Similar words for the word “to chill.” Rhyming words for "chill" etymology

Similar words found for chill: 28

The part of speech of the word chilly is a verb, the root of the word is chilly, has the following cognates:

chilled freezing cold freezing freezing freezing cold freezing cold chilly

Related words for “chill” are words with the root “chill”, belonging to different parts of speech, and at the same time close in meaning.

The ability to correctly find common root- an important skill that helps in learning the extremely difficult Russian language.

What should you be guided by in order to choose the correct cognates for the word chill? It is impossible to successfully complete this task - to find cognate / cognate words for chill - without knowing the definitions of morpheme, prefix, root, suffix, ending. We will help you learn the basic principles of searching for cognate words by learning what a root is and what meaning other morphemes play when searching for cognate words to zyabnit, or to select related parts of speech to the word zyablit from our online dictionary with an automatic root detection function.

You are now on the page "Synonyms for chill", and in our online dictionary we will help you understand the word chill by composition. Select the root chill, suffix, prefix and ending, as well as detailed word-formation analysis.

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