Work plan for students to prevent crime. Work plan for the prevention of crime among students of a vocational educational institution

Sections: School administration

Target: improving the crime prevention system among students of a vocational educational institution.


  • the formation in adolescents and young people of a value system focused on leading a lifestyle that meets the norms of society;
  • development of the activities of a professional educational institution to improve the system of crime prevention and patriotic education of students;
  • increasing the family's potential in preventing crime and drug addiction;
  • ensuring maximum employment and active participation of students in the youth law enforcement movement;
  • increasing intra-college discipline and student performance;
  • ensuring information and propaganda activities to create the attractiveness of the youth law enforcement movement and the healthy lifestyle system.


Event name

Period of execution


Preventive and organizational work

1 Compiling lists of students registered with the PDN. 1-5.09.2009 Deputy for Internal Affairs
2 Release of the student newspaper “”.
Release of thematic booklets.
monthly Press Center
3 Creation of the Outpost detachment. 1-5.09.2009 Deputy for Internal Affairs
4 – Registration in clubs: “Theater - ART-IST”, “Local history”, “Karting”, “Beading”, “Computer IRBIS”, “Sports - Fizkult-Ura”, “Tourist”.
– Registration of students in the library of the educational institution.
1-10.2009 Deputy for water management, foreman
5 Meeting with a doctor from the narcological service, medical examination. 09/10/2009 Deputy for Internal Affairs
6 Meeting with the traffic police inspector. 2 times a month Deputy for Internal Affairs
7 Meeting of the Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and the PDN inspector. monthly PDN inspector, deputy according to UVR
8 Psychological and pedagogical assistance to students (consultations with a psychologist). 2 times a month Deputy for Internal Affairs
9 Cool watch on the topic:
– “Criminal responsibility of minors.”
- “The charter of an educational institution is the law.”
- “What is decency?”
- “A world without drugs.”
Scheduled Group Masters
10 Conducting training sessions with students with the invitation of the PDN inspector. in current of the year PDN inspector, deputy according to UVR
11 Conversation about safe road traffic rules. 1-5.09.2009 Deputy for the Department of Internal Affairs, Road Safety Inspector

Organization of leisure time for students

1 Competition of autumn compositions and bouquets. September 2009 Deputy according to UVR
2 “Autumn Marathon” is a competition between groups in athletics. September 2009 Physical education teacher
3 Events dedicated to the Day of Older Persons. October 2009 Deputy in water management, group masters
4 Congratulations competition for Teacher's Day. 01-05.10.2009 Deputy according to water management, an asset of students.
5 Festive concert for Teacher's Day. 05.10.2009 Students' asset.
6 Self-Government Day. 05.10.2009 Students' asset
detachment "Outpost"
9 Initiation of freshmen into students “We have chosen the path for tomorrow.” 02.10.2009 Deputy according to UVR,
group masters,
asset of students.
10 Group corner competition. October 23, 2009 Group Masters
11 Participation in the village KVN. November 2009
April 2010
Deputy according to UVR,
asset of students.
12 Mother's Day Events:
  • cool watch,
  • extracurricular activities,
  • meetings.
November 2009 Deputy according to UVR,
group masters,
asset of students.
13 Republican competition of literary creativity “The Art of Words”. until November 20, 2009 Deputy according to UVR,
group masters
14 Thematic class hours (choice of topic):
1) “I serve Russia!”: pre-conscription training, terms of service, branches of the military, requirements for conscripts, problems of service, military traditions, personal significance of service (with the invitation of reserve soldiers);
2) “I am a citizen of Russia.”
3) “Our grandfathers forged Victory.”
4) “These days the glory will not be silent.”
5) “Tatarstan during the Great Patriotic War.”
November 2009

December 2009

Group Masters
15 Quiz on the history of the Olympic Games. 03.11.2009 Deputy according to UVR
16 “Mercy” campaign dedicated to the Day of Persons with Disabilities. 01-10.11.2009 Student asset
17 Competition of wall newspapers dedicated to the New Year. December 2009 Deputy according to UVR,
group masters
18 Office design competition for the New Year. December 2009 Deputy according to UVR,
group masters
19 New Year's disco. 12/28/2009 Deputy according to UVR,
detachment "Outpost"
20 Campaign “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”
– A series of conversations on the topics: “The truth about alcohol”, “About the dangers of smoking.”
– Participation in basketball competitions.
– A series of class hours on the topic: “From A to Z about sports.”
– Competition “The Healthiest Group”. Summing up the results of the first half of the year.
December 2009 Deputy according to UVR,
physical education teacher
21 “Health Day” – skiing competition. January 2010 Physical education teacher
22 Valentine's Day.
  • organization of mail in college,
  • release of wall newspapers,
  • extracurricular activities in groups.
12.02. 2010 Deputy according to UVR,
detachment "Outpost"
asset of students.
23 Essay competition on the topic “My family in the service of the Fatherland” (as part of Russian language and literature lessons). February 2010 Teacher of Russian language and literature
24 Review of formations and songs. February 2010 Physical education teacher
25 Military sports game "Zarnitsa". February 2010 Physical education teacher
26 “Lesson of Courage” – meeting with Afghan soldiers, participants in combat operations. February 2010 Group Masters
detachment "Outpost"
27 Competition of wall newspapers dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. February 2010 Student asset
28 Participation in the republican competition of fine arts and arts and crafts among students of the NGO “My Native Land...” 04/04/2010 Deputy according to UVR,
asset of students.
29 Congratulations competition dedicated to March 8th. March 2010 Deputy according to UVR,
group masters
30 “Come on, girls.” March 2010 Deputy according to UVR,
group masters
31 Participation in the Local History Olympiad. March 2010 Deputy for water management, head of the circle
32 Participation in the republican competition for the best event on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. 04/19/2010 Deputy according to UVR
33 Participation in the republican competition “Theater of Health”. April 2010 Deputy according to UVR
34 Competition for wall newspapers by profession. April 2010 Group Masters.
35 Meeting with Afghan soldiers who took part in the fighting in Chechnya. April 2010 Group Masters
36 Participation in the village event “Conscript Day”. November 2009
April 2010
Deputy according to UVR,
group masters
37 Career guidance work:
  • conducting classes on career guidance in the secondary school of the village and nearby villages,
  • updating stands about professions,
  • holding an Open Day.
May 2010
group masters, students’ asset
38 Participation in events dedicated to Victory Day:
  • cool clock with an invitation to WWII veterans,
  • cleaning apartments of WWII veterans,
  • l/a relay race dedicated to Victory Day,
  • l/a cross-country dedicated to Victory Day.
May 2010 Deputy according to UVR,
group masters,
asset of students,
detachment "Outpost"
39 Holiday "Sabantuy" May 2010 Physical education teacher,
detachment "Outpost"
40 Prom. June 2010 Administration,
detachment "Outpost"
41 Participation in the village festival “Sabantuy 2010”. June 2010 Administration,
Detachment "Outpost"
42 Participation in the village holiday “City Day”. August 2010 Administration,
detachment "Outpost"

Working with parents

1 – Selection of the Crime Prevention Council.
– Identification of families avoiding raising children, dysfunctional families.
09/10/2009 Deputy according to UVR,
PDN inspector
2 Patronage for disadvantaged families at home. On schedule Deputy according to UVR
3 Parent meeting for 1st year students:
– “Features of organizing the adaptation period in groups of the first year of study.”
– “Informing about the results of psychological testing of students.”
– “Academic performance and attendance of students.”
September 2009 Deputy in water management, 1st year group masters
4 Individual meetings and consultations with parents of students. in current of the year Deputy in water management, group masters
5 General parent meeting.
– “Structure of the educational institution.”
– “Results of the 2008-2009 academic year, tasks for 2009-2010.”
– “Criminal and administrative offenses.”
– “Exam dates, practical training: requirements, control.”
- “The phenomenon of adolescence.”
October 2009 Branch Manager
deputy according to UPR
PDN inspector
head master
deputy according to UVR
6 Organization and holding of a family creativity fair. November 2009 deputy according to UVR,
group masters
7 Lecture for parents of students registered with the IDN “Prevention of crime in the family.” November 2009 Deputy according to UVR,
IDN inspector
8 Parent meetings in groups. December 2009 Group Masters
9 Organization of assistance in organizing duty at the New Year's disco. December 2009 Parent group committees
10 General parent meeting.
– The exhibition is a fair of family creativity.
– “Results of the 1st half of the year, results of Olympiads, internship in production, pre-graduation practice.”
– “Report on educational work for the 1st half of the year.”
– “Education without violence” – report.
January 2010 Active groups,
deputy according to UPR
deputy according to UVR
deputy according to UVR
11 Individual consultations for parents. February 2010 Group Masters
12 Patronage of families of “difficult teenagers”. March 2010 Branch administration,
group masters
13 General parent meeting.
– Exhibition-fair of family creativity.
– “Organization of the working day in preparation for the defense of the final qualification work.”
- “Results of the special. exams."
– “Industrial practice, traffic rules exams.”
- "Organization of the prom."
April 2010 Active groups
Deputy according to UVR
Deputy according to UPR

Head master

Deputy according to UVR

Legal comprehensive education

1 Cool watch on the topic:
– “UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”,
– “Youth and the problem of crime”,
– “Memo for cell phone owners”,
- “Man and material wealth.”
Scheduled Group Masters
2 Meeting with a lawyer, conversation on the topic: “Rights of a teenager.” 1 time per quarter Deputy according to UVR

Working with students with deviant behavior

1 Compilation of a data bank. 09/10/2009 Deputy according to UVR
2 Surveys of living conditions of students from the “risk group”. September 2009 deputy in water management, group masters
3 Conducting individual preventive conversations with students prone to crime and absenteeism. in current of the year PDN inspector,
deputy in water management, group masters
4 Conversation with students on the topic: “Rules of behavior for teenagers in public places.”
“Conflicts, how to avoid them?”
November 2009
February 2010
PDN inspector
5 Training: “Prevention of drug addiction, smoking, alcohol.” May 2010 Psychologist
6 Organization of assistance to “difficult teenagers” in finding employment through the Employment Center. June 2010 PDN inspector


work to prevent neglect and crime

among minors at the Ivanishchevskaya Secondary School NMR

in the 2019-2020 academic year


  1. Creation of an effective system of social support for children and adolescents at risk, aimed at solving the problems of child and adolescent neglect and crime;
  2. Organization of preventive work to prevent schoolchildren from committing crimes;
  3. Improving the legal culture and socio-pedagogical competence of student parents;
  4. Cooperation with social services (KDN, PDN, guardianship and trusteeship NMR) interested in solving the problems of neglect and delinquency in children and adolescents
  5. Implementation of measures to provide comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, medical, social, socio-legal, career guidance and legal support, providing leisure and recreation for children and adolescents in a socially dangerous situation.

6. creating conditions for successful social adaptation of minors, revealing their creative potential and self-determination in life;


carrying out


Deputy Director for VR


Prophylactic advice

Organizational events

Drawing up a social passport for a class or school


Drawing up characteristics for children at risk


Accounting and control of minors who do not attend or systematically miss classes at school for unexcused reasons


Drawing up registration cards for families, students in a socially dangerous situation, registered at school, in the KDN, social security (updating data)

September October

Organization of leisure, extracurricular and club activities

During a year

Drawing up administrative letters, petitions and other documents, sending documentation to the ODN, KDN

Within a year in fact

Interaction of the school with ODN, KDN and other social services

During the year, according to the plan of joint work with the PDN, the plan of the Prevention Council

Organization of recreation for teenagers in the summer

June July August

Providing socio-psychological assistance to minors with developmental or behavioral deviations, or learning gaps

During a year

Involving “at-risk” students in school-wide activities and events.

During a year

Visiting students at home to study their living conditions, raids by the Prevention Council.


Introducing students and parents to the Charter of the educational institution and the rules of student conduct.


Maintaining a “Journal of individual work with families and children in socially dangerous situations”

During a year

Interaction with the inspector of the ODN, FAP in the village of Ivanishchevo, and preschool groups on the timely identification of disadvantaged children.

During a year

Timely informing parents, school administration, guardianship authorities, law enforcement agencies about emerging problems

During a year

Drawing up an IPR for families in a socially dangerous situation


Preventive work with students in socially dangerous situations.


carrying out



Prophylactic advice

Exercising strict control over the attendance of children at risk who are under internal school control


Finding out the reasons for students' absence from school


Systematic visits to the families of students who miss classes without a good reason

During a year

Monitoring current progress

During a year

Involving students in clubs and sections, in extracurricular activities

During a year

Conversations with a psychologist, conducting questionnaires.

During a year

Assistance in employment.

Carrying out career guidance work with students at risk

April, May, summer period

Analysis of conflict situations

During a year

Conducting preventive conversations by the ODN inspector, deputy director for VR, and class teachers

in fact, according to plan

Invitation to the Prevention Council in case of violations

In fact, according to the Council's plan

Conducting classes, promotions, competitions, games “Prevention of a healthy lifestyle”, “Health is in our hands”, etc.

According to the plan of the class teachers, the plan of educational work of the school

Working with parents of “at-risk” students


carrying out



Prophylactic advice

Visiting families of “at-risk” students at home, talking with their parents, establishing the causes of deviant behavior, conducting raids

During a year

Preventive conversations with parents who avoid raising teenagers, familiarization with the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of the Russian Federation

During a year

As needed

Conducting joint raids on families in the students’ SOP (with representatives of the ODN, KDN, paramedic of the FAP Builova E.N.)

As needed according to the work plan

Inviting parents and children “at risk” to advice on prevention

Organizing a series of conversations: on promoting a healthy lifestyle for children, preventing substance abuse, and crime

During the year (according to the plans of class teachers, the Prevention Council)

Conducting preventive medical and social examinations of children from disadvantaged families

Organization of consultations on social and legal issues

According to the Council's plan

Working with the teaching staff

Organizing the exchange of information between subject teachers about “at-risk” children

During a year

Reports from class teachers on working with “difficult” students and their families, providing information on the progress and attendance of students at risk


Conducting round tables, seminars and workshops with the invitation of various social structures for class teachers.

November, March

Analysis of the work of class teachers with “difficult” students registered in the class and at school

Once every six months

Work of class teachers with children who miss classes without a good reason. Experience exchange

At the end of every quarter

Meetings of the Prevention Council

Discussion and approval of the work plan of the Prevention Council for the 2019-2020 academic year. Updating and adjusting the “data bank” about families and children who are members of the High School, PDN, and KDN. Analysis of the results of the school's registration of children aged 0-18 years living in our neighborhood. Registration or deregistration of disadvantaged families and children.

Information about identified students and families at risk; Registration for various types of accounting. Raid results. Employment of students registered outside of school hours. Analysis of the school's social passport. Invitation of parents if necessary.

Prevention of delinquency among minors. preventive conversations about the dangers of drug addiction and HIV infection. Invitation of parents if necessary. Conducting conversations with students by PDN inspector I.A. Chikova.

Working with students who have absences for unexcused reasons and violate discipline at school. Reports from class teachers on working with “difficult” students and their families. Speeches by subject teachers and class teachers about the progress of students enrolled in the Higher School of Economics. Raid report. Conversations with students who are unsuccessful at the end of the 1st half of the year. Inviting parents, students who miss classes without a good reason, parents who have no control over the child, parents of disadvantaged families. (of necessity)

Working with students who violate discipline at school, underachievers, a report on the work of class teachers with children (in fact). Results of checking the living conditions of children under guardianship. Speech by a psychologist. Invitation of parents if necessary.

Extracurricular employment of adolescents as a way to prevent crime. Report of cool hands. about the employment of students enrolled in the Higher School of Economics during extracurricular hours. Inviting parents, students who missed classes without a good reason, parents who have no control over the child, parents of disadvantaged families. (of necessity)

The role of the family in crime prevention. The tasks of the family in the formation of moral qualities of the individual. Strengthening control on the part of parents over the academic performance, development and upbringing of the child. The work of class teachers on this issue. Invitation of parents if necessary.

Prevention of delinquency among minors. Working with students who violate school rules. missing classes for unexcused reasons and having unsatisfactory grades. Invitation of parents if necessary. Analysis of the results of the school's registration of children aged 0-18 years living in our neighborhood.

Organization of recreation and health improvement for “at-risk” students in the summer. Registration or deregistration of disadvantaged families and children enrolled in the High School. Analysis of the work of the Crime Prevention Council for the 2019-2020 academic year. Drawing up a plan and work schedule for the Council for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Deputy Director for HR Dubicheva S.M.

Plan of joint activities for crime prevention

for the 2017-2018 academic year

I . Working with teachers.

Speech at the teachers' meeting on the topic “Prevention of Crimes”

Once every six months

Visiting families in

in a socially dangerous situation; at-risk groups

Throughout the year (once a month)

ZPR inspector

Familiarization with regulations, decrees, and preventive provisions

1 time per quarter

Control over educational activities, systematic attendance, absences.

Protecting the health and life of students

Joint raids to check places of concentration of minors on the territory of the village “Vukhtym” (administrator of the school and village, parents, district police officer)

Joint meeting of the Prevention Council and the Parents Committee.

As needed

to the medical and pedagogical commission

As needed

Design work within the framework of the campaign “Children’s health is the nation’s emergency reserve”:

— About the dangers of alcohol, smoking, drugs;

— On the prevention of influenza and ARVI;

Meeting with the director on the issue of “The school’s work on crime prevention.”

Conducting a teachers' meeting on children's summer holidays.

Creating conditions for children and adolescents from families in socially dangerous situations and at risk to receive general education.

Execution of the resolution of the Chapter ..... No. 768 “On interaction...”

Reconciliation of student lists...

Results...(data bank).

Conducting a survey of the living conditions of students enrolled in all types of registration.

Drawing up and maintaining “social passports” of students, classes, and schools.

Conducting preventive work with parents to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors.

Conducting school-wide parent meetings:

— “Responsible parenting: cooperation between school – parents – students to achieve positive results in the educational process.”

Meeting with a fire department employee and a health worker about the prevention of drug and psychoactive substance use.

— “Responsible parenting: …”. Meeting with the district commissioner V.A. Serditov.

III . Working with minors.

Organization of a socio-cultural environment (clubs, sections, etc.) for children and adolescents from families in a socially dangerous situation in order to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors

Carrying out preventive work with children, adolescents and their parents in order to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors

Responding to “signals” from the public and children about violations of children’s rights by parents and their legal representatives.

Identification of minors who are in a socially dangerous situation, as well as those who do not attend or systematically miss classes in educational institutions for unexcused reasons, take measures for their upbringing and their receipt of basic general education

IY . Interaction with subjects of prevention.



— Administration of the village “Vukhtym”

— District police commissioner

— Medical workers of the FAP and the Central District Hospital

Identification of families in a socially dangerous situation, providing information to the MSC, and providing them with assistance in teaching and raising children

Chairman of the Prevention Council

Planning joint events with MSK under the administration of the Vukhtym village. Participation in MSC meetings.

MSC work plan

Y. Summer holidays and children's employment.

Organization of summer holidays. Employment of students on preventive registration

Conducting class parent meetings on children's summer holidays.

YI . Additional events

Ensuring the protection of public order during ceremonial events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, conducting briefings with those responsible for carrying out measures to comply with security measures when suspicious objects are detected, as well as identifying unfamiliar and suspicious persons on the territory of the educational institution.

School director, staff of EP No. 18 (according to the schedule)

Providing information to OP No. 18 on the distribution of school graduates and students who graduated from educational institutions and did not continue their studies in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

Providing information about minor students who did not start the educational process at the beginning of the school year. Establishing the reasons, taking measures to return to school or to arrange for further education in other educational institutions.

If identified, results up to 09/30/20—

Ensuring maximum coverage of minors who are registered within the school with extracurricular activities (involvement in clubs, sections and other activities). On an ongoing basis, monitoring the leisure activities of minors registered in the PDN OP No. 18.

Deputy Director of Reproduction work

Analysis of the results of work on the prevention of delinquency and juvenile crime, to prevent neglect and homelessness by minors; summarizing the results for the 1.2 quarters of 2015 and 3.4 quarters of 2016. Review of the results by the school teachers' council.

Carrying out activities to identify students who are in a socially dangerous situation, who commit offenses, consume alcoholic beverages, psychotropic and intoxicating substances, as well as commit other antisocial acts.

During the school year

Deputy Director of Reproduction work,

Carrying out work to identify minors who do not attend or systematically miss classes for unjustified reasons. Establishing their locations, establishing the reasons for absences and non-attendance at school. Consideration of the issue of bringing parents to administrative or criminal liability when identifying facts of failure by parents of students to fulfill their responsibilities for the upbringing, education and maintenance of children, or cruel treatment of them.

During the school year

Deputy Director of Reproduction work,

Participation in holding pedagogical councils, prevention councils at school, explaining to the teaching staff of the school the procedure and grounds for bringing minors and their parents to administrative and criminal liability for violations of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

Informing the school about minors registered in the PDN OP No. 18, and parents who do not fulfill the responsibilities of raising their children.

When registering

Conducting conversations and speeches before minors and parents to explain the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

playback school work

Conducting joint visits to the place of residence of families in a socially dangerous situation, as well as families where facts of parental evasion from the upbringing, maintenance and education of children, and abuse of them have been revealed.

Ensuring control over the implementation of Law No. 148-RZ dated December 23, 2008 “On additional measures to prevent neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Republic of Kazakhstan” in order to effectively prevent delinquency and crime among minors. Carrying out activities with students who violated night restrictions, according to information from OP No. 18.

MKOU "Ukhovskaya Secondary School"

Main menu

MKOU "UKHOVSKAYA secondary school"

Work plan

on the prevention of delinquency among minors

students for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Organization of preventive work.

1. The program is designed for school students of all age categories.

2. Target: the formation of a full-fledged, mentally and physically healthy personality with stable moral behavior capable of self-realization and self-determination.

3. Tasks:

— strengthening the coordination of preventive and preventive activities of all departments solving this problem;

— increasing the level of educational and preventive work with children and adolescents at school;

— continue explanatory work among students and parents on issues of law and order;

— increasing students’ self-awareness through extracurricular activities;

— development of a system for organizing leisure and recreation for children and adolescents during the holidays;

— nurturing the need for a healthy lifestyle;

— involving students themselves in strengthening law and order at school.

4.Organizational measures.

— planning and adjusting crime prevention work together with traffic police inspectors;

— monitoring the adaptation of schoolchildren in grades 1, 5, 10;

— targeted work on diagnosing preschool children entering the 1st grade of school;

- the work of class teachers to study the personality of each child and identify the causes of inappropriate behavior (underachievers and underachievers, conflicting personality traits, family relationships, social environment);

— timely taking measures on student offenses;

— staffing in classes groups responsible for duty;

— compiling lists of “difficult” students and disadvantaged families;

— creation of the Prevention Council;

— regular discussion of issues of public order and strengthening discipline among students at class meetings;

5. Preventive work.

— Conduct monthly meetings of the Prevention Council.

— Hold Health Days.

— Thematic classroom hours.

— Interaction with society.

— Joint work with the PDN inspection.

— Organizing visits to “difficult families” with the participation of the school administration, the police department, and the regional educational institution.

— Timely response to reports of antisocial behavior by students. Each case of offense will be considered at class meetings.

— Study, generalization and dissemination of positive experience in preventive work of the class.

— Studying the personality of students, identifying their interests and inclinations, strengths and weaknesses of character.

— Involvement of all students with deviations from norms of behavior in social work, sports sections, and hobby groups.

6. Work with teachers.

— Consultation. “Results of diagnosing 1st grade students.”

— Round table “Person-oriented approach in preventive work with children with deviant behavior” (Leader).

— Drawing up a social passport for a class or school.

— Methodological planning meeting “The role of additional education in the prevention of juvenile delinquency.”

— Report of class teachers on working with difficult children.

— Raids on individual families with class teachers.

7. Working with parents.

A) « Career guidance for schoolchildren"

b) "On prevention use of surfactants"


8. Work with schoolchildren.


Topics of conversations, together with the State Fire Department:

a) “Matches are not toys for children”;

b) “Fire safety”.

a) “Responsibility for not attending school, missing classes without good reason”;

b) “Fighting, obscene language are punishable offenses”;

c) “Administrative responsibility of a minor.”

a) “Responsibility of minors for offenses in the sphere of public morality”;

b) “Criminal responsibility of a teenager”;

c) “We resolve conflicts in a civilized manner.”

1. What is a profession? Health and choice of profession.

2. How to navigate the world of professions.

3. Educational institutions of our and neighboring republics.

1. The influence of alcoholism and tobacco on a growing organism.

2. How to get rid of stress without resorting to drugs.

3. The teenager’s place in society.


— rules of conduct at school;

- Traffic Laws;



Plan for carrying out prevention days.

Topics of discussions on legal education :

a) Rights and responsibilities of a student.

b) “UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.”

c) “Administrative and criminal offenses.”

— conducting conversations and classes to explain the rules for conducting legal information to students;

— conducting thematic discussions and lectures on legal issues with the involvement of legal experts;

— study of state and international documents on human rights, the situation in society and the rights of the child.

Topics of conversations with students, together with the traffic police:

a) “Rules of the road.”

b) “How to behave in public transport”;

c) “Road signs”;

d) “Road safety rules.

Topics of conversations with students, together with PDN:

a) “Responsibility of a minor for theft and petty theft”;

b) “Rules of behavior with strangers”;

c) “How to avoid becoming a victim of crime.”

a) “Fighting, obscene language are punishable offenses”;

b) “Administrative responsibility of a minor.”

a) “Criminal responsibility of a teenager”;

b) “We resolve conflicts in a civilized manner.”

Topics of class hours on career guidance:

4. What is a profession? Health and choice of profession.

5. How to navigate the world of professions.

6. Educational institutions of our and neighboring republics.

Topics of conversations on preventing the use of psychoactive substances:

4. The influence of alcoholism and tobacco on a growing organism.

5. How to get rid of stress without resorting to drugs.

6. The teenager’s place in society.

Organization of leisure activities for students at risk:

— Involvement of “at-risk” students in clubs and sports sections;

— Involving students in planning CTD at school;

— Involving teenagers in patronage work;

— Coverage of “at-risk” teenagers with organized recreation during the holidays.

Work in this direction involves:

— identifying the causes of deviations in behavior;

- conversations between the class teacher and school administration and the teenager;

— invitation to the Crime Prevention Council.

— conversations with the district traffic police inspector;

- involvement in the creative life of the class, school, clubs, sections;

9. Minimum legal knowledge of educational school students:

1. Students in grades 1-4 need to know:

— rules of conduct at school;

- Traffic Laws;

— fire safety rules;

— rules of conduct for children and adolescents in public places;

— about the personal responsibility of schoolchildren for violating these rules;

- their rights and obligations provided for by the school’s Charter and laws on education;

- have primary knowledge about the state and law;

- about the dangers of smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs and responsibility for it.

2. Students in grades 5-9 need to know:

— all the above rules and legal requirements;

— on the responsibility of minors: disciplinary, civil (property), administrative, criminal;

- the age at which such responsibility begins;

— what state bodies hold minors accountable;

- have an idea of ​​the work of the KPDN, PPDN, police, court, prosecutor's office.

3. Students in grades 10-11 should know:

— all questions specified in the previous sections;

— administrative law and administrative responsibility;

— family law, liability for its violation;

— criminal law and criminal liability;

— labor law, disciplinary liability for its violations;

- have an idea of ​​military service and the responsibility of military personnel.

Plan of work with parents of students.

Crime prevention

— identifying families that avoid raising children or negatively influence their upbringing; hearing and discussing their behavior at parent committee meetings;

- selection of parent committees in classes;

— election of parents to the Crime Prevention Council;

— involving parents in extracurricular activities;

— involving parents in the implementation of law and order during cultural events;

— identifying socially disadvantaged, low-income, large families and placing them under internal school control;

— together with members of parent committees and PDN inspectors, conduct raids to study the living conditions and behavior of disadvantaged students and their families in their free time from school;

— parent meeting on the topic “Prevention of antisocial manifestations in adolescents”;

— organizing thematic meetings with education workers, law enforcement agencies, and district health authorities.

— conducting parental education:

A) « Career guidance for schoolchildren" Career guidance, its goals and objectives; right and wrong choice of profession;

b) "On prevention use of surfactants" Surfactant and its effect on the child’s body; how to control a child’s emotional state;

V) “On the prevention of delinquency and crime”- rights and responsibilities of the family; rights, duties and responsibilities of parents; rights and responsibilities of the child in the family, at school, in society; free time and entertainment for students.

Crime prevention work plan

implement measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors,

assist teenagers in the implementation and protection of rights and legitimate interests,

organize control over the conditions of education and training of minors,

take measures to ensure the protection of children from physical, mental and other forms of violence, from all forms of discrimination, as well as from involvement in various types of antisocial behavior,

identify and analyze the causes and conditions that contribute to neglect, homelessness and crime, take measures to eliminate them,

interaction with public organizations and relevant services to create optimal conditions for children’s adaptation to society,

carrying out preventive work with parents (persons replacing them) who maliciously fail to fulfill their duties in raising and educating their minor children.

Operating principles: legality, humanity, confidentiality of information about a minor and his parents (legal representatives).

Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120 “On the basics of preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency”,

Federal Law of October 12, 1996 “On Education”, regional law “On Education”,

Convention on the Rights of the Child,

National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation 2000-2025,

Federal Law dated June 10, 2001 No. 87-03 “On restricting tobacco smoking”,

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2002 No. 237 “On emergency measures to solve the problems of child neglect”,

Regional program for the prevention of crime and homelessness among minors.

Reasons for registering for in-school preventive registration: violation of the school charter, systematic failure to complete homework, refusal to work in class, gross violation of discipline, absence from classes, constant fights, rudeness and foul language, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, violation of public order.

Lesson outline (grade 5) on the topic:
Event for the prevention of delinquency among minors “We are responsible.”

An event to prevent juvenile delinquency using social theater. Goal: prevention of delinquency and crime among minors, education of the legal consciousness of schoolchildren.


Event for the prevention of delinquency among minors “We are responsible.”

Age group: 5th grade students.

Goal: Prevention of crimes and delinquency among minors, education of the legal consciousness of students.

1. To acquaint students with various aspects of the consequences of offenses from the point of view of the law.

2. Contribute to the education of a law-abiding citizen.

3. Develop a sense of responsibility for your actions.

5. Introduce the concepts of misdemeanor, offense, crime.

6. Familiarize yourself with the responsibility of minors.

Venue: assembly hall.

Equipment: screen, projector, music.

The theme of our event is called “We are responsible.” I will introduce you to such concepts as misdemeanor, delinquency and crime. And also with the responsibility of minors for their actions.

Every person wants his rights not to be violated and to feel safe. We want to believe that the majority of people in the world, in our country, in our city are respectable citizens who are guided by the principles of morality and morality, act according to their conscience, take into account the opinions of other people, do not violate their rights, and comply with the law. If every person lived and behaved like this, then there would be no need for police, courts, or prisons. But, unfortunately, this picture is far from reality. Various crimes and offenses are constantly being committed in the world.

According to the police of our city, 56 teenagers committed offenses and crimes in 2016, of which 5 students from our school are registered in the juvenile affairs unit. The youngest of them was 7 years old at the time of the crime.

It turns out that schoolchildren do not always realize that they are committing an offense. But ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Today we will arm ourselves with the necessary knowledge in order to avoid all these dangers, and if something happens, then you will know what to do correctly, how to behave. I will not give you any lectures or moralizing; you can easily draw the necessary conclusions yourself.

Social teacher: The guys from the social theater will help me with this work. Now they will show several scenes from school life. Your task is to determine whether any actions were committed that were illegal.

So, we invite our artists.

Scene No. 1. In the shop. The two students met after school.

1 student: Hello!

Student 2: Hello! How are you?

1 student: Yes, everything is fine. Classes are finally over!

Student 2: That's for sure. It's so boring to sit through 5 lessons! I'm tired of everyone teaching and teaching!

1 student: Of course. Yes, we should be given ice cream for such torment. For free!

Student 2: Well, why are you talking about ice cream? I really want ice cream, cake, chocolate, chips and...

1 student: And soda...

Student 2: Listen, do you have money?

1 student: Yes. And you?

Student 2: Me too.

1 student: Let's go to the store! Let's buy something delicious!

1st student: Only then did I get this idea...

1 student: Well, why are we going to spend our money? We’d better not spend it, we’ll save it up and buy something. For example, the headphones are cool!

Student 2: How can we go to the store, because without money we won’t be able to buy anything?

1st student: And here you are wrong, friend! I know one magic trick!

Student 2: Wow! Which one?

Student 1: Well, look, this is a self-service store.

1st student: We come in like that, walk along the rows, as if we were choosing something...

1st student: Let's go, let's go. And little by little, unnoticed, we take something and put it in our pocket.

Student 2: What if they notice?

1 student: What are you talking about? Well, how will they notice? We're taking it slow. Let's go to?

Student 2: What if mom finds out?

1 student: No one will know about this! You will see! Well, let's go!

Student 2: Well, let's go, let's try...

1 student: The main thing is to look smart!

Student 2: If it works...

Friends enter the store. They walk along the shopping aisles. They quietly steal a chocolate bar and hide it in their pocket. They walk past the cash register with serious faces. But then the saleswoman stops them.

Saleswoman: Guys, stop, please!

Saleswoman: It seemed to me that you forgot to pay for your purchases,

1st student: For what kind of purchases?

Student 2: We didn’t buy anything!

Saleswoman: Are you sure? What about those chocolates you put in your pockets?

Student 1: What kind of chocolates?

2nd student: Are these these? (takes chocolate out of pocket)

Saleswoman: These are the same ones! You know, guys, stealing is not good. I have to call your parents and the police. (Calls the police on the phone)

The saleswoman brings them out.

The social teacher asks the children questions:

- Guys, what do you think the guys did?

What does it mean to steal?

What kind of person is called a thief?

- Why do you think the guys from our skit decided to steal?

Should stealing be punished?

Is it possible to take something from a store and go home without paying?

Is it possible to take someone else's thing from your classmates if you liked it? Why do you think so?

If a child brings home someone else's thing (toy, book), can he be called a thief?

- So, what conclusion can be drawn:

1. You cannot take other people’s things without permission.

2. You cannot take anything from stores without paying for the goods, otherwise it will be theft, for which you must be held accountable.

Social educator: The main type of crime that children commit is shoplifting. Already from the 1st grade, children begin to steal. They steal not because they have nothing to eat, but for the sake of interest and greed, they just want to get what they want for free. Children do not remember that theft is punishable by law.

And now I bring to your attention the following scene.

Scene No. 2. In the locker room.

Music from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune" is playing.

On stage there is an imitation of a school locker room. Two students are rummaging through the pockets of other people's jackets. They find money and take it for themselves. Suddenly they hear someone approaching the locker room. The teacher leads the student to the locker room after class.

Teacher: Well, what should I do with you, Petrov?

Student: I don’t know, Marya Ivanovna, I really don’t know.

Teacher: You haven’t been able to pass your biology test for two weeks now!

Student: I will, Marya Ivanovna, I will. The quarter isn't over yet.

Teacher: He will pass. Today after school I sat for an hour and nothing. Okay, go to the locker room, get dressed and go home to teach!

Student: Goodbye, Marya Ivanovna.

The teacher leaves. The student puts down the phone, gets dressed and leaves, leaving the phone behind.

At this time, the hidden students crawl out from under their desks.

1st student: Phew, finally gone.

Student 2: Well, at least we weren’t caught, otherwise this would have started!

Student 1: Look, our catch today is not bad, not like yesterday.

Student 2: Let's count.

They sit on the desk and count the money.

1 student: Three hundred rubles.

Student 2: Great.

1st student: Okay, come on, let's quickly get out of here before we get caught.

Student 2: Look, this idiot left his phone.

1 student: Well, look how lucky we are today! And they got money, and they found the phone.

Music from the movie "Suspicious" is playing.

Looking around, both students tiptoe out of the locker room.

What illegal things do you think these guys did?

— Is it possible to leave valuables, phones, money in the locker room?

Do you think that if the guys didn’t take the phone out of their pocket, but simply found it and took it for themselves, is this considered theft?

What conclusion can we draw in this situation?

— You cannot leave valuables (money, phones, etc.) in the pockets of your clothes in the locker room.

Remember, if you find something left by someone (phone, money, camera, etc.), you cannot take it for yourself. This will be considered theft (you didn’t tell anyone anything, but simply appropriated someone else’s thing).

- You can’t take any other people’s things!

- You can take someone else's thing only with the permission of the owner.

If it happens that you took something without asking, you need to honestly admit it and apologize. Then no one will consider you a thief.

— To avoid unpleasant situations, do not leave your things unattended. Be careful, don't forget your phones (or anything else) in locker rooms, on window sills, in the dining room, buffet, etc.

Remember, stealing someone else's property is already a crime. Criminal liability begins at the age of 14. Criminal liability is a punishment; a teenager can be placed in the TsVSNP (Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders, which is located in Yoshkar-Ola), or in a Special Closed Correctional Institution (up to 3 years). In the worst case, imprisonment is possible.

Scene No. 3. It was in the evening.

The girls' parents work night shifts, so they stayed with their grandmother.

Grandmother comes on stage looking for someone.

Grandmother: What should I do now, huh? And where did they go? It's already 10 pm and they're not there! Oh-oh-oh, what will I tell my parents when they come home from work? (calls by name). They might call the police, maybe something happened to them). (Leaves the stage).

Two girls come out.

1 girl: It’s great we had a walk today!

Girl 2: Exactly. Do you think grandma hasn't lost us yet?

1 girl: Why lose us, we are here. And grandma is probably taking a break from us, she herself said that there is no peace from us, she has no time to rest. And then you see, we gave her a t-e-e-e-e evening of rest. No matter how tired I am of resting...

Girl 2: No, I think she’s definitely worried. It was already 10 pm.

1 girl: So what, what 10. We’re not little anymore. We are already fifth graders.

Girl 2: Do you think so?

1 girl: Of course! And in general, do you love nature?

Girl 2: I love...

1 girl: Let's go to the dam and admire the Volga at night. Have you seen the Volga at night?

Girl 2: No, I haven’t seen it...

A policeman appears and walks towards the girls: Hello, girls! Senior Lieutenant Kirillov!

Policeman: The entire city police are probably looking for you?

1 girl: No, not us...

Girl 2: Why look for us, we’re lost.

1 girl: We are just walking...

Policeman: Do you know what time it is? Children can be outside unaccompanied by adults until 10 pm! Are you alone or with adults?

Policeman: Your grandmother has already lost her feet, she has called all the hospitals! And even a morgue! Your parents were called from the night shift at work! Now, please follow me to the police station. And our law is this: it’s almost 22: hurry home! (Leads the girls away).

What offense do you think the girls committed?

What do you think the consequences might be?

Social teacher: The girls committed an offense in this case - being in public places unaccompanied by adults after 10 pm. Responsibility for this violation of the requirements of the Law rests with the parents. A protocol is drawn up for the parents under Art. 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Failure to fulfill duties for the maintenance and upbringing of a minor), since they allowed their children to be alone in public places at night. It turns out that by doing so, parents are not fulfilling their upbringing responsibilities. The parents and child will be summoned to the city administration for a meeting of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs, where the appropriate punishment will be determined.

Conclusion: Please know that it is prohibited for minors to be on the street at night without being accompanied by adults who are responsible for you. In winter, you cannot appear on the street after 10 pm (from November 1 to the end of March) without adults, and in the summer from April 1 to the end of October, you cannot appear on the street without adults after 11 pm.

Social educator: Now another scene is presented to our attention.

Scene No. 4. False report of an act of terrorism.

Schoolchildren are going to class. Vasya arrives.

Vasya: Well, are you ready? Let's hurry up, otherwise we'll be late.

1st student: Well, just think, we’ll be late. What is it?

Student 2: Have you forgotten that today’s first lesson is mathematics?

Vasya: You won’t forget this!

Student 2: Do you remember that there will be a test at the end of the entire quarter?

All together: Exactly!

1st student: I'm guaranteed a bad grade.

1 student: Yes, my parents will definitely punish me. And they won't buy a phone. Because we have an agreement: if I get a D in math, no phones.

Student 2: But because I got a bad mark, they won’t let me go out, and besides, they will force me to do this math extra.

Vasya: Guys! Idea!

Pupils 1 and 2 together: Which one?

Vasya: Let's ruin the test! Now let's call the school and say that there is a bomb planted there, then everyone will be kicked out of the school and they will look for the bomb. Well, there won’t be a test...

1 student: You came up with a great idea!

Student 2: Head!

Vasya takes the phone, calls the school, and changing his voice, says: “Hello! There's a bomb in your school! In 5 minutes it will explode. Time has passed!

Everyone rejoices at this trick. Suddenly an evacuation message sounds

Discussion. Social teacher:

Guys, tell me, did the guys do anything illegal?

— Of course, a “planted bomb” is terrorism! This means it poses a serious problem for both law enforcement agencies and citizens.

— At what age do you think a person is held accountable to the fullest extent of the law for such “jokes”?

- For this since I was 14 years old. In addition, parents will be forced to compensate for all material damage. Since in the event of a report of an act of terrorism, all city services arrive at the scene: police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, firefighters, ambulance, dog handlers with dogs. And if the call is false, then the culprit must compensate for the damage for the specialists called without a serious reason. And the city prosecutor's office can hold parents accountable for failure to fulfill their obligations to support and raise children.

Conclusion: This article 207. Knowingly false report of an act of terrorism. Punishable by a fine of up to two hundred thousand rubles, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

Keep in mind that messing around with the fire alarm is also unacceptable. If a fire truck arrives in response to a false call about a fire, you will also have to compensate for the damage. And even in our school there are often cases when children press the fire alarm for fun.

3. Summing up.

Today we saw several illegal acts that our heroes committed. These include theft, being on the street at late hours of the day unaccompanied by adults, and knowingly making a false report about an act of terrorism. In general, such violations are divided by law into three parts.

Misdemeanor. Offense. Crime

An offense is a socially dangerous act or inaction that causes harm to a person, society, or the state.

A misdemeanor is a violation of the rules of conduct, a less dangerous act or inaction that causes harm to a person, society and the state, for which legal responsibility arises.

A crime is a particularly dangerous act or inaction that causes harm to a person, society and the state; it is a serious violation of the law by adults or minors who have reached the age of criminal responsibility.

Remember, criminal liability begins at the age of 14 for the following crimes: murder, intentional bodily harm, kidnapping, theft, robbery, robbery, extortion, terrorism, vandalism, theft of narcotic drugs. For other crimes, responsibility begins at the age of 16.

Social teacher. I think this event was useful for you. I really want to believe that after our lesson, you will do only good deeds. Finally, let's do an imaginary experiment. Imagine that I and each of you took a match in our hands and lit this match for a few seconds. And then he blew it out. Imagine if I now tell my extinguished match: “Become the same as before, whole, as if it never burned.” But the match will not be able to replace its charred part. What burned, burned. Perhaps I now regret that I set it on fire in the first place. I would like to return everything to its place, but this will not make the match whole.

The same thing happens in our lives. The day you have lived cannot be returned. If you regret the mistakes you made, then let them become a lesson for you. Time does not go back, it is impossible to correct or erase, like from a sheet of paper, life’s mistakes. Always think before you do something.

MAOU "Podgorsk Secondary School"

Prevention Action Plan

delinquency, crime, alcohol, anti-drug education of students

for the 2012-2013 academic year. year

Target: prevention of bad habits, illegal behavior, neglect and social orphanhood, promotion of a healthy lifestyle


    strengthening the role of educational institutions in the prevention of crime, drug addiction and extremism among students;

    formation of a positive legal consciousness, crime prevention among students;

    increasing the level of legal literacy of students and their parents;

    organization of leisure and employment for teenagers in their free time from school;

    preservation and promotion of health, psychological support for students, formation of a healthy lifestyle;




Visiting students at home managers and a social teacher in order to clarify the living conditions of students.

class managers

social teacher

Compiling a list of children at risk and registering them within the school.

social teacher deputy dir. according to BP

Identification of dysfunctional, single-parent, low-income families, children under guardianship.

social teacher

deputy dir. according to BP

Legal comprehensive education "Laws of school life" (1-11)

class teachers

Health lesson "The effect of nicotine on the human body" (5-11)

class teachers

"Prevention of childhood injuries" (3-7)

school doctor

"Proper nutrition is the key to health" (1-11)

school doctor

Communication training “Me and my class” (8th grade)

Social educator, psychologist

Seminar for class teachers “Individual work with registered students”

Social educator, psychologist


Organization of leisure time for students and children at risk

social teacher classroom teacher

class teachers

head of circles and sections

Class hours in grades 5-11 about the dangers of smoking among teenagers

class teachers

“Parental lesson” (increasing the information level of parents on issues related to drug addiction problems and related socially dangerous phenomena. 7-11 grades

class teachers

Studying the personality of students. Tendency to bad habits

Cl. supervisor, social teacher

Involving students with club activities.

Cl. management, social teacher

Campaign “A world without bad habits”. Prevention week for grades 5-11

Cl. management, social teacher

Presentation for parents on preventing suicidal behavior in children and adolescents

Cl. management, social teacher

Individual work with difficult teenagers, social. teacher and psychologist.


Thematic parent meetings on the problems of child crime, drunkenness and drug addiction with the participation of a child psychonarcologist.

class teachers

deputy dir. according to BP

Visiting teenagers prone to delinquency.

social teacher

social teacher

class teachers


    Individual consultations with a psychologist for parents “How to organize children’s leisure activities.”


“School of Legal Knowledge. Law and responsibility" (increasing legal literacy of high school students) 10-11 grades

Class teachers, deputy head of education and science

Role-playing game-training “Be able to say “NO!” (7th grade)

social teacher Psychologist

Systematic monitoring of attendance and academic performance of “difficult” teenagers and risk groups

Cl. managers, social teacher

Pedagogical councils of teachers working in grades 1, 5, 10 on the problem of continuity and prevention of school maladaptation.

deputy dir. according to UVR


Class hours on the topic “Drugs. Alcohol. Pros and cons"

classroom teacher,

Reports from class teachers and social workers. teachers for individual work and organization of leisure for children at risk.

deputy dir. according to VR,

class teachers

social teacher

Training “Habits and Health”

social teacher , psychologist

Consultation for parents "Asocial and immoral behavior of parents has a detrimental effect on the development and behavior of the child."

social teacher , psychologist

Legal comprehensive education "Drugs - a way of contracting AIDS"

social teacher , psychologist


Continued involvement of troubled teenagers in sports clubs.

social teacher class teachers

Thematic class hours “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

class teachers

Raid "Teenager" (employment of children at risk during the holidays)

social teacher, class teachers

Training seminar for 9th grade students on drug addiction prevention

social teacher , psychologist

Seminar for class teachers “Prevention of suicidal behavior in children and adolescents”

social teacher , psychologist


Month of crime prevention and neglect, military sports work (according to plans)

Health and safety teacher organizer

“Think before, not after” (cultivating a responsible attitude in students towards their health and development) grades 7-9

Parental education:

“Features of adolescence” for parents of students in grades 5-7

Educational psychologist

social teacher

Training sessions for students in grades 3-4 “How important your own opinion is”


Raid "Teenager"

social teacher

Classroom leadership meetings on the topic “The serious world of frivolous teenagers.”

class teachers

Legal comprehensive education "Teenagers and drugs in the modern world"

social teacher

Prevention week for grades 5-7


Round table “Drugs are a slow death”

social teacher, deputy for VR

Drawing competition “Bad habits”.

class teacher, art teacher, teacher organizers

Health lesson "Take care of your life"

Cl. supervisor

Practical lesson for students in grades 1-2 “Safe behavior”

social teacher, psychologist

Seminars for parents of students in grades 3-9 “Safe behavior” (involvement of employees of the PDN, KDNiZP)

Raid teen

social teacher

Radio broadcasts “Truth and lies about alcoholism and drugs”

head of the radio center

Organization of employment for children at risk in the summer

classroom teacher,

social teacher

Report from the class teacher and social teacher on working with children at risk

classroom teacher,

social teacher

Prevention of delinquency and crime is becoming more relevant, as there are many teenagers who find themselves in difficult life situations. This category increasingly includes children from families whose budget does not allow for proper rest and nutrition, as a result of which they are usually left to their own devices. All this leads to an increase in crime among teenagers, which is mainly committed after school hours. In this regard, it is necessary to create conditions at school that do not provoke behavioral deviations, but expand a safe space for the child, where he feels good and is interested. The subject of special attention is the formation of a system of additional education for children, ensuring their employment during extracurricular and vacation periods.


implement measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors,

assist teenagers in the implementation and protection of rights and legitimate interests,

organize control over the conditions of education and training of minors,

take measures to ensure the protection of children from physical, mental and other forms of violence, from all forms of discrimination, as well as from involvement in various types of antisocial behavior,

identify and analyze the causes and conditions that contribute to neglect, homelessness and crime, take measures to eliminate them,

interaction with public organizations and relevant services to create optimal conditions for children’s adaptation to society,

carrying out preventive work with parents (persons replacing them) who maliciously fail to fulfill their duties in raising and educating their minor children.

Operating principles: legality, humanity, confidentiality of information about a minor and his parents (legal representatives).

Regulatory framework:

Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120 “On the basics of preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency”,

Federal Law of October 12, 1996 “On Education”, regional law “On Education”,

Convention on the Rights of the Child,

National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation 2000-2025,

Federal Law dated June 10, 2001 No. 87-03 “On restricting tobacco smoking”,

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2002 No. 237 “On emergency measures to solve the problems of child neglect”,

Regional program for the prevention of crime and homelessness among minors.

Reasons for registering for in-school preventive registration: violation of the school charter, systematic failure to complete homework, refusal to work in class, gross violation of discipline, absence from classes, constant fights, rudeness and foul language, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, violation of public order.




Study of the regulatory framework. Determination of strategy and tactics of activity.


Deputy dir. according to OVR

Drawing up socio-psychological passports of “at-risk” students, lists of children from disadvantaged, large and single-parent families.


Cl. managers

Monitoring the attendance and progress of these students, examining their living conditions.

during a year

Cl. managers

Individual conversations with students prone to crime.


Deputy dir. according to OVR

Cl. managers

Visiting families at home (students at risk).

1 time per quarter

Cl. managers

Organization of evening raids in populated areas.



Cl. managers

Meeting with the IDN inspector, the local commissioner (with the invitation of parents). Strengthening interdepartmental cooperation.


Deputy dir. according to OVR

Conducting themed communication hours.

during a year

Cl. managers

Career guidance work among high school students.

during a year

Cl. managers

Watching thematic videos.


Deputy dir. according to OVR

Organization of extracurricular activities for teenagers. Ensuring employment during the holidays.

during a year

Cl. managers

Organization of general education.


Deputy dir. according to OVR

Approximate topics for conversations during social hours.

1 class:

- “Rules of behavior and responsibilities of a schoolchild”,

- “What is an order?”

- “Be careful on the street!”;

2nd grade:

- “Discipline and order are our true friends”,

- “What is good, what is bad”

- “Is it difficult to be good?”;

3rd grade:

- “Our class is at recess”

- “About grievances and their causes”,

- “Friend in my life”;

4th grade:

- “Advantages and disadvantages of man”,

- “Taking someone else’s is a shame”

- “Hanging out with stupid people will make you stupid”;

5th grade:

- “About the culture of communication”,

- “About bad habits”,

- “Behavior in public places”;

6th grade:

- “Student behavior at school and at home”,

- “What is an offense?”

- “How to avoid becoming a victim of crime?”;

7th grade:

- “Spirituality”,

- “Life is given only once”,

- "Cigarette Trial"

- “What is tolerance?”;

8th grade:

- “The ABC of Ethics”,

- “Man - it sounds proud”,

- “I choose a healthy lifestyle”

- “Your rights and obligations”;

9th grade:

- “About the dangers of smoking”,

- "Step into the abyss"

- "Guys let's be friends",

- “On the relationship between boys and girls”;

Grade 10:

- “What is the law?”

- “My dreams and my desires”,

- “Conscience as civic responsibility”;

Grade 11:

- “Spirituality and soullessness”,

- “A dangerous situation and a way out of it”,

- “I and the law.”