Plastic coffins in America. Coffins for Americans

Hi all!

On air is Shushenik, author of the blog “Everything about the USA.” As I promised last time, I wanted to talk about various myths and facts that many people write. And whether this is true or not, and what is really happening in America, and how people live. The second point that is often written about is that the Americans themselves raise all these conspiracy theories about the existence of concentration camps, “fima camps,” and coffins. It’s unclear for whom and so on, in general, this is still going on since the 90s. I don’t know, apparently, only now has all this information reached the Russian-speaking audience. I won’t talk much about this topic. I will give you links, look at what professionals say on this topic. Fox News doesn't always tell the truth, but this time they interview the editor-in-chief of Popular Mechanics. He talks about all these myths, and first of all, about the fact that the photograph that is circulating on the Internet that this is supposedly some kind of camp somewhere in America is actually a camp in North Korea.

Let's see what kind of camp this is. If we write “fema camp” in Google, we will go to Images. And the first photograph is this photograph that is circulating all over the Internet, supposedly this is a concentration camp in the USA. If we go to the report The Hidden Gulag Exposing North Korea's Prison Camps by David Howk, US Commission on Human Rights in North Korea. And here, if we go through everything, there are photographs of North Korean camps. And this is a very familiar photograph, isn’t it? Written by Kyo Hvva-so (kyo hwa so) no 1 (namber van). Let's compare.

There is a video circulating that this is also some kind of camp. In fact, this is the old Amtrak depot of the American railroad. In general, they talk about different points. Regarding coffins, in fact, these are containers for a coffin. So in some states, the ground crumbles, so people, after they've been put in a coffin, when they die, that coffin is put in this container so that if the ground crumbles, it will cause a little loss to the environment. Basically, I'll give you the links, watch the video, click on the description of that video. You can read the articles and, I hope, this will be the end of this epic about all these conspiracies, about the fact that it is not clear what is happening in the country.

Moving to the USA is difficult, but there are categories of people for whom it is possible:

— Investors. It is enough to invest at least 1 million dollars and after 2 years all family members will receive the status of permanent resident of the United States ( EB-5 visa).

— You can also open a branch of an existing company in America or buy an existing business in the USA (from $100,000). This will make you eligible to receive an L-1 work visa, which can be exchanged for a green card.

— Famous athletes, musicians, writers and other extraordinary people can move on an O-1 work visa.

— In case of oppression by the state for religious, political reasons or humiliation due to belonging to gay minorities, you can request

Saturday, 15 June 2013

It all started with the fact that not far from Atlanta, in the state of Georgia, a little away from the main highway, one Yankee accidentally came across a strange, unguarded open-air storage facility. In a vacant lot, in the middle of sun-bleached grass and stunted rare bushes, there was an endless wall of neatly stacked rectangular containers (17 pieces each) made of dark ribbed plastic, ranging from 500 thousand to a million pieces - it was impossible to count them. And it looked as if they had just been delivered yesterday - no dust on them, no dirt, no fallen leaves.

The stored containers could have any purpose, say, for storing water, garbage, or for transporting any loose, viscous or watery materials. In shape they resembled repeatedly enlarged food containers for refrigerators. Their volume simply made it possible to place an entire hippopotamus inside. But for some reason that discoverer immediately and absolutely decided that these were... coffins.

He posted his discovery, accompanied by a photo and an amateur video, on the Internet, and a wave began to roll through excited Internet users. At first among the English ones, then among all the others, from various states. The exciting event is being discussed in every way. What conjectures and conjectures are not expressed, what conclusions are not drawn.

For this reason, they also remembered the supposedly artificially widespread epidemics of AIDS, bird and swine flu, and the danger of the Third World War, a collision with the hypothetical Planet X, the impending eruption of two cyclopean supervolcanoes in America - Yellowstone and California, Valley View, a crushing tsunami, which should fall on the east coast of the country, an attack by terrorists... And not least a civil war. Regardless of the proposed version, all participants in online discussions agree in the worldview that the government knows in advance about some inevitably future events that are fraught with large human losses, and prepares for them in advance by storing large batches of coffins in hidden places.

Some corrosive individuals are trying to conduct their own investigation. This is how an image of the designated place appeared on the Internet, acquired by aerial photography, with precise geographical coordinates and a clearly visible network of roads, providing open access to the warehouse from the entire Atlantic coast. It turned out that next to the mysterious warehouse there is a CDC - Center for Disease Control. Found and manufacturer of coffin containers - Polyguard and Co, which allegedly confirmed that it had received a large order from the US federal authorities for the production of... four-person (!?) coffins.

I also looked at its website and saw photos and drawings of those containers that are stored in Georgia, and read something like the following: Polyguard and Co produces burial vaults of any size - from adults to children. Containers designed for disposal are made from special heavy-duty, non-degradable polyguard plastic. He 3 times stronger than steel alloys, stronger than concrete, and subject to the rules of burial procedure, provides the highest insulation from the environment with a warranty period of 100 years. It turns out that the discoverer was not so far from the truth?

Fragment from 1 film of the program:

Volunteer detectives also found other warehouses of plastic containers in the most unexpected places. Moreover, they filmed long trains moving in the twilight in an unknown direction on the railway tracks, carrying blocks of prefabricated camps, coffin containers and empty prison cells on wheels on unusually long platforms.

There are more than a dozen of these videos on YouTube with chilling titles and comments. Here are just some of them: “A South American Holocaust is coming.” "Millions of coffins for millions of dead Yankees." “Your coffin, purchased with your own funds, awaits you.” “Millions of stockpiled plastic coffins found across America.” “Maybe one of them is yours.” "They're big enough to include you and me."

Independent investigative journalist Alex Jones, who is very popular in America, claims that an unlimited number of coffins were made by order of the federal government and distributed to closed bases of the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) government service. In almost all states, he writes, the military is building new cemeteries for mass graves and underground bases of unknown purpose.

And the next thing, more alarming and frightening: there is countless evidence that in recent years, over 800 (!) closed camps, which currently stand empty, but in full operational readiness. These camps are also operated by FEMA and are being built by FEMA at a cost of $385 million. Halliburton.

Such camps already exist in Texas, Virginia, Maryland, Arizona... (in all states without exception, according to competent truth-tellers). One such complex was found and filmed in the Californian Mojave Desert.

From the outside it is unrealistic to realize that these are either abandoned factories or warehouses, or prison zones with barracks and towers, with ultra-modern tracking and security systems, surrounded by strong mesh fences with barbed wire, but eerily empty. The camps are connected to steel roads and highways, they are equipped with airfields and helipads.

In the South American sector of the Internet, journalists, public figures, scientists and even some representatives of American intelligence agencies participate in discussions. To numerous inquiries received by official structures: for whom these camps are being built and on what basis they were given the status of secrecy, an unconvincing answer was received: the purpose of the project is supposedly to prepare for a large-scale war on the drug trade. Which was immediately analyzed and rejected as inconsistent with either logic or truth.

The main argument is the fact that the fight against drug trafficking is not included in the jurisprudence FEMA - Federal Agency for Population Assistance and Management in Force Majeure Situations. Those. in fact, FEMA is a rescue service. But as recently as September of this year, Congress approved a law on its new capabilities as an additional power structure.

Along the way, the question of army preparation also came up. As is clear from the media, according to the plan of the US Department of Defense, a forced mobilization of reservists was carried out in the country, which ended in March of this year. In addition, there is information that the army is being repurposed for “internal needs.” The US Constitution prohibits the use of federal military forces to enhance law enforcement. But, starting from October 1, in violation of the Constitution, the US Army is supposedly being deployed inside the country.

From soldiers who recently returned from Iraq, and from the diaries they post on the Internet, it became clear that South American troops in Iraq are supposedly learning to conduct “internal cleansing” in their country with the confiscation of weapons. They are also being tested to see if they are capable of shooting to kill American people, including friends and family members, if necessary.

Indeed, one gets the impression that the US government is aware of future fatal events, making secret preparations for them. And, judging by the hundreds of camps that have been built but are still empty, it is not preparing for cataclysms. It seems natural to me that if everything said above really “takes place,” then most likely we are talking about the government’s completely natural horror of popular unrest and a possible civil war, as a reaction of millions of dispossessed Yankees who found themselves in a crisis vortex.

In connection with this phenomenon, a secret meeting of the Session of the House of Representatives of the US Congress in Washington, which supposedly took place “behind closed doors” on March 13, 2008, and was actually not covered in the media, also surfaced. It was the sixth closed session in the entire history of the United States ( The countdown dates back to 1812.) and the 1st - after 1983. (I would like to emphasize that I am only acting as a reteller of rumors that are being circulated, since, like everyone else, I have no idea what all this means.) So, despite the fact that the participants in the meeting were supposedly sworn to secrecy, in accordance with the Rules of the House - N XVII, some information leak did occur and penetrated into the independent press, first from afar, all the way from Australia, and then in Europe and the States.

What exactly leaked and penetrated? South American trackers say that the following issues, not subject to public disclosure, were considered at the Session:

  • The imminent collapse of the US economy at the end of 2008;
  • Imminent collapse of the US government monetary system in mid-2009.
  • The possibility of a Civil War in the USA as a result of the collapse of the System;
  • Preventive arrests of "rebellious people of the United States" who may oppose the government;
  • Confinement of "rebellious individuals" in "The Rex 84 Camps" under the Readiness Exercise 1984 (as I understand, Rex 84 is a government training program to develop the ability to take into custody large numbers of people. Exercises similar to Rex 84 are conducted in USA often.);
  • Protecting members of the US Congress from possible public retaliation for the collapse of the economy;
  • Determining a place of shelter for members of Congress and their families during the unrest;
  • The necessity and inevitability for the United States of creating, together with Canada and Mexico, the “North American Union”, the NAU (North American Union);
  • Creation of a new currency, Amero, for all three members of the “Union”, as a solution to economic difficulties.

Writer Rand Clifford, who lives in Washington, published a warning article entitled "America! Be Truly Afraid" ("America! There is something to be afraid of for you"), which tells about the secret plans of the South American government and the repressions that await the South American people, confirming the version that over 800 concentration camps have been built in the US, waiting for their own prisoners.

Currently, all the camps are empty, Clifford reports, but they are all 100% manned by guards ready to accept prisoners of US people who disagree with the government, and can be launched with the declaration of martial law. “Like Nazi concentration camps, FEMA camps are also divided into “red and blue stripes”: the “Red List” are the enemies of the New World Order. Two weeks before the introduction of military control, they must be sent to camps for immediate liquidation. These are real and potential favorites, or activists. The Blue List are also enemies of the New World Order, but not favorites. After the introduction of military rule, these people must be captured for “reprogramming” in camps. The survivors will be used mostly as slaves."

Galina Tsareva - Coffins for Americans (2009)

Clifford goes on to list the trivial and repeated scams of the US government: in the election process; in connection with the events of 9-11; illegal brutal wars; “complot” of bankers and trillions of dollars of taxpayers thrown into the bailout basket (bailout is country assistance provided to banks or large companies in order to prevent their bankruptcy), which will go mainly to foreign investors to prevent criminal prosecutions against swindlers, such as the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson; and predicts "the dissolution of the United States as a sovereign nation into the corporate-fascist New World Order."

(If the reader remembers, I once wrote about the underground maturing Organization of United Religions (OOR), which was based on the Masonic ideas of the New World Order - in the article “Gorbachev Foundation and the New World Order”).

“Pastors and representatives of other religious denominations,” Clifford further reports, “were processed by agents of a secret militia so that they taught their believers to “obey the government” under martial law, in matters of ownership and removal of firearms, during mass vaccination programs and the use of force. resettlement."

Alla Yaroshinskaya

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) – US Federal Emergency Management Agency. At first glance, the tasks of this American agency are simple and clear, and FEMA can be considered an analogue of our Ministry of Emergency Situations. Here's how the agency itself defines its mission: “FEMA's mission is to provide the nation's emergency response to emergencies. We partner with communities to build, maintain and improve our ability to prepare for, protect against, and respond to hazardous situations, as well as to respond to and mitigate their consequences,” according to USA.

The purpose of this American agency's existence is nothing unusual. There are similar departments in every country in the world. However, where does all the noise and numerous rumors arising around the activities of FEMA within the United States come from, and what exactly do they consist of? Let's try to figure it out.

The main reason for the rumors surrounding FEMA is that the agency is given broad powers in the event of emergencies and the possible use of these powers to exercise total control over citizens, even to the point of completely depriving them of their constitutional rights. Conspiracy theorists around the world and the United States itself have come quite far in clarifying the hidden purposes of FEMA’s existence and provide a lot of arguments in favor of the fact that the purposes of its functioning are not limited only to eliminating the consequences of hurricanes and floods and solving humanitarian problems.

Particular public attention was drawn to the problem of the agency organizing so-called quarantine camps. has obtained a document issued by a Halliburton subsidiary called KBR that provides details of the start of equipment at FEMA camps and US Army camps throughout the United States. Entitled “Overview of the Project and its Anticipated Needs.” The document was obtained from a government official who, for obvious reasons, wished to remain anonymous.

Amid growing rumors about the organization of camps, the US leadership took a number of unprecedented measures that significantly limited the constitutional freedoms of its citizens and gave the US authorities a free hand in relation to foreigners suspected of terrorism. We will present only the most noticeable of them.

In August 2002, John Ashcroft, then US Attorney General, announced the possibility of incarcerating citizens suspected of supporting terrorism indefinitely without formal charges or a court decision.
In October 2006, Congress passed the infamous Military Commissions Act (literally) - the Law on Military Commissions. The law, which was passed regarding non-American citizens, allowed people suspected of involvement in terrorism to be imprisoned indefinitely, again without any court decisions and without any formal charges being brought. In addition, the law is recognized by the entire civilized world as violating international law, ignoring all international agreements, including the Geneva Convention, and recognizing the exclusive right of the US President to define the concept of “torture.”

45 regions specified in the CBD document

As new laws were passed and information was received about the arrests of “enemy combatants” (as the 2006 law literally defines them), FEMA actively built new quarantine camps throughout the United States. Since little was said about the purpose of the quarantine camps, various speculations and unpleasant rumors began to spread among ordinary citizens. American citizens put forward the most incredible versions to explain the massive construction of camps. According to recent estimates, the number of quarantine camps in the United States amounts to 800 facilities. Videos of quarantine camps with brand new renovations, ready to receive “guests,” are being circulated online. And the most powerful argument of American conspiracy theorists in favor of the fact that the purpose of quarantine camps is not limited to ensuring the safety of American citizens in the event of large-scale emergencies, was the release of photo and video materials that recorded FEMA’s “preparations” to eliminate their consequences: on the territory of the quarantine camps a great variety of plastic coffins have been prepared, neatly stacked.

Satellite view of the FEMA warehouse of plastic coffins

American conspiracy theorists paint truly Hollywood pictures of how events will develop if any emergency circumstances arise in the United States. The main idea of ​​such forecasts is the assumption that for the last 10 years, American society has been living under the vigilant surveillance of “big brother,” who seeks to completely deprive US citizens, and people all over the world, of personal freedom. One of the ways the “world government” achieves its goals, according to American conspiracy theorists, is to create a network of quarantine (concentration) camps in the United States. Despite the fact that many of the scenarios are very fantastic and cause a skeptical grin in most people, their general direction is very indicative, and the appearance itself is significant. There is no smoke without fire: the United States, with its Guantanamo Bay and secret CIA prisons, to which FEMA quarantine camps with hundreds of thousands of plastic Macintoshes have recently been added, is increasingly gaining a reputation as a totalitarian state, the true essence of whose policy lies in trampling the foundations of humanism and democracy.