Organizational activities of the class teacher in elementary school. The role of the class teacher in primary school

Teaching is just one of the petals of the flower that
is called education in the broad sense of this concept.
In education there is no main and secondary, just as there is no
main petal among many petals creating
the beauty of the flower.
V. Sukhomlinsky
Being a class teacher is not the easiest thing. Possess the ability to
creating a single and cohesive team from such different guys is
art. Seeing each student as an individual is professionalism. Be able to
living a good and memorable school life with them is
talent. These are the qualities that a real cool guy should have.
At school, children develop socialization skills that will
are necessary for children in the future, and should take part in this process
not only school, but also family. How socialized is a person at the moment?
graduation, his future life depends. Education should develop
active position of a person in life, he should not remain indifferent and
callous, the new generation should be alien to the indifference that
in our society today in abundance. If the class teacher
primary school person is creative, he is interested and personal
approaches this matter with interest. Its main landmark is
the result he has achieved, which means the level of success in his work.
The job of a primary school class teacher is to closely
contact with each student's family. If mutual understanding is reached,
only then will success appear in the long-term difficult task of education
child. If good conditions are created, relationships have developed, in
This educational process is comfortable for everyone.
The methods of work of the class teacher are based on several
fundamental principles such as (slide 2)
active creative approach,

At the heart of it all is mutual respect, which is built on the basis
age characteristics of each participant in the educational process. AND
The teacher is focused on success, while he always highlights
each student has his own personal “success zone”.
Since the teacher lays the basis for the education of the class in the formation
friendly team, are encouraged and developed accordingly
tolerant relationships between students in the class. This is the key task
who stands in front of the class teacher.. All work with children is based
so that the individual develops spiritually, and in general school affairs there is
the whole class is involved. In such conditions, a single, complete
team. This goal is complex, and in order to realize it, we have to solve
other tasks of a private nature, of which there are not so few. First of all,
it is necessary to create favorable conditions for each student so that he
could develop harmoniously as a person. Encourage cognitive interest
child so that he strives to gain additional knowledge, expands
your horizons and erudition. It is necessary to create conditions under which
the creative potential of each student can be unleashed.
The work of the primary school class teacher is aimed at encouraging
creativity, self-realization in it of any student, and this
applies to both lessons and any activities outside
lessons. And a very important point is the cultivation of such a life position,
so that a person can show empathy, be an active citizen,
to whom indifference is alien, who will not pass by if somewhere
assistance or participation is required.
The culture of communication is also established at an early age, and by example
should become a teacher. Interpersonal culture must be in communication
children with adults, and with each other. To evaluate your results on
in the field of education, the teacher must regularly monitor
what level of cohesion is his team, what are his class
relationships between students. Before the friendly team will be
formed, the process goes through a number of important stages.
The first stage can be considered the first half of the year in first grade.

The main task on this part of the path is to adapt students to
school life. The teacher helps them with this. He studies everyone's interests
the child, his needs, studies the basic personal characteristics.
Draws an image of the class as he would like to see it as a whole.
At the second stage, and this is the second half of the first grade and the second grade,
teacher helps students accept the rules of life and activity
team. Helps strengthen interpersonal relationships between children.
Creates a developing environment for everyone and unites the team so that children
didn’t feel disjointed.
The third stage begins from the third grade. During this period further
the merging of individual children into a team occurs on the basis
individuality of each child, here we already have to rely on
upbringing. Creative individuality is revealed brighter, defined
clear leaders of the group.
In the fourth grade, already at the fourth stage, children can
to express oneself, all the conditions for this have already been created. They discover in themselves
your own self. The class can do something in some situations
independently, they plan class activities themselves, and children are also capable
distribute responsibilities among themselves. It's time to sum it up
results, that is, everything that was developed in elementary school.
The methods of work of the class teacher are gradually changing because
the team develops, it changes and strengthens, and it must be led by the old
methods are no longer possible. When at the initial stage the class teacher
manages it alone, that's right. But children grow up and mature, and
such management becomes irrelevant. The teacher must change his
tactics, he must develop self-government, listen to the opinions
class, and at the very last stage cooperate with your children.
(slide 4)
The teacher’s forms and methods of working with the class can be the most
different, here we also conduct class hours with the organization of conversations on topics
morality, while it is necessary to take into account current problems
class and individual students, there are targeted walks and excursions

Events. Creative exhibitions and thematic exhibitions can be held
evenings with an aesthetic purpose. All kinds of
holidays and competitions, quizzes and interesting projects. Children are in all this
take the most active part, all these activities contribute to
group cohesion.
The class teacher must be passionate about his work, so that children with
They followed him with pleasure and helped in organizational matters.
It is very important that every student feels involved in
the event, so that he can gain experience, his own, from
interaction with society. In such conditions, potential is better revealed
student. This is why any class activity must be
meaningful and varied. Children do not like streamlined and empty
classes, it is important for them to feel the result, and after everything they need
encouragement It is best to present a fascinating
the goal is so that it attracts them and pulls them along, pushing them towards activity.
Team unity is promoted not only by participation in school affairs or
class, children like this kind of joint activity that organizes
their free time. In the modern world, children spend most of their time
spend in front of the monitor, play electronic games, and live communication and
Outdoor outdoor games are in obvious short supply. That is why excursions and
Walking together brings great joy. Children want to be useful
for others, and they need to be involved in such activities. Cool job
head of an elementary school is, first of all, to create
psychological comfort in the classroom. Its main task is
build cohesion between children.
In conclusion, I would like to quote the “10 Commandments of Cool”
manager": (slides 5,6)
Know how to listen, because there is a rational grain in children’s ideas. Find him.
Do not scream. Do not suppress your voice for your authoritative words spoken
quietly, they will be heard faster.
Find something to praise for, because a kind word pleases a cat.
Be fair, because insults hurt a child’s soul.
Learn to see the positive qualities of a student because there is good in children
more than bad.
Infect with your own example, because someone has to be a locomotive.

Defend your student even in front of teachers because in negative
moments have their reasons.
Don’t tell your parents about trifles because in your own powerlessness
Only a weakling can sign.
Encourage students' initiative because it is impossible to do everything yourself.
Use a lot of affectionate words when communicating because he’s cool
the head of the mother from breakfast to lunch.
(slide 7)
I would like every class teacher to remember and
was guided in his work with children by the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “U
Every child has bells hidden deep in their soul. You just need
find them, touch them, so that they ring with good and cheerful ringing.”

The job of a primary school class teacher is not only about teaching classes. Its tasks are much broader; they include organizing excursions and many other types of extracurricular activities.

First of all, the job of a primary school class teacher is to raise a friendly team. The class brings together for the first time different children who have not previously known each other. This is a special team, and working with them gives the teacher an incomparable experience. Every fourth year, the class teacher and first teacher graduates his students to high school, takes on a new team, and still these children remain “his” class for the teacher.

The methods of work of the class teacher consist in organizing children in addition to the educational process. At school, children develop the socialization skills that children will need in the future, and not only the school, but also the family should take part in this process. How socialized a person is by the time he graduates from school determines his future life. Education should develop a person’s active position in life, he should not remain indifferent and callous, the new generation should be alien to indifference, which is abundant in our society today. If a primary school class teacher is a creative person, he approaches this matter with interest and personal interest. His main guideline is the result he has achieved, and this means the level of success in his work.

The job of the primary school class teacher is to work closely with the family of each student. If mutual understanding is achieved, only then will there be success in the long-term difficult task of raising a child. If the dialogue between the teacher and the family is constructed constructively, this makes it possible to form moral qualities in the younger generation. Parents should become like-minded people and not be in a state of confrontation with the school. We have to discuss a variety of topics with parents, and an openness and trusting relationship appears between the school and the family. And the unifying factor here is children. If good conditions are created, relationships have developed, everyone is comfortable in such an educational process.

The methods of work of the class teacher are based on several fundamental principles, such as an activity-based creative approach, cooperation, openness and systematicity. The basis of all this is mutual respect, which is built on the basis of the age characteristics of each participant in the educational process. And the teacher is focused on success, while he makes sure to highlight each student’s personal “zone of success.” Since the teacher bases the education of the class on the formation of a friendly team, tolerant relationships between students in the class are accordingly encouraged and developed. This is the key task facing the class teacher.

However, this idea is not implemented during lessons, but during extracurricular activities. All activities with children, in addition to lessons, are structured so that the individual develops spiritually, and the whole class is involved in general school affairs. In such conditions, a single, full-fledged team is formed. This goal is complex, and in order to realize it, we will have to solve other problems, of a private nature, of which there are not so few. First of all, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for each student so that he can harmoniously develop as a person. Encourage the child’s cognitive interest so that he strives to gain additional knowledge, expand his horizons and erudition. It is necessary to create conditions under which the creative potential of each student can be revealed.

The work of the primary school class teacher is aimed at encouraging creativity and self-realization in any student, and this applies to both lessons and any types of activities outside of lessons. And a very important point is to cultivate such a life position that a person can show empathy, be an active citizen who is alien to indifference, who will not pass by if help or participation is needed somewhere. The culture of communication is also established at an early age, and the teacher should set an example. Interpersonal culture should be in the communication of children with adults, and with each other. In order to evaluate his results in the field of education, the teacher must regularly monitor what level of cohesion his team is at, what are the interpersonal relationships between students in his class.

Before a friendly team is formed, the process goes through a number of important stages. The first stage can be considered the first half of the year in first grade. The main task on this part of the path is the adaptation of students to school life. The teacher helps them with this. He studies the interests of each child, his needs, and studies the basic personal characteristics. Draws an image of the class as he would like to see it as a whole.

At the second stage, which is the second half of the first grade and the second grade, the teacher helps students accept the rules of life and activities of this group. Helps strengthen interpersonal relationships between children. Creates a developing environment for everyone and unites the team so that children do not feel isolated.

The third stage begins from the third grade. During this period, the further merging of individual children into a team occurs on the basis of the individuality of each child; here it is already necessary to rely on upbringing. Creative individuality is revealed more clearly, and clear leaders of the group are identified.

In the fourth grade, already at the fourth stage, children can express themselves; all the conditions for this have already been created. They discover their own self. In some situations, the class can do something independently, they plan class activities themselves, and children are also able to distribute responsibilities among themselves. It's time to sum up, that is, everything that was developed in elementary school.

The methods of work of the class teacher are gradually changing, because the team is developing, it is changing and strengthening, and it is no longer possible to lead it with the old methods. When at the initial stage the class teacher has sole control, this is correct. But children grow up and mature, and such management becomes irrelevant. The teacher must change his tactics, he must develop self-government, listen to the opinion of the class, and at the very last stage, cooperate with his children.

The teacher’s forms and methods of working with the class can be very different, including conducting class hours with organizing conversations on moral topics, while it is necessary to take into account the current problems of the class and individual students, here there are targeted walks and excursion activities. Creative exhibitions and themed evenings may be held with an aesthetic purpose. All kinds of holidays and competitions, quizzes and interesting projects are organized. Children take an active part in all this; all these events contribute to group cohesion.

The class teacher must be passionate about his work so that children are happy to follow him and help in organizational matters. It is very important that each student feels involved in the event so that he can gain his own experience from interacting with society. In such conditions, the student’s potential is better revealed. That is why any class activity should be meaningful and varied. Children do not like streamlined and empty activities; it is important for them to feel the result, and after everything they need encouragement. It is best to set an exciting goal for the children's team so that it attracts them and pulls them along, pushing them towards activity.

Team unity is promoted not only by participation in school or class activities, but children also enjoy joint activities that organize their free time. In the modern world, children spend most of their time in front of a monitor, playing electronic games, and live communication and outdoor games are in obvious short supply. That is why excursions and joint walks cause great joy. Children want to be useful to others, and they need to be involved in such activities. At least even hold a cleanup day for the classroom, where they are all together and nearby, they will have interesting communication, and there will be topics for conversation.

In extended day groups, you can organize a tea break, during which time children can communicate with each other, tell or come up with something. An excellent way out of the situation to eliminate the lack of communication can be after-school activities, for example, dancing. Some schools organize choral singing. But here one class teacher is not enough; cooperation with other teachers or those people who are entrusted to lead the circle is necessary.

The job of a primary school class teacher is, first of all, to create psychological comfort in the classroom. Its main task is to form cohesion between children.

Classroom teacher- a teacher called upon to coordinate the educational and educational activities of one class, form a student team and organize various types of activities of this team. A primary school teacher is also a class teacher. The activities of the class teacher are determined by a special regulation, which outlines his main functions: cognitive-diagnostic, organizational-stimulating, unifying-unifying, coordinating and personal development. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Cognitive-diagnostic The function is to constantly monitor, analyze and take into account the moral and physical state of the students in the class. The class teacher must monitor the level of education of students and correct shortcomings in education, and know about the state of health of children in a given period of time. Unlike subject teachers, the class teacher has the opportunity to deeply understand the psychological characteristics of the personality of each student in the class entrusted to him. Analyzing and processing this information, the class teacher must bring it to the attention of other teachers working in the class in order to achieve the best learning effect and the possibility of implementing an individual approach.

Organizational and stimulating function is to involve students in extracurricular activities. Participation in such types of activities is not mandatory, but it plays a significant role in the formation of personality, broadens one’s horizons, helps to acquire new skills and abilities, discover new interests and abilities, etc. In this regard, it is necessary to organize extracurricular activities in such a way in such a way that students strive to take part in it and are active in its organization and preparation. To do this, everyone needs to be assigned a certain place in the implementation of this type of activity, each student must feel involved in a common cause, clearly understand his role and responsibilities, then he will have a feeling of usefulness and necessity. It is important to select responsibilities in such a way that they are feasible and interesting for the student, and coincide with the direction of his inclinations and abilities. In addition, you need to strive for an aesthetically pleasing design for various holidays, and together with the children, develop interesting scenarios, taking into account the needs and interests of students appropriate to their age. Each time you need to come up with something new, developing and preserving the already formed and beloved traditions of the class.

Unifying and rallyingfunction. This function is to form a healthy, naturally functioning student body. The class teacher should strive to develop friendly, cooperative relationships between the children, encourage them to unite their main goals and aspirations, take care of each other, accept responsibility for the state of the class team, and respond to individual manifestations of its members. At the same time, the class teacher is obliged to monitor all internal relationships that arise in the team in order to prevent the formation of groups of a negative orientation and the suppression of some students by others. In order to avoid negative manifestations in the team, it is necessary to hold various joint events more often, thereby developing the interests of students in a positive direction.

Coordinating function. The class teacher must coordinate the efforts of teachers and parents of the class to achieve a unified approach to the education and training of students, eliminating possible contradictions and creating as many opportunities as possible for an individual approach. For this purpose, parent meetings, pedagogical councils are organized, and individual conversations are held with parents and teachers. If possible, it is worth involving parents in various types of extracurricular activities. The shortcomings of home and independent learning are compensated for by organizing home reading, various assignments and assignments for students.

Personal development function. The pedagogical influence on students should contribute to the development of their personal qualities. Fulfilling this task is the responsibility of the class teacher. This requires a thorough study of the personality of each student and the creation of conditions for his full development, assistance and support from teachers, parents and the student body. The responsibilities of the class teacher in this regard include the following:

1) studying the personalities of students;

2) monitoring student progress, regulating the amount of homework;

3) explanation and control of compliance with the rules of conduct;

4) holding class meetings;

5) involving students in all types of extracurricular activities (interest groups, work activities, charitable assistance);

6) active participation in the management of educational activities at school, making proposals on educational methods adopted at school;

7) work aimed at establishing a unified approach to the education and training of students;

8) establishing and maintaining contacts with parents and families of students;

9) maintaining personal files of students.

The work of a class teacher is complex and varied, and therefore requires highly qualified teachers, a creative approach and personal interest in the successful development of each student in the class and the student body as a whole.

2.21. The variety of modern technologies of educational work with primary schoolchildren and their characteristics.

Educational technology (educational technologies) is a system of methods, techniques, and procedures of educational activities developed by science and selected by practice, which allow it to appear at the level of mastery, in other words, guaranteed to be effective and of high quality. " How?" - the fundamental issue of technology in the field of education. Education technology includes a certain sequence of procedures:

Defining a clear, specific goal: A technology goal is a hypothetical idea for an entire technology project.

Development of a “package” of theoretical foundations: implementation of certain theoretical ideas about the process of education, i.e. certain pedagogical concepts.

Phased, step-by-step structure of activity: educational situations act as stages (preparatory, functional, control, final).

Analysis of results (monitoring – correction – reflection).

The effectiveness of educational technologies should be assessed by how much it changes the child’s attitude towards himself, how it affects
“I am a concept” and how it contributes to personal self-determination.

Modern pedagogical literature describes dozens of options for classifying educational technologies: V.P. Bespalko, M.V. Clarin, F.A. Mustaeva, L.E. Nikitina, I.P. Podlasy, G.K. Selevko.

Educational technologies are classified:

On a philosophical basis: materialistic; pragmatic; humanistic, anthroposophical.

According to the scientific concept: behavioral; active; internalization, neurolinguistic programming.

Signs of educational technologies:

The technology is developed for a specific pedagogical purpose and is based on a certain methodological position of the author;

The technological chain of pedagogical actions, operations, communications is built in accordance with targets that have the form of a specific expected result;

The technology provides for the interconnected activities of the teacher and students, taking into account the principle of individualization and differentiation, dialogical communication;

Elements of pedagogical technology must guarantee the achievement of planned results by all schoolchildren;

Diagnostic procedures are an integral part of pedagogical technologies.

An example of educational technology is the technology of organizing a “success situation” (ideas of N.E. Shchurkova):

Cultivating a mood of goodwill;

Removing fear of activity; hidden help;

Advance payment for a child (term by A.S. Makarenko), i.e. publicizing its merits;

Strengthening motives for activity;

Pedagogical suggestion;

Pedagogical assessment.

Technological algorithm of educational activities:

Determining the goal;

Construction of content;

Preparation of the event;

Holding an event;

Analysis of the event results.



Course work

On the topic: “Features of the work of a class teacher in an elementary school”

Sevastopol, 2012

1 The history of the emergence of the class teacher…………………… ………………………..4
2 The essence of the activity of the class teacher…………………… …………………...….5-7
3 Goals, objectives, functions of the class teacher……………………………………...… …….8
3.1 Goals, tasks of the class teacher……………………………………………………………… ………..8
3.2 Functions of the class teacher……………………………………………………………… …………8-12
4 Organization of educational work in the classroom……………………………………..………13-16
5 Interaction of the class teacher with students……………………………..…….17-21
6 Forms of interaction between the class teacher and parents…………… ………….…22-23
Conclusion………………………………………………………………… …………………….…..24-25

In this course work we will look at the role the class teacher plays in the education of younger schoolchildren and in the formation of their knowledge. As is known, education of schoolchildren cannot be carried out without the direct activity of the class teacher. Therefore, this position must be present in the field of education.
In the work of almost every teacher there is a difficult but very important mission - to be a class teacher. Some teachers consider this work an additional burden to their teaching work, others call it the most important. No matter how difficult the work of a class teacher is, without a doubt, children need it, since the main structural link in the school is the classroom. It is here that cognitive activity is organized and social relationships between students are formed. In classes, concern for the social well-being of children is realized, problems of their leisure time are solved, primary unity of teams is carried out, and an appropriate emotional atmosphere is formed.
The organizer of student activities in the classroom and coordinator of educational influences is the class teacher. It is he who directly interacts with both students and their parents, who sincerely strives to help children solve their problems in the school community, and organize school life in an interesting and useful way. The class teacher performs very important and responsible tasks. He is the organizer of educational work in the classroom and a mentor to students, organizes and educates the student body, and unites the educational efforts of teachers, parents and the public.
The object of this course work will be the process of activity of the class teacher. Main tasks: analyze the literature on this topic, define the basic concepts. Determine the essence of the activity, the main functions of the class teacher, and also talk about the main forms and techniques of the teacher’s work. Present practical materials from the real work of a class teacher.

1. History of the emergence of classroom management.
The institution of classroom management emerged a long time ago, almost along with the emergence of educational institutions. In Russia, until 1917, these teachers were called class mentors, class ladies. Their rights and responsibilities were determined by the Charter of the educational institution - the fundamental document in the activities of any school. It was he who outlined the terms of reference of all teachers of the children's institution.
Teacher-mentors were selected very carefully. The highest demands were placed on those who performed duties similar to those of a modern classroom teacher. The class mentor, the teacher, was obliged to delve into all the life events of the team entrusted to him, monitor the relationships in it, and form friendly relations between the children. The teacher had to be an example in everything, even his appearance was a role model.
During the Unified Labor School, the class teacher was called a group leader.
The position of a class teacher at school was introduced on May 16, 1934 by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Executive Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the structure of primary and secondary schools in the USSR."
The class teacher was appointed one of the teachers, who was given special responsibility for educational work in a given class. He was one of the best teachers at the school; he was nominated for this position by the director. The responsibilities of the class teacher were considered additional to the main teaching work.

2. The essence of the activity of the class teacher.
The class teacher is a teacher involved in organizing, coordinating and conducting extracurricular educational work, one of the leading figures in the educational system of the school.
The main purpose of the class teacher is, within the framework of the general goal of education, to ensure the individual development of the personality of schoolchildren, the discovery of the world of culture, introduction to the world of modern culture, familiarization with cultural values, assistance in choosing the living environment and methods of implementation in culture. The class teacher is engaged in educational activities; he is the central person in the educational process. According to K.D. Ushinsky, “in education everything should be based on the personality of the educator, because educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality”
The activities of the class teacher are the most important link in the educational system of an educational institution, the main mechanism for implementing an individual approach to students. It is determined by modern tasks that the world community, the state, the republic, parents set before an educational institution of any type - the maximum development of each child, the preservation of his uniqueness, the disclosure of his talents and the creation of conditions for normal spiritual, mental, physical perfection (World Declaration on Providing survival, protection and development).
The class teacher implements these tasks in his educational institution:
1) carries out direct observation of the student’s individual development;
2) promotes the creation of optimal conditions for the formation of each personality;
3) organizes the interaction and cooperation of all educational forces;
4) makes the necessary adjustments to this process, promoting the free and full manifestation and development of the pupils’ abilities;
5) helps organize all types of individual and collective activities that involve students in a variety of communicative situations;
6) works to create a classroom team as an educational subsystem, environment, and society that ensures the socialization of each child.
The activities of the class teacher achieve their goals and give the best results provided that they are carried out in a certain system. The system of work of the class teacher is a set of mutually interconnected educational activities arising from the goals and objectives of education. It involves a thoughtful selection of educational material that is feasible for students and the skillful use of the most effective means and methods of influence.
The activity of the class teacher achieves its goal and gives the best result provided that it is carried out in a certain system. The system of work of the class teacher is a set of mutually interconnected educational activities arising from the goals and objectives of education. It involves a thoughtful selection of educational material that is feasible for students and the skillful use of the most effective means and methods of influence. Let us try to consider the main sections of the class teacher’s activities, which together constitute the system of his educational work.
First, study the students. Classroom management usually begins with studying the class and each student individually. As a result, the necessary conditions are created for the correct, rational organization of educational work, for the implementation of an individual approach. Students' learning continues throughout their entire education.
The organization and education of a class student team is one of the main, leading sections of the class teacher’s work. By uniting students into a friendly and purposeful team, the class teacher creates the prerequisites for successfully solving educational problems.
The next section of the class teacher’s activity is improving the quality of knowledge and strengthening discipline. A high level of knowledge and conscious discipline are the most important indicators of the correct organization of educational work. The class teacher takes care of improving the quality of students' knowledge and strives to prevent individual students from falling behind and repeating the same year in their class.
Organization and conduct of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work is another one of the most important sections of the class teacher’s activity. Various forms of this organization have developed and are successfully used in schools. Education in the classroom and during the learning process is supplemented by extracurricular educational activities. The organization of extracurricular work usually combines its two main directions - ideological and educational work and the organization of practical affairs of schoolchildren.
A very important section of the class teacher’s activity is the coordination of the educational activities of teachers. The class teacher must coordinate and direct the educational work of teachers in his class. The school charter states that the responsibilities of each teacher include not only equipping students with knowledge, but also shaping their worldview, developing cognitive interests and abilities. The task of the class teacher is to ensure close cooperation with the teachers of his class, to achieve unity of requirements and pedagogical influences. From time to time, the class teacher meets with the teachers of his class and discusses the implementation of uniform requirements, the quality of knowledge and the state of discipline. Active communication between teachers and the class teacher helps improve the state of educational work in the classroom.
The next section of the class teacher’s activity is working with students’ parents. Each teacher maintains contact with students' parents. A closer connection between the school and the family is carried out through class teachers. They communicate with parents more often, inform them about the educational work and behavior of their children, and outline ways of joint activities in their upbringing.
These are, perhaps, the main sections of the class teacher’s activities. Taken together, they form a complex system, which is the basis of the activities of any class teacher.
The class teacher, compared to other teachers, additionally performs very important functions in educating students. Therefore, high pedagogical demands are placed on him, the fulfillment of which creates favorable conditions for improving the quality of his educational activities.

3. Purpose, tasks, functions of the class teacher.
3.1.The purpose of the class teacher’s activities is to create conditions for self-development and self-realization of the student’s personality.
Tasks of the class teacher:

      formation and development of the class team;
      organization of systematic work with students in the classroom;
      creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development and moral formation of the personality of each child, his self-affirmation, preservation of uniqueness and disclosure of his potential abilities;
      organizing a system of relations between children through various forms of educational activities of the class team;
      protection of the rights and interests of students;
      humanization of relations between students, students and teaching staff;
      formation of a healthy lifestyle;
      formation of moral meanings and spiritual guidelines for children.
      organization of socially significant, creative activities of students.
3.2.Functions of the educational work of the class teacher
The class teacher performs several functions:
- analytical and prognostic;
- organizational and coordinating;
- communicative;
- control.
Analytical and prognostic function includes:
- study and analysis of individual characteristics of students with the help of a psychologist (as a rule, personality type, temperament, character accentuation are determined). Before entering 1st grade, children undergo tests to identify readiness for learning and characteristics of intellectual activity. Testing is carried out by a psychologist, school or specially invited;
- study and analysis of the student team in its development. The basis for this is a conversation between class leaders and primary school teachers, and heads of grades X-XI with high school class teachers. As a result, teachers receive initial information about the team and students. It is better to entrust the study and analysis of relationships in the class team to a psychologist who will draw up a psychological map of the team. The class teacher himself can organize this work through observation, conversations with students, conducting special questionnaires, analysis of students’ creative works (for example, the essay “Our Class”);
- analysis and assessment of students’ family education; A psychologist and a social educator have such data. If the family is “dysfunctional,” then the school administration also has information about it;
- analysis of the level of education of the team and the individual. Conclusions about the level of education of the team and the individual must be made with the involvement of all teachers of a given class, so that they (the conclusions) are as objective as possible.
To work successfully, the class teacher must be able to identify the educational result, evaluate it taking into account the assessment of the result, and adjust professional activities. The result must be identified and assessed at certain intervals: in primary and secondary schools - at the end of each quarter, in high schools - after six months. It is necessary to sum up and correct the activities - personal and of the class teachers - with the help of a psychologist and teachers who previously worked in this class.
The organizational coordinating function involves:
- establishing contacts with parents (other legal representatives) of students, providing them with assistance in educating students (personally, through a psychologist, social teacher, additional education teacher);
- conducting consultations and conversations with parents of students;
- organizing extracurricular activities for children (carrying out various events);
- work with teachers of a given grade, psychologist, social educator, heads of clubs, sports sections, for teachers of primary schools and grades V-VI (VII) - with teachers of an extended day group;
- organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities within the framework of the activities of the school team;
- organizing educational work with students through “small teacher councils”, pedagogical councils, thematic and other events;
- stimulation and consideration of various activities of students, including in the system of additional education for children;
- individual pedagogical work with each student and the team as a whole, taking into account the data of a psychologist, social worker and personal observations;
- maintaining documentation (class journal, personal files of students, work plan of the class teacher).
The communicative function is:
- in the formation of positive relationships between children, in managing relationships in the classroom;
- in the formation of optimal relationships in the “teacher-student” system. Here the class teacher acts as a mediator in case of conflict. Conflicts between teachers and students can be protracted when both parties cannot reach an agreement for a long time. Then the class teacher needs to offer a third solution that would at least minimally satisfy both parties;
- in teaching schoolchildren to establish positive relationships with people;
- promoting a generally favorable psychological climate in the class team;
- assisting students in developing communicative skills.
Control functions include:
- monitoring the progress and attendance of each student;
- monitoring student attendance at training sessions.
Pedagogical tasks of the class teacher
One of the most important tasks of the class teacher is systematic work with the class staff. The teacher humanizes the relationships between children in the team, promotes the formation of moral meanings and spiritual guidelines, organizes socially valuable relationships and experiences of students in the classroom community, creative, personally and socially significant activities, and a system of self-government; creates a situation of security, emotional comfort, favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the child’s personality, and contributes to the formation of students’ self-education skills. His work is aimed at the formation and manifestation of a unique individuality, the “face” of the class community. At the same time, the class teacher takes care of the position and place of the class in the school community, promoting inter-age communication.

According to V.A. Slastenina, a teacher involved in the educational system by the very logic of reality, is faced with the need to solve binary groups of pedagogical problems. This:

      analytical-reflective tasks, i.e. tasks of analysis and reflection of the holistic pedagogical process, its elements, emerging difficulties, etc.;
      constructive and prognostic tasks, i.e. the task of building an integral pedagogical process in accordance with the general goal of professional pedagogical activity, developing and making pedagogical decisions, predicting the results and consequences of decisions made;
      organizational and activity tasks - tasks of implementing various options for the educational process, combining diverse types of pedagogical activities;
      assessment and information tasks, i.e. the tasks of collecting, processing and storing information about the state and prospects for the development of the pedagogical system, its objective assessment;
      correctional and regulatory tasks, i.e. tasks of correcting the course of the pedagogical process, establishing the necessary communication connections, their regulation and support.
The complete presence of these tasks in the consciousness and activity of the teacher determines the level of his subjectivity in the educational system.
Another important task of the class teacher in ensuring the integrity of the educational process is coordinating the activities and establishing relationships between the four leading teams: children's educational, teachers working with the class, parents and labor (base enterprise). In the children's team, the class teacher promotes the organization of student self-government, the establishment of business relationships of responsible dependence, and the development of relationships based on interests. He interacts with children on the basis of respect, mutual exactingness, attentiveness, empathy, mutual assistance and fairness. The class teacher exchanges information with the team of teachers working in the classroom, agrees on common actions, requirements and joint forms of work. Interactions with the parent team are based on the exchange of information, unity of requirements, the implementation of parent pedagogical universal education, and the participation of parents in certain forms of pedagogical work with children. Relations with the workforce are organized as patronage, business and free communication.
Direct communication with children, ideological, spiritual and value influence on them requires the class teacher to pay increased attention to the mental experiences and states of children, the formation of their ideals, views, beliefs, personal qualities and individual abilities. A child is formed as a personality and individuality when teachers strive to translate external socially valuable stimuli into internal motives of his behavior, when he himself achieves socially valuable results, while showing determination, will and courage. The educational effect is great when education, at each stage of age development, develops into self-education, and the child turns from an object of education into its subject. The mechanism of such transformation is children’s understanding of the process of their own life activity: awareness of its goals, requirements, prospects; knowledge in its process of one’s strengths and capabilities; overcoming (self-determination) one’s weaknesses and implementing self-education. The class teacher, who together with the students analyzes social life, the process of their formation as individuals, the formation of their worldview, creative abilities, appears before them as a thinker who helps them actively participate in the formation of their own personality, development and organization of behavior.

4.Organization of educational work in the classroom
The general social function of education is to transmit knowledge, skills, ideas, social experience, and ways of behavior from generation to generation.
In a narrow sense, education is understood as the purposeful activity of teachers designed to form a system of qualities in a person or any specific quality (for example, nurturing creative activity). In this regard, education can be considered as a pedagogical component of the socialization process, which involves targeted actions to create conditions for human social development. The creation of such conditions is carried out through the inclusion of the child in various types of social relationships in study, communication, play, and practical activities.
When we talk about the influence of a teacher on a student as part of the implementation of his professional functions, we call this pedagogical activity educational work. Educational work carried out by the class teacher includes the implementation of a set of organizational and pedagogical tasks solved in order to ensure the optimal development of the student’s personality, the choice of forms and methods of education in accordance with the tasks set by teachers and the process of their implementation itself. In the educational work of the class teacher, three main directions should be distinguished.
The first is related to the direct impact on the student:
- study of the individual characteristics of his development, his environment, his interests;
- programming educational influences;
- implementation of a set of methods and forms of individual work;
- analysis of the effectiveness of educational influences.
The second direction is related to the creation of a nurturing environment:
- team building
- formation of a favorable emotional atmosphere;
- inclusion of students in various types of social activities;
- development of children's self-government.
The third direction involves correcting the influence of various subjects of the child’s social relations:
- social family assistance;
- interaction with the teaching staff;
- correction of the impact of mass communication;
- neutralization of negative impacts of society;
- interaction with other educational institutions.
The question arises about what the purpose and objectives of education are. In general, all pedagogical goals can be divided into two interdependent groups: ideal and actual. Based on the real goals of education, it is possible to determine the actual tasks of educating students. Based on the fact that the result of upbringing is the social development of a person, which involves positive changes in his views, motives and real actions, we will highlight 3 groups of educational tasks focused on the result of raising a child.
The first group of tasks is related to the formation of a humanistic worldview. In the process of solving them, the process of appropriation of universal human values ​​by the child occurs, the formation of humanistic views and beliefs in a person.
The second group of tasks is inextricably linked with the first and is aimed at developing the needs and motives of moral behavior.
The third group involves creating conditions for the realization of these motives and stimulating the moral behavior of children.
The upbringing process should be focused on the result of upbringing, which contributes to the formation of a person’s sociality, i.e. his readiness to participate in a complex system of social relations in the economic, political and spiritual spheres.
The main tool for solving educational problems are methods and techniques of education.
By methods of education we understand the ways of interaction between teachers and students, during which changes occur in the level of development of the personality qualities of students.
The main task of the teacher is to help the child in his development, and pedagogical practice should ensure the development and improvement of all essential human spheres. Educational methods have a cumulative impact on them.
In order to influence the intellectual sphere to form views, concepts, attitudes, methods of persuasion are used that involve reasonable proof of a concept, moral position, or assessment of what is happening.
Conviction corresponds to self-persuasion - a method of self-education based on the fact that children consciously, independently, in search of a solution to a particular social problem, form a set of views based on independently drawn logical conclusions.
Methods of influencing the motivational sphere include stimulation, which is based on the formation of conscious motives for life activity in students. In pedagogy, such components of this method as encouragement and punishment are common.
Stimulation methods help to develop the ability to correctly evaluate one’s behavior, which promotes awareness of one’s own needs - understanding the meaning of life, choosing appropriate motives and goals corresponding to them, i.e. what constitutes the essence of motivation.
Methods of influencing the emotional sphere involve developing the necessary skills in managing one’s emotions, learning to self-manage specific feelings, understanding one’s emotional states and the reasons that give rise to them. A method that influences the emotional sphere of a child is suggestion and related attraction techniques. Suggestion can be carried out by both verbal and non-verbal means. “To suggest is to influence feelings, and through them, the mind and will of a person.” The process of suggestion is often accompanied by a process of self-hypnosis: the child tries to instill in himself one or another emotional assessment of his behavior.
Methods of influencing the volitional sphere involve: developing children's initiative and self-confidence; development of perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties to achieve the intended goal; developing the ability to control oneself (restraint, self-control); improving independent behavior skills, etc. Methods of demand and exercise can have a dominant influence on the formation of the volitional sphere.
Methods of influencing the sphere of self-regulation are aimed at developing in children the skills of mental and physical self-regulation, developing skills in analyzing life situations, awareness of their behavior and the state of those around them, and developing the skills of an honest attitude towards themselves and others.
Methods of influencing the subject-practical sphere are aimed at developing in children qualities that help a person realize himself both as a purely social being and as a unique individuality.
Methods of influencing the existential sphere are aimed at including students in a system of relationships that are new to them. In a school setting, it is useful to consider exercises to develop children’s ability to make judgments based on the principle of fairness, and even better, to solve so-called dilemmas. The dilemma method involves students discussing a variety of moral problems together. For each dilemma, questions are developed, according to which the discussion is structured; for each issue, children give convincing arguments for and against.
Corresponding to the method of dilemmas is the method of self-education - reflection, which means the process of an individual thinking about what is happening in his own mind. It involves not only a person’s knowledge of himself in a certain situation or during a certain period, but also clarification of the attitudes of others towards him, as well as the development of ideas about the changes that may occur.
The implementation of each method involves the use of a set of techniques that correspond to the pedagogical situation, the characteristics of students, and the individual pedagogical style of the teacher. Moreover, the implementation of various methods can be carried out using the same techniques.
Educational techniques are pedagogically designed actions through which external incentives influence the student’s behavior and attitudes, and

Every year on the first of September, along with thousands of first-graders, their parents, educators and teachers mentally sit down at their desks.

The importance of the relationship between school and family is emphasized in all documents and methodological publications intended for schools (in educational programs, in the Law on Education, etc.), as well as in the works of famous teachers. S. Šalkauskis wrote: “In educational terms, the school should be nothing other than the guardian of the family hearth. Thus, the teacher must be a trusted and reliable person who must coordinate his educational activities with the family education that parents give to their children.”

Therefore, school and family must be interconnected. In the elementary grades, the connection between the school and the family (parents) is carried out by the teacher. The joint work of the teacher-educator and parents begins in the first year of children's education at school. For a child who has crossed the threshold of school for the first time, the partnership between teacher and parents is one of the most important conditions for his holistic development, because the student’s personality cannot be formed only at school and only in the family. He is brought up both at school and in the family.

The main activities of the class teacher:

  • Ensuring normal physical health of schoolchildren;
  • Solving communication problems;
  • Expanding the child’s cognitive sphere;
  • Increasing the educational potential of the family.

The essence of the interaction between teacher and parents is that both parties should be interested in studying the child, revealing and developing in him the best qualities and properties necessary for self-determination and self-realization. The basis of such trust, mutual support and assistance, patience and tolerance towards each other.

The main forms of work of the class teacher with parents of students:

  • Questionnaire;
  • Conversations;
  • Consultations;
  • Parent meetings;
  • Visiting families;
  • Conducting joint hours of communication between the class teacher, parents and children.

The main parameters of the content of education are determined by its goals and objectives.


  • Providing the opportunity for the free development of a capable moral personality, relying on the spiritual and moral traditions of families;
  • Fostering high spiritual, moral, patriotic, aesthetic and labor skills among students.


  • Introducing students to the history and culture of the country;
  • Getting to know the life, customs, and traditions of our ancestors;
  • Studying the history of the native land, its spiritual, historical and cultural heritage;
  • Development of children's creative abilities;
  • Fostering love for one's neighbor and respect for elders;
  • Fostering a culture of behavior;
  • Creation of a friendly and cohesive team;
  • Fostering hard work through concrete deeds.

Thus, the teacher as an educator faces the most difficult problem - how to raise a kind, honest, attentive, sympathetic and tolerant child. This is possible only on the basis of the child’s upbringing and development based on universal human values ​​and traditions of families of the Russian and Tatar peoples, learning about himself and others.

Extracurricular educational work in the primary class, focused on the development of spiritual needs, creative abilities and national self-awareness of children, should be based on joint activities with parents, representatives of the intelligentsia and the public of the region and city. After all, the family has had and continues to have a significant influence on the development of the child’s personality. And, therefore, making parents active participants in the pedagogical process is an important and responsible task of the teacher. The solution to this problem seems possible if the following areas of activity of the class teacher and parents are reflected in the work plan of the class and school:

  • Study of students' families;
  • Pedagogical education of parents;
  • Ensuring parental participation in the preparation and conduct of collective activities in the classroom;
  • Pedagogical leadership of the activities of the class parent council;
  • Individual work with parents;
  • Informing parents about the progress and results of students’ education, upbringing and development.

Work in each of the listed areas consists of a certain set of forms and methods of activity. Their choice is determined by the goals and objectives of educational work in the classroom, the personal and professional characteristics of the class teacher, the traditions of the school, the class, the unique composition of students and their parents, trends in the development of educational relations in the classroom community, and the principles of interaction between the teacher and parents.

Professor N.E. Shchurkova advises the class teacher to build interaction with parents on the basis of such fundamental ideas and principles as:

  • Appeal to the feeling of parental love and respect for it;
  • The ability to discern positive aspects in each student, allowing one to characterize children by putting forward a representative positive assessment;
  • High respect for the personality of father and mother, their parental concerns, their work and social activities.

The functioning and development of the educational student team is based on a program that has the following areas: hygienic culture, physical culture, culture of human behavior, culture of mental work, culture and traditions of families of the Russian and Tatar peoples.

In each of these areas of educational work, the goals, content, forms and pedagogical means are determined depending on the age characteristics and level of development of children’s interest.

Forms of interaction between the class teacher and students’ parents:

Traditional forms of working with parents:

  • Parent meetings
  • Whole-class and school-wide conferences
  • Individual teacher consultations
  • Home visits

Classroom parent meetings are held at least once every quarter and should be parent education school, expand their pedagogical horizons, stimulate the desire to become good parents. The parent meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate the successes achieved by the child. The topic and methodology of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of students, the level of education and interest of parents, the goals and objectives of education facing the school.

School-wide parent meetings are held no more than twice a year and are in the nature of a report on the work of the school for a certain period of time. The director and his deputies speak at them, and the school’s parent committee reports on their work. Can be used to demonstrate positive parenting experiences in a family.

Parent conferences should discuss pressing problems of society, in which children will also become active participants. They prepare very carefully, with the participation of psychologists and social educators who work at the school. A distinctive feature of the conference is that it makes certain decisions and outlines activities on the stated problem.

Individual consultations are especially necessary when a teacher is recruiting a class. When preparing for a consultation, it is necessary to identify a number of questions, the answers to which will help plan educational work with the class. The teacher should give parents the opportunity to tell him everything that will help in professional work with the child:

  • Features of the child’s health;
  • His hobbies, interests;
  • Preferences in communication in the family;
  • Behavioral reactions;
  • Character traits;
  • Motivation for learning;
  • Moral values ​​of the family.

Visiting a student at home is possible after obtaining parental permission. The teacher must warn about the proposed visit, indicating the day and purpose of the visit.

Non-traditional forms of working with parents:

  • Thematic consultations
  • Parent readings
  • Parents' evenings

Thematic consultations provide recommendations on a problem that worries parents. In every classroom there are students and families who are going through the same problem. Sometimes these problems are so confidential that they can only be solved among those people who are united by this problem.

Sample topics:

  1. The child does not want to study.
  2. How to develop a child's poor memory.
  3. The only child in the family.
  4. What can anxiety in children lead to?
  5. A talented child in the family.

Parent readings within the framework of the parent lecture give parents the opportunity not only to listen to teachers’ lectures, but also to study literature on the problem and participate in its discussion. The stages of parent readings are as follows:

  • at the first meeting, parents determine issues of pedagogy and psychology;
  • the teacher collects and analyzes information;
  • a list of literature on this issue is determined;
  • study of literature by parents;
  • presentation of parents’ own understanding of the issue at readings.

Parents' evenings are aimed at uniting the parent team. They are held two to three times a year without the presence of children. The themes of parents' evenings can be varied. The main thing is that they must learn to listen and hear each other, themselves, their inner voice.

Approximate topics:

  1. The first year of a child, what it was like.
  2. How do I see the future of my child?
  3. My child's friends.
  4. Holidays for our family.

Advice for teachers and parents

  • the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate
  • the child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn
  • the child is praised, he learns to be noble
  • the child is supported, he learns to value himself
  • the child grows up in reproaches, he learns to live with guilt
  • the child grows up in tolerance, he learns to understand others
  • a child grows up in honesty, he learns to be fair
  • the child grows up in safety, he learns to believe in people
  • the child lives in hostility, he learns to be aggressive
  • the child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world

As a reflection of the work of the primary school class teacher with parents, we suggest watching the presentation.