Determination of body type according to Ayurveda. How to determine your dosha type according to Ayurveda

The basis of nutrition according to Ayurveda is division of people according to their constitutional types (doshas). Based on each type of constitution, one or another diet is formed. Dosha is one of the most significant components of human physiology. The dosha is responsible for coordinating all the structures and substances of the body. Knowing the features of your physiology, you can quite easily determine your constitutional type. But it is necessary to take into account that there are practically no pure types: in one or another combination, all three doshas are connected in us - vata (wind), pitta (fire), kapha (mucus), it’s just that one or another type prevails over the other two.

Vata (wind)

Representatives of this type tend to have a thin, fine-boned physique. They think, speak and move quickly, grasp everything on the fly, but also quickly forget. Externally, they can be identified by dry, often curly hair, dry thin skin that is easily injured, thin nails and eyelashes. Vatta does not tolerate cold, cold food and iced drinks. She has a hard time keeping warm. People with predominant vata characteristics have a fast metabolism, in which fat burning occurs faster than its accumulation. According to Ayurveda, a vata’s diet should consist of buckwheat, rice, meat, dairy products, and nuts. But it is better to avoid raw vegetables, soy products, sour apples and the use of black pepper in cooking. Among the spices, it is better to give preference to cardamom and nutmeg.

Pitta (fire)

People of this type are distinguished by a normosthenic physique. They have an explosive character. Such people are easily angry, often blush, and are prone to inflammatory reactions. They have very intensive digestion. Externally, these are the owners of thin blond or red hair. Often their body is almost covered with moles. The skin is pink, prone to redness and overheating. Pitta does not feel well in hot weather, sweats profusely and often feels hot, her hands and feet are always hot. He does not tolerate thirst well, and hunger during the day is simply torment. For people of this type, legumes, celery, asparagus, cauliflower, and dairy products are very useful. It is better to use coriander, cinnamon, mint, and dill as spices. It is necessary to exclude red meat, nuts, ginger and saffron from the diet.

Kapha (mucus)

Kapha type people are predisposed to overweight and obesity. The reason for this is poor nutrition and slow metabolism. Kaphas can gain weight very quickly, which they then have great difficulty losing. They have a large-boned build, they are slow and like to sleep longer. Positive aspects of character are balance, peacefulness, and self-confidence. Externally, kapha can be recognized by thick shiny hair, large eyes, clear, dense and cool skin, thick eyelashes and fairly broad shoulders. Kapha is good in any weather and under any conditions. She is calm and difficult to stir or anger. Metabolic processes in the body of people of this type are so slow that even an extra apple eaten can be deposited as fat. People of this type need to have a very balanced diet, paying special attention to soy cheese, legumes, and brown rice. The best seasoning to use is ginger. It is very undesirable for kapha to consume any sweets, with the exception of a small amount of honey. It is recommended to limit your consumption of white rice, beef and chicken.

In Ayurveda there are rules for cooking and eating, following which you can maintain good health for a long time.

You need to prepare food only with love for those for whom it is intended, or entrust its preparation to people who love you.

The less processed food is during preparation, the healthier it is.

Before eating you need to drink some warm water.

You only need to eat while sitting and in a calm environment.

It is better to always eat at the same time.

It is best to eat the largest amount of food at noon, during lunch.

You need to eat only when you are really hungry, following the rule: the next meal should be no earlier than digesting what you ate earlier.


There are three types of constitution depending on the predominance of dosha, as well as many intermediate ones formed by their combination. Combinations of doshas are laid down at the moment of conception and are influenced by various factors, but fixed for life, they will determine the skeleton and shape of the body, mental abilities, character traits, taste habits, and life expectancy.

≡ Mucus dosha responsible for the material part of the body, giving shape, supporting the body. It is characterized by a “cold” and “slimy” formation (consists of the primary elements of Earth and Water). Slime Man Constitution has a well-developed body: wide chest, developed muscles, excess weight. The skin is soft, the hair is thick, the eyes are blue. Physiological processes are slowed down. Patient and enduring. They love spicy, bitter and astringent food.

  • White urine, with steam and little odor.
  • The tongue and gums are white, the mouth has a fresh taste.
  • Sputum, mucus in the sinuses of the head, depression, heaviness in the body.
  • Exacerbation of mucous disorders is observed in the spring (in damp weather), in the evening or in the morning.
  • The eyelids are swollen, the eyes are whitish.
  • Appetite is impaired, digestion is weakened.
  • There is no heat, the body swells, pustules appear on the skin.
  • The kidneys and lower back hurt, the joints are inactive, the skin itches.
  • Poor memory, drowsiness, weakness.

≡ Dosha "BILE" consists of the primary elements Fire and Water, is a “hot” and “wet” formation, with a predominance of “hot” properties. Responsible for maintaining body temperature and the occurrence of all physiological processes. Constitutional Such people are of average height, graceful build, wide chest, average muscle development, many moles, copper-colored skin, soft, warm, light eyes, penetrating gaze. The nails are soft, the nose is pointed. They do not tolerate much sunlight and do not like heat or saunas. Ambitious, witty, emotional. Metabolism is active, evacuation is normal, appetite is good. They consume a lot of food and drinks. Prefer food sweet, bitter and astringent taste, cool, chilled drinks.

"Sweet strengthens, increases the strength of the body, it is useful for the elderly, children, exhausted from diseases of the throat and lungs, it gives strength to the body, heals wounds, improves color, sharpens perception, lengthens life, nourishes, expels poisons, wind and bile, but excess sweets generate mucus ( except honey), obesity, heat depresses, the body gets fat, diabetes and goiter appear." An excess of this vital principle leads to the appearance of biliary and gastric disorders. Localized in the middle part - from the diaphragm to the navel. Signs of increased bile dosha:

  • Urine is red-yellow, with a strong odor and steam.
  • The tongue is thickly coated and there is a sour taste in the mouth.
  • Sputum is red-yellow, salty, thirsty.
  • Exacerbation of biliary disorders is observed in the fall and at noon, at midnight.
  • The head hurts, the body burns, the nasal cavity is dry.
  • There is a yellow-red cloud before the eyes.
  • Insomnia at night, and impossible to sleep during the day.
  • Sweating, smell.

≡ Dosha "WIND" consists of the primary elements Ether and Air, which have no solid or liquid substances, but have the qualities of “cold” and “dryness”. The desiccant acts when there is an excess. Responsible for circulation in the body: air in the lungs, blood, lymph, speed of thought processes, speed of chemical reactions, removal of feces and urine. This is the driving force. Constitutional Wind type people are physically weak. Flat chest, veins and tendons under the skin, cold, dry skin, cracked, dark moles. Height is either tall or very short. Sparse hair, curly, brittle nails. Characterized by a high rate of physiological processes, recovery is poor, urine production is insufficient, dry stools are difficult. Sleep is rapid, shallow, hands and feet are cold. Enthusiasts, lively, active, but easily tired. Poor memory with rapid perception. They love sweet, sour, salty, hot drinks, alcohol..

"Sour affects the teeth, wrinkles the face, causes saliva, promotes digestion, sharpens the sense of touch, frees the wind, its excess produces bile, blood, small rashes, dizziness, weakness, thirst. Salty causes a feeling of heat and salivation, draws out hardened, stuck, clogged things, in compresses it causes sweating and warmth; oppresses wind and mucus. Excess salty foods lead to baldness, graying, wrinkles, and loss of strength." Wind localization - from the navel and below. When there is an excess of foods with these tastes, the Wind principle is excited, and disturbances are formed:

  • Urine is clear, like water, foams, remains clean.
  • The tongue is dry, red, rough, and there is an astringent taste in the mouth.
  • Cough with phlegm, constipation.
  • Aggravation in the summer, during the day - in the evening and at dawn.
  • Pain in the lower back, sacrum, and other joints.
  • Weight loss, dry skin, stabbing pain in the back of the head, chest, jaws.
  • I want to move, my breathing is unsteady, my consciousness is excited.
  • Head numb and dizzy, tinnitus, insomnia, trembling and stretching.

Four tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter - have a certain organotropy. Yes, taste sweet, "first of all, it comes to pancreas ", forcing it to engage in the work of metabolism, assimilation, and deposition of incoming carbohydrates (glucose). Chemical substances with sour taste, make a request for functional activity liver , compounds having bitter taste, stimulate heart function , and connections having salty taste, activate functions kidney .

Surely, many of you have noticed that all people are different in their physique, in temperament, and people who watch their diet certainly know that there are thin people who can eat a lot of high-calorie foods, and this will in no way affect their figure, and there are people for whom it is very difficult to lose weight, and any indulgence in nutrition very quickly makes itself felt.

According to the ancient science of Ayurveda, there are 3 main types of constitution -

Three Doshas: VATA, PITTA, KAPHA. Despite the fact that a person does not have one of the doshas in its pure form, one of them still predominates over the others (as a rule, we had this Dosha in childhood, i.e. this is the main Dosha for us in life, we need it determined by nature itself).

The first body constitution according to Ayurveda is VATA type people. Vata is Air, Prana, Ether, i.e. everything that moves and moves. Vata is the biological manifestation of the life force of the Cosmos.

A distinctive physical feature of people who belong to the Vata type is considered to be “thin bone”. Such people have thin hands and an almost complete absence of body fat. As a rule, they are distinguished by high or short stature. Vata's joints often crack. They have dry skin, cold hands and feet, and often feel cold. The advantage of Vata is an almost constant weight, which stubbornly remains at one level, no matter what excesses they indulge themselves in. Most often, Vata people move quickly and are always hungry and thirsty. At the same time, the appetite (digestive fire) is unstable, and Vata often finds it difficult to force himself to follow a dietary regime.

The second body constitution according to Ayurveda is people of the PITTA type. Pitta is fire and the fiery energy of digestion, which is responsible for life processes in the body. Everything that enters the body must be processed and assimilated, from foods to sensory experiences, including what is seen and heard. This is the main task of Pitta - to maintain the vitality of the body and the ability to adequately perceive both reality and appetite and thirst.

Pittas have a beautifully proportioned physique. Typically, Pitta people have well-developed muscles, which gives their figure an athletic appearance. Their hands and feet are always hot, they often sweat profusely and blush easily. Pittas gain weight easily, but lose it just as easily. If Pitt has an insatiable appetite, they are recommended to eat light food and weak drinks. They should not abuse spices, hot, hot and bitter seasonings or spices that stimulate the appetite and accelerate the blood, and especially alcohol. The Pitt digestive fire is most active at midnight and noon. Pittams can eat heavily throughout the day, because they have a high level of metabolic processes. Proper nutrition well regulates the fiery nature of Pitta - food for them is a kind of medicine. Therefore, Pittas must purposefully form their taste and eating habits and eat consciously.

The third body constitution according to Ayurveda is people of the KAPHA type. Kapha is a combination of earth and water and is a powerful energy of attraction and charm. Kaphas are generally grounded and cheerful, endowed with a strong, healthy and well-developed body. They have a wide chest, strong muscles and large, heavy bones. As a result of their constitution, they are predisposed to be overweight, and it is difficult to lose excess weight. They have a slow metabolism and poor digestion, with the result that they are almost always fatter than they should be. But they have soft, smooth and always fresh skin that does not age for a long time.

How to determine body constitution
(Dosha test)

Doshas in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, all people are divided into 5 main types, which depend on the dominant element in the constitution. The elements of Ether and Earth are considered passive because the former is inert, while the latter represents the solid basis for everything that exists. Dynamic and active elements include Fire, Air and Water. The theory of the three doshas is based on these 3 elements.

Vata dosha embodies Ether and Air, Kapha is represented by Earth and Water, and Pitta is represented by Water and Fire.

The concept of three doshas in Ayurveda is fundamental. In European medicine, there is a theory that human nature can be determined by the dominance of blood, bile or mucus. However, this theory is only part of the numerous Ayurvedic knowledge.

The proportions of the doshas are determined at conception and depend on nutrition, genetic characteristics, lifestyle and psychological state of the parents. A balanced constitution, when all doshas are in harmony, is rarely observed. If a person is lucky, he will be endowed with excellent health. Most people are born with one or two dominant doshas. They need to adjust their diet and lifestyle to achieve good health.

Each person is endowed with prakriti of one of the 7 combinations of Pitta, Vata and Kapha (P, V, K, PK, VK, VP, Samadosha).

Vikriti and Prakriti

The combination of doshas, ​​which is established before birth and is unique, is called prakriti. It remains unchanged throughout life. An exception may be situations where genetic changes are observed. However, there is a so-called constitution of the present - vikriti. It characterizes the state of the body at the moment. If health is ideal, then vikriti and prakriti coincide. However, in most cases, there is a significant difference between them due to dietary habits, emotional background, lifestyle, age, exposure to external factors, etc. This difference can be determined by an Ayurvedic doctor after a thorough examination of the person. Having learned the difference between vikriti and prakriti, the doctor can draw up a detailed health program.

If you know your constitution type, you can determine exactly what steps need to be taken on the path to health. An Ayurvedic doctor can help with this. However, if you do not have this opportunity, you can take a constitution test.

"is a fairly ancient branch of Indian Vedic medicine. The first sources (treatises) on this topic were written more than 2000 years ago. Let's try to open up this ancient knowledge for ourselves by trying to figure out how, and most importantly, why it is necessary to determine the types of people according to Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic theory describes a person as an individual, a kind of micro-universe whose physical and mental state play a decisive role when it comes to its well-being. Ayurvedic texts state that man consists of 5 constituent elements: ether (Akasha), air (Vayu), water (Jala), fire (Agni) and earth (Prithvi). In certain combinations, these elements form the three most important vital forces of the body - doshas. A person is healthy if the doshas are balanced.

Types of people according to Ayurveda are classified according to dosha. Knowing the type of a particular person, the Ayurvedic tradition outlines the range of diseases inherent in him and gives recommendations for overcoming and preventing them.

The table below will help you correctly and quickly determine the types of people according to Ayurveda. With its help, evaluate yourself and your loved ones, choosing only the answers that suit you. Here, however, it should be borne in mind that all three doshas are present in every person. They are only expressed in varying degrees of strength: some have more pronounced Kapha, while others have more Pitta or Vata. Often there are “obviously” mixed types. However, try to find your advantageous type.

If most of your answers follow Table 1, then your type is Vata. The answers given in Tables 2 and 3 are Pitta type and Kapha type, respectively. This is how the types of people are determined according to Ayurveda. Of course, there are much more detailed versions of “questionnaires”. But by using the above “express survey”, you will reliably identify your predominant dosha type.

Decoding dosha

People with a Vata constitution are always on the go, mobile and adaptable. They do not like to sit idle, are very sociable, and they enjoy mental activity. As a result, they are more susceptible to stress, anxiety and related diseases.

Pitta people have a dynamic, fiery personality type. They love struggle, quick decisions and impulsive actions. Such people are most susceptible to headaches and digestive problems.

People with a Kapha constitution are practical, sensible and the most down-to-earth. They most often suffer from fatigue, water retention, bloating and sugar cravings. These people also tend to be slow and lethargic.

Correction (treatment) of the body

Ayurveda has many different treatment methods in its arsenal, including dietary approaches and lifestyle changes, the use of herbal medicines and others.

The following simple but very effective Ayurvedic method deserves attention. Its principle is based on the fact that the foods we eat every day, as well as the degree to which they are heated or cooled, seriously affect our body, depending on the type of dosha to which it belongs. The table below will help you understand how to put this into practice.

You can find out more about the rules of nutrition according to doshas.

Ayurvedic types of people were developed many centuries ago and are designed to help a person understand what is best for him and what should be avoided, what ails him and how to treat him. Try to determine your type, and then, after consulting with a doctor, choose the appropriate diet (if you can call it that), and positive changes in the condition of your body will not take long to appear.

This test will help you determine what dosha you are and how you should eat. The test consists of 4 parts: the initial dosha is determined by your childhood, the rest - 2,3,4 - by your current attitude.

Primordial dosha

cotton wool



1. Thin body, unusually tall or short height

1. Average build

1. Large, full body

2. Light, thin bones; protruding joints

2. The skeletal system is normal

2. The skeletal system is massive

3. Fingers and toes are long and have pointed ends.

3. Fingers and toes of medium length

3 Fingers and toes are short, with square ends

4. In childhood - thinness

4. In childhood - average build

4. In childhood - a large body or fullness

5. If you gain weight, the fat deposits are concentrated in the waist area.

5. If you gain weight, fat deposits are distributed evenly

5. Tendency to excess weight and fat deposits in the buttocks and thighs

6. Dark skin (compared to other family members), tans easily

6. The skin is light, burns easily in the sun; often - freckles, moles

6. In the sun, the skin becomes evenly tanned.

7. Body hair is either sparse or very thick; usually dark, coarse and curly

7. Body hair is light and thin

7. Body hair is moderately thick

8. Narrow forehead

8. Medium width forehead, with wrinkles and folds

8. Wide forehead

9. Eyes are small, dark, mobile

9. Eyes of medium size, light green, gray, amber or blue

9. The eyes are large, moist, sometimes blue, more often brown with a chocolate tint.

10. Teeth crooked, uneven or protruding, sensitive to hot and cold; may have had to wear corrective braces

10. Teeth are straight and of medium size

10. Teeth are large, straight, shiny

11. Thin neck

11. Neck of moderate thickness

11. Thick neck

12. Graceful chin

12. Moderate chin

12. Massive lower jaw

13. Curly hair as a child

13. In childhood - thin, blond hair

13. In childhood - wavy, thick hair

VATA (result)

PITTA (result)

KAPHA (result)

Part 2.

cotton wool



1. Difficulty gaining weight

1. If you want, you can gain or lose weight quite easily.

1. It's easy to gain weight, but hard to lose without exercise.

2. Cold hands and feet

2. Warm skin

2. Skin is cool, but not cold

3. The skin is dry, thin (if you pinch yourself on the forearm, the thickness of the skin will be about 0.5 cm), and cracks easily. Tendency to form calluses

3. Oily skin; tendency to form acne and rashes. Thickness 0.5-1 cm

3. The skin is thick (thickness 2 cm or more), well moisturized

4. Chapped lips often appear

4. Lips are dark red, often - herpes, blisters on the lips

4. Lips are full and moist

5. Hair is dry, dull, with split ends, dark, coarse, curly

5. Hair is thin, oily, light brown, red or early gray; hair thins early, baldness is possible

5. Hair is thick, slightly wavy, oily, dark, shiny

6. Do not tolerate dryness and cold well, prefer warmth

6. Prefer cool, well-ventilated rooms, do not tolerate heat well

6. Tolerate almost any climatic conditions, but do not tolerate high humidity well

7. The tongue is dry, with a thin grayish coating

7. Tongue with a yellowish, slightly orange or reddish coating

7. The tongue is swollen, with a thick, cheesy, white coating.

8. The eyes are often dry and itchy, and the sclera (whites of the eyes) are grayish or bluish.

8. Sclera are reddish or yellowish

8. Tendency to swelling of the eyelids

9. Stool is irregular, hard, dry; possible constipation

9. Large stools, more than twice a day; possible diarrhea

9. Large stools, once a day; possible mucous discharge, itching

10. Tendency to nervous disorders and acute pain

10. Tendency to diseases with fever, rashes, inflammation

10. Tendency to swelling, fluid and mucus retention, congestion

11. Irregular sexual desire, tendency to sexual fantasies

11.Sexual desire is strong, you get excited easily

11. Sexual desire is regular, you get aroused slowly

12. Menstruation is irregular, scanty, with severe painful cramps

12. Heavy bleeding is possible; menstruation is accompanied by diarrhea

12. During menstruation there is swelling; spasms are weak or absent

13. Either you abuse fatty and sweet foods, or you are on a strict diet

13. Do you prefer protein foods, drinks with

caffeine, as well as hot, spicy and salty foods

13. Do you prefer sweet, dairy and flour products?

14. Weak gums

14. Tendency to inflammation and bleeding gums

14. Gums are strong

VATA (result)

PITTA (result)

KAPHA (result)

Part 3.

cotton wool



1. Attention quickly dissipates, you quickly remember new information, but easily forget

1. You remember new information quickly and for a long time; think logically, rationally

1. It takes quite a long time to learn new information, but you never forget what you once firmly grasped.

2. Don't like rigid routines

2. Love to plan and carry out organizational work, especially if the project is completely at your disposal

2.You work well within a rigid routine

3. You have difficulty making decisions and changing them easily

3.You make decisions quickly and clearly see the essence of things

3.You make decisions slowly and refuse them with great difficulty.

4. Restless, active, mobile mind. Creative thinking

4. Aggressiveness, competitive spirit

4. Calmness, love of leisurely activities that do not require much effort

5. Creative thinking

5. Organized thinking

5. Prefer to follow other people's ideas and plans

6. Working on multiple projects simultaneously

6.You constantly carry out organizational work, prefer to move towards the goal consistently

6. You resist change and new beginnings, prefer simplicity

7. You have many acquaintances, but few close friends.

7.You are very picky; it is not easy for you to establish warm friendships or make an enemy.

7. You have many friends and you are faithful to them.

8. You tend to spend impulsively and believe that money is there to be spent.

8.You plan your expenses and believe that money is a means to achieve goals.

8. You are thrifty and frugal, and have difficulty parting with money.

VATA (result)

PITTA (result)

KAPHA (result)

Part 4.

cotton wool



1. You often feel afraid