Review of the most New Year's books for children. Books with short tales about the New Year

Puffy books that will tell kids about the New Year

Ideal for children up to 2 years old, donut books about the New Year. They are easy to leaf through with small fingers and comfortable to hold in hands:

There are even gift donut books separately for girls and boys:

Gift books about the New Year with game elements

Books about the New Year with game elements will also appeal to the little ones. A book in the form of a rattle, a book with laces, a book in the form of a pair of mittens, a book with ribbon ties, a set of baby books that fit together like a puzzle - wonderful and useful gifts for a baby under the Christmas tree:

Cardboard books about the New Year for kids

Children can also be offered bright cardboard books with a New Year theme:

Books with poems for little ones on a New Year's theme

The days before New Year's are the right time to read good poems with your child dedicated to the wonderful New Year holiday.

The book “Christmas Night” by K. K. Moore can be purchased at Ozone.

Books with short tales about the New Year

For kids who like the image of Santa Claus, we recommend reading a series of picture books about him, only a little one. Surely the child will understand the thoughts and experiences of Little Santa Claus:

For children over 1.5-2 years old who already have favorite characters, publishing houses have prepared books about how popular book characters celebrate the New Year - Elmer the Elephant, Baby Lama, Karlchen the Bunny, Lulu the Turtle, Russell the Sheep:

Books dedicated to creativity with kids before the New Year

And of course, the New Year is an excellent theme for creativity together with the kids:

Books about the New Year are a pleasant and interesting part of preparing for this wonderful holiday. They will help you not only introduce your child to New Year’s traditions, but also provide topics for discussion and stimulate speech and intellectual development. And most importantly, books will give your child a joyful mood and a feeling of celebration!

Happy New Year to you and your family!

It seems to me that every year preparations for the New Year begin earlier and earlier. And although in my plans the beginning of my daughter’s moral preparation for the New Year was somewhere in early December, shops and shopping centers with their decorated Christmas trees mercilessly destroyed my plans, my daughter is already very interested in the holiday. Therefore, we have to comply and now diligently think about New Year's fun. And I started by selecting books that will create a winter-New Year mood for us throughout December (and the beginning of January, probably too).

In this article I will talk about the New Year's books that we read last year when my daughter was 2 years old. Well, a little later I’ll publish what’s prepared for this winter, i.e. a selection of New Year's books for children aged 3 years and older. As usual, I only include in the list what I liked.

So, children's books about New Year and Christmas:

1. I. Surikov “Childhood” (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

I put this book number one because it has a special place in my heart. And it’s also one of my daughter’s favorites. For an excerpt from the well-known poem “Here is my village...” artist Mikhail Bychkov wrote absolutely incredible illustrations. They convey the atmosphere of a Russian village in winter so subtly that it seems that you can even feel the tingling of frost on your cheeks, and you can hear the howling of a blizzard outside the window. There is so much warmth, light and comfort in them.

For an adult, this book is nostalgic; reading it is as if you are immersing yourself in childhood, remembering something dear and long forgotten. For a child, this is a magical and very beautiful fairy tale with many amazing details, as well as an opportunity to get acquainted with peasant life.

2. E. Migunov “Winter fun” (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

Another wonderful winter book by a Russian author. And also in poetry. The book is thin, but ideal for creating a snowy winter mood. The poems are kind and playful, there are a lot of little children in the illustrations, and children love this passion.

With this book, a child can make a real discovery that from snow, it turns out, you can not only make a snowman, but also a hippopotamus, ducks, a camel, and, in general, anything!

3. (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

A book with a simple but very sweet story about the good watchman Uncle Willy. The plot is in many ways reminiscent of “Teremok”: poor frozen animals came on a cold winter night to the watchman, who did not refuse anyone a place to sleep and was ready to warm everyone under his blanket. Most of all, the book captivates with its cozy and very wintery mood: when the greatest pleasure is coming home from the cold and quickly warming up in the arms of those closest to you.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this publication is in softcover, which is a little surprising, since in this price category a book is usually given a hardcover.

4. (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

If in the first three books there was not a word about the New Year, then here, as is clear from the title, we finally got to this cherished holiday. The book will briefly tell the child who the Santa Clauses are and where they live. (At first, however, I was confused by the fact that there are a lot of Santa Clauses here) But this is not the main thread of the work. This story is not about an ordinary Santa Claus, but about a very small one. So small that he was not even allowed to engage in the main task of his life - giving gifts to children. However, every person, big or small, can find his own happiness and place in life, you just have to look around. This happened to little Santa Claus too. In other words, the main idea of ​​the book is that any person is significant and useful in this world, regardless of his size, age, or financial situation.

Reading “Little Santa Claus” usually causes a storm of emotions in the daughter: How did they leave Santa Claus alone in the forest? And why has no one ever given gifts to animals before? My fears about the large number of Santa Clauses were not confirmed; my daughter accepted this fact calmly and with understanding. In general, we liked the book, although there is not much text. That's why the age category is 2-3 years.

By the way, a whole series of books have been written about little Santa Claus, and there are also books about how he grows up, goes to town, travels around the world.

5. New Year’s collections with works by Suteev, Mikhalkov, Barto, Marshak and others. One of the best collections is “ Great New Year's gift» (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

Of course, the selection of books would be incomplete without New Year and winter works by Soviet writers, such as “The Christmas Tree” by Suteev, “Frost and Frost” by Mikhalkov, “It Was in January” by Barto, “Zaykina’s Fur Coat” by Muradyan, and it’s impossible to list everything. They are published, as a rule, in collections of the corresponding authors or in special New Year's collections, of which there are many now. I searched for a very, very long time and finally found the collection of my dreams - this “ Great New Year's gift» from the publishing house AST! It’s a pity that they released it only now; last year I couldn’t find a collection suitable for a two-year-old and we had to choose New Year’s fairy tales and poems from books Suteeva, Mikhalkova, Barto.

I’ll tell you about the advantages of the “Big New Year’s Gift”. Firstly, these are as many as 500 pages of New Year's reading! Really New Year's, and not as often happens in many pseudo-winter books, where everything is collected, but not fairy tales about the New Year and winter. Secondly, it is not so easy to find a collection for a two-year-old; basically all publications are designed for older children. And in this book, almost half of the content is quite understandable for a 2-year-old child, the rest can be read later (so the book is not for one year). Well, thirdly, this, of course, is the excellent content of the book - all the most beloved writers of our childhood in excellent design.


Among the shortcomings is, firstly, the book’s somewhat dubious durability. I'm afraid that, like many very thick books, it may suffer from constant use, especially since the binding is integral (this is something between hard and soft cover). Secondly, I didn’t really like the layout of the book: in some fairy tales, “the text overtakes the pictures” or vice versa, this is not very convenient, because you have to read the text first, and only then turn the page and look at the illustration. But personally, the shortcomings didn’t bother me too much; the content of this “New Year’s gift” was very tempting.

6. Tim Dowley "Christmas Night" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

An ideal book to introduce a child to the holiday of Christmas. And not just an acquaintance, but a very exciting and interesting one. Here the main biblical events are briefly and clearly told to the child. None of the children's Bibles that I have ever seen were written in such an accessible way that a two or three year old child could listen to it with pleasure. But the main highlight of the book, of course, is not this. The book has moving elements and opening windows on every page, which make the book very alive. You can knock with a hammer together with Joseph, rock the baby Jesus in Mary’s arms, open the window and see an angel appear. And on the last page you can also see a large three-dimensional nativity scene! But it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so watch the video.

7. " Snow Maiden» (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

A well-known winter Russian folk tale. I think every adult is familiar with it, it’s time for our children to know it too

Taisiya and I read a book from the Ripol Classic publishing house with patchwork inserts, the text in this book is simplified to the point of impossibility, I wanted it to be more authentic. Now there is a very good one on sale edition from Rech (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop) with magnificent illustrations and good editing of the text.

Yes, and if you decide to buy the collection " Great New Year's gift", then the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden" already exists.

8. " Mitten» (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

And another Russian folk tale on a winter theme. The plot is very simple. But the main value of the book is, of course, the illustrations by Luke Koopmans. They are gentle and calm. It is very interesting to track how, as the plot develops, the mitten becomes larger and larger, and the autumn landscape turns into a winter one, overgrown with ever deeper snowdrifts.

Although the book says age 2+, you can start reading earlier.

9. " What will happen on New Year's Day» (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

A very good collection of poems about the New Year and winter. There are Usachev, Barto, Cherny, Grigorieva. Last winter, my daughter and I read this book to bits. Taisiya learned many poems by heart. The illustrations are pleasant, very colorful, although they do not differ much in the variety of emotions on the faces of the characters.

10. A. Schmachtl “The Adventures of Julius Dandelion. Save the New Year" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

In the rabbit family, preparations for the New Year are in full swing, but in the pre-holiday bustle everyone has forgotten about the most important thing - the New Year tree. Little rabbit Julius decides to save the New Year and go in search of the Christmas tree on his own. Having overcome all the difficulties, he, of course, copes with this difficult task, and the whole family celebrates the New Year next to a Christmas tree decorated with carrots and apples.

The delicate watercolor illustrations in the book are beyond praise. A good book to create a magical pre-holiday mood.

11. Nancy Walker-Guy "The Best Gift for Christmas" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

My daughter and I liked this book, but I can’t say that it became a super hit like “ Childhood" or " Christmas night", For example. The narration here is calm and measured, there are few events taking place. But the topic of friendship is raised. A bear, a raccoon and a little hare went to visit their friend the badger, but on the way the wind took away all the gifts that the friends themselves had made for the badger. Naturally, this could not but upset the friends. However, the little badger, when meeting the guests, is not at all upset and utters the very correct and important words “Christmas with your best friends is the most wonderful gift.”

At the end of the story, the gifts are miraculously found and the holiday tree is decorated to the delight of everyone.

12. Rotraut Susanna Berner "Winter Book" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

And, of course, the inimitable “Winter Book” that no longer needs introduction! I have already written more than once about what Berner’s books are like; you can read more in detail.

As for the “Winter Book” specifically, it is very atmospheric: fluffy New Year’s snow covers the streets, the characters rush to buy and decorate holiday trees, prepare gifts, skate, ski, and even Santa Claus himself appears in the city!

There are an incredible amount of events and details in the book; it is simply not possible to review them at one time. So watch and watch all December!

13. Y. Kumykov “New Year’s story” (Labyrinth, My-shop)

I have already mentioned this toy book before, you can read it.

That's all. I hope the selection will help you decide on books for pre-New Year reading with your baby. If you liked the article, tell your friends about it, this can be done using the social media buttons right below the article. Thank you for your attention!

Hello everyone, I am writing the promised list of New Year and winter books for our children.

I'll start with books for ages 1-3 years.

1)I. Surikov "Childhood". For an excerpt from the well-known poem “Here is my village...” artist Mikhail Bychkov wrote absolutely incredible illustrations. They convey the atmosphere of a Russian village in winter so subtly that it seems that you can even feel the tingling of frost on your cheeks, and you can hear the howling of a blizzard outside the window. There is so much warmth, light and comfort in them. I already wrote about this book in a previous post, but I decided to remind you about it again, because it fits our topic perfectly.

For an adult, this book is nostalgic; reading it is as if you are immersing yourself in childhood, remembering something dear and long forgotten. For a child, this is a magical and very beautiful fairy tale with many amazing details, as well as an opportunity to get acquainted with peasant life.

2) Nick Butterworth “One Winter Night”

A book with a simple but very sweet story about the good watchman Uncle Willy. The plot is in many ways reminiscent of “Teremok”: poor frozen animals came on a cold winter night to the watchman, who did not refuse anyone a place to sleep and was ready to warm everyone under his blanket. Most of all, the book captivates with its cozy and very wintery mood: when the greatest pleasure is coming home from the cold and quickly warming up in the arms of those closest to you. The book can be started from 1.5 years old. The important point is that the book is paperback.

3) Anu Stoner “Little Santa Claus”

The book will briefly tell the child who the Santa Clauses are and where they live (although some may be confused by the fact that there are many Santa Clauses here). But this is not the main thing.This story is not about an ordinary Santa Claus, but about a very small one. So small that he was not even allowed to engage in the main task of his life - giving gifts to children. However, every person, big or small, can find his own happiness and place in life, you just have to look around. This happened to little Santa Claus too. In other words, the main idea of ​​the book is that any person is significant and useful in this world, regardless of his size, age, or financial situation.

4) Collection “Big New Year’s gift”

Advantages of this collection:

Firstly, these are as many as 500 pages of New Year's reading! Really New Year's, and not as often happens in manypseudo-winter books, where everything is collected, but not fairy tales about the New Year and winter. Secondly, it is not so easy to find a collection for a two-year-old; basically all publications are designed for older children. And in this book, almost half of the content is quite understandable for a 2-year-old child, the rest can be read later (so the book is not for one year). And, thirdly, this, of course, is the excellent content of the book - all the most beloved writers of our childhood in excellent design.

The disadvantage - for me personally - is the price. There are almost 1000 Russians on the Labyrinth. rubles But for such a book you need to spare no expense!

One drawback is also written on the forums - due to its large size, weight and integral binding, the book can suffer very quickly, for example, due to a fall.

5) Tim Dowley “Christmas Night”

An ideal book to introduce a child to the holiday of Christmas. And not just an acquaintance, but a very exciting and interesting one. Here the main biblical events are briefly and clearly told to the child. In the book, on each page there are moving elements and opening windows that make the book very lively. You can knock with a hammer together with Joseph, rock the baby Jesus in Mary’s arms, open the window and see an angel appear. And on the last page you can also see a large three-dimensional nativity scene!

6) Book with patchwork inserts “Snow Maiden”

A well-known winter Russian folk tale. The book is suitable for children aged 1+ because the text is simplified.

7) “The Snow Maiden” with a longer text, and for older children, Rech publishing house

8)Russian folk tale “The Mitten” (illustrations by Luke Koopmans)

The plot is very simple and familiar to everyone. But the main value of the book is, of course, the illustrations by Luke Koopmans. They are gentle and calm. It is very interesting to track how, as the plot develops, the mitten becomes larger and larger, and the autumn landscape turns into a winter one, overgrown with ever deeper snowdrifts.

9) Poems “What will happen in the New Year”

A very good collection of poems about the New Year and winter. There are Usachev, Barto, Cherny, Grigorieva. The illustrations are pleasant, very colorful, although they do not differ much in the variety of emotions on the faces of the characters.

10)A. Schmachtl “The Adventures of Julius Dandelion. Save the New Year"

In the rabbit family, preparations for the New Year are in full swing, but in the pre-holiday bustle everyone has forgotten about the most important thing - the New Year tree. Little rabbit Julius decides to save the New Year and go in search of the Christmas tree on his own. Having overcome all the difficulties, he, of course, copes with this difficult task, and the whole family celebrates the New Year next to a Christmas tree decorated with carrots and apples.

The delicate watercolor illustrations in the book are beyond praise. A good book to create a magical pre-holiday mood.

11) Nancy Walker Guy “The Best Gift for Christmas”

The narration here is calm and measured, there are few events taking place. But the topic of friendship is raised. A bear, a raccoon and a little hare went to visit their friend the badger, but on the way the wind took away all the gifts that the friends themselves had made for the badger. Naturally, this could not but upset the friends. However, the little badger, when meeting the guests, is not at all upset and utters very correct and important words that “Christmas with your best friends is the most wonderful gift.”

12) Rotraut Suzanne Berner “Winter Book” - the famous Wimmelbook. This book is very atmospheric: fluffy New Year's snow covers the streets, the characters rush to buy and decorate holiday trees, prepare gifts, skate, ski, and even Santa Claus himself appears in the city! There are an incredible amount of events and details in the book; it is simply not possible to review them at one time. So watch and watch all December!

13)Yu. Kumykov "New Year's story"

Book-toy for 1+. Here the baby has the opportunity to learn lacing skills. The baby is invited to “lace” the mitten to the girl’s palm and perform other interesting tasks, for example, tying a bag for Santa Claus. In addition, there is a very sweet, kind and understandable poem attached here.

14) Barto, Lagzdyn, Tokmakova “New Year. Poems-bookmarks"

A bright, beautiful book, suitable for ages 1+. In the book5 double-page spreads, 5 short poems with fairly large illustrations
(poems by I. Tokmakova, K. Ivanova, G. Lagzdyn, S. Drozhzhin and A. Barto). FiveIt’s fun for the baby to turn the bookmarks over. Wonderful drawings, pages fromthick and durable cardboard.

15) Natalya Migunova “New Year’s Tale”

A wonderful verse about how forest animals celebrated the New Year in the forest, decorated the Christmas tree and received gifts from Santa Claus, a good rhyme pleases. ABOUT The cover is thick white cardboard, the pages are white, compacted, smooth.Suitable for children 1+

16) Alf Preusen “Merry New Year”, publishing house Melik Pashayev. Illustrations by V. Suteev.

A short story-in-verse by the Norwegian author Alf Preusen.About how the family of mice prepared for the meeting, and finally celebrated the New Year!The story is in an excellent translation by Yuri Petrovich Vronsky. Many adults, I’m sure, will remember howAs a child, we celebrated the New Year with just such a book.

17) Raisa Kudashova “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” - Nigma publishing house.

The book contains five wonderful winter poems by Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva, the author of the unforgettable “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest.”

The book is illustrated with gentle and airy drawings by Maria Sutyagina.

Books for children 3-5 years old:

1)B. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"

A fairy tale with an instructive plot, not at all boring, but kind and magical. Once upon a time there lived a lazy daughter and a hard-working one. Both of them, in turn, descend into the well and end up in the service of the “winter manager” (Moroz Ivanovich). And each of them eventually receives a corresponding reward for her work: the needlewoman - a bucket with silver spots, and the sloth - an ingot of mercury.

2) D. Donaldson "Chelovetkin"

This book is about how everything in nature is alive. And even an ordinary stick can have its own opinion, feelings and even family. The main character of Chelovetkin’s book took him everywhere: the dog played with him, the children threw him into the river, and the swan used him to build his nest. And in the end, Chelovetkin actually found himself among the firewood in the New Year’s fireplace. Being away from home, Chelovetkin dreamed of only one thing - to return to his stick family. He would have died ingloriously if he had not been saved by Santa Claus crawling through the fireplace. In other words, a very touching New Year's story.

3) I. Thai "Santa Claus"

The tale is very New Year's, very atmospheric. The plot is not hackneyed, and familiar characters are shown not only from the side we are used to. In addition to Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the classic animals, there is a new interesting character, Egor-in-contrary. And the main disturber of public peace here is the Nightingale the Robber; he cannot come to terms with the fact that Santa Claus has taken the best Christmas tree in the forest. The book is divided into chapters, and therefore, if desired, you can read it in parts.

The disadvantage is that, in my opinion, the illustrations are not bright enough and large enough.

4)B. Zotov "New Year's Story"

The illustrations in the book are colorful, bright, with interesting details that you can look at with pleasure. The book has a good style, it is written in an accessible manner and is easy to read. In this “New Year's story”, Santa Claus, watching the children, chose for everyone the most suitable gifts that they had long dreamed of. But he left the boy Vitya, who behaved badly, did not listen and did not want to study, without a gift. The moral of the book is clear. But this model of education is not suitable for every family.

5) Sven Nordqvist “Christmas in Pettson’s house”

Sweet, kind New Year's story. The plot of the book is quite simple - before Christmas, the main character of the book, Petson, injured his leg, and therefore could not go to the forest for a Christmas tree or to the store for holiday treats. Petson had already come to terms with the fact that his holiday was ruined, but then the neighbors, having learned about his misfortune, began to come one by one, congratulating him on the holiday and presenting him with various delicious gifts. Thus, the holiday, which promised to be so dreary, turned into a cheerful celebration of Christmas, which Petson had never had before.

I also really like bright, warm illustrations with lots of details.

6)P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"

The fairy tale “The Silver Hoof” is simply magical, it is about winter, about a miracle, about kindness and patience. Of course, for a modern child, some things in the text will be incomprehensible, some will have to be explained, some will have to be paraphrased. But in general, the plot is understandable and interesting for a three-year-old child. It seems to me that it is best to begin with this fairy tale to get acquainted with Bazhov’s work. Mikhail Bychkov's illustrations made the fairy tale even more magical and colorful, adding interesting details about the time and place where the events of the fairy tale take place. The disadvantage of the book is the layout. There are several spreads in the book without any text at all, which means you need to first read the text, and only then turn the page and look at the picture. In my opinion, this is very inconvenient for children's perception.

7)A. Usachev "Winter's Tale"

You definitely won't get bored reading this book. The poems are funny and funny. Olga Demidova’s illustrations are also not boring. Yes, they are not classic, perhaps not everyone will like the long-nosed and somewhat angular characters, but, in my opinion, the pictures perfectly complement the funny text and create a cheerful mood.

8) “New Year in reverse”

A wonderful thin collection from the Foma publishing house. Here are collected poems mainly by contemporary authors, whose names were still unknown to me personally. But I was very pleased with the poems, they are touching and cozy, with humor and a truly winter atmosphere.

9) Ulrike Motshiunig “How the little fox celebrated the New Year”

The book is not just a beautiful story about how a little fox stuck his nose out of a hole in the winter and went looking for a holiday, but about what a holiday is for every living creature! For connoisseurs of magical illustrations.

It’s impossible to list all the books with New Year’s themes, their number is huge! I would be glad if you add any other favorite books in the comments. Thank you for your attention.

Very soon the time for merry and long-awaited holidays will come. New Year and Christmas have long been events that are celebrated among the closest people. And, of course, it is better to prepare for such important days in advance: think through the holiday menu, draw up a program and prepare gifts.

You can give a toy or sweets, but what from childhood do we remember with nostalgia years later? Of course, bright and wonderfully illustrated books! For you, we have selected beautiful editions of books that your children will definitely enjoy.

1. “Little Santa Claus”, Anu Stoner

The story of a fairy-tale character growing up will delight preschool children. Together with little Santa Claus, who is not allowed to work as an adult, they will be able to organize the delivery of gifts for those who have never received them - for animals. And using the example of the main character, they will learn to be optimistic at any age and believe in themselves.

An excellently illustrated collection of holiday stories from classics of Russian literature. In addition, it includes folk tales and thematic poems. It will become a guide for a child into the world of wonderful literature and will be a great acquisition!

3. “Snow Dream”, Eric Carle

Eric Carle is known as a wonderful artist and storyteller, and this book only confirms this truth. The book is warm and sincere, plus useful. With it you will teach your baby to count and enjoy this unusual edition with active game elements and shiny snow.

4. “Moroz Ivanovich”, Vladimir Odoevsky

A touch of nostalgia for adults today is the re-release of Odoevsky’s most famous fairy tale. It was based on it that the film “Morozko” was filmed, which even today looks decent on the big screen. Introduce your child to the classics of your childhood!

5. “Winter of Bruno Bear”, Gunilla Ingves

A good story about the teddy bear Bruno and his dog Lolola. The main characters explore the world around them and embark on adventures. This book is part of a series of four, one for each season. All works are illustrated with touching watercolor drawings.

6. “Happy New Year, Shmyak!”, Rob Scotton

This is a continuation of the exciting adventures of the cat Shmyak. In this book, the cat will be worried about how well he behaved and will Santa bring him gifts? And on New Year's Eve, he decides to become as good as possible. You will find out what came out of this venture from the book.

7. Russell and the Christmas Miracle by Rob Scotton

Another book from a wonderful artist and storyteller. This time the story tells about the inventive sheep Russell. The fact is that Santa's sleigh was broken and he didn't know how to fix it. The lamb hurried to his rescue, because we cannot allow anyone to be left without congratulations on the holidays!

8. “Winter Book”, Rotraut Berner

This book is all pictures, with lovingly worked out details, and belongs to the Wimmelbook genre. But it is not only interesting to look at, it will also help in learning. The baby will be able to master counting, learn to tell and retell stories, and will be able to train attentiveness. Published in a series, there are three more books on the seasons of the year.

9. “30 days until the New Year”, Varvara Razakova

Also a Wimmelbook, similar to Berner’s “Winter Book”. The events in the book take place on the same street, where preparations for the holiday are underway. But different changes appear in each picture, some of them are immediately noticeable, others will need to be looked for. Both small children and their parents will like it.

10. “Secrets of plasticine. New Year, Roni Oren

An interesting and useful thing for the development of fine motor skills of a child’s hands and speech. The technology of sculpting holiday-themed crafts and figurines is shown in a playful way. Many parents admit that thanks to this author’s technique, they themselves learned how to handle plasticine.

11. “Magic Winter”, Daria Gerasimova

Under the cover of this book you will find wonderful children's poems about winter and holidays. Particularly useful for preparing for matinees or for home memory training. A talented artist also worked on the book, and its design will not leave anyone indifferent. A wonderful gift!

12. “Miracles for the New Year”, Victoria Kirdiy

A warm and atmospheric book that will fill you with New Year's mood for a long time to come. When purchasing, it is worth considering that there is very little text in it and is more suitable for children 3-4 years old. But even older children will be interested in looking at it, it is so well designed.

13. “Christmas tree, cat and New Year”, Maria Pavlova

A magical book from an artist from St. Petersburg. A story about a homeless kitten in whose life a miracle happened and he found a home. Separately, it is worth noting the bright and technical illustrations: throughout the book there are many cats and kittens, as well as holiday paraphernalia. A real feast for the eyes!

14. “Round the World Santa Claus”, Anna Nikolskaya

An educational book about the secret of Santa Claus. It turns out that Santa Claus delivers gifts on New Year's Day not alone - there are as many as 22 of them! And each country has its own local Grandfather, but you can find out what he is called and what he does from the book.

15. “New Year in a Magic Forest”, Ekaterina Lopatina-Nevolina

A brightly and detailedly illustrated story telling about the adventures of baby badgers and squirrels. The book is ideal for children 3-4 years old and older; they will enjoy looking at it and looking for new details in the pictures.

16. “Mitten.” Russian folktale"

Everyone's favorite and already classic fairy tale about a house in a mitten. But this edition is also a picture book: artist Luke Koopmans painstakingly and realistically drew every animal and every twig in the background. Everyone is familiar with the text from childhood, but this is exactly the book that you need to buy and show to your children.

17. “How Little Bear Searched for the Sun,” Hazel Lincoln

The title itself tells us the plot: there lived a little bear cub and minded his bear business. Everything was fine the whole summer, but one day winter came, and the little bear was afraid that there was no sun in the sky. It was then that he set off, hoping to find the luminary. The book is very colorful, made in purple and blue tones and makes a lasting impression.

18. The Gruffalo's Daughter, Julia Donaldson

Continuation of the story of the legendary Gruffalo, but this time the main character is his daughter, as the title suggests. The father scared his daughter with a terrible animal - a forest mouse. But this provoked the daughter more, and she set off on a journey, scouring the entire forest in search of the beast. Instead of text, there are poems here that are easy to remember.

19. “Big New Year's gift”

The book includes poems and songs, stories and fairy tales about the New Year and winter. They belong to the pen of classic writers, including F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, A. Barto, S. Marshak and many others. Definitely worth adding to a child's bookshelf!

20. “Childhood. This is my village", Ivan Surikov

Under the cover of a small book is a poem by Surikov, familiar to many from childhood. It talks about the serene world of childhood, about the Russian village and a fun time when you want to dream and believe in miracles. The artist Mikhail Bychkov, who worked on the design, emphasizes these themes very subtly in his illustrations.

Ekaterina Morozova is a mother of many children, editor of the “Children” section in Colady magazine


Of course, a book is the best gift, and it has remained so for decades. Naturally, a Christmas tree book should be about the New Year. And, of course, you want to wrap this gift in beautiful paper and, tying it with a bow, put it with the other gifts so that the child, nervously rustling the wrapping paper, will solemnly open it on December 31st.

But think how much stronger the feelings associated with the holiday will be if you read this book to your baby 2-3 days before the New Year. After all, it is books (and perhaps also cartoons and films) that set children up for a fairy tale and make them anticipate the magic of the holiday...

Here are 15 interesting New Year's books for children of all ages.

Authors: Zoshchenko and Dragunsky.

A small but colorful book for primary schoolchildren and preschoolers, in which you will find three kind, funny and educational stories about Puss in Boots, the Christmas Tree and the Enchanted Letter.

This book will definitely become one of your children's favorites!

The colorful publication will be interesting both for children 8-12 years old and for their parents.

In the book, which is generally dedicated to the Christmas tree holiday in pre-revolutionary Russia, the author collected not only essays, stories and poems about Christmas and the New Year, but also descriptions of various New Year's crafts and ideas for a fun holiday. There you will also find elegant cards, Christmas tree decorations and even a carnival mask.

A helpful book for introducing a child to the traditions of the main holiday in the country and, of course, for an exciting pastime with the whole family.

This work is deservedly recognized as one of the author’s best.

And, although the fairy tale is more than two centuries old, it still remains one of the favorites and reads among parents and children.

A work for teenagers. An amazingly deep, fascinating and detailed book that teaches our children compassion and responsiveness.

There is no cloying or fashionable “glamor” in the books - only sincerity and Russian soulfulness, with which the author instills in children a belief in magic.

New Year.

With this book, you will help your children plunge into the fabulous pre-holiday bustle and teach them how to make funny winter-themed surprises.

Authors: Khametova, Polyakova and Antyufeeva.

Another wonderful publication for the creative development of children. The holiday does not begin with the chiming clock, it begins in preparation for the New Year! And you don’t need to waste your precious “holiday eve” on boring shopping trips – get creative with your kids!

In this book you will find everything you need for inspiration: bright ideas from professionals, more than a hundred master classes, colorful illustrations with detailed instructions, more than 2 dozen different needlework techniques for children of different ages.

Authors: Zhvalevsky and Pasternak.

An ideal gift for a child from 3 to 15 years old!

Children will be happy to plunge into the magic of bright illustrations and surprises that await the reader on the pages of the book - here you can stumble upon an old postcard, a calendar, and even the pages of a magazine that was published before the revolution.

Of course, children will also like the story about the adventures of the country's main old man.

Let's not hide it, moms and dads will also be delighted, who will undoubtedly appreciate this wonderful book with secrets.

Authors: Plyatskovsky, Suteev, Chukovsky and Uspensky.

A wonderful collection of favorite New Year's works from famous writers. Do you want to “sprinkle some magic” into your child’s childhood? Be sure to read this book before the New Year.

In the collection you will find good old tales about Morozko, Elka, Prostokvashino, etc.

A fascinating, mood-creating book for children aged 12 years and older.

On New Year's Eve, magic, as you know, lurks almost everywhere. Children and adults look for it in the patterns on the glass, in the creaking of snow under the soles of their boots, in the aroma of pine needles and tangerines, in the fragile Christmas tree decorations that you take out with a sinking heart from the box that has been collecting dust on the mezzanine for a whole year.

And suddenly these Christmas tree decorations... begin to come to life.

Authors: Oster, Uspensky, Marshak and others.

A charming collection of favorite New Year's stories for kids and primary schoolchildren.

Here you will find 12 months and a fairy tale about the Snowman, famous stories about Winter in Prostokvashino, about New Year's pie and about the Christmas tree, and other fairy tales of Russian writers.

A work for all fans of Scotton's charming fluffies (and not only for fans!).

A New Year's story from the famous series of books about the kitten Shmyak - about friendship, about love, about the main values ​​in life.

The language of the book is simple - a child who has mastered reading will easily read it himself.

Authors: Cynthia and Brian Paterson.

A wonderful book from a series of fairy tales from English writers, suitable as a gift for a child over 5 years old.

Colorful illustrations for the book were created by one of the authors, and the story about a fairyland has already captivated more than one thousand children. Here you will find touching and instructive stories from the lives of the funny inhabitants of Fox Forest.

A warm, kind, surprisingly cozy book that will definitely not leave any child’s heart indifferent.

Is New Year possible for children without this good old fairy tale? Of course not! If your child has not yet heard this touching story about a girl with snowdrops, buy the book urgently!

It will be good for both kids and younger schoolchildren. And the effect can be consolidated.

If we awaken the Humans in our children, it will be only with such works.

Authors: Yasnov and Akhmanov.

Age: 5+.

A little polar bear with the strange name Enko lives in a zoo run by a real fairy. She will surprise the zoo’s inhabitants that there will be no New Year...

A magical winter tale from St. Petersburg authors is an excellent book for a children's library.

One day, the kids made a cute snowman with buttons for eyes and affectionately called him Button.

Button turned out to be not only cute and smart, but also very kind - he decided to congratulate Santa Claus on the New Year... Well, who else will congratulate this kind old man with a red nose?

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