Why does a person have a hard look? The gaze is the most powerful tool of suggestion

Img by kedondeng

Have you ever heard of a sad nose or loving cheeks? It’s unlikely, because such statements sound funny and absurd. As for the eyes, they really say a lot. Mostly, girls get compliments about their eyes, but guys’ “mirror of the soul” also deserves attention.

We detect sadness, joy, we see when a person is focused or, on the contrary, relaxed... By the eyes we determine a person’s mood, his attitude towards us... It’s not for nothing that they say about the eyes that they are sad, joyful, in love, angry, indifferent... It is not difficult for loved ones to even “read” thoughts by looking into the eyes. It is easy to understand from the eyes that a person is telling a lie, or, conversely, is very sincere. Love is reflected especially brightly in the eyes. The eyes of a person in love shine, they are filled with joy, tenderness, it is pleasant to look into them, they attract, beckon. You want to look at them again and again... But that’s a completely different story, we’ll talk about “eye compliments.”

Ivanushki int — Two bottomless oceans of eyes (DimonD FD vs DVL Remix)

Songs are dedicated to eyes, often about them... Perhaps this is proof that looking into the eyes, we see a person’s soul, we can feel its depth, see the inner beauty of a girl or guy. This is why compliments about the eyes are perceived as very personal, it’s nice to hear them, to realize your uniqueness and originality.

For a girl, compliments about her eyes are not just compliments on one of her facial features, it is something more, meaning that she is interesting as a person, that her inner world is attractive, it is fascinating, it has been noticed...

Img by o R o w s i s, Hamner_Fotos, jorgemejia, Vincent Boiteau

If you give a guy a compliment about his eyes, the compliment may not evoke similar feelings, but in any case it will be pleasant.

Img by Josh (broma)

"You have very beautiful eyes". This phrase can be said to any girl or guy, and the person will be very pleased. But just saying such a compliment is a bit banal, isn’t it? But if you add a little beauty to this phrase, then the perception of a compliment about your eyes changes significantly.

There are no identical eyes - do you agree? This is where you can start from for a start. Thanks to this feature of the visual organs, making an absolutely sincere compliment that emphasizes the uniqueness, beauty of a girl or the depth of a guy’s gaze is not so difficult.

Eyes come in different colors: from light gray, blue shades to dark brown, almost black eyes. The shape of the eyes is also completely unique - this should not be neglected in the art of compliment. The eyes can be wide open, or maybe they are narrowed, as if laughing... The eyes can be deep like lakes, sparkling like diamonds, clear like the clear sky...

Summarizing the above, we can highlight several types of compliments about eyes:

  • About color. Eye color is perhaps the first thing people notice. And it's deserved.

Img by Calil Souza

Your eyes are a pleasant green color, like emeralds!

The blue of your eyes is like the color of a boundless ocean!

Your amber eyes seem to reflect the sun's rays!

  • About character. Eyes are often associated with character traits and actions characteristic of a person. Such epithets as gentle, kind, affectionate, loving are often used. Eyes can be mischievous, surprised, smiling, laughing.

Img by Peter Krasznai

It is impossible not to notice the kindness of your bottomless eyes!

When you smile, your wonderful eyes smile along with your lips!

There’s no hiding from your attentive eyes - you know how to notice every little thing in a person!

  • About the size. If the eyes are large, this is also often noticed.

Your big eyes are like the ocean - it’s impossible to even measure their depth!

Your black eyes are like two bright buttons on your white face!

If I had the same big expressive eyes, I would look at the world differently!

  • About the effect. You can often hear compliments about a girl's eyes, characterizing the effect they have on a guy.

Business look.

When conducting business negotiations, imagine that there is a triangle on the forehead of your interlocutor. By directing your gaze towards this triangle, you create a serious atmosphere and the other person feels that you are in a businesslike mood. Provided that your gaze does not fall below the other person's eyes, you will be able to control the progress of negotiations with your gaze.

Social view.

When your gaze drops below the other person's eye level, it creates an atmosphere of social interaction. Experiments on the study of gaze characteristics have shown that during social communication, the eyes also look at the symbolic triangle on a person’s face, in this case located on the line of the eyes and the mouth area.

An intimate look.

This gaze passes through the eye line and down below the chin to other parts of the interlocutor's body. With close communication, this triangle descends from the eyes to the chest, and with distant communication, from the eyes to the perineum. Men and women use this look to show their interest in a person, and if he is also interested, he will respond with the same look.

A sideways glance.

A sideways glance is used to convey interest or hostility. If accompanied by slightly raised eyebrows or a smile, it signifies interest and is often used to entice. If it is accompanied by downturned eyebrows, a furrowed brow, or downturned corners of the mouth, it denotes a suspicious, hostile, or critical attitude.


The part of the human body to which you direct your gaze is of great importance for the outcome of a face-to-face meeting. If you were a manager telling off your lazy subordinate, which look would you choose? If you have chosen the social view, he will not pay any attention to your words, no matter how loudly and threateningly you speak.

A social gaze will deprive you of any support, and an intimate gaze will either puzzle or confuse your interlocutor. The most appropriate look is a business look, as it can have a strong impact on your recipient and will tell him that you are very serious.

When men say that women look at them “invitingly,” they mean a sidelong glance or an intimate gaze. If a man or woman wants to say that they are unavailable, the only thing they need to do is avoid the intimate gaze and instead use only the social gaze. If you use only a business-like gaze during courtship, you risk being seen as cold and unfriendly. The fact is that when you look at a potential sex partner with an intimate gaze, you immediately give away your intentions. Women know very well how to send and understand these kinds of views, but men, unfortunately, do not know how to do this. For men, the intimate gaze is usually too noticeable, and they themselves do not notice when they are being looked at with an intimate gaze, much to the chagrin of the women who sent this gaze.

Covered eyelids.

What irritates us most is people who lower their eyelids while talking. This gesture is subconscious and is an attempt by a person to remove you from his field of vision, because he is tired of you or has become uninteresting, or he feels superior to you. At a normal blink rate of 6-8 times per minute, this person's eyelids close for a second or more, as if the person is instantly erasing you from their memory. The ultimate level of switching off may occur if a person closes their eyes and falls asleep, but this rarely happens in a one-on-one meeting.

If a person is emphasizing his superiority over you, his closed eyelids are combined with a tilted head back and a long gaze, known as a look down. If you notice this look from your interlocutor, keep in mind that your behavior is causing a negative reaction and something needs to change if you are interested in successfully completing the conversation.

How to control your interlocutor's gaze.

It makes sense to talk now about how to control a person’s gaze during the visual presentation of books, tables, graphs, etc. to him. Research shows that 87% of information enters the human brain through visual receptors, 9% through auditory and 4% through other senses. If, for example, you show a person your visual aid and talk about it at the same time, they will only retain 9% of your message unless it is directly related to what they are seeing. If your message is related to a visual aid, then when looking at it, he will only understand 25-30% of your message. To gain maximum control over his attention, use a pen or pointer to visualize and describe what is being shown. Next, take the pen away from the visual aid and hold it in line with your eyes. Like a magnet, his head will rise and he will look into your eyes, as a result of which he will see and hear everything you say to him, and, therefore, absorb information as much as possible. Try to keep the palm of your other hand in sight.


    “The language of conversation” - Alan Pease, M. 2000

    “Human Expression; communication and interpersonal cognition" - Labuzhskaya V.P., Rostov-on-Don 1999.

    “Public Relations for managers and marketers” - Aleshina I.V., M. 1997

Each of us has had such a situation when you look into a person’s eyes and you feel bad because of the hypnotic gaze, full of emotions, feelings and information. You can learn to “speak” with your eyes.

In general, eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, but also an excellent way to understand a person’s character. This can be done by assessing the shape of the eyes. Take the eye shape test to get to know yourself better and learn to analyze other people. Such skills are very useful when meeting new people or in work and any interaction with people. You will be able to see a person without communication, predicting his actions. Our body can tell others a lot about us, so there are a huge number of methods for analyzing character and emotions through the eyes.

The power of a glance

Everything that we think about at any given moment is reflected by our gaze, as well as by facial expressions. This is pure psychology, known to people for about a century. Our emotions betray us: anger, hatred, embarrassment, shame, fear, love. All this can be read in the eyes and facial expressions, so you can show your feelings with your gaze. Unconsciously, we form one or another type of face, characteristic of each emotion, but you can try to emulate emotions, using the power of your gaze to awaken sympathy, fear, hatred.

The power of your gaze can be brought to such an extent that people will obey you without words. This is used in such a well-known psychological practice as hypnosis, when the doctor inspires you that there is no need to be afraid of spiders or heights, that you are happy, that you have something to live for and enjoy every day.

The power of a gaze can have not only a psychological, but also an energetic component. Human energy is an invisible aura that surrounds the body. WE feel the fear of other people or their love, but the eyes perfectly convey energy flows - almost the same way as the touch of hands. There are people who with their eyes can infect us with joy, fun, or, conversely, give us despondency. Under the gaze of some people you feel creepy, uneasy and simply awkward. Energy flows carrying information and emotions are perfectly transmitted through the eyes. Each of us has encountered a situation when you look at a person and he looks back at you, as if he knew that you were looking at him. This is direct evidence that there is an energetic connection between us all, the conductor of which is the eyes.

How to control people with your eyes

The power of the mind and subconscious helps control destiny, so always control your thoughts. It is worth noting that not only people, but also animals can be controlled by their eyes alone, without words. They are even more susceptible to this, so you can practice on them.

So, there are two versions of how you need to look at a person in order to inspire him with something or influence some feelings. Some people think that you need to look into one eye, while others say that you need to concentrate your gaze on the bridge of your nose.

What’s most interesting is that both people are right. Masters of psychology say that the right hemisphere of the brain, which is connected to the human left eye, is responsible for conscious emotions and logic. The left hemisphere and, accordingly, the right eye are responsible for feelings and unconscious emotions.

Looking at the bridge of your nose or eyebrows, you seem to be putting pressure on a person. This may not work well with loved ones, but with colleagues or strangers it works perfectly. It feels like you are looking straight into the soul. It’s difficult to go through this calmly, which is why most people look away when they do.

So, if you want to awaken logic in a person, then you need to look into your right eye. This is the best way of business communication when everything suits you. If you want to know something, then you need to look into your left eye, since it is connected to the part of the brain responsible for feelings. When you are in love with a girl, then look into her left eye to awaken love and show your feelings, your emotions. This way you will make her feel them. If you are scared, then the other person's left eye will tell him this. If you hate a person, then he can feel it too. If you want to make a person fear you or obey you, then look at the bridge of the nose. This is a powerful tool for law enforcement officers. They are trained to do this.

That's not all. Remember about energy? Remember to think about what you want to send to the person. Your aura will do its job, don’t even doubt it. The difficulty is that you need to learn to control your thoughts. When thinking about what you want to send to a person to manage them and their emotions, you need to do it at ease. Looking too closely will make a person wary. It looks very strange when they look at you non-stop. Avert your eyes periodically and look at the person about 80% of the time you communicate. Don't forget about etiquette, as it is important. Moreover, a man looking too closely at another man is automatically perceived as a threat. For women, everything is much simpler. For them it is always love. Don't forget this.

Practice more and think less about negativity when you want to make a positive impression on someone. Energy flows will convey to him what you want, and over time your skills will become better. One of the laws of the Universe is at work here: the images in your head create reality, not only for you, but also for other people. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

You're riding on public transport, lost in thought, and suddenly something makes you turn around. You turn around and catch the stranger's gaze on you. And it seems to you that you turned around only because you “felt” how he was piercing you with his gaze - why else would you make this extra movement? Is this feeling familiar? Let's try to explain how and why this happens with the help of specialists.

Scientific experiments

The mystical explanation of this phenomenon is this: we feel the flows of energy that come from the gaze of other people, says psychologist and psychotherapist Denis Kozhevnikov. - But I, as a man of science, do not quite believe in this version. As long as there are no scientifically confirmed and substantiated facts, you can believe in anything .

Scientists are trying to unravel this phenomenon and conduct experiments. The results are impressive.

Denis Kozhevnikov told how he participated in one of these studies. It was carried out using an electroencephalogram (EEG). A couple was connected to the EEG system - a man and a woman. The study showed that when a man looked at a photo of a woman, coherent (that is, coordinated) connections of electrical signals were built in a certain way in his cerebral cortex. At this moment, the woman’s brain also formed coherent connections with a 70% coincidence. When the participants changed roles, the situation was repeated.

This fact has been registered, but we don’t yet have an explanation for this phenomenon,” says Denis Kozhevnikov. - We periodically conduct such studies. And the coincidences of coherent connections are always confirmed.

According to the expert, the simplest explanation for why we feel someone else's gaze is this. When a person walks down the street (riding in public transport, etc.), he never looks at one point in front of him. We constantly look at everything that surrounds us. In order for us to take the next step, our brain calculates many operations - we don’t even realize it, it happens automatically. We pay attention to the shadows that surround us, to sounds, colors, light.

For example, you are walking and a person is following you, from whom a shadow is falling. The self-defense instinct kicks in. I see this shadow and turn around to see who is there looking at me. The moment I turn around, the person walking behind will instinctively look into my eyes,” explains Denis Kozhevnikov. - For him, I act as an unexpected obstacle, and he needs to pay attention to this. In this way I provoke him to look at me.

According to the psychotherapist, “feeling” someone’s gaze in transport is also quite simple to explain. The gaze directed in your direction is already recorded by you outside your conscious field of vision. There are many reflections in the subway, many other people looking at the situation. A person in his consciousness does not pay attention to small details, but unconscious processes record all these changes in the environment. Therefore, an illusion is created: someone is looking at me, I understand it, I turn around - and they really look.

You're just suspicious

My professional opinion is clear: a person is not able to feel the gaze of other people,” says clinical psychologist Ivan Alimenko. -Due to his fantasies, he can only assume that someone is looking at him.

According to him, it is possible to identify certain types of character that suggest a tendency towards such fantasies. This includes people with an anxious and suspicious character (for them there is a lot of anxiety in the air), people who lack attention (they unconsciously want to be looked at).

The psychologist emphasizes: the belief that you can feel eyes on your back is a sign of mental pathology.

How to develop the ability to feel gaze

The artistic director of the theater-studio "Reflection" Sergei Pimenov says that there are special acting trainings aimed at developing sensitivity. To play on stage, an actor needs his nervous system to be able to detect the emotional fluctuations of his partner at a distance.

A real-life example: in a supermarket, a girl can feel the interested gaze of a young man,” he said. - Why did she catch it? Because the guy, through his gaze, conveyed his feeling to her at a distance. In the same way, actors train themselves to be able to convey their feelings at a distance and capture them.

As Oksana Zashirinskaya, Doctor of Psychology, said, the easiest way to learn this is to people who belong to the “cognitive” category.

There are people among us who are hypersensitive to everything they see and hear,” she said. - Cognitiveness, on the one hand, can protect us from some external manifestations, but, on the other hand, it begins to get a little boring. Because we take in too much information and try to apply it.

The psychologist says that the ability to sense prying eyes can be developed through training.

For example, you feel like people are looking at you from behind,” she says. - Fine. Turn around and look behind you. They look great. Now you need to think about what signs you used to determine this, what helped you accurately guess. It is always everyone’s individual experience and desire to develop.

To look and be the object of other people's gazes - what could be more natural? In transport, in a store, on the road, at school and at work...

We meet other people everywhere, look at them and give them our views. It seems to fill life with some meaning. It seems that since they look at us, it means they see us, and we exist. Therefore, sometimes the complete visual indifference of others hurts...

What are the different views? Why do we feel other people's gazes? What kind of game is this “staring contest”? How to learn to play it and win constantly? We tried to collect in this article all the most interesting things about the look for you.

What are the views?

The universal definition of gaze is as follows. This is one of several ways the eyes convey nonverbal information. Let's figure out what the look is like.

Types of gaze depending on reflected emotions

A person is able to reflect with his gaze a huge number of emotions that he experiences. Or he can control himself perfectly and not show or express anything at all with his eyes.

Conventionally, we divide views into positive (carrying positive emotions) and negative (carrying negative emotions).

In order not to devote a huge amount of time to all varieties of positive views, let's do this. Imagine the most pleasant look that you can give or feel yourself - the look of love. This is how a man looks at a woman and a woman looks at a man, this is how parents look at their children, and children look at their parents.

This look expresses at the same time a huge number of feelings - affection, tenderness, sympathy, approval, admiration... We reward with this look those who are truly dear to us.

So, the look of love combines a huge number of positive views.

For example, we look at a friend with admiration. Isn't this part of the look of love? To a colleague - with approval, and to someone else's child - with tenderness. It's the same here. So, if you want to become the owner of a list of positive looks that a person can bestow on another person, dissect the look of love. You can do it!

Let's do the same with negative views. First, let's choose a landmark.

Perhaps the most powerful negative look is the look of hatred. It combines a huge amount of the most negative emotions. We look this way at the people we really hate, the people who cause our deepest dislike.

Do you want to imagine all kinds of negative views? Judgmental? Aggressive? A look of disgust? Disgusts? Divide the gaze of hatred.

Another classification of views

Now let's look at another classification of views.

Direct look.

This is when a person openly looks directly at you for some period of time without taking his eyes off. It may indicate that the interlocutor is interested in you, in communicating with you.

Most often it is characteristic of people who respect themselves and others, strong personalities.

Squinted gaze.

This is when a person squints one eye when communicating with you. Indicates some kind of mistrust, a desire to control your actions. It often signals that a person wants to hide something himself or find out what you are hiding. Agree, this look is not very pleasant.

Wandering glance.

A person cannot stop looking, calm down. His eyes wander to nearby objects and nearby people.

He will tell you about the interlocutor’s endless interest in everything around him or about a complete lack of interest in anything, including you. Sometimes a person cannot concentrate due to excessive modesty or shyness.

Wide-eyed look.

Used most often by those who want to attract attention. Very often sellers look at buyers this way. Or they take advantage of open-minded women who are desperately trying to attract men.

Sideways glance.

If a person is unsure of himself, or he wants to get more visual information and is trying to hide it, most likely he will use sideways glances. In such cases, the eyes look in one direction, periodically running away to the side and immediately returning.

Eyes to eyes.

This is when two people look directly into each other's eyes for a fairly long period of time. Most often, it is characteristic of children, as well as couples in love.

A look from half-closed eyes.

This is probably familiar to each of us. The upper eyelid in this case almost covers the eye. This is how a person expresses indifference to what is happening, boredom.

It also often indicates that a person is tired and that he is making every effort to fight sleep. Or half-closed eyes can talk about complete surrender, a feeling of unity (during sexual intimacy).

Looking through a person.

It seems that the interlocutor does not see you, is busy with his own thoughts, that he is not here, despite his physical presence. Indicates inattention, thoughtfulness, or, ignoring, hostility towards the interlocutor. Causes negative feelings.

View from above.

With this look, the head is thrown back a little, the person seems to be looking down at you. He will tell you about a slightly arrogant attitude towards you, about contempt, about arrogance.

There is a sense of tension and persistence in him. It is often seen as an intrusion into the personal, intimate sphere of another person. In our society it is often perceived as hostile.

Why do we feel another person's gaze on us?

This happens. You're sitting in public transport, or on a park bench, and suddenly you really want to turn around. And when you turn around, you see that some person is looking at you.

A split second later he already looks away. Are you already looking at the stranger with interest and asking yourself in surprise what could interest him?

So why do we feel other people's views? Let us present to your attention several points of view.

A little about physics.

When we look at someone, we direct a narrowly directed beam of light at him (a stream of photons that has its own energy). Since human skin is incredibly sensitive, it senses the energy coming from another person. This forces us to turn, for some unknown reason, to someone else.

Another option. A person catches part of the scattered light emanating from the beam of another person's gaze.

Views are best felt at a short distance - 3 - 5 meters.

A little about mysticism.

There is a point of view that the views of other people are captured thanks to the secret telepathic abilities of people. Like, we are all telepaths, but only some of us have realized our abilities and use them.

There are also opinions that with the help of a gaze, one person sends another a stream of positive or negative energy. And this flow is so powerful that it is impossible not to notice it.

A little about imitation.

Another point of view is based on the fact that it is human nature to imitate. This is when we tend to unconsciously repeat the actions of another person or feel his action.

For example, you really want to yawn when someone nearby yawns. All because of mirror neurons in the brain. They are the ones who make this or that action contagious.

Mirror neurons have not yet been studied. They are constantly evolving and, according to scientists, are the key to unraveling many interesting mysteries about man and his capabilities.

And also about logic and experience.

Some people are of the opinion that we sense other people's views due to our experience and logic. For example, based on the current situation, our subconscious tells us that at the moment someone is looking at us. For example, to ask for directions.

Remember that after you have eaten a large cake with protein cream on the street and haven’t looked in the mirror, you always feel like everyone is looking at you. Because your experience and intuition tell you that, quite likely, there are traces of past pleasure on your face, and everyone is paying attention to it.

Exercise for training your gaze

Some people love staring games. For those who don’t know, this is when two people look at each other continuously without blinking. The one who reconsiders the other wins. Those. will not blink longer.

The very first eternal winner of such a competition is Medusa the Gorgon. She never lost, and all her opponents turned to stone.

Staring is a common game at children's parties, among drunken men and teenagers. Some even manage to play with their cats and dogs.

The popularity of entertainment probably lies in the fact that the look in some special way reflects the essence of a person, his strength. Therefore, it seems to people that having won such a test, they seem to become mentally stronger than the loser.

There are many recommendations for those who love staring games and want to win constantly.

The funniest one.

It is based on the fact that a person cannot look into both eyes at the same time, and looks alternately into one and then into the other. Therefore, the player is asked to keep one eye, the one into which the enemy is looking at the moment, motionless.

The second one can do whatever he wants at this time - rotate, close, etc. Then the eyes change - the first one is resting, and the second one is working.

The picture when one eye turns around and blinks actively, and the second at this time is serious and motionless, is unlikely and very comical. Just wondering, how can an opponent not notice this? Will his peripheral vision really not notice that something wrong is going on with his opponent’s second eye?

The saddest one.

Do you want to always win a staring contest? During the staring contest, remember something terribly sad.

This will help, firstly, to get distracted and not concentrate on how hard it is not to blink.

Secondly, you won't laugh while playing. After all, the enemy can choose a tactic called “making your opponent laugh.” Therefore, have heart-warming stories ready about how an older boy hurt you in kindergarten, or how your beloved grandmother died.

The most effective.

To achieve the desired result, sit about a meter away from the mirror and look into your own eyes. Imagine that two rays come out of your eyes, connecting you with your own image. Try to watch without blinking for as long as possible.

Don't forget to time yourself before starting your workout! The next day, your task is to slightly increase the duration of the non-blinking gaze.

Instead of a mirror, use a black dot on the wall, a burning candle, etc.

Interesting thing about the look...

Scientists say that during a conversation, interlocutors look at each other approximately 60% of the time. The exception is lovers and aggressive individuals. If the distance between people increases, the duration of visual contact also increases.

It was also found that women most often look at those they like, and men - at those who like them.

In addition, ladies take a direct gaze as a sign of interest and a desire to establish some kind of contact. Men tend to perceive direct gaze as a threat.

If during communication a person’s pupils constrict, it means that the interlocutor evokes negative emotions in him, irritates or angers him. Dilation of the pupils, on the contrary, indicates disposition towards the interlocutor, interest in him and the conversation.

Don't try to recognize a liar by looking at him. It is believed that people who tell lies do not make eye contact, touch their face, etc.

However, there are those, and there are many of them, who are able to control themselves. They know how to focus their gaze in such a way that you will never guess in life whether a person is speaking the truth or a lie.

It is believed that the larger the populated area, the less inclined people in it are to consider each other.

This is due to the fact that a person can meet thousands of people in a day. It is difficult to pay attention to a large number of people, and besides, the probability of meeting someone you know tends to zero. Therefore, in big cities, residents prefer not to look at others at all.

In small towns it’s the other way around. There are few people, and you can meet someone you know on every corner. In villages this is how they generally greet everyone and look at each other closely.

In China and Japan, the tradition of views is somewhat different from the one that is familiar to us. In these countries it is not customary to look into each other's eyes.