Oge in physics real options. Assessment method and dates

Answers and solution – Demo version of the OGE 2018 PHYSICS project

1) A) physical quantity - mass
B) unit of physical quantity - newton
C) a device for measuring a physical quantity - a scale

2) 4) The amplitude of the pressure change and the pitch are different.

3) The force of universal gravitation between the Earth and the Moon
A. depends on the masses of the Earth and the Moon.
B. is the reason for the rotation of the Moon around the Earth.

4) Potential energy at maximum height, here kinetic energy is 0

5) 2 < 1 < 3

The maximum average density has a cylinder = 3

6) Speed ​​​​module - increases

Acceleration module - does not change

7) 8H - 3H = 5H; 10H = 1 kg; 5H = 0.5 kg
p - rho (density)
p = m/V ; V = m/p => V = 0.5/ 1000 = 0.0005 m 3 = 500 cm 3

8) Continuous movement - 4) The movement of molecules never stops.

9) 1) The initial temperature of the water is t1.
2) The BV section corresponds to the process of water crystallization in the calorimeter.

10) Having received 50 kJ the body heated up by Δt = 200-150 = 50 °C

The specific heat capacity of the substance of this body is equal to

KJ/kg.°C = 500 J/kg.°C

11) The charge of one electron is e. Subtracts the charge carried away by electrons from the original charge

12) In accordance with the Joule-Lenz law, the amount of heat released at the resistance R during time t is equal to . From this formula it follows that the higher the power, the more heat is released on the element. Since in a parallel connection the voltage U at each resistance is the same, the maximum amount of heat will be released with all switches closed and is equal to:

3) if both keys are closed

13) If you introduce a magnet into the coil with the south pole at the same speed, then the galvanometer readings will approximately correspond to the figure: 2

14) If the distance of the object from the lens is more than two focal lengths 2F (object A), then the image is real, reduced, inverted. If the distance between the object and the lens is in the range (2F, F) (object B), then the image turns out to be enlarged, inverted and real.

15) Focal length - increases

Optical power - decreases

16) N=IU=40*220=8800 watts
useful power 0.76*8800=6600 W = 6.6 kW

Answer: 6.6 kW

17) During nuclear transformations, the laws of conservation of mass and charge are satisfied. Therefore, the mass of the unknown particle is: 14 + 4 − 17 = 1 a. e.m., and the charge: 7 + 2 − 8 = 1 e. This particle is a proton.

18) The bottom scale of a barometer shows atmospheric pressure in mm. rt. Art. The figure shows that the price of one division of this scale is 1 mm. rt. Art. The arrow shows 750+5 divisions, that is, 755 mm. rt. Art. with an error of one division, that is, ±1 mm. rt. Art.

(755 ± 1) mm. rt. Art.

19) 4) The friction force depends on the surface on which the block moves
5) The sliding friction for the second surface is greater

20) A. In the Arctic Ocean, it is more likely to observe superior mirages
compared to the bottom ones.
B. Mirages can be observed during sudden changes in air temperature.

3) Both statements are true.

For high school graduates, because they are accompanied by exactly the same worries, hours of long preparation, anxiety about the future and grades that can seriously affect the student’s entire future life. The OGE is not just an indicator of knowledge, but also an opportunity to enroll in a specialized class or technical school that trains specialists in a certain profession.

In addition, this is a test of the methodological and professional qualities of subject teachers, as well as a diagnosis of the level of education provided by a particular school. It is not surprising that all its direct and indirect participants await the results of this test with special trepidation.

Physics is one of the subjects of the student's choice. Usually more guys than girls take it, because many of them have a penchant for exact sciences and connect their future with technical specialties. Physics cannot be called simple, which means that for good results in the OGE you will have to pore over textbooks, master the technique of conducting experiments, and understand what innovations the 2018 exam program can bring with it.

Demo version of OGE-2018

OGE dates in physics

Already today, schoolchildren can familiarize themselves with the 2018 OGE schedule, in which the following days are reserved for physics:

  • April 23 (Monday) is the day allocated for early examination. In case of force majeure, Rosobrnadzor fixed May 3, 2018 (Thursday) for physics;
  • May 31 (Thursday) is the main exam day for those who chose physics. June 2, 2018 (Saturday) is designated as a reserve day;
  • September 10 (Monday) is the date for which the additional examination is scheduled. September 18, 2018 (Tuesday) – reserve day.

Ticket structure and contents

According to information published by Rosobrnadzor, there will be no fundamental changes in the control and measurement materials of 2018 compared to the CMMs for 2017. When developing physics tickets, the specialized commission paid attention to all sections of the school curriculum.

Ninth-graders will have to show how well they have mastered the conceptual apparatus of this science, mastered methodological knowledge, are able to conduct experiments, solve calculation problems, explain physical phenomena, processes and the meaning of physical quantities, understand the laws of this science, write down the results of experiments and observations, and also apply the findings knowledge in practice. The tickets contain tasks related to sections on mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic and quantum phenomena.

Problems and forms for solving them make it possible to automate the verification of tasks from the first part of the KIM - just as it is done in the Unified State Exam for eleventh graders. The physics exam makes it possible not only to conduct a final assessment of schoolchildren, but also to distribute them into classes depending on the level of their knowledge and skills. Only those students who can cope with tasks of increased and high complexity will be recommended to continue their studies in a specialized class.

The OGE will check whether you have enough knowledge to study in a specialized class

Each ticket consists of 26 tasks, which are distributed between two parts:

  • the first part - 22 tasks, 13 of which require a short answer, 8 - require you to write down several numbers as an answer, and one requires a detailed answer. Successfully completed tasks from this part can earn the student 28 points, which is equal to 70% of all points for CMM;
  • the second part - 4 tasks with numbers from 23 to 26, which will require a reasoned answer. Moreover, the completion of task 23 is accompanied by an experiment on real physical equipment. By achieving the goal set in the experiment, the student must show how well he can measure physical quantities. Tasks may concern the measurement of density, Archimedean force, sliding friction coefficient, degree of spring stiffness, period and frequency of pendulum oscillations, moment of force when acting on a lever, elastic force when lifting a load, optical force of a collecting lens, electrical resistance of a resistor, current power. In addition, in this task the student must show whether he can present the results obtained in tabular form, present them graphically or diagrammatically. The correctness and validity of the conclusions are separately assessed. This part of the work will earn you another 12 points (or 30% of all possible points for the ticket).

In total, you can score 40 points per ticket.

How long does the exam last?

CMM can be solved within 180 minutes. At the same time, representatives of the specialized commission recommend distributing the allotted time as follows:

  • 2-5 minutes – for each basic level task;
  • 6-15 minutes – for tasks belonging to the category of increased complexity;
  • 20-30 minutes – for tasks with a high degree of complexity.

What can be used on the OGE in physics?

Each student can bring with him a calculator, which does not have a programming function. Items and equipment necessary for laboratory work will be given to him on the spot. Depending on the ticket, these may be lever or electronic scales, steel, brass, plastic or aluminum cylinders, measuring cylinders, a glass of water, a dynamometer, a laboratory stand, a spring, weights and bars.

It is strictly forbidden to bring any other things to the exam, so make sure in advance that you do not have a phone, tablet or cheat sheets with formulas with you.

A cheat sheet or smartphone in your pocket will be a reason for removal from the OGE

Procedure for conducting the experiment

The physical experiment that the student will conduct is characterized by strict regulations. You will need:

  • demonstrate composure, attention, the ability to maintain discipline and accurately follow the teacher’s instructions;
  • begin laboratory experiments at the command of a commission member;
  • work with devices, as well as use materials and equipment, preventing their damage;
  • strictly adhere to the instructions and procedure for performing operations;
  • do not allow devices to operate at maximum loads;
  • immediately inform a member of the commission about any damage to the devices;
  • do not allow wires to cross when working with electrical circuits;
  • turn on the assembled electrical circuit only in the presence of the organizers;
  • disassemble the equipment after yourself and do not leave your place without the permission of a member of the commission.

Scale for converting points into grades

Points scored for solving KIMs are converted into a grade based on the following approach:

  • “D” is given to schoolchildren who scored from 0 to 9 points;
  • “C” – a mark for work that scored from 10 to 19 points;
  • “four” – a grade given for 20-30 points;
  • “A” is awarded for work in which the student was able to score from 31 to 40 points.

The selection of students for training in special classes is carried out among those who managed to earn 30 points or higher on the OGE in physics.

How to prepare for the OGE in physics?

As mentioned above, physics is a subject that is one of the most difficult in the school curriculum. To successfully pass it, it is not enough to memorize the terminology - you must have an analytical mind and the ability to quickly solve problems. Students will need to thoroughly understand formulas, physical laws and phenomena, regularly prepare for current lessons, carefully do homework, and consolidate acquired skills and learned algorithms with additional assignments.

You should start preparing for the OGE in September in order to have time to work through everything

Be sure to download and solve demo versions of the 2018 KIMs - this will help you understand the logic and structure of the ticket, familiarize yourself with the scoring criteria, and - most importantly - identify topics that you do not understand well enough. Of course, you need to pay attention to the entire school course, refreshing your memory from all the years of study. Ask your parents to buy you the latest textbooks recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, authoritative reference books and collections of assignments.

The OGE in physics is not included in the list of mandatory examination tests; it is rarely chosen - mainly by students of schools with a physics and mathematics focus. This subject cannot be called easy; preparing to successfully pass the exam requires a comprehensive, systematic approach. Physics is also chosen by 9th grade students who plan to enter specialized classes in schools, colleges, and technical schools.

According to statistics, physics at the high school level without in-depth study of the subject is one of the most difficult disciplines. It is extremely difficult for students to pass it with a high score, since the subject is taught rarely (about 1-2 lessons per week), experiments and laboratory work are rare. But students can pass the tests successfully.
To get the maximum grade, you should not only study at school, but devote a lot of time to self-education, attend courses, take tests online - use all opportunities to consolidate knowledge.

The range of tasks includes various tasks, questions, tests of knowledge of theory, tasks for carrying out various calculations. This applies to the first part of the exam. The second part requires not only knowledge of the theory, but also the ability to use it experimentally. The subjects are offered several sets for experiments - you can choose any one on the topic that is closest to you (optics, mechanics, electricity).
Physics tasks are divided into three groups according to difficulty level - basic, advanced and high.
The highest number of points is awarded for the experiment. Difficulties may arise because students rarely do laboratory work at school.

  • To begin with, we recommend that you carefully read P – this will allow you to competently plan the preparation process. Without a preparation plan, it is impossible to achieve a high score. Allocate a certain amount of time for each topic, gradually move towards the goal. Regular preparation according to the plan allows you not only to assimilate knowledge well, but also to get rid of anxiety.
  • Assessment of knowledge level
    To do this, you can use two methods: the help of a teacher or tutor, taking an online test, which will identify problematic topics. With the help of a specialist, you can quickly assess problems and create a plan to effectively eliminate them. Regularly taking training tests is a mandatory element of successfully passing the exam.
  • Problem solving
    The most important and difficult stage. At the school level, it is important to remember the solution algorithms, but if the problems are not easy, it is recommended to take the help of a mentor and regularly solve problems on your own.
  • “I will solve the OGE in Physics” - an opportunity to take tests online, consolidate knowledge, train to complete them against time, and memorize solution algorithms. Regular testing also helps identify weaknesses in knowledge and training.

The Unified State Exam for ninth-graders is quite comparable to the Unified State Exam for high school graduates, because they are accompanied by exactly the same worries, hours of lengthy preparation, anxiety about the future and grades that can seriously affect the student’s entire future life. The OGE is not just an indicator of knowledge, but also an opportunity to enroll in a specialized class or technical school that trains specialists in a certain profession.

In addition, this is a test of the methodological and professional qualities of subject teachers, as well as a diagnosis of the level of education provided by a particular school. It is not surprising that all its direct and indirect participants await the results of this test with special trepidation.

Physics is one of the subjects of the student's choice. Usually more guys than girls take it, because many of them have a penchant for exact sciences and connect their future with technical specialties. Physics cannot be called simple, which means that for good results in the OGE you will have to pore over textbooks, master the technique of conducting experiments, and understand what innovations the 2018 exam program can bring with it.

Demo version of OGE-2018

  • Demo version of the OGE in physics
  • Requirements Codifier

OGE dates in physics

Already today, schoolchildren can familiarize themselves with the 2018 OGE schedule, in which the following days are reserved for physics:

  • April 23 (Monday) is the day allocated for early examination. In case of force majeure, Rosobrnadzor fixed May 3, 2018 (Thursday) for physics;
  • May 31 (Thursday) is the main exam day for those who chose physics. June 2, 2018 (Saturday) is designated as a reserve day;
  • September 10 (Monday) is the date for which the additional examination is scheduled. September 18, 2018 (Tuesday) – reserve day.

The OGE in physics is an exam that many 9th grade graduates cannot do without. It will be required both for admission to technical colleges and schools, and for continuing education in a specialized physics and mathematics class.

What to do if you have decided on the direction of study, but have not had time to sufficiently prepare for the exam? Look for workarounds, of course. We decided to deal with the most popular of them - the search for ready-made answers to the OGE in physics - and found out where and what answers can be found.

Can all the answers be found?

The answer here is ambiguous. To explain why, let's remember the structure of the physics exam. It traditionally consists of two parts: 21 questions with a short answer, 4 with a full answer.

Knowledge will be required in the following sections of physics:

  • mechanical phenomena;
  • thermal phenomena;
  • electromagnetic phenomena;
  • quantum phenomena.

If everything is clear with the test tasks - copying or remembering the numbers of the correct answers is not difficult, then with the second part everything is more difficult. In order for your answer to be counted, not only it must be correct, but also a detailed solution. Writing it off is not an easy task, because you will be closely watched by those watching. You can, of course, remember the approximate course of the solution, but you will need at least basic knowledge of physics to reproduce it.

Then the most difficult part begins - the OGE in physics includes a practical task performed using an experimental kit in optics, electricity or mechanics, writes C-ib. Believe me, if you don’t even touch it and then turn in the form with the correct answers, a lot of questions will arise for you. Therefore, you need to learn how to conduct an experiment; no one can definitely describe this to you in the answers.

Let's start looking for answers to the OGE in physics

In a normal situation, we all remember that we should not blindly trust everything we see on the Internet. But the exam is a stressful situation, so it won’t take long to forget about it. To avoid falling for scammers, carefully check the sources of answers.

First of all, you should not trust sites that offer to install some applications for you to download answers. Most likely, you will only get a lot of virus software and a completely ruined mood. Those who offer you to send some SMS or money transfers in an unknown direction are no better. With a 90% chance, immediately after receiving your money, the scammers will disappear or simply send you some useless files.

With free answers, everything is simpler - you don’t lose anything, even if you register on some site. At most, you are at risk of spam, which will subsequently be sent to your email. But you can immediately check what you got into your hands. How likely are you to get real answers in physics? Unfortunately no. Exceptions, of course, happen, but very rarely. In the best case, shortly before the exam, you look at the final versions of the CMMs.

Who can you count on then? First of all, on ourselves. Of course, you can hope for luck and download 10 different options for ready-made answers to the OGE in physics, maybe some of them will agree. But you shouldn’t forget about preparation, it’s clearly more reliable.

Ticket structure and contents

According to information published by Rosobrnadzor, there will be no fundamental changes in the control and measurement materials of 2018 compared to the CMMs for 2017. When developing physics tickets, the specialized commission paid attention to all sections of the school curriculum.

Ninth-graders will have to show how well they have mastered the conceptual apparatus of this science, mastered methodological knowledge, are able to conduct experiments, solve calculation problems, explain physical phenomena, processes and the meaning of physical quantities, understand the laws of this science, write down the results of experiments and observations, and also apply the findings knowledge in practice. The tickets contain tasks related to sections on mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic and quantum phenomena.

Problems and forms for solving them make it possible to automate the verification of tasks from the first part of the KIM - just as it is done in the Unified State Exam for eleventh graders. The physics exam makes it possible not only to conduct a final assessment of schoolchildren, but also to distribute them into classes depending on the level of their knowledge and skills. Only those students who can cope with tasks of increased and high complexity will be recommended to continue their studies in a specialized class.

The OGE will check whether you have enough knowledge to study in a specialized class

Each ticket consists of 26 tasks, which are distributed between two parts:

  • the first part - 22 tasks, 13 of which require a short answer, 8 - require you to write down several numbers as an answer, and one requires a detailed answer. Successfully completed tasks from this part can earn the student 28 points, which is equal to 70% of all points for CMM;
  • the second part - 4 tasks with numbers from 23 to 26, which will require a reasoned answer. Moreover, the completion of task 23 is accompanied by an experiment on real physical equipment. By achieving the goal set in the experiment, the student must show how well he can measure physical quantities. Tasks may concern the measurement of density, Archimedean force, sliding friction coefficient, degree of spring stiffness, period and frequency of pendulum oscillations, moment of force when acting on a lever, elastic force when lifting a load, optical force of a collecting lens, electrical resistance of a resistor, current power. In addition, in this task the student must show whether he can present the results obtained in tabular form, present them graphically or diagrammatically. The correctness and validity of the conclusions are separately assessed. This part of the work will earn you another 12 points (or 30% of all possible points for the ticket).

In total, you can score 40 points per ticket.

How long does the exam last?

CMM can be solved within 180 minutes. At the same time, representatives of the specialized commission recommend distributing the allotted time as follows:

  • 2-5 minutes – for each basic level task;
  • 6-15 minutes – for tasks belonging to the category of increased complexity;
  • 20-30 minutes – for tasks with a high degree of complexity.

What can be used on the OGE in physics?

Each student can bring with him a calculator, which does not have a programming function. Items and equipment necessary for laboratory work will be given to him on the spot. Depending on the ticket, these may be lever or electronic scales, steel, brass, plastic or aluminum cylinders, measuring cylinders, a glass of water, a dynamometer, a laboratory stand, a spring, weights and bars.

It is strictly forbidden to bring any other things to the exam, so make sure in advance that you do not have a phone, tablet or cheat sheets with formulas with you.

A cheat sheet or smartphone in your pocket will be a reason for removal from the OGE

Procedure for conducting the experiment

The physical experiment that the student will conduct is characterized by strict regulations. You will need:

  • demonstrate composure, attention, the ability to maintain discipline and accurately follow the teacher’s instructions;
  • begin laboratory experiments at the command of a commission member;
  • work with devices, as well as use materials and equipment, preventing their damage;
  • strictly adhere to the instructions and procedure for performing operations;
  • do not allow devices to operate at maximum loads;
  • immediately inform a member of the commission about any damage to the devices;
  • do not allow wires to cross when working with electrical circuits;
  • turn on the assembled electrical circuit only in the presence of the organizers;
  • disassemble the equipment after yourself and do not leave your place without the permission of a member of the commission.

Scale for converting points into grades

Points scored for solving KIMs are converted into a grade based on the following approach:

  • “D” is given to schoolchildren who scored from 0 to 9 points;
  • “C” – a mark for work that scored from 10 to 19 points;
  • “four” – a grade given for 20-30 points;
  • “A” is awarded for work in which the student was able to score from 31 to 40 points.

The selection of students for training in special classes is carried out among those who managed to earn 30 points or higher on the OGE in physics.

How to prepare for the OGE in physics?

As mentioned above, physics is a subject that is one of the most difficult in the school curriculum. To successfully pass it, it is not enough to memorize the terminology - you must have an analytical mind and the ability to quickly solve problems. Students will need to thoroughly understand formulas, physical laws and phenomena, regularly prepare for current lessons, carefully do homework, and consolidate acquired skills and learned algorithms with additional assignments.

You should start preparing for the OGE in September in order to have time to work through everything

Be sure to download and solve demo versions of the 2018 KIMs - this will help you understand the logic and structure of the ticket, familiarize yourself with the scoring criteria, and - most importantly - identify topics that you do not understand well enough. Of course, you need to pay attention to the entire school course, refreshing your memory of textbooks for all years of study. Ask your parents to buy you the latest textbooks recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, authoritative reference books and collections of assignments.

The need to conduct a real experiment causes panic in most students. Not every school can boast of a teacher who regularly demonstrates to his students the operation of physical laws in practice. In this case, it is worth turning to the services of a tutor who will help you understand the equipment and conduct experiments using CMMs.

It is also worth watching a series of videos on the Internet that clearly show how to work with different devices, read their values ​​and record the results. Be sure to take notes to systematize the knowledge gained from numerous sources. Regularly test the depth of your theoretical knowledge using online tests, and also try to devote time to additional preparation in physics at least once a week.

The OGE (Main State Exam) is a compulsory exam in the Russian Federation, which is taken at the end of the 9th grade of secondary school. The main goal is to control the knowledge of graduates acquired over 9 years of completing a general education program. The results of the OGE will be taken into account when entering classes with a physics and mathematics focus, technical schools, technical schools and universities.

  • 1 Assessment method and dates
  • 2 Structure of the OGE
  • 3 Preparation for the OGE: expert recommendations

Can all the answers be found?

The answer here is ambiguous. To explain why, let's remember the structure of the physics exam. It traditionally consists of two parts: 21 questions with a short answer, 4 with a full answer.

Knowledge will be required in the following sections of physics:

  • mechanical phenomena;
  • thermal phenomena;
  • electromagnetic phenomena;
  • quantum phenomena.

If everything is clear with the test tasks - copying or remembering the numbers of the correct answers is not difficult, then with the second part everything is more difficult. In order for your answer to be counted, not only it must be correct, but also a detailed solution. Writing it off is not an easy task, because you will be closely watched by those watching. You can, of course, remember the approximate course of the solution, but you will need at least basic knowledge of physics to reproduce it.

Then the most difficult part begins - the OGE in physics includes a practical task performed using an experimental set in optics, electricity or mechanics. Believe me, if you don’t even touch it and then turn in the form with the correct answers, a lot of questions will arise for you. Therefore, you need to learn how to conduct an experiment; no one can definitely describe this to you in the answers.

Let's start looking for answers to the OGE in physics

In a normal situation, we all remember that we should not blindly trust everything we see on the Internet. But the exam is a stressful situation, so it won’t take long to forget about it. To avoid falling for scammers, carefully check the sources of answers.

First of all, you should not trust sites that offer to install some applications for you to download answers, writes the C-ib portal. Most likely, you will only get a lot of virus software and a completely ruined mood. Those who offer you to send some SMS or money transfers in an unknown direction are no better. With a 90% chance, immediately after receiving your money, the scammers will disappear or simply send you some useless files.

With free answers, everything is simpler - you don’t lose anything, even if you register on some site. At most, you are at risk of spam, which will subsequently be sent to your email. But you can immediately check what you got into your hands. How likely are you to get real answers in physics? Unfortunately no. Exceptions, of course, happen, but very rarely. In the best case, shortly before the exam, you look at the final versions of the CMMs.

Who can you count on then? First of all, on ourselves. Of course, you can hope for luck and download 10 different options for ready-made answers to the OGE in physics, maybe some of them will agree. But you shouldn’t forget about preparation, it’s clearly more reliable.

Assessment method and dates

The assessment of the physics exam in 2018 will not change significantly. There will be a cumulative points system. The accumulated number corresponds to a certain score using a 5-point system. The minimum number of points required to successfully pass the OGE is 10. To do this, you need to complete the first 8 tasks of the test. In this case, the final mark will be equal to 3. If all the problems are solved correctly and the selected experiments are carried out in full accordance with the requirements, the graduate scores 40 points and receives the highest mark - 5.

The following dates are reserved in the schedule for the OGE in physics in 2018:

  • April 23 – early exam (in case of unforeseen circumstances, a reserve day is provided - May 3);
  • May 31 – main exam (reserve day – June 2);
  • September 10 – additional exam (reserve day – September 18).

Structure of the OGE

Physics is one of the subjects to choose from. Examinees will answer theoretical questions, solve problems and conduct practical experiments in the following sections:

  • optics;
  • Mechanics;
  • electricity.

According to the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI), all tools necessary for experiments will be provided by the educational institution. The OGE in physics will consist of 26 tasks, divided into 2 parts:

  • 21 tasks requiring a short answer. It can be a number, a sequence of numbers, or a value with a unit of measurement.
  • 4 tasks requiring a detailed answer. The examinee must describe in detail the entire course of the solution. Part 2 involves a task using laboratory equipment.

The Physics exam lasts 3 hours (180 minutes). It allows each student to use a simple (non-programmable) calculator and 1 of 7 sets of experimental equipment.

Work will be checked in 2 ways: automatically (using technical means and special software) and manually (2 independent experts are appointed who check the detailed answers of graduates). It is quite difficult to challenge the results of an audit. If a graduate made mistakes in the answer table or did not follow the filling rules, it is likely that the program will not count the result. Therefore, you need to approach the exam very carefully.

There may be several reasons for unsatisfactory passing: poor physical or emotional state of the examinee, lack of knowledge, family circumstances and others.

Important! The graduate has the right to retake the OGE in physics. It will take place on one of the reserve days, according to the approved schedule.

Currently, there are 2 methods of preparation: self-study and tutor help. The choice of one method or another is determined by the graduate’s level of knowledge and his desire to obtain a certain grade.

Finding preparatory materials is quite simple: teachers and high school students, as a rule, easily provide the necessary textbooks, brochures and notes they have saved. It will also be extremely useful to study the theoretical and practical parts using video lessons. They can be easily found on the Internet.

It is useful to study additional materials and take part in practice tests. They are often held in educational institutions. This gives students the opportunity to analyze their answers in advance and evaluate their strengths. According to statistics, graduates who took test classes pass the OGE more successfully.

Preparation must be clearly structured. It is recommended to follow the plan suggested in the relevant manuals. It is advisable to conduct the study using the “from simple to complex” method. Thanks to this, students will more deeply consolidate the material they have already studied and will have time to study new topics.

Video: task example OGE in physics in 2018

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