Preparing future teachers to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren Vasily Ivanovich Eroshenko. Introduction of a dissertation on pedagogy on the topic “Preparation of future teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren.”

Relevance and statement of the research problem. The turn of the 20th and 21st centuries is characterized as a time of deepening environmental crisis. Many of the reasons for the exacerbation of environmental problems lie in the sphere of education, and therefore their solution is impossible without changing the existing educational policy, without creating an effective system of environmental education.

This conclusion was reached by wide circles of the public, as evidenced by the final documents of international conferences in Stockholm (1972), Tbilisi (1977), Paris (1988), Rio de Janeiro (1992), Moscow (1998) . In particular, the Moscow International Declaration on Environmental Culture (WDOOS, 1998) notes2 that an effective system of continuous environmental education and upbringing is one of the primary conditions for the sustainable development of Shch; human civilization. The national doctrine for the development of education in Russia, the transition of Russian schools to 12-year education provide for spiritual and moral correction of education and upbringing, the formation of a holistic worldview and culture of peace among the younger generation.

According to the current “Law of the Russian Federation on the Protection of the Natural Environment,” a system of universal, comprehensive and continuous environmental education and upbringing has been established in Russia, including the entire process of preschool, school and vocational education. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recommended to implement measures for the priority development of environmental education, and therefore it is necessary to train specialists capable of organizing and successfully implementing it.

Research in the field of environmental education has been conducted in our country for more than thirty years. To date, a large number of theoretical, educational and methodological materials on this topic have been published. Environmental education is considered as an integral component of the educational process at school (A.N. Zakhlebny, I.D. Zverev, I.T. Suravegina, D.I. Traitak, etc.) and university (S.V. Alekseev, L. D.Bobylev, A.V.Mironov, I.N.Ponomareva, E.S.Slastenina, E.Yu.Shapokene, etc.). However, there are still many difficulties in the practice of environmental education educational institutions.

An analysis of the conditions and means of implementing environmental education for schoolchildren shows that it is mainly carried out in line with the “knowledge” paradigm, using. traditional teaching methods, characterized by a subject-object approach to students, inattention to their emotional and value sphere. The combination of “knowledge-based” and subject-object approaches when a teacher selects educational content and conducts training sessions leads to the fact that the educational potential of environmental knowledge remains unclaimed. Teachers often do not take into account the fact that knowledge itself is neutral and does not affect the student’s personal characteristics or behavior.

Knowledge has a formative effect on the student’s personality in cases where, simultaneously with its assimilation, the student gains experience in relating to it. The totality of a person’s relationships underlies his personality (A.F. Lazursky, V.N. Myasishchev). The “field” of relationships involves the mind, emotions, feelings, actions and deeds of a person, therefore, in the process of purposeful work to form students’ experience of subjective relationships, their personal development occurs.

Fundamental to environmental education is the question of the individual’s relationship to nature. The problems of forming an environmentally acceptable attitude towards nature among schoolchildren and preparing teachers for this work were the subject of pedagogical studies (A.N. Alekseev, S.N. Glazachev, A.N. Zakhlebny, G.N. Karopa, V.V. Nikolina, L A. Reut, etc.) and psychological and pedagogical (S. D. Deryabo, A. P. Sidelkovsky, V. A. Yasvin, etc.) research. Scientists have studied many aspects of the individual’s relationship with nature, determined the typology of these relationships, theoretically substantiated and practically tested systems of methods for preparing teachers to form an environmentally appropriate attitude towards nature in schoolchildren.

However, the problems of the individual’s relationship to nature have not lost their urgency. Today they are even more relevant due to the increasing trend of humanization of education. The humanization of education occurs through the assimilation of humanistic values ​​by students, while the involvement of environmental values ​​in education does not occur. Truly human humanistic values, taken in isolation from environmental ones, turn into anthropocentric ones, become the reason for the formation of a mosaic and incomplete anthropocentric picture of the world in the minds of students, and the cause of environmental crises.

To overcome the environmental crisis, it is necessary to build in people's minds a holistic picture of the world, a holistic worldview in which humanistic and environmental values ​​will be balanced. This picture of the world is defined as ecological-humanistic (D.N. Kavtaradze). The most important way and condition for its establishment in the consciousness of the individual and society is the humanization of the relationship between nature and man, the formation of a humanistic attitude of the individual to nature

The need for a balance between the ecological and humanistic in man and society is justified by supporters of the eco-humanitarian paradigm of scientific thinking (S.N. Glazachev, N.M. Mamedov, A.D. Ursul, etc.). All researchers assign the leading role in ensuring ecological and humanistic transformations of the individual and society to the teacher, which actualizes the problem of preparing future teachers to form a humanistic attitude towards nature in students. However, the eco-humanitarian paradigm has not yet gone beyond the scope of philosophical methodology and has not answered applied questions of pedagogy about the features of the teaching and educational process at school and the specifics of the teacher’s activities aimed at developing a holistic picture of the world in the minds of students.

The contradiction between the anthropocentric picture of the world that is established in people’s minds, the need to replace which is dictated by the severity of environmental problems, and the lack of elaboration in pedagogical theory and practice of the issues of forming an ecological-humanistic picture of the world - this contradiction formed the basis of the problem of our research: what are the ways, trends and psychological pedagogical conditions for preparing future biology teachers to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature among secondary school students?

Solving this problem is the goal of the study.

Object of study: professional training of teachers in a pedagogical university.

Subject of research: the process of preparing biology students of a pedagogical university to form a humanistic attitude towards nature among secondary school students.

Research hypothesis: the process of training future biology teachers to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren will have the best results if:

A humanistic attitude towards nature will be understood by a future biology teacher as an integrative quality of personality, which is a specific goal of environmental education;

In the process of goal setting, when selecting content, and choosing methods of teacher training at a pedagogical university, the readiness to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature in students will be considered as an essential component of the teacher’s ecological and pedagogical readiness;

A system of professionally oriented pedagogical situations will be implemented, including elements of sensory perception of nature, greening the content of academic disciplines, students solving environmental and pedagogical problems, using methods of identification with natural objects, etc.;

The skills of working with students to develop their humanistic attitude towards nature will be tested by future teachers during school teaching practice and honed in the process of reflection and analysis by students of their activities.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis, the following research objectives were set:

To identify the essence and structure of a humanistic attitude towards nature as an integrative personal quality.

To determine and theoretically substantiate the place of student readiness for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature in students in the model of environmental and pedagogical readiness of a teacher.

To determine the leading paths, trends and psychological and pedagogical conditions for preparing future biology teachers for the formation of humanism in secondary school students. relationship to nature.

To develop a system of didactic means for training biology students at a pedagogical university to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren and to experimentally test the effectiveness of this system.

The methodological basis of the study was the teachings of Russian cosmists (V.S. Solovyov, N.F. Fedorov, A.L. Chizhevsky); modern theories that reveal the features of the interaction between nature and society (V.I. Vernadsky, E.V. Girusov, V.I. Danilov-Danilyan, R.S. Karpinskaya, A.P. Ogurtsov, V.P. Tugarinov, etc. ); conceptual provisions of the eco-humanitarian paradigm (S.N. Glazachev, O.N. Kozlova, N.M. Mamedov, A.D. Ursul, V.M. Epstein, etc.); psychological concepts: the concept of personality development in activity (L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, A.N. Leontiev); the concept of personality relationships (B.G. Ananiev, A.F. Lazursky, V.N. Myasishchev, etc.), the doctrine of the key role of personal meanings for the development of individual self-awareness (L.I. Bozhovich, A.N. Leontiev, V. .V.Stolin); patterns of teacher professional development in the system of pedagogical education (V.P. Bespalko, I.I. Legostaev, L.A. Rapatskaya, N.K. Sergeev, V.A. Slastenin, etc.); the concept of personality-oriented education (E.V. Bondarevskaya, O.S. Grebenyuk, V.V. Serikov); concepts of humanization of education (B.S. Gershunsky, R.M. Rogova, E.N. Shiyanov State Pedagogical University, Moscow State Open Pedagogical University. The study involved more than 300 people.

The main experimental work was carried out at the Faculty of Natural Geography of Volgograd State Pedagogical University.

The study was carried out in several stages:

At the first, organizational-search stage (1996-1997), the degree of development of the problem in the philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature was studied, the initial positions of the study were substantiated - the goal, object, subject, hypothesis, tasks, as well as methodology and research methods.

At the second, experimental stage (1998-1999), the research hypothesis was clarified and tested, the paths and psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the preparation of future teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren were modeled and experimentally substantiated.

At the third, final stage (1999-2000), the results obtained were generalized and systematized, and a dissertation was drawn up.

Main provisions submitted for defense:

A humanistic attitude towards nature is a personal phenomenon, the essence of which is the ability for a person to holistically and subjectively perceive the surrounding reality as a unity of equal components - natural and sociocultural; the humanistic nature of the value orientations of the individual, their focus both on the individual himself and the people around him, and on natural objects and nature as a whole;

The structure of a humanistic attitude towards nature as an integrative personal quality includes the following interconnected components: intellectual-cognitive, action-volitional, emotional-value; the last component is the leading one and determines the specifics of the humanistic attitude towards nature; the teacher’s readiness to form a humanistic attitude towards nature in schoolchildren is an important content link and element of the teacher’s model of ecological and pedagogical readiness;

Effective preparation of future biology teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among secondary school students is possible under the combination of the following psychological and pedagogical conditions: students’ awareness of nature as an intrinsically valuable system of life; organization of subject-subject communication between students and nature in the educational process of the university; the use of interpersonal and intercultural dialogue as mechanisms for the personal and professional development of future teachers; the use of personal and practice-oriented methods of pedagogical interaction; implementation of the future teacher in practical activities to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature in students, analysis of the results of the activity, ensuring self-reflection and creative self-improvement of the future teacher.

The scientific novelty of the research consists of:

In determining the essence and structure of the humanistic attitude towards nature as an integrative personal quality and the conditions for the formation in the minds of students of a holistic picture of the world;

In substantiating the place of the future teacher’s readiness to form a humanistic attitude of schoolchildren to nature in the model of ecological and pedagogical readiness of the teacher;

In highlighting the criteria and indicators of future teachers’ readiness to form a humanistic attitude among schoolchildren

relationship to nature and testing for diagnosing “readiness”

In presenting a model of the process of preparing a future biologist teacher for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren.

The practical significance of the study lies in identifying the reasons that complicate the formation of the studied readiness of future teachers; in developing a system of means and psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure effective preparation of future teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren. The reliability of the scientific results of the study is ensured by the methodological validity of the initial positions, the use of complementary methods that are adequate to the problem, object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study and corresponding to its logic, the representativeness of the sample size, and the statistical significance of the experimental data.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main theoretical and practical provisions of the work are reflected in the author’s publications. The research materials were discussed and approved at international, all-Russian, regional scientific and practical conferences and seminars in Moscow (December 1997), Volgograd (September 1998), Arkhangelsk (November 1998), at conferences and readings at MGOPU and VSPU (Volgograd ). The results of the dissertation research have been introduced into the practice of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University, the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University, and the Interuniversity Center for the Development of Technologies for Environmental and Pedagogical Education (TEKO-Center).

Structure of the dissertation. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, sets the problem and goal, characterizes the objectives, hypothesis, methodology and research methods, as well as its novelty and practical significance.

In the first chapter, “Theoretical foundations of preparing a teacher for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature in schoolchildren,” the essence and structure of a humanistic attitude towards nature as an integrative personal quality, which is a specific goal of environmental education, is revealed, a comprehensive analysis of the problem of preparing a future biology teacher for the formation of humanistic attitude towards nature; the place of the teacher’s readiness to form schoolchildren’s humanistic attitude towards nature in the model of the teacher’s ecological and pedagogical readiness is substantiated.

The second chapter, “The process of preparing biology students of a pedagogical university for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren,” outlines the results of the experimental preparation of future biology teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among students, substantiates the ways and psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the educational process in formation of the studied readiness of future teachers.

In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized and its conclusions are stated.

The appendices present materials from empirical research.

Main events

During the war, he commanded the “blue cruiser” - the leader “Tashkent”. It was this ship that was the last of the large ships of the Black Sea Fleet to break through to Sevastopol and take out the panorama “Defense of Sevastopol”

Top career

  • Order of Ushakov, 2nd degree
  • The order of Lenin
  • Order of the Red Banner
  • Order of the Red Star

Vasily Nikolaevich Eroshenko(December 31, 1907 - May 6, 1972, buried at the Serafimovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg) - commander of a number of ships of the Black Sea Fleet, the most famous of which is the leader of the Tashkent. Rear Admiral of the Soviet Navy (May 31, 1954). Nationality: Russian.

“...It is difficult to explain how it happens that the sea suddenly pulls towards itself, pulls imperiously, uncontrollably, someone who had no sailors in his family, and who himself did not grow up near the sea. One thing I can say is that it happens. So it was with me...” (p.)


V. N. Eroshenko was born into a simple Russian family of a railway employee at the Yekaterinodar station. After school, he studied at a road construction technical school and worked in the summer repairing tracks. Vasily Nikolaevich did not know exactly what month admission to maritime schools took place, therefore, in order not to be late, he set off in the spring, as soon as classes at the technical school ended.

In October 1926 he entered the Naval School named after M.V. Frunze. It was not easy to study; insufficient general education preparation made itself felt. The school named after M. V. Frunze officially began to be considered higher a little later, but in fact even then it provided knowledge in the amount of a higher naval educational institution.

On May 1, 1930, he graduated from the Naval Academy.
On May 2, 1930, Vasily Nikolaevich Eroshenko went to Sevastopol, as he was sent to serve in the Black Sea Fleet and was appointed commander of the rangefinder group on the battleship Paris Commune. On this flagship, he initially performed the duties of an assistant watch commander (this is a commander without a specific specialty).

The assistant watch commander could become an artilleryman or a miner, a signalman or a navigator. Vasily Nikolaevich wanted to specialize in navigation. And then, he studied in the navigator class of advanced training courses for command personnel. On the battleship, he fell into the hands of the senior artilleryman Fyodor Ivanovich Chelpanov (he enjoyed special authority in the “Paris Commune” and truly masterfully controlled the fire of twelve-inch guns; he was strict: he did not forgive any negligence, negligence; he provided his subordinates with great independence), who assigned Eroshenko to be a rangefinder specialist.

Artillery did not become a specialty for the entire service for Vasily Nikolaevich. However, the year and a half spent under Chelpanov taught me a lot that not only an artilleryman needs - first of all, to be truly, like a commander, responsible for the work entrusted to you.

After the battleship, he was a navigator and then an assistant commander on the gunboat “Red Adzharistan”. On it, for the first time, Vasily Nikolaevich experienced the incomparable joy and pride of independent control of the ship. True, he temporarily performed command duties there. But quite soon, in 1935, he was appointed commander of the minesweeper “Gruz”, which was being built in Sevastopol, which he commanded for about a year.

From the mid-thirties, the growth of the fleet became more and more noticeable. The promotion of command personnel also accelerated.
After sailing on the “Cargo”, he took command of the new patrol ship “Storm”. But he didn’t stay there for long either - he was transferred to the destroyer “Shaumyan”. Then he accepted the position of captain-lieutenant "Moscow".

“Moskva” is a leader that has been in service for three years. Just at this moment, old comrade V.N. Eroshenko, captain 3rd rank Evgeny Nikolaevich Zhukov, was the commander of the Tashkent. Zhukov led Vasily Nikolaevich around the leader, not hiding his pride in his ship, which really made an excellent impression. Compared to “Moscow”, “Tashkent” had a lot of new things.
Vasily Nikolayevich Eroshenko liked the Tashkent’s navigation bridge, the very comfortable wheelhouse, and the closed storm corridor stretching along the entire ship, through which you can get from any interior room to any other without going to the upper deck. The engine rooms seemed unusually spacious, where some of the auxiliary mechanisms were located under a removable flooring. And, of course, a stronger hull and more impressive weapons. After all, real tower artillery! Before that, only cruisers and battleships had it in our fleet.

From June 1941 to July 1942, Vasily Nikolaevich Eroshenko commanded the “Blue Handsome” - the leader of “Tashkent”.

Officers of the leader "Tashkent" before being sent to a new duty station

“The best specialists and activists from all the destroyers were written off for the new leader, and such people are always known not only on the ship where they serve. And yet, I did not expect, walking around the crew line for the first time, to see so many familiar faces. Some were remembered from meetings of party activists, others I met at meetings of advanced combat and political training. And with some of the “Tashkent residents”, especially from among the super-conscript senior officers, we already had to sail together.” - wrote V.N. Eroshenko.

Writer Evgeny Petrov and commander of “Tashkent” V. N. Eroshenko

In June 1941, the first raid on Sevastopol took place on the Tashkent leader. It is in Sevastopol that Nikolai Vasilyevich learns from Rear Admiral Vladimirsky about the death of the leader of the Moskva and the entire crew with whom he happened to serve.

On August 8, 1941, there was a raid on Odessa to ensure the defense of the city. It was near Odessa that the Main Caliber fired the first salvo.

From June 22 to June 27, 1942, the leader of “Tashkent” broke into Kamysheva Bay three times. Fierce battles at sea, a blockade, and mooring under fire in the unequipped Kamysheva Bay could not stop the Tashkent people. In addition, “Tashkent” was overloaded and could only go in reverse. You cannot maneuver in the bay. But Vasily Nikolaevich Eroshenko managed to bring the leader into deep water.

More than 3,000 soldiers and commanders of the 142nd Infantry Brigade, hundreds of tons of ammunition and food were delivered, about 5,000 wounded were removed during these days, over a thousand women and children were evacuated. This stage of Vasily Nikolaevich’s life was the most vivid and significant for him, so Eroshenko wrote an emotional and sincere book “Leader “Tashkent””.

During the Great Patriotic War, the leader's crew had to perform various combat missions: escort ships, destroy coastal batteries and vehicles with troops. Every time, breaking through battles into besieged Sevastopol, the leader of “Tashkent” delivered reinforcements, weapons, fuel and ammunition to the defenders.

The Tashkent leader made his last transition from Sevastopol to Novorossiysk in June 1942. More than 2,500 wounded, women and children, and 85 rolls of the dismantled panorama of Academician Roubaud “Defense of Sevastopol” were taken on board the leader. Throughout the transition, the leader was subjected to massive raids by enemy aircraft. The Junkers attacked the ship from all directions. "Tashkent", obeying the will of the commander, masterfully dodged the bombs raining down on it and fired back intensely. During the transition period, the leader was attacked by ninety-six Yu-88 aircraft, and 336 bombs were dropped on him. “Tashkent” with a damaged rudder, flooded aft rooms and numerous damage to the hull reached Novorossiysk and completed the task. The wounded, women and children were taken to the mainland. The ship docked at the pier in Tsemes Bay. The crew landed children, women, and the wounded on the wall and reloaded the delivered goods. Tashkent was the last surface ship to leave Sevastopol.

The next day was the last for Tashkent. The “star” raid of fascist bombers on Novorossiysk ended with a precise bomb hitting the leader moored against the wall. From the explosion, the ship shuddered, tilted to the side, broke the mooring lines and sank against the wall. The ship's commander, thrown overboard by the blast wave, was rescued by the sailors. In the same year, Vasily Nikolaevich Eroshenko took command of the cruiser "Red Caucasus".

Once, during firing with the main caliber on the Red Caucasus, a powder charge ignited in the third turret compartment of the cruiser. When the report about the fire was received, Vasily Nikolaevich was on the navigation bridge. Thinking only for a second, without changing his position, he commanded: “Flood the third turret compartment.” Thus, at the cost of several dozen lives, the crew of 500 people and the ship itself were saved.

TT pistol No. IM630 (inv. No. 19047), which belonged to V. N. Eroshenko and is now stored in the funds of the Central Naval Museum

A witness to those heroic days, the TT pistol (inventory No. 19047) was handed over on January 21, 1943 by the commander of the guards cruiser "Red Caucasus", Captain 2nd Rank V.N. Eroshenko for eternal storage to the Central Naval Museum. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Vasily Nikolaevich continued to serve on ships and formations of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets. Rear Admiral V.N. Eroshenko completed his service in the Baltic Fleet as commander of a division of ships under construction. On May 8, 1972, Vasily Nikolaevich Eroshenko was buried in St. Petersburg at the Serafimovskoye cemetery.

Ships commanded by V. N. Eroshenko

  • Gunboat "Red Abkhazia" (October 1936 - March 1937)
  • Basic minesweeper "Gruz" (March - December 1937)
  • Patrol ship "Storm" (December 1937 - March 1938)
  • Destroyer "Shaumyan" (March 1938 - January 1939)
  • Leader of the destroyers "Moskva" (January 1939 - January 1941)
  • Leader of the destroyers "Tashkent" (January 1941 - July 2, 1942) [



Volgograd State Pedagogical University (1996), qualification: “Teacher of Biology and Chemistry”
Moscow State Open Pedagogical University named after. M.A. Sholokhova, graduate student of the Department of Methods of Teaching Geography (1999)

Topic of the candidate's dissertation

“Training future teachers to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren” (2000)

Courses for the current academic year

Introduction to methods of teaching ecology
Environmental pollution
Research methodology
Fundamentals of educational activities
Basics of ecology
Fundamentals of ecological culture
Specially protected natural areas in the metropolis
Legal basis for environmental management
Workshop on ecology
Modern problems of ecology of megacities
Urban ecology
Environmental monitoring
Environmental education and enlightenment
Environmental law
Ecology of cities


  • Implementation of a joint project at Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov and FGBNU VIESKh "Solar Auditorium". . 2016. No. 1 (16). pp. 234-241. (Co-author: Panfilov I.A., Panchenko V.A., Gusarov V.A.).
  • The main directions and results of the activities of the youth organization named after M.A. Sholokhov “Student Center for Resource Saving”. Resource-efficient technologies – the energy and enthusiasm of the young: Collection of scientific papers of the VI All-Russian Conference. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. 2015. pp. 467-476. (Co-author: Panfilov I.A., Panchenko V.A.).
  • Implementation of energy- and resource-saving projects by employees of Moscow State University for the Humanities named after. M.A. Sholokhov and VIESKh. Innovation in Agriculture. 2015. No. 2 (12). P.244-249. (Co-author: Panfilov I.A., Panchenko V.A.).
  • Methods for assessing the environmental and economic efficiency of the implementation of the Green Office project for small enterprises. Bulletin of M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State Humanitarian University. Series “Social and environmental technologies”. 2015. No. 1-2. P.13-17. (Co-author: Maslov A.I.).
  • Technology for developing professional competencies of future ecologists. Bulletin of M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State Humanitarian University. Series “Social and environmental technologies”. 2015. No. 1-2. P.17-20. (Co-author: Risukhina D.A., Minkova N.O.).
  • Analysis of the dynamics of fire danger in forests of the Moscow region based on operational monitoring data. Bulletin of M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State Humanitarian University. Series “Social and environmental technologies”. 2015. No. 1-2. P.73-80. (Co-author: Karfidova E.A.).
  • Resource-saving technologies: problems and solutions. Bulletin of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov. Series “Social and environmental technologies”. 2014. No. 1-2. P.20-26. (Co-author: Panfilov I.A., Minkova N.O.).
  • Humanitarian component in students' research work on environmental projects. Bulletin of the International Academy of Sciences (Russian section). 2012. No. S. pp. 123-127. (Co-author: Chernobrovkina E.I.).
  • Floristic composition of phytocenoses on the territory of the Volga-Akhtubinskaya Floodplain Natural Park. Collection of scientific works Sworld. 2012. T.45. No. 4. P.108-111. (Co-author: Novitskaya V.V.).
  • Value orientations of education. Bulletin of the International Academy of Sciences (Russian section) (Electronic resource). 2011. No. 2 (3). pp. 125-126.
  • Formation of environmental competence of environmental students. Bulletin of the International Academy of Sciences (Russian Section). 2012. No. S1. P.265-267. (Co-author: Chernobrovkina E.I.).
  • Floristic find in the north of Western Siberia // Ecology: From the Arctic to the Antarctic. Conf. Proceedings young scientists, April 16-20, 2007/ IERIZh Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – Ekaterinburg: Publishing house “Akademkniga”, 2007. – P.97-98. (Co-author P.T. Orekhov)
  • . Bulletin of environmental education in Russia. 2007. No. 2. P.18-20. (Co-author: Glazachev S.N., Kashlev S.S., Medvedeva M.V.);
  • Ecological Culture and the Social Contract. Bulletin of environmental education in Russia. 2007. No. 2. P.18-19. (Co-author: Glazachev S.N., Kashlev S.S., Medvedeva M.V.).


The nature of the surroundings of the Lazinki ABS (Spas-Demensky district, Kaluga region). Collective monograph. M.: RIC Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov, 2013. – 68 p. (Co-author: Korolkova E.O., Tsvetkova M.A., Koneva G.G., Kostina M.V., Kutin S.D., Orekhov P.T., Pomazkov Yu.I.)


“Technologies for organizing and maintaining a youth media center in the education system” (2016);
“Legislation on education in the Russian Federation” (2015);
“Design and implementation of basic undergraduate educational programs in the enlarged group of specialties “Education and Pedagogy”, involving academic mobility of students in the context of network interaction” (2015);
“Innovative technologies in higher education” (2014);
“Training a teacher to work remotely using EOT (using the example of Moodle LMS)” (2014);
Full-time course and reached a level A2 (2014);
"Energieeffizienz/Erneuerbare Energien in Deutschland" (2014);
“QMS as a tool for implementing university market strategies” (2012);
“Modern technologies in education. Design and implementation of the main educational programs of the University with the introduction of the third generation Federal State Educational Standard" (2012).

State and departmental awards

Laureate of the Honorary Bronze Pavlovsk Sign of the International Academy of Sciences (Russian Section), 1998.


1.1. Humanistic attitude towards nature as an integrative personal quality

1.2. Teacher's readiness to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren

1.3. Conclusions to the chapter



2.1. The ascertaining stage of the experimental study of the process of preparing biology students for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren

2.2. Experimental stage of training future teachers to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren

2.3. Conclusions to the chapter

Introduction of the dissertation in pedagogy, on the topic "Preparation of future teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren"

Relevance and statement of the research problem. The turn of the 20th and 21st centuries is characterized as a time of deepening environmental crisis. Many of the reasons for the exacerbation of environmental problems lie in the sphere of education, and therefore their solution is impossible without changing the existing educational policy, without creating an effective system of environmental education.

Wide circles of the public came to this conclusion, as evidenced by the final documents of international conferences in Stockholm (1972), Tbilisi (1977), Paris (1988), Rio de Janeiro (1992), Moscow (1998). In particular, in

Moscow International Declaration on Ecological Culture

VDOOS, 1998) notes1 that an effective system of continuous environmental education and upbringing is one of the primary conditions for the sustainable development of human civilization. The national doctrine for the development of education in Russia and the transition of Russian schools to 12-year education provide for spiritual and moral correction of education and upbringing, the formation of a holistic worldview and culture of peace among the younger generation.

According to the current “Law of the Russian Federation on the Protection of the Natural Environment,” a system of universal, comprehensive and continuous environmental education and upbringing has been established in Russia, including the entire process of preschool, school and vocational education. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recommended to implement measures for the priority development of environmental education, and therefore it is necessary to train specialists capable of organizing and successfully implementing it.

Research in the field of environmental education has been conducted in our country for more than thirty years. To date, a large number of theoretical, educational and methodological materials on this topic have been published. Environmental education is considered as an integral component of the educational process at school (A.N. Zakhlebny, I.D. Zverev, I.T. Suravegina, D.I. Traitak, etc.) and university (S.V. Alekseev, L. D.Bobylev, A.V.Mironov, I.N.Ponomareva, E.S.Slastenina, E.Yu.Shapokene, etc.). However, there are still many difficulties in the practice of environmental education educational institutions.

An analysis of the conditions and means of implementing environmental education for schoolchildren shows that it is mainly carried out in line with the “knowledge” paradigm, using. traditional teaching methods, characterized by a subject-object approach to students, inattention to their emotional and value sphere. The combination of “knowledge-based” and subject-object approaches when a teacher selects educational content and conducts training sessions leads to the fact that the educational potential of environmental knowledge remains unclaimed. Teachers often do not take into account the fact that knowledge itself is neutral and does not affect the student’s personal characteristics or behavior.

Knowledge has a formative effect on the student’s personality in cases where, simultaneously with its assimilation, the student gains experience in relating to it. The totality of a person’s relationships underlies his personality (A.F. Lazursky, V.N. Myasishchev). The “field” of relationships involves the mind, emotions, feelings, actions and deeds of a person, therefore, in the process of purposeful work to form students’ experience of subjective relationships, their personal development occurs.

Fundamental to environmental education is the question of the individual’s relationship to nature. The problems of forming an environmentally acceptable attitude towards nature among schoolchildren and preparing teachers for this work were the subject of pedagogical studies (A.N. Alekseev, S.N. Glazachev, A.N. Zakhlebny, G.N. Karopa, V.V. Nikolina, L A. Reut, etc.) and psychological and pedagogical (S. D. Deryabo, A. P. Sidelkovsky, V. A. Yasvin, etc.) research. Scientists have studied many aspects of the individual’s relationship with nature, determined the typology of these relationships, theoretically substantiated and practically tested systems of methods for preparing teachers to form an environmentally appropriate attitude towards nature in schoolchildren.

However, the problems of the individual’s relationship to nature have not lost their urgency. Today they are even more relevant due to the increasing trend of humanization of education. The humanization of education occurs through the assimilation of humanistic values ​​by students, while the involvement of environmental values ​​in education does not occur. Truly human humanistic values, taken in isolation from environmental ones, turn into anthropocentric ones, become the reason for the formation of a mosaic and incomplete anthropocentric picture of the world in the minds of students, and the cause of environmental crises.

To overcome the environmental crisis, it is necessary to build in people's minds a holistic picture of the world, a holistic worldview in which humanistic and environmental values ​​will be balanced. This picture of the world is defined as ecological-humanistic (D.N. Kavtaradze). The most important way and condition for its establishment in the consciousness of the individual and society is the humanization of the relationship between nature and man, the formation of a humanistic attitude of the individual to nature

The need for a balance between the ecological and humanistic in man and society is justified by supporters of the eco-humanitarian paradigm of scientific thinking (S.N. Glazachev, N.M. Mamedov, A.D. Ursul, etc.). All researchers assign the leading role in ensuring ecological and humanistic transformations of the individual and society to the teacher, which actualizes the problem of preparing future teachers to form a humanistic attitude towards nature in students. However, the eco-humanitarian paradigm has not yet gone beyond the scope of philosophical methodology and has not answered applied questions of pedagogy about the features of the teaching and educational process at school and the specifics of the teacher’s activities aimed at developing a holistic picture of the world in the minds of students.

The contradiction between the anthropocentric picture of the world that is established in people’s minds, the need to replace which is dictated by the severity of environmental problems, and the lack of elaboration in pedagogical theory and practice of the issues of forming an ecological-humanistic picture of the world - this contradiction formed the basis of the problem of our research: what are the ways, trends and psychological pedagogical conditions for preparing future biology teachers to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature among secondary school students?

Solving this problem is the goal of the study.

Object of study: professional training of teachers in a pedagogical university.

Subject of research: the process of preparing biology students of a pedagogical university to form a humanistic attitude towards nature among secondary school students.

Research hypothesis: the process of training future biology teachers to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren will have the best results if:

A humanistic attitude towards nature will be understood by a future biology teacher as an integrative quality of personality, which is a specific goal of environmental education;

In the process of goal setting, when selecting content, and choosing methods of teacher training at a pedagogical university, the readiness to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature in students will be considered as an essential component of the teacher’s ecological and pedagogical readiness;

A system of professionally oriented pedagogical situations will be implemented, including elements of sensory perception of nature, greening the content of academic disciplines, students solving environmental and pedagogical problems, using methods of identification with natural objects, etc.;

The skills of working with students to develop their humanistic attitude towards nature will be tested by future teachers during school teaching practice and honed in the process of reflection and analysis by students of their activities.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis, the following research objectives were set:

To identify the essence and structure of a humanistic attitude towards nature as an integrative personal quality.

To determine and theoretically substantiate the place of student readiness for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature in students in the model of environmental and pedagogical readiness of a teacher.

To determine the leading ways, trends and psychological and pedagogical conditions for preparing future biology teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among secondary school students.

To develop a system of didactic means for training biology students at a pedagogical university to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren and to experimentally test the effectiveness of this system.

The methodological basis of the study was the teachings of Russian cosmists (V.S. Solovyov, N.F. Fedorov, A.L. Chizhevsky); modern theories that reveal the features of the interaction between nature and society (V.I. Vernadsky, E.V. Girusov, V.I. Danilov-Danilyan, R.S. Karpinskaya, A.P. Ogurtsov, V.P. Tugarinov, etc. ); conceptual provisions of the eco-humanitarian paradigm (S.N. Glazachev, O.N. Kozlova, N.M. Mamedov, A.D. Ursul, V.M. Epstein, etc.); psychological concepts: the concept of personality development in activity (L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, A.N. Leontiev); the concept of personality relationships (B.G. Ananiev, A.F. Lazursky, V.N. Myasishchev, etc.), the doctrine of the key role of personal meanings for the development of individual self-awareness (L.I. Bozhovich, A.N. Leontiev, V. .V.Stolin); patterns of teacher professional development in the system of pedagogical education (V.P. Bespalko, I.I. Legostaev, L.A. Rapatskaya, N.K. Sergeev, V.A. Slastenin, etc.); the concept of personality-oriented education (E.V. Bondarevskaya, O.S. Grebenyuk, V.V. Serikov); concepts of humanization of education (B.S. Gershunsky, R.M. Rogova, E.N. Shiyanov, etc.).

The experimental base for the research was the Volgograd State Pedagogical University and the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University. The study involved more than 300 people.

The main experimental work was carried out at the Faculty of Natural Geography of Volgograd State Pedagogical University.

The study was carried out in several stages:

At the first, organizational-search stage (1996-1997), the degree of development of the problem in the philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature was studied, the initial positions of the study were substantiated - the goal, object, subject, hypothesis, tasks, as well as methodology and research methods.

At the second, experimental stage (1998-1999), the research hypothesis was clarified and tested, the paths and psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the preparation of future teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren were modeled and experimentally substantiated.

At the third, final stage (1999-2000), the results obtained were generalized and systematized, and a dissertation was drawn up.

Main provisions submitted for defense:

A humanistic attitude towards nature is a personal phenomenon, the essence of which is the ability for a person to holistically and subjectively perceive the surrounding reality as a unity of equal components - natural and sociocultural;

The specificity of this phenomenon is determined by the humanistic nature of the value orientations of the individual, their focus both on the individual himself and the people around him, and on natural objects and nature as a whole;

The structure of a humanistic attitude towards nature as an integrative personal quality includes the following interconnected components: intellectual-cognitive, action-volitional, emotional-value; the last component is the leading one and determines the specifics of the humanistic attitude towards nature; the teacher’s readiness to form a humanistic attitude towards nature in schoolchildren is an important content link and element of the teacher’s model of ecological and pedagogical readiness; Effective preparation of future biology teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among secondary school students is possible under the combination of the following psychological and pedagogical conditions: students’ awareness of nature as an intrinsically valuable system of life; organization of subject-subject communication between students and nature in the educational process of the university; the use of interpersonal and intercultural dialogue as mechanisms for the personal and professional development of future teachers; the use of personal and practice-oriented methods of pedagogical interaction; implementation of the future teacher in practical activities to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature in students, analysis of the results of the activity, ensuring self-reflection and creative self-improvement of the future teacher.

The scientific novelty of the research consists of: determining the essence and structure of the humanistic attitude towards nature as an integrative personal quality and the conditions for the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the minds of students; in substantiating the place of the future teacher’s readiness to form a humanistic attitude of schoolchildren towards nature in the model of ecological and pedagogical readiness of the teacher;

In identifying criteria and indicators of future teachers’ readiness to form schoolchildren’s humanistic attitude towards nature and testing for diagnosing the “readiness” of a package of psychological methods of different authors (S.D. Deryabo and A. Yasvin; G.E. Leevik).

In presenting a model of the process of preparing a future biology teacher for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren.

The practical significance of the study lies in identifying the reasons that complicate the formation of the studied readiness of future teachers; in developing a system of means and psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure effective preparation of future teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren.

The reliability of the scientific results of the study is ensured by the methodological validity of the initial positions, the use of complementary methods that are adequate to the problem, object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study and consistent with its logic, the representativeness of the sample size, and the statistical significance of the experimental data.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main theoretical and practical provisions of the work are reflected in the author’s publications. The research materials were discussed and approved at international, all-Russian, regional scientific and practical conferences and seminars in Moscow (December 1997), Volgograd (September 1998), Arkhangelsk (November 1998), at conferences and readings at MGOPU and VSPU (Volgograd ). The results of the dissertation research have been introduced into the practice of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University, the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University, and the Interuniversity Center for the Development of Technologies for Environmental and Pedagogical Education (TEKO-Center).

Structure of the dissertation. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

Conclusion of the dissertation scientific article on the topic "Theory and methodology of vocational education"

2.3. Conclusions to Chapter 2

1. Before the start of the experimental work, a high level of readiness to form a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren was noted only for 6% of the 5th year students of the EHF VSPU, three quarters (76%) of students had an average level of readiness under study, and a fifth (18% ) students were not ready to develop a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren. The students were characterized by the following features of “readiness”: insufficient, in comparison with others, development of the perceptual-affective component of the intensity of the subjective attitude towards nature; lack of integrity of knowledge about the world and man’s place in it; low systematicity of environmental and pedagogical knowledge; poor knowledge of methods (techniques) of humanizing students’ attitudes towards nature, etc.

2. The main reasons that complicate the process of university preparation of future teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren include: the lack of targeted work on the part of university teachers to form students’ attitude towards nature as a subject of communication and activity; dominance of a pragmatic attitude towards nature in the educational process at a pedagogical university; insufficient attention to methods of sensory perception of nature; lack of understanding by teachers of the role of personal orientation of the pedagogical process for the formation of a humanistic attitude of future teachers towards nature and preparing them for work on the formation of such an attitude towards nature among schoolchildren.

3. In the course of the pedagogical process aimed at developing a humanistic attitude of students towards nature and preparing them for the formation of this phenomenon in students, it is advisable to use such means as: organizing subject-subject communication between the teacher and students; organizing direct contacts of students with nature; presentation of alternative points of view on environmental issues and environmental education; use of sound design for classes; changing the types of students’ activities during the lesson; updating future teachers’ associative ideas about man and nature; use of environmentally-oriented role-playing games, discussions, etc.

4. At the final stages of university education, effective preparation of future teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren is possible within the framework of specially organized classes, including two blocks - theoretical and applied, practice-oriented. The guiding principles for constructing classes are the ideas of the eco-humanitarian paradigm: a combination of ecological and humanistic when choosing methods of pedagogical interaction and when selecting the content of classes; the desire to develop in students a holistic picture of the world, as well as a holistic picture of the process of forming an ecological culture among schoolchildren, and within this framework of a humanistic attitude schoolchildren to nature - etc.

5. The leading psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful preparation of future teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren are: awareness by future teachers of the biology of nature as an intrinsically valuable system of Life; the use of personality- and practice-oriented methods of pedagogical interaction during the professional training of a future biology teacher, in particular, interpersonal and intercultural dialogue, simulation and game situations as mechanisms for updating personal and professional development; creative realization of students in professional activities to humanize the attitude of schoolchildren to nature, self-analysis of the results of this activity.


The nature of the changes taking place in modern Russian society and, in particular, in the education system, requires from the teacher flexibility and variability of thinking, the ability to carry out teaching with a focus on the student’s personality, mastery of such systems of techniques and means of pedagogical interaction that ensure the technological effectiveness of the educational process . At the same time, the ongoing deterioration of the environmental situation on planet Earth and on the territory of Russia actualizes the problem of conducting high-quality environmental and pedagogical training for teachers. All this necessitates the use of new approaches to the analysis of pedagogical phenomena and processes.

In this study, an attempt was made to study the environmental and pedagogical training of a future teacher in line with the emerging eco-humanitarian paradigm. The main tool was the eco-humanitarian approach.

The ecological and humanistic are considered as two inextricably linked phenomena that arose with the emergence of Homo sapiens as a biological species. Greening and humanization are presented as two complementary trends in the development of human society and its subsystem - the education system. The dominance of one or another trend, as evidenced by historical analysis, leads to distortions in education, reducing its quality and leading to the formation in the consciousness of the younger generation of a contradictory, mosaic (not holistic) picture of the world and, consequently, to the reproduction of imbalance, disharmony, and an increase in entropy in system “man - society - nature”

The fulfillment by humanity and man of the most important biosphere function - negentropy - is possible only on the basis of a combination of the two indicated trends in society and in the education system. The formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature in this regard is considered as one of the most important ways to harmonize the human-like and nature-like, ecological and humanistic. Based on the main provisions of the theory of functional systems by P.K. Anokhin, the structure of a humanistic attitude towards nature as an integrative personal quality has been developed; the psychological mechanisms of its formation have been identified.

In a similar way, and also in accordance with the structure of environmental and pedagogical readiness, the structure was determined and the mechanisms for developing the readiness of future teachers to form a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren were identified. The readiness being studied is presented in the study as the core, the core of the teacher’s ecological, pedagogical and general professional readiness.

During the experimental work, an option for organizing the preparation of future biology teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature in schoolchildren was tested and described in the dissertation in accordance with the constructed theoretical model of this process.

The positive results of the experiment allow us to consider the developed system for preparing biology students of a pedagogical university for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren as effective and give grounds to formulate the conclusions of the study, the most important of which are the following:

1. The essence of a humanistic attitude to nature as a personal phenomenon lies in the ability for a holistic and subjective perception and understanding by a person of the surrounding reality as a unity of equal components - nature, society and the person himself (the individual himself). The structure of a humanistic attitude towards nature includes three interconnected components - emotional-value (affective), cognitive-intellectual (cognitive) and action-volitional conative), with the first of these components being the leading one.

2. Readiness to form a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren is the most important component of the teacher’s overall professional and ecological-pedagogical readiness, since it ensures that the teacher fulfills his role in implementing environmental-humanistic transformations in the “man - society - nature” system. The structural components of readiness to form a humanistic attitude towards nature in schoolchildren are motivational-value, content and activity.

3. The formation of students’ readiness to form a humanistic attitude towards nature in schoolchildren in the process of studying at a pedagogical university is ensured by psychological mechanisms of personal development and the formation of subjective relationships of the individual, such as: the mechanism of identification with others significant to the individual; game, in particular role-playing game; fulfilling social roles; collective activity imbued with humanistic relations, etc.

4. The most important psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of preparing future biology teachers for the formation of a humanistic attitude towards nature among schoolchildren are: students’ awareness of nature as an intrinsically valuable system of Life; application in the educational process at a pedagogical university of methods of sensory perception of nature, methods of identification with natural phenomena and objects; the use of personality- and practice-oriented methods of pedagogical interaction during the professional training of a future biology teacher, in particular, interpersonal and intercultural dialogue, environmental and pedagogical tasks, simulation-game situations, etc.; creative implementation of students in professional activities to humanize the attitude of schoolchildren to nature and analysis of the results of this activity.

Thus, the main hypothetical provisions put forward at the beginning of the study were confirmed. .

The results of the work performed to study the humanistic attitude to nature as a personal phenomenon and the readiness of biology students of pedagogical universities to form it among schoolchildren as a leading component of the teacher’s environmental and pedagogical readiness do not exhaust the problems of the formation of these qualities and related issues of establishing a holistic system in the minds of schoolchildren and students. pictures of the world.

The technological aspects of the formation of a humanistic attitude of schoolchildren and students to nature need detailed research; the idea of ​​advanced education in connection with the strengthening of ecological and humanistic synthetic trends in science and pedagogical practice requires comprehensive development; The current object of research interest is the possibilities of personality-oriented education in the search for methods of forming a humanistic attitude towards nature as a component of the individual’s ecological culture.

The indicated directions can serve as guidelines in organizing further work on the problem of this research.

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