Oge in English grammar of word forms. Lexico-grammatical test tasks to prepare for the OGE

The first grammar task is a connected text that contains gaps. We need to fill in 9 blanks with the correct grammatical form of the word given in the task itself. The task contains six questions of a basic level of complexity and three questions of an increased level of complexity.

The basic level of complexity includes omissions that require only knowledge of the correct grammatical form and do not require additional analysis of the context. The most common questions at the basic level are questions on the following topics:

  • for nouns: plural exception words, possessive forms with 's, as well as a combination of these two forms (for example, you need to show the accessory for a plural noun: men's cars, women's handbags, children's toys, etc.);
  • for adjectives and adverbs: degrees of comparison and possible exceptions, forms of possessive adjectives my/your/his/her/its/our/their;
  • for pronouns: the object forms me/you/him/her/it/us/them, as well as the possessive forms mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs;
  • for verbs: form of a verb with the particle to or ending –ing (for example, I want to sing, but I enjoy singing).
An increased level of complexity includes questions that require putting the verb in the correct tense form depending on the context. It is this type of question that we will look at in more detail.

The form of a verb expressing action in English depends on who what) performs this action. In other words, the form of the verb depends on the subject, so before we understand when the action occurred and what type of action it is, we need to understand which word is the subject of a given sentence/relevant part of a given sentence.


By analyzing the gap sentence, we can divide it into two parts: (1) She was trying on new outfits(2) when her mobile phone suddenly __________ (RING). We are only interested in the second part, in which we can easily see the subject - her mobile phone– it is this item that performs the “call” action. We can also note for ourselves that the phrase her mobile phone we can replace with a pronoun it. This will help us in choosing the correct form of the verb at the final stage.

Step 2. Determine the pledge, time and type of action.

First we need to understand our subject performs the action independently or action is performed on a person/object, which is our subject. Depending on this we take the form active or passive voice respectively.

Next, we look at the entire sentence (and, if necessary, at neighboring sentences) and determine the time in which the action takes place - present, past or future. Depending on this time context, we will select a category Past , Present or Future .

Finally, we evaluate, what category does our action belong to?– Simple, Continuous or Perfect.

  • Choose Simple , if it is important to reflect that the action is performed on a regular basis and with a certain frequency (for the present) or occurred from beginning to end and completed (for the past).
  • Choose Continuous , if it is important to reflect that the action is in development and has not been completed.
  • Choose Perfect , if it is important to show that the action has completed and has a result (for the present) or that this action preceded some other action from the sentence (for the past).
Amy was clothes shopping. She was trying on new outfits when her mobile phone suddenly __________ (RING).

In our case with a mobile phone we can say the following
1) the phone rings itself, therefore, we need an active voice;
2) all actions take place in the past ( Amy was shopping, She was trying on), therefore, select Past;
3) in the “call” action it is important that it happened unexpectedly ( suddenly), that is, it was a fairly short action that happened from beginning to end and ended, therefore, we select Simple.
As a result, we need an active voice form in the Past Simple.

Step 3. Recheck the meaning of the sentence.

It is very important to remember that a sentence in its meaning can be like affirmative, so negative. Therefore, do not forget to double-check whether the affirmative form of the verb is suitable in meaning or whether it needs to be replaced with the corresponding negative form of the given grammatical tense.

Amy was clothes shopping. She was trying on new outfits when her mobile phone suddenly __________ (RING).

The negative meaning of the verb RING makes the entire sentence meaningless. Therefore, in our case, we need the form of the verb RING for the Past Simple tense and for the subject her mobile phone (it). Since the verb RING is irregular, we do not add the ending ED, but take the form from the second column of irregular verbs - RANG.

For detailed execution of the task with questions of all types, watch the video.
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In the appendix to this article you can download an example of a similar task. After completing this task, write your answers in the comments. In case you need further advice, sign up for our

Dear Colleagues!

Our column “Preparation for the OGE: questions and answers” ​​continues to work. In it you will find useful tips and tests, media publications and links to webinars, information about manuals for preparing for the final certification.

The results of the OGE for the 2013-2014 academic year showed that the “Speaking” section was the most difficult. Therefore, the new section will be devoted to issues of student preparation, strategies and successful completion of tasks from the oral part of the OGE. “English in Focus” textbooks have great potential for developing speaking skills.

Sincerely, teacher-methodologist, head of the IMO of English language teachers of the Khimki City District, Honored Teacher of Russia, Winner of the PNPO 2006, Winner of the personal award of the Governor of the Moscow Region 2005, 2012, expert of the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

Teaching oral speech when preparing students for the Unified State Exam based on materials from the educational complex “English in Focus”
View link

How to teach hearing and listening: problems of teaching listening when preparing students to complete listening tasks in the State Academy of Arts
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A good knowledge of vocabulary and grammar contributes to the development of writing skills. Preparing students for the State Examination. Vocabulary, grammar and writing.
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What is a support sentence and how to search for keywords: preparing students to complete reading assignments in the State Academy of Sciences
View link

Technologies for preparing students for successfully passing the State Examination in English (in a new format)
View link

State final certification in English (in a new form) 2013
View link

English language.
State final certification.
Training tasks
(with keys). 9th grade
Authors: V. Evans, E. A. Gashimov, A. E. Kurovskaya.

The study guide with an audio application contains 8 versions of tests in the GIA format in the English language. The manual will help ensure that students are most effectively prepared for the final certification.

Distinctive features of the manual:

Variable tasks corresponding to the demo version of 2013;
Texts of various genres for listening and reading;

Keys to all tasks in the manual and audio scripts.

Modern grammar
in English
to prepare for the State Examination
Authors: Jenny Dooley
Virginia Evans

Author's program

Collections of training
exercises in the format
for grades 5-9
Authors Yu. E. Vaulina,
O. E. Podolyako

The collection offers a system of tasks for the development of reading, writing, lexical and grammatical skills as the basis of speech skills. The collection not only solves the problem of training the established formats of examination tasks, but also serves the development of universal educational activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education. The materials in the manual can be used in English lessons and at home independently.

oral topics
for the preparation of
to GIA.
5–9 grades
Author Yu. A. Smirnov

A collection of oral topics for preparing for the State Examination. Grades 5–9. The collection covers all topics included in the specification of the State Final Certification in English. For ease of use, the topics are presented in the order suggested in the specification. After each topic, an answer plan is provided to help students prepare for an oral presentation on the topic and a list of questions. After topics that do not require memorizing factual information, a list of useful words and expressions is offered that can be used when composing a monologue.
After studying the materials in the collection, the “Speaking” section of the GIA in English in grade 9 will not be difficult for students. In addition, the materials in the collection can be used in preparation for tests and exams in English in grades 5–9.


PET for
Publishing house
Express Publishing

Collection of training tasks. 9th grade. An innovative course to prepare for the international PET exam, including ten test papers. The manual is intended for primary school students with a Pre-Intermediate level of language proficiency.

I. V. Tofel.
English language.
9th grade

Collection of training tasks. 9th grade. The collection presents various types of test tasks in the English language, which allow you to check the level of students' proficiency in a foreign language in all types of speech activity. The collection is intended for organizing training sessions in the 9th grade of secondary schools in order to prepare for the state final certification (SFA), and can also be used as practical material for consolidating what has been learned. The collection includes tasks of three levels of difficulty, basic, advanced and high, to differentiate students by level of language proficiency.

Practice Exam Papers
Secondary School
Training tasks
Authors: E. Gashimov,
V. Evans, A. Kurovskaya

Practice Exam Papers Secondary School. The study guide with an audio application contains 8 test options in the GIA format for grade 9 in English.

Distinctive features of the manual:

Variable tasks corresponding to the demo version of the GIA 2011;
Samples of completing tasks for all types of speech activity;
Detailed answers to all tasks.

Task Answer

Amy was clothes shopping. She was trying on new outfits when her mobile phone suddenly __ RING __. It was her friend Adam. He wanted to know if she needed any help __ STUDY __ for their history test.
‘Yes, please!’ said Amy. ‘I __ DO __ badly in the last test, so I really want to impress Mrs Sanders this time.’
They are arranged to meet at Adams house at seven o'clock. ‘I can’t find my history notes, so remember to bring __ YOU __’ said Adam.
At eight o'clock, Amy still __ NOT ARRIVE __. Adam was not happy.
'I can't wait any __ LONG __,’ he thought to himself.

He was just about to call his friend Tom when he heard a couple of __ WOMAN __ voices outside. It was Amy and an older woman. Adam opened the door. ‘Hi Adam,’ said Amy. ‘Sorry I’m a few minutes late. The bad news is that I __ LOSE __my history notes too.’
Amy smiled. ‘But don’t worry because this is a good friend of __ M.E. __ and she’s a history teacher!’

Amy was clothes shopping. She was trying on new outfits when her mobile phone suddenly RANG. It was her friend Adam. He wanted to know if she needed any help STUDYING for their history test.
‘Yes, please!’ said Amy. ‘I DID badly in the last test, so I really want to impress Mrs Sanders this time.’
They are arranged to meet at Adams house at seven o'clock. ‘I can’t find my history notes, so remember to bring YOURS' said Adam.
At eight o'clock, Amy still HAD NOT ARRIED. Adam was not happy.
'I can't wait any LONGER,’he thought to himself.
‘I’ll have to get the notes from someone else.’
He was just about to call his friend Tom when he heard a couple of WOMEN'S voices outside. It was Amy and an older woman. Adam opened the door. ‘Hi Adam,’ said Amy. ‘Sorry I’m a few minutes late. The bad news is that I HAVE LOST(you can LOST) my history notes too.’
Amy smiled. ‘But don’t worry because this is a good friend of MINE and she’s a history teacher!’

Task 2 on lexical-grammatical transformation

Read the text below. Transform words in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically appropriate to the context.

Task Answer

The Cyrillic alphabet is the alphabet used in Russian text. It is one of the most __ WIDE __ used alphabets in the world.

The alphabet is used in __ VARY __ languages, including Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian and Ukrainian.

It began in the __ TEN __ century in the Bulgarian Empire. It was created by two Greek brothers, Cyril and Methodius.

It was formed from the Greek alphabet, although there are many __ DIFFER __ between the two.

Some people would like the alphabet to be called the Russian alphabet, to refer to Russia, just as the Greek alphabet refers to Greece. They __ AGREE __ with the name Cyrillic.

The alphabet recently became the EU's third __ OFFICE __ script, after Latin and Greek, when Bulgaria joined the EU.

The Cyrillic alphabet is the alphabet used in Russian text. It is one of the most WIDELY used alphabets in the world.

The alphabet is used in VARIOUS languages, including Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian and Ukrainian.

It began in the TENTH century in the Bulgarian Empire. It was created by two Greek brothers, Cyril and Methodius.

It was formed from the Greek alphabet, although there are many DIFFERENCES between the two.

Some people would like the alphabet to be called the Russian alphabet, to refer to Russia, just as the Greek alphabet refers to Greece. They DISAGREE with the name Cyrillic.

The alphabet recently became the EU's third OFFICIAL script, after Latin and Greek, when Bulgaria joined the EU.

Task 3 on lexical-grammatical transformation

Read the text below. Transform words in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically appropriate to the context.

Task Answer

The ruble is the currency of Russia. It__ BE __ in use for around five centuries.

Sometimes, the ruble used in Russia __ KNOW __ as the Russian ruble. This is because some other countries also call their currencies rubles.

In the 1700s, Russian rubles __ MAKE __ with precious metals such as silver, gold and platinum.

The Russian government__ BEGIN __ printing paper monev until towards the end of the 1700s.

Russian rouble banknotes today have images of well-known places in Russia, as well as famous __ MAN __ in Russian history.

The banknotes have modern features that stop __ THEY __ from being copied illegally.

The __ HIGH __ amount that appears on a banknote is 5,000 Russian rubles. After that, there are banknotes worth 1,000, 100, 50, 10 and 5 rubles.

However, there are also 5- and 10-rouble coins, and these are used __ COMMONLY __ than the 5- and 10-rouble banknotes.

Because 5-rouble coins are used so often, the government decided to stop __ PRINT __ the 5-rouble banknotes any more.

The ruble is the currency of Russia. It HAS BEEN in use for around five centuries.

Sometimes, the ruble used in Russia IS KNOWN as the Russian ruble. This is because some other countries also call their currencies rubles.

In the 1700s, Russian roubles WERE MADE with precious metals such as silver, gold and platinum.

The Russian government DID NOT BEGIN printing paper money until towards the end of the 1700s.

Russian rouble banknotes today have images of well-known places in Russia, as well as famous MEN in Russian history.

The banknotes have modern features that stop THEM from being copied illegally.

The HIGHEST amount that appears on a banknote is 5,000 Russian rubles. After that, there are banknotes worth 1,000, 100, 50, 10 and 5 rubles.

However, there are also 5- and 10-rouble coins, and these are used MORE COMMONLY than the 5- and 10-rouble banknotes.

Because 5-rouble coins are used so often, the government decided to stop PRINTING the 5-rouble banknotes any more.

Task 4 on lexical-grammatical transformation

Read the text below. Transform words in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically appropriate to the context.

Task Answer

Gina was going to play the part of a very old woman in the school play. She was looking forward to the first __ PERFORM __ of the show.

A few minutes before going on stage, she had an accident. She didn’t notice a box on the floor, fell over it, and hurt her knee very __ BAD __ .

She could barely walk and she didn’t know what to do. She felt __ USE __ .

Then she remembered the expression “the show must go on”. Although Gina's pain was __ TERROR __ , she decided to carry on with the play.

Every second on stage was really __ PAIN __ , but somehow she managed it.

Everyone thought her acting was very __ IMPRESS __ and that she really looked like an old lady!

Gina was going to play the part of a very old woman in the school play. She was looking forward to the first PERFORMANCE of the show.

A few minutes before going on stage, she had an accident. She didn’t notice a box on the floor, fell over it, and hurt her knee very BADLY.

She could barely walk and she didn’t know what to do. She felt USELESS.

Then she remembered the expression “the show must go on”. Although Gina's pain was TERRIBLE, she decided to carry on with the play.

Every second on stage was really PAINFUL, but somehow she managed it.

Everyone thought her acting was very IMPRESSIVE and that she really looked like an old lady!

Task 5 on lexical-grammatical transformation

Read the text below. Transform words in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically appropriate to the context.

Task Answer

Frank’s birthday is on 6th July. Last year, he decided to have a big party for all his friends as it __ BE __ his sixteenth birthday.

In previous years, his parents had refused to let him have a party, so he __ FEEL __ very excited when they said yes this time.

‘This is going to be the __ GOOD __ party ever!’ he told his friend, Charlie. ‘Will you help me?’

'Sure' __ REPLY __ Charlie, because he liked the idea. So they started planning the party together.

Charlie and Frank had to lots of __ PARTY __ so they knew what to do.

‘What we need is some good music,’ said Frank. ‘We’ve got lots of MP3s, but it would be great if we __ HAVE __ a sound system to play them really loudly.’

‘That’s a good idea,’ Charlie agreed. ‘My cousin is a DJ, so I’ll ask him if we can borrow __ HE __equipment.’

‘I __ THINK __ your cousin was a policeman ’ Frank said, confused. Charlie told him that he had nineteen cousins.

‘Oh, yes, your family is much bigger than __ I __ ’ said Frank. ‘Just don’t invite them all to the party!’

Franks birthday is on 6th July. Last year, he decided to have a big party for all his friends as it W.A.S. his sixteenth birthday.

In previous years, his parents had refused to let him have a party, so he FELT very excited when they said yes this time.

‘This is going to be the BEST party ever!’ he told his friend, Charlie. ‘Will you help me?’

'Sure' REPLIED Charlie, because he liked the idea. So they started planning the party together.

Charlie and Frank had to lots of PARTIES so they knew what to do.

‘What we need is some good music,’ said Frank. ‘We’ve got lots of MP3s, but it would be great if we HAD a sound system to play them really loudly.’

‘That’s a good idea,’ Charlie agreed. ‘My cousin is a DJ, so I’ll ask him if we can borrow HIS equipment.’

‘I THOUGHT your cousin was a policeman ’ Frank said, confused. Charlie told him that he had nineteen cousins.

‘Oh, yes, your family is much bigger than MINE’ said Frank. ‘Just don’t invite them all to the party!’

Task 6 on lexical-grammatical transformation

Read the text below. Transform words in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically appropriate to the context.

Task Answer

Have you heard of the English city of York? It's one of the most __ FAME __ cities in the UK.

The Romans started the city in 71 AD. It quickly grew to become __ CENTER __ to the Roman Empire as a military base.

In 211, Constantine I was crowned Emperor in York. This was__ REAL __ unusual and special, as Emperors were almost always crowned in Rome.

The historical__ IMPORTANT __ of York is also symbolized by the Minster, one of the largest churches in the world.

The city burns down in a __ DISASTER __ fire in 1137, but managed to recover to become a center of trade and commerce by the 1500s.

Fire struck again in 1984 and the Minster was badly damaged, but __ FORTUNE __ , like the city itself, the Minster recovered its former glory to stand tall once again.

Have you heard of the English city of York? It's one of the most FAMOUS cities in the UK.

The Romans started the city in 71 AD. It quickly grew to become CENTRAL to the Roman Empire as a military base.

In 211, Constantine I was crowned Emperor in York. This was REALLY unusual and special, as Emperors were almost always crowned in Rome.

The historical IMPORTANCE of York is also symbolized by the Minster, one of the largest churches in the world.

The city burns down in a DISASTROUS fire in 1137, but managed to recover to become a center of trade and commerce by the 1500s.

Fire struck again in 1984 and the Minster was badly damaged, but FORTUNATELY, like the city itself, the Minster recovered its former glory to stand tall once again.

Task 7 on lexical-grammatical transformation

Read the text below. Transform words in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically appropriate to the context.

Task Answer

Do you remember the 2012 Olympics? The opening ceremony __ DIRECT __ by award-winning film-maker Danny Boyle.

Not many people expected the ceremony to be very good, despite __ HE __ excellent reputation as a director.

But, in the end, it was very successful. Almost everyone who__ SEE __ it said it was fantastic.

The show __ WATCH __ by more than 900 million people and lasted for four hours.

Many of the various sections of the show contained lots of __ CHILD __ and young people.

The aim of the ceremony was to give the world a taste of the __ GOOD __ of British culture.

The sections featured everything from the Industrial Revolution to Britain’s literary heritage. These showed what the nation had achieved so far in __ IT __history.

One part of the ceremony appeared to show the Queen parachuting into the stadium. This has helped make her __ POPULAR __ than ever.

Of course, she didn’t really jump from a helicopter. Everyone __ KNOW __ it was a joke.

Do you remember the 2012 Olympics? The opening ceremony WAS DIRECT by award-winning film-maker Danny Boyle.

Not many people expected the ceremony to be very good, despite HIS excellent reputation as a director.

But, in the end, it was very successful. Almost everyone who SAW it said it was fantastic.

The show WAS WATCHED by more than 900 million people and lasted for four hours.

Many of the various sections of the show contained lots of CHILDREN and young people.

The aim of the ceremony was to give the world a taste of the BEST of British culture.

The sections featured everything from the Industrial Revolution to Britain’s literary heritage. These showed what the nation had achieved so far in ITS history.

One part of the ceremony appeared to show the Queen parachuting into the stadium. This has helped make her MORE POPULAR than ever.

Of course, she didn’t really jump from a helicopter. Everyone KNEW it was a joke.

Task 8 on lexical-grammatical transformation

Read the text below. Transform words in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically appropriate to the context.

Task Answer

I grew up in the UK in the 1980s. During my__ CHILD __ there wasn’t always a lot to do in the summer holidays.

On the rare occasions when it was a warm __ SUN __ day, we’d go for a picnic on Blackpool beach.

As far as my family were concerned, there was nothing more __ ENJOY __ than eating sandwiches on the beach.

We hardly ever went swimming, though, as the water was often __ EXTREME __cold. So we would just play on the wet sand.

But even if we were __ LUCKY __ with the weather and it started raining, we could always go for some fish and chips.

Nothing gave us more pleasure after a __ TIRE __ day at the seaside.

I grew up in the UK in the 1980s. During my CHILDHOOD there wasn’t always a lot to do in the summer holidays.

On the rare occasions when it was a warm SUNNY day, we’d go for a picnic on Blackpool beach.

As far as my family were concerned, there was nothing more ENJOYABLE than eating sandwiches on the beach.

We hardly ever went swimming, though, as the water was often EXTREMELY cold. So we would just play on the wet sand.

But even if we were UNLUCKY with the weather and it started raining, we could always go for some fish and chips.

Nothing gave us more pleasure after a TIRING day at the seaside.

Task 9 on lexical-grammatical transformation

Read the text below. Transform words in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically appropriate to the context.

Task Answer

Lisa was getting ready for bed. She'd just brushed her __ TOOTH __ and was deciding which book to read in bed.

As usual, she was thinking about a million other things at the same time. 'Daddy's got the __ INTERESTING __ job in the whole world,’ she thought.

I wonder if I’ll be a teacher like Daddy when I’m __ OLD __ ,’she then thought. ‘Maybe I’ll be an astronaut.’

She smiled to __ SHE __ at the idea of ​​speeding through space in a spaceship.

Then she stopped __ SMILE __. ‘But if I’m an astronaut. I’ll be away from my family, friends and cat.’

She __ KNOW __ it was impossible to be an astronaut and see her family all the time.

She __ MAKE __ a decision. ‘I won’t do that job, then. I want to see my cat every evening.’

At that moment, her cat Timothy __ COME __ into the room. Timothy looked at her, as if to say: ‘I want to see you every day, too.’


Lisa was getting ready for bed. She'd just brushed her TEETH and was deciding which book to read in bed.

As usual, she was thinking about a million other things at the same time. 'Daddy's got the MOST INTERESTING job in the whole world,’ she thought.

I wonder if I’ll be a teacher like Daddy when I’m OLDER,’ she then thought. ‘Maybe I’ll be an astronaut.’

She smiled to HERSELF at the idea of ​​speeding through space in a spaceship.

Then she stopped SMILING. ‘But if I’m an astronaut. I’ll be away from my family, friends and cat.’

She KNEW it was impossible to be an astronaut and see her family all the time.

She MADE a decision. ‘I won’t do that job, then. I want to see my cat every evening.’

At that moment, her cat Timothy CAME into the room. Timothy looked at her, as if to say: ‘I want to see you every day, too.’

‘Now,’ said Lisa. ‘What book do you want __ M.E. __ to read to you before bed tonight, Timothy?’

Task 10 on lexical-grammatical transformation

Read the text below. Transform words in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically appropriate to the context.

Task Answer

Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 and died in 1973. He’s an extremely well-known __ PAINT __.

Although he was born in Spain, he spent most of his __ AMAZE __ life in Paris.

Most of Picassos pictures are quite __ USUAL __ to look at, as they contain strange shapes and very weird faces.

His pictures are very bright. __ VIEW __ often say they are dramatic works of art.

Picasso had close __ FRIEND __ with several other famous people from that time, including Henri Matisse and Gertrude Stein.

His talent was widely recognized during his lifetime, and when people think of the greatest artists of all time, they __ GENERAL __ think of him.

Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 and died in 1973. He’s an extremely well-known PAINTER.

Although he was born in Spain, he spent most of his AMAZING life in Paris.

Most of Picassos pictures are quite UNUSUAL to look at, as they contain strange shapes and very weird faces.

His pictures are very bright. VIEWERS often say they are dramatic works of art.

Picasso had close FRIENDSHIPS with several other famous people from that time, including Henri Matisse and Gertrude Stein.

His talent was widely recognized during his lifetime, and when people think of the greatest artists of all time, they GENERALLY think of him.

Task 11 on lexical-grammatical transformation

Read the text below. Transform words in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically appropriate to the context.

Task Answer

Red Square is a city square in the center of Moscow. It__ CONSIDER __ by some people to be the center of all of Russia.

Its name __ NOT COME __ from the red bricks that make up the square, nor from any connection to a type of government.

Rather, the word ‘red’ in Russian can also mean ‘beautiful’. As the square has grand and beautiful buildings, __ IT __ appearance is indeed lovely.

Originally, the square __ DESIGN __ to be a market-place, but it has also been used for other purposes.

Official ceremonies__ TAKE __ place there over the years, such as the crowning of tsars in past centuries.

Around the square, there __ BE __ several important buildings, such as the Kremlin and St Basils Cathedral.

In 1990. Red Square__ BECOME __ a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with the Kremlin.

Red Square is also used for rock concerts __ THIS __ days. Performers such as Paul McCartney, Shakira and the Red Hot Chili Peppers have played there.

McCartneys band, The Beatles, was not allowed to play in Russia. McCartnev, however, was the __ TWO __ Beatle to perform in Russia, after Ringo Starr played there in 1998.

Red Square is a city square in the center of Moscow. It IS CONSIDER by some people to be the center of all of Russia.

Its name DOES NOT COME from the red bricks that make up the square, nor from any connection to a type of government.

Rather, the word ‘red’ in Russian can also mean ‘beautiful’. As the square has grand and beautiful buildings, ITS appearance is indeed lovely.

Originally, the square WAS DESIGNED to be a market-place, but it has also been used for other purposes.

Official ceremonies HAVE TAKEN place there over the years, such as the crowning of tsars in past centuries.

Around the square, there ARE several important buildings, such as the Kremlin and St Basils Cathedral.

In 1990. Red Square BECAME a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with the Kremlin.

Red Square is also used for rock concerts THESE days. Performers such as Paul McCartney, Shakira and the Red Hot Chili Peppers have played there.

McCartneys band, The Beatles, was not allowed to play in Russia. McCartnev, however, was the SECOND Beatle to perform in Russia, after Ringo Starr played there in 1998.

Task 12 on lexical-grammatical transformation

Read the text below. Transform words in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically appropriate to the context.

Task Answer

When Nick returned from his holiday, he met his friend Jill for a drink. She asked him if he had had a __ RELAX __ time.

Nick said he’d really enjoyed swimming and visiting all the __ ATTRACT __ but that it hadn’t all been perfect.

Because of this, Jill asked him what had made him __ HAPPY __ during the trip.

'You can't __ EASY __ enjoy vourself when you’re sweating all the time,’ he said.

Jill reminded him that now he was back in London, where it was gray and __ CLOUD __.

‘I know’ said Nick, ‘but __ LUCKY __I still have some sunburn from Thailand to keep me warm!’

When Nick returned from his holiday, he met his friend Jill for a drink. She asked him if he had had a RELAXING time.

Nick said he’d really enjoyed swimming and visiting all the ATTRACTIONS but that it hadn’t all been perfect.

Because of this, Jill asked him what had made him UNHAPPY during the trip.

Nick replied that he hadn’t really liked the hot weather.
'You can't EASILY enjoy vourself when you’re sweating all the time,’ he said.

Jill reminded him that now he was back in London, where it was gray and CLOUDY.

‘I know’ said Nick, ‘but LUCKILY I still have some sunburn from Thailand to keep me warm!’

Basic general education

English language

OGE-2018 in English. Grammar and vocabulary

Section 3 “Grammar and Vocabulary” of the OGE in English includes 2 tasks.

Tasks 18–26 (maximum score - 9 points) test the skills of forming grammatical forms, tasks 27-32 (maximum score - 6 points) test word formation skills. The recommended time to complete this section is 30 minutes. The maximum score is 15 points.

Read the text below. Transform the words printed in capital letters at the end of lines numbered 18–26 so that they grammatically match the content of the text. Fill in the blanks with the given words. Each gap corresponds to a separate task 18–26.

Methodical hint

To successfully complete this OGE task in English, it is recommended to repeat:

  • The tenses of the group are present, past, future;
  • Constructions be going to, used to etc.;
  • Passive voice;
  • Relative clause;
  • Modals;
  • Conditionals (types 0, 1, 2, 3);
  • Reported speech;
  • Gerund and infinitive;
  • Countable and uncountable nouns;
  • Pronouns and possessive determiners;
  • Articles;
  • Prepositions of time and place;
  • Questions, question tags, indirect questions;
  • Comparatives and superlatives;
  • Connectives;
  • The causative;
  • Both, either, neither, so, nor;
  • So and such, too and enough.

You also need to pay special attention to:

  • Irregular verbs;
  • Phrasal verbs;
  • Prepositional phrases;
  • Wordpatterns;
  • Wordformation.

The workbook is an integral part of the educational and methodological set Enjoy English / “English with pleasure” for the 9th grade. The content of the workbook is closely related to the textbook and is aimed at consolidating the material studied in class. The workbook contains exercises designed to develop students' grammatical, vocabulary and spelling skills, as well as to develop writing, reading and listening skills.

Let's start the task.

Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story happened to __________________ when they had to leave their home city, London, during the war.

They __________________ to the house of an old Professor who lived in the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station.

He __________________ a wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper.

He himself was a very old man with white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head. The children liked him almost at once. Only Lucy, who was the __________________ of them, felt a little afraid of him.

On their __________________ evening, after dinner, they said good night to the Professor and went upstairs. It was the largest house they had ever seen, so Peter suggested exploring it in the morning.

When the next morning came, there was a steady rain falling. "I wish the weather __________________ more cheerful!" said Edmund.

"Stop complaining, Ed," said Susan. "I think the weather __________________ soon."

"We were going to explore the house," Peter reminded them. He __________________ a sandwich at the moment and was absolutely happy with the whole situation.

Everyone nodded and at that point their amazing adventures __________________.

This manual is an integral part of the educational and methodological set "English" for grade 9 of the "Rainbow English" series by O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheeva, K. M. Baranova. It includes exercises for additional practice of the lexical and grammatical material of the textbook.


We read the presented texts (this can be one text) in order to have a general idea of ​​what we are talking about. Next we fill in the blanks.

Number 18. Personal pronoun written THEY, this pronoun is not a subject in the text, therefore, it is necessary to use an object pronoun, namely THEM.

Number 19. Given verb SEND. First of all, it is necessary to determine in what form the verb should be used: active or passive. When performing a task, we can use the following approaches:

  • First, you can rely directly on the context, which makes it clear that the children were sent to the old professor's house.
  • Secondly, the verb SEND is a transitive verb, after which an object is required, which is not in our sentence, which excludes the active form.

When translating the sentence, it becomes clear that the children could not send the house, which means that the subject THEY is subject to action from another subject or object, it is obvious that the verb must be put in the passive voice. The next step is to determine in what tense form to use the verb, for this we again turn to the context. The first three sentences are used in the simple past tense (Past Simple). Determine the time marker. In our case, it is when they had to leave to their home city, London, during the war. The correct form is WERE SENT.

Number 20. Given verb NOT/HAVE

  1. Context.
  2. Active or passive voice.
  3. Tense form of the verb.

From the context it becomes clear that the verb will be in the active voice, since the subject he took action. We determine whether the narrative refers to the past tense and in what tense the verbs are used, before and after the omission. Verb lived used in the Past Simple, which gives us the right to put this verb at the same time didn't have / didn't have. However, in order to emphasize that the actions of one verb occurred obviously before the other, you can put this verb in the Past Perfect ( hadn't had/hadn't had), which is also a grammatically correct solution to the problem. The sentence uses 2 verbs, where the actions of one obviously occurred before the other, in order to emphasize this fact, we put the verb have in Past Perfect.

Number 21. Adjective given YOUNG. Before the gap we see the definite article the, which is a marker for the formation of the superlative degree of an adjective. Additional markers are words of them. From the context it is clear that the adjective needs to be converted into some form. In our case, this is a superlative form, since the adjective is preceded by a definite article the and additional marker of them (the YOUNGEST of them).

Number 22. Cardinal number ONE, therefore, the only possible form is the ordinal number FIRST.

Number 23. Given verb BE. In the sentence the design I wish(type I conditional sentence). The context suggests that Edmond wanted the weather to be different at the time he talks about it. In such situations, we use conditional sentence type I wish + Past Simple. This construction assumes, regardless of the person, the form of the verb to be (W.A.S. or WERE). Both options are considered correct.

Number 24. Given verb IMPROVE. We carry out the analysis in the traditional way.

1. Context.

From the context it becomes clear that the verb will be in the active voice. The context requires the use of the future tense. Phrase I think is an indicator of the grammatical tense of the Future Simple, but does not exclude the use of the construction to be going to, also used to express the future tense. Correct answer - WILL IMPROVE / 'LL IMPROVE / IS GOING TO IMPROVE.

Number 25. Given verb EAT. We carry out the analysis in the traditional way.

1. Context.
2. Active or passive voice.
3. Tense form of the verb.

From the context it becomes clear that the verb will be in the active voice. Availability of grammatical tense indicator at the moment tells us about the need to use tenses of the Continuous group, and the presence of a second verb was(Past Simple) requires coordination of tenses. Correct answer - WAS EATING(Past Continuous).

Number 26. Given verb BEGIN. We carry out the analysis in the traditional way.

1. Context.
2. Active or passive voice.
3. Tense form of the verb.

From the context it becomes clear that the verb will be in the active voice. First verb in a sentence NODDED(Past Simple), since events happen sequentially, we use the Past Simple again. Correct answer - BEGAN.

Answers to tasks 18 to 26: 18 - them;19 – were sent; 20 – did not have/didn’t have/had not had/hadn’t had; 21 - youngest; 22 – first; 23 – was/were; 24 – will improve/’ll improve/is going to improve; 25 – was eating; 26 – began.

The workbook is part of the educational and methodological set "Forward" for grade 9 and complements the textbook with a system of tasks that ensure the comprehensive development of skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. The notebook includes self-tests with answers.

Task 2

Read the text below. Transform the words printed in capital letters at the end of lines numbered 27–32 so that they are grammatically and lexically consistent with the content of the text. Fill in the blanks with the given words. Each omission corresponds to a separate task 27–32.

Methodical hint

This part tests word formation skills. The task in the specification is formulated as “tasks to fill in a gap in a connected text by forming a related word from the proposed reference word” using suffixes and prefixes. The key to success in completing this task is two factors: the correct identification of the part of speech that needs to be inserted instead of the gap, and knowledge of word-forming suffixes and prefixes. We read the text, paying attention to the words before the gaps and following it. We determine the missing part of speech, as well as whether the missing word has a negative or affirmative connotation.

People travel a lot nowadays. Planes are considered to be the most __________________ means of transport but for some people airports can be a nightmare.

There are __________________ queues when you check in and you waste lots of time if your flight is delayed.

However, there are some airports where you can __________________ enjoy yourself.

For example, you’ll never be bored at Hong Kong’s international airport. There are thousands of people from __________________ countries here but the passengers never experience any problems because everything is well organized.

There are attendants in red coats, who help you to get from one place to another. It’s very good for people with no sense of __________________.

The attendants are always very polite and __________________.


Number 27. Planes are considered to be the most... The construction the most requires the use of an adjective after it. To form an adjective from the word COMFORT, you need to add the suffix –ABLE. The correct answer is COMFORTABLE.

Number 28. There are _____queues... In this situation, after the construction There are It can be either a noun or an adjective that specifies it. We already have a noun – queues. Accordingly, we will add an adjective. The context requires the use of an adjective with the meaning “infinite”. The prefix BES = the suffix LESS in English. Correct answer - ENDLESS.

Number 29.…where can you _________enjoy yourself how? It is logical to use an adverb (adjective + LY). We re-read the paragraph with the inserted word - the meaning is preserved. Correct answer - ACTUALLY.

Number 30. There are thousands of people from __________ countries... In this situation, after the construction There are there can be either a noun or an adjective that specifies it. We already have a noun – countries. In order to from a verb DIFFER to convert the adjective we need to add the suffix -ENT. Correct answer - DIFFERENT.

Number 31.…with no sense of ___________. Sense of direction is a stable expression, where direction is a noun. In order to form from the word DIRECT noun we must add the suffix –ION. Correct answer - DIRECTION.

Number 32. The attendants are always very polite and __________. The context requires the use of a second adjective with a positive assessment. To form from a word HELP the adjective “responsive” we need to add the suffix – FUL. Correct answer - HELPFUL.

Answers to tasks 27 to 32: 27 – comfortable; 28 – endless; 29 – actually; 30 – different; 31 – direction; 32 – helpful.

pay attention to work program in English for UMK Forward for grades 2-4 And work program English as a second foreign language for grades 5-9. Available for viewing and free download.


1. Translate the following words. Name the part of speech.

Brotherhood, helpless, boredom, unequal, deepen, golden, leader, Japanese, secondary, anti-fascist, similar, peacemaker, surgery, furniture, comical, convenient, acceptable, achievement, anonymous, academician, Georgian, disarmament, witty, hysterical, co-existence, scientific, purify, materialist, rootless, international, measurement, underground, creature, dirty, apologize, agrarian, absoluteness, inventor, technical, various, tactless, creature.

2. Form adjectives from nouns using the following suffixes: -al, -ful, -ous, -у, -able, -ible, -ic, -less, -ish. Translate the pairs of words.

Reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, office, danger, fame, electron, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home.

2.Read the texts below. Transform words printed in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically consistent with the content of the texts. Fill in the gaps with the given words - adjectives.

All my classmates say that I’m (1 TREND)________. I enjoy wearing (2 STYLE)________ clothes. I like to look smart and (3 ATTRACT)________. We can’t go through life with the same hairstyle or make-up. It’s very (4 IMPORTANCE)_________ to follow fashion. I hate when people dress alike, because they buy clothes in “chain” stores. I prefer hand-made or design clothes. My classmates say that I’m (5 MATERIALIST)________, but it’s not a sin, is it? Sometimes I turn up in something really (6 EXTRAVAGANCE)_________. When you are up with fashion you feel you are individual.

Key: 1 trendy, 2 stylish, 3 attractive, 4 important, 5 materialistic, 6 extravagant.

3.The United States is a large country with many (1 DIFFER)__________ natural wonders. It goes from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the islands of Hawaii in the Pacific, and from cold, snowy (2 NORTH)__________ Alaska to (3 SUN)_________ Florida in the southeast. Also, it has many kinds of land – (4 ROCK)________ coasts, dry empty deserts, (5 POWER)__________ rivers, wide plains and grasslands, lakes of all sizes, high mountains, great forests, sunny beaches and lands of (6 END)__________ winter. More than 250 million people live in the US. But the country is very big, so there is still a lot of open space and (7 NATURE)_______ scenery outside the cities. Americans have tried to save many of the most (8 BEAUTY)__________ wild areas of the United States. There are a lot of parks, forests and wildlands where you can enjoy the beauty and power of wild America. The Grand Canyon, Yosemite Valley, and Yellow-stone are among the most (9 FAME)________.

KEY: 1 different, 2 northern, 3 sunny, 4 rocky, 5 powerful, 6 endless, 7 natural, 8 beautiful, 9 famous 7.

4.Read the texts below. Transform words printed in capital letters so that they are grammatically and lexically consistent with the content of the texts. Fill in the gaps with the given words – nouns and adjectives.

The Olympic Games are an (1 NATION)___________ sports festival that began in ancient Greece. The (2 ORIGIN)_________ Greek games took place every fourth year for several hundred years, until they were brought to an end in the early (3 CHRIST)__________ era. The Olympic games were renewed in 1896, and since then they have been staged every fourth years, except during World War I and World War II. Perhaps the main (4 DIFFER)_________ between ancient and modern Olympics is that for the ancient Greeks the Games were a way of saluting their gods, when the modern Games are a manner of saluting the (5 ATHLETE)________ talents of people of all nation . The original Olympics included (6 COMPETE)__________ in music, oratory, and theater (7 PERFORM)_________ as well. The modern Games haven’t got them, but they represent a lot more sports than before. For two weeks and a half any international conflicts must be stopped and replaced with friendly competitions. This is the noble idea on which the modern Olympic (8 MOVE)________ is based.

Key: 1 international, 2 original, 3 Christian, 4 difference, 5 athletic, 6 competitions, 7 performances, 8 movement.


Slide captions:

Teaching vocabulary and grammar in preparation for the OGE

What advice can you give for these tasks? Before completing tasks 18-26, filling in the blanks, you must read the entire story or the entire text in order to understand the content. The hint for choosing the correct grammatical form of a word is not necessarily found in the sentence itself, but may be, for example, in the previous sentence. If you need to put a verb into the required form, first of all, determine in what voice (active or passive) the predicate is. (this point is very important, since children often do not see this, so I constantly focus on this!)

When determining the tense form of a verb, pay attention to key words (or as I call them, “clue words”). Look in the sentence for those words that will help you determine the right time. If there are none, then read the previous sentence and see what tense the verb is in. Usually in a text all sentences are interconnected. Often the task requires forming a participle (the third form of the verb) or a gerund from a verb (the ending - ing is added to the verb). Determine whether this participle is active (gerund) or passive (third form of the verb).

If the task contains a numeral, for example, two, then most likely you need to form an ordinal number, for example, second. If you need to transform a pronoun, determine what form is required, for example the pronoun We. Think about what could be here: our (immediately followed by a noun), us, ourselves or ours (without a noun). If we are talking about a demonstrative pronoun, then look at what the number of units can be. or more (this-these)

If you need to transform a noun, then you need to remember the rules for forming the plural of nouns. There are often exceptions (mouse – mice, man-men). If you need to transform an adjective, then here we are talking about degrees of comparison. This is either comparative or excellent (bad – worse - the worst).

Verb transformations Read the sentences and complete the gaps in the correct form 1. I always ____ (drink) milk for my breakfast but today I_____ (have) a cup of hot cocoa. 2. Julia is sick so she_____ (not come) to our meeting today. Let's start. 3. Open the door! Someone ______(just ring) the bell for the second time. 4. While Frank____ (study) last night, his sister____ (make) ten calls on his mobile. 5. I____ (write) most of my report yesterday but I(finish) it yet. (drink, am having, /hasn’t come, /has just rung, /was studying, made,/wrote, haven’t finished)

Read the text and write the appropriate form of the word given under numbers 18-26 Playing Children ……… (ENJOY 18) playing since the first humans walked on the Earth thousands of years ago. Playing………..(SEEM 19)to be an important way for children to learn how to work together. It also helps…… (THEY 20)find out how the world works. Indeed, many scientists think that one of the ………(GOOD 21) ways for children to learn a foreign language, for example, is to learn while playing games. Children play games and play with toys, but what ………… (BE 22)the differences between games and toys? Firstly, toys………. (NOT HAVE 23)rules or winners and losers. Most games do. Secondly, a toy is always a physical thing that someone …………….. (24 MAKE). Monopoly, for example,………….. (25NEED) physical equipment but others, like word games, do not . Keys 18 have enjoyed / 19 seems / 20 them / 21 best / 22 are / 23 don’t have / 24 has made / 25 needs

Wordbuilding - ly -able un- im - -y - dom - il re- -or(er) - ment - ful - ing -(t)ion -al

Name the verbs from which the following nouns are formed: protection, show, writer, worker, movement, investigation, achievement, statement, reader, department, equipment, construction, organization, reporter, arrival, improvement, conductor, establishment, development, education, definition , regulation, assistance, agreement.

Find and highlight the suffixes in these words and determine which part of speech these words belong to: British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful , useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom. Form verbs using the suffix - en: Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp Form adverbs using the suffix -1у: Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short , silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.


Board Games Choose the correct words. Playing a board game is ___(popular/ unpopular) way of spending time but the board game has also a long___ (history/ historical). ____(Historicals /Historians)think that one of the oldest board games was called Senet . It was (discovered/ uncovered) in tombs from Ancient Egypt in the 4th century BC. The board has thirty squares and two sets of___(pieces/peaces) made of different______(products/ production) . Although no-one knows exactly how to play Senet , some____(experts/exports) believe it is similar to backgammon. The history of backgammon itself goes back approximately 5,000years.(Archaeologists/Archaeology) working in Iran have found that a similar game was played there around 3,000 BC.

VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE be angry angry decide decisive decision (indecisive) live life alive hate hatred hateful pain pain painful die death dead poison poison poisonous (poisoned) suspect suspect suspicious depress depression depressing (depressive) behave behavior -- offend offensive offensive

Complete the sentences with a word from exercise 1 1. Mark never believes anything to say, he always thinks people are trying to trick him. He is a very ……… person.(suspicious) 2. Steve was a bit ……..and upset after he failed his driving test, but he's fine now.(depressed) 3. Kate is often…… She can't make her mind up about anything, she takes a long time to…..what she wants to do.(indecisive, decide) 4.The children were very naughty in class today. That kind of….. Is not acceptable, the teacher is going to speak to them about it. (behaviour)

Word Formation 1. W ales is part of the United Kingdom, so you can’t really call it an ____(depend) country. 2. Summer’s here again, and sale of sof sunglasses, swimsuits and the like are a____(boom) business. 3. I asked my sister to lend me her T-shirt; ___(surprise), she said 'yes'! 4. Everyone asks Pauline for advice as she’s the most____ (experience) member of the stuff. 5. After the war, many people had to live in ____ (crowd) flats and houses. (Independent,/booming/,surprisingly/,experienced/, overcrowded)

Complete the article with the correct form of the word. DEVELOP 1. A good diet and lots of exercise are essential for a child’s healthy growth and____. 2.I took a history course that dealt with the ____of popular culture. 3. It became clear that he____ like all the other little boys. 4. I’m looking for a job which will enable me to_____ my talent. 5. Sharks have a highly____ sense of smell. 6. ______ countries have little industry or wealth but have the ability to grow economically.

Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line: CHINA Two centuries ago China was seen as a (0)……. of mystery combine (0) combination and wasteland. Its only (1) ….. export was tea. However, fame (1)………………… over the years (2)….. in China has changed. Many have lived (2)……………. noted the change in Chinese (3)…….. especially the social (3)………………… (4)……… of its people. treat (4)……………. A (5)………. of the West and the East is now found in mix (5)……………modern businesses. The (6)…….. of weapons and the product (6)…………… growth of its army have made China a world power. But urban development has been (7)…….. to the Chinese. harm (7)…………… Thousands of (8)….. peasant farmers have been lucky (8)…………… attracted to the new cities. Their (9)…… of the land is forgotten and many die know (9)………… homeless. China’s future is (10)…….; no one knows what will predictable (10)…………. happen next.