Public Council under Rosprirodnadzor. Reference

Composition of the Public Council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation

1. Alekseev Sergey Mikhailovich, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
2. Aramileva Tatyana Sergeevna, Public Association of Public Associations of Hunters and Fishers “Association Rosohotrybolovsoyuz”
3. Bagin Alexander Mikhailovich, All-Russian public organization “Russian Geographical Society”
4. Ivan Pavlovich Blokov, OMNNO “Greenpeace Council”
5. Valery Prokofievich Voloshin, All-Russian public organization for environmental protection “Public Environmental Control”
6. Ginzburg Alexander Samuilovich, Moscow city public organization of the all-Russian public organization “All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation”
7. Golichenkov Alexander Konstantinovich, Moscow regional branch of the All-Russian public organization “Association of Lawyers of Russia”
8. Grachev Viktor Vasilievich, NP SRO "Forest Union"
9. Sergey Aleksandrovich Grigoriev, Non-profit organization “Fund for socio-economic support of regions “SUEK-REGIONS”
10. Dovlatova Elena Vladimirovna
"Russian Association of Water Supply and Sanitation"
11. Zhukov Vladislav Vladimirovich, Non-profit Partnership “National Center for Environmental and Epidemiological Safety”
12. Ismailov Rashid Aidynovich, Non-profit partnership “Center for Green Standards”
13. Kasimov Nikolay Sergeevich, All-Russian public organization “Russian Geographical Society”
14. Kovalchuk Vladimir Nikolaevich, Interregional trade union organization of OJSC Gazprom
15. Levitsky Nikolay Valentinovich, All-Russian public organization “Business Russia”
16. Lisov Vasily Ivanovich, Association of Geological Organizations
17. Lobusev Alexander Vyacheslavovich, All-Russian public organization “Russian Academy of Natural Sciences”
18. Maksimenko Yuri Leonidovich, All-Russian public association “Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs”
19. Melnikova Ksenia Vladimirovna, Foundation for Social Responsibility of Business and Society “Assistance”
20. Simak Sergey Vladimirovich, Samara regional public organization “Samara Green League - Samara SOES”
21. Spitsin Vladimir Vladimirovich, Euro-Asian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums “EARAZA”
22. Tetelmin Vladimir Vladimirovich, All-Russian public organization “All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation (VOOP)”
23. Uderevskaya Ekaterina Nikolaevna, Interregional public organization “Great Baikal Trail”
24. Boris Ovsepovich Khanchalyan, Vologda regional branch of the All-Russian public organization “All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation”
25. Khvostov Ruslan Alekseevich, Youth public movement of ecologists of the Moscow region “Local”
26. Cherenkov Pavel Gennadievich, Tula regional branch of the All-Russian public organization “Center for Environmental Policy and Culture”
27. Chernin Sergey Yakovlevich, National Union for Bioenergy, Renewable Energy Sources and Ecology
28. Chestin Igor Evgenievich, World Wide Fund for Nature

The Public Environmental Council under Rosprirodnadzor is a collegial permanent body and operates on a voluntary basis.

The Public Council on Environmental Problems was created in accordance with the decree of the head of Rosprirodnadzor Vladimir Kirillov dated July 23, 2008. The first meeting of the Public Council took place on September 2, 2008.

In accordance with the “Regulations on the Public Environmental Council under the Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources,” the purpose of the Council’s activities is to collectively develop recommendations that ensure decision-making on environmental protection.

The objectives of the Council are: involving civil society institutions in the development and implementation of the state’s environmental policy; promoting the formation of public consciousness regarding environmental protection; increasing public and specialist awareness of the main activities of Rosprirodnadzor; improving interaction between Rosprirodnadzor and public associations and citizens.

According to the regulations, the main functions of the Public Council are:
1. Discussion of issues of environmental and environmental activities, as well as other socially significant problems in the field of environmental management, environmental protection, including wildlife conservation and conservation; taking into account and forming public opinion when carrying out environmental protection measures.
2. Preparation of proposals for improving legislation and priority areas in the field of environmental protection.
3. Explaining to public associations and citizens the goals and methods of implementing state environmental policy and promoting dialogue between public associations and Rosprirodnadzor.
4. Study and generalize the experience of foreign countries in solving environmental problems.
5. Analysis of current problems in the field of activity of Rosprirodnadzor and preparation of recommendations for the implementation of programs and projects in the field of environmental protection.
6. Organization of information and methodological support for priority initiatives of public organizations and associations.
7. Participation in analytical work to summarize information on environmental protection and the state of natural resources in the Russian Federation and abroad.

The council includes specialists in the field of environmental management, environmental protection, wildlife conservation and conservation, representatives of public environmental organizations and associations.

The Chairman of the Board of the Council is Konstantin Tsybko, ex-assistant to the head of Rosprirodnadzor. The work of the Public Council is supervised by Deputy Head of Rosprirodnadzor Alexey Akulov. The Chairman of the Public Council is academician Viktor Danilov-Danilyan.

In September 2008, a scandal erupted related to the threat of reputable environmentalists - representatives of Greenpeace Russia and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - from the Public Council. The reason for the environmentalists' dissatisfaction was the approved position of the Public Council and its very composition. Objections from environmentalists were caused by the fact that representatives of the overwhelming majority of the most authoritative and active non-governmental organizations disappeared from the Council. Representatives of Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund were dissatisfied with the appearance of a “board” in the structure of the Council, especially the fact that “according to the regulations, the activities of the “chairman of the board” are absolutely uncontrollable for the members of the board.” In addition, representatives of Greenpeace and WWF opposed the idea of ​​​​creating an environmental party, noting that WWF and Greenpeace are non-political organizations and cannot participate in the creation of any political structure.




Lost force on the basis of Resolution of the Administration of the city of Ryazan dated 03/02/2018 N 815.

dated 11.09.2017 N 4031)

In accordance with the protocol instructions of the head of the administration of the city of Ryazan dated January 19, 2017 N 6, in order to ensure the right of every citizen to a favorable environment, guided by Articles 39, 41 of the Charter of the municipal formation - the urban district of the city of Ryazan, Ryazan region, the administration of the city of Ryazan decides:

1. Create a Public Council on Ecology under the administration of the city of Ryazan.

2. Approve the composition of the Public Council on Ecology under the administration of the city of Ryazan in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this resolution.

3. Approve the Regulations on the Public Council on Ecology under the administration of the city of Ryazan in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this resolution.

4. The media relations department of the Ryazan city administration (E.S. Romanova) publish this resolution on the official website of the Ryazan city administration on the Internet

5. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the Deputy Head of Administration O.N. Svintsova.

Head of Administration

Appendix No. 1
to the Resolution
administration of the city of Ryazan
dated February 17, 2017 N 588

(as amended by Resolution of the Ryazan City Administration dated September 11, 2017 N 4031)

Bulekov O.E.

Head of the Ryazan City Administration (Chairman of the Public Council)

Ulyanov A.Yu.

Deputy Head of Administration (Deputy Chairman of the Public Council)

Germoni M.E.

chief specialist of the environmental protection and ecology sector of the environmental management and ecology department of the city improvement department (secretary of the Public Council)

Akimushkina S.N.

Chairman of the Territorial Public Self-Government "Vasilievsky"

Bryazgunov I.V.

Operations Director of TechnoNIKOL Corporation (as agreed)

Zatsarinny I.V.

Head of the Laboratory of Evolutionary Ecology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ryazan State University S.A. Yesenin" (as agreed)

Kiryushin V.A.

Vice-Rector for Scientific, Innovation and Educational Work of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, professor (as agreed)

Mazhaisky Yu.A.

General Director of Meshchersky Scientific and Technical Center LLC, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor (as agreed)

Mitina M.A.

Head of the volunteer environmental team "EKOMY" of the city Center for Children's Environmental Education of the MBU DO "CDT "Prioksky"

Popov S.I.

Manager of Stroyaktiv LLC (as agreed)

Rybakov E.V.

Chairman of the Council of the regional public organization "Ecological Ryazan Alliance" (as agreed)

Appendix No. 2
to the Resolution
administration of the city of Ryazan
dated February 17, 2017 N 588

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Public Council on Ecology under the administration of the city of Ryazan (hereinafter referred to as the Public Council) ensures the interaction of residents of the city of Ryazan with the administration of the city of Ryazan in order to take into account their needs and interests, protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation and the rights of public associations of non-profit organizations, as well as in order to implement public control over activities in the field of environmental protection and ecology.

1.2. The Public Council is a collegial advisory body and operates on a voluntary basis.

1.3. The Public Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legislative and other acts of the Russian Federation and the Ryazan region, the Charter of the municipal formation - the urban district of the city of Ryazan, Ryazan region, municipal legal acts of the city of Ryazan, as well as these regulations.

2.1. The Public Council carries out the following tasks:

Promoting the achievement of public consent and involving the public in the process of developing proposals and recommendations in the field of environmental protection, environmental management and ecology;

Consideration and decision-making on supporting initiatives of citizens, public associations and non-profit organizations aimed at improving and increasing the efficiency of activities in the field of environmental protection and ecology;

Study and analysis of public opinion on the activities of the Ryazan city administration in the field of environmental protection within the framework of existing powers;

Organization and holding of conferences, round tables, seminars, discussions, public discussions in the field of environmental protection, environmental management and ecology.

2.2. The main function of the Public Council: developing proposals for joint actions of citizens, public associations, non-profit organizations and the media within the framework of the Year of Ecology in the city of Ryazan.

3.1. The Public Council is formed on the basis of the voluntary participation in its activities of public associations, non-profit organizations and residents of the city of Ryazan who have the right to vote.

The Public Council is created by the administration of the city of Ryazan for a period of 1 year.

3.2. The Public Council consists of the Chairman of the Public Council, his deputy, secretary and members of the Public Council.

3.3. Members of the Public Council perform their duties on a voluntary basis.

3.4. Chairman of the Public Council:

Manages the activities of the Public Council;

Based on proposals from members of the Public Council, prepares work plans for the Public Council and submits them for approval by the Public Council;

Convenes and conducts meetings of the Public Council;

Approves the agenda of the meeting of the Public Council;

Signs protocols, reports, analytical reports and other documents on behalf of the Public Council;

Informs the population about decisions made by the Public Council;

Performs other functions necessary to ensure the activities of the Public Council.

3.5. The Secretary of the Public Council carries out organizational and technical work to prepare for the meeting of the Public Council, including:

Draws up a draft agenda for the meeting of the Public Council, organizes the preparation of materials and draft decisions of the Public Council;

Informs members of the Public Council about the date, time and place of the next meeting of the Public Council, provides them with the necessary information and technical materials;

Maintains and draws up minutes of meetings of the Public Council, monitors the implementation of decisions adopted by the Public Council and informs the Public Council about their implementation;

Manages document flow.

The names of the documents of the Public Council are subject to mandatory inclusion in the nomenclature of affairs of the head of the Ryazan city administration.

When going on vacation, going on a business trip, during illness or in case of dismissal, the secretary of the Public Council is obliged to transfer all documents in his possession to a member of the Public Council, determined by the chairman of the Public Council. Upon dismissal of the Secretary of the Public Council, the transfer of documents and files is carried out according to the act of acceptance and transfer of documents.

In the event of termination of the work of the Public Council, the secretary of the Public Council prepares documents for the case and prepares them for subsequent transfer to the municipal archive department of the documentation support department of the Ryazan city administration, regardless of their storage period.

3.6. Members of the Public Council have the right:

Participate in the development and approval of documents approved by the Public Council;

Make comments on issues and materials considered by the Public Council;

Make proposals on the draft agenda for the meeting of the Public Council;

The Public Council has the right:

Request from government authorities of the Ryazan region, local governments, organizations, enterprises and citizens information necessary for the work of the Public Council;

Invite representatives of state authorities, local governments, public and other non-governmental non-profit organizations to their meetings when discussing issues the resolution of which is within their competence.

5.1. Meetings of the Public Council are held as necessary in accordance with the work plan, but at least once every two months.

5.2. A meeting of the Public Council is valid if more than half of its members are present.

5.3. Decisions of the Public Council are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes from the total number of members present at the meeting of the Public Council.

5.4. Decisions of the Public Council are documented in a protocol, which is signed by the secretary and chairman of the Public Council.

5.5. Representatives of enterprises, institutions, organizations, government bodies of the Ryazan region, local government bodies, and the media may be invited to meetings of the Public Council.

5.6. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Public Council is carried out by the city improvement department of the Ryazan city administration.