Open a sausage production business. How to open a sausage shop - instructions

An enterprise producing various types of sausages, with proper organization of the process, can very soon become a highly profitable business. And for this it is not at all necessary to launch a highly investment plant - you can limit yourself to a small meat shop supplying quality products to the local market. All aspiring entrepreneurs who decide to open a business in the food sector should buy equipment for the production of sausages and try themselves in this direction - it’s tasty and profitable!

A mini-workshop can fully compete with the giants of the meat industry market. The main thing is to make the products of high quality!

Our business assessment:

Starting investment – ​​from RUB 2,500,000.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 8/10.

Organizing your own business for the production and sale of sausages, even a small one, is quite difficult. When drawing up a project, you need to think through many details - starting with obtaining official permits and ending with finding wholesale buyers.

What should you focus on when opening a meat shop to produce sausages?

Prospects for the development of the sausage business

In Russia, in recent years, more and more small sausage production shops have been opened. And many of them are highly profitable because they offer consumers a quality product.

Where does this customer trust come from? As a rule, each mini factory for the production of sausages works with high-quality raw materials using its own technologies, without “saving” time on obtaining a tasty product. But this is exactly what many large factories are guilty of - they have wholesale orders, they need to sell the sausage as quickly as possible, which can ultimately affect its quality. Private entrepreneurs, when development prospects arise, often set up their own pig farms and barnyards, set up the production of casings for sausages - do everything to use only natural products in the process of obtaining delicacies. Naturally, this is reflected in the taste of the products - buyers really appreciate this.

Small businesses definitely have development prospects in this area! And a clear business plan for the production of sausages will become the basis of the future business. By thinking through every detail and planning every stage of development, you can launch a profitable business.

The official side of the issue

A mini sausage production workshop begins with the collection of all necessary documents. And this stage sometimes extends greatly over time. Not confident in your abilities and knowledge? Then entrust this matter to specialists - they will collect certificates and permits, submit samples of meat products for laboratory testing.

An entrepreneur will have to register his activities in:

  • veterinary supervision,
  • fire inspection.

Strict requirements are imposed on food enterprises today. Literally everything - materials, premises, equipment - must comply with established standards.

Products manufactured within the walls of the plant must be certified. And there are 2 options:

  • State certification system. GOST is suitable only for large enterprises. For small workshops this will involve many difficulties and large investments.
  • Declaration. This is the optimal solution for a private enterprise. Products manufactured in this way can be registered by submitting an application using the appropriate form.

You also have to select the OKVED code under which the activity will be carried out. You can open a sausage production workshop using the following codes:

  • 13.1,
  • 13.9.

It’s great when a sausage shop is organized by a person who is already familiar with the basics of food production. Otherwise, you will have to study many of the nuances of the industry - and there are plenty of them here.

Premises for a sausage shop

The production of meat and sausage products requires a well-organized workspace. There will be no harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and therefore the workshop can be located even within the city. And choosing the “right” place will depend on several factors:

  • available finances,
  • convenience of transport access.

The size of the equipment has a major influence on what area to choose. As practice shows, an area of ​​50-60 m2 is quite enough to accommodate a mini-workshop.

The workshop for the production of sausages and delicacies, taking into account the established rules of hygiene and fire safety, must be divided into certain zones:

  • the workshop itself,
  • warehouse with refrigerators and freezers for storing raw materials,
  • warehouse with refrigerators and freezers for storing finished sausages,
  • staff rooms.

If you decide to expand your business in the future, you will need to increase your work space.

It’s great if the entrepreneur owns a premises of the required size. If not, then a long-term lease agreement for the building will have to be drawn up. Depending on the region and the specific size of the workshop, you will have to pay a monthly rent of 50,000-200,000 rubles.

Even a small-sized production of sausages and semi-finished products will require good ventilation, high-quality sewage, water and electricity in the workshop. In this case, it is recommended to follow the letter of the law, otherwise the enterprise may be closed due to non-compliance with norms and standards.

What raw materials need to be purchased?

The main raw material that will be processed within the workshop is meat. Can be used:

  • pork,
  • beef,
  • chicken,
  • mutton.

Depending on its thermal state, meat can be taken chilled, steamed or frozen. Frozen foods are cheaper, and therefore they are often preferred. But the best sausages can only be made from fresh meat - there is an optimal moisture content, which will have a positive effect on the quality of the final product. Animal fats – lard – are often added to the technological process to add calories to the product. But their content in dietary products is unacceptable by all standards.

Meat arriving at the workshop from suppliers must undergo strict quality control.

Since most of the products presented on store shelves are manufactured according to specifications, many other ingredients are often used in the process:

  • milk,
  • melange,

The production of smoked sausage and other delicacies will require the addition of various spices to the recipe - pepper, salt, spices, sugar. To reduce the cost of technology, manufacturers often use glutamate, sodium ascorbate and phosphates. And it cannot be said that these components are harmful to health - it’s just that the taste of the product is not the same as that of a natural product.

Developing sausage recipes is an extremely complex process. And to avoid problems with obtaining certificates, this should only be entrusted to a professional. The technologist will develop technical specifications and carry out commissioning of equipment.

Sausage manufacturing technology

The technology for producing sausages is very variable - the stages will depend on the specific items of the product. Therefore, it is worth starting commissioning of the line only after the range of manufactured products has been worked out.

It is not recommended for a “young” entrepreneur to plan too large an assortment for production - large financial investments will be required for product certification and the purchase of additional equipment. A small workshop can develop the production of boiled sausage and several types of sausages, semi-smoked and smoked products.

The technological scheme in general can be described as follows:

  • Reception of raw materials. Checking components for quality.
  • Cutting, boning and trimming meat. Cutting animal carcasses according to certain rules, separating meat from bones and removing tendons from the pulp. In many enterprises, this stage is omitted, since already cut meat is purchased from suppliers in frozen blocks.
  • Grinding meat. Depending on what exactly is planned - the production of dry-cured sausage or regular sausages - at this stage, grinders with holes of different diameters are used.
  • Salting the mixture and maturing it. According to the recipe, all the spices and seasonings are added to the minced meat. Exposure is carried out at a temperature of 2-4 ° C.
  • Secondary grinding of meat mixture. The production of boiled sausages requires the preparation of homogeneous minced meat - without lumps or unmixed pieces.
  • Preparation of minced meat. The remaining spices, lard, water and ice are added to the crushed mixture. The goal of this stage is to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  • Injection. Filling sausage casings with minced meat. The type and diameter of the shell will depend on the specific product. For example, the production of raw smoked sausage, as a rule, requires the use of natural casings (animal intestines), but boiled sausage is often “packed” in a polyethylene casing.
  • Knitting. This stage is carried out only when using natural casings. This is a transverse tying of a sausage loaf with twine every 4-8 cm.
  • Draft. Keeping products suspended at a temperature of 5-7 ° C.
  • Roasting. Processing sausage loaves with smoke from sawdust of certain wood species. The process lasts 4-6 hours.
  • Cooking. Heat treatment of products at a temperature of 80 °C. If the production of semi-smoked sausage is planned, this stage is omitted.
  • Cooling and drying. Finished products are cooled either “in the shower” or in specially designated rooms.
  • Storage. Mini sausage production, no matter how advanced refrigeration chambers are used, will not be able to store the finished product for a long time. Therefore, the produced sausage must be shipped to customers as soon as possible.

What equipment will be needed?

An entrepreneur has the opportunity to either buy a mini sausage production workshop with a fully equipped line, or purchase each machine separately. It is difficult to say which option is better - it all depends on the assortment chosen for production.

A standard sausage production line consists of the following machines and apparatus:

  • Top – from 250,000 rub.
  • Twist - from 300,000 rub.
  • Cutter - from 300,000 rub.
  • Vacuum syringe – from 400,000 rubles.
  • Hair cutter – from 80,000 rub.
  • Thermal chamber – from 700,000 rub.
  • Refrigeration chambers – from 200,000 rubles.

Additional equipment that will significantly speed up the process of making sausages includes:

  • Defroster (for defrosting meat).
  • Clipper (for packaging sausages in bags).
  • Conveyor (for trimming and deboning meat).
  • Block cutter (for chopping frozen meat).

Let’s not forget about the additional equipment that craftsmen and workers will need – containers of different sizes, stirrers, knives.

To fully equip a small-capacity workshop (up to 200 kg of sausages per shift), you will need at least 2,000,000 rubles. And this does not take into account additional equipment. It turns out that some production operations will be carried out manually.

You can purchase equipment for sausage production from both domestic and foreign suppliers. Foreign analogues of lines are much more expensive, but their quality is much better.

Perhaps the price of a mini sausage production workshop will decrease slightly if you purchase a special monoblock. This is a fully equipped workshop with a minimum set of equipment that fully complies with all SES requirements. The cost of sausage monoblocks ranges from 1,500,000 to 5,000,000 rubles.

Let's calculate expenses and income

Opening your own sausage production workshop will require significant investment. Capital costs include:

  • Registration of an enterprise and obtaining all permits - from 150,000 rubles.
  • Workshop equipment - from 1,500,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials – from 400,000 rubles.
  • Preparing the premises for operation - from 300,000 rubles.
  • Rent and wages for workers for the first month - from 200,000 rubles.

A modern sausage production enterprise with small capacity can produce up to 250 kg of sausages per shift. Products are sold, depending on the assortment, at a wholesale price of 150-600 rubles/kg. It turns out that in a month an entrepreneur can have revenue of up to 4,500,000 rubles.

Turnover can be increased if you work 2 shifts per day.

According to forecasts, the price of equipment for sausage production, with established sales channels, can pay for itself within 1-2 years of operation of the workshop. In this case, the minimum net profit of an entrepreneur will be 50-100,000 rubles/month.

There is an opinion that it is possible to make money on the production of sausages only by opening large production facilities with multimillion-dollar capital. In fact, sometimes a mini sausage shop can generate good income and compete with large meat processing plants. Its owner will have the opportunity to reinvest income into expanding his business and become a major player in the meat industry.

Stages of building a business

To organize a sausage production workshop, decide on the scale of the business, which depends on the amount of investment and the range of products. The main stages of starting your own business are:

  1. development of a concept and promotion strategy;
  2. registration of permits;
  3. search for premises;
  4. personnel selection;
  5. equipment purchase;
  6. purchase of raw materials;
  7. building logistics processes, marketing;
  8. quality control.

Business registration

The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” states that all food products that are sold to retail outlets must have special labeling, which indicates information about the manufacturer, composition and the availability of certificates of conformity. Therefore, be prepared to spend time and money to obtain all the documents. To do this, you need to contact the following authorities:

  • Certification Center ROSTEST;
  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;
  • Veterinary supervision;
  • Fire Service;
  • Pension Fund
  • Territorial tax authority.

How to obtain certificates:

  1. To pass the GOST certification mechanism, for this you need to prepare a test report, quality and hygiene certificates, veterinary confirmation, etc. This form is relevant for large enterprises.
  2. Submit a declared declaration - this method involves preparing a statement that states that the workshop plans to produce high-quality sausage products that meet all norms and declared standards.

Only after all certificates and permits have been issued can you proceed to further actions.

Search for premises

The quality of the products depends on the choice of the required premises, so at this stage it is worth focusing your attention and not saving. Remember, production workshops cannot be located in residential premises; the veterinary and sanitary-epidemiological control service will immediately close such an enterprise. For beginners in the meat business, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist who will develop a technical project for organizing a workshop.

For those who are organizing a workshop on their own, you should start from the “Temporary Sanitary Standards for Meat Processing Companies”:

  1. the number of refrigerators must be more than 2: in one it is allowed to store meat or prepared minced meat, in the other - finished products;
  2. workshop for processing raw materials;
  3. room for meat defrosting and further processing;
  4. a workshop for grinding meat products, adding additional ingredients according to the recipe, mixing components;
  5. workshop for heat treatment of products;
  6. department for preparing spices;
  7. warehouse space;
  8. utility room for storing equipment and devices;
  9. dishwashing department;
  10. room for household requirements.

It is not necessary to prepare the premises strictly according to the above standards, but when developing a technical plan, all deviations must be agreed upon with the SES.

Selection of assortment

There are several types of sausages:

  • boiled-smoked at the first stage they are boiled, then they go through the smoking stage;
  • boiled - made from salted minced meat;
  • semi-smoked at the first stage they are fried, then they go through the boiling stage and at the end they are smoked;
  • raw smoked – not roasted at high temperatures, only cold smoking;
  • dry-cured consist of marinated natural meat and minced meat, smoked with cold smoke;
  • liver and made from offal, are sold at the lowest cost on the domestic market.

Manufacturing process

The main stages of sausage production depend on the selected type and recipe.

The technology for the production of sausages (using the example of boiled sausages) consists of the following stages:

  1. acceptance, cleaning and cutting of quarters, carcasses, etc.;
  2. sorting and separating products;
  3. cooking minced meat;
  4. adding salt, spices, water, protein and other additives;
  5. filling natural or artificial casings and knitting loaves;
  6. sediment (120 minutes at temperatures from 0 to -4ºС);
  7. frying for 50-100 minutes at 80 -100ºС;
  8. cooking products from 40 to 160 minutes at a temperature of 70 - 80ºС;
  9. cooling of finished products;
  10. quality control;
  11. packaging, warehousing.

Purchase of equipment

Equipment for the production of sausages is one of the largest expense items, which includes:

  • tables and work surfaces for cutting and sorting meat, deboning;
  • refrigerators;
  • minced meat mixer for preparing minced meat and adding spices;
  • knife sets;
  • electric meat grinders;
  • block cutter;
  • cutter;
  • trolleys;
  • syringes for stuffing with minced meat;
  • smoke generator for smoking;
  • thermal chamber.

On the modern market you will find a wide range of equipment with a wide range of prices. Your task is to find high-quality equipment at reasonable prices, based on the allocated budget. Expensive high-tech mechanisms are expensive, but they are more automated, which will save labor costs in the future. When choosing technologies, pay attention to the supplier, process automation, materials, and productivity.


To organize a mini-workshop you need to hire:

  • manager with a salary of 40,000 rubles. per month;
  • accountant (at 0.5 rates) – 15,000 rubles;
  • technologist – 25,000 rubles;
  • 8 workers – 160,000 rubles;
  • Driver/loader – 25,000 rub.

As can be seen from the calculations, the wage fund will be 265 thousand rubles. per month.

At the first stage of the workshop’s functioning, these personnel will provide work; during expansion, it is necessary to hire a foreman, service technician, marketing specialist, etc.

Financial plan

Start-up costs:

  • registering a business and issuing certificates and permits – 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​800 thousand rubles;
  • preparation of the premises - 100 thousand rubles.

Fixed costs (per month):

  • rental of premises – 55 thousand rubles;
  • remuneration to personnel – 265 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials – 200 thousand rubles;
  • payment of utilities, transportation costs, taxes - 50 thousand rubles.

As can be seen from the calculations, the starting capital is 1.5 million rubles.

A production line of such capacity makes it possible to earn 800 thousand rubles per month. The level of fixed costs is 570 thousand rubles, so the net profit is 230 thousand rubles.

In order to recoup the investment, it will take 6-7 months (at 100% workload of the enterprise).

At home

For some owners, the idea of ​​producing sausage at home as a business has become successful and generates income, allowing them to reach new stages of development. You can set up a small sausage shop in your kitchen by purchasing the following equipment:

  • electric meat grinder;
  • sausage stuffer;
  • mini smokehouse;
  • containers for frying, cooking, products.

Using this equipment, one person can process 5-10 kilograms of meat per day. With proper organization and hard work, you can quickly recoup your investment and move to a new level of production.

Commercial offers

If you are a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, an expert or a franchisee in this field, then write to us through the Contact page. Below we will post information about your offer and your contacts.
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    Have you decided to stop working for your uncle and start your own business? Take a closer look at sausage production - a profitable option! For me, starting my own business began with receiving an inheritance. A friend, a professional in food production, suggested opening a sausage shop. That's how it all started! Basically, we decided to produce boiled sausages, wieners and frankfurters from the low price group, that is, a budget option.

    We opened an individual enterprise and rented inexpensive premises outside the city with the necessary communications. Renovating the premises did not cause much difficulty or expense. The most expensive equipment was a cooling chamber for finished products, a freezer for raw materials and, of course, an oven. We had to buy all the equipment used; there wasn’t enough money for new ones. Within a month, we installed everything and purchased additional small equipment. There were problems with the staff, especially with a good technologist, who asked for as much as 70 thousand rubles per month. We took a different route, hired a young technologist, and the spice suppliers developed a sausage recipe for us for free.

    We entered into an agreement with a veterinary laboratory to assess the quality of raw materials and products - cheaper than hiring our own specialist. We ordered the first batch of meat for 30 thousand and, after assessing the quality, entered into an agreement for constant supplies. We immediately ordered 500 thousand rubles worth of raw materials. The first deliveries were prepaid, the next ones with deferred payment, which reduced our financial burden. The first month of operation brought almost zero profit figures. We sold 15 tons of products, and this was clearly not enough to cover all costs and obtain good profitability.

    I had to conduct a market analysis and look for sales in other localities in the region and reach the interregional level. The search for distributors in neighboring regions brought us to several companies. Having agreed on meetings, we took samples of our products and went on a long tour of neighboring regions. As they say, water does not flow under a lying stone. We visited 20 companies and lengthy negotiations led to a positive result. We entered into contracts with two companies for a trial supply of sausages, 5 tons each. Of course, the companies agreed to buy sausage only for sale - these are the realities of the modern market!

    It was not immediately possible to gain a foothold in the nearby areas! More than five months passed before we began to get real results from our activities. there were many difficulties. We had to sign an additional agreement for a 100% return of unsold products, introduce a system of bonuses and incentives to promote our products and some other marketing moves. All this time we worked with virtually no profit - but it was worth it! In the end everything settled down. Our sausages became popular and supplies had to be increased. Profits went up and this gave us inspiration.

    In general, within two years we have completely recouped the initial investment and are now working on a net profit. We sell 30 tons of products per month to neighboring regions and sell 20 tons on the local market. This brings us a decent profit. If you decide to start this business, then the main thing is patience and hard work. Then you will succeed!

    I personally don’t understand such opuses: it is not profitable to produce sausage, since meat is too expensive. This is all nonsense! Of course, if you make your product from miratragov black angus ribeyes costing 800 rubles per kilo, you will instantly burn out. From farms you can buy beef for 150 rubles, but after deboning it will cost 200 rubles per kilo. It’s even cheaper to use Argentinean or New Zealand raw materials, don’t turn your nose up, they are of good quality and all major producers use imported raw materials; we don’t have enough of our own meat.

    As for me! I am just a small producer of a small range of sausages. You could say I don’t have a workshop, but a small workshop, so farm meat is enough for me. I sell only 300 kg of products per week. With such volumes, I did not officially register production - there is no point! It is almost impossible to run into a fine; you always have a certificate from large suppliers at hand - go and prove that the sausage is not the same! Of course, I don’t encourage everyone to work on the left, but with such volumes it is reasonable. I sell sausage on the market and in my own store.

    At cost: I make the sausage myself! I spend 200 rubles per kilogram of deboned beef, and 150 rubles for pork. I won’t go into technological nuances, but after calculating all the costs for ingredients and electricity, the cost of semi-smoked sausage turns out to be 270 rubles - this is real sausage without preservatives and soy. I sell for 400 rubles, whoever says that profitability is low - I’ll throw a stone at him! You can sell it at a higher price if you look at the prices of similar products, but I need quick sales. My sausage goes with a bang! Sausage production is a profitable business!

    Sausage is a very popular product and its production is quite profitable. I produce sausages at the regional level - a small workshop in a provincial town. The profit is not bad, but recently there has been a noticeable downward trend. Competition is becoming tougher and we have to look for new marketing tactics so as not to slide into bankruptcy. I was personally interested in the experience of German manufacturers - I want to try to implement it!

    One company from Germany decided to produce sausages with a pattern, aimed primarily at children. The idea is original! No one has ever made sausages with images of fairy-tale characters, cartoon characters and other funny pictures like birthday cakes. But the Germans took a risk, and it seems that it was not in vain! Their products have become extremely popular, but I have not seen such sausages in Russia, so I decided to introduce such technology, at least in our city.

    The production technology for such products is quite complex, but does not require large investments. But the main thing is that no dyes are used! If it were just a drawing with paint, it is unlikely that the product would be successful with the consumer. The whole trick of the technology is the use of several types of minced meat of different shades.

    1. At the first stage, light minced meat is placed in a sausage mold, and the pattern is formed with metal inserts.
    2. After the minced meat has hardened, the metal parts are removed and the cavities are filled with darker minced meat.
    3. The procedure is repeated until the desired pattern is formed. Then everything happens according to the classical technology of making sausages.

    This is how I think I can increase my profits! I’m thinking of raising the price of artistic sausage by 30 percent—there will certainly be demand. And what to do, you need to survive and thrive in the conditions of dominance of sausage production monsters!

High-quality sausages are produced not only at meat processing plants. Many entrepreneurs make homemade blood, liver, raw smoked and other sausages, which have excellent taste. Making sausage at home as a business brings them good profits. You will learn how to open such a mini-enterprise from this article.

Registration of activities

To prevent regulatory authorities from closing your company, you should officially register your business and fulfill all the requirements of the SES and Veterinary Supervision. In this case, the regulatory authorities will meet you halfway and help you solve all problems that arise during your activities.

First of all it follows. The choice of legal form depends on the size of your enterprise. If you want to organize sausage production at home, just register as a private entrepreneur.

In addition, you need to obtain certificates for finished products. This can be done through a declaration-statement, which is a guarantee that your company will produce only high-quality products that fully comply with all established requirements.

To obtain a certificate, you must provide the following documents to Rostest:

  1. Statement;
  2. Constituent documentation;
  3. Documents for production premises;
  4. A certificate issued by the SES;
  5. Product range;
  6. Documents confirming the quality of raw materials;
  7. Examination results;
  8. Product examples;
  9. Certification agreement.

Before you start preparing the documents, you need to develop a business plan for a sausage production workshop, describe the technology and draw up a list of equipment.

Choosing premises for an enterprise

If you decide to open homemade sausage production as a business, you need, first of all, to choose the right premises. The success of your enterprise largely depends on this, so this stage should be given special attention. The workshop cannot be opened in a residential area, since veterinary control will immediately close it. This must be a separate building located at a certain distance from the house and outbuildings. To avoid mistakes, it is advisable to seek help from a specialist. He will help you develop a workshop design and give useful advice on equipment placement.

The most important condition that sanitary and epidemiological control puts forward is the competent distribution of flows of raw materials and finished products. They should not intersect anywhere. This is a very important point that should be taken into account when equipping the workshop. In addition, the room must be equipped with all communications (water supply, sewerage, ventilation, etc.).

Raw materials

Before purchasing raw materials from a supplier, be sure to ask them for all documents. Meat, shells, threads and other materials must have quality certificates. Verification of the authenticity of veterinary documentation should be entrusted to a sanitary doctor, who will be able to determine by the appearance of the meat whether it has undergone an examination. In addition, the specialist will find out where the products were brought from and where they were stamped.

Technological scheme for the production of boiled sausages, frankfurters and small sausages, meat loaves

If you purchase raw materials for sausage production in small quantities, you can carry out the examination in your own laboratory organized at the enterprise. Another option is to negotiate with a veterinary laboratory located in the market. Experienced specialists will perform all the necessary tests and stamp.

To purchase raw materials from abroad, it is necessary to obtain permission to import them into our country. It is issued by the chief state veterinary inspector or his deputies. But if you want to open a mini-shop for sausage production, such a document is unlikely to be needed.

Technological process

Now let’s look at the technology for producing sausage at home step by step:

  1. Meat sorting. At the first stage, raw materials are separated by grade. The best meat for making sausage is lean. High-quality products are made from it. Lean meat contains only 30% fat. For homemade sausage of the first and second grade, semi-fat meat is suitable;
  2. Processing of intestines. Small intestines are suitable for sausage production. They are processed immediately after removal. First of all, all the contents are removed from the intestine and placed in a bowl of cold water. After this, the shells should be washed well, turned inside out and scraped with a knife on a cutting board. After treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate, the cleaned intestines can be used to prepare boiled sausage. If you want to make raw smoked sausage, the casing should be soaked in salt water for 2-4 weeks;
  3. Ground meat. To produce homemade sausage, different types of meat are usually taken. It is cut into large pieces and salted, after which it is left for a day to ripen. Next, you need to grind the meat into minced meat, add various spices, garlic and salt. Also don't forget to add chopped bacon;
  4. Injection. One end of the intestine must be tied tightly with a thread, and the other must be secured to a special syringe or wide funnel. As the intestine fills, the minced meat goes down on its own. The most important thing is to prevent the formation of voids or air cavities. It is not advisable to stuff the intestine too tightly, as it may burst during heat treatment. This does not apply to smoked sausages, the volume of which decreases during cooking;
  5. Draft. Stuffed and tied sausages should be hung in a cool, dry room to settle;
  6. Heat treatment. In order for the air to escape from the sausage, it must be pierced with a needle in different places. Before frying, the product is dried in the oven. The finished sausage is cooled in a separate room, hanging.

This is a traditional scheme for producing sausage at home. Depending on the recipe, minor changes can be made.


To organize sausage production as a business, you need to hire appropriate personnel, since one person cannot physically do all the work.

First of all, you will need a professional technologist who will control the quality of the products and compliance with the sausage preparation technology. In addition, the technologist develops new recipes for meat products. You also need to hire two butchers for deboning carcasses, an accountant and a forwarder. This is the minimum staff of workers who can service a small sausage production mine.


Before opening, you need to make sure that it brings good profit. To do this, you first need to carry out careful calculations. To quickly return the initial investment, you need to produce at least 200 kg of finished products per day.

What equipment do you need to purchase for making sausage at home?

To work you will need:

  • Meat deboning table;
  • Knives;
  • Electric meat grinder;
  • Machine for kneading minced meat;
  • A special syringe designed for filling sausages;
  • Bake.

The most important unit in the workshop is the furnace. The quality of the product largely depends on its functional characteristics. At the start, to save money, you can purchase used domestic units. Imported sausage production equipment is expensive, but it has many convenient features and is highly productive.

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Costs and profits

When drawing up a business plan for sausage production, you should include the following mandatory expenses:

  • Registration of an enterprise and registration of permits – about $700;
  • Equipment – ​​from 10 thousand dollars;
  • Refrigerators – from 4 thousand dollars;
  • Purchase of raw materials – from 1.5–2 thousand dollars;
  • Rent of premises – 1 thousand dollars.

In total, at the start you will need about 15 thousand dollars. In addition, you will have to spend money monthly on:

  • Renting premises;
  • Communal payments;
  • Workers' salaries;
  • Purchase of raw materials.

To increase turnover, you can learn and engage in livestock farming. In this case, you can significantly save on the purchase of raw materials. Experts believe that it can bring good profits. If you combine it with sausage production, you can earn a decent monthly income. Making dumplings as a business at home is another effective way to increase the profitability of the enterprise. Such products are always in demand, so you can earn good money making dumplings. You can also additionally engage in the production of other semi-finished products: dumplings, cutlets, pancakes.

Having your own sausage shop is a fairly profitable enterprise; the profitability of sausage production is 30%. And the payback period for this business is short - 2-3 months. But in terms of product quality, such a workshop can fully compete with the giants of the sausage business.

Your own sausage shop: Premises

To open your own sausage production, first of all you need to choose the right premises. According to the instructions of the veterinary inspection, the premises of the sausage shop should not be located in former kindergartens, bathhouses, rest homes, or residential premises. It is worth inviting a meat industry specialist who will analyze the possibilities of using the premises, indicate where the meat will be deboned, where the production process will take place, where refrigeration chambers will be installed. According to the new “Temporary Sanitary Rules for Meat Processing Enterprises” dated September 30, 1996, your sausage shop must have:

· low-temperature chamber for storing raw materials;
· refrigeration chambers: one for maturing minced meat, the other for storing finished products;
· department for defrosting raw materials and preparing them for processing;
· raw material shop;
· production workshop: grinding and salting of raw materials, preparation of minced meat, sediment of loaves;
· thermal department;
· warehouse for storing dry bulk products;
· a room for storing and preparing spices; a pantry for storing equipment and auxiliary materials;
· washing of returnable containers;
· room for storing and preparing sodium nitrite solution;
· household premises: locker room, bathroom, showers, kitchen, storage of sanitary clothing;
· expedition.

There is a second option for organizing sausage production - buy a monoblock mini-workshop in a container. Such a workshop is installed taking into account all the requirements of the SES. In this case, to start a sausage production you just need to rent a plot of land and install communications. Monoblocks are very convenient for rural areas where it is difficult to find suitable premises.

For sausage production to be profitable, the workshop productivity must be at least 200 kg of sausages per shift. Such a workshop requires an area of ​​at least 45 - 50 sq/m:
· a refrigerating chamber with a volume of 6 cubic meters (designed for a week’s supply of raw materials) will occupy 4 sq/m;
· refrigerating chamber (for finished products), volume 400 liters, occupying an area of ​​2 sq/m;
· the equipment itself will fit on 15 sq/m;
· the rest of the area will be occupied by passages and other utility rooms.

Thus, renting a premises with an area of ​​50 sq/m will cost you 3,500 USD per year. A more powerful sausage production (800 kg per shift) will require a premises area of ​​100 sq/m and will cost 7,000 USD per year.

To service the sausage shop, personnel are required, which consists of a technologist who monitors product quality and compiles sausage recipes, two butchers for cutting carcasses and deboning meat, a forwarder, an accountant, a mechanic and two workers. Since all processes of modern sausage production are automated, one person can easily combine two positions.

Your own sausage shop: equipment for sausage production

The minimum set of equipment for a sausage shop includes: a boning table, a special set of knives for cutting carcasses, separating meat from bones, trimming and grinding bacon, two refrigerators, a minced meat mixer, a grinder (electric meat grinder), a cutter for preparing minced boiled sausages and pates, a syringe for stuffing minced meat into sausage casings, oven with smoke generator.

It is better not to skimp on the furnace, since the productivity of the workshop will largely depend on its quality. A universal oven must perform the following operations: drying, frying, cooking and smoking.

You can purchase equipment for sausage production from both foreign and domestic companies.

Foreign equipment is several times more expensive, for example, a domestic line for the production of boiled sausages (200-250 kg per shift), depending on the configuration, can cost from 8,000 USD, while imported analogues cost up to 80,000 USD.

The main differences are in automation, design, service capabilities, and materials. However, Russian conversion equipment is no worse.

By the way, today the lowest prices for domestic equipment for sausage production are from the Orekhovo-V company. The production lines of this company are characterized by compactness and efficiency (electricity consumption is 5-8 kW/h, compared to 30 kW/h for other companies). In addition, this company provides warranty service for a year and service for the entire life of the equipment.

Your own sausage shop: Raw materials for sausage production

You can purchase raw materials from large domestic suppliers, from small farms and abroad. All goods (meat, casings, threads for tying sausage loaves) that you buy for production must be certified. It is best to conclude an agreement with a sanitary doctor or a commodity doctor who can assess the authenticity of the accompanying veterinary documentation and the quality of the raw materials. And the attitude of the SES and veterinary supervision towards you will be completely different.

If you buy small quantities of raw materials from farms, then a medical examination is carried out during production. For this purpose, for example, you can enter into an agreement with the veterinary and sanitary laboratory of the nearest market, whose specialists will be able to perform all the required tests (examination of the carcass, heads, internal organs, bacterioscopy, dosimetry) and put stamps.

If you buy raw materials for sausage production abroad, then you need to obtain an import permit. To do this, no less than 30 days before the import of controlled cargo, its owner is obliged to contact the veterinary service of the region (region, republic) in writing, indicating the characteristics of the cargo, the purpose of import, the CIS country, the place of storage, quarantine, and processing. The cargo must comply with all veterinary requirements: have a general certificate or a certificate agreed upon with the veterinary service of the exporting country, agreements (conventions, treaties, protocols) concluded between the veterinary services of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise collaborating with services such as ROSTEST, SES and Veterinary Supervision. Friendship with regulatory authorities will quickly change the attitude towards your company. In this case, they will always be happy to meet you halfway and help solve the problems that arise.

Your own sausage shop: Price issue

Mandatory expenses for opening a sausage production:

· registration - 700 USD
· equipment - 8,000 USD
· refrigerator - 4,000 USD
· primary purchase of raw materials - 1,500 USD
· rent for 2 months - 600 USD

In total, to open your own sausage shop you will need about 15,000 USD. This amount does not include possible costs for repairs to the premises.
Let's calculate income using the example of sausage production. To do this, you will need 160 kg of beef (1.5 USD per kg) and 68 kg of pork (1.8 USD per kg) per shift. In total, 360 USD will be spent on raw materials. From these components you will get 250 kg of finished products worth 680 USD.

Gross income per month - 17,000

Expenditure part:
1) purchase of raw materials - 9,000 USD
2) salary fund - 2,200 USD
3) utility bills - 700 USD
4) rent - 300 USD

The total profit of sausage production is about 5,000 USD per month. Typically, sausage shops operate in two shifts and turnover increases accordingly. Profitability is 25-30%. The equipment pays for itself in about 2-3 months.

Based on materials from the site