History Olympiad, municipal stage. Decree on “lesson summers”

in physical culture of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2009-2010 academic year

When developing the Olympiad for schoolchildren in physical education, two groups of tasks were included in the Olympiad program, selected from the content of the practical and theoretical-methodological sections of the physical education curriculum for students in grades 1-11 (2007)

Practical section of the Olympiad content

Practical tasks consisted of performing exercises from the sections “Gymnastics”, “Sports Games” and “Athletics”. Testing the preparedness of Olympiad participants in this section was carried out in accordance with the developed rules and regulations for competitive tests.

The competitor must know and be able to (practical section).

Gymnastics. Acrobatics.

The tests are carried out in the form of an acrobatic combination, which is strictly mandatory. The participant is given only one attempt to complete the exercise.

The combination must have a clearly defined beginning and end, be performed together without unjustified pauses in a straight line with a change of direction, fixation of static elements for 2 seconds.

The judges evaluate the quality of the combination in comparison with the ideally possible execution. The maximum possible final score is 10.0 points.
If the participant fails to perform any element included in the combination or replaces it with another, the score is reduced by the entire cost of the combination.

Gymnastics. Girls and boys (5th grade)

Gymnastics. Girls and boys. (6th grade)

Sport games

Basketball. Girls and boys (grades 5-6)

The competitive test consists of performing the basic game elements from the “Basketball” section of the sample program for primary school students. The participant is on the side line of the basketball court, facing the wall at a distance of 1.5 meters (the ball lies in the hoop), the front line of the basketball court is located from participant, on the right side.

On command, the participant takes the basketball from the hoop and makes 4 passes with both hands from the chest into the wall, then puts the ball into the hoop and makes a jerk along the side line to the hoop located on the opposite front line of the basketball court. Along the front line, the participant moves with side steps in a basketball stance (right or left side) to the hoop located on the side line, in which the ball lies. The participant takes the ball and leads it (with a strong hand) to the opposite ring and throws the ball into the ring in an arbitrary manner.

Completion Rating:

  • The time it takes to cover the distance and the accuracy of the throw are recorded.
  • The stopwatch is stopped when the ball touches the floor after it is thrown into the basket.
  • For an inaccurate hit in the ring, an additional 7 seconds are added to the participant’s actual time.
  • For each violation of the rules (running, carrying the ball, double dribbling, etc.), an additional 4 seconds are added to the participant’s actual time.

Volleyball. Girls (grades 5-6)

The participant is located behind the 3-meter offensive line, in zone 2, facing the volleyball net. On the other side of the site, the judges indicate three zones 4, 3, 2, each of which will need to be entered with top gear. In each of the selected three zones, the judges indicate a place for bonus points, which is indicated by a standard gymnastics hoop.

The participant is given the right to perform: two overhead passes through the volleyball net, from zone 2 to zone - 4, after which the participant moves with side steps to zone -3 and performs two overhead passes through the net to zone 3, moves with side steps in a volleyball stance from zone 3 to zone 1 three feeds, feed place for 5kl. at 1m. closer to the front.

Completion Rating:

  • For hitting the court, but not in the specified zone, 1 point.
  • For each hit in a given zone, 3 points are awarded.
  • For each hit in the hoop, an additional 1 point is added.
  • For hitting the net or out of bounds, 1 point is deducted.
  • The winner in this exercise is the participant who scores the most points. If several participants have an equal number of points, priority is given to the participant who completed the exercise without losing serves.

Athletics. (For grades 5-6)

Test program:

1. The competitive test consists of covering a distance: shuttle run 3*10m.

Result evaluation:

  • The time to cover the distance is recorded.
  • The participant must touch each line with his hand.
  • If a participant does not touch the line, his result is not counted.

2. Standing long jump with a push of two legs according to the existing rules (each participant is given three attempts).

Football. Boys (grades 5-6)

5 soccer balls are placed at a distance of 5 m (grades 5-6) from the goal line. The distance between the balls is 1 m.

At a distance of 8 m from the line, 4 control posts are installed; the distance between them is 1 m.

The player's movement begins at a signal from the starting line. The participant must hit the goal, come back, run around the post and hit the second ball, come back, run around the post and hit the third ball, etc. hit 5 balls and run around 4 posts. Finish the exercise at the finish line and record the time.

Player A starts moving from the starting line at maximum speed towards the ball and shoots at the goal, turns around, runs around the post and shoots at the goal with another ball, etc. (the task is to hit 5 balls and run around 4 posts). The number of hits on the goal and the time spent completing the entire exercise are calculated.


1. For 6th graders: the participant kicks the first ball with his right foot, the second ball with his left foot, etc.

2. For 5th graders: the participant kicks the ball with a strong foot.

Completion Rating:

  • Penalty: If a competitor misses the goal, he must run to the goal line and touch the side goal post and return to his starting position. If he does not run around the counter, he receives a 5 second penalty. If he does not touch the side goal post, if the order of execution is not observed, a fine of 10 seconds will apply.
  • The exercise is considered completed if he hits all 5 balls into the goal and crosses the finish line.
  • The winner is the one who spends the least time performing this exercise and hits the goal with the ball the most number of times.

RESULTS FOR PRACTICE: In each type of practical task (basketball, volleyball, football, gymnastics, athletics), based on the place taken, the participant receives points: for 1st place - 25 points; for 2nd place – 24 points; for 3rd place - 23 points, etc.

Total – 100 points for practice.

Theoretical and methodological section of the content of the Olympiad in physical culture (school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren)

5-6th grades

The competitor must know the content of the section of the sample program for physical education “Fundamentals of knowledge about physical education activities.”

The competitor must be able to use theoretical and methodological knowledge when organizing independent studies.

Testing the preparedness of Olympiad participants in this section of the school curriculum is carried out in the form of testing and consists of choosing the correct answer from several proposed answer options.

Instructions for completing the Olympiad task (grades 5-6)

You are offered 25 questions that meet the minimum knowledge requirements in the subject “Physical Education”.

For each question there are 4 possible answers: a, b, c, d. They contain both correct and incorrect answers. Only one can be correct - the one that most fully corresponds to the meaning of the question.

Read the questions and suggested answer options carefully. Your task is to choose one of the four answer options that you think is correct and circle it.

Be careful when marking the correct answer. Corrections and erasures are scored as an incorrect answer.

Write your last name, first name, patronymic, and the class in which you study. We wish you success!

Theoretical and methodological tasks. For students in grades 5-6

1. The first stage of hardening the body is hardening...

a) water,
b) the sun,
c) air,
d) cold.

2. Mental work should be interrupted by physical training breaks every ... min.

a) 25-30,
b) 40-45,
c) 55-60,
d) 70-75.

3. The likelihood of injury during physical activity is reduced if students...

a) overestimate their capabilities,
b) follows the instructions of the teacher,
c) have the skills to perform movements,
d) do not know how to control their emotions.

4. A rotational movement through the head with the support consistently touching the surface with individual parts of the body in gymnastics is designated as...

a) acrobatics,
b) “wheel”,
c) somersault
d) somersault.

5. Athletes who inflicted mortal wounds on an opponent during the Games of the Olympic Games judge Hellas:

a) were declared the winner,
b) flogged with a laurel broom,
c) declared a hero,
d) expelled from the stadium.

6. It is advisable to perform exercises that promote the development of endurance in...

a) at the end of the preparatory part of the lesson,
b) at the beginning of the main part of the lesson,
c) in the middle of the main part of the lesson,
d) at the end of the main part of the lesson.

7. What type of start is used in sprinting?

a) tall,
b) average,
c) low
d) any.

8. How many attempts are given to a high jump competitor?

a) two attempts at each height,
b) three attempts at each height,
c) one attempt at each height,
d) four attempts at each height.

9. Which method of sport swimming is the quietest?

a) back crawl,
b) front crawl,
c) butterfly (dolphin),
d) breaststroke.

10. How is the word “volleyball” literally translated from English?

a) flying ball,
b) bouncing ball,
c) playing through a net,
d) floating ball.

11. How many players play volleyball on one side of the court?

a) 5,
b) 10,
at 6,
d) 7.

12. What part of the body cannot a football player stop the ball during the game?

a) head,
b) foot,
c) by hand,
d) body.

13. In which country did the Olympic Games originate?

a) in Ancient Greece,
b) in Rome,
c) in Olympia,
d) in France.

14. What, first of all, should be done when providing first aid to a victim of a bruise of any part of the body on a hard surface?

a) cool the bruised area,
b) apply heat to the injured area,
c) apply a splint,
d) treat the bruised area with iodine.

15. During this game, there are two teams of 5 people on the court:

a) football,
b) volleyball,
c) hockey,
d) basketball.

16. Posture is called:

a) silhouette of a person,
b) the usual posture of a person in an upright position,
c) quality of the spine that ensures good health,
d) spring characteristics of the spine and feet.

17. Who had the right to take part in the Ancient Greek Olympic Games?

a) only free Greek men,
b) Greek men and women,
c) only Greeks are men,
d) everyone.

18. How does cross running differ from long running?

a) running technique,
b) running speed,
c) the location of the classes,
d) work of hands.

19. Flexibility does not depend on:

a) the anatomical structure of the joints,
b) growth indicators,
c) elasticity of muscles and ligaments,
d) body temperature.

20. Indicate the preferred sequence of exercises for a physical education minute or pause:

1. Squats, jumping, running turning into walking.
2. Exercises for precision and coordination of movements.
3. Exercises to stretch the muscles of the torso, arms, legs.
4. Stretching exercises, prevention of postural disorders.
5. Breathing exercises.

a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
b) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2,
c) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1,
d) 3, 4, 5, 2, 1.

21. Hardening techniques (What is unnecessary here)?

a) sunbathing,
b) hot baths,
c) air baths,
d) water procedures,

22. Which sports game does not have a goalkeeper?

a) football,
b) hockey,
d) water polo.

23. Types of physical activity that have a beneficial effect on the physical condition and development of a person are usually called:

a) physical development,
b) physical exercises,
c) physical labor,
d) physical education.

24. What exercise to test physical quality - flexibility:

a) pull-ups while hanging on the bar,
b) standing long jump,
c) bending forward from a sitting position with legs apart,
d) forward somersault.

25. The meaning of physical education classes for schoolchildren:

a) strengthening health and improving physical qualities,
b) pastime,
c) in learning motor actions,
d) improved mood

You have completed the tasks. Congratulations!

KEY for checking the Olympiad assignment in physical education completed by students in grades 5-6






Order of presentation:

Before the start of the test, the last name, first name and start number of each participant must be stated.

After the challenge, the participant has 20 seconds to prepare to complete the challenge. The signal of the participant’s readiness to begin the performance is the raised right hand.

The start of the test is a signal (the referee's whistle), after which the exercise must begin.

Repeat performance:

The participant’s performance cannot be restarted, except in cases caused by unforeseen circumstances, which include:

equipment breakdown that occurred during the performance;

malfunctions in the operation of general equipment - lighting, smoke in the room, etc.

If the above situations occur, the participant must immediately stop performing. If the performance is completed, it will be graded.

Only the head judge has the right to allow the exercise to be repeated. In this case, the participant performs his exercise first, after the performance of all participants in this shift.

If the performance is interrupted due to the fault of the participant, re-execution of the exercise is not permitted.

Warm-up: Before the start of the performance, participants are given a warm-up for no more than 30 seconds per participant.


Boys and girls in grades 7-11:

The tests are carried out in the form of an acrobatic exercise.

Connections are made in the order specified in the program. Changing the order of connections is not allowed.

If a participant changes the order of elements in an acrobatic sequence, misses one of them, or makes a mistake that leads to failure to perform an element, his score is reduced by the value indicated in the program.

The exercise must have a clearly defined beginning and end, include connecting elements that give the combination integrity and dynamism, and be performed together without unjustified pauses along the acrobatic path with a change of direction.


Required elements


Balance on the right (left), arms to the sides (hold):

- forward somersault into a standing position on the shoulder blades (indicate)

- stand on the shoulder blades without the help of hands (hold) - stand on the shoulder blades with legs apart (mark) and connect the legs, roll forward into a crouching position.

1,0 point

Forward somersault with a jump - jump up with a 360º turn - forward somersault with a jump - jump up with legs bent apart.

1,0 point

A swing of one, a push of the other, two flips to the side (“wheel”) in a stance with legs apart - placing the right (left), turn left (right) at point-blank crouching - somersault back - somersault back at point-blank standing bent over, straightened, arms up.

1,0 point

From the stand, legs apart, arms up, lowering into the bridge (hold) - lie on your back, straighten your legs and bending forward, go to sit at an angle (mark) - sit at an angle, arms to the sides (hold) - straightening, turn to the right (left) in a circle in a lying position with your arms bent and, straightening your arms, in a lying position.

1,0 point


Headstand and handstand (hold)

Bridge with opposite support (free leg raised forward) (hold).

From a handstand (indicate) somersault forward.

Slowly roll forward on one leg.

Slowly roll back to any end position.

Jump with a change of straight legs forward (“scissors”), hips at or above the horizontal.

Jump with alternating bent legs forward with 360º turns, hips at or above horizontal.



Press the corner of your legs apart or together (hold).


Horizontal balance on the elbows (“Crocodile”) (hold).


Same (opposite) turn on one by 360º, the thigh of the free leg is not lower than horizontal.


The eponymous (“open”) turn on one is 360º, the other is raised back at least 45º.


Rotate 360º or more in a handstand.


Required elements


With a swing of one, a push of the other, two flips to the side (“wheel”) into a standing leg position apart - placing the right (left), turn to the left (right) - somersault forward with a jump - jump up with a 360º turn

1,0 point

Jump with a 180º turn - forward somersault, jumping point-blank, crouching - back somersault - back somersault into a handstand (indicate).

1,0 point

Bend forward with your legs bent apart - somersault forward into a standing position on your shoulder blades without using your hands (hold) - roll forward into a sit-up at an angle, arms to the sides (hold) - sit-up with a forward bend, arms up and somersault back with straight legs point-blank while standing bent over.

1,0 point

From a squat on the heels, bent forcefully, a stand on the head and hands (indicate) - spread your legs frontally (hold) - squat with a bend forward, arms up and a somersault back with straight legs, point-blank, standing bent over.

1,0 point

Elements whose completion score is added to the completion score of required connections


Tempo roll forward on one or two legs.

Tempo flip back (flop) to any final position.

Overturn from the head (“kip-up”).


Front flip.

Jump upward with a turn of 540º or more.

Jump up, bending forward with your legs apart or together (legs horizontal).

Rotate 360º or more.

Forcefully bend your legs apart or together into a handstand (spichak) (indicate).


From a squat with a forward bend, somersault back into a handstand (indicate).


Any balance with the free leg positioned above the horizontal (hold).


Frontal balance with grip (the heel of the free leg is not lower than shoulder level) (hold).


Horizontal balance on the elbow (“Crocodile”) (hold).


From a handstand (indicate), somersault forward with your legs bent together.


High angle emphasis (legs raised at least 45º relative to horizontal) (hold).


Boys and girls in grades 7-11:

The competitive test consists of overcoming the distance: girls in grades 9-10-11: 60 m; boys 9-10-11 grades: 100 m.

The time to cover the distance is recorded.


Boys and girls in grades 7-11:

The competitive test consists of the following: moving with your back in a defensive stance, shooting 3 free throws (in an arbitrary manner), jerking in a straight line, dribbling the ball with your right or left hand with a “shuttle” and passing the ball into the backboard, catching and throwing into the basket.

The participant is located behind the court, facing forward on the right in the corner at the intersection of the front and side lines. At the signal, the participant moves with his back in a defensive stance in 2 steps to the right and left to the penalty line, shoots three free throws, makes a dash facing forward to the center line, takes the ball and begins to dribble the ball straight with the “shuttle” with his right hand to the penalty line; back to the center line, dribbling the ball with the left hand, moving in the opposite direction to the backboard, dribbling with the strongest hand (right or left), passing the ball to the backboard, from the free throw line without leaving the circle, catching the ball from the backboard with both hands and throwing (in an arbitrary manner). The time for performing the exercise is recorded, the stopwatch is stopped at the moment the ball touches the floor and is thrown into the basket.

For an inaccurate shot into the basket, an additional 5 seconds are added to the participant’s actual time; for each violation of the rules (running, carrying the ball, double dribbling, incorrect change of hands, not reaching the lines, not catching the ball after a pass to the backboard), the participant is given an additional 2 seconds.

If the final throw in an exercise is missed, two additional attempts are given. For inaccurate hits into the basket twice, an additional 10 seconds are added. If a competitor leaves the court without completing additional attempts, an additional 30 seconds will be added.


Girls 7-11 grades:

The participant is on the front line.

On the other side of the court, the judges indicate any three zones, each of which will need to be entered when serving. In each of the selected three zones, the judges indicate a place for bonus points, which is indicated by a standard gymnastics hoop. The participant is given the right to perform: three lower straight serves, three upper straight serves.

When performing lower straight serves: 3 points are awarded for hitting the specified zone. For entering the bonus points zone, the participant is awarded 1 more point to the three already received. If the ball hits the same zone, one hit in that zone is counted and only 3 points are awarded. No points are awarded for not entering the specified zone. For a serve into the net or into touch, one point is deducted.

When performing overhead straight serves: 3 points are awarded for hitting the specified zone. For entering the bonus points zone, the participant is awarded 1 more point to the three already received. If the ball hits the same zone, one hit in that zone is counted and only 3 points are awarded. No points are awarded for not entering the specified zone. For a serve into the net or into touch, one point is deducted.

Top direct feed - i.p. - the subject is on the baseline, facing the net. The ball is struck above the shoulder joint (shoulder).

Bottom direct feed - i.p. - the subject is on the baseline, facing the net. The ball is hit below the shoulder.


Boys in grades 7-11:

5 soccer balls are placed at a distance of 10 m from the goal line. The distance between the balls is 1 m.

At a distance of 5 m from the line of installed balls, 4 control posts are installed; the distance between them is 1 m.

The player's movement begins at a signal from the starting line. The participant must hit the goal, come back, run around the post and hit the second ball, come back, run around the post and hit the third ball, etc. hit 5 balls and run around 4 posts. The participant must finish the exercise at the finish line.

Penalty: If a participant misses the goal, he must run to the goal line, touch the side goal post and return to his starting position. If he does not run around the counter, he receives a 5 second penalty. If he does not touch the side goal post - 10 seconds.

The exercise is considered completed if he hits all 5 balls into the goal and crosses the finish line.

The winner is the one who spends the least time performing this exercise and hits the ball into the goal the most number of times.


Boys and girls in grades 7-11:

The participant is on the baseline (at the start) without a ball with a stick in his hands. At the judge’s signal, the competitor runs to chip No. 1, where ball No. 1 is located, then with a stick, circles chip No. 1 on the right side and leads the ball to the hitting line (boys - 6 m, girls - 5 m), stops the ball and performs one hit on goal. After the hit, he moves to chip No. 2, where ball No. 2 is located and dribbles the ball No. 2, circles it on the right side, then moves to chip No. 3, circles it on the left side, continues to move to chip No. 4, circles it on the right side and circles chip No. 5 on the left side, moves to the kick line (boys - 6 m, girls - 5 m) and performs one shot on goal without stopping