Singing from scratch. How to learn to sing at home: choosing a repertoire

Most people assume that it is impossible to learn to sing beautifully in just 1 day, because if nature has not laid down the singing talent, then you don’t have to try, it will only be a waste of time. However, many have learned from their own experience that good results can be achieved with independent practice and training.

Stage 1: developing the right voice with the help of physical exercises

If you don’t have a natural talent for singing, you should create it yourself and hone it at the initial stage. There are special, effective physical exercises that even famous vocalists and show business stars resort to.

  1. Bend forward.

Many people are familiar with this exercise, which most people have done in physical education classes since school. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your arms should be extended along your body. Next, from this position, you should make a smooth bend forward and point your straight arms towards the floor, almost or completely reaching it with your fingertips. When bending over, you need to actively inhale through your nose, and when straightening up, you need to exhale passively through your mouth.

Bend forward and straighten at the speed of a normal step. Perform 12 approaches, 8 forward bends each. The exercise is useful not only for singers, but also for those people who want to cope with pain in the heart and liver or relieve asthma attacks. Even vocalists with a natural talent for singing resort to this exercise.

  1. Wrapping your arms around yourself.

The essence of the exercise is to “hug” your own shoulders with your hands. Keep your arms parallel to each other, but do not cross them. As you give yourself a hug, inhale sharply through your nose. Exhale while spreading both arms to the sides. The exercise is performed sharply. It helps to tone all organs involved in the formation of sounds. You should refrain from exercise if it causes pain.

Stage 2: chant

After preparing the body for singing with the help of exercises, you can begin chanting. There are several different methods, but the classic one remains the one that was used in school by music teachers. Chanting can be done by singing a combination of the sounds “i”, “u”, “o”, “e”, combining these sounds with other letters of the alphabet.

The best options for singing to open up your voice:

  • “kru-kri-kre-kro”;
  • “lu-li-le-lo”;
  • “ri-ru-ro-re”;
  • “shi-she-shu-sho”;
  • “gi-ge-gu-go.”

Recommendation: watch your own body while chanting. Listen to your feelings and clarify them. Sing high notes in a relaxed manner. The higher the sound, the deeper the yawn should be made. When singing, do not tighten your voice and under no circumstances sing forcefully. Chants are written for people with different abilities. If you can’t do one, you can skip it so as not to tear your vocal cords. Start chanting muffledly, and then, as the device “warms up,” increase the volume.

Other chant options:

  1. "Bom-bom-bom."

The chant is great for beginners. Try to sing the letter “b” clearly, with just your lips. When switching to “o”, relax, sing this sound by inertia. Make sure that "bom" does not turn into "bam". Hold the letter “m” in your teeth, accumulate vibration in it, which will be useful in further singing.

  1. "Bom-mo-bom-mo."

The chant is similar to the previous one, only in it the main principle is to transfer the accumulated vibration to the sound “o” in the syllable “mo”. At the same time, the jaw moves freely, and the larynx does not tense.

  1. The sound of a vacuum cleaner or “wf-wf-wf.”

The chanting exercise helps massage the vocal cords. It should be performed by drawing air into your lungs and swinging the sound to the notes that are most comfortable for you. Sing the chant phrase evenly, do not make “jumping” sounds.

It may be quite difficult to prevent the sound from jumping. Therefore, to maintain a uniform flow of air coming out of your mouth, imagine that water is pouring out of it in a uniform stream. The water does not hit points and is not interrupted.

Carry out the chant with a relaxed neck. Check with your hand that the soft place under the chin is not pinched or tense. The chant lasts about 2-3 minutes.

  1. The sound of a siren.

For this chant you need to imagine yourself as a siren. Not everyone can do such a chant. You should sing in a chest voice (normal, conversational).

  1. Mooing.

For this chant you need to choose a comfortable position for yourself. Lie down or lean your back against the wall, but this is not necessary; you can do the exercise while sitting. The main thing is to relax and not become tense. You need to imagine how a long rope passes through the body. Imagine that it comes out of your head and its other end is tied to the ceiling. The rope is taut. Now you need to try to hum “mm-mm” in the voice in which you usually speak. Do not raise your voice so as not to tear your ligaments. Moo like this for about 2-3 minutes.

  1. "Bo-da-bo-da."

This chant is for alternating vowels and consonants. The phrase should be sung in one breath. First, take a short breath, and then breathe on the stressed syllables in this phrase.

  1. Any singing phrase, for example: “in sa-du, in o-go-ro-de.”

Alternate the chant phrase with any chant for alternating sounds.

Chanting is an integral part of preparing for singing. If you sing right away, without it, especially an unprepared person, you can easily acquire voice-related problems.

Stage 3: start singing

Every person is born with a uniquely tuned voice. World practice has proven that everyone can learn to sing. Therefore, if you have warmed up and sung the chants, before you start singing, it is important to get rid of the psychological aspects of tightness.

Turn on the music you are going to sing to. If there's a song set to a piece of music, it's a good idea to listen to it first so you can repeat it later.

Tips for those starting to sing:

  1. Sing single notes in unison with instruments such as guitar, piano, harmonica. Find recordings of compositions for these instruments on the Internet.
  2. Sing in a range that is accessible to you. If, after listening to a song, you realize that the artist is hitting high notes that you are not physically able to hit, sing as best you can at first. It is not necessary for your voice to blend with the sound of the musical instrument.
  3. Record your own singing using sound recording equipment. After listening to the recording, you will understand your strengths and weaknesses and draw appropriate conclusions.
  4. After recording your singing, try to find among the musical performers those who sing in a similar key to you. Sing with this performer like karaoke, while controlling your own actions and sounds.
  5. Take in air to sing with your belly. If the chest is used for this purpose, you may simply suffocate while performing compositions. To feel and develop this type of breathing, lean against the wall and place your palm on your stomach. Feel how it draws in and out as you breathe while singing.
  6. Breathe naturally while singing. Try to keep your breathing energetic, but silent and short.

By following this method of self-learning to sing, you can achieve certain results after a day of lessons. Of course, for the result to be obvious, you must not stop training, but devote about an hour a day to this activity. This approach will help to form a good technical base.

Many of us dream of singing. Some people think that it is very difficult and they cannot do it, while others think that it is very simple and easy. In fact, both are wrong: singing is actually not easy, but you can learn it. Another thing is how you will do it - professionally or not. Your musical abilities, which are fundamentally different for each person, are of great importance.

So, let's look at how to learn to sing at home so that your listeners will be delighted.

How to learn to sing at home?

Can anyone learn to sing at home?

Vocal training is no different from learning to play a musical instrument in its structure. Therefore, whether you want it or not, if you have set a goal and are only thinking about how to learn to sing at home, then you will definitely have to learn music.

Of course, you can sing by ear and it’s not always necessary to know the notes, but in order to sing elementary musical notation correctly, you still need to know it.

First of all, in order to sing, you need to have certain qualities. If you don’t have them, again, this does not mean that everything is lost for you - far from it. But this might make your task easier. So, what are these qualities?

  1. Musicality;
  2. Hearing and sense of rhythm;
  3. Purity of intonation;
  4. Basics of musical literacy, or at least an idea of ​​what notes are;
  5. Desire and aspiration, without which no business and no training is possible;
  6. Purpose and perseverance, because not everything always works out the first time, and even more so in music, when you need to return again and again to the material you’ve already covered and hone it.

Where to start vocal lessons

  • First of all, you need to answer yourself this rather difficult question: why do you need to know how to learn to sing at home? The fact is that if you want to become a professional musician or, for example, write music, then you definitely need to get a strong base in the form of a music school (see), where you will study in detail vocals, keyboard playing techniques, music theory and harmony, as well as a large number of other musical disciplines. If a simple philistine level is enough for you, then independent lessons are quite suitable for you and you will master something. There is another option that involves private lessons with a teacher. However, as you yourself understand, such classes cost a lot of money.
  • Next, you need to decide in what key you would like to sing, because there are many different genres of singing, the training of which is fundamentally different from one another. But we will consider an example of ordinary pop singing.
  • If you have already decided to study with a tutor (see) or go to a music school, then everything is clear, there is nothing more to explain.

How to learn to sing at home on your own

But if you decide to work independently, then you will have to follow the following scheme.

  • Let's say, find some tutorial or video course on vocals. In this case, again, it is necessary to pay special attention to the type of vocal. It is best to take a course for beginners, and not in jazz vocals, for example. We still recommend the video course.
  • So you have found a suitable video course and it’s time for the training itself (see). The first step is to perfect scales and vocal exercises called vocalises. You need to sing them every day, and always on a warm throat. All of these initial exercises and techniques are very important techniques in music. Along with all this, you need to master the duration of notes, intervals and compose the simplest chords, understand what elementary harmony is and the technique of singing with accompaniment.
  • At the same time, you should also pay attention to the technical side of the issue. Namely, what is rhythm, how do you sound along with the instrumental soundtrack. Sometimes you even need to record yourself on a tape recorder so that you can later listen to your recording and hear directly all your mistakes.
  • Of course, if you are proficient in some kind of musical instrument, then the vocal technique will come to you much faster and better, although, of course, these are completely different things. First of all, you must understand that music is a responsibility and in order to achieve some results, you will have to work very hard and for a long time. In the music of learning there is no end.
  • Don't worry if something doesn't work out for you. Sometimes people, in order to be able to sing something correctly and beautifully, spend a single year of their lives and painstaking work. So, don’t think that you will be an exception and will be able to do the impossible in one month.
  • It would be best if there was a person in your life (see) who knows how to learn to sing at home and who could at least once control you and point out your mistakes in technique and purity of vocal intonation. The fact is that we all think that we sing cleanly and correctly, but in fact the reality may be radically different from what we imagined for ourselves. It is very important not to lose sight of all this and before showing any material to your friends and family, check a hundred times that it can really be shared with people.

Now you know how to learn to sing at home, where to start vocal lessons and what data you need to have in order to learn to sing on your own (see).

Also read:

It is important to understand that the person who has some natural abilities will learn to sing faster. However, this does not mean that you should not learn this craft, you will just have to put in more effort. Do not pay attention to friends who claim that you have neither hearing nor voice. Move towards your goal, show perseverance and strive for more, and we will help you with this. Shall we get started?

Stage No. 1. Singing in unison

Exercise 1. Among professional vocalists and singing teachers, this technique is called “finger to the sky.” The peculiar name comes from the specifics of the exercise, now you will understand what we are talking about. Choose one or more appliances that make constant noise. This could be a refrigerator, a computer processor, or a washing machine. Try to be in unison with the device in terms of tone and volume, pronounce the corresponding sounds “y-y-y-y”, “u-u-u-u”, “uh-uh”. Don't mistakenly believe that you will succeed the first time. It will take a month of daily training lasting at least 20 minutes.

Exercise 2. The method is identical to the previous one with only one distinctive feature - when you learn how to perform the first exercise with imitation of monotonous sounds, proceed to playing with your voice. Listen to the slightest changes in noise that those same devices make (squeaking or creaking of the machine, slow or accelerated operation of the processor, turbine noise, etc.). As in the first exercise, you need to achieve a resonant sound with the slightest natural deviation.

Stage No. 2. Articulation development

The articular apparatus is responsible for the correct pronunciation of sounds, their tonality and length. Not everyone has the skills to speak like this; many have to learn it. Let's look at the basic techniques.

Exercise 1. To strengthen your neck muscles, sit up straight and clasp your hands behind your back. Now, one by one, inhale air into your right cheek, wait about 10 seconds, then “roll the balloon” behind your left cheek, again stay in this position for 10 seconds. Now take in more oxygen, hold your breath, tense and relax your neck as much as possible. Don't exhale until you can't stand it anymore. Repeat the complex 5 times.

Exercise 2. In order to learn how to use your voice correctly, and as a result, learn to sing well, it is necessary to strengthen the ligaments, as well as the joints of the jaw. Open your mouth wide, loudly pronounce the consonants alternately “a-a-a”, “o-o-o”, “oo-oo-oo”, tense your jaw, hold in this position for at least 30 seconds, constantly humming. Do the exercise 5 times.

Exercise 3. The next important part responsible for the correct pronunciation of sounds is the tongue. There is only one way to improve his performance - tongue twisters. Moreover, it is necessary to pronounce them quickly; per day you must perfect at least 2-3 tongue twisters of medium duration. Record your time and try to beat your previous record. When you have mastered most of the tongue twisters found on the Internet, make the task more difficult by placing a few nuts under your cheeks.

Stage No. 3. Lung training

Breathing training is an equally important step that must be completed without question.

Exercise 1. Light a tall candle and place it on the table, sit at a distance of 30-40 cm. Draw more air into your chest, hold your breath for 30 seconds, then slowly begin to exhale. The whole point of the exercise is to prevent the fire from going out under the air flow. The flame should not fluctuate sharply; try to exhale slowly and smoothly. Repeat steps 10-15 times.

Exercise 2. After normalization of breathing, perform the following complex called “steel flesh”. Lie down on a hard surface, preferably the floor or sofa, and place a stack of books or a five-liter bottle on your diaphragm. Turn on relaxing music, breathe calmly without sudden changes and vibrations of lying objects. The duration of the exercise varies between 25-40 minutes, based on the amount of free time.

  1. The first and most important point is considered to be correct breathing technique. When pronouncing loud sounds and long songs, the jaw should move freely but correctly in different directions. A simple complex will help you get used to this: pretend to yawn, pause at the end point and move your movable jaw left and right for 2 minutes.
  2. There are a lot of differences between female and male singers. In normal life, men breathe through their chest, while women use their diaphragm. In order to learn to sing beautifully, representatives of the strong half need to improve the functioning of the diaphragm. This is not difficult to achieve; it is enough to inflate your stomach during inhalation, and deflate it during the exit period. It is important to monitor the movements of the chest; only minor fluctuations are allowed.
  3. Beginning vocalists use earplugs, which help control the timbre of the voice and the overall background. However, it will be difficult to sort out the shortcomings the first time, so use more effective methods. Open a program on your smartphone that records a song and displays strange voice jumps on the screen. After finishing your workout, turn on the recording, study the scale and analyze where you sang too loudly or, on the contrary, quietly.
  4. To learn to sing at home, you need not only to train your breathing, articular apparatus and correct pronunciation of vowels. The process requires attention to detail, in particular consonant sounds. Buy a mini synthesizer or piano, press the keys one by one, selecting the corresponding consonant for them. Warm up your chords and control the tonality, getting into rhythm with the accompaniment.
  5. After going through all the stages, it's time to sing your favorite song. Choose a musical composition whose words you know by heart and can reproduce without any difficulty. It is worth explaining that it is necessary to sing with an idol of the same sex. First, turn on “light” vocals without sharp puffs, any beginner performer will do, try to hit the notes. Once you realize that you are doing much better, use a voice recorder. Put on your headphones, play a song, and get ready to record. The song will play in your headphones, sing along with your favorite artist, then listen to the recording. For the best effect, add music to your singing and evaluate the result. If you are satisfied with your own achievements, go practice karaoke.
  6. Not a single song is complete without an emotional component. If you start performing a song without enthusiasm in a bad mood, nothing good will come of it. When you pronounce the first words, immediately enter the role to give the work sincerity and sensuality. You will notice that your voice sounds different and sounds are heard more clearly.
  1. Fall in love with singing, improve in this area, watch video lessons. Choose easy and catchy compositions that you can repeat at any time.
  2. People with singing talent do not need to stop there. Those who make every effort should gain faith in themselves and be patient, not everything works out the first time.
  3. Stop smoking; tobacco makes your voice hoarse. Take care of your health, do not overuse ice cream and cold drinks, and wear a woolen scarf in winter.
  4. Sing always and everywhere: while showering, cooking, cleaning, driving. Keep your vocal cords toned by chanting regularly.
  5. Start running or jumping rope to keep your lungs in optimal condition. In addition, sport improves the functioning of the heart and circulatory system as a whole.

Develop your abilities, improve your respiratory system, do exercises regularly, and monitor your tone. Don't worry about the opinions of others who think you sing poorly. Choose your favorite song and reinterpret it in your own way through constant practice.

Video: how to learn to sing

A person today can do what he loves only because he has the desire and time for it. Thanks to modern technologies, classes and techniques, anything is possible - even learning to sing. How to do this if by nature you have neither hearing nor a voice, we will tell you in this article.

Of course, you will not learn to sing “Carmen’s Aria” in one day, but with regular training you will achieve excellent results and will be able to sing well among your acquaintances and friends. And this is already quite a lot.

Well, are you ready to learn to sing? Then we will be happy to reveal to you the secrets of preparation, tell you about the exercises, chants and special methods of real singers. So, let's go!

How to learn to sing on your own at home?

There are many reasons to learn vocals. This could be a desire to give a song to a loved one or to sing at a party. And even if the phrase “You have no voice at all” has been ringing in your head since childhood, just forget it - the time has come to learn to sing. This is your life, this is your time. Everything depends on you!

If you start such activities on your own, remember that they must be systematic. Like any other creative activity, singing requires some effort. Experts often say: success is only 10% of talent and 90% of hard work. Get ready to work on yourself, study video lessons, talk to vocalists you know, they will definitely tell you where to start. And they won’t be wrong if they recommend starting with physical exercise and breathing. Are you surprised?

How to learn to sing if you have no voice? First of all, take care of your own body, ligaments and breathing. Of course, being in the mood for a good result won’t hurt here either. Just forget that you have no hearing or voice, replace it with perseverance and desire.

Find yourself a source of inspiration - your favorite song, or compositions performed by your favorite artist. While listening to music, you will learn to sing yourself, imitating the voice of your idol. If he himself has a voice.

It's all about adjusting the sound and training the vocal cords. Now let’s begin the exercises that will help you learn to sing if you still think that you definitely don’t have a voice.

Voice training exercises

Let's start with the simplest thing: training the respiratory system, as this has a good effect on voice production. Be sure to take on special classes and don’t forget to do them.

  • Tilts. Your starting position: in a standing position, your arms hang along your body, your legs are shoulder-width apart. We lean forward, lowering our hands down, almost to the floor. We control our breathing. Tilt - quickly inhale through the nose, starting position - exhale through the mouth. Take your time and watch your own feelings. Repeat the bends eight times, and then do twelve more approaches.
  • Breath. Before you learn to sing on your own, you still need to listen to various recommendations from experts. And this is what they report. The so-called abdominal breathing will help you sing beautifully. With this method, your chest and shoulders remain still while your diaphragm works to create sound. In order to learn to breathe with the diaphragm, you need to take a lying position, straighten up, and put your hands on your stomach. Breathe by raising your belly as you inhale and slowly lowering it as you exhale. See how your hand moves? Now try repeating the same breathing, but in a standing position. It will be more difficult. However, you need to constantly practice and soon you will be able to hit high notes easily without worrying about running out of air.
  • Tongue Twisters. Practice your diction regularly. This will help develop your speech apparatus and quickly memorize song lyrics.

Chants to improve your voice

Probably all artists know well that the path to the big stage always begins with singing. It doesn’t matter at all whether you sing with friends with a guitar or want to teach your child to sing. You need to be able to sing in order for your voice to flow without obstacles.

In order to learn to sing well at home, you need:

  • Sing various vowel sounds. Vowel sounds are called that because they can always be sung. Each individual sound has its own articulation characteristics. The student must stand in front of the mirror and watch his own face. To form the sound “a” we open our mouth wide, as if we are stretching our chin to our chest. We try to sing the sounds “e” and “e”, like real opera singers, opening our mouths in a half-smile. “And” - we smile and gradually move our mouths to our ears. “Oh,” we pressed the bagel between our lips. “Y” - we want to put on lipstick and smile a little. By repeating such exercises in front of a mirror, you will be able to remember the position of your mouth and lips in just one day.
  • Warm up the ligaments. We quickly remember all the chants that are familiar to us from music lessons at school. True, the teacher did not tell you that you had no voice or hearing - everyone sang with her.
  • Don't overdo it. Don't try to sing too high or loud. Watch the film “Come Tomorrow” by Evgeny Tashkov. He talks about the aspiring singer Frosa Burlakova. We are sure that you will learn a lot from it that is interesting and useful for yourself and your own voice.
  • Take care of your voice. It is better not to sing on the street, and also do not drink hot chocolate/coffee or cold drinks before singing.

How to learn to sing beautifully?

Sometimes thoughts come to us that it would be very good not just to be able to sing, but to sing beautifully. But you just need to prepare yourself and your own voice for a full-fledged public speaking. Listen to the composition in the recording: and at this moment sketch the graphs of the movement of the melody. After all, everyone knows that notes can be low and high, short and long. Study the song, note when the melody went down and when it went up. Control your own voice according to this schedule. How long it will take you to learn to sing beautifully using this method depends only on you. Perhaps in a week you will be able to train so much that the owners of the karaoke bar will not want to let you go at all.

Don’t forget one more very important nuance, if you don’t know how to learn to sing if you don’t have a voice - always choose a song that is familiar to you in your key. Otherwise, you run a high risk of finding yourself in a very unpleasant situation. And most importantly, do not stop in your own achievements. After all, your desire, as well as hard training, will help you unlock your potential, as well as develop your own natural voice.

Video lessons: How to learn to sing if you don’t have a voice?

Remember the main thing - everything is in your hands and depends only on you!

If you plan to perform on a big stage or you just like to sing in the company of friends or alone, then you just need to get your voice right first. 1. Breathing Breathing is very important for a properly delivered voice, affecting its strength and expressiveness. If you learn to properly control your breathing, then this will subsequently save you from possible injuries that can be caused by overstrain of the vocal cords. By taking into account several sets of exercises, you will learn to control proper breathing when singing:

    1. It is important to learn to control the force of your exhalation. For this exercise, take a feather of any size and blow on it. Your task is to make all the fluff flutter. Now the matter gets more complicated: blow so that only the tips of the fluffs move.2. Now take a lightweight disposable plastic bag. Your task is to use your breath to keep the bag in the air without falling to the floor.3. Take a deep breath through your mouth, stretching out “z-z-z” as you exhale. Let the sound come from within, as if filling your lungs. When you get the sound you want, experiment with other consonants, later adding the vowel “a” to them.
When you sing, your inhalation should be deep but short, but your exhalation should be slow. It is during the exhalation that the sound occurs, so it should be smooth and continuous. 2. Resonators First, let’s define what “resonators” are. As you know, they are part of the vocal apparatus and help amplify sound. Simply put, without resonators we would not be able to communicate with each other, because we would not hear our interlocutors. It is worth noting that the singing sound becomes audible when the air that we exhale from the lungs tries to break through the closed glottis. After this, the vibration of the ligaments begins. As a rule, the ability to correctly use resonators comes gradually - after the singer learns to control his own singing. Subsequently, with the help of this skill you will learn to direct the sound to the desired point. Note that there is chest and head resonance. In the first case, you provide your voice with power and strength, and in the second, “flight of sound” and endurance appear. 3. Voice timbre Almost any voice can acquire a professional sound if its owner learns to control its emotional coloring. Let's decide what voice timbres exist in general. So, among the male ones - tenor (the highest), baritone, bass. Female timbres: soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, contralto. You are unlikely to be able to determine what timbre you have on your own - a spectrometer or a vocal teacher can handle this task. 4. Vocal support - what is it? Vocal support can be called singing in which the diaphragm is engaged. If there is vocal support, there is no need for strong tension on the vocal cords. Having a vocal support, you will be able to sing for several hours in a row, so future singers certainly need to develop it. How to sing on a support? To be able to sing on a support, practice developing abdominal breathing. Usually people breathe from the chest, but if you want to sing on a support, then this can only be achieved by breathing “through the stomach.” To begin, place your left hand on your stomach and your right hand on your chest. Now learn to inhale so that your right hand remains motionless, and under your left, your stomach inflates and deflates.

Where to start learning

The main thing in this matter is not to harm yourself. Remember that in order to have a good voice, you should practice a lot and diligently, and not wait for quick results. The ligaments need training, and cannot immediately be ready to perform the most complex parts. You may know a lot about how to sing correctly, but if you don’t start with training, then all this theory will mean nothing. You should start with chanting - do not immediately hit the upper or lower notes, you will conquer them later, after chanting in the middle range .

Special vocal cord exercises for singing

Regular repetition of these exercises has a positive effect on ligament training:
    imagine gargling without throwing your head up - instead, slowly turn it from side to side. Make these sounds until you have enough breath for it. Take a deep breath with your mouth, and as you exhale, “moo”, while at the same time tapping your nostrils with the pads of your index fingers. Tap your upper lip with your fingertips, while making the sounds: “would” “I wish I could” (as long as I can breathe). Now tap the pad of your finger on your lower lip, similarly saying “ze-ze-ze” or “you-you-you.” A regular yawn can also be classified as an exercise. Yawning is the easiest way for a performer to relax the neck and diaphragm. To induce a yawn, simply actively imagine it, open your mouth wide and inhale. A slight cough will also be useful. You should imagine how you are gradually squeezing air out of your throat, thereby activating the muscles of the abdomen, as well as the lower part of the chest - exactly those that are recommended to be used when singing. Make a slight vibration of your lips. Slightly clench your mouth and blow out air while humming a song (while keeping your lips closed). It is important that the throat remains relaxed. Move from low to high notes and back again. If you want to “warm up” your voice, then singing with your mouth closed will be very useful. This exercise can be done at any time - while taking a shower, preparing lunch, and so on.

Vocal lessons for beginners

Now in almost any city there are many schools that will help you develop your voice and become a professional singer. If you still can’t decide to start lessons with a teacher, then there are online lessons for you, taught by experienced vocalists. Undoubtedly, from them you will be able to learn a lot of interesting things for yourself and discover all your singing talents.

Constant training will help you develop a beautiful and pleasant voice.

If you practice regularly, it will help you develop a strong and beautiful voice. At the same time, it is important not to forget to take care of the ligaments! A small and light massage will help you do this. Start by applying light pressure to the throat area with your thumb. By massaging your throat while singing, you will put much less stress on the ligaments. A similar action can be done during a long workout.

Songs for voice development

In general, you can sing any song you like and know well, but, of course, it is important to do this in unison with the performer. You can turn on some musical composition while singing along with the singer. It will be good if you record this lesson. Then, listening to the resulting recording, try to determine in what moments you had shortcomings.

How to sing your own voice

Start with a simple chanting exercise

Standing in front of the mirror, inhale and as you exhale, pronounce the sounds “and, uh, a, oh, u.” Repeat the sounds in exactly this sequence until you can’t breathe. Note that the sequence of letters written matters. “I” is the highest frequency, and it is from here that you should begin the exercise for developing your voice. In turn, with "E" you activate the throat area. “A” will involve the chest, and “O” will have an effect on the cardiac blood supply. And finally, we note that “U” involves the lower abdomen. By the way, it is the last sound that should be pronounced as often as possible if you want to make your voice lower. After this, you need to activate the chest and abdomen area - for this, closing your mouth, try to pronounce the sound “M”. Start quietly, gradually increasing the pressure. Finally, pronounce this sound so that tension is felt in the vocal cords. Subsequently, move on to “R”. It is this sound that makes the voice more energetic and has a positive effect on pronunciation. First, you need to prepare a little so that your tongue relaxes a little: lift its tip to the sky, protruding beyond the upper front teeth, try to “growl.” Exhale, inhale, growl. After this, say emphatically: rice, height, rank, cheese, feast, fence, etc.

Preparing the vocal cords for singing

Note that a simple mint tea can help the ligaments prepare for tension - just drink a cup of this warm drink. Spicy dishes also help relax the ligaments. It is important to drink enough water – maybe with honey and lemon. At the same time, it is important not to abuse dairy products, chocolate, alcohol and coffee drinks before singing. You should also completely eliminate smoking.

Causes of voice loss

Some beginners and experienced singers may face such a serious problem as voice loss. Let us determine the main reasons for this phenomenon:
    Regular stress on the vocal cords. This problem occurs not only among singers, but also among teachers, actors and people of any profession related to oratory. Infectious diseases of the larynx. Exposure to cold drinks, smoke. Burn (thermal or chemical). Ligament paresis. Tumor of the larynx.
When a person loses his voice, the first thing he does is begin to “wheeze”, subsequently switching to a whisper. This can lead to a complete absence of voice. During the period of voice restoration, you should once again not overload your vocal cords with telephone conversations or speeches. By the way, doctors are convinced that a telephone conversation can cause even more harm than face-to-face communication. Also try not to go out into the cold air too much, and, of course, avoid smoking.

How to develop the desired voice timbre

Many people try to develop a deeper voice timbre in order to give it more sensuality and mystery. This is not easy to do, but still, with due diligence, everything will work out:
    First of all, it is important to learn to breathe from the diaphragm, this can add depth to your voice. When pronouncing words, try to extract sounds from the diaphragm. Try to consciously lower your voice. One way is to press the back of your tongue to your throat. You have to find the right position by moving your tongue. In general, practice lowering the pitch of your voice until it becomes a habit. However, if you experience discomfort, it is better to take a short break.

How to learn to sing well if you have no voice

How to improve your existing vocal abilities

First of all, it is important to monitor your own shortcomings and try to correct them. Audio recordings of your own voice can help you with this. Don’t think that you can determine your skill by ear - it’s better to use a voice recorder, and if you don’t have one yet, try closing one ear when singing to hear yourself better. Don't get too carried away with singing if you feel tired - in this case, you can only harm yourself. Please note that if you feel weakness in your stomach, this means that your support is weak, but things will still improve. It is much worse if you have a sore throat - most likely you are overloading the ligaments, and in this case you should definitely take a break. Keep track of these moments. Many people are convinced that they do not have singing talent simply because they did not perform songs at matinees as children. In fact, after vocal lessons, you can achieve great heights in singing, even for those people who did not gravitate towards it in childhood. If you want to hit high notes, it is important to train your body. As you begin to sing, draw in your lower abdomen, relaxing its upper part, thereby providing support with your lower abs. Also try not to raise your larynx too high, raising your tone, so that your voice does not break. Try to control the situation by placing your fingers above your larynx while singing. Over time, you will be able to get your larynx down when you sing. You should not look up when singing high notes. Look forward, do not bend your throat, thereby making the sound tense. Note that if you move your tongue forward a little, it will give the high notes a brighter sound.

To have a strong voice, breathe correctly

In order for your voice to be strong, you need to learn how to breathe correctly and deeply. As you inhale and exhale, inflate your stomach. Make sure you are doing everything correctly: place your palms on your waist (on the sides, closer to the ribs), so that your thumb is on your back and the rest on your stomach. As you inhale and exhale, you need to feel how your palms move apart and come together again. Perhaps deep breathing still requires serious effort from you. In this case, lie on the floor with your back, placing your palms on your stomach. Then make sure that as you inhale and exhale, your arms rise and fall. Shoulders must remain motionless!

Working with the voice - lessons on proper vocals

If you are planning to attend vocal lessons, then it is important to know what awaits you and what teachers usually pay attention to:
    complex exercises that promote voice development; expanding the range, developing intonation, vocal flexibility; theory and practice of singing; singing breathing; improving diction and articulation; studying the features of the vocal apparatus.
Remember that it may take a lot of time before you learn to sing, but this is absolutely no reason to be upset - prepare in advance for such a development of events. If you are unable to master the craft of singing at home, then be sure to seek help from a teacher who will help you find your own ideal sound.