Lecture plan on the topic of Cossacks. Unusual lesson "history of the Cossacks"

Plan. 1. Prerequisites for the emergence of the Cossacks. 2.Zaporozhye Sich. Military administrative structure. 3. Liberation war of the Ukrainian people. 4. Elimination of the Polish-gentry regime. Organization of the state. 5.Liquidation of the Hetmanate and the Zaporozhye Sich.

1. Prerequisites for the emergence of the Cossacks. The first written mention of the word “Cossack” dates back to the end of the 16th century. Translated from Turkic it means “free armed man.” The Ukrainian Cossacks arose in a difficult time for the Ukrainian people, when Ukraine lost its statehood, and its lands were seized by several states (Lithuania, Poland, Russia)

In the 16th century The number of Cossacks is constantly growing and they settle partly in built farmsteads and settlements, partly in Cossack cities - Chigirin, Kanev, Korsun, Cherkassy. The main occupations of the Cossacks were hunting, fishing, beekeeping, cattle breeding and, gradually, agriculture

As a result: by the 16th century. The Cossacks mastered the middle Dnieper region and Zaporozhye, where in the middle. XVI century The leader of the Cossacks - the elder of Kanevsky and Cherkassy - Dmitry Vishnevetsky ("Bayda") unites the Cossacks, creates a Cossack center "Zaporozhye Sich" on the Dnieper beyond the rapids.

Dmitry Ivanovich Vishnevetsky (Bayda) ()

To protect against Turkish-Tatar raids, Vishnevetsky, having united the Cossacks, built a wooden-earthen castle on the island of Malaya Khortytsia at his own expense, which historians consider the prototype of the Zaporozhye Sich.

2.Zaporozhye Sich. Military administrative structure. Zaporizhian Sich (Ukrainian: Zaporizhka Sich) is a self-governing military organization and the military and administrative center of the Ukrainian Cossacks, which was located in the 16th century beyond the Dnieper rapids.

According to researchers, in the entire history of the Zaporozhye Cossacks there were 8 sections, which were located mainly in the lower reaches of the Dnieper and existed from 5 to 40 years each. In total, the Zaporozhye Sich existed for about two and a half centuries. All Sich existed, replacing one another. As a rule, the Sich was located near the crossing of the Dnieper. This made it easier to control the Crimean raids on Right Bank Ukraine.

List of Zaporozhye Sichs: 1. Khortytska, gg. 2. Tomakovskaya, 3. Bazavlutskaya, 4. Nikitinskaya, 5. Chertomlinskaya, 6. Kamenskaya, 7. Aleshkinskaya, 8. Novaya (Podpolnenskaya), gg.

The conditions for admission to the Sich were that he be free and unmarried; had to speak Ukrainian well; profess the Orthodox faith, observe fasts, know the symbols of faith and prayer; Those who arrived in the Sich had to undergo full training (study military formations, learn “Sich knighthood”).

Military and territorial division In military terms, the Zaporozhye community was divided into 38 kurens. In military terms, a kuren meant a hundred, a regiment, an independent part of the Army. The word kuren had a double meaning. It also meant the home of the Cossacks. The most suitable comparison with the modern organizational and staffing structure of the armed forces for the kuren is the concept of “company”.

Administrative and judicial authorities in the Zaporozhian Troops The total commanding staff in the Sich numbered from 49 to 149 people. The main thing in the Sich was the Koshevoy Ataman. Next came the judge, captain, clerk and kuren atamans. It was actually the government of the Zaporozhye Sich. Next came the lower command staff: signatory, captain, cornet, etc.

3. Liberation war of the Ukrainian people. In 1648, the Ukrainian people, under the leadership of B. Khmelnitsky, began a national liberation war against foreign domination, for the creation of their own state.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky ()

Bogdan Zinovy ​​Mikhailovich Khmelnitsky (December 27, 1595, Subotov August 4 (15), 1657, Chigirin) hetman of the Zaporozhye Army, commander and statesman, organizer and ideological leader of the uprising of the Zaporozhye Cossacks against the rule of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the result of which, in the process of nine years of struggle, was the founding a new state formation of the Zaporozhian Army, which existed as part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (formally) and then Russia until the end of the 18th century.

Periodization: years (Zboriv agreement, the hetman’s power extended to the Kiev, Bratslav, Chernigov voivodeships) (Belotserkovsky Treaty, the hetman’s power was retained only in the Kiev Voivodeship) gg. (Pereyaslav agreement, union of Ukraine and Russia).

4. Elimination of the Polish-gentry regime. Organization of the state General Council During the national liberation war, Ukrainian statehood began to be created on the lands liberated from Polish rule. The highest legislative body of the state became the General Council - the general council of the entire army.

Over time, the General Council was replaced by the Council of Elders, which consisted of colonels and a general foreman (considered all issues of international politics, approved city privileges and death sentences). The executive and judicial powers belonged to the hetman (he published universal books, dealt with the financial system, conducted peace negotiations, and was commander-in-chief)

The hetman was helped to manage all matters of internal administration and foreign policy by the general foreman (general clerk, baggage officer, two esauls, two judges). The capital became the city of Chigirin. The entire territory was divided into regiments, which were headed by a colonel (regimental sergeant major). The regiments were divided into hundreds (centurion sergeant and centurion foreman). Hundreds on kuren (elected otaman). 33 Theft was considered the most serious crime in the Sich. Even for petty theft there was only one punishment - death. The court was guided in its conduct of business by the customs of the Sich. Before the court, all commanders and ordinary Cossacks were equal. The murder of a Cossack by a Cossack was considered a serious criminal offense.
5. Liquidation of the Hetmanate and the Zaporozhye Sich. In 1772, the Little Russian Collegium was created, which decided all the affairs of the Hetmanate and limited the power of the hetman. After the death of I. Soropadsky, Peter I appointed P. Polubotok. In 1734, Empress Anna Ioannovna forbade beating hetmans. A collegium “Board of the Hetman Government” was created, which became the highest authority of the Hetmanate. It was led by a Russian prince
1750, by order of Elizabeth, hetman Kirill Rozumovsky; 1764 Governor General Pyotr Rumyantsev; 1765 - liquidation of Cossack self-government 1796 Little Russian province was created on the territory of the hetmanate. Russia received access to the Black Sea; 1775 Zaporozhye Sich was liquidated.

Teacher MBOU Starocherkassk secondary school Krivoshapkina N.N.

Development of a lesson on the history of the Don Cossacks on the topic:

“Raising a Cossack Boy”

Lesson objectives:

    Educational: based on historical material, bring the cadets to a conclusion about the peculiarities in the upbringing of a Cossack boy.

    Educational: to instill a sense of pride in belonging to the Cossacks, respect for the traditions and history of their region, a sense of love for the Quiet Don - their small homeland.

    Developmental: continue to work on developing the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

Lesson equipment:

    map of the Don Army Region;

    computer, overhead projector;

    textbook by N.V. Samarin, O.G. Vityuk. "History of the Don region of the 17th -19th centuries." 7-8 grade. Rostov-on-Don: Don Publishing House, 2004.

Lesson type: combined.

Epigraph “Accept the Cossack! Keep an eye on him! So that he is not bad, so that he is quick to do any work, so that he prays to God and learns the saber! So that he doesn’t bully the little ones, but is respectful to his parents...”

Lesson plan:

    Updating knowledge.

    Learning new material.
    2.1. Birth and christening of a Cossack son.
    2.2. Celebration of the First Pants.

    2.3.Childhood of a Cossack girl.

    Application of the studied material.


During the classes

1. Updating knowledge.

Introductory words from the teacher:

Each of us living in the Don region should know its history, be proud of it, and love our small homeland. You, who have connected your training with the Cossack Corps, need to be especially sensitive to your roots, to know and honor the traditions of the Cossacks - GLORIOUS WARRIORS, GUARDIANS OF THE SOUTHERN FRONTIERS OF GREAT RUSSIA.

2. Studying new material.

2.1. Birth and christening of a Cossack son.

In the family, the child was not called a boy, but a Cossack, a Cossack son. All the father's friends and acquaintances brought something for the newborn to taste. This gift was certainly military: a cartridge of gunpowder, an arrow, a bow, a bullet. Grandfather gave a saber and a gun. When, after 40 days, the mother and son returned from church (where the child’s baptism ceremony took place), she was met by the father. He took his son in his arms, put a saber on him, put him on a horse, cut his hair into a circle with scissors, and returned it to his mother, congratulating her on becoming a Cossack.

When the baby was teething, the father took him on a horse and rode with him to church, where they served a prayer service to John the Warrior that their son would be a brave Cossack.

The boy had his hair cut for the first time when he was one year old. This ritual is described in ancient Russian chronicles as a grand ducal one, and it is unknown whether it came to Rus' from the steppe or to the steppe from Rus'. But the Cossacks have preserved it to this day.

A one-year-old Cossack was seated on a felt mat in the female half of the house and his godmother cut off his first strands of hair, which were then kept as part of a personal icon throughout his life.

The women handed the cut boy to the men, and they carried him to the church. A bareback horse was waiting for him there. They sat the Cossack girl astride a horse on a spread silk scarf (in which the first hair was then wrapped) and they wondered how he would behave, trying to guess the fate of the future warrior by the slightest signs. If he grabs the mane, he will be alive. If he cries and falls off his horse, he will be killed. The horse was led around the church. Then his father took him in his arms, and his godfather put a sword belt on both of them so that from a distance it seemed like a Cossack walking down the street with a saber.

Scene: (Cossack kuren on the slide)

At the gates of their native kuren, the Cossacks were met by women.

“Adopt the Cossack! Keep an eye on him! So that he is not bad, but quick to do any work, so that he prays to God and learns the saber! So that he doesn’t bully the little ones, respect his elders, and be respectful to his parents...”

The godmother took the saber from the father and son with the words: “Take the saber, godfather, our Cossack still needs to grow.” Save it until the deadline."

Teacher: The godfather kept the weapon and handed it to his godson at the age of 17, after the youngster was assigned to the regiment. He taught his godson all church customs, but mostly all types of military art. The godfather was always strict and fair.

Advance task “Feast of the First Pants”

The holiday of the first pants came depending on the general development of the child, but, as a rule, from the age of three to five. The pants were given by the eldest in the family. These must be trousers. Everyone congratulated the boy on his first pants, and the Cossack boy was very proud of them.

The training was hard and constant. They taught us to shoot and chop with a saber. First, they let water flow in a thin stream and “placed their hand” so that the blade went at the right angle and cut the water without leaving splashes. Then they were taught to “cut down the vine”, sitting on a hitching post - on a log, and only then on a war horse, saddled in a combat style, in a combat style. Hand-to-hand combat was taught from the age of three, passing on special techniques that were kept in each clan. Three-year-old Cossack children themselves rode horses around the yard, and five years old rode bareback along the street, across the steppe. At the age of 8, the Cossack boy freely controlled a kayak and went hunting and fishing with his elders. The Cossacks climbed trees quickly and deftly, boldly swam across the Don, and fired their guns accurately. In winter, young Cossacks played chess, war games, built snow towns, and went wall to wall. The favorite pastime of the Cossacks in their free time was horse racing, which resulted in a solemn holiday. On the day of the races, a bunch of reeds were placed out of the blue as a target and a line was drawn from which the races were to begin. At a signal, the horsemen rushed to the target, firing guns as they galloped. The most dexterous ones did this while standing on horses, picking up scarves and monists (beads) from the ground at full gallop.

2.2. Childhood of a Cossack girl.

At the age of 7, the boy had his hair cut ritually for the second time, and for the first time he went with the men to the bathhouse, and then to his first confession. At home, after the festive dinner, during which he ate children's sweets for the last time, under the furtive tears of his mother and grandmother, he packed up his bed and moved from the nursery to his brothers' room.

From that moment on, only men could punish the boy (or, if the father was killed or died, only the mother). Women had no right to interfere in his upbringing. And when the elders left home, he remained in charge. He fully understood the responsibility and truly was the pillar of the home and family.

From a very early age, the Cossack boy recognized himself as part of the village society. Legends brought to us the news that in all the ancient Cossack military circles there were always smart Cossacks. For this special occasion, they even sewed festive clothes at the expense of the Ataman treasury. Of course, they did not take part in the disputes of the Cossacks, they had a different task - to listen and remember. After the circle, they were asked who said what, who objected to whom, what decision was to be made... There were old men who spoke with amazing accuracy about the events of a century ago, and when asked how he knew this, the old man simply answered, “I was there!”

But the most important task of the Cossack girl was always to study. Schoolchildren were especially respected. The family was proud of them; they behaved respectably and with dignity on the street. Those who were lucky enough to study in the Cossack cadet corps were known by name to all residents of the village or farm. They were invited to the board and congratulated on the holidays by the ataman. Even the old people called them by their first names and patronymics!

From spring to autumn, Cossacks, as a rule, lived in the steppe with flocks or in melon fields with old people. And here study did not stop for a single day. Cossacks were taught every day - to shoot, ride a horse, cut with a saber, and fight.

From the age of five to seven, the sons of Cossack officers were taken into regiments and taken with them to service, often to war.

Teacher: What traditions of the Don Cossacks do we value now?

Students answer: Respect for elders, for parents, reverence for one’s father’s house, service to the Fatherland.

3. Application of the studied material.

In the second, practical part of the lesson, students show their Cossack skills and prowess ("vine cutting" competitions, shooting.)

4. Homework.

Prepare messages: “Speech of the Don Cossacks”, “games of the Cossacks”.

Lesson topic: The appearance of the Cossacks on the Don

(slide 1)

Pedagogically tasks

  • provide conditions for studying events related to the appearance of the Cossacks on the Don;
  • create conditions for developing skills to work with historical sources;
  • give students a holistic understanding of the historical identity of their native land;
  • develop students' interest in their native history.

Planned results:

Students must:

  • get acquainted with the events related to the appearance of the Cossacks on the Don;
  • know about the Cossack settlement of the Lower and Upper Don, about the first Cossack towns;
  • get acquainted with the management of the Cossack army and the main occupations of the Don Cossacks in the 16th century,
  • know about the first written mentions of the Don Cossacks, the Don Army;
  • explain and apply the concepts: Cossack, ataman, esaul, Military circle, mace, nasek.


  • education of a well-rounded personality of a citizen of Russia, spiritually connected with his small homeland, knowing and respecting its history, culture, national traditions, oriented in the system of values ​​and needs of modern life


  • the ability to consciously organize and regulate one’s activities;
  • possession of the skills to analyze and summarize facts, formulate and justify conclusions;
  • use different sources of information;


  • ability to study and systematize information from various historical and modern sources (text, visual);
  • knowledge of the chronology of the period being studied;
  • knowledge of historical facts of the period under study;
  • a story about historical events and their participants;
  • correlation of historical facts and general phenomena.

During the classes:

I Organizational moment.

II Studying new material.

1. The appearance of the Cossacks on the Don.

(slide 2) Motherland! Fatherland. Favorite region. Blazing dawns in the morning, a bottomless sky filled with stars, a pink haze of flowering gardens, an endless sea of ​​ripe bread, the tart wormwood smell of the steppe winds. This is the land of your grandfathers and great-grandfathers, this is a sweet corner to which your heart is attached, which you will never forget, never stop loving. Everyone has one homeland. And your homeland... is the place where you were born...

L. P. Alexandrovskaya

Teacher: We call the place where a person was born and lives a small homeland.

Question : What is the name of our small homeland? (slide 3)

Teacher: Blue spaces, fogs,

Feather grass, wormwood, and weeds...

The vastness of the earth and the heavenly sculpt!

Spilled, unfolded in the wild

Pripontiyskoye Wild Field,

Dark Cimmerian steppe.

Everything is covered with burial grounds -

Without names, without end, without number...

All hoofed and torn up by spears,

Sown with bone, watered with blood,

Yes, it is overgrown with tight folk.

M. Voloshin

In ancient times it was called the Wild Field. From Voronezh to the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov stretched the Wild Field - an immense gray feather-grass steppe. In summer, hot winds blew across the steppe, in winter blizzards hung, blizzards boiled with a groan and snow dust swirled in whirlwinds. The steppe was harsh and inhospitable in bad weather. And only in the spring did she become affectionate and generous. There were many hares, wild goats, wolves, foxes, and all kinds of birds here. Fish were caught in huge quantities in the rivers.

Since the end of the 15th century, the vast expanses of the Don steppes increasingly attracted determined and courageous people who fled from the Moscow state and dreamed of freeing themselves from serfdom. People also came to the Don from other lands and countries. They united and led a life full of anxiety and danger. The name “Cossacks” stuck to them. (slide 4)

Student speechwith the message “When and who were called “Cossacks”

Among the Persians, this word meant people who were in service paid by the treasury; among the Arabs it is a horseman fighting for the faith and law of the prophet; in Mongolian this word means “free warrior, armor, shield and strong stronghold for protecting the border, military guard”; in Turkic - a homeless wanderer, a homeless exile. In Russian sources, a Cossack is, first of all, a free person, who for some reason broke with the environment to which he previously belonged. Cossacks were those who performed military service. For example, in Russian epics one of the favorite heroes - Ilya Muromets - is called “old Cossack”. Cossacks were the name given to messengers sent with news or letters from Moscow to Crimea. In the 16th century, service people were called Cossacks. These could be Russians, Tatars, and representatives of other nations.

Teacher : So we can conclude thatIn the 16th century, the word “Cossack” was used to describe free people hired for military service.(write in notebook)

2. The first Cossack towns.

At first, the Cossacks had temporary dwellings: huts and dugouts. Armed detachments of Cossacks - villages - set up their camps in inaccessible places, in dense forests, on islands overgrown with reeds, in river bends. Over time, a town grew out of the camp. The first towns began to appear on the Don in the middle of the 16th century. (slide 5)

The first documentary mention of Cossack towns dates back to 1549 year (write in notebook). Then the Nogai prince Yusuf complained to Tsar Ivan IV: “Your servants, a certain Sary-Azman, say, they made cities on the Don in three and four places... Yes, our ambassadors... and people are guarded and defeated.”

Questions for the document:

  1. What was the name of the Don Ataman?
  2. What were the names of the Cossack settlements?
  3. What is the Nogai prince complaining about?

Exercise: Based on the drawing, describe what the Cossack town looked like.

Addition to student responses: The Cossacks fortified their towns with an earthen rampart, and placed a wooden palisade with sharp stakes on the rampart. The outer side was hung with sharp thorns of old acacia or thorns. Later, the Cossacks began to surround the towns with strong and high, three or even five meters, walls. At the corners of these walls, special fortifications were built - bastions, or raskats, in Cossack style. Powerful cast-iron cannons were always positioned on these booms. The Cossacks recaptured them from their enemies, and later, when they began to receive salaries from the Moscow government, guns were sent to the Don from Moscow.

(slide 6) The most ancient Cossack towns were Migulin, Kargaly, Uryupin, Makhin, Cherkassky.

The Cossacks who founded towns in the lower reaches of the Don were called grassroots. Cossacks who lived on the Upper Don- on horseback.

3. Management in the Cossack army.(slide 7)

Teacher: The Don Cossacks considered themselves the Don Army. To resolve their affairs, the Cossacks gathered for a general gathering - the Military Circle, this was the highest authority on the Don. On the rug, the most important issues of Cossack life were decided: who to declare war and with whom to make peace, when to go on a campaign and where to send ambassadors, who to choose as ataman and where to found a new town. On Krug they were accepted into the Cossacks, Cossacks were married and, on the contrary, they were divorced. Usually the Cossack Circle met once a year - in the spring. All men at least seventeen years old had the right to come to the Circle. Women were not allowed.

In the intervals between meetings, power belonged to the ataman.

Ataman – elected leader, leader of the Cossacks. Esaul – The ataman's assistant could replace him if necessary. The military chieftain was elected for a year. At the end of his term of service, he appeared at the Circles, bowed to the Cossacks on all four sides, laid down the signs of his power - a notch and a mace. (entry in notebooks)

Mace – sign of ataman power. It consisted of a short stick of walnut or other light and durable wood. A silver and gold-plated ball was attached to the end. The handle was finished in silver.

Naseka – sign of ataman power. A long rod made of strong wood, on which notches were made according to the number of elected chieftains. The ataman held the mace in his right hand, and the insect in his left, leaning on it like a staff.

If the ataman showed himself to be an intelligent and skillful organizer, a brave commander, then he could be elected for the next term and for several more terms. If the ataman did not live up to expectations, he was removed without even waiting for the deadline.

The troops had their own laws, based on customs. They punished cowardice with a sentence of imprisonment. For a perfect feat, the Cossack was picked up and rocked with a shout of “Hurray.”

4. Activities of the Don Cossacks.

The life of the Don Cossacks was hectic; it took place in campaigns and battles. War turned into one of the most important trades for them. Dexterity, resourcefulness, a fast horse, a flying lasso, a well-aimed arrow and a bullet saved the Cossacks in the endless expanses of the steppe. The Cossacks went on land and sea campaigns. Everything obtained during the campaigns (various fabrics, weapons, prisoners) was divided among themselves - duvani duvan.

Exercise: read an excerpt from the book “How It Was for Us on the Quiet Don” (authors L. Novak, N. Fradkina) and determine what other activities the Cossacks had (write in a notebook)

“The nature of the Don region, the tall grasses in which the rider drowned as if in a green sea, the dense forests that hid numerous wild animals, the untold riches of fish were conducive to peaceful pursuits - hunting and fishing. they went far from their camps..., they went to the steppes, where they hunted for two or three months. On a light canoe, hollowed out of a large tree, the Cossacks went out to catch fish... Herds of horses and herds of cattle were brought back from their campaigns. On the Don there were excellent pastures with thick grass... The Cossacks did not engage in agriculture for a long time: continuous raids of nomads who destroyed crops interfered. The circle even prohibited farming so that military activities would not be interfered with” (slide 8)

III Consolidation of the studied material. (slide 9)

Task: fill in the gaps in the text

V. Summing up, grading.

VI. Homework.

Prepare a crossword puzzle (at least 8 words) or a presentation (at the students’ choice) on the topic of the lesson.

VII Final reflection

Card with the task “Continue the phrase”:

It was interesting to me...

I realized today that...

For the next lesson I want...

Are you satisfied with your job?


“How it was with us on the quiet Don”, Novak L, Fradkina N., Rostov-on-Don: Rostov Book Publishing House 1985

“Glorious is the Don”, Astapenko M.P., Rostov-on-Don:Rostov book publishing house 1985

History of the Don Region, Astapenko M.P., Astapenko E.M., Rostov-on-Don: Mini Type LLC, 2005

History of the Don region, O. G. Veryaskina,Rostov-on-Don: Rostov Publishing House, 2004

Lesson development

"An Unusual Lesson at the Museum"

A special people are the Cossacks.

“The Khoper theme in the Quiet Don” determine the theme of our lesson, which we devote to the rich history of the Cossacks and their historical traditions.

The purpose of the extracurricular activity: to introduce students to the history of the Cossacks in connection with the study of M. Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don”

Dear Guys!

Today we have an unusual lesson. It is unusual that we are holding it in the Museum of Local History, where the hospitable hosts showed us an exhibition on the history of the Cossacks. The idea of ​​this lesson did not arise by chance. After all, we have begun to acquaint you with M. Sholokhov’s greatest novel “Quiet Don,” which introduces us to a special people - the Cossacks.

/ Viewing fragments of the film “Quiet Don”

In this small fragment we saw luxurious pictures of Don nature, which inspired M. Sholokhov to create an epic novel, and we observed pictures of the peaceful life of the Cossacks.

One of the main occupations for a Cossack was service.

It is about the service of thought of Grigory Melekhov after leaving home: “We walked in half-asleep thoughts smoothly and evenly, like a longboat in the current, and suddenly ran into something, as if running aground; I felt dreary and uneasy; I tossed and turned, wondered... And in the morning I woke up and remembered: Service! Where will we go with Aksyutka? In the spring - to the camp, and in the fall to the service...

In addition to service, another concept that determined the life of a Cossack was LAND.

The Cossack cannot help but go into service and cannot leave his land, Grigory Aksinye speaks about this in the episode when she persuades him to run away from the farm to the mine:

« Well, where do I go from farming? Again at my service this year. I won’t move anywhere from the ground.”

With his entire novel, M. Sholokhov convinces us: we must preserve good traditions, study them, connecting them with a new civilization

After all, there is nothing more harmful than enmity, “whites with reds,” Donets with Khopers, Russians with other peoples. And just as Khoper flows into the Don, so people of different regions, of different beliefs must find a common language - these words of Professor V.S. Vakhrushev from the article “The Khoper theme in the “Quiet Don”” determine the topic of our lesson, which we dedicate to the rich history of the Cossacks , and their historical traditions.

    We will learn about the history of the Cossacks as a military class in Russia.

    Let's get acquainted with Cossack symbols, ranks and titles.

    With centuries-old traditions and commandments

    Let's listen to the story of the revival of the Cossacks on our Khoper land.

And then the images of the heroes of “Quiet Don” will become closer and clearer to us. After all, for the first time in world literature, the hero of this novel is not a titan, not a king or a commander, but a simple worker, a Cossack. We will better understand that in the image of Grigory Melekhov the fate of not only the Don Cossacks was embodied, but to a large extent the fate of all humanity of the 20th century.

The tragedy of the “Quiet Don” is our common tragedy, because, more than ever before, we are losing contact with nature, with the earth, with our culture, and the traditions of our ancestors.

To prevent this from happening, we are conducting our lesson today.

Guest introduction:

1. Shalatov Viktor Ivanovich - Cossack major general.

2. Filchashkin Sergey Ivanovich - Cossack colonel

3. Neverov Vyacheslav Dmitrievich - esaul, ataman of the village of Pinerovskaya.

4. Vladimir Vasilievich Smotrov – military foreman

5. Artists of the ensemble “Khopyorskaya Volnitsa”

Presentation of a research group of literary and historian students:

    Muzalkov Maxim.

    Minov Vasily

    Gerashchenko Alexander

    Matveev Peter

    Samodurova Kristina

    Vetrova Ekaterina

    Bogantseva Victoria

    Cousin Olesya

    Belousova Irina

    Loschakova Zhanna

..(The anthem of the Don Cossacks sounds)

1. Let us turn to the history of the Cossacks based on our reading experience. Back in 7th grade

We got acquainted with the wonderful story by N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”, where we observed

The morals and customs of the Zaporozhye Cossacks and the embodiment in the story of the writer’s dream of a fair, free society: So here it is, the Sich! This is the nest from which all those proud and strong like lions fly out! This is where the will and Cossacks spread throughout Ukraine!”

/Quote from the story “Taras Bulba” /

“The entire Sich was an extraordinary phenomenon... The death of the people came to the Sich

And even if someone asked them where they were from, it was as if they were returning to their house, from which they had left an hour before. The newcomer appeared only to the Koschevoi, who usually said: “Hello! What, do you believe in Christ? - “I believe!” - answered the newcomer. - “And do you believe in the Holy Trinity?” - “I believe” - And do you go to church?” - “I’m walking!” - “Come on, cross yourself!” The newcomer was baptized. “Well, okay,” answered the Koschevoi,

Go to the kuren you know.” This ended the whole ceremony.

Gogol does not idealize the Sich, he shows its spontaneity, willfulness, and unbridledness. But everything disappears when peaceful life ends and wartime begins. At the first call of the Fatherland, the Cossacks abandon everything and take up arms : “And everything that happened,

Mounted a horse. In a word, the Russian character has acquired a mighty, wide scope here,

Hefty appearance,” wrote N.V. Gogol.

2. Another famous Cossack chieftain, cavalry general, Count Matvey

Ivanovich Platov mentions Griboyedov in the famous comedy “Woe from Wit,” calling him “the hero of Ochakov and the conquest of the Crimea.” The legendary ataman Platov is also a hero

Leskov's original story "Lefty".

In the Encyclopedic Dictionary we learn about him as a comrade-in-arms of Suvorov and Kutuzov, a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. Platov was the initiator and organizer of the Don Cossack militia against the French invaders.”

From our pure hearts we will give Platov a crown.” This is how ordinary Cossacks sang on the Don after 1812 about their ataman.

3. Since ancient times, the life of the Cossacks has been surrounded by an aura of rumors, legends and speculation.

Everyone knows that the view of the Cossacks as unbending fighters for the “Faith, Tsar and Fatherland” has long been widespread. The opinion about the eternal rebellion and self-will of the Cossacks is no less popular. There is an opinion that it was the Cossacks who supported all the impostors on the Russian throne during the Time of Troubles. Often it was the Cossacks, who did not tolerate the oppression of the tsarist autocracy, who were the organizers and participants in popular uprisings.

So, A.S. Pushkin wrote in “The History of Pugachev”: “Finally, in 1771, the rebellion of the Yaik Cossacks was revealed in all its strength... strict and necessary measures restored only external order, but calm was unreliable. “There will be more to come!” - said the rebels - will we still shake Moscow?

Then the famous events under the leadership of Pugachev were reflected in “The Captain's Daughter”.

    In the 18th century, the “golden age” of the Russian Cossacks passed.

The times of violent freemen, privileged Cossack autonomies, which were a kind of “state within a state,” were gradually coming to an end. But then the Cossack communities still felt at ease on the outskirts of Russia, paying for their “will” with bloody battles with the surrounding nomads.

The regular army created under Peter devalued the Cossacks as a military force.

5. As you know, the Don military government did not recognize the Bolshevik victory in October 17, but the overwhelming majority of the Cossacks, tired of the war, remained neutral. At the beginning of 1918, the Don government fell. Small groups of Cossacks retreated to the steppes, then were united by General Popov, more than 500 Don Cossacks were part of the Volunteer Army of General Kornilov, then Wrangel.

According to most researchers, after the Civil War, about 40 thousand Cossacks emigrated from Russia. Fate brought the Cossacks to America, Australia, Africa, and many European countries.

6. One of these emigrants, who lived most of his life in France, was a talented poet who was able to express with amazing power the melancholy of exile and the tragedy of the Cossacks, almost destroyed after the 17th year. He returned to his homeland 20 years after his death. But he returned with his poems.

Listen to lines from his poems dedicated to the Motherland.

We left Crimea

Among the smoke and fire,

I'm always passing by from the stern

He shot at his own horse.

I gave you the best years

I entrusted everything to you, without hiding, -

France, land of my freedom,

My stepmother is funny.

It's time, my old friend, it's time,

We both got along well,

And elderly cadets

They stand at attention at the coffin.

But I don’t say goodbye when I’m apart from you,

My distant father's home,

I will not be ashamed before the Lord

Be called a Don Cossack!

/Proposed number X/C Cossack song……………………………………………

7. Word to Vladimir Vasilievich SMOTROV.

We address you as an expert, a connoisseur of Cossack history. Did the guys say everything correctly? And of course, we want to hear more interesting, exciting moments in the history of the Cossacks.

The Cossack, speaking about himself, always emphasized the triad : You have to be born a Cossack! You need to become a Cossack! You have to be a Cossack! Then you will find the Kingdom of Heaven and Glory in your descendants!

We decipher these principles of the Cossack worldview Let's ask Viktor Ivanovich SHALATOV.


- Rights and responsibilities of a Cossack.

-What is the Cossack circle? And the order in which it is carried out.

-Acceptance into the Cossacks and “taking under the greatcoat”

In addition, Viktor Ivanovich is now a deputy of the district council, and can tell us about the functions and role of the Cossacks in our region.

8. A story about Cossack SYMBOLS

9. A story about RANKS AND TITLES

Final words from the teacher:

Thus, the Cossacks were a separate class, distinguished by their desire for independence, love of freedom, hard work, and reverence for their elders. The Cossacks are an original people with a long and interesting history, culture, and language.

And today the revived Cossacks play an important role in society.

There are many theories about the emergence of the Cossacks.

According to eastern hypothesis, the Cossacks arose through the merger of the Kasogs and Brodniks after the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Kasogi (Kasakhs, Kasaks) - an ancient Circassian people who inhabited the territory of the lower Kuban in the 10th-14th centuries. Brodniki - a people of Turkic-Slavic origin, formed in the lower reaches of the Don in the 12th century (then the border region of Kievan Rus.

Initially, the first cell of the Cossacks was formed in the service of the Golden Horde: the Kasogs and Brodniks fought against Rus' on the side of the Mongols in the Battle of Kalka (1223), which ended in victory for the Mongols.

The Tatarized Cossacks were a dashing, invincible cavalry - horsemen (from the ancient Chigs and Gets). The Tatar Baskaks, sent to Rus' by the khans to collect tribute, always had detachments of these Cossacks with them. But no matter how the khans caressed their bodyguards, or provided them with various benefits and liberties, the freedom-loving spirit of the Cossacks lived in them.

After the split of the Golden Horde, the Cossacks who remained on its territory retained their military organization, but at the same time found themselves in complete independence from the fragments of the former empire - the Nogai Horde and the Crimean Khanate; and from the Moscow state that appeared in Rus'. Although it is known that in 1380 the Cossacks presented the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy with an icon of Our Lady of the Don and participated against Mamai in the Battle of Kulikovo on the side of the Russians.

However, in 1395, Tamerlane invaded Rus'. Although Tamerlane did not reach Moscow, his army marched along the Don and took a huge captivity. Subsequently, the Don was deserted, and the Cossacks went north and dispersed, many settled on the Upper Don, and communities were also formed in the basins of other rivers, and this is what coincides with the first mentions of the Cossacks on the Volga, Dnieper, Terek and Yaik.

4.2. Slavic hypothesis of the emergence of the Cossacks

According to Slavic hypothesis, the Cossacks originally came from the Slavs.

The growth of feudal exploitation and serfdom in the 15th and 16th centuries. in the Russian and Polish-Lithuanian state, called the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, led to a massive exodus of peasants outside the borders of these states to unoccupied lands in the south. As a result, from the second half of the 15th century. On the outskirts of Russia and Ukraine, along the Dnieper, Don and Yaik rivers, fugitive peasants settled who called themselves free people - Cossacks. The need to wage a constant struggle against neighboring feudal states and semi-nomadic peoples required the unification of these people into military communities. In Polish chronicles, the first mention of Cossacks dates back to 1493, when the Cherkassy governor Bogdan Fedorovich Glinsky, nicknamed “Mamai,” having formed border Cossack detachments in Cherkassy, ​​captured the Turkish fortress of Ochakov.

In the first mentions, the Turkic word “Cossack” meant “guard” or vice versa - “robber”. Also - “free man”, “exile”, “adventurer”, “tramp”. This word often denoted free, “nobody’s” people who lived with weapons. It was in this meaning that it stuck with the Cossacks.