Why you shouldn't eat meat. Why eating a lot of meat is harmful: features and detailed review

I’ve been a meat eater all my life, and when I accidentally came across this article, I decided to try to give up meat partially, four days have passed since the decision, and surprisingly I don’t even feel like eating it. Of course, I will use it periodically, but it has become much easier for me.
1. Meat contains only 35% of nutrients. In plants – 90%.
Compared to plant foods, it contains few vitamins, carbohydrates,
minerals (and even those are largely destroyed during cooking,
pass into an indigestible form).
To digest meat, the human body needs
a large amount of time and therefore energy.
Thus, the efficiency of meat food
(the ratio of the energy received from digesting meat to the energy expended on its digestion) is very small.

2. The opinion that meat contains amino acids that are essential to other foods is erroneous.
All the amino acids of this group necessary for the body are synthesized by beneficial microflora in the large intestine (unless, of course, a sufficient amount of food is consumed to nourish this microflora - raw fiber - and it is not destroyed by yeast bread - dysbiosis).

3. When justifying meat consumption, they cite the fact that meat contains vitamin B12,
which plants lack. But if you introduce sprouted wheat into your diet,
containing this vitamin in large quantities, there is no need for meat and for this reason
(Vitamin B12 can also be produced by healthy microflora).

4. Meat contains proteins foreign to our body, which inhibit beneficial microflora,
causing dysbacteriosis, introducing disharmony into the functioning of body systems,
its ability to self-regulate and self-heal,
leading to overstrain and depletion of adaptive reserves, contributing to the development of cancer.

5. Meat excessively acidifies the internal environment of the body, which suppresses nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the respiratory tract, less nitrogen is absorbed from the air, therefore, the need for food (“zhor”) increases.

6. Excessive amounts of proteins and purine bases contained in meat form a lot of acidic residues in the human body - uric acid, causing slagging and poisoning of the body. Acid waste from meat (as well as sugar, white flour products, cakes) combines, being neutralized,
with organic lime from bones, their fragility increases (osteoporosis), diseases of the joints (rheumatism, arthritis) and teeth occur.

7. Meat is heavily contaminated with putrefactive bacteria (they appear immediately after the slaughter of the animal, a significant part of them is resistant to heat treatment),
cadaveric poison - after all, weeks (and even months) often pass from slaughter to consumption,
worm eggs. Necrobiosis products contained in meat are related in their action to hemlock and strychnine. In addition, the meat of a killed animal is contaminated with more than two hundred harmful hormones, which the animal’s body secretes out of horror when it is taken to slaughter.
Often, to accelerate the growth of animals or to treat them, they are given drugs that have carcinogenic properties.
And how many nitrates, herbicides and insecticides enter the body of animals along with food,
and then into our body?

8. Meat contains many extragenic substances, excessively stimulating the appetite, which leads to overeating.

9. It takes 6-8 hours to digest meat (vegetables - 4, fruits - 1), so by the next meal this meat will not have time to be completely digested and will partially begin to rot, and since you cannot eat only protein foods all day, then During this next meal, incompatible products will end up in the body side by side, which will further intensify rotting. Rotting undigested meat (as well as eggs and milk) emit methane, which destroys vitamin B3, as a result (without this vitamin) the insulin enzyme loses its activity and blood sugar is not converted into animal sugar - glycogen. This is how diabetes mellitus occurs.

10. Methane also destroys vitamin B6, which controls the process of cell growth, and, becoming a carcinogen, is deposited in the slagged subcutaneous tissue in lipomas, papillomas, polyps (sites of future cancerous tumors). A sign of the presence of this carcinogen, which in the future provokes cancer, is the coloring of urine red after eating beets.

11. Fish meat is no less harmful (the same corpse poison, in addition, all our river fish are infected with worm eggs). Many organochlorine compounds enter fish meat from the environment, which disrupt the production of testosterone in the body of men. With abundant consumption of fish, men are deprived of reproductive functions and become effeminate. The consumption of fish is often justified by the need for phosphorus for the body. But the phosphorus of boiled fish goes into an indigestible form. Organic phosphorus is found in sufficient quantities in walnuts (in optimal combination with the necessary calcium), buckwheat (if it is not subjected to prolonged heat treatment), millet, egg yolk, peas, and yogurt. At the same time, these “live” products do not have all the harmful factors listed above that are characteristic of meat.

12. Meat broth is especially harmful. The “strengthening” meat broth actually consists of animal waste. It also contains highly concentrated extractives that cause overeating (and contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases). Digesting broth requires 30 times more energy than digesting meat, so it greatly weakens the body (especially during illness).

13. Everything said fully applies to meat products.
In addition, sausages, ham, sausages contain harmful additives
(dyes, synthetic spices, sodium nitrate, saltpeter, preservatives,
starch that does not combine with protein), which initially leads to indigestion when consumed systematically,
and then to mental illness, cancer.
Edible gelatin from bone decoctions is also harmful (super concentrate).

14. After eating meat, heaviness occurs,
makes you sleepy (all energy goes to digestion),
fatigue, irritability, constipation occur,
and with a large intake of meat food - salt deposition in the legs (gout),
atherosclerosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis (in short, all the consequences of slagging in the body).
Hot temper and aggressiveness develop.
Meat eaters often develop multiple sclerosis, colon cancer, breast cancer, and blood cancer.

15. This is what the writer and doctor V.V. Veresaev noted about meat food (“Notes for myself”). When he was assigned an academic ration in the 1920s, there was only enough meat for half a month. And then he noticed that in the first two weeks the family was in a typical “meaty” mood - heaviness in the head, lethargy. When the meat ran out, “a desire to work appeared, the mood became light, the body became mobile.”

It is advisable to replace dead meat proteins with living proteins, primarily nuts (but not bitter almonds, which contain a strong poison - hydrocyanic acid), and seeds (not fried). The best nuts are walnuts. Nuts contain more protein than meat and require much less gastric juice to digest.

Sprouted wheat grains are a complete protein food. You can also eat cheese and cottage cheese less often (but since it also contains animal fats, which “clog” the liver ducts, you should add vegetable oil, curdled milk, nuts to the cottage cheese or eat it with salad).

A complete meat replacement - buckwheat, sprouted grains. The maximum amount of living proteins is found in soy. The full set of amino acids necessary for the synthesis of human proteins is found in soybeans, peas, beans, and beans.

2015-12-21 19:11

However, it is meat, and not carrots, for example, that is causing heated discussions among scientists. There has long been an ongoing debate about whether a person should eat meat or whether he should not do so. Most of the debaters are inclined to believe that a person must necessarily consume meat products, since the protein in our body is almost identical to the protein in meat, and even without meat we would not have turned into Homo Sapiens...

Other debaters insist that meat pollutes the human body, shortening its earthly life.

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All people on the planet can be divided into 3 categories: those who eat meat; those who do not consume meat in any form; and those who don’t care what to eat - be it meat or vegetables...
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Does a person need to eat meat?

All people on the planet can be divided into 3 categories: those who eat meat; those who do not consume meat in any form; and those who don’t care what to eat - be it meat or vegetables...


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The higher quality and fresher the meat we choose, the tastier and, most importantly, healthier the dish we will get from it. In this article we will tell you a few tricks, knowing which, you will never fall for the trick of cunning sellers who are everywhere trying to sell us stale goods.


Humans have been eating meat since the Ice Age. It was then, according to anthropologists, that man moved away from a plant-based diet and began to eat meat. This “custom” has survived to this day - due to necessity (for example, among the Eskimos), habit or living conditions. But more often than not, the reason is simply misunderstanding. Over the past fifty years, renowned health experts, nutritionists, and biochemists have discovered compelling evidence that you don't have to eat meat to stay healthy; in fact, on the contrary, you do. a diet acceptable to predators can harm humans.

Alas, vegetarianism, based only on philosophical principles, rarely becomes a way of life. Therefore, let's leave aside the spiritual aspect of vegetarianism for now - multi-volume works can be written about this.
Let us dwell on purely practical, so to speak, “secular” arguments in favor of giving up meat. Let's first discuss the so-called "the myth of squirrels".

This is what we're talking about. One of the main reasons why most people shy away from vegetarianism is the fear of causing protein deficiency in the body. “How can you get all the quality proteins you need by eating exclusively plant-based and dairy products?” - such people ask.

Before answering this question, it’s worth remembering what protein actually is. In 1838, the Dutch chemist Jan Muldscher obtained a substance containing nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and, in smaller quantities, other chemical elements.

The scientist called this compound, which underlies all life on Earth, “primary.” Subsequently, the actual indispensability of protein was proven: for the survival of any organism, a certain amount of it must be consumed.

As it turns out, the reason for this is amino acids, the “primary sources of life” from which proteins are formed. There are a total of 22 known amino acids, 8 of which are considered essential (they are not produced by the body and must be consumed with food). These 8 amino acids are: lecin, isolecin, valine, lysine, trypophan, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine.

All of them should be included in appropriate proportions in a balanced nutritional diet. Until the mid-1950s, meat was considered the best source of protein: it contains all 8 essential amino acids, and in just the right proportions. However, today nutrition experts have come to the conclusion that plant foods as a source of protein are not only no worse than meat, but even superior to it. Plants also contain all 8 amino acids.

Plants have the ability to synthesize amino acids from air, soil and water, but Animals can only obtain proteins through plants: either by eating them or by eating animals that ate the plants and absorbed all their nutrients. Therefore, a person has a choice: to obtain them directly through plants or in a roundabout way, at the cost of high economic and resource costs - from animal meat. Thus, meat does not contain any amino acids other than those that animals obtain from plants - and humans themselves can obtain them from plants. Moreover, plant foods have another important advantage: along with amino acids, you receive the substances necessary for the most complete absorption of proteins: carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements, hormones, chlorophyll, etc.

In 1954, a group of scientists at Harvard University conducted research and found: if a person simultaneously consumes vegetables, cereals, and dairy products, he more than covers his daily protein requirement.

They concluded that it would be very difficult to maintain a varied vegetarian diet without exceeding this figure. Somewhat later, in 1972, Dr. F. Stear conducted his own studies of protein consumption by vegetarians. The results were amazing: most of the subjects received more than two norms of protein! This is how the “myth of squirrels” was debunked. Now let's turn to the next aspect of the problem we are discussing.

Modern medicine confirms: Meat-eating is fraught with many dangers. Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are becoming epidemic in countries where per capita meat consumption is high, while in countries where per capita meat consumption is low, such diseases are extremely rare.

Rollo Russell in his book “On the Causes of Cancer” writes: “I found that out of 25 countries whose inhabitants eat mainly meat, 19 have a very high incidence of cancer, and only one country has a relatively low rate, at the same time Of the 35 countries whose residents eat little or no meat, there is not one in which the incidence of cancer is high." The Journal of the American Physicians Association in 1961 said "Switching to a vegetarian diet prevents the development of cardiovascular disease in 90-97% of cases."

When an animal is slaughtered, its waste products are no longer excreted through its circulatory system and remain “preserved” in the dead body. Meat eaters thus absorb toxic substances that, in a living animal, leave the body along with urine. Dr. Owen S. Parrett, in his work "Why I Don't Eat Meat," noted that when meat is boiled, harmful substances appear in the broth, resulting in its chemical composition being almost identical to urine.
In industrial countries with an intensive type of agricultural development meat is “enriched” with many harmful substances:

DDT, arsenic /used as a growth stimulant/, sodium sulfate /used to give meat a “fresh”, blood-red hue/, DES, a synthetic hormone /known carcinogen/. In general, meat products contain many carcinogens and even metastasogens. For example, just 2 pounds of fried meat contains as much benzopyrene as is contained in 600 cigarettes! By reducing cholesterol intake, we simultaneously reduce the chances of fat accumulation, and therefore the risk of death from a heart attack or stroke. For a vegetarian, such a phenomenon as atherosclerosis is a completely abstract concept.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, "Proteins from nuts, grains and even dairy products are considered relatively pure, in contrast to those found in beef - they contain about 68% of the contaminated liquid component. These "impurities" have a detrimental effect not only on the heart, but and on the body as a whole.

The human body is a most complex machine. And, as with any car, one fuel suits it better than another. Research shows that meat is an extremely inefficient gasoline for a given car, the use of which comes at a high price. For example, Eskimos, who mainly eat fish and meat, age very quickly. Their average life expectancy barely exceeds 30 years. The Kirghiz at one time also ate mainly meat and also lived longer than 40 years extremely rarely. On the other hand, there are tribes, such as the Hunza, who live in the Himalayas, or religious groups, whose average life expectancy ranges between 80 and 100 years! Scientists are convinced that vegetarianism is the reason for their excellent health. The Maya Indians from Yutacan and the Yemenite tribes of the Semitic group are also famous for their excellent health - again thanks to a vegetarian diet.

And in conclusion, I would like to emphasize one more thing. When eating meat, a person, as a rule, hides it under ketchups, sauces and gravies. He processes and transforms it in many different ways: fries, boils, stews, etc. What is all this for? Why not, like carnivores, eat meat raw? Many nutritionists, biologists and physiologists have convincingly demonstrated that humans are not carnivores by nature. That is why they so diligently modify food that is uncharacteristic for themselves.

Physiologically, humans are much closer to herbivores such as monkeys, elephants, horses and cows than to carnivores such as dogs, tigers and leopards.

Let's say predators never sweat; In them, heat exchange occurs through respiratory rate regulators and protruding tongue. Vegetarian animals (and humans) have sweat glands for this purpose, through which various harmful substances leave the body.

Predators have long and sharp teeth to hold and kill prey; Herbivores (and humans) have short teeth and no claws.

The saliva of predators does not contain amylase and is therefore incapable of preliminary breakdown of starches. The glands of carnivores produce large amounts of hydrochloric acid to digest bones.

A large-scale study lasted for thirty years, in which about 120 thousand people voluntarily took part. The results of this study once again confirmed the fact that the daily inclusion of meat from slaughtered animals in the diet significantly reduces the duration and quality of life of modern humans.

To this day, due to the lack of large-scale statistical studies, there has been big dispute between vegetarian nutritionists And meat-eating nutritionists.

Point of view vegetarian nutritionists , due to the small amount of data on the long-term effects of meat on human health, has most often been reduced to scientifically unsubstantiated or ethical arguments about the health risks of meat person. Meat-eating nutritionists , taking into account the proven fact of negative impact on health person processed meat, offal and animal fats, also did not give up their positions, pointing out the nutritional properties of a meat diet.

Large-scale study, which was organized and carried out by a group of physiologists from Harvardschools of health under the leadership of Doctor of Medicine En Pan, put an end to this controversial question. As it turned out, fears vegetarian nutritionists were absolutely justified: consumption of meat products increases the mortality rate from diseases, oncology and metabolic disorders many times over. The results of this study were published in the renowned scientific publication of the American Medical Association.

In a large-scale experiment 37698 men and 83644 women took part. Their health was constantly monitored for 28 years. Over this long period of time, specialists recorded 23,926 deaths, of which from cardiovascular 5910 patients died from diseases, and 9464 from cancer.

Authors of the study concluded, that life expectancy patients decreases by 13% provided that you regularly consume a palm-sized portion of freshly prepared product.

If patients systematically consume meat in the processed form of sausage and hot dogs, then their life expectancy decreases by 20%.

Given percentages are statistically neutral, that is, age, weight, physical activity and genetic predisposition to various diseases were not taken into account. The one that matters is fact that All members of the experiment were physically healthy before the start of the experiment.

If the daily portion of a meat product is replaced with nuts, vegetables and grains, the mortality rate will be reduced from 10% to 19%.

Also scientists have found out, which is 9.3% deaths among men and 7.6% among women Can was to avoid during the experimental period, If would the participants reduced the volume daily allowance meat consumption smooth half.

Sometimes you can include cheese and cottage cheese in the menu. A complete meat substitute - buckwheat, soybeans, peas, beans and beans.

TEXT: Masha Budrite

ANSWERS TO MOST QUESTIONS THAT CONCERN US We are all used to searching online. In this series of materials, we ask exactly these questions - burning, unexpected or common - to professionals in a variety of fields.

Recently, more and more people are giving up meat: some for ethical reasons, others for health reasons. And yet, what is better - eating meat or being a vegetarian? Does meat really contain essential substances and which ones? Can a vegetarian diet be balanced? Is it true that meat is a carcinogen? We asked these questions to an expert.

Masha Budrite

nutritionist, graduate of King's College London

It is believed that our ancestors stopped being vegetarians about two and a half million years ago - and then they did not even know how to hunt or make fire, so they ate raw meat from dead animals. Half a million years ago, hunting became part of the way of life, and ten thousand years BC, people began to domesticate animals. Both hunting and agriculture required communication between people, and therefore the development of the brain - that is, meat-eating indirectly contributed to human evolution. Recently, researchers found that meat-eating allowed our ancestors to reduce the period of feeding newborns and the interval between births - that is, increase fertility.

Of course, the most important thing that meat, eggs and milk give us is high quality protein. Animal proteins are closer in composition to human proteins than plant proteins, and therefore the body absorbs them more easily. Nevertheless, eating exclusively plant foods can just as successfully cover the body's needs for essential amino acids - if the diet is varied enough. One of the problems with a vegetarian diet is the lack of two essential amino acids - lysine and tryptophan, which are also needed for the formation of collagen (the protein of ligaments, skin and nails). But this need can be satisfied by eating legumes, soybeans, seeds and nuts.

One of the most important microelements for humans is iron. It is needed for the synthesis of enzymes, and also for the transfer of oxygen in the blood - iron is part of its hemoglobin protein. According to WHO, anemia caused by iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder in the world, affecting more than two billion people. The risk group primarily includes populations with limited access to meat.

Iron is also found in plant foods, but in animals, as in humans, it is part of a chemical complex called heme - which, in turn, is part of the hemoglobin molecule. So, heme iron, that is, iron from animal products, is absorbed much better. In addition, oxalates, derivatives of oxalic acid, which are present in sorrel, black pepper, celery and, for example, bran, interfere with the absorption of iron. Vitamin C, on the contrary, helps iron to be absorbed. Other processes also affect iron absorption - for example, infections or the immediate need for it.

In principle, some plants contain more iron than meat - but less is absorbed from them. Soybeans contain twice as much iron as beef - but 7% is absorbed from soybeans, and 15% from beef. On the one hand, meat more effectively satisfies the body's iron needs, and on the other, a plant-based diet is no worse if it is balanced and thoughtful. In the end, if you have an iron deficiency, you can take a course of it in tablets - you just need to remember the risk of overdose, which manifests itself primarily in gastrointestinal disorders.

Animal proteins are closer in composition to human proteins than plant proteins, and therefore the body absorbs them more easily

An important substance that is present only in animal products is vitamin B12. It is needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system and for the formation of blood cells, and its best source is the liver. Vitamin B12 is not produced by plants at all - but if you avoid meat, you can get it from fish, eggs and dairy products. Vegan products like soy milk and cheese are also fortified with vitamin B12. , which is necessary for normal muscle contractility, including the heart, can be found primarily in dairy products. If you don't eat them, for example, because you are lactose intolerant, then know that calcium is found in green vegetables like broccoli, figs, oranges and nuts.

To absorb calcium, it is necessary, which can be obtained from fatty fish and eggs, as well as from foods enriched with this vitamin. As you know, the main “source” of vitamin D is the sun, as it is produced under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The British Dietetic Association recommends spending at least 15 minutes a day in the sun between April and September, and taking a vitamin D supplement in other months. Unfortunately, just being in the sun is usually not enough - after all, we protect our skin from ultraviolet radiation (and do it right).