Painted beauty or painted beauty. Written beauty

There are no ugly women - there are those who do not know how to apply makeup correctly.

Written beauty

Magazine: 2018
Category: Beauty and health

Cosmetics, although translated from Greek means “to put in order”, “to decorate”, can do things completely opposite - to disfigure. Recognized beauties from the paintings of great portrait painters will also die at her “hands”!

Stencil eyebrows and dumpling lips

In the struggle of women for men's hearts, the main and most powerful weapon is cosmetics. Hide skin defects, create an expressive look, make sensual lips, give clarity to the oval of the face... Modern beauty products work real miracles! Everything, even miracles, should be in moderation. Alas, many girls do not see the dangerous line and continually cross it. And then they wonder: why do men, instead of giving compliments, bypass them?
In pursuit of fashionable images, it is easy to lose individuality and charm and turn into a cliched “doll”. Funny stenciled eyebrows, orange-brick contouring, dumpling lips - alas, this is a descriptive portrait of many of our contemporaries.

Erase it immediately!

A woman in search of a soulmate is especially enthusiastic about various beauty experiments: men love with their eyes! This is true, but you need to clearly understand what can frighten a representative of the stronger sex in the appearance of a very decorated girl. Aggressive smoky eyes, colored shadows and obviously artificial eyelashes, as well as thickly made-up ones, are completely disliked by men. Let's add to this list such a seemingly indisputable classic of the genre as bright red lipstick. Guys are afraid that it will be difficult to wipe it off their lips after a kiss, much less wash their shirt.
Have you gone too far with your face tone, achieving the effect of porcelain skin? And the man sees a mask or a layer of “plaster” that he wants to remove with a spatula. Throw in the self-tanner, which, according to guys, makes your face “orange, sticky and smells like chemicals.”

From beauty to beast?

So why not wear makeup at all? Of course not! Let's look at the main mistakes in makeup so that we don't make them again!
Too much makeup. The rule “focus on either the eyes or the lips” has not been canceled.
The foundation does not match the natural skin tone. Choose this cosmetic product in dim daylight. Apply the sample to your cheekbone or neck, and not, as is commonly believed, to your wrist.
Contouring, in principle, has already gone out of fashion. But if the desire to create sculpted cheekbones is still strong, avoid very contrasting colors such as white, red, brown. Nude shades will help you!
Incorrect eyebrow shaping and doll-like eyelashes. Choose a shade of eyebrow pencil that is a shade lighter than your natural color. Draw your eyebrows not with a solid line, but with strokes that imitate real hairs, from bottom to top. Comb your eyelashes thoroughly after coloring.

“What a woman! Gorgeous! Written beauty! - the men exclaim when they see the charming girl. Of course, it should be noted that beauty criteria vary greatly among representatives of different countries and continents. But this aspect is not the topic of today's discussion. Let's talk only about the word “written”. It appeared already in the 17th century, and was addressed to a woman. And until now, handsome men have never received such a compliment. We'll talk about that beautiful girl later, but for now - a little about us.

What do we, people of the 21st century, mean today in the meaning of this word? I asked twenty men of different ages and social status: “Who would you call a beautiful woman?” I conducted a mini-survey and processed the results. If we discard some lexical “delights” in the form of slang and unnecessary verbal embellishment, then the essence of the answer can be summarized in the following sentence: “A beautiful woman is the kind of girl you can’t take your eyes off.”

Glossy magazines have long shaped the image of modern beauty. Advice on what to do to always stay in line with fashion, to be beautiful and stylish makes your head spin. And magazine consultants and fashion stylists keep coming up with more and more proposals for improving one’s appearance.

So what does a modern girl need in order to please a modern man? Let's look into an average house in an average city and take a closer look at our average enchantress by visiting her early in the morning.

Washed, just out of the shower, with her hair tied up in a simple ponytail at the back of her head, she is unlikely to make an impression. It was no coincidence that I called her a charmer. She is generously endowed with charms, that is, magic, and wields them most skilfully. Having opened her cosmetic bag, the girl, not yet a beauty, begins to cast a spell. And we will watch her.

Where will it start? Probably from the hair. It’s a rare girl today who has retained her natural color: everyone is dissatisfied with themselves, so they constantly repaint their hair, achieving perfection. Today, fashion is benevolent and recommends all shades of colors: from white, like paper, to blue-black, like a raven's wing.

You can see contrasting stripes, for example, on black hair - red, purple, blue or green. Here who likes what. And, although, as it turned out, they still argue about tastes, every woman chooses the color and hairstyle that her stylist or best friend advised her. Many people rarely consult a mirror; they probably don’t trust their own eyes. Well, everyone has the right to choose.

Now about the eyebrows. The natural, that is, the shape of the eyebrows given to a girl by nature is also subject to correction. Tattooing can do a lot! Thin eyebrows spread out, arched, straight, wide at the bridge of the nose and thin at the edges - choose. The master is ready to fulfill your every whim for your money.

Uneven skin? Foundation will save the day. Blush will add freshness to your cheeks. And the eyes? Oh, this is a real work of art! How don't we decorate them?! I won’t list them – that’s not what we’re talking about. But, believe me, the list will be long and capable of impressing both with the quantity and the amount spent on all this. And during this time, our beauty’s eyes are already lined and made up.

We women also do not ignore our lips. What's wrong with them! And a nourishing cream to keep it from drying out, and lipstick, and gloss, and a little powder to give it a seductive plumpness!

So, everything seems to be about the head, our enchantress starts working on her nails. Manicure and pedicure are mandatory procedures. They are the ones who complete the look of a well-groomed woman. Ladies glue rhinestones onto their nails, paint a couple of them in different colors, extend them to incredible lengths and give their nails different shapes. In fashion, sometimes long, sometimes short, sometimes sharp and long, like a cat’s claws, sometimes wide and square.

It looks like everything was painted, repainted and glued on. Of course, our sorceress did not reveal all her secrets to you, and God bless her. The main thing is that our young lady is ready to appear before an admiring public. The last look in the mirror - here it is, written beauty!

Where did this expression come from? From the word “write”, used in the obsolete meaning of “to draw, paint, decorate.” She applied whitewash and blush to her cheeks, lined her eyebrows black - so she painted her face, like an artist’s painting.

By the way, the word “cute” in relation to a person has the same meaning and is derived from the verb “to lubricate.” A rouged and pomaded face, that is, smeared with ointments, creams and other rubs, had nothing to do with beauty, according to our ancestors.

This was the opinion of those who in Domostroy prescribed what a beautiful girl and a wife should look like - a husband's wife. There are no instructions in this book on how to look sexier with the help of cosmetic tricks, that is, various ointments, powders and creams. This is already our invention. And in “Domostroy” they cared more and more about modesty and decency and showed concern for good behavior.

Although, in fairness, I note that women from rich families did not strictly follow the rules of “Domostroy” and did not neglect the adornment of their faces. They drank decoctions of poisonous herbs, applied whitewash with the addition of mercury to their faces, and dripped belladonna juice into their eyes to dilate the pupil and add shine. They died young from all these tricks, but stubbornly continued to decorate themselves. Oh, this eternal dissatisfaction with the gifts of nature and unquenchable creative enthusiasm!

It turns out that women at all times dreamed of becoming more beautiful than God and their parents created them. Improving their appearance for the sake of fashion, they came up with countless different “witchcraft” potions. With their help, in just a couple of hours you can turn from a simple swamp frog into Vasilisa the Beautiful, and maybe even into the Wise. But it depends.

Deception? Illusion? Of course, and no one denies this. There are many anecdotes and horror stories on this topic. And the essence always comes down to the fact that the young lady should first of all be washed, given a good look, and only then led down the aisle. This is to insure against all kinds of surprises.

And the expression: “The women are fooling our brother! Oh, they are fooling! - not without reason. But, to paraphrase Pushkin, women could answer this like this: “Oh, it’s not difficult to deceive you: you yourself are happy to be deceived.” And women participate in this almost innocent deception in order to please men. And this fact, probably explaining everything, excuses the written beauties.

Once, one wonderful eighty-year-old man, sitting on a bench near the house and following a young lady with his eyes, sang a ditty: “And the same on the lips, and the same on the cheeks, and the same in the eyes. Where can I kiss? Te is the same – in his explanation it means “the same.” I ask: “Don’t you like the way this woman looks?” “I like it, I won’t lie. If I were younger, I would look after him,” the grandfather replies. “So you seem to have just condemned her for wearing paint on her face,” I keep up. And then the grandfather says: “I’ve always liked such cute ones. From a young age, my soul was very confused. I am a constant in this matter!”

Well done grandfather! Absolutely accurately determined who this pretty lady and written beauty is! She put on makeup, dressed up and went to confuse people. So, men, know that when you call a woman a beautiful woman, you are not giving her a compliment. You just emphasize: we know that beauty does not have a natural origin, but it is impressive. And if you still smile enthusiastically and freeze with admiration, then you, like this grandfather, liked such beauty!

    see beautiful || written...
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