The first cosmonaut from Kyrgyzstan. Sharipov, Salizhan Shakirovich

Salizhan Sharipov, the first cosmonaut of Kyrgyzstan, categorically denied the opinion that, allegedly, the fugitive head of the Uzbek National Cultural Center named after Navoi in Jalal-Abad, Kadyrzhan Batyrov, transferred his property to his name.

Astronaut Salizhan Sharipov I couldn’t get to the meeting of the President of Kyrgyzstan Atambaeva with representatives of the Kyrgyz diaspora in Moscow. Earlier, on February 18, speaking with Osh students, the head of state said that Kadyrzhan Batyrov, whom the authorities consider one of the perpetrators of the Osh tragedy, transferred all his property to Sharipov.

Cosmonaut Sharipov and Batyrov's wealth

The President of Kyrgyzstan, during his two-day official visit to Moscow, was able to find time to meet with representatives of the Kyrgyz diaspora from 42 regions of the Russian Federation. It took place on February 23 at the President Hotel in Moscow. We witnessed how cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov could not get to this meeting; he was not allowed in because his name was not on the list.

Consul Aizhigit Buranov, who was also in this hotel, commented on the situation in an interview with Azattyk: “ Salizhan Sharipov did not contact us in advance with a request to include him on the list, so he was not allowed».

Myself Salizhan Sharipov told Azattyk that he contacted the organizer of the meeting in advance, but then his name was specifically removed from the list:

- Yes, I contacted you in advance. But then they crossed out.

According to the cosmonaut, someone informed the head of state about him incorrectly, which caused a misunderstanding, so he wanted to meet with him to dispel all doubts.

This is what the head of state said at a meeting with Osh students on February 18, mentioning the tragic events of 2010 and the role Kadyrzhan Batyrova, who is now hiding in one of the European countries:

One part of Kadyrzhan Batyrov’s property is registered in the name of cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov. You know very well who Sharipov was running after last year. Behind the man who wants to divide the country. It was the same in 2010. We must investigate and put everything in its place. Believe me.

The head of state also noted that those responsible for the June events will definitely be punished:

-Now there are various conversations that, supposedly, in 2010, Atambayev and a number of other members of the Provisional Government drank tea with Batyrov at his home, and then organized these riots. I want to fully understand all the circumstances of this case. I want to know who was really at that dacha. Then your eyes will open in surprise. It doesn’t matter who it turns out to be, a former member of the Provisional Government or someone else. If Batyrov’s representative took money from Salizhan Sharipov, how could he not understand who he was buying from? How can we understand what promises he made? They probably want a repeat.

The Prosecutor General of Kyrgyzstan also spoke in parliament about the connections between Kadyrzhan Batyrov and Salizhan Sharipov. But without specifying what part of Batyrov’s property was transferred to the cosmonaut.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic refused to provide any information on this case until the completion of all investigative measures. This is what the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic for the southern region told Azattyk Kursan Asanov:

– I cannot comment on the statements of politicians. I am not a politician, but just a specialist in the public service. Time will tell everything. When the investigative measures are completed, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the circumstances of this case.

Search a woman...

Previously, in his interview with the Uzbek service of RFE\RL Kadyrzhan Batyrov confirmed that he had transferred part of the property to Sharipov’s name.

The day before the initiation of a criminal case against Kadyrzhan Batyrov, on July 15, 2010, the wife of the fugitive Uzbek leader Karamat Batyrova sold a controlling stake in Dostuk OJSC to Salizhan Sharipov:

– After the conflict, there was talk that all my property would be transferred to the state. Then the people asked Salizhan Sharipov to take my Peoples' Friendship University and private school under his wing. Then Sharipov talked with the authorities and bought everything. Otherwise, either the state or criminal groups would have taken my property, - Batyrov himself spoke.

In an interview with Azattyk Salizhan Sharipov categorically stated that nothing connects him with Kadyrzhan Batyrov:

- How could Batyrov transfer his property to me? How? It is true that I purchased shares of Dostuk OJSC. In my opinion, each of us has the right to buy shares, especially since they were openly traded on the stock exchange.

According to the cosmonaut, the legal acquisition of shares of Dostuk OJSC does not mean that “ Batyrov transferred his fortune to Sharipov.”. Salizhan Sharipov places special emphasis on the fact that Kadyrzhan Batyrov is divorced from his wife Karamat, from which he acquired shares, since 1999.

Sharipov is not a labor migrant...

Summing up the results of his official visit to Moscow, the President Atambaev in an interview with Azattyk, he once again confirmed that there is some information about Salizhan Sharipov:

– Kadyrzhan Batyrov does everything to preserve his fortune. At first he registered it with his wife, from whom he was allegedly divorced. Then she rewrites everything to Salizhan Sharipov. This is all confirmed by the documents of the Prosecutor General’s Office, and not by Atambayev’s words.

When asked why Salizhan Sharipov did not attend the meeting in Moscow, the head of state responded as follows:

– In my opinion, Salizhan Sharipov is not a labor migrant, but a citizen of Russia. I met with migrant workers to find out the real circumstances of their difficult life. Migrant workers do not attempt to transfer other people's shares to themselves.

Let us recall that by the decision of the Jalal-Abad City Court Kadyrzhan Batyrov And Inom Abdurasulov found guilty under the articles “Organization and participation in mass riots”, “Separatist activity” and “Incitement of national, racial, religious or interregional enmity” of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic and sentenced to life imprisonment with confiscation of property and serving a sentence in a maximum security colony.

Also, by court verdict Abdurakhman Abdullaev And Khalilzhan Khudaiberdiev sentenced to 20 years in prison with confiscation of property , Zhavlon Mirzakhodzhaev sentenced to 14 years in prison with confiscation of property, Mahamatrasul Abakzhanov sentenced to six years in a penal colony with a probationary period of three years.

Salizhan Sharipov – the first Kyrgyz cosmonaut, an ethnic Uzbek, a native of the Uzgen region. He went into outer space twice. For the successful implementation of space flights, he was awarded high government awards from the Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Russian citizen. Lives and works in Moscow.

Today is Cosmonautics Day. On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on the Vostok-1 spacecraft and made an orbital flight around planet Earth for the first time in the world. The flight in near-Earth space lasted 1 hour 48 minutes.

In addition to the all-Union one, Kyrgyzstan also has its own space history.

Firstly, Yuri Gagarin visited our republic. They took him to the Barskoon Gorge to treat him and show him nature. A clearing was covered near a huge stone. And a few days later an inscription in paint appeared on the stone: “Gagarin rested here.” And then, in the 1980s, local sculptor Valentin Dmitrievich Borskov made a monument out of stone. Partially carved, partially built from cement on the stone the helmet and face of Yuri Alekseevich. True, now nature and vandals have destroyed the monument.

In the 2000s, Dogdurbai Atageldiev was able to find money for the construction of a new monument to Gagarin, which was placed 200 meters from Gagarin’s stone.

In 1964, the Special Design Bureau of the Space Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (OKB IKI AS USSR) was opened in Frunze. Scientific instruments for spacecraft were created here, and the entire cycle of work was carried out - from technical specifications, development, design, manufacturing, testing, installation and debugging as part of a spacecraft to accompanying the device in flight. At one time, OKB IKI was the most advanced scientific institute in Central Asia. About 1.5 thousand people worked there.

The Luna-24 interplanetary station also included a drilling module, which collected soil from the surface of the Moon and delivered it to Earth. This drill was developed by Oleg Alimov, academician of the Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences.

We also had our own cosmonaut - Salizhan Sharipov.

A Russian citizen, Uzbek by nationality, he is still a native of Kyrgyzstan. Sharipov was born in our Uzgen, and his relatives still live here (in the photo - the cosmonaut's father is on the far left).

Sharipov made his first orbital flight on the American Shuttle. Then he flew on the Russian Soyuz and worked as an engineer on an orbital expedition.

He received a hero star in both Russia and Kyrgyzstan.

Salizhan Sharipov, hero of Russia, cosmonaut (born in 1964 in the Kyrgyz SSR). In 1990, he was selected to the corps of Soviet cosmonauts at the Cosmonaut Training Center named after. Yu. A. Gagarin. He made his first flight in 1998 on the American ship Endeavor. The second was as commander of the Soyuz TMA-5 spacecraft and flight engineer of the 10th main expedition to the International Space Station. During the flight, Sharipov went into outer space twice.

Salizhan Sharipov(88th cosmonaut in Russia and 372nd in the world) told Stolichnost that it’s not about significance, but about true love for his profession.

Madina Amagova, “Capitality”: Salizhan Shakirovich, is it difficult to become an astronaut? What do you need for this besides good health?

You need knowledge and good education to operate modern technology. Naturally, dedication and hard work, desire and ability to overcome difficulties are required.

Is it true that pilots can no longer imagine themselves in another profession, because the sensations in the sky are incomparable to any other?

Of course, you want to work in your specialty all your life, but the requirements for fighter pilots are very high. When you perform aerobatic maneuvers, you experience both physical and psychological overload. That’s why we count a year of service as two. Consequently, military pilots can retire at age 35.

- Tell us about your first flight. Have you been preparing for it for a long time?

- More than eight years, although the flight itself did not last long - eight days. It was the American ship Endeavor, and I participated in the expedition as a specialist.

- How does your family feel about the fact that you are away from home for a long time?

An astronaut is not a profession, but a way of life that requires full dedication. Of course, my family was always worried about me and worried. But the family endures the separation with dignity. My lack of attention, fortunately, did not affect the upbringing of my children, and I must thank my wife for this.

- Tell us about your feelings during the expeditions. What is space like?

It was a dream since childhood to become an astronaut, so the moment of liftoff during the first flight became especially exciting for me. Imagine 2 thousand tons leaving the ground and soaring into the sky. The speed quickly increases to 28 thousand km/h, and then weightlessness sets in. This feeling is hardly possible to convey in words. But I know for sure that you can give 20, 30, or even 40 years of your life for this moment. Our planet is beautiful, it is incredibly beautiful. If all people saw our Earth from space, it seems to me that we would never have wars.

- Do astronauts have any signs before a flight?

There are actually a lot of them. For example, the day before the start we definitely watch the film “White Sun of the Desert”. According to numerous observations: if you don’t watch it, the crew has a lot of emergency situations. And of course, at the moment of separation, we all, like Yuri Gagarin, say: “Let's go!”

- Are spacesuits made for each person individually? How much does this “special clothing” weigh?

This is a very complex process, fittings are done many times. The weight of the spacesuit for spacewalk is approximately 100 kg. Each astronaut has his own individual “suit”. After the end of the flights, all spacesuits are transferred to the museum.

- Is it difficult to be in zero gravity?

I can’t say it’s difficult, but you constantly feel like you’re in motion. My second flight into space lasted 193 days, and I realized that for me the most difficult thing in weightlessness was sleeping. We crawl into a sleeping bag and make sure to tie ourselves to something so we don’t move all the time.

- What did you see in outer space?

- When we are inside the station, little is visible. And in outer space it’s a little scary, because the entire horizon of the Earth is in full view. I have never seen such a black color as in space, especially against the background of the blue Earth.

- Why do you think modern youth don’t dream of space?

Probably there is no proper propaganda. And now it is difficult to get young people to work long and hard to fly into space. Young people are hunting for easy money. Football players earn millions, but astronauts earn very little; there is not a single millionaire among us.

- In your opinion, does space tourism have a future?

Of course have. From there, the borders are not visible, but the thin layer of atmosphere that protects life on Earth is clearly visible. And it’s very clear how badly people treat nature; you can even see oil spills. The earth is so small, fragile, beautiful, we must protect and take care of it.

Therefore, I would like as many people as possible to see our planet from space.

CAPITALITY No. 4 (53), April 08, 2014

Published by JSC "Arguments and Facts"

BISHKEK, April 12 – Sputnik. On the day when Yuri Gagarin made the first space flight in human history, Cosmonautics Day is celebrated in Kyrgyzstan. Around the world, April 12, at the initiative of the UN General Assembly, was proclaimed the International Day of Human Space Flight.

Few people know that Kyrgyzstan has made a significant contribution to the processes of mastering the unknown. Sputnik decided to recall the role of the republic in the conquest of space.

© Sputnik / RIA Novosti

The first detachment of Soviet cosmonauts. Mars Rafikov is third in the second row (from left to right)

1.Kyrgyzstanis could be the first to fly into space

Residents of Jalal-Abad Mars Rafikov and Valentin Varlamov could make the first flight into the unknown in the history of mankind. But by coincidence, they could not compete with Gagarin: Varlamov was injured and was suspended from flying, and Mars Rafikov did not approach due to ideological differences with the Soviet regime.

2.The first alcoholic drink in space was Kyrgyz balsam

Cosmonauts were not allowed to drink alcohol either on land, or at sea, or even in space. But the domestic balsam "Arashan" became the first alcoholic drink in history to legally go into space. However, the astronauts themselves later said that they still allowed themselves to sip something earthly alone with the Universe.

3. A Kyrgyz combine harvester plowed the moon

As part of the Union's lunar exploration program, specialists from the former Institute of Automation developed rockets and shuttles for spacecraft. So, the soil from the Earth’s satellite was taken with a drilling device that was designed and assembled by compatriots.

4. After weightlessness, Kyrgyzstan is the best place for recovery

Our nature is so beautiful and unique that after the first flight into space, Yuri Gagarin was sent to rest and recuperate in the pearl of Kyrgyzstan. He stayed in Issyk-Kul for a month and was delighted.

5. A Kyrgyzstani became the 88th person to be in space


Cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov

A native of the Osh region, Salizhan Sharipov is the only Kyrgyzstani who has conquered space. Its first flight took place in 1998 on the American ship Endeavor. The second he accomplished as commander of the Soyuz TMA-5 spacecraft and flight engineer of Expedition 10 on the International Space Station. During the flight, Sharipov went into outer space twice.

6. The Kyrgyz song sounded in space

The Kyrgyz song “Zhyldyzduu zherdeshim” (“Star Countryman”) was the first and so far the only one heard on the International Space Station. The composition is dedicated to Salizhan Sharipov, who was then in orbit. The composer and performer were Gulnara Toygonbaeva and Zhamilya Muratova, and Kyyalbek Urmanbetov worked on the lyrics.

Unfortunately, these facts are not taught in schools during history lessons, but you can read about them freely on the Internet, all this is confirmed by the Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan.

Born into an Uzbek family in the city of Uzgen, Osh region (Kyrgyzstan). In 1981, he graduated from high school there and went to enter the Orenburg Aviation School, but did not pass the competition. In 1982 he graduated from a vocational school in the city of Andijan, Uzbek SSR, with a degree in accountant.

Also in 1982, he was called up for military service in the Soviet Army and served in the technical unit of an aviation regiment in the Primorsky Territory. From the troops he entered the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union S.I. Gritsevets. After graduating in 1987, he served as an instructor pilot in the 716th training aviation regiment of the Air Force of the Central Asian Military District. Has a total flight time on various types of aircraft of about 950 hours.

In 1990, he was selected into the corps of Soviet cosmonauts (1990 Air Force Group No. 10) of the Cosmonaut Training Center named after. Yu. A. Gagarin. Completed a full training course for flights on Soyuz TM series spacecraft and the Mir orbital station as a spacecraft commander. Without interrupting his work at the Cosmonaut Training Center, he graduated from Moscow State University in 1994 with a degree in Cartography.

In the summer of 1997, he arrived in the United States to prepare for a flight aboard the American Space Shuttle. From January 23 to January 31, 1998, he made a space flight as a flight specialist for the Endeavor spacecraft under the STS-89 program lasting 8 days 19 hours 46 minutes 54 seconds. During the flight, a docking was made with the Russian Mir orbital complex.

He made his second space flight as commander of the Soyuz TMA-5 spacecraft and flight engineer of the 10th main expedition on the International Space Station from October 14, 2004 to April 25, 2005. During the flight he made 2 spacewalks.

From October 2005 to May 2006 he was a representative of the Cosmonaut Training Center. Yu. A. Gagarin at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, USA. Subsequently, he trained at the Yu.A. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, and since November 2006, he has been deputy commander of the Center’s cosmonaut corps. He was the commander of the backup crews of the Soyuz TM-29 and Soyuz TM-30 spacecraft. In July 2008, he was relieved of his post as deputy commander of the cosmonaut corps, removed from the cosmonaut corps and appointed head of the department in the First Directorate of the Cosmonaut Training Center. Yu. A. Gagarin.

For the successful implementation of space flights he was awarded high government awards from the Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Married. Has a son and daughter. He is interested in football and loves reading.


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