Complete video course for passing the Unified State Exam in mathematics “Premium” (2015) CamRip. School of tutors (online) by Anna Malkova

The video course “Get an A” includes all the topics necessary to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics with 60-65 points. Completely all tasks 1-13 of the Profile Unified State Exam in mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic Unified State Examination in mathematics. If you want to pass the Unified State Exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

Preparation course for the Unified State Exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve Part 1 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and Problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Exam, and neither a 100-point student nor a humanities student can do without them.

All the necessary theory. Quick solutions, pitfalls and secrets of the Unified State Exam. All current tasks of part 1 from the FIPI Task Bank have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the Unified State Exam 2018.

The course contains 5 large topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

Hundreds of Unified State Exam tasks. Word problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember algorithms for solving problems. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of Unified State Examination tasks. Stereometry. Tricky solutions, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch to problem 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Clear explanations of complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. A basis for solving complex problems of Part 2 of the Unified State Exam.

In the "School of Tutors" program:

Lesson 1 (March 19) - “Starting training for tutors”:

- First call. How to properly negotiate with a student’s parents?;
- What needs to be done in the first lesson?;
- Difficult situations in the work of a tutor;
- Working with individual goals of participants;
- Tutor and money. What's stopping you from earning as much as you want?

Lesson 2 (March 20) - “Starting training for the mini-group leader”:

Presenter: Anna Georgievna Malkova
- What should a tutor know to lead a mini-group?;
- How to build group work more effectively than individual lessons?;
- Unforeseen situations when working with mini-groups;
- Components of the teaching and tutoring profession;
- Identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Lesson 3 (April 2) - Blitz course “Rhetoric for a tutor: how to speak so that you are understood?”

Presenter: Tatyana Vladimirovna Vorontsova
- Three basic principles of pedagogical rhetoric;
- Five mastered skills;
- Four hours of practice;
- The quality of your communication with students will fundamentally improve - it will become easier for you to convince, explain and inspire!

Lesson 4 (April 3) - “Methods of preparing for the Unified State Exam for maximum scores”:

Presenter: Anna Georgievna Malkova

Lesson 5 (April 9) - “Methods of preparing for the Unified State Exam for maximum scores”:

Presenter: Anna Georgievna Malkova

For beginning tutors, this is a quick way to become a super tutor:

Your students pass with 100 points and are grateful to you;
- You don’t need to waste time creating your own methodology;
- You are doing your favorite job. The one you dreamed of;
-You have motivated students. You can do what others cannot;
- You understand how to avoid many common mistakes and misconceptions.

For experienced tutors, this means professional growth and improvement:

Your work ceases to be an annual repetition and becomes an evolution. You are rejoicing that the tenth academic year is already approaching. Because every year is different from the previous one;
- You not only teach schoolchildren, but also develop yourself;
- You wanted to lead mini-groups, and now you can do it;
- You get a complete system of preparation for the Unified State Exam. You can see your work through the eyes of your colleagues, find and develop your strengths;
- Your students are interested in you. And they are surprised that your lesson ended so quickly.

For all:

In just 5 lessons you will learn what you haven’t been able to do for years. Explain the most complex topics. Eliminate absences from classes. Negotiate with parents in the most difficult situations.
- You will fall in love with your job again;
- You will begin to set bold goals for yourself. Believe in yourself and you will pass this confidence on to your students. You can not only “pull up”, but prepare for 100 points.

For those who still doubt...

Parents who dream of seeing their children as students are ready to pay the tutor any money and take their word for it. People turn to tutors when school no longer helps. We are the last hope. But what happens if the tutor does not meet the parents' expectations?

It is believed that the school prepares students for the Unified State Exam with an average of 50 points. Tutor - on average 70. There are a lot of such tutors, whose limit is 70 points, and the number is growing every day. It is becoming increasingly difficult for young tutors to find their place in the tutoring services market. We need professionals. In order not to get lost in the crowd, you have to be the one who works at 100! And in order to become a professional, it is not enough to read the book “My Profession is a Tutor.”

You have to learn the tutoring profession. Just like anyone else. Do you want to “learn to become a tutor” on your own? - This is many years of experience, trial and error. These are difficult situations, unmotivated students and a feeling of a vicious circle. Or is it better to immediately study the working methods and adopt the experience of the master? What do you like best? The choice is yours!

Conditions of study at the "School of Tutors" of Anna Georgievna Malkova:

The cost of training at the “School of Tutors” by Anna Georgievna Malkova is 22,000 rubles, but you can get a unique offer and purchase it for only 18000 rubles right now by calling us at:
8-800-775-06-82 and 8-495-984-09-27

What do students of Anna Georgievna Malkova’s “School of Tutors” get?

- Ability to solve problems that were previously inaccessible;
- The entire methodology of Anna Georgievna Malkova (previously not published);
- A ready-made set of teaching materials, which includes:
1) “Expert” set - video recordings of all master classes of 2014-2015;
2) Annual online course of preparation for the Unified State Exam. These are master classes from 2015-2016 online (at a minimum cost);
3) The book “My profession is a tutor.”
- At least 2 days of practical work (together with Anna Georgievna Malkova);
- For students of pedagogical universities: pre-diploma internship and feedback on the student’s work.

What do graduates of Anna Georgievna Malkova’s “School of Tutors” receive?


Anna Georgievna Malkova’s preparation method for the Unified State Exam in mathematics (100 points) is protected by the Copyright Law of the Russian Federation;
- The first three lessons for all tutors. The next 2 lessons are mainly for mathematics tutors;
- Money back guarantee! If you want to stop studying after the 1st day of classes, we will refund your money.

The book is simply magnificent!!!

The book contains many years of experience of Anna Malkova, a professional tutor who successfully prepares students for the Unified State Exam with high scores. It would be a mistake not to take advantage of the opportunity to gain this experience in one reading. In addition, the book contains the most relevant types of problems. Close to those found on the Unified State Exam in recent years.

The manual reflects the unique author's methodology. It is very convenient and rational that first there is an explanation of a mathematical topic. And immediately there is an analysis of typical problems on this topic that may appear on the Unified State Exam.
For each topic, several problems are given at once (each with a solution). After looking at some of them, the student will be able to solve the rest himself. And only in case of difficulties look at the solution. Thus, this benefit will replace a tutor for the child.
This book contains some repetitions of topics throughout the presentation (since similar problems may belong to different theoretical sections). This is very useful as the topics are viewed from different “angles”.

Unlike school textbooks:
a) absolutely ALL sections necessary for the Unified State Exam are provided;
b) solutions to typical problems are provided (and not just an explanation of the theory and conditions of the problems);
c) the explanations will be understandable to students with any level of training.

I would also like to note that this manual contains a large number of topics that are not in any school textbook (Makarychev, Alimov, Nikolsky, Kolmogorov, Mordkovich).
This is, for example, the topic “Tasks with a parameter”. This section is covered in the only textbook (Nikolsky 11th grade), but there are completely different types of problems that definitely cannot be met by the Unified State Examination. There are also no graphical or geometric solution methods. But these are the types that are most often found on the Unified State Examination. And in Anna Malkova’s manual, a lot of attention is paid to these methods.
The book also examines the topic “Problems with economic content” (which is not in any school textbook). But it is on the Unified State Exam, and it is easy to learn.
Finally, the manual says a lot about how to quickly count in your head without making mistakes. This topic is not only absent from school textbooks, but also from textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam. But it is errors in calculations that take away the most points from schoolchildren in the first part of the exam.

The book provides an excellent overview of the topic “Probability Theory on the Unified State Exam.” School textbooks on this subject are large in volume. The material there is presented separately. Here, “in one place,” the most indicative types of probability problems are collected. It won't take long to read. But it will give a 100% guarantee that you will solve any problem on this topic that comes up on the Unified State Exam.
The manual covers the topic “Functions” very deeply and includes the topic “Irrational inequalities”. When explaining the topic “Numerical Sets,” the book introduces the concept of complex numbers. This will broaden the horizons of the applicant. The topic “Trigonometry” is discussed in detail. Topics such as “Introduction of an auxiliary angle”, “Universal trigonometric substitution” are given (this knowledge will also be needed when studying integrals of trigonometric functions in the 1st year of mathematical analysis).

The book is written in very simple language. The author conducts a constant dialogue with the reader. As an experienced tutor, Anna Malkova knows how to explain the material so that it is understandable to the student.
In textbooks, topics are described formally. And children with poor preparation will not understand them without a tutor. (And they are unlikely to read all the textbooks from 5th to 11th grade). And using only preparation manuals (others), children are more likely to be “trained” on specific types of tasks. At the same time, they will certainly not meet them in the exam. And this book, unlike other training manuals, does not just provide solutions to typical problems. But also explanations of topics in mathematics in general. In this way, the student will understand “what comes from where” and not “stupidly” remember the template for solving a particular Unified State Exam problem.

I also note that other preparation manuals are initially designed for the student to know the school curriculum. They do not allow you to study the material from scratch.

Not all parents can financially afford to hire a tutor. And having done this, many are faced with the fact that the tutor was “not suitable” for the child. After all, university teachers, even those who teach schoolchildren, are still far from the school curriculum. And they often don’t see that children don’t understand their explanations. And school teachers, as a rule, analyze only “typical school” Unified State Exam problems, leaving out problems with parameters, with economic content, complex planimetry, and number theory problems.
And this manual was written: a) with an understanding of how to explain the topic to a schoolchild and taking into account the most typical children's mistakes; b) with an analysis of ALL types of Unified State Exam problems: from the simplest to the most complex. And eliminates the need to pay for lessons with a tutor.

This book is the most convenient source for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam. After all, there are countless video courses. The student may forget something he watched.
And after reading this book, the student will then be able to selectively review all the topics and refresh their memory. And don't waste extra time.
You will not find a more accessible and complete presentation of all topics for preparing for the Unified State Exam for a high score. I speak as a tutor who prepares for the Unified State Exam and has experience working with a large number of other aids.

For more than 20 years, she has successfully helped applicants enter the best universities. Her specialization is preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics. Her classes are a holistic system of preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics with a guaranteed result of 80 to 100 points. This is budget-funded admission to the country's leading universities.

Professional activity

Anna Malkova leads regular groups and intensive courses in Moscow, as well as a year-long online course in mathematics. Results - from 80 to 95 points. Conducts on-site intensive courses in different cities. Trains teachers to work according to his methodology.

Books by Anna Malkova

  • My profession is tutor
  • Mathematics. Author's course of preparation for the Unified State Exam

In her training courses, Anna Malkova reveals the key topics of the Unified State Exam: theory, secrets and techniques, methods for solving problems and their design. After completing the master classes, students receive homework that must be completed. She considers recording full video courses to prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics one of her main achievements.

Her training courses are clearly structured so that you can quickly master the material. This is not an analysis of individual tasks, but a consistent, carefully thought-out system that guarantees results. Anna's courses have everything you need to successfully pass the Unified State Exam.