequency and procedure for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students, the procedure and grounds for the transfer, expulsion and reinstatement of students, the procedure for registration the emergence, suspension and termination of relations between the educational organization and students and (or) parents (legal representatives) of minor students;

3.1.4. consideration of the University development program;

3.1.5.hearing the annual reports of the University Rector;

3.1.6. consideration and decision-making on issues of educational, research, information and analytical and financial and economic activities, as well as on international cooperation of the University;

3.1.7.development and approval of educational programs implemented at the University, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on education;

3.1.8. consideration of candidates and nomination of University employees for awarding academic titles;

3.1.9. making decisions on the creation and liquidation of structural divisions of the University carrying out educational and scientific (research) activities, with the exception of branches of the University; on the creation and liquidation of laboratories at the University by scientific organizations and other organizations carrying out scientific (research) and (or) scientific and technical activities; on the creation and liquidation of departments carrying out educational activities in scientific organizations and other organizations carrying out scientific (research) and (or) scientific and technical activities; on the creation and liquidation on the basis of other organizations operating in the profile of the relevant educational program, departments and other structural units that provide practical training for students;

3.1.10. approval of regulations on branches and other educational and research structural divisions of the University, as well as on representative offices of the University;

3.1.11. approval, taking into account the legislation on education, of regulations on departments and other structural units that provide practical training for students, created on the basis of other organizations operating in the profile of the relevant educational program, on departments carrying out educational activities, created in scientific organizations and others organizations carrying out scientific (research) and (or) scientific and technical activities;

3.1.12. consideration of reports from heads of structural divisions of the University;

3.1.13. making a decision on issuing documents on education and qualifications to persons who have successfully passed the state final certification, samples of which are independently established by the University;

3.1.14. consideration of issues of nominating University employees for state awards of the Russian Federation and conferring honorary titles on them;

3.1.15. awarding honorary titles of the University on the basis of regulations approved by the Academic Council of the University;

3.1.16. nomination of undergraduate and graduate students for scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as personal scholarships;

3.1.17. annual determination at the beginning of the academic year of the teaching load of teaching staff of the University;

3.1.18. election of the President of the University;

3.1.19. making decisions on other issues within the competence of the Academic Council of the University, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, this charter and local regulations of the University.


4.1. Work plan of the Academic Council

4.1.1. The work of the Academic Council is carried out according to plan. A work plan is developed for each new academic year (annual plan), considered at a meeting of the Academic Council and approved by the rector.

4.1.2. The internal content of the Academic Council’s work plan is determined by the current tasks facing the University.

4.2. Meetings of the Academic Council

4.2.1. The work of the Academic Council is carried out through meetings.

4.2.2. Except for cases when a quorum of 2/3 of the list is required, a meeting of the University Academic Council is valid if more than half of the members of the University Academic Council are present at the said meeting.

4.2.3. The agenda of the next meeting of the Academic Council is formed by the Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council, approved by the Chairman of the Academic Council and communicated to the members of the Academic Council and other interested parties no later than 7 days (a week) before the scheduled date of the next meeting.

4.3. The agenda of the meeting, by decision of the Academic Council, may include issues that are not provided for in the work plan for the year, including:

  • procedural and organizational nature (creation of various educational and methodological structural units, organization of student enrollments, analysis of various regulations, plans, etc.);
  • personnel nature (conducting competitive selections to fill vacant positions, nomination for Academic titles, awards, incentives);
  • content-based and activity-based (about state standards and curricula, about the main directions of scientific research, prospects for the development of graduate school, etc.);
  • analytical and evaluative nature (analysis and assessment of personnel and scientific-methodological support of the educational process in faculties, departments, the effectiveness of various departments of the university, etc.).

4.4. The results of the implementation of previous decisions are included in the agenda and considered.

4.5. Heads of University departments, teachers and other persons involved in the preparation and analysis of the issues under consideration are invited to the meetings of the Academic Council.

4.6. Persons whose interests may be affected by the decisions of the Council may also attend a meeting of the Academic Council at the invitation of the Chairman of the Academic Council or on his instructions, as well as at the invitation of the Scientific Secretary of the Council.

4.7. The meeting of the Academic Council is chaired by the Chairman of the Academic Council or, on his instructions and in his absence, by a person appointed by him (deputy chairman).

4.8. On an issue requiring an immediate decision by the Academic Council, having received the consent of the members of the Academic Council, the Academic Secretary may conduct a written survey of the members of the Academic Council, presenting them with the necessary materials and the proposed draft decision;

4.9. Voting by poll is carried out by obtaining the signature of a member of the Academic Council in a special questionnaire containing his full name, the wording of the issue on which the decision is being made, and the wording of the decision for which he votes by putting his signature in the questionnaire. Questionnaires can be submitted to the Scientific Secretary in person, by mail or scanned by email.

4.10. At the next meeting of the Academic Council, the Chairman or the Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council informs its members about the results of the poll, which are recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council.

4.11. Decisions of the Academic Council

4.11.1. Decisions of the Academic Council of the University are binding at the University, they come into force after their approval by the rector.

4.11.2. Minutes are kept at meetings of the Academic Council. The minutes are signed by the Chairman and the Scientific Secretary of the Council no later than five days after the meeting. Extracts from the minutes of the Academic Council are prepared and certified by the Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council.

4.11.3. Decisions on issues within the competence of the Academic Council are made by a simple majority of votes from the total number of votes of members of the Academic Council participating in the meeting, except for cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Regulations.

4.11.4. The decision on the issue of competitive selection for positions of scientific and pedagogical workers, on nomination for awarding an academic title, is made by a simple majority of votes of the total number of votes of members of the Academic Council, in the presence of a quorum of at least 2/3 of the composition of the Academic Council;

4.11.5. Decisions of the Academic Council are made by open voting, except for cases provided for by law or local regulations of the University.

  • on competitive selection for positions of scientific and pedagogical workers, election of deans of faculties, heads of departments;
  • on nomination for Academic titles, on election of members of the Academic Council;

4.11.7. Decisions of the Academic Council of the University are documented in protocols and come into force from the date of signing by the Chairman of the Academic Council.

4.11.8. Decisions of the Academic Council on issues within its competence are mandatory for all employees and students;

4.11.9. If procedural errors are revealed when determining the voting results, a repeat vote may be held by decision of the Academic Council.

  • persons whose names are included in the secret ballot;
  • Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council.

4.11.11. The Counting Commission elects the Chairman of the Commission from among its members.

4.11.12. Ballots for secret voting are checked by the counting commission for compliance with the approved form, the number of members of the Academic Council and the content of the necessary information. Upon completion of voting, all ballots are sealed by the counting commission and must be stored for three years.

4.11.14. The Academic Council creates all the necessary conditions for holding a secret vote.

4.11.16. Responsibility for the execution of decisions made by the Academic Council rests with the persons determined at the meeting of the council, as well as vice-rectors and heads of structural divisions of the University, whose competence the decision falls within.

4.11.17 Control over the implementation of decisions of the Academic Council is assigned to the Scientific Secretary.

4.11.18. The scientific secretary in this regard:

  • has the right to request from University officials documents and materials that can confirm the implementation or non-compliance of the decisions of the Academic Council;
  • annually reports to the Academic Council on the implementation of the work plans of the Academic Council and its decisions.

4.12. Presidium of the Academic Council

4.12.1. The Presidium of the Academic Council is created for the purpose of preliminary consideration and prompt resolution of operational issues.

4.12.2. The quantitative composition of the Presidium is established by the Academic Council.

4.12.3. Elections of the Presidium of the Academic Council are carried out from among its members by open voting by a simple majority of votes;

4.12.4. Resolutions of the Presidium of the Academic Council are approved by the Academic Council as decisions of the council.

4.13. Powers of members of the Academic Council

4.13.1. Chairman of the Academic Council:

  • organizes the work of the Academic Council;
  • conducts meetings of the Academic Council;
  • provides the floor for speaking in the order in which applications are received in accordance with the agenda;
  • puts to a vote in the order of receipt all proposals from members of the Academic Council;
  • organizes voting and vote counting;
  • refrains from commenting on the speech or characterizing the speakers during the meeting of the Academic Council;
  • when participating in open voting, votes last;
  • before the start of open voting, informs the number of proposals that are put to vote, clarifies their wording and the sequence in which they are put to vote;
  • at the end of the vote count, announces whether the decision has been made or not (rejected);
  • in the absence of a quorum required for voting, postpones consideration of the issue and voting on it to the next meeting of the Academic Council.

4.13.2. Upon the proposal of the chairman, a deputy chairman of the University Academic Council is appointed from among the members of the Academic Council of the University. Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council of the University, on behalf of the Chairman of the Academic Council of the University:

  1. presides over meetings in his absence;
  2. signs minutes of meetings of the University Academic Council, extracts from them and other documents of the University Academic Council.

4.13.3. Scientific Secretary of the Council:

  1. carries out planning of the activities of the Academic Council of the University;
  2. organizes the preparation and holding of meetings of the Academic Council of the University, monitors compliance with the regulations of the work of the Academic Council of the University:
  • forms the agenda for the meeting of the University Academic Council and submits it for approval to the chairman of the University Academic Council;
  • controls the process of preparing materials and draft documents on the agenda of the meeting of the University Academic Council;
  • informs members of the University Academic Council and invitees about the dates and times of meetings of the University Academic Council;
  • monitors compliance with the voting procedure and ensures personal participation in it of members of the University Academic Council:
  • ensures the preparation of minutes of meetings of the Academic Council of the University, extracts from them and other documents of the Academic Council of the University;
  • signs minutes of meetings of the Academic Council of the University, extracts from them and other documents of the Academic Council of the University;
  • ensures control over the implementation of decisions of the Academic Council of the University within the established time limits;
  • analyzes and summarizes information on the implementation of decisions of the Academic Council of the University;
  • carries out examination of documents of applicants for academic titles and submits documents of applicants for academic titles to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • exercises control over the work of scientific secretaries of academic councils of faculties;
  • coordinates the interaction of the Academic Council of the University and structural divisions of the University;
  • requests and collects materials proposed for consideration at meetings of the Academic Council. Materials must be provided to the Scientific Secretary no later than a week before the meeting of the Academic Council in paper and electronic form from speakers;
  • prepares draft resolutions and submits them to the Chairman of the Academic Council no later than three days before the meeting;
  • promptly notifies members of the Academic Council about issues submitted for consideration by the Academic Council;
  • keeps minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council, prepares and issues extracts from the meeting of the Academic Council, upon received requests;
  • performs other functions within its competence.
  • 4.13.4. The Chairman, his deputy, and the academic secretary are personally responsible for compliance with the regulations of the University Academic Council.

    4.13.5. Members of the Academic Council have the right:

    1. make proposals on the formation of the agenda for meetings of the Academic Council of the University;
    2. participate in the preparation of materials on the issues under consideration;
    3. familiarize yourself with materials on the issues under consideration. Members of the University Academic Council have equal rights when discussing issues and voting, participating personally in meetings of the University Academic Council without delegating their powers to other persons;
    4. receive information necessary for their activities in the Academic Council, documents adopted by the Academic Council;

    4.13.6. Members of the Academic Council are obliged to inform the Scientific Secretary of the Council about their inability to attend a meeting of the Academic Council for a valid reason.

    14.13.7. Other persons have the right:

    • receive documents adopted by the Academic Council, other information about the activities of the Academic Council only with the permission of the Chairman of the Academic Council;
    • attend meetings of the Academic Council by decision of the Academic Council.
    • be invited to participate in meetings of the Academic Council on the initiative of the chairman or presidium of the Academic Council.

    4.14. Other provisions on the work of the Academic Council

    4.14.1. The Academic Council meets as needed, but at least once every two months (the agenda can be supplemented and changed), with the exception of the summer vacation period.

    4.14.2. The procedure for organizing and preparing issues for consideration at a meeting of the Academic Council of the University, adopting resolutions on them, decisions based on voting results and subsequent monitoring of their implementation is determined by the Chairman of the Academic Council.

    4.14.3. The decisions of the Academic Council of the University are implemented by resolutions of the Academic Council of the University and orders of the rector.

    4.14.14. No later than 2 months before the end of the term of office of the Academic Council, the rector issues an order to create a commission to organize the election of new council members.