Department of Pediatric Maxillofacial Surgery of the State Medical University named after. m

On October 11, 2017, after a long illness, the head of the department of maxillofacial surgery, Laureate of the USSR State Prize, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Moscow Region, Chief Freelance Maxillofacial Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, Honorary President of the Moscow Regional Association of Dentists and Maxillofacial Medicine, passed away. facial surgeons", Member of the Council of the Dental Association of Russia, Honorary Professor of MONIKI, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Aleksandrovich Nikitin

Nikitin Alexander Alexandrovich, born on August 21, 1939 in the city of Stalingrad. In 1967, he graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Volgograd Medical Institute and worked as a dental surgeon at the Central Dental Clinic of the city of Volgograd.

In 1971, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Autoplasty of the articular process of the lower jaw with an osteochondral rib graft.” In 1987, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic “Alloplasty of the temporomandibular joint.” In 1999, he was awarded the academic title of professor.

In 1971 he worked as a dental surgeon at the Moscow Regional Dental Clinic.

From 1972 to 1989 he worked as a doctor, junior researcher and senior researcher at the Department of Surgical Dentistry of MONIKI named after. M.F.Vladimirsky.

In the period from 1989 to 1991, in the direction of M3, the USSR was on a business trip abroad to the Republic of Niger, where he worked as the chief maxillofacial surgeon at the National Hospital of the country.

After completing his foreign business trip in 1991, A.A. Nikitin was elected head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at MONIKI, and has worked in this position to the present time.

In 1981, for the development and introduction into clinical practice of the method of orthotopic allotransplantation for defects and deformities of the lower jaw and temporomandibular joint A.A. Nikitin, as part of the team of authors, was awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize, awarded silver and bronze medals from VDNKh, and the honorary badge “Inventor of the USSR.”

In 1994, on the initiative of Professor A.A. Nikitin, the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry was organized at the Institute.

He is the author and co-author of more than 600 scientific papers, 53 proprietary methods (many of which have no analogues in world practice), 11 copyright certificates, 42 patents, 20 improvement proposals. Under his leadership, 4 doctoral and 21 candidate dissertations were defended.

From 1994 to 2016, he was President of the Regional Public Organization “Moscow Regional Association of Dentists and Maxillofacial Surgeons”.

For many years of fruitful work, high professionalism in work, great personal contribution to the development of healthcare in the Moscow region, A.A. Nikitin was awarded the title “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation”, “Honorary Professor of MONIKI”, awarded the badge of the Governor of the Moscow Region “For Useful”, and the prize “For Achievements in the Field of Healthcare”.

Building 13 MONIKA (Schepkina St. 61/2).

At 12.00 - funeral service in the Temple of the Sign of the Icon of the Mother of God in Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda, 2nd Krestovsky Lane, 17

Alexander Alexandrovich Nikitin, professor, surgeon. Photo from the site

In 2014, Professor Alexander Nikitin, who dedicated his life to medicine, suddenly learned that medicine was not able to help him.

The world-renowned oral and maxillofacial surgeon was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable progressive disease of the central nervous system that damages motor neurons, leading to paralysis and subsequent muscle atrophy.

Alexander Alexandrovich Nikitin- laureate of the USSR Prize, professor, doctor of medical sciences, member of the International Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons, author of more than 300 scientific papers, 7 patents and 20 improvement proposals.
He headed the clinic of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Medical Sciences and Medical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky, was the head of the department of maxillofacial surgery. Performed more than 10 thousand complex and unique operations.
For the first time in the world, Professor Nikitin together with N.A. Plotnikov developed and carried out transplantation of the mandibular joint from a “special donor”, ​​i.e. from a corpse. For this, in 1981 he was awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize and awarded the “Inventor of the USSR” badge: the development was assessed in the foreign medical press as an outstanding discovery, comparable to the first heart transplant.
After some time, together with scientists from the Mendeleev Chemical University, Dr. Nikitin was able to develop the world’s first artificial bone, overcoming the need to search for a “special donor” and carry out complex operations to remove the mandibular joint.

A fighter in every sense

Today, Alexander Alexandrovich is connected to a ventilator around the clock: the lesion has affected the upper part of the spine, and it is becoming more difficult for him to breathe independently, let alone speak, with each passing hour. The need to be near the apparatus deprived the professor of the opportunity to move even in a wheelchair.

“We met almost half a century ago, in the Chaika pool - there was a cold-water swimming section,” recalls Natalya Alexandrovna. — San Sanych studied in graduate school in Moscow and was fond of winter swimming - in the most bitter frosts he swam in the ice hole.

He even won the title of Moscow champion in winter and sports swimming. Energetic, lively, athletic. He was involved in wrestling, weightlifting, and flew airplanes as a pilot until his old age. It was his hobby, for the soul.

And when they celebrated his 60th birthday, he encouraged almost the entire clinic staff to jump with a parachute.

He inspired both his sons and his daughter-in-law. This is how he is, active. Always the first, a leader everywhere, he took on everything and succeeded everywhere.

It all started in 2014: at first it became difficult for San Sanych to pick up small parts, and then to operate. Gradually, heaviness appeared in my legs, and then breathing problems began. And then a year later he began to sleep under a ventilator, and since last year he has not been able to do without it even during the day.

Just recently I was so strong – and suddenly I had ALS. This was such a blow for us precisely because everything happened against the backdrop of complete health. Yes, there were some problems before, such as age and nervous work - but he always overcame illnesses! He was even able to defeat oncology!

ALS could never have been predicted. No heredity, no other hints... His father lived 91 years, his mother - 88. And San Sanych set himself a bar: to live until 90 years old.

At first he did not believe that there was no cure. I struggled, tried experimental methods, communicated with fellow doctors, tried to continue to be active. Of course, he was internally worried, but he didn’t tell us everything. I was nervous - how else could the doctor react to the fact that in this case medicine is powerless?

The room next to the office is an exception

Until the very end, he consulted patients, communicated with colleagues and doctors. When he was first diagnosed, in 2014, and sent home, he decided to stay at his institute - they found a room for him right next to his office. Of course, there are no patients in MONICA with diseases such as ALS - it’s just that San Sanych, as the head of the department, who headed the clinic for so many years, could not leave her.

As an exception, he was allowed to lie down in a room next to his own office. In the ward, which he had recently entered as a doctor, he lay as a patient.

Colleagues gave him IVs and injections, while simultaneously consulting on work issues and asking for advice. He wanted to work, to be useful in at least one way - while he could... He is still formally registered at work. Colleagues and students call and come to visit.

The disease has been progressing for three years now, but it has become especially difficult in the last year. Just recently my husband spoke, but now it’s so hard for him to pronounce words that even I can hardly understand him...

Lack of government support

Natalya Alexandrovna, wife of A.A. Nikitin. Photo: Deacon Andrey Radkevich

We didn’t immediately realize that it was ALS; it took a long time to make the diagnosis. Everything was done for a fee, everything was expensive: you have to wait an incredibly long time for all this from the state, but it is urgently needed - and there is nothing left to do but go and buy.

And we buy all the medicine ourselves. Many of the medicines that we bought abroad cannot be bought in Russia - colleagues from Turkey and France brought them to us. The stroller, however, was paid for by social security—more precisely, it compensated us—we bought it ourselves first. But in the end, we don’t really need it, because we are on a ventilator around the clock.

Friends help, colleagues, relatives, this is the only way we can survive. The “Mercy” service is very supportive; they provided a functional medical bed and a cough cougher. Doctors and nurses come regularly, many thanks to them.

If we didn’t have friends, colleagues and relatives, how would we be able to buy a device that costs 170 thousand, a second one - 760 thousand, an oxygen one - 300 thousand...

But I believe that the government should pay more attention to ALS patients. When we encountered this problem, we realized that no one knows how to treat it - everyone shrugs...

It turns out that the treatment program for patients with ALS has not yet been adopted, although the Institute of Neurology has sent it for consideration to higher authorities.

The person is simply diagnosed and sent home.

The approach at the clinic is strange: they prescribed an ointment, but the pharmacy did not give it to me because the prescription was written incorrectly. Why? Because doctors themselves know nothing about this disease. They are treated using the poking method. Maintenance medications are prescribed because there are no medications that can cure ALS.

I remember they offered to send my husband to a hospital where such patients would “live out” the rest of their days.. I was shocked by such an offer. And I never went to the clinic again.

When we celebrated our fortieth wedding anniversary, San Sanych decided to give me a cruise on a ship in the Mediterranean.

And I noticed that many foreign families whose children or other relatives are disabled can afford to have a family vacation like this - traveling on a huge ship... They have enough government support for this. A man in a wheelchair with a family nearby. For Russians this is unthinkable, unbearable...

“The family of an ALS patient finds themselves in isolation”

Dmitry Alexandrovich, the eldest son of A.A. Nikitin, is also a doctor. Photo: Deacon Andrey Radkevich

I heard that in the USA they produce disabled children's dolls... That is, children from a young age are taught to deal with those who need help - to put them in a stroller, to dress them... We, unfortunately, do not have this. And the family becomes isolated - not only the patient himself, but also his loved ones.

Of course, it is also necessary to support families with ALS morally. To come and be interested - support means a lot both for relatives and for the patient himself, who finds himself cut off from life. And the only thread is family and friends...

We have two sons, both doctors. The eldest works in the same place as his father, in the department of maxillofacial surgery as a research assistant, the youngest works in the same department. The sons help as much as they can. The eldest son has two boys - we have two grandchildren, schoolchildren.

In a situation where a person is incurable, it is very important to feel that you are not abandoned, that they can advise you on something, support you in some way.

It's very difficult for me. Not even physically, but internally. The whole day is spent in business. Sometimes we get up at 5 in the morning, sometimes at night we need to get up - give a cougher, wash, feed, turn, lift, change a diaper...

Only the support of loved ones and medication for nerves helps - it is almost impossible to pull yourself together on your own.

All my experiences are connected with my husband - how can I abstract myself from them? You are constantly mobilized, because you are always nearby - after all, this is a dear person... When my legs hurt, I sit down, lie down - that’s all my rest. There is no way to be distracted, no movie will help - all the same, all thoughts will be with him... If you don’t change the situation, don’t leave the house - how will you distract yourself?

But I can’t leave, because it doesn’t make me feel any better, I’m drawn home even more, because I know that he needs me. I can't think about myself.

“Why did I get sick, because I could help so many more people”

“As I breathe my last breath, I will still believe that science is the most important, the most beautiful and necessary in a person’s life, that it has always been and will be the highest manifestation of love, and that only with it alone will man conquer nature and himself...” A.P. .Chekhov. Quote from “A Boring Story” hanging in a frame in A.A.’s office. Nikitin, it is no coincidence that the icon is so half-hidden that it cannot even be read to the end: life has corrected the end. Alexander Alexandrovich believed in science as in God until science turned out to be powerless in the face of his illness. Photo: Deacon Andrey Radkevich

We believe in God, both my husband and I. Priests, his friends, and his confessor often come to him. They discuss why this test is being sent. We talk all the time. Of course, we ask the question “why?”

Sometimes you think: this is probably a punishment for something, God’s punishment. But for what?

For San Sanych, work and duty always came first. He gave medicine his whole life, all of himself. Many people now scold doctors, but I know how difficult it is for doctors to bear the burdens of their patients, as they come home after an operation, after seeing other people’s suffering all day long. This is deposited in their soul and later affects their health...

Doctors with an open heart, like our Alexander Alexandrovich, are kind - they take other people’s pain close to themselves and worry about the suffering - how much negativity they take on when they communicate with the sick, with their suffering relatives...

From 1989 to 1991 we were in Africa, my husband worked in the capital of the Republic of Niger as the chief maxillofacial surgeon at the National Hospital and taught, and was a member of the academic council of the University of West Africa. He was engaged in science, operated on patients - they had severe pathologies and tumors.

Once there was a case: San Sanych operated on the wife of the leader of an African tribe. The operation was very difficult, but it was successful, and in gratitude the aborigine presented us with a hippopotamus.

It turned out that for the people of his tribe, the hippopotamus is of great value: they can feed on the meat of this animal for several months.

It happens that it becomes really difficult, and the thought comes: for some people it’s even harder now, for others the situation is even worse. Someone’s children are so terminally ill... How scary! And then San Sanych says: “Why did I get sick, because I could still help so much! How many operations to perform, how many people to save...Why did God deprive me of the hands that I so need?”

And sometimes, on the contrary, he asks: “How much longer should I suffer? Why doesn’t God take me?” And the priests answer that when God sends illness before death, it’s good, it prepares a person for eternity...”

There is a chance to help!
In Russia, assistance to people suffering from ALS is developed by the Live Now Foundation, which finances the ALS service. If you sympathize with people suffering from ALS and their relatives, you can help them!

First Deputy Administrator of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation since 1994; born March 16, 1940 in Klin, Moscow Region; Graduated in 1971 from the All-Union Correspondence Mechanical Engineering Institute, in 1976 from the Moscow Institute of Management. S. Ordzhonikidze; 1990-1992 - Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 1992-1994 - Chairman of the Moscow Property Management Committee - Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government; speaks English.

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"Nikitin, Alexander Alexandrovich" in books

KISEVETTER Alexander Alexandrovich

author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

KISEVETTER Alexander Alexandrovich 10(22).8.1866 – 9.1.1933Historian, publicist, public figure, author of memoirs. Privat-docent at Moscow University (1903–1911). Member of the Central Committee of the Cadet Party. Member of “Wednesday” N. Teleshova. Publications in the magazines “Russian Thought”, “Russian Wealth”,

CONGE Alexander Alexandrovich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. Volume 2. K-R author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

CONGE Alexander Alexandrovich 28.5 (9.6).1891 – 17.7.1916 Poet. Publications in the magazines “Gaudeamus”, “Northern Notes”, “Free Journal”. Poetry collection “Captive Voices. Poems by A. Konge and M. Dolinov" (St. Petersburg, 1912). Killed at the front. “A. A. Konge, a young student, amazed with his elemental power

MIROPOLSKY Alexander Alexandrovich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. Volume 2. K-R author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

MIROPOLSKY Alexander Alexandrovich present fam. Lang, pseudo. A. Berezin;1872–1917Translator, prose writer, poet. Publications in the 2nd collection “Russian Symbolists” (Moscow, 1894), in the almanacs “Northern Flowers”, “Vulture”, in the magazine “Rebus”. Poetic books “Lonely Labor” (M., 1899), “Witch.

OSMERKIN Alexander Alexandrovich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. Volume 2. K-R author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

OSmerKIN Alexander Alexandrovich 11.26 (12.8).1892 – 6.25.1953Painter, theater artist, teacher. Member of the group of artists “Jack of Diamonds”, participant in exhibitions of the association “World of Art” (1916–1917). “He was a young, impetuous man, always on the move... Always,

ROSTISLAVOV Alexander Alexandrovich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. Volume 2. K-R author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

ROSTISLAVOV Alexander Alexandrovich 1860–1920 Artist, art critic. Employee of the magazine "Theater and Art". Publications in magazines and newspapers “World of Art”, “Rech”, etc. “Now, after a long time, I can honestly admit that Rostislavov

Alexander Alexandrovich Meyer

From the book Memories author Likhachev Dmitry Sergeevich

Alexander Alexandrovich Meyer In the spring of 1929, Alexander Alexandrovich Meyer and Ksenia Anatolievna Polovtseva appeared on Solovki. A. A. Meyer had a ten-year sentence - the highest at that time, but with which his sentence to death was “mercifully” replaced, taking into account his

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Alexander Alexandrovich Bedryaga After the release of Alexander Nikolaevich Kolosov, Alexander Alexandrovich Bedryaga began to manage Krimkab. I remember him as I remember him now. He had a narrow balding head tapering upward, a mustache, beautiful sly eyes, a small mouth and

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Alexander Alexandrovich Morozov My relationship with Alexander Alexandrovich Morozov was ambiguous. The reader may get the impression that the relationship between us was mainly antagonistic. No doubt, I have always strived to

Alexander Alexandrovich Polovtsov

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Alexander Alexandrovich Polovtsov A.A. Polovtsov was not a stranger either to our department or to Petrograd society. The son of a famous dignitary, a personal friend of Alexander II and Alexander III, he, as a young officer of the Horse Guards Regiment, became famous in his time

“February wind of freedom”, first revolution, 1917 Alexander Kutepov, Boris Nikitin, Anton Denikin

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“February wind of freedom”, first revolution, 1917 Alexander Kutepov, Boris Nikitin, Anton Denikin Human losses at the front forced the authorities to announce additional recruitment into the army, which caused discontent in a society that had become tired of the war. This is dissatisfaction


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ALEXANDER III ALEXANDROVICH (b. 1845 - d. 1894) Russian Emperor from 1881 to 1894. Second son of Alexander II. After the death of his older brother Nicholas (1865), he became heir to the throne. Married in 1866 the daughter of the Danish king Christian IX, Louise Sophia Frederica Dagmar, who took the name

Alexander III Alexandrovich

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Alexander III Alexandrovich Emperor of All Russia, the second son of Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna, Alexander III was born on February 26, 1845, ascended the ancestral throne on March 2, 1881. He received his education under the immediate care of the appointed

Nikitin Boris Alexandrovich


Nikitin Sergey Alexandrovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (NI) by the author TSB

NIKITIN Yuri Alexandrovich (Born in 1939)

From the book The World Through the Eyes of Science Fiction Writers. Recommendation bibliographic reference author Gorbunov Arnold Matveevich

NIKITIN Yuri Aleksandrovich (Born in 1939) Yu. Nikitin traveled a lot around our country, worked in the Arctic, Primorye, was a timber raftsman, a participant in geological exploration expeditions in the Far North, and a foundry worker at a factory in Kharkov, where he was born. Works by Yu. Nikitin

In 2014, Professor Alexander Nikitin, who dedicated his life to medicine, suddenly learned that medicine was not able to help him.

The world-renowned oral and maxillofacial surgeon was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable progressive disease of the central nervous system that damages motor neurons, leading to paralysis and subsequent muscle atrophy.

Alexander Nikitin headed the clinic of the GBUZMO MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky, was the head of the department of maxillofacial surgery. Performed more than 10 thousand complex and unique operations.

For the first time in the world, Professor Nikitin together with N.A. Plotnikov developed and carried out transplantation of the mandibular joint from a “special donor”, ​​i.e. from a corpse. For this, in 1981 he was awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize and awarded the “Inventor of the USSR” badge: the development was assessed in the foreign medical press as an outstanding discovery, comparable to the first heart transplant.

After some time, together with scientists from the Mendeleev Chemical University, Dr. Nikitin was able to develop the world’s first artificial bone, overcoming the need to search for a “special donor” and carry out complex operations to remove the mandibular joint.

Alexander Aleksandrovich Nikitin is a laureate of the USSR State Prize, professor, doctor of medical sciences, member of the International Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons, author of more than 300 scientific papers, 7 patents and 20 improvement proposals.

A fighter in every sense

Today, Alexander Alexandrovich is connected to a ventilator around the clock: the lesion has affected the upper part of the spine, and it is becoming more difficult for him to breathe independently, let alone speak, with each passing hour. The need to be near the apparatus deprived the professor of the opportunity to move even in a wheelchair.

“We met almost half a century ago, in the Chaika pool - there was a cold-water swimming section,” recalls Natalya Alexandrovna, the professor’s wife. - San Sanych studied in graduate school in Moscow and was fond of winter swimming - in the most bitter frosts he swam in the ice hole.

He even won the title of Moscow champion in winter and sports swimming. Energetic, lively, athletic. He was involved in wrestling, weightlifting, and flew airplanes as a pilot until his old age. It was his hobby, for the soul.

And when they celebrated his 60th birthday, he encouraged almost the entire clinic staff to jump with a parachute.

He inspired both his sons and his daughter-in-law. This is how he is, active. Always the first, a leader everywhere, he took on everything and succeeded everywhere.

It all started in 2014: at first it became difficult for San Sanych to pick up small parts, and then to operate. Gradually, heaviness appeared in my legs, and then breathing problems began. And then a year later he began to sleep under a ventilator, and since last year he has not been able to do without it even during the day.

Just recently, so strong -
and suddenly ALS. This was such a blow for us precisely because everything happened against the backdrop of complete health. Yes, there were some problems before, after all, age, nervous work -
but he always conquered diseases! He was even able to defeat oncology!

Impossible to predict

ALS could never have been predicted. No heredity, no other hints... His father lived 91 years, his mother - 88. And San Sanych set himself a bar: to live until 90 years old.

At first he did not believe that there was no cure. I struggled, tried experimental methods, communicated with fellow doctors, tried to continue to be active. Of course, he was internally worried, but he didn’t tell us everything. I was nervous - how else could the doctor react to the fact that in this case medicine is powerless?

Until the very end, he consulted patients, communicated with colleagues and doctors. When he was first diagnosed, in 2014, and sent home, he decided to stay at his institute - they found a room for him right next to his office. Of course, there are no patients in MONICA with diseases such as ALS - it’s just that San Sanych, as the head of the department, who headed the clinic for so many years, could not leave her.

As an exception, he was allowed to lie down in a room next to his own office. In the ward, which he had recently entered as a doctor, he lay as a patient.

Colleagues gave him IVs and injections, while simultaneously consulting on work issues and asking for advice. He wanted to work, to be useful in at least one way - while he could... He is still formally registered at work. Colleagues and students call and come to visit.

The disease has been progressing for three years now, but it has become especially difficult in the last year. Just recently my husband spoke, but now it’s so hard for him to pronounce words that even I can hardly understand him...

Lack of government support

We didn’t immediately realize that it was ALS; it took a long time to make the diagnosis. Everything was done for a fee, everything was expensive: you have to wait an incredibly long time for all this from the state, but it is urgently needed - and there is nothing left to do but go and buy.

And we buy all the medicine ourselves. Many of the medicines that we bought abroad cannot be bought in Russia - colleagues from Turkey and France brought them to us. However, social security paid for the stroller for us - or rather, compensated us - we first bought it ourselves. But in the end, we don’t really need it, because we are on a ventilator around the clock.

Friends help, colleagues, relatives, this is the only way we can survive. The ALS service from Mercy is very supportive; they provided a functional medical bed and a cough cougher. Doctors and nurses come regularly, many thanks to them.

If we didn’t have friends, colleagues and relatives, how would we be able to buy a device that costs 170 thousand, a second one - 760 thousand, an oxygen one - 300 thousand.

But I believe that the government should pay more attention to ALS patients. When we encountered this problem, we realized that no one knows how to treat it - everyone shrugs.

It turns out that the treatment program for patients with ALS has not yet been adopted, although the Institute of Neurology has sent it for consideration to higher authorities.

The person is simply diagnosed and sent home.

The approach at the clinic is strange: they prescribed an ointment, but the pharmacy did not give it to me because the prescription was written incorrectly. Why? Because doctors themselves know nothing about this disease. They are treated using the poking method. Maintenance medications are prescribed because there are no medications that can cure ALS.

I remember they offered to send my husband to a hospital where such patients would “live out” the rest of their days.. I was shocked by such an offer. And I never went to the clinic again.

When we celebrated our fortieth wedding anniversary, San Sanych decided to give me a cruise on a ship in the Mediterranean.

And I noticed that many foreign families whose children or other relatives are disabled can afford to have a family vacation like this - traveling on a huge ship... They have enough government support for this. A man in a wheelchair with a family nearby. For Russians this is unthinkable and unbearable.

“The family of an ALS patient finds themselves in isolation”

I heard that in the USA they produce disabled children's dolls, that is, children from a young age are taught to handle those who need help - to put them in a stroller, to dress them. Unfortunately, we don't have this. And the family becomes isolated - not only the patient himself, but also his loved ones.

Of course, it is also necessary to support families with ALS morally. To come and be interested - support means a lot both for relatives and for the patient himself, who finds himself cut off from life. And the only thread is family and friends.

Dmitry Alexandrovich, the eldest son of Professor Nikitin, is also a doctor.

We have two sons, both doctors. The eldest works in the same place as his father, in the department of maxillofacial surgery as a research assistant, the youngest works in the same department. The sons help as much as they can. The eldest son has two boys - we have two grandchildren, schoolchildren.

In a situation where a person is incurable, it is very important to feel that you are not abandoned, that they can advise you on something, support you in some way.

It's very difficult for me. Not even physically, but internally. The whole day is spent in business. Sometimes we get up at five in the morning, sometimes at night we need to get up - give a cougher, wash, feed, turn, lift, change a diaper.

Only the support of loved ones and medication for nerves helps - it is almost impossible to pull yourself together on your own.

All my experiences are connected with my husband - how can I abstract myself from them? You are constantly mobilized, because you are always nearby - after all, this is a dear person... When my legs hurt, I sit down, lie down - that’s all my rest. There is no way to be distracted, no movie will help, all the same, all thoughts will be with him. If you don’t change your surroundings, don’t leave home, how will you distract yourself?

But I can’t leave, because it doesn’t make me feel any better, I’m drawn home even more, because I know that he needs me. I can't think about myself.

“Why did I get sick, because I could help so many more people”

“As I breathe my last breath, I will still believe that science is the most important, most beautiful and necessary thing in a person’s life, that it has always been and will be the highest manifestation of love, and that only with it alone will man conquer nature and himself...” A.P. .Chekhov.

Quote from “A Boring Story” hanging in a frame in A.A.’s office. Nikitin, it is no coincidence that the icon is so half-hidden that it cannot even be read to the end: life has corrected the end. Alexander Alexandrovich believed in science as in God until science turned out to be powerless in the face of his illness.

Doctors with an open heart, like our Alexander Alexandrovich, are kind, - they take other people’s pain close to themselves and worry about the suffering - how much negativity they take on when they communicate with the sick, with their suffering relatives...

From 1989 to 1991 we were in Africa, my husband worked in the capital of the Republic of Niger as the chief maxillofacial surgeon at the National Hospital and taught, and was a member of the academic council of the University of West Africa. He was engaged in science, operated on patients - they had severe pathologies and tumors.

Once there was a case: San Sanych operated on the wife of the leader of an African tribe. The operation was very difficult, but it was successful, and in gratitude the aborigine presented us with a hippopotamus.

It turned out that for the people of his tribe, the hippopotamus is very valuable: they can feed on the meat of this animal for several months.

It happens that it becomes really difficult, and the thought comes: for some people it’s even harder now, for others the situation is even worse. Someone’s children are so terminally ill... How scary! And then San Sanych says: “Why did I get sick, because I could still help so much! How many operations to perform, how many people to save... Why did God deprive me of the hands that I so need?”
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