Mark the correct year and century. How to determine which century by year

Year- a conventional unit of time equal to 365 days (days) or 366 (leap year, which is divisible by 4). This is the period of the Earth's revolution around the Sun. Abbreviated Russian designation: g., in English - y or yr.

The year consists of four seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn and 12 months. The word “year” comes from the Old Slavonic “god” and means “time, year” or “goditi” - “to please, satisfy.” There are such concepts as a millennium - 1000 years, a century - 100 years, a decade - 10 years, a half year - 6 months, a quarter - 3 months.

Century is a conventional unit of time equal to 100 years. Another name is century. Abbreviated Russian designation: century (century is a single number), century. (century - plural), in English the most common variant is cent.

1st century AD e. began on January 1, 1 year and ended on December 31, 100. The last year of each century begins with the number of that century (for example, the last year of the 20th century is the year 2000). The name of the century number is written in Roman numerals, i.e. I, II, III, ... XX, etc.

Translation formulas

There are 100 years in one century, one year is 1/100 of a century.

How to convert centuries to years

To convert centuries to years, you need to multiply the number of centuries by 100 years.


For example, in order to find out how many years there are in the 20th centuries, you need 20*100 = 2000 years.

How to convert years to centuries

To convert years to centuries, you need to divide the number of years by 100.


For example, in order to find out how many centuries there are in 2100 years, you need 2100/100 = 21st century.

This page provides a chronological table of Australian history. For more information, see the History of Australia article. This chronological table is not complete; some important events may not be mentioned. If you... ... Wikipedia

From ancient times to the beginning of the new era, 1st century AD. e. II century III century IV century V century VI century VII century VIII century IX century X century XI century XII century XIII century XIV century XV century XVI century XVII century XVIII century First half of the 19th century Second half of the 19th century 20th century 1901... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Chronological table of world and Russian history, 1st century AD. e. Around 1. Formation of a union of Germanic tribes on the territory of Bohemia, led by the leader of the Marcomanni tribe, Marobod. 3. Seizure of supreme power in China by the dignitary Wang Mang. 5.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

13 115. The victorious war of Rome with Parthia. Formation of the provinces of Armenia, Assyria and Mesopotamia on the lands of the Parthian kingdom. 117 138. Reign of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. 117. Rome’s forced renunciation of the conquered territories of the Parthian... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Around 220. End of the Han Dynasty. The collapse of China into 3 kingdoms Wei, Han or Shu, Wu. 220 265. The period of the “Three Kingdoms” in the history of China. 218 222. The reign of the Roman emperor Avitus Bassan (Elagabalus). 222 235. The reign of the Roman Emperor Alexander... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

304 386. The period of political fragmentation in Northern China. 313. Edict of Milan by the Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius on religious tolerance. 317 420. Reign in China of the Eastern Jin dynasty. 320. Foundation of the Gupta Empire in India. 324 337.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Beginning of the 9th century Creation of early state associations of the Eastern Slavs in the area of ​​the Dnieper River and Lake Ilmen. Formation of the Tao Klarjet kingdom in Georgia. 1st half of the 9th century. Formation of the Great Moravian Principality. 802 814. Board of the Bulgarian... encyclopedic Dictionary

V century Conquest of North-Eastern Gaul by the Franks. Japanese conquest of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. V X centuries The spread of the Teotihuacan Toltec civilization in the Valley of Mexico. 404. Relocation of the political center of the Western Roman Empire... encyclopedic Dictionary

506. Codification of Visigothic law (Code of King Alaric). 507. The defeat of the Visigothic squads by the Frankish army of King Clovis. The end of Visigothic rule in Gaul. Formation of the Frankish Kingdom. 511. Reims Church Synod. Endowment... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Chronological table of the social movement (1750 - 1905), W. Sombart. Lifetime edition. St. Petersburg, 1906. Printing house St. Petersburg. Partnership "Trud". Typographic cover. The condition is good. In this "Chronological Table" by Werner Sombart...
  • Chronological table of Muslim dynasties, I and Trofimov. Reproduced in the author's original spelling. IN…

For events that occurred in the time period of our era (that is, everything that happened from our days to a period just over two thousand years ago), the century is calculated as follows: the last two digits of the year value are discarded, and one is added to the result. Let's say we need to find out in what century the Great Patriotic War began. This happened in 1941. We discard the last two digits (41) and add one to the remaining digits (19). The result is the number 20. That is The Great Patriotic War began in the twentieth century. Another example is that Oleg the Prophet died in 912. What century was it? We discard the numbers 12, add one to nine and understand that the Kiev prince died in the tenth century.

One clarification needs to be made here. A century is a period of one hundred years. If the last two digits of the year are 01, then this is the first year of the beginning of the century. If 00 is the last year of the century. So there is an exception to our rule. If the last two digits of the year are zeros, then we do not add one. How to determine such a century by year? For example, Pius VII became Pope in 1800. In what century did this happen? We discard the last two digits of the date, but keep in mind that these are zeros and do not add anything. We get 18.

How to determine a century by year or a millennium by year?

Pius VII became Pope in the 18th century. And the very next year the 19th century arrived. We figured out the definition of which century includes which year, relative to our era. What if we are talking about events that happened before?



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Roman numerals! Eh, let's count!

Leonid Maslov

Once there was a TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, where the host asked one of the players: “What number in the Roman account is denoted by the Latin letter D?” And the numbers 50, 100, 500 and 1000 were given for identification.

It would seem that anyone who studied diligently at school should know Roman arithmetic. But it was not there. The role of the player was then played by some famous singer or actor, and he could not answer this simple question.

Recently, on the website, I read the works of a poet. And this is what I noticed - under almost every verse he wrote the year it was written in Roman numerals. Without knowing the rules for writing such numbers and their letter denomination, it is quite difficult to read the date. And some authors use Roman numerals to denote chapters of novels.

How to determine what century by year

So these figures are directly related to literature.

It's quite simple. The Roman calculus uses only seven signs: I, V, X, L, C, D, M.

These make up 14 basic numbers, of which 9 are ordinal: I - 1, II - 2, III - 3, IV - 4, V - 5, VI - 6, VII - 7, VIII - 8, IX - 9;

and 5 “round”: X - 10, L - 50, C - 100, D - 500, M - 1000.

This is the basis. Easy to remember. Now about how to count.

The numbers 1, 2 and 3 are indicated by the corresponding number of single digits - I, II, III.

Number IV (four) is a “five” with a “one” in front of it. It's like 5 minus 1.

The numbers VI (six), VII (seven) and VIII (eight) are “fives” with the corresponding number of single characters standing AFTER it. It's like 5+1, 5+2 and 5+3.

The numbers XI (eleven), XII (twelve) and XIII (thirteen) are a “ten” with the corresponding number of single characters appearing AFTER it. It's like 10+1, 10+2 and 10+3.

Then comes XIV (fourteen), i.e. 10+4. Well, and so on!

Let's move on to examples. What year is it now? 2010 It is written like this: MMX (1000+1000+10).

MDCCC - 1800. Example: years of life of L. Tolstoy - 1828-1910 (MDCCCXXVIII-MCMX). In his works, all chapters are numbered with Roman numerals.

MCM - 1900. Example: years of life of M. Sholokhov - 1905-1984 (MCMV-MCMLXXXIV). And in his novels all the numerals on the chapters are Roman.

The Roman numeral system is currently not widely used, with the exception, in some cases, of designating centuries (XV century, etc.), AD. e. (MCMLXXVII, etc.), months when indicating dates (for example, 1. V. 1975), and the numbering of watch dials and chapters of works of literature.

The largest number of Roman signs (15) is used when writing the number 3888 - MMMDCCCLXXXVIII.

The maximum possible number in Roman calculus is 3999, i.e. MMMCMXCIX.

So it is best to receive your salary in modern numbers - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, which were transferred to Europe by the Arabs in the 13th century. (possibly from India) and became widespread on earth from the second half of the 15th century.

Unlike Roman numbers, you can count absolutely everything in this world with Arabic numbers. Even molecules throughout the Universe along with the Earth. Just have time to add zeros...

Copyright: Leonid Maslov, 2010
Certificate of publication No. 210012801195

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Thank you!.. I didn’t know all the round ones, only X - 10
Here, somewhere there is such an angel with Roman numerals... -

I don't know if the link will appear...

Lyubushka 2 09/30/2016 19:25 Report violation

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I'll try again...

Lyubushka 2 10/01/2016 07:32 Report violation

Roman numerals on the plate from I to X.
Sincerely -

Leonid Maslov 10/01/2016 08:37 Report violation

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Many people find it difficult to answer the question: “How to determine the century by the year in which this or that event occurred?” In general, there is nothing complicated here. Now you will see it for yourself.

our era

For events that occurred in the time period of our era (that is, everything that happened from our days to a period just over two thousand years ago), the century is calculated as follows: the last two digits of the year value are discarded, and one is added to the result. Let's say we need to find out in what century the Great Patriotic War began.

How to determine which century by year?

This happened in 1941. We discard the last two digits (41) and add one to the remaining digits (19). The result is the number 20. That is The Great Patriotic War began in the twentieth century. Another example is that Oleg the Prophet died in 912. What century was it? We discard the numbers 12, add one to nine and understand that the Kiev prince died in the tenth century.

One clarification needs to be made here. A century is a period of one hundred years. If the last two digits of the year are 01, then this is the first year of the beginning of the century. If 00 is the last year of the century. So there is an exception to our rule. If the last two digits of the year are zeros, then we do not add one. How to determine such a century by year? For example, Pius VII became Pope in 1800. In what century did this happen? We discard the last two digits of the date, but keep in mind that these are zeros and do not add anything. We get 18. Pius VII became Pope in the 18th century. And the very next year the 19th century arrived. We figured out the definition of which century includes which year, relative to our era. What if we are talking about events that happened before?


Everything is a little more complicated here. From 1 year to 100 BC - this is the first century BC. From 101 to 200 - the second, and so on. Thus, to determine the century by the year before the birth of Christ, you need to discard the last two digits of the year and add one. And in the same way, if the last digits are two zeros, we do not add anything. Example: Carthage was destroyed in 146 BC. e. How to determine the century by year in this case? We discard the last two digits (46) and add one. We get the second century BC. And let's not forget about our exception: catapults were invented in 400 BC. We discard the last two digits, keep in mind that these are zeros, and do not add anything. It turns out that catapults were invented in the 4th century BC. It's simple!


Since we have figured out how to determine a century by year, let's try to learn how to determine a millennium at the same time. There is nothing complicated here either. Only you will have to discard not two, but the last three digits of the date, and still add 1.

Example: Alexander II abolished serfdom in 1861. In what millennium did he do this? We discard the last three digits (861) and add one more to the remaining one. Answer: second millennium. There are exceptions here too. If the last three digits are zeros, then one is not added.

The national currency “somoni” was introduced in Tajikistan in 2000. That is, this happened in the second millennium.

That is why those who celebrated the advent of the third millennium and the 21st century in 2000 were mistaken - these events only happened the following year.

If you understand all this simple arithmetic, then now you know exactly how to determine the century by year or even find out the number of the millennium.

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What is the 19th century in numbers?

Historically, in Russia centuries are written in Roman numerals, although recently one can increasingly see the use of Arabic numerals to indicate centuries. This happens due to banal illiteracy and ignorance of how to correctly write a particular century in Roman numerals, and people are also increasingly asking questions, What century is this, the 19th century in numbers?

XIX what century is this

In order not to simply answer the question posed XIX is what century? and to get rid of such questions in the future, you need to understand how Roman numerals are read. In fact, there is nothing complicated here.
So, Roman numerals are designated as follows:
I – 1
II – 2
III – 3
IV – 4
V – 5
VI – 6
VII – 7
VIII – 8
IX – 9
X – 10
It turns out that only 5 Roman numerals have an individual style, the rest are obtained by substituting I. If I is in front of the main digit, this means minus 1, if after, then plus 1.
With this knowledge, you can easily answer the question: What century is this?

XIX what century is this

And yet, what century is this? Reading these simple numbers, many break them down into 3 values ​​- X, I, X and get some very strange century - 10 - 1 - 10, i.e. 10 thousand 110 centuries. Of course this is not the correct layout. The number XIX consists of 2 components - X and IX and is deciphered very simply - 1 and 9, i.e. it turns out 19.

Thus, the answer to the question, which century is the 19th century, will be the 19th century.

What will the remaining centuries look like written in Roman numerals?

XI – 11
XII – 12
XIII- 13
XIV – 14
XV – 15
XVI – 16
XVII – 17
XVIII – 18
XIX – 19
XX – 20

The century we live in now is referred to as XXI.

What century is this?

Many people wonder why in Russia centuries began to be denoted by Roman numerals, because everyone knows that in the same English language centuries are denoted by familiar Arabic numerals, which are known and understood by everyone, so why complicate your life?

In fact, everything is quite simple, the fact is that Roman numerals are not used exclusively in Russia and not only to indicate the century.

How to determine the century by year

It is believed that Roman numerals are more solemn and significant than the banal Arabic ones, known to everyone. Thus, Roman numerals have been used for centuries to indicate particularly significant events or to give some solemnity and highlight.

You will be convinced that not only the century is indicated by Roman numerals quite simply, just look at the book edition of the works in several volumes, where the volumes are probably numbered with Roman numerals. In all countries, royalty was numbered with Roman numerals: Peter I, Elizabeth II, Louis XIV, etc.

In some countries, Roman numerals even indicate years, which is much more difficult than learning what century it is in the 19th century, because when hundreds and thousands are added, Roman numerals also increase by several digits - L, C, V and M. Years marked with Roman numerals, unlike centuries, look really scary, so 1984 is written as MCMLXXXIV.

All Olympic Games are also designated by Roman numerals. Thus, in 2014 of the 21st century, the XXII Winter Olympic Games were held in Sochi.
Thus, we can say that without knowing what century the 19th century is, a person deprives himself of the opportunity to freely read about various events taking place in the world.

Most likely, in the near future centuries in Russia will still be designated by traditional Arabic numerals and questions like which century is the 19th century will disappear by themselves, because the nineteenth century will be written in a way that is understandable to everyone - the 19th century.

And yet, knowing at least the first hundred Roman numerals is simply necessary for a literate person, because not only centuries are designated by them.

How to accurately convert dates according to the old style and new style

old New Year Many people habitually note. Where did such a strange holiday come from? How to accurately convert dates “old style” and new?

In 45 BC it was introduced Julian calendar, which spread throughout Europe. It included the duration of the Earth's revolution around the Sun as 365 days + 6 hours. These 6 hours were summed up, and an additional day appeared every four years - February 29. It seems logical.

But! Gradually with calculating Christian holidays it became obvious that this calendar was not very accurate.

How to determine the age?

And so October 5, 1592 Pope Gregory XIII issued a bull that this day should be considered October 15. Difference between the dates of the Julian calendar and the new (Gregorian) calendar was 10 days.

In the Russian Empire, the Julian calendar continued to be used to January 31, 1918, When after January 31, February 14 came immediately. At this time, the difference between the two calendars was already 13 days.

To compare dates, remember, that in the 16th and 17th centuries the difference was 10 days, in the 18th century - 11 days, in the 19th century - 12 days, in the 20th and 21st centuries - 13 days, in the 22nd century it will be 14 days, in the 23rd century - 15 days.

I will only add that in the Gregorian calendar, as in the Julian calendar, every fourth year is a leap year. Accordingly, years divisible by 400 are also leap years. But multiples of 100 and not multiples of 400 are not leap years (for example, 1900, 2100).

Interesting things.

From 1929 to 1931, the so-called revolutionary calendar. There were 12 months of 30 days in a year. “extra days” had their own names: Lenin Day(followed after January 30), two Industrial day(followed after November 7), two Labor Day(after April 30). In a leap year, one more day was added - after February 30.
The week consisted of five days, designated by different colors for different groups of workers.

In subsequent years, the Gregorian calendar was used in chronology.

However, in tear-off calendars, the year was often indicated on the date page, counting from the completion of the October Revolution

    One century is a hundred years. In order to determine which century the date you are interested in corresponds to (the year you are interested in), you need to take this date (for example, 1641), divide this number by 100 (1 century - 100 years) and add one (1 ). We get: 1641/100 + 1 = 17.41. We don't need numbers after the decimal point (we don't round, we just discard). It turns out that 1641 is the 17th century.

    It's 2016 now. Divide by one hundred and add one and it turns out that we now live in the 21st century.

    Well, at school, in history lessons, we somehow intuitively began to understand over time that the serial number of a century (century) is one more than the first two digits in the serial number of a year. If the year is 19.. it means the century is 20th. If 17.. means 18th, etc.

    They laughed at those who did not add one: in the nineteenth century the pioneer Vasya was born!

    Once upon a time - during my school years - it was very difficult for me to determine the century by year. Therefore, I had to dig deeper into this topic. So, if we take 1945, then it will be the twentieth century. All years after 1900 belong to the next after the 19th century. After all, if you start counting from scratch, then the first and subsequent years belong to the first century. And so on until the hundredth year. One hundred and first year - second century. And so on. So if we take the year 986, it will be the tenth century. And if you call the year 1236, then it turns out (12+1=) 13th century.

    So, the century begins with the first year after the zero year.

    To simplify, you need to add one to the first two digits and get a century, for example: 1552 - the first digits are 15. Add 1 and get the 16th (sixteenth) century.

    One century is a century, but you need to add plus one to it.

    For example, in 1900 the twentieth century had already begun, in 2000 the twenty-first century had already begun.

    So you will need to add one to the year to find out what century it is.

    century is calculated as follows

    way: the value of the year is discarded two

    the last digits, and the result is added

    unit. Let's say we need to find out in which

    century the Great Patriotic War began.

    This happened in 1941. Let's discard two

    last digits (41) and to remaining digits

    (19) add one. The result is a number

    1. Those. The Great Patriotic War began

    in the twentieth century. Another example - Prophetic Oleg died in

    912 What century was this? Discarding the numbers

    12, we add one to nine and we understand,

    that the Kiev prince died in the tenth century. One clarification needs to be made here. Century is

    a period of one hundred years. If the latter

    two digits of the year - 01, then this is the first year of the beginning

    century. If 00 is the last year of the century. So

    Thus, there is an exception to our rule.

    If the last two digits of the year are zeros, then

    We do not add one. How to determine

    such a century by year? For example, Pius VII became

    Pope in 1800. What century is this in?

    happened? We discard the last two

    date numbers, but keep in mind that these are zeros, and

    We don’t add anything. We get 18. Pius VII

    became Pope in the 18th century. And already in

    The following year the 19th century began. We

    figured out the definition of what century

    what year does it include, relatively


    The century is determined by the first digits of a given year.

    For example, the year is 1905, this is the year of the first Russian revolution, the twentieth century.

    Or the time of the French Revolution, which took place in 1848, this is the nineteenth century.

    That is, from years plus one.

    It's 2016 and the 21st century.

    The century can be determined by the first two digits of the year. To do this, you need to add one to the first two digits.

    For example, 2016: 20+1=21, which means this is the twenty-first century.

    1345: 13+1=14, which means this is the year 45 of the fourteenth century.

    I hope that my explanation is accessible and understandable.

    A century is a unit of time that is measured in 100 years. 100 years have passed - a century has passed.

    To determine the century by year, we need to know or see the first two digits of the year, to which we will need to add 1. For example, let's take the current year 2016. The first two digits are the number 20. Add one to the number 20 (20+1=21) and we get the 21st century.

    If we take the years before our era or at the beginning of our era, then the table below will help you understand the question of what century it will be then:

    If we have a date in front of us written in Arabic numerals (, then it is very easy to determine which century the date belongs to.

    If the date is before 1000, for example, 678, then we look at the first digit -6 and add one, we get the seventh century.

    If the date is written in a four-digit number, for example, 1645, then you need to look at the first two digits and add one again. This means that in our date 16+1=17, it turns out that this is the seventeenth century.

    Look, the last two digits are the years of the current century, all the numbers before them are the number of the past century.

    For example, the year 22333 would represent the 224th century (223+1=224).

    First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that one century includes a hundred years. But the beginning of the countdown is exactly zero (year zero) and therefore the 100th year will already be the second century. And so on, to determine the century, we need to add one to the numbers, discarding the last two. Example:

    1783 = 18th century, since 17+1=18.

    Easy to determine. Let's take a year. For example, 1703 (the year the city of St. Petersburg was founded), take the first two digits (17) and add one to them. It turns out that the city was founded in the eighteenth century.

    Another example: 998. Take the first digit and add one to it. It turns out that the tenth century.

Many people find it difficult to answer the question: “How to determine the century by the year in which this or that event occurred?” In general, there is nothing complicated here. Now you will see it for yourself.

our era

For events that occurred in the time period of our era (that is, everything that happened from our days to a period just over two thousand years ago), the century is calculated as follows: the last two digits of the year value are discarded, and one is added to the result. Let's say we need to find out in what century the Great Patriotic War began. This happened in 1941. We discard the last two digits (41) and add one to the remaining digits (19). The result is the number 20. That is The Great Patriotic War began in the twentieth century. Another example - Prophetic Oleg died in 912. What century was it? We discard the numbers 12, add one to nine and understand that the Kiev prince died in the tenth century.

One clarification needs to be made here. A century is a period of one hundred years. If the last two digits of the year are 01, then this is the first year of the beginning of the century. If 00 is the last year of the century. So there is an exception to our rule. If the last two digits of the year are zeros, then we do not add one. How to determine such a century by year? For example, Pius VII became Pope in 1800. In what century did this happen? We discard the last two digits of the date, but keep in mind that these are zeros and do not add anything. We get 18. Pius VII became Pope in the 18th century. And the very next year the 19th century arrived. We figured out the definition of which century includes which year, relative to our era. What if we are talking about events that happened before?


Everything is a little more complicated here. From 1 year to 100 BC - this is the first century BC. From 101 to 200 - the second, and so on. Thus, to determine the century by the year before the birth of Christ, you need to discard the last two digits of the year and add one. And in the same way, if the last digits are two zeros, we do not add anything. Example: Carthage was destroyed in 146 BC. e. How to determine the century by year in this case? We discard the last two digits (46) and add one. We get B.C. And let's not forget about our exception: catapults were invented in 400 BC. We discard the last two digits, keep in mind that these are zeros, and do not add anything. It turns out that catapults were invented in the 4th century BC. It's simple!


Since we have figured out how to determine a century by year, let's try to learn how to determine a millennium at the same time. There is nothing complicated here either. Only you will have to discard not two, but the last three digits of the date, and still add 1.

Example: Alexander II abolished serfdom in 1861. In what millennium did he do this? We discard the last three digits (861) and add one more to the remaining one. Answer: second millennium. There are exceptions here too. If the last three digits are zeros, then one is not added.

The national currency “somoni” was introduced in Tajikistan in 2000. That is, this happened in the second millennium.

That is why those who celebrated the advent of the third millennium and the 21st century in 2000 were mistaken - these events took place only the following year.

If you understand all this simple arithmetic, then now you know exactly how to determine the century by year or even find out the number of the millennium.