Form the nominative plural online. Declension of nouns in the plural

The state of linguistic culture in modern Russia leaves much to be desired. And the reason for this is not an orientation towards Western culture or a lack of desire for reading, as the media lament.

A wide range of dictionaries in which you can find different spellings of the same word, heated debates among linguists over the spelling of individual words, a huge flow of literature that has not been reviewed by a competent proofreader, the clogging of speech with inappropriate slang words - this is the true reason for the flourishing of illiteracy. Linguistic norms exist not for their own sake, but, first of all, so that people understand each other, avoid ambiguity and, finally, preserve the national linguistic wealth.

How often in offices can you hear ringing instead of ringing, catalog instead of catalogue, etc. Moreover, more and more often interlocutors are beginning to think about the pronunciation of words in the plural: director or directors, accountant or accountants, agreements or agreements? All this is slowly but surely shaking the traditional literary norms of the Russian language and leading to a general decline in culture.

In modern Russian there are approximately 300 words in which the nominative plural is “fluctuating”, with variations. Moreover, the norm of stress in some words has changed over time, reflecting the development of the system of declensions of Russian nouns. So, for example, at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century, directors were called directors, and professors were called professors. Over the past century, irreversible changes have occurred. Endings with -а (-я) began to reign in common speech and “professional” jargon, and forms with -ы (-и) turned out to be more neutral, more traditional for the literary language (editors, instructors, proofreaders). But do not forget that there are exceptions to all rules.

Directors, contracts, accountants - these are the norms that have become the ONLY POSSIBLE ones!

  • The directors of large factories arrived, the directors gathered, we wrote a letter to the directors.
  • Our company has concluded agreements.
  • The accountants calculated the estimate, etc.

The spelling (ending and stress) of the words director, accountant, contract, etc. is subject to the rule “Endings of the nominative plural of masculine nouns -ы(-и) – -а(-я)”. This rule is quite complicated. If the ending -or/-er/-er is stressed, then it is often preserved in the plural form, i.e. gives -ers, -ors: contracts, drivers, gliders, engines, fences, engineers, gentlemen. In other cases, nouns, especially animate ones, with -or/-er in the plural have a strong tendency to shift the emphasis to the ending: doctor, cadet, boat, etc. But there are also a lot of opposite examples, in particular, accountants, coaches, etc. In addition, there are a number of factors that directly influence the spelling of one or another ending in a word. All this is described in detail (with numerous examples) in spelling reference books.

However, it will be difficult for an ordinary person (not a philologist) to form the plural form of the nominative case, guided by the points of the rules. Therefore, take my word for it - it’s better to just remember some words. Otherwise, you can easily “confuse” the desired rule. Better yet, at least occasionally, look into the dictionary.

A little humor

When memorizing, you can be guided by association rhymes:

  • directorA – masterA
  • contracts are thieves
  • accountants - planners

1. Some masculine nouns in the nominative plural are used with the endings -а, -я:
addresses, coast, century, city, director, doctor, chute, millstone, inspector, boat, stern, number, district, island, vacation, passport, cook, professor, variety, haystack, paramedic, stamp, anchor.
ending -ы, -и:
authors, pharmacists, agitators, accountants, elections, contracts, engineers, lecturers, leaders, designers, grooms, speakers, officers, verdicts, auditors, editors, snipers, trainees, cakes, drivers. Nouns differ in meaning: bellows (made from animal skins) - bellows (blacksmith's), belts (belts) - belts (geographical), wires (electrical cords) - wires (of someone), passes (documents) - passes (that, what is missing), bills (documents for payment) - abacus (device for counting), brakes (device) - brakes (obstacles), teachers (teachers) - teachers (founders of scientific theory), bread (cereals) - bread (baked), colors (paints) - flowers (plants), teeth (in the mouth) - teeth (teeth), roots (in plants) - roots (dried vegetables), sheets (paper, iron, etc.) - leaves (in plants) , sons (of the Motherland) - sons (of the mother).
Two forms are possible for nouns (the endings -a, -ya are more typical of colloquial speech): winds - winds, carts - carts, years - years, spotlights - spotlights, trades - trades, workshops - workshops.
Write it down, opening the parentheses. Place stress on nouns and indicate endings.
Foreign (passport), collective (contract), experienced (doctor), upcoming (choice), young (officer), arrived (lecturer), famous (professor), newly appointed (director), skilled (cook), festive (cake) , new (variety) of wheat, fair (sentence), attentive (inspector), watchdog (boat).
Read, inserting the necessary nouns given in brackets instead of dots.
1) The workers gathered at... leaving for the construction site. Telegraph lines hummed quietly... (wires, wires). 2) The proofreader noticed in the manuscript... letters. The factory workers were given new... (passes, passes). 3) At the board stood large wooden.... Presented... must be paid on time (bills, bills). 4) They rustle a little... in the trees. On the shelf were... cardboard (sheets, leaves). 5) Got sick.... The gear broke... (teeth, teeth). 6) The car was damaged.... It was indicated... for the development of industry (brakes, brakes). 7) The houses are painted bright.... There were... (colors, flowers) on the window. 8) The school employs experienced.... Great... left a rich legacy (teachers, teachers).


  1. Variants of endings for the nominative plural of masculine nouns of the 1st declension
  2. Features of the formation of nominative plural forms of individual groups of nouns
  3. Categories of gender, number and case of nouns
  5. Genitive plural. Variants of genitive plural endings

A noun is a part of speech that carries the meaning of objectivity and has such grammatical categories as gender, number and case. These categories are closely interrelated, so knowledge of them is necessary for the correct use of nouns. Special attention should be paid to the declension of plural nouns.

Grammatical category of number

A grammatical category is a system of opposite sets of forms that have a homogeneous meaning. In Russian, the category of number has names and a verb. It is represented by the opposition of singularity and multiplicity. In the Old Russian language there was a three-member system of the category of number, in which singular, plural and

Expressing the grammatical meaning of a number

Currently in the Russian language there is only an opposition between singular and plural numbers. There are no separate forms for expressing only the category of number. Synthetic and analytical methods are used to express numbers. The first, main case involves the use of the internal resource of the word. These are, first of all, the ending (house - houses, cat - cats, road - roads), in some cases suffixes (calf - calves, honey fungus - honey mushrooms, sky - heaven) and sometimes stress (forest - forests) or alternation of consonants ( ear - ears, friend - friends). The analytical (syntactic) way of expressing a number is characterized by the use of agreement (old houses, white socks). This method allows you to express the number of indeclinable nouns (one coffee - three coffees). In some nouns, number can be expressed using another stem (person - people).

Number of nouns

A singular noun denotes a single object (cup, telephone, wire), while a plural noun denotes two or more objects (cups, telephones, wires). It is easiest to trace the differences between the plural and singular numbers of nouns using examples of words denoting objects that can be counted. For example, a ball - five balls, a table - two tables, an orange - three oranges. Such nouns are inflected by number, i.e. These nouns can be used in singular or plural. But there are quite large groups of words that do not vary in numbers.

Nouns that do not have a plural form

Such nouns include:

    names of many similar objects or phenomena (children, foliage, humanity, linden, linen, junk);

    the name of objects of material value (steel, wheat, rye, oats, gasoline, milk, cottage cheese, hay);

    name of quality or attribute (blueness, power, anger, warmth, kindness);

    name of the action or state (writing, reading, threshing, cutting);

    proper names used to name individual objects (Novgorod, Don, Lenin, Stalin);

    words like: time, udder.

Nouns that do not have a singular form

These nouns are:

    names of paired or composite items (underpants, glasses, scissors, gates, sneakers, pliers);

    names of materials or their waste (bran, sawdust, perfume, ink);

    names of some periods of time (days, weekdays, holidays);

    names of actions or states of nature (frosts, elections, troubles, shoots);

    names of checkers, tag, chess, knocked out);

    some names of geographical places (Alps, Athens, Carpathians, Sokolniki, Sochi, Gryazi, Luzhniki).

Features of the declension of plural nouns

Each of the three existing in the Russian language has its own forms when changing by case. To determine the type of declension, you must first determine the initial form of the word. For nouns, this form will be the nominative singular.

However, during the declension of a plural noun, there are almost no signs of differences between the types of declensions from each other. Therefore, it is worth talking separately about the declension of nouns in the plural form.

The endings of plural nouns in the dative, instrumental and prepositional cases always coincide, regardless of the type of declension. There are differences in the endings of nouns in the nominative, genitive and accusative cases.

Plural nouns in the nominative case have the following endings:

    feminine -i, -y (threads, mountains, mice, bees, arrows, mothers, daughters);

    masculine -i, -y (houses, tables, tables, bananas, cartridges), sometimes -a, -ya (chairs, meadows, houses, sons), -e for words ending in -ana, -yan (earthlings, townspeople, northerners, Rostovites);

    neuter -a, -ya (lakes, wings, villages), sometimes -i (ears, shoulders, eyelids).

In the genitive case, plural nouns end in:

    Iy - nouns R. 1st sc., which end in -iya, -ya (series, cells, arias, armies), some nouns cf. rivers that end in -е (gorges, spears);

    She - words with a stem that ends in a hissing or soft consonant sound (nights, seas, knives);

    Ov, -ev - nouns. with a stem that ends in a hard consonant or -oi (ports, heroes), words for cucumbers, oranges, tomatoes, etc.

    In the genitive case it appears in words ending in the nominative case in -ane, -yan, -ata, -yata (Armenians, townspeople, badgers, animals), as well as words like: eye, soldier, boot, stocking, etc.

    b - if in the noun there is a vowel before the suffix -nya (deserts, ladies, apple trees).

When declension of plural nouns ending in the singular in -nya, a fluent vowel -e- appears in the genitive case, but ь is not written (cherries, towers). The exceptions in this case are the words: young ladies, villages, kitchens.

In plural nouns in the genitive case, after sibilants ь is not written, regardless of gender (groves, shoulders, hands, boots).

The forms of plural nouns in the accusative case are the same as the forms of plural nouns in the nominative or genitive case.

So, knowing the peculiarities of the declension of plural nouns will help you avoid mistakes both in oral and written speech. Being able to quickly identify singular and plural will be an important skill in determining the initial form of a word.