Determine the correct order of processes that cause leaf fall. Biology tests

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Preparation course for the Unified State Exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve Part 1 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and Problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Exam, and neither a 100-point student nor a humanities student can do without them.

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The course contains 5 large topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

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“Sequences” - Sequence of positive even numbers: I.e. a sequence is an arithmetic progression if for any natural n the following condition is met: Example: a sequence of positive two-digit numbers: Called the first member of the sequence. Here, each natural number n from 1 to N is assigned a number.

"Sequence limit" - The sum of an infinite geometric progression. 1. ; 2. If, then; If, then the sequence diverges. 3. . Calculate Solution. Examples. 6. Which statement is true? The interval (a-r; a+r) is called the neighborhood of point a, and the number r is the radius of the neighborhood. Find the sum of a geometric progression. Example.

“Limit of a number sequence” - The sum of an infinite geometric progression. The limit of the sum is equal to the sum of the limits: The constant factor can be taken out of the limit sign: By specifying a recurrent formula. Example: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2p-1, ... - increasing sequence. Limit of a function at infinity. By listing the members of the sequence (verbally).

“Leaf Fall” - With the onset of autumn, the nights lengthen. Educator: Guys, do the trees all stand at once with yellowed foliage? What happened? GOAL: to develop monologue speech and logical thinking. And why do trees shed their leaves? Yellow dye is always in the leaves. Chlorophyll is destroyed during the day, but does not have time to be restored.

“Sequence” - The members of the sequence are designated as a1; a2; a3; a4;; Sequences constitute elements of nature that can be numbered somehow. "Sequences". Sequences can be finite or infinite, increasing or decreasing. What formula is called recurrent? The analytical method defines the sequence using the nth term formula.

"Number sequence" - A member of a sequence. Sequence designation. 1. Formula for the nth member of a sequence: - allows you to find any member of the sequence. The sequence number of the sequence member. Sequences. Number sequence (number series): numbers written out in a certain order. 2. Methods for specifying sequences.

What is contained in the black balls at the ends of the long branches of the mucor mushroom?

1) microscopic fruits

2) nutrients

3) water with mineral salts

4) microscopic spores

Answer: 4.


Traits can be inherited or acquired. Which of the following characteristics is acquired?

1) blood type

2) a scar on the body

3) eye color

4) number of vertebrae

Answer: 2.


The similarity in the life activity of cyanobacteria and flowering plants is manifested in the ability to

1) seed formation

2) autotrophic nutrition

3) double fertilization

4) heterotrophic nutrition

Answer: 2.


Some bacteria survive in permafrost conditions in the form

1) dispute

2) vegetative cells

3) symbiosis with mushrooms

4) multiple colonies

Answer: 1.


How is a spore different from a free bacterium?

1) A spore is a multicellular formation, and a free bacterium is unicellular.

2) The spore is less durable than the free bacterium.

3) The spore feeds autotrophically, and the free bacterium feeds heterotrophically.

4) The spore has a denser shell than a free bacterium.

Answer: 4.


The causative agents of diphtheria are

1) autotrophs

4) symbionts

Answer: 3.


Which method of combating pathogenic bacteria is most effective in the operating room?

1) pasteurization

2) regular ventilation

3) irradiation with ultraviolet rays

4) washing floors with hot water

Answer: 3.


Indicate a case of symbiosis of a bacterium with another organism.

1) anthrax bacillus and sheep

2) vibrio cholera and humans

3) E. coli and humans

4) salmonella and chicken

Answer: 3.


What is the relationship between the fungus and the algae that form the lichen?

1) Their relationship is mutually beneficial.

3) They compete for light and water.

4) Their relationship is neutral.

Answer: 1.


Roots entwined with fungal hyphae represent

1) lichen

2) mold

3) mycorrhiza

4) dispute

Answer: 3.


Sugar turns into alcohol through vital activity

1) penicillium

2) mukora

3) firebrands

4) yeast

Answer: 4.


Lichens do not grow in large cities because there

1) the air is polluted

2) insufficient humidity

3) no algae

4) no mushrooms

Answer: 1.


Penicill differs from mucor in that

1) penicillium is multicellular, and mucor is a unicellular fungus

2) penicillium forms mold on food, but mucor does not

3) penicillium reproduces by spores, and mucor by mycelium

4) penicillium is a heterotroph, and mucor is an autotroph

Answer: 1.


Settling on stumps, honey mushrooms use them for

1) obtaining energy from inorganic substances

2) protection from pathogenic bacteria

3) obtaining finished organic substances

4) attracting pollinating insects

Answer: 3.


What fungi do not form mycorrhizae with woody plants?

1) tinder fungi

2) boletus

3) chanterelles

4) boletus

Answer: 1.


What bacteria are considered “the planet’s nurses”?

1) lactic acid

2) rotting

3) acetic acid

4) nodule

Answer: 2.


The conducting tissue of plants, through the cells of which organic substances move, consists of

1) fibers

2) cells with hairs

3) vessels

4) sieve tubes

Answer: 4.


Fiber as a special type of mechanical tissue is highly developed in the stem

1) fiber flax

2) corn

3) tomato

4) tulip

Answer: 1.


Provides strength and elasticity to the plant body

1) conductive fabric

2) educational fabric

3) main fabric

4) mechanical fabric

Answer: 4.


The main tissue in a flowering plant is

1) peel

2) photosynthetic tissue

3) educational fabric

4) cork

Answer: 2.


. Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Blood flows through the veins of a person's pulmonary circulation

1) from the heart

2) to the heart

3) saturated with carbon dioxide

4) oxygenated

5) under high pressure

6) low pressure



What sciences study living systems at the organismal level? Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) anatomy

2) biocenology

3) physiology

4) molecular biology

5) psychology

6) evolutionary doctrine

Explanation. 135


What examples are considered biological experiments? Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) examining a frog’s blood cells under a microscope

2) monitoring the migration of a school of cod

3) studying the nature of the pulse after various physical activities

4) laboratory study of the effect of physical inactivity on health status

5) description of the external characteristics of leguminous plants

6) development of a conditioned food reflex


3, 4, 6



Place the instructions for vegetative propagation by layering of a gooseberry bush in the correct order. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.

1) Carefully inspect the bush and find annual shoots.

2) Select annual shoots that grow close to the soil surface.

3) Secure the shoot with wooden pins.

4) Use a shovel to separate the rooted shoot from the bush.

5) Bend the shoots to the soil and cover with soil.


The shoots of many plants take root when they come into contact with the soil. When the connection between the mother individual and the rooted shoot is disrupted, an independent daughter individual appears. Such plant propagation often takes place under natural conditions (bird cherry, euonymus). In practice, for this purpose, branches or individual shoots of plants are bent to the ground and secured in this position. Roots appear in the area of ​​the shoot covered with soil. An incision on the stem at the point of contact with the ground accelerates root formation, and often the formation of adventitious buds that develop into shoots. The rooted cuttings are transferred to the permanent planting site. Gooseberries, grapes, currants, cloves, etc. are propagated by layering.


Place in the correct order the processes that cause leaf fall. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.

1) separation of the leaf petiole from the shoot

2) yellowing of leaves

3) formation of a cork layer at the base of the leaf petiole

4) reducing the length of daylight hours


Leaf fall is the biological process of plants shedding leaves.

Leaf fall developed during the long evolution of plants and entered into the rhythm of life. Following this rhythm, plants prepare for winter in advance. As autumn approaches, the daylight hours shorten, the temperature drops, life processes (photosynthesis, transpiration) weaken, and the destruction of pigments in the leaf begins. The first to be destroyed is the green pigment - chlorophyll, which masks other pigments, for example, carotene, which are more persistent and last longer. The leaves become golden yellow, purple or crimson red, and “golden autumn” begins. At the same time, a separating layer appears, the sheet breaks off and falls under the weight of its own plate. The wound is closed with a cork, forming a leaf scar with cut leaf marks.


Place the instructions for vegetative propagation by grafting in the correct order after selecting the desired rootstock. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.

1) Take a scion - a one-year-old shoot with two or three buds or one bud with a piece of wood.

2) Tie the grafting site tightly.

3) Select a suitable rootstock - an adult seedling plant.

4) Attach the scion to the rootstock.

5) Make a cut on the rootstock up to the cambium.


The essence of grafting is that parts of different plants artificially, and in nature sometimes naturally combine, grow together to form a single organism. The plant on which another is grafted is called a rootstock, the grafted part is called a scion.

Take a scion - an annual shoot with two or three buds or one bud with a piece of wood, select a suitable rootstock - an adult seedling plant, make an incision on the rootstock up to the cambium, attach the scion to the rootstock, tie the grafting site tightly.