Report on teaching practice. Report on the practice of teaching practice at the state educational institution "Chelyabinsk State University"

Diary of teaching practice

5th year students

Faculty of Humanities

(specialty - history)

Irkutsk State

pedagogical university

Tsuranova Olga Vladimirovna


Municipal educational institution secondary school Telma

Usolsky district

Irkutsk region

Head of practice

history teacher Tsareva N.V.

Head of practice from

University Dykusova T.V.

Irkutsk, 2009

Day of the week

Study work




1. Introduction to History Programs

2. Introduction to State Standards

Introduction to the educational plan for October

Attending all lessons in an assigned class

Familiarization with the work plan of the class teacher.

Familiarization with the individual and age characteristics of students in the assigned class.

Observation of students' activities in lessons and extracurricular activities in order to assess the level of learning and identify personality characteristics.

Observation of the characteristics of the pedagogical skills of the subject teacher.

Familiarization with the content of the subject teacher’s work plan and his teaching materials.

Mastering the methods of psychological and pedagogical lesson analysis

Development of a lesson plan for the subject in the assigned class. Preparation of teaching aids for lessons: maps, diagrams,

drawings, etc.

Day of the week

Study work




Lesson on Russian history “The Civil War is the greatest tragedy in the history of Russia of the twentieth century”

Homework. Prepare oral reports about participants in the Civil War.

Studying the social studies teacher’s extracurricular work plan, attending extracurricular activities.

Lesson on Russian history Repetition: " Russia during the years of revolutions and civil war"

The method of conducting the lesson is active in the form of discussion.

Studying the psychological characteristics of the subject teacher’s communicative behavior in the classroom.

Studying the educational work plan of the class teacher, performing the current duties of the class teacher.

III week

Day of the week

Study work




Lesson on Russian history “NEP and education of the USSR”

The homework was to study the material using notes and a textbook, as well as answer questions on the topic at the end of the paragraph

Working with a cool magazine

Lesson on national history “Education of the USSR and its international recognition”

Consultation with the manager, conversation about the work done

Social studies lesson “Economics and its role in the life of modern society”


Day of the week

Study work




A lesson on domestic history in grade 11A “Modernization of the country’s economy and defense system in the 1930s.” Cultural Revolution"

Lesson on domestic history in grade 11B “Modernization of the country’s economy and defense system in the 1930s. Cultural Revolution"

Lesson-lecture, with conversation and drawing up tables

Lesson on Russian history in grade 11A “The cult of personality of J.V. Stalin, mass repressions and the creation of a centralized system of managing society”


Lesson on Russian history in grade 11B “The cult of personality of I.V. Stalin, mass repressions and the creation of a centralized system of managing society”


Social studies lesson

"Market relations in the modern economy"

Day of the week

Study work




Lesson on Russian history “International relations and foreign policy of the USSR in the 1930s”

Lesson on Russian history Repetition:"The Soviet state and society in the 1920-1930s"

Summing up the results of the internship, preparing documentation

Extracurricular activity in 11A class

“Dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Battle for Moscow"

to promote the moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren, to cultivate love and respect for their people, for the history of their country, and caring attitude towards veterans.

1. Introduction

Pedagogical practice is the final stage of studying a complex of pedagogical disciplines.

The goal of teaching practice is to master certain skills and techniques in the main areas of teaching activity and to put into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired in the process of studying a block of pedagogical and practical disciplines in real teaching conditions at school.

To achieve these goals, the Telma secondary school was chosen as the base of practice. This school employs highly professional teachers. The school also uses new and non-traditional teaching methods for our education. The school employs 38 teachers. Number of students: 409.

The Moscow Educational Institution has a six-day school week, history lessons are held 2 times a week. Lessons are held in two shifts (from 8.00), lesson duration is 45 minutes.

The school is equipped with: 37 classrooms, 1 computer center, 1 assembly hall, 1 gym, 1 library.

A lesson is the main form of organizing an educational session.

The classrooms at school are divided according to subject matter, i.e. classroom of physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc. Each of the classrooms is sufficiently equipped with the necessary equipment depending on the specialization, as well as subject and methodological literature, and visual aids.

Physical education classes are held in a well-equipped gym. Sports clubs for football, basketball, and sports aerobics also operate here after school, and annual school Olympiads are held.

To provide students and teachers with the necessary educational, as well as additional and fiction literature, the school has a library.

In the after-hours, the school runs clubs and sections in various areas: art, music, literary and sports sections, etc., the leaders of which are both full-time teachers and school graduates.

In order to improve the level of teaching, the school holds “open lessons”, which are attended by fellow teachers. An assessment of the lesson is given, positive aspects are noted, and recommendations are given for further improvement of teaching methods. The teaching staff of the school does not stand still and constantly introduces innovative ideas in the field of forms of education: teaching electives and special courses in additional disciplines, etc., educational Olympiads and competitions (creative and sports) are held annually among students.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that this secondary school has created a good basis for the successful implementation of the learning process and its further improvement.

2. Stages of preparation for lessons

The merit of a lesson is determined by the quality of the teacher’s preparation for it. Preparation is nothing more than the development of a lesson, its modeling or design, writing an entire script or pedagogical work, formatted in a lesson plan (short or extended), a simple or basic outline of a lesson, a project.

A lesson plan is not only a rational design of a lesson (although it is also important), but also a program of activities, a product of the teacher’s creativity, a reflection of his pedagogical style, an important element of culture, a means of saving time and effort.

A project is a prototype of the expected result, an attempt to look into the future.

When planning a lesson, namely: goal setting; selection of educational material content; the choice of teaching methods, expository and heuristic; providing instructions on completing homework and much more.

When preparing the lesson plan, I was guided by the following principles:

1. Determine the educational objectives of the whole topic.
2. Think about which of them will be addressed in this lesson, which is the main thing in the lesson material.

3. Study the teaching aids for conducting the lesson.

4. Seriously consider the methodological objectives of the textbook and the possible combination of the topic with the objectives of the lesson.

5. Do not forget that the UVP as a whole and its most important part - the lesson, are subject to the objective laws of didactics and educational psychology.

6. Decide what skills will be practiced in this lesson.
7. Has everything been worked out from repetition for deeper learning?

mastering new material.

8. The plan should clearly reflect methods, techniques, teaching aids, and lesson composition.

9. Do not forget about interdisciplinary connections, about the basic knowledge that is core in this course.

10. The standards for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities should be known to students.

11. An indicator of preparedness for the lesson is the student’s completion of homework.

3. Types of lessons

All lessons can be divided into lessons:

  • studying new material (type 1);
  • improving knowledge, skills (type 2);
  • combined (type 3);
  • control and correction of knowledge, skills (type 4)

Main content of type 1 - learning new material. The most important “didactic goal of such a lesson is to ensure that students master new material. The process of achieving this goal is a consistent solution of such didactic tasks as assimilation new concepts and ways of doing things, system formation concepts and methods of independent search activity.

The main content of the 2nd type of lesson is to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of students. This involves solving such didactic tasks as systematization and generalization of new knowledge, repetition and consolidation of previously acquired knowledge, application of knowledge in practice to deepen and expand previously acquired knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, monitoring the progress of studying educational material and improving knowledge, skills and abilities .

The third type of lesson is combined. It solves problems of the 1st and 2nd types of lessons.

Test lessons 4- th type are used to assess the learning process and its results, the level of mastery of the system of concepts, the formation of skills and abilities of students’ educational and cognitive activity.

4. Lesson requirement

Didactic requirements for modern lesson- clear formulation of educational objectives in general and its constituent elements, their connection with developmental and educational objectives.

Determining the place in the general system of lessons;

Determining the optimal content of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the objectives of the lesson, taking into account the level of preparation and readiness of students;

Predicting the level of students’ mastery of scientific knowledge, the development of skills and abilities, both in the lesson and at its individual stages;

The choice of the most rational methods, techniques and means of teaching, stimulation and control of their optimal impact at each stage of the lesson, a choice that ensures cognitive activity, a combination of various forms of collective and individual work in the lesson and maximum independence in the learning of students;

Implementation of all didactic principles in the lesson;

Creating conditions for successful learning of students.

5. Methods and tools used in lessons

  • Explanatory and illustrative teaching method;
  • Methodology for the formation of temporary representations;
  • Methodology for the formation of local representations;
  • Methodology for the formation of historical concepts;
  • Visual clarity and methods of working with it in a history lesson .

Facilities ensuring mastery of the discipline

1. Educational and methodological tools: discipline program, methodological recommendations for teachers, questions, assignments for independent work.

2. Material and technical means of teaching the discipline:

Visual aids (graphic and printed): a) demonstration aids (tables, diagrams, graphs, charts, chalk drawings); b) manuals based on handouts (cards with assignments and tasks); c) teaching aids, regulatory documents, etc.

3. Information and technical teaching aids (computer).

4. Classroom equipment (blackboard, chalk, etc.).

5. Logistics support for discipline

Library collections and an office with multimedia equipment.

6. Lesson forms

Forms of organizing the educational process:

  • Lessons;
  • Lectures, seminars, workshops, consultations;
  • Optional activity;
  • Olympics and competitions;
  • Subject weeks;
  • Open lessons;

Conducting non-standard history lessons.

Currently, traditional forms of teaching history are a little outdated. To interest students, I often use non-standard lessons or include an element in a traditional lesson.

The choice of the form of non-standard lessons depends on the age characteristics of the students, their level of preparation, awareness, and mutual understanding of the teacher with the students.

A special place in the system of organizational forms and methods of teaching history belongs to educational games. The use of games creates an informal atmosphere in learning, promotes the development of cognitive interest, the formation of strong and deep knowledge, and develops the intellectual and emotional sphere of students. For the effectiveness of the game, an important element is the creation of the environment, design, visibility, etc.

Form of game lessons:

· Lesson – competition

· Brain – ring

· What? Where? When?

· Guess the historical figure

· Problem games

· Story-based - role-playing games, etc.

· Historical auction.

7. Training and metodology complex

In pedagogical practice, there are different interpretations of the concepts “educational and methodological set” and “educational and methodological complex”.

Educational and methodological kit (UMK) is a set of educational products for one class in a specific subject, united by a single content composition and intended for different target audiences (teacher, student). The central element of the educational complex is the textbook, around which other publications are grouped (methodological aids, workbooks, didactic materials, educational visual aids, etc.).

Training and metodology complex is a collection of teaching aids, didactic materials, methodological publications and audiovisual teaching aids that ensure the implementation of the educational program. It can be suggested that an integral educational and methodological complex in history is a set of author’s educational and methodological sets prepared by different publishing houses.

Software and methodological support for the subject of history and social studies of the educational complex




Atlases and contour maps

Design samples of standards

"The history of homeland. XX – beginning of the XXI century” (authors S. I. Kozlenko, N. V. Zagladin, Kh. T. Zagladina)

"The history of homeland. XX - early XXI centuries" (authors N.V. Zagladin, S.I. Kozlenko, S.T. Minakov, Yu.A. Petrov; publishing house "Russian Word"),

“Thematic and lesson planning on the history of Russia of the 20th - early 21st centuries. Grade 11. To the textbook N.V. Zagladina"

Information support on the site #"Times New Roman"> Danilov, A.A. Russian history. 1945-2008: 11th grade: methodological manual / A.A. Danilov. - M.: Education, 2008. - 176 p.

Domestic history in diagrams, tables, definitions: textbook / L.N. Goncharenko and others - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Publishing House. state ing.-econ. University, 2008. - 474 p.

“Man and society: Social studies: grades 10-11: At 2 o’clock”; (authors Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Averyanov Yu.I.)

manual “School Dictionary in Social Studies: Grades 10-11”; collection “Didactic materials for the course “Man and Society”; 10 – 11 grades”; (authors Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Averyanov Yu.I.)

Development of a Russian History lesson

“The civil war is the greatest tragedy in the history of Russia of the twentieth century”

Civil War. These are unforgettable pages of our past, when there was a clash of various political forces, social groups, and individuals. It was not about which of the opposing forces would be the winner, but which one would be defeated, but about their very physical existence. Hence the special sharpness and cruelty of the struggle. The tragic consequences of this war were the split of society into “us” and “strangers,” the devaluation of human life, and the collapse of the national economy. Regardless of who won, the main victim of the Civil War was the people. A civil war, unlike ordinary interstate wars, does not have clear boundaries; it is impossible to draw a front line in it. In the Civil War, class relations come to the fore, pushing aside all others. Universal human values, such as mercy, tolerance, humanism, are relegated to the background, giving way to the principle “He who is not with us is against us.” During the Civil War, the struggle takes on the most extreme forms, bringing with it mass terror, irreconcilable anger and bitterness of people. It is no coincidence that Russia lost 11.5 million of its citizens.

Lesson type: improving knowledge, skills, analysis and synthesis lesson.

Lesson form: practical lesson.

Technologies: pedagogical workshop.



Preliminary work:

The class is divided into six groups of 4 people. The division into groups was carried out taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of each student. Division into groups involves the joint implementation of problematic tasks, the development of collective solutions, and the cultivation of self-respect for each other. Packages with documents and a multimedia presentation have been prepared.


1. Inductor. In order for the workshop participants to get used to the historical situation and deeply feel the tragedy of the civil war, the word “fate” was chosen as an inductor. Students are offered cards that identify the main social groups of the Russian population at the beginning of the 20th century (Appendix 1). So, at the beginning of the workshop, participants randomly choose a card with their “destiny”.

2. Creative task. During the analysis of documents, it is proposed to draw up a socio-economic portrait of one’s estate or class, to describe how the category of people in question could live on their annual income.

3. Working with materials. Students work with the materials “Annual income of different population groups” (Appendix 2), “Quantitative indicators of the population census for 1897.” (Appendix 3), “Lifestyle and morals of different population groups” (Appendix 4). Groups are given materials based on the categories of the population they represent.

4. Socialization. Groups present the results of their work through oral presentations by students.

5. Intermediate reflection. Determination of the main result of the presented results of the work: was social life polarized in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century?

6. Break. Students are invited to listen to a historical retrospective offered by the teacher:

1914 - Russia enters the First World War;

1915 – 1917 – national crisis;

1917 – February bourgeois-democratic revolution;

October 1917 – proletarian revolution, as a result of which the Bolsheviks came to power.

The teacher's story is accompanied by a multimedia presentation of historical events. The students are given a problematic task: what conditions do the workshop participants find themselves in now as they continue to “live” their chosen destiny?

7. Access to new information. Students are offered materials “Events of Soviet Power” (Appendix 5).

8. Socialization. Students in groups offer their own answers and determine their attitude towards the new government - the power of the Bolsheviks

9. Access to new information. Students are asked to analyze the programs of the “white”, “red” and “green” movements. (Appendix 6). What movement will be supported by this or that social category of the population (place a flag of its color on the table).

10. Socialization. Students explain why they supported a particular movement.

11. Access to new information. Students are offered materials on how each side defended its interests (Appendix 7).

12. Socialization. Groups present the results of their work through oral presentations by students.

13. General reflection. What is the tragedy of the Civil War?

M. Tsvetaeva.

Everyone is lying next to each other

Don't separate the boundary.

View: soldier

Where is yours, where is someone else's

Was white - became red:

The blood stained.

Was red - became white:

Death has whitened.

14. Homework. Prepare oral reports about participants in the Civil War.

Self-analysis of a history lesson in grade 11A

Tsuranova Olga Vladimirovna

Lesson topic: The Civil War is the greatest tragedy in the history of Russia in the 20th century.

The purpose of the lesson:

Systematize the material on the topic “Characteristics of the social system of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century”;

Summarize the material on the history of Russia in 1914–1917;

Determine the reasons for the split of Russian society into opposing factions in 1918;

Continue to develop skills in analyzing historical documents;

Understand that the tragedy of the Civil War teaches the renunciation of hatred, violence and arbitrariness as a method of state building and the entire organization of life.


- "The history of homeland. XX - early XXI centuries" (authors N.V. Zagladin, S.I. Kozlenko, S.T. Minakov, Yu.A. Petrov; publishing house "Russian Word"),

Part 1, 2 of the multimedia textbook “History of Russia. XX century”: M., Clio Soft, 2000.

This learning activity is a student-centered lesson. Having received certain knowledge, skills and abilities in working with the text of the textbook, historical documents, popular science, and reference literature, the students collectively applied this in the lesson.

I managed to ensure motivational readiness and a positive, emotional mood in the lesson. To update the primary experience, the “Vocabulary work” technique was used. Students gave definitions to the concepts encountered during the lesson.

The topic, goals and objectives of the lesson were clearly explained and became personally significant for the students, as they understood that the future of the country is in their hands.

The selected material met the requirements of the educational program, had a pronounced educational potential, and corresponded to the goals and objectives of the lesson.

In preparation for this lesson, various forms of student activity were used: individual work with the text of the textbook, additional popular science, and reference literature.

The very form of the lesson contributed to the development of students’ communicative and creative abilities. Various teaching methods were used. Explanatory and illustrative at the initial stage of the lesson. Research, partially exploratory at the stage of updating the enriched experience.

To update the consolidated experience, a research and explanatory-illustrative method was used. During the lesson, a choice situation was created for each student to write a mini-message on this topic.

The homework was multi-level - the children had the right to choose. The technological techniques used in the lesson corresponded to the content of the educational material.

When summing up the students’ activities, not only the result of the work in the lesson was assessed, but also during its preparation.

The goals and objectives I set were fully achieved.

The cause-and-effect relationships of the past and present are traced. The topic is also significant for the modern generation. Without knowing the history of your country, with its successes and downfalls, it is impossible to move into the future. I hope students get this.

Analysis of a history lesson in grade 11A

Intern student of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School Telma

Tsuranova Olga Vladimirovna

Lesson topic: The Civil War is the greatest tragedy in the history of Russia in the twentieth century.

The lesson went quite well. Goals were set and tasks were defined that corresponded to the development of the necessary general educational skills among schoolchildren. The content of the lesson is very rich. To successfully conduct a lesson, there was motivation and stimulation, awakening interest in the material. Feedback from the audience was established. Despite the youth of the trainee and the fairly old age of the students, the atmosphere in the class was built on mutual respect - a condition necessary for the students to assimilate the material presented. The trainee applied an individual approach to each student.

Also, the learning process was educational in nature. The equipment for presenting new material is very well selected.

Recommendations for the trainee. When presenting the material, and in the future when teaching a lesson, you need to more carefully pronounce some (main) points of the material being studied; you should not rush, for fear of not being on time. Be more confident, don't worry. Construct your speech clearly, pronounce every word. Discipline in the lesson must be maintained until the end, especially at the end of the lesson, when the children are tired. You should pay attention to the rational use of time; some organizational issues were delayed.

A history teacher N.V. Tsareva

Extracurricular activity

“Dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Battle for Moscow"

Lesson type: improving knowledge, abilities, skills, with elements of role-playing game.

Lesson format: lesson - conversation.

Location: school history classroom.

Equipment: TV, VCR, tape recorder, phonograms, film and video fragments, map “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,” poster “The Motherland is Calling!”, student wall newspapers dedicated to the Battle of Moscow, exhibition of books about the war, school exhibits museum.

Goals and objectives:

Develop skills in non-traditional work on the subject.

Plan – summary of an extracurricular event held in grade 11A

Good afternoon

You are in a history classroom, where schoolchildren study the history of Russia and foreign countries.

We will talk about the Day of Military Glory of Russia, which on December 5 is dedicated to the Battle of Moscow in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Let's talk about those distant years...

It was a scary and difficult time.

Fragment of a video film about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

At dawn on June 22, 1941, one of the longest days of the year, Germany went to war against the Soviet Union (as Russia was known).

The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders began.

The Nazis decided to wipe Moscow off the face of the earth.

In the fall of 1941, Hitler declared that the city should be surrounded so that not a single Russian soldier, not a single resident - be it a man, woman or child - could leave it. Suppress any attempt to leave by force. Hitler hoped to flood Moscow. The plan for the attack on Moscow was called “Typhoon”.

Every person in the Soviet country stood shoulder to shoulder in defense of their Motherland. The men fought the enemy. Women, children, old people worked in the rear: they worked in factories and factories, built defensive structures, sewed clothes for soldiers, collected parcels for the front...

The Great Battle of Moscow began in September 1941. At the first stage, our soldiers defended themselves, defended Moscow. On December 5-6, 1941, for the first time during the war, the enemy was not only stopped, but also driven back from the capital.

The entire Motherland stood as a barrier.

We must fight the enemy to the end -

After all, the belt of your defense

It goes through our hearts!

Goes through the terrible years

And the share of the people in all,

Goes through the heart of the people

And eternal glory to him!

Walking through the human sea,

It goes through all the cities...

And all this, brothers, is like this,

What the enemy will never take!

Moscow! Until the last bullets,

Until the last bit of lead

We are in battle!

Your defense

It goes through our hearts!

(Alexander Prokofiev)

The enemy stood near Moscow. The nature of the battles, the stamina of the soldiers, and the losses of the enemy can be judged by the exploits of the city’s defenders. Here's an example:

During November 16, 1941, the soldiers defending our city repelled several attacks by the Nazis, who were rushing towards Moscow along the Volokolamsk Highway. At the Dubosekovo crossing, the soldiers of the 1075th regiment of the 316th division performed their immortal feat. As one of the participants in the battle said, the regiment’s positions were subjected to heavy air bombing in the morning, and before the smoke from the bombs had cleared, the fascist machine gunners launched an attack. But the fighters repulsed it with friendly fire. When the enemy threw 20 tanks and a new group of machine gunners into battle, one of the defenders said: “It’s not that scary, less than a tank per person.” Brave warriors repelled this attack, destroying 14 vehicles. Soon the noise of engines was heard again. This time 30 tanks attacked. Strength was on the side of the fascists. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat, Moscow is behind us!” - exclaimed political instructor V.G. Klochkov. The battle lasted 4 hours. The enemy lost 18 tanks and many soldiers, but he failed to get to Moscow.

The Battle of Moscow showed that the fascist army could be defeated.

In memory of this event, a memorial was built at the Dubosekovo crossing.

During the days of the defense of the capital, “Song of the Defenders of Moscow” was written (words by A.A. Surkov, music by B.A. Mokrousov). Unshakable confidence in victory resounded in her.

Musical background of the song.

We will not flinch in battle

For your Fatherland.

Our native Moscow is dear to us.

An unbreakable wall

Steel defense

Let's stop

Let's drive back the enemy!

Attack in steel ranks,

We walk with a firm step,

The native capital is behind us,

We will block the enemy's path with fire.

Do not crush the heroic strength.

Our battle barrier is mighty.

We will dig a German grave

In the foggy fields near Moscow.

We will not flinch in battle

For your capital.

Our native Moscow is dear to us.

An unbreakable wall

Steel defense,

Let's knock it over

Let's drive back the enemy!

For the valor, heroism and courage demonstrated in the battles near Moscow, more than a million soldiers were awarded orders and medals “For the Defense of Moscow.”

Is in this bronze medal

The blue of the darkened lanterns,

And reflected in the menacing distance

Fire of heavy batteries.

And the rage that bubbled

In Russian bayonet attacks,

Stubborn, pure ringing of metal -

Like the beat of living hearts.

She testifies to the world

About our valor in battle...

Soldiers, children, commanders -

In the blood, on the edge of death, -

Forgotten in the smoke, in the trench clay,

That a dream happens in reality, -

We are a merciless path to Berlin

Opened with the Battle of Moscow!

(Pavel Shubin)

At our school, students have done a lot of work to prepare material about the war, about the Battle of Moscow. On the ground floor you have already seen an exhibition of newspapers dedicated to the Battle of Moscow. And now you will hear excerpts from the works of high school students on the topic: “They told me about the war.”

The presenters read out fragments of works about relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

We must know by sight

Veteran attacks,

He is a participant in the war.

That's exactly it!

Faithful to fire since childhood,

He melted it in a furnace

And armor for tanks,

And metal for guns.

The one who cooked the shells

Yes, that's him

Russian warrior struck

Black forces

We must remember everyone.

Who has rights

For big words:

I am a participant in the war!

(L. Tatyanichev)

Four terrible years. The Great Patriotic War lasted 1418 days and nights. The enemy of our people and all humanity was defeated.

On May 2, 1945, the act of surrender of Nazi Germany was signed in Potsdam. On June 24, 1945, at the Victory Parade, Moscow honored the heroes, and at the Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square lay defeated Nazi banners (standards).

The people survived! The country has won!

Archival newsreel video with the song “Victory Day” in the background.

On the day of the 20th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Moscow was awarded the honorary title of “Hero City” (1965).

In Moscow, near the Kremlin wall there is the grave of the unknown soldier. The Eternal Flame is burning. On the stone slab are the words: “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal.”

In December 1966, on the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow, the remains of an unknown soldier who fell in battles near Moscow in 1941 and was buried in a mass grave at the 41st kilometer of the Leningrad Highway were buried near the Kremlin wall.

The grand opening of the memorial took place on May 8, 1967. The torch, lit from the Eternal Flame on the Champ de Mars in Leningrad, was taken to Moscow and from it the Great Fire broke out on the tomb of the unknown soldier. Capsules with the soil of the hero cities are walled up nearby.

We are here with you not because of the date,

Like an evil splinter, the memory burns in my chest.

To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Come on holidays and weekdays.

He protected you on the battlefield

He fell without taking a step back.

And this hero has a Name -

The Great Army is a simple soldier!

A minute of silence. Fragment of video recording.

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,

But pain calls to people.

Come on people, never

Let's not forget about this.

Let her memory be true

They keep about this torment,

And the children of today's children,

And our grandchildren's grandchildren...

Then, to forget it

Generations did not dare.

Then, so that we can be happier,

And happiness is not in oblivion!

(A. Tvardovsky)

Through the centuries, through the years - remember!

About those who will never come again - remember!

Do not Cry!

Hold back the moans in your throat, the bitter moans.

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!

Eternally worthy!

With bread and song, dream and poetry,

spacious life, every second,

Be worthy with every breath!

While hearts are knocking, remember!

At what price was happiness won - remember!

When you send your song into flight, remember!

About those who will never sing again - remember!

Tell your children about them,

so that they remember!

Tell children's children about them,

so that they remember too!

At all times of the immortal Earth

Leading ships to the twinkling stars, -

remember the dead!

Meet the trembling spring,

people of the Earth.

Kill the war

curse the war

people of the Earth!

Carry your dream through the years

and fill it with life!..

But about those who will never come again,

I beg you, remember!

(R. Rozhdestvensky)

Self-analysis of educational activities

“Dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Battle for Moscow".

Target: determine the degree of positive influence of educational activities on the personal development of the student.

Form of educational event lesson - conversation

Class 11A

Who carried out the analysis Tsuranova Olga Vladimirovna

The educational potential of the extracurricular activity was (goal):

To develop students’ knowledge about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, its defenders and their exploits;

To promote the moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren, to cultivate love and respect for their people, for the history of their country, and caring attitude toward veterans;

Develop children's creative abilities, the ability to work in a student team of different ages;

Develop skills in non-traditional work in the subject

1 . The event featured:

1.1 . There is interest in the topic

1.2. Student-trainee communication: communicates in a friendly manner, with clear and simple speech, diction, pronunciation, correct vocabulary, speed, adequate volume of information, appropriate pantomime; uses student names; encourages more often than condemns

1.3. At the event, students and student trainees showed such personal qualities as humor, demonstration of warmth and friendliness, smile, and resourcefulness.

2. Educational material

2.1. The material is selected in accordance with age, characteristics of the contingent and is interestingly presented.

2.2. The material stimulates in students the development of such personal qualities as love and respect for their people, caring attitude towards veterans, and promotes moral and patriotic education.

3. In organizing educational activities

3.1. Students' experience was used

an exhibition of newspapers dedicated to the Battle of Moscow, excerpts from the works of high school students

Report on teaching practice

4th year students of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Technology

Danko Natalia Alexandrovna

at MBOU Lyceum No. 4 of Slavyansk-on-Kuban,

in the period from 02.02.2015 to 06.03.2015

Teacher-mentor Loskutova Liana Petrovna

Group leader-methodologist Ulyana Aleksandrovna Chernysheva and Tatyana Viktorovna Kononenko.

The learning conditions at MBOU Lyceum No. 4 comply with the requirements of SanPiN and are comfortable for students and teachers. The classrooms are equipped with modern equipment, which allows for high-quality classes. With the exception of some classrooms in which the multimedia installation does not work, which makes it difficult to fully conduct classes.

The practice took place in grade 7 “B”. In the 7th “B” class there is a friendly, well-formed team, with clearly distinguished leaders and lagging students. Behavior during classes is excellent, increased interest in the subject, desire to learn new knowledge. The performance of the class is at a high level. General knowledge meets the requirements for students. The lag in the subject of some students is caused by a lack of desire to learn, lack of interest in the subject; throughout the entire period of practice, interest was shown in tasks that were of a creative nature.

During the internship, 5 lessons were conducted in the section “Information and information processes”, on the topics:

¾ Text documents and technologies for their creation

¾ Creating text documents on a computer

¾ General information about formatting. Performing laboratory work on the section “Text typing and formatting”

¾ Visualization of information in text documents. Performing laboratory work on the section “Visualization of information in text documents”

¾ Text recognition and computer translation tools

And also during the practice, 20 algebra lessons were taught in the section “Transformation of polynomials”, on the topics:

¾ Factoring a polynomial using the grouping method.

¾ Division with remainder.

And for the section “Abbreviated multiplication formulas”, by topic:

¾ Squaring the difference of two expressions.

¾ Cube the sum of two expressions.

¾ Cube the difference of two expressions

¾ Factorization using squared sum formulas.

¾ Factorization using squared difference formulas.

¾ Multiplying the difference of two expressions by their sum.

¾ Factoring the difference of squares.

¾ Solving equations using factorization.

¾ Application of abbreviated multiplication formulas for factorization.

And during the practice, 8 geometry lessons were conducted in the section “Parallel Lines”, on the topics:

¾ Test No. 3 on the topic: “Parallel lines.”

And for the section “Relationships between the sides and angles of a triangle”, by topic:

¾ K/R analysis. Sum of angles of a triangle.

¾ Theorem on the sum of the angles of a triangle.

¾ Acute, right and obtuse triangles.

¾ Relationships between sides and angles of a triangle.

¾ Triangle inequality.

¾ Test No. 4

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Ivanovo State University

Faculty of Biology and Chemistry

Report on teaching practice:

5. Use of TSO.

1. Educational institution - school No. 4, class - 11 "A", subject - chemistry, teacher - , number of students on the list - 25, and those present at the lesson - 21.

2. Lesson topic: types of chemical bonds.

educational - repeat all previously studied types of chemical bonds, crystal lattices, and the properties of substances that depend on them;

developing – to develop in students independence, the ability to generalize, compare, draw conclusions, and correctly express their conclusions;

educational – the formation of a scientific worldview, the desire to actively acquire new knowledge and skills.

3. Organizational start of the lesson:

o teacher’s readiness for the lesson availability of visual aids (textbook);

o preparedness of students – availability of notebooks, textbooks;

o preparedness of the classroom - cleanliness, blackboard, chalk, lighting.

4. Organizational structure of the lesson:

o mobilizing beginning of the lesson - the teacher informs that this lesson is a repetition of the material covered and you need to remember the types of chemical bonds, crystal lattices and examples of substances with one or another bond;

o sequence, interconnection and correlation of parts of the lesson - first, the teacher and students build a diagram - types of chemical bonds, remember the mechanisms, and give examples of substances. Next, the teacher lists several connections on the board, for which you need to determine the type of connection, and the students understand that several different types of connections can be represented in one connection. Next, a diagram is given - types of crystal lattices, where children remembered the main types of crystal lattices and the properties of substances that depend on them, and also examples of substances are given.

o the intensity of the lesson and the pace of it - the teacher tried to keep a fast pace, but due to the low activity of some students, this was not always possible. The teacher provided the students with all the material they needed to write the test.

o justification by the teacher of the chosen sequence of implementation of educational material in the lesson - the teacher’s task was to systematize knowledge on the material studied, for this purpose the material was presented in the form of diagrams; First, a diagram was given of the types of chemical bonds, then the types of crystal lattices;

o compliance with the program and the level of knowledge of students in the subject - the educational material corresponds to the program and level of knowledge of students in the subject of chemistry;

o the ratio of practical and theoretical material - theoretical material alternates with practical tasks;

o connection with life and practice - the teacher explains the difference in the properties of substances with different crystal lattices using the example of sugar and salt when heated.

6. Teacher's activities:

o scientific and accessible presentation of new knowledge - the knowledge presented is scientific and accessible to students’ understanding;

o the teacher’s use of the experience of the best teachers and the recommendations of methodological science - the teacher uses the recommendations of methodological science in conducting lessons and working in general;

o organization of consolidation of educational material - organization of consolidation of educational material was carried out;

o organization of independent work of students - organization of independent work of students was carried out;

o testing and assessment of students’ knowledge and skills – students’ knowledge and skills were tested and assessed;

o teacher questions and requirements for student answers - the teacher asks questions about the material covered and does not require verbatim reproduction of concepts;

o the teacher’s attitude towards students’ conscious assimilation of educational material; the teacher always has a positive attitude towards students who show good knowledge, and uses the so-called cumulative score; the more the student works and earns points, the greater the chance of receiving a positive grade;

o homework assignment and the teacher’s attention to it – the teacher considers homework assignments and mandatory checking mandatory;

o ways to achieve order and conscious discipline of students - the teacher makes comments to students who are distracted;

o the effectiveness of using visual aids and technical teaching aids - a textbook was used in this lesson, no technical teaching aids were used;

o Contact between the teacher and the class – contact between the teacher and the students was established.

7. Student activities :

o preparation of the workplace - students prepare their workplace before the lesson; it should be noted that not all students bring textbooks to class;

o behavior of students in the classroom - children are disciplined in lessons, but not all are active, some prefer to remain silent, even despite the teacher’s questions; some students do not always quickly switch from one type of work to another;

o the intensity and quality of students’ independent work - children try to complete the work on their own, but often if they don’t succeed, they turn not to the teacher, but to their neighbor at the desk for help; but there are also students who neglect independent work;

o the state of their oral and written speech – students’ oral speech is literate, most students carefully keep notes in notebooks;

o students’ knowledge of theory , ability to apply acquired knowledge - most students know the theory and can apply the acquired knowledge;

o attitude of students towards the teacher - students treat the teacher with respect, listen carefully and do not interrupt;

o the degree and nature of participation of the team as a whole and individual students in the work in the lesson - some students are more active than others, in general the team is active, but several times the teacher had to encourage students to be active.

8. Conclusions:

o implementation of the lesson plan - the lesson plan was completed, the material covered, types of chemical bonds, types of crystal lattice were repeated;

o achieving the goals of the lesson - the goal of the lesson was to systematize knowledge on the material covered - the goal was achieved;

o What is especially interesting and instructive in the lesson is how the teacher commands the attention of the students and maintains the pace of the lesson;

o evaluation of the lesson - the lesson is interesting and instructive, and worthy of high praise.


Extracurricular activity in chemistry

IIIannual conference on chemistry and biology

Balanced diet

Topic: "Trans fats"

11 "A" class

Material provided to the student for review:

Fats, if we consume them in reasonable quantities, are extremely important for our health. They serve as a source of energy, help absorb vitamins, and protect organs and tissues from damage and hypothermia. However, not all fats are created equal. And some can even be harmful. These, as evidenced by various studies, include primarily trans fats.

On food labels you can increasingly see a detailed composition indicating the content of different types of fats: saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, hydrogenated. In recent years, many countries have made it mandatory to indicate the content of trans fats.

Terms "saturated" And "unsaturated" talk about the degree of “saturation” of a fatty acid molecule (or other hydrocarbon compound) with hydrogen. In a saturated fatty acid, all vacant positions are filled, while in an unsaturated fatty acid there are double bonds that allow the addition of additional hydrogen atoms. If there is only one double bond, the fatty acid is called monounsaturated, and if there are two or more, it is called polyunsaturated.

Creator of the method hydrogenation(the addition of hydrogen to a double bond) is considered by the French chemist Paul Sabatier. In June 1897, he made a discovery that laid the foundation for the transformation of vegetable oil into a solid substance, and in 1912 he received the Nobel Prize for this.

Hydrogenation process(hydrogenation) occurs when hydrogen is passed under pressure through oil heated to a high temperature (about 200 ° C). In this case, some of the unsaturated fatty acids are converted into saturated ones.

Scientifically speaking, trans fats- These are fats containing trans isomers of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, the terms “trans fats” and “hydrogenated fats” mean the same thing.

In nature, the normal spatial structure of unsaturated fatty acids corresponds to the cis form, that is, when all the hydrogen atoms of the double bond are located on the same side of the carbon chain. During the process of hydrogenation, the molecule breaks down and it turns into the trans form, in which the hydrogen atoms move on opposite sides of the carbon skeleton.

Violation of the spatial configuration of a fatty acid, its transition to the trans form is unnatural, that is, against nature. In simple terms, the result is a freak molecule that behaves completely unpredictably in the body.

Why are trans fats used?

Artificially produced trans fats are much more convenient to use than natural ones.

Firstly, hydrogenated fats can be stored for a long time even at room temperature. Remember how difficult it is to store vegetable oils correctly.

Secondly, hydrogenated fats, that is, margarines are much cheaper than butter, and various additives help to obtain a pleasant taste.

Thirdly, due to their resistance to rancidity, margarines make it possible to reuse them for frying.
Diseases caused by eating trans fats

It has been proven that the consumption of hydrogenated fats, that is, vegetable fats converted into a solid state, leads to the development of:

2) heart disease by at least 50% (coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes). Heart rhythm is also disturbed and blood viscosity increases. The risk of sudden death from cardiac arrest increases.

3) trans fats increase the level of “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins) in the blood and reduce the level of “good” cholesterol (high-density lipoproteins).

4) the membranes of vital cellular structures, in particular brain cells and nerve cells, are damaged.

5) premature aging, development of senile dementia, low intelligence in children.

6) contribute to the occurrence of cancer.

7) the sensitivity of pancreatic cells to insulin decreases, thereby provoking the development of type II diabetes.

8) trans fats suppress the immune system.

9) the development of such a serious disease as obesity.

There is also evidence linking trans fats to cancer, diabetes, liver disease, depression and Alzheimer's disease.

Unfortunately, packaged margarine or food from fast food restaurants are just some of the sources from which we can get trans fats.

Any product that uses cooking oils is likely to contain hydrogenated fat..

This includes almost any baked goods - cakes, cakes, pies (especially shortcrust pastry, hydrogenated fats are added to them to make the dough crumbly), cookies, crackers, gingerbread, donuts, pie base, etc.

Trans fats are contained in most semi-finished products - ready-made chilled dough, pizza, meat, chicken, fish products in batter (cutlets, fish fingers), etc.

In various packaged snacks - chips, toasted crackers, popcorn, etc.

In a wide variety of jarred and bottled sauces and mayonnaises.

There is another type of margarine - this soft oils or otherwise they are called spreads. This type of trans fat is softer in consistency because the plant fatty acids in such oils are partially hydrogenated, that is, not all double bonds are filled with hydrogen atoms. The spreads spread easily onto bread.

Dangerous dose of margarine

Considering research on the dangers of trans fats in amounts of more than 2% of daily calories, it turns out that a dose of more than 4 g of such fats per day is dangerous to health. In terms of margarine, this is approximately 8-10 grams - a tablespoon.
How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of trans fats?

Many countries around the world are already taking a healthy path, having officially approved maximum standards for the content of dangerous trans fats in food products. Russia, unfortunately, is not only not a trendsetter when it comes to reducing the content of trans fats in food products. There is absolutely no information on the labels of our products about the presence of ingredients hazardous to health. However, there is undoubtedly a way out of this situation, and it is not even very difficult.

In order to protect yourself and your health as much as possible from the dangerous influence of “bad fat”, you must first of all cross off margarine and refined vegetable oils, as well as industrial semi-finished products - cutlets, steaks and deep-fried fish fingers from the list of store purchases.

You should not save on your health by eating fast food in cheap eateries, unless, of course, you are a resident of Holland or Australia.

Labels on sauces, ketchups and mayonnaises, when examined carefully, can still provide the necessary useful information. If they mention hydrogenated or even partially hydrogenated oil, such products can be safely avoided.

If you cook at home, replace frying with stewing, and deep-frying with baking in the oven or grilling. Scientists have proven that by eating this way, in just two years you will be able to almost completely “cleanse” your body, which is heavily polluted with trans fats.

Don't forget about oatmeal and brown rice, which contain vitamin E, which is a protector of omega fatty acids that are beneficial to the body. This vitamin is also present in unrefined oils, as well as in oils from cereal seeds and nuts.

The main representatives of omega-3, omega-6:
– the main ones familiar to us omega-6 fatty acids- This arachidonic 20:4 And linoleic 18:2, common in lard, meat (arachidonic) and sunflower, pumpkin and corn oils (linoleic):
arachidonic CH3–(CH2)4–(CH=CH–CH2)4–(CH2)2–COOH 20:4 omega-6

linoleic CH3–(CH2)4–(CH=CH–CH2)2–(CH2)6–COOH 18:2 omega-6

– basic omega-3 fatty acidseicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 20:5, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 22:6, and alpha-linolenic acid (18:3). Long-chain fatty acids of the omega-3 family (EPA, DHA) are produced by algae and plankton; alpha-linolenic acid is contained in flaxseed oil. Deep-sea fish of cold waters (salmon, trout, salmon, mackerel, herring, sardine, tuna) feed on plankton, and fish oil obtained from them is the main source of omega-3 fatty acids for humans:


CH3–CH2–(CH=CH–CH2)5–(CH2)2–COOH 20:5 omega-3


CH3–CH2–(CH=CH–CH2)6–CH2–COOH 22:6 omega-3


CH3–CH2–(CH=CH–CH2)3–(CH2)6–COOH 18:3 omega-3

The effects of Omega-3 on our body are truly stunning:

1) Omega-3 fatty acids affect the structure of the body’s cells, but also activate them. The result is improved functioning of the cardiovascular system, hence a reduced risk of heart attacks and heart attacks. There is a normalization of blood pressure (the main scourge of our time), vision improves, inflammatory processes in the joints are relieved, and mental processes are improved as a result of better brain function.

2) Omega-3 helps strengthen the immune system, helps in the treatment of skin diseases, eczema, allergies, and Alzheimer's disease.

3) Omega-3 also removes cholesterol and free radicals from the body, being an excellent antioxidant.

4) people in whose body there is a sufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids do not suffer from depression.

Our body receives a large amount of Omega-6 fatty acids through food. Omega-6 ensures the health of our skin and lowers cholesterol levels, improves blood clotting. However, when there are too many Omega-6 fatty acids in our body, our blood becomes very thick and there is a risk of blood clots. Inflammatory processes begin. Only Omega-3 can correct this situation. Omega-6 is just as essential for the body as Omega-3, it’s just that the body must have the correct ratio of these fatty acids. Scientists believe that this ratio should be 4 to 1. To achieve the right balance, you don’t have to reduce your consumption of Omega-6 foods, just include Omega-3 foods in your diet. When using vegetable oil, give preference to olive oil; it has a positive effect on blood lipids.

Medicinal properties of olive oil

Firstly, this product is a record holder for lowering cholesterol levels. This means that it is indispensable for the prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other ailments. Olive oil contains especially valuable oleic and linolinic acids, as well as vitamins A, D, E, K. Basically, it is this set that provides the healing properties of olive oil. Among which:

    normalization of the digestive process, prevention and treatment of most gastrointestinal diseases; increased immune functions; slowing down the aging process of tissues and organs (due to the large number of antioxidants contained in olive oil); improvement of mental activity, strengthening of memory, effective prevention of nervous disorders; active participation in the speedy healing of wounds and injuries; protection of the gastric mucosa from ulcers; strengthening bone tissue; effective prevention of cancer;

Beneficial properties of flaxseed oil

It is precisely because of the high content of Omega-3 and Omega-6 that flax seed oil helps normalize metabolic processes in the body and has the following beneficial medicinal properties:

1) helps reduce cholesterol levels and blood viscosity, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, which ultimately prevents the development of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and reduces the risk of stroke and blood clots.

2) normalizes the functioning of the entire human digestive system: improves liver function, promotes the treatment of colitis, gastritis, and eliminates heartburn.

3) immunoprotective properties of the oil: its use prevents certain cancer diseases (breast cancer and rectal cancer).

4) widespread use in the complex treatment and prevention of diseases of the lungs and bronchi, diseases of the nervous system, kidney and bladder diseases, and thyroid diseases.

____groups ___ course
Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship

undergoing teaching practice in
during the period from ___________ to ___________

From _______— ___ years to _______— ____years I did an internship in ____________________________.

1. Report on teaching practice - implementation of the plan

During teaching practice, I became acquainted with the directions of educational work of the school and the organization of the pedagogical process in modern conditions.

How the teacher consolidated and deepened the theoretical knowledge acquired in the course of psychological, pedagogical and special disciplines. Mastered the content, forms and methods of educational work in the subject and in the team, class, skills and abilities to analyze the organization of the content and results of the pedagogical process.

Learned methods and techniques for planning teacher activities.

During the practice, I improved such professional skills as: studying the student’s personality, his age and individual characteristics, studying the class team, studying the characteristics of the class teacher, team and educational work, taking into account the individual and group characteristics of the class students.

I also learned to plan the content and methods for managing the educational and extracurricular educational activities of schoolchildren; organization, course and result of the activities of the class teacher and teacher in the specialty of their pedagogical activity.

During the period of teaching practice, I believe that I fulfilled the plan. There were some deviations from the plan in visiting lessons, but I spent this time preparing for lessons and class hours.

I also spent time helping the technology teacher prepare material for lessons, assisted in conducting class hours, and assisted in conducting other school-wide events on the instructions of the teacher organizer and deputy. director of educational work.

2. Number of classes attended and their discussions

3. Report on teaching practice - main results of visits

While attending lessons, I observed the students, their behavior and relationships in the classroom. I observed how children prepare for lessons, do homework, work in class, their relationships with teachers, how teachers treat students.

Observe what methods teachers use to teach students in the classroom. All this allowed me to draw conclusions about the relationships in the class between students, in general, and the attitude of each student to study and class.

While attending extracurricular activities, I also observed students and their behavior. This allowed me to draw conclusions about the behavior of students outside of class hours. At the parent meeting, I met the students’ parents, talked with some, and got an idea of ​​their marital status and family relationships.

While visiting the “Skillful Hands” circle, I looked at what products the children were making in the circle. He talked with the children about their work and suggested the correct execution of operations.

Having carried out extracurricular activities, I was able to get an overall picture of the work of the school and my students.

4. Report on teaching practice - main didactic tasks

Problems solved during the period of teaching practice, results obtained

During my internship, I set myself the following tasks:

  1. Get acquainted with the structure and content of the educational process at school.
  2. Get to know the specifics of teachers' work.
  3. Master pedagogical forms of interaction with students.
  4. Apply acquired knowledge in practice.
  5. Learn to plan and analyze your activities.
  6. Master the skills of competently, clearly and logically presenting new material.
  7. Get acquainted with the experience of teachers and adopt the most effective teaching techniques and methods.
  8. Gain skills in individual work with students.
  9. Learn to plan the work of the class teacher and perform all his functions.

I believe that during the period of my pedagogical internship I completed all the tasks assigned to me.

5. Which lessons were more successful and why?

What were the difficulties in class work and their reasons?

During the lessons, I encountered difficulties in the first lessons due to the fact that I did not know the students by name, their individual personality traits, their individual capabilities and knowledge.

There were also difficulties due to my slight anxiety; I sometimes got confused during the story. At the beginning of all the first lessons, there were difficulties with the discipline of the students, but as the lesson progressed, these difficulties were resolved, since as we got to know each other better, the students and I found a common language.

Subsequent lessons went well. I already knew the violators of discipline and stopped their violations. I knew the names of the students and their attitude to the subject, knowledge of the subject, the abilities of the students, which made it easier for me to communicate with them and distribute individual tasks.

6. What kind of visual aids are made?

Technological maps, posters, signal cards, independent work, tests, tests were produced.

7. Report on teaching practice - extracurricular work - analysis

During my internship, I organized and conducted one extracurricular event using technology: “My own game.” Class hours were held on the topics: “Language passport of a speaker”, “World of professions”, “Mother’s Day”. Competition "Dear Snow Maiden".

Class hour on the topic: “The world of professions”

  • Assisting high school students in choosing a future profession.
  • Nurturing the professional and legal culture of a high school student’s personality.
  • Education of civic position of schoolchildren.

Analysis of the event

The topic, it seems to me, is relevant at all times, since eighth-graders are already thinking about where to go to study and who to be.

In my opinion, the event helped the children more accurately decide on their choice of future profession. They actively participated, selected material, and willingly expressed their opinions about this work.

Therefore, this topic is relevant and educationally valuable for senior students. This event does not contain much material for the moral development of students, for a better understanding of moral issues, which, undoubtedly, is the dominant direction of their development at this age stage.

But the historical facts covered by this event are very useful for broadening the general horizons of students, because this issue is almost not discussed in school history courses. The preparation process contains many opportunities for the creative manifestation of the personality of each student, for uniting the team and developing its independence and activity, which is very important for this team.

Discipline throughout the entire event was good.

In the process of preparing and holding the event, the children were seized by the spirit of competition: who could better represent their profession.

The goal of the event was achieved. Its real ideological, educational and cognitive value lies in the fact that the guys really united even more during the holding and, especially, preparation of the event, learned a lot, and learned a lot in working together.

During the preparation and conduct of the event, the low activity of some students somewhat reduced the educational effect compared to the expected one.

I think that in the future such events will also arouse interest and initiative among the children of this class, so I would advise the class teacher to hold such events in the future.

I also assisted the class teacher in an extracurricular event dedicated to Mother's Day. The unusual thing about it was that all the children took part in it, those who wanted to took the role of presenters, the rest, along with their parents, willingly took part in the game. All the children were awarded with memorable gifts.

I held an extracurricular event on the subject “My own game”

Purpose of the work: activation of cognitive activity of students, increasing motivation for learning activities.

  1. Activation and development of students’ cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, observation, intelligence, etc.).
  2. Repetition and consolidation of knowledge acquired in lessons.
  3. Expanding your horizons.
  4. Creating an active, creative environment during the event, which has a beneficial effect on the emotionality and psyche of students.
  5. Improving the combination of individual and collective forms of work with students.

In my opinion, everything turned out well, it’s not for nothing that the guys and I prepared for it so carefully and decorated the hall. Everyone participated with great desire.

The goal has been achieved, the tasks have been solved. A report on teaching practice has been compiled

8. What kind of scientific research work was carried out?

During my teaching practice, I conducted a study of health-saving features of organizing and conducting classes on the design and manufacture of devices for the prevention of diseases in schoolchildren in a school workshop.

9. Participation in other types of work

During evenings at school, I helped to be on duty at the evenings.

10. Report on teaching practice - general conclusions

During my internship, I tried myself as a technology teacher. I tried to teach lessons, which, according to the teacher and my own self-analysis, turned out not bad, although I still need to gain experience and a little courage.

I also need to work on using effective methods to teach students. This is because the school does not have enough funds to purchase materials and decorate classrooms. Extracurricular activities with the class went well. All extra-curricular activities took place as if “in one breath.” I managed to find an approach to the class, and the children obeyed and carried out all my instructions.

I noticed one drawback in them: after classes everyone rushes home. But when you start holding an event, this problem disappears by itself and you can no longer hear the cries of “I want to go home.”

Proposal to the university for teaching practice: make the practice longer and reduce the amount of reporting on the practice. Filling out a large number of diaries interferes and distracts from the educational process and extracurricular activities.

But in general, I would like to wish creative success to everyone!

Russian Peoples' Friendship University

Faculty of Law

Department of Judicial Power, Law Enforcement

and human rights activities


about passing teaching practice

Completed by: student

5th year group MU-511

Rustamova Ellada Roman Kyzy

Head of practice from the department:

Mustafaeva Maryam Mustafaevna

Grade _________________



about passing teaching practice

The student’s teaching practice is an integral part of the curriculum and one of the most important conditions for the training of highly qualified specialists. Completing an internship allows you to more fully reveal your creative potential, make a conscious choice of activity in one of the areas of practical psychology, and really imagine the personal and business qualities necessary for teaching in real conditions.

In order to improve the quality of teaching activities, it was decided to conduct university classes in pairs. The duration of one lesson per person is 45 minutes.

Familiarization with the administrative, managerial and methodological activities of educational institutions;

Carrying out educational, practical and research assignments;

Conducting a series of lessons on the subject of jurisprudence;

Maintaining educational documentation.

Goals of teaching practice:

The development of pedagogical thinking, the formation of an individual pedagogical style, formed a research approach to work;

Preparation for the holistic performance of the functions of a subject teacher, for conducting a system of educational work with students;

Development of pedagogical skills of goal setting, diagnostic-analytical, communicative and constructive skills.

During my internship, I did the following work: developed and conducted seminars on the subject of Law in groups ML-122 and ML-124.

During the internship, I discussed the lecture topics with the internship supervisor and made a plan for the upcoming lesson. I met with the head of the practice to discuss the lessons conducted and sum up the results of the teaching practice. I also observed the work of teacher M.M. Mustafaeva. in order to identify the main methodological techniques for organizing training.

Mustafaeva M.M. introduced me to the methodology of writing scientific articles and gave practical recommendations on writing scientific articles.

For myself, I realized that I should clearly draw up a work plan for the upcoming lesson, rationally allocate time, use techniques for changing activities during a lesson in order to keep students’ attention, reduce their fatigue, and communicate with the audience.

It was difficult to transfer theoretical material to practice, to a specific group.

Relations with students were friendly; students were willing to communicate and discuss specific issues.

Relations with the teacher, the head of the practice, Mustafaeva Maryam Mustafaevna, were also friendly.

During the internship, I learned to communicate with students at the teacher-student level, hold the attention of the audience, and rationally distribute the proposed material throughout the lesson. I also learned how to write a profile of a group and a student.

Practice diary

Meeting with the head of the practice O.S. Gurova, familiarization with the administrative, managerial and methodological activities of the educational institution, getting to know the group, drawing up a work plan in accordance with the group’s schedule.

Discussion with the practice manager about the topics of upcoming seminars, drawing up a plan. Search for materials for creating a seminar plan.

Attending classes to observe group behavior. As well as observing the work of teacher O.S. Gurova. in order to identify the main methodological techniques for organizing training.

Conducting a lecture on the topic “Development of a small group”

Conducting a lecture on the topic “Social and psychological characteristics of a small group”

Meeting with the practice manager, discussion of the lecture, positive and negative aspects of the work.

Approving the topic of the next lecture, drawing up a plan for the upcoming lesson. Preparing for a lecture, preparing lecture notes.

Conducting a lecture on the topic “The workforce as a small group.” After the lesson - a meeting with the head of the practice, discussion of the lecture. Approving the topic of the next lecture, drawing up a plan for the upcoming lesson. As well as discussion of the topic, work plan of the practical lesson.

Conducting a lecture on the topic “The team as a socio-psychological characteristic of group activity”

Conducting a practical lesson on the topic “Development of a small group and socio-psychological characteristics of small groups”

Meeting with the head of practice, discussion of the lessons conducted, summing up the results of teaching practice.

Drawing up reporting documentation on completed teaching practice.


Rustamova Ellada Roman Kyzy, 5th year student of the group MU-511 Faculty of Law, she underwent teaching practice at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in the period from 02/07/2013 to 03/25/2013. During this time, she carried out active work on preparing, organizing and conducting classes with students of the Faculty of Medicine of the ML-122 and ML-124 groups . The goals and objectives of the practice have been fully achieved.

Based on the analysis of the classes conducted, it can be argued that Rustamova Hellas has a fairly high level of readiness in the field of communications with the educational audience. Self-conducted classes also showed a high level of theoretical training on the topics discussed in the classes. Information in the classes was presented in a very accessible form for students, and the method of feedback from the audience was actively used. The teaching load and time in classes were distributed rationally.

It should be noted the energy, interest, high ability to work, accuracy, and dedication of the trainee.

The work deserves evaluation _________________

Head of Practice Mustafaeva

Maryam Mustafaevna