The abode of God in space. Heavenly city floating in space

The Pacific Ocean is considered the warmest of the Earth's oceans. The average annual temperature of its surface waters is 19.1°C (1.8°C higher than the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean and 1.5°C higher than the temperature of the Indian Ocean). This is explained by the huge volume of the water basin - a heat storage device, the large water area in the most heated equatorial-tropical regions (more than 50% of the total), and the isolation of the Pacific Ocean from the cold Arctic basin. The influence of Antarctica in the Pacific Ocean is also weaker compared to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans due to its huge area.

The temperature distribution of surface waters of the Pacific Ocean is determined mainly by heat exchange with the atmosphere and circulation of water masses. In the open ocean, isotherms usually have a latitudinal variation, with the exception of areas with meridional (or submeridional) transport of water by currents. Particularly strong deviations from latitudinal zonality in the temperature distribution of ocean surface waters are observed along the western and eastern coasts, where meridional (submeridional) flows close the main circulation circuits of the Pacific Ocean waters.

In equatorial-tropical latitudes, the highest seasonal and annual water temperatures are observed - 25-29 ° C, and their maximum values ​​(31-32 ° C) belong to the western regions of equatorial latitudes. At low latitudes, the western part of the ocean is 2-5°C warmer than the eastern part. In the areas of the Californian and Peruvian currents, the water temperature can be 12-15°C lower compared to coastal waters located at the same latitudes in the western part of the ocean. In the temperate and subpolar waters of the Northern Hemisphere, the western sector of the ocean, on the contrary, is 3-7°C colder than the eastern sector throughout the year. In summer, the water temperature in the Bering Strait is 5-6°C. In winter, the zero isotherm passes through the middle part of the Bering Sea. The minimum temperature here is -1.7-1.8°C. In Antarctic waters in areas where floating ice is widespread, the water temperature rarely rises to 2-3°C. In winter, negative temperatures are observed south of 60-62° S. w. In the temperate and subpolar latitudes of the southern part of the ocean, isotherms have a smooth sublatitudinal course; there is no significant difference in water temperatures between the western and eastern parts of the ocean.

Salinity and density

The distribution of salinity in the waters of the Pacific Ocean follows general patterns. In general, this indicator at all depths is lower than in other oceans of the world, which is explained by the size of the ocean and the significant distance of the central parts of the ocean from the arid regions of the continents (Fig. 4).

The water balance of the ocean is characterized by a significant excess of the amount of atmospheric precipitation together with river runoff over the amount of evaporation. In addition, in the Pacific Ocean, unlike the Atlantic and Indian, at intermediate depths there is no influx of particularly saline waters of the Mediterranean and Red Sea types. The centers for the formation of highly saline waters on the surface of the Pacific Ocean are the subtropical regions of both hemispheres, since evaporation here significantly exceeds the amount of precipitation.

Both high-salinity zones (35.5‰ in the north and 36.5‰ in the south) are located above 20° latitude in both hemispheres. North of 40° N. w. salinity decreases especially quickly. At the top of the Gulf of Alaska it is 30-31 ‰. In the Southern Hemisphere, the decrease in salinity from the subtropics to the south slows down due to the influence of the Western Winds: up to 60° S. w. it remains more than 34%o, and off the coast of Antarctica it decreases to 33%o. Water desalination is also observed in equatorial-tropical regions with large amounts of precipitation. Between the centers of salinization and desalinization of waters, the distribution of salinity is strongly influenced by currents. Along the coast, currents carry desalinated waters from high latitudes to lower latitudes in the east of the ocean, and salty waters in the opposite direction in the west.

Rice. 4.

The most general pattern of changes in water density in the Pacific Ocean is an increase in its values ​​from equatorial-tropical zones to high latitudes. Consequently, the decrease in temperature from the equator to the poles completely covers the decrease in salinity throughout the entire space from the tropics to high latitudes.

The ocean receives a lot of heat from the Sun. Occupying a large area, it receives more heat than land.

But the sun's rays heat only the top layer of water, only a few meters thick. Heat is transferred down from this layer as a result of constant mixing of water. But it should be noted that the water temperature decreases with depth, first abruptly, and then smoothly. At depth, water is almost uniform in temperature, since the depths of the oceans are mainly filled with waters of the same origin, forming in the polar regions of the Earth. At a depth of more than 3-4 thousand meters, the temperature usually ranges from +2°C to 0°C.

The temperature of surface waters also varies and is distributed depending on. The farther from the equator, the lower the temperature. This is due to the different amount of heat that comes from the Sun. Due to the spherical shape of our planet, the angle of incidence of the sun's ray at the equator is greater than , therefore they receive more heat than the polar ones. The highest ocean waters are observed at the equator - +28-29°C. To the north and south of it, the water temperature decreases. Due to the proximity of the cold, the rate of temperature decrease in the south is slightly faster than in the north.

The temperature of sea water also affects the surrounding areas. It is especially high in seas surrounded by hot ones, for example - up to 34°C, in the Persian Gulf - up to 35.6°C. In temperate latitudes, temperatures vary depending on the time of day.

The highest average temperature at the surface of the water is 19.4°C. Second place (17.3°C) is occupied by. In third place is , having an average temperature of about 16.5°C. The lowest water temperature in is on average slightly above 1°C. Consequently, for the entire World Ocean, the average temperature of surface waters is about 17.5°C.

So, the ocean absorbs 25-50% more heat than land, and this is its huge role for living beings on the entire planet. The sun heats its water all summer, and in winter this heated water gradually releases heat. Thus, it is something like the “central heating boiler” of the Earth. Without it, such severe frosts will come on Earth that all living things will die. It has been calculated that if the oceans did not conserve their heat so carefully, the average temperature on Earth would be -21°C, which is as much as 36°C lower than what we actually have.

The Pacific Ocean is located in almost all climate zones. Most of it lies in the equatorial, subequatorial and tropical zones.

The climate of the Pacific Ocean is formed due to the zonal distribution of solar radiation and atmospheric circulation, as well as the powerful seasonal influence of the Asian continent. Almost all climatic zones can be distinguished in the ocean. In the northern temperate zone in winter, the pressure center is the Aleutian pressure minimum, which is weakly expressed in summer. To the south is the North Pacific Anticyclone. Along the equator there is an Equatorial Depression (an area of ​​low pressure), which to the south is replaced by the South Pacific Anticyclone. Further south, the pressure drops again and then again gives way to an area of ​​high pressure over Antarctica. The wind direction is formed in accordance with the location of the pressure centers. In the temperate latitudes of the northern hemisphere, strong westerly winds prevail in winter, and weak southern winds in summer. In the northwest of the ocean, in winter, northern and northeastern monsoon winds are established, which in summer are replaced by southern monsoons. Cyclones that occur on polar fronts determine the high frequency of storm winds in temperate and subpolar zones (especially in the southern hemisphere). In the subtropics and tropics of the northern hemisphere, northeast trade winds dominate. In the equatorial zone, mostly calm weather is observed all year round. In the tropical and subtropical zones of the southern hemisphere, a stable southeast trade wind prevails, strong in winter and weak in summer. In the tropics, severe tropical hurricanes, called typhoons, arise (mainly in the summer). They usually appear east of the Philippines, from where they move northwest and north through Taiwan and Japan and die out on the approaches to the Bering Sea. Another area where typhoons originate is the coastal areas of the Pacific Ocean adjacent to Central America. In the forties latitudes of the southern hemisphere, strong and constant westerly winds are observed. In the high latitudes of the southern hemisphere, winds are subject to the general cyclonic circulation characteristic of the Antarctic low pressure area.

The distribution of air temperature over the ocean is subject to the general latitudinal zonality, but the western part has a warmer climate than the eastern. In tropical and equatorial zones, average air temperatures range from 27.5 °C to 25.5 °C. In summer, the 25 °C isotherm expands northward in the western part of the ocean and only to a small extent in the eastern hemisphere, and in the southern hemisphere it strongly shifts northward. Passing over the vast expanses of the ocean, air masses are intensively saturated with moisture. On both sides of the equator in the near-equatorial zone, there are two narrow stripes of maximum precipitation, outlined by an isohyet of 2000 mm, and a relatively dry zone is expressed along the equator. In the Pacific Ocean there is no zone of convergence of the northern and southern trade winds. Two independent zones with excess moisture appear and a relatively dry zone separating them. To the east in the equatorial and tropical zones, the amount of precipitation decreases. The driest areas in the northern hemisphere are adjacent to California, in the southern - to the Peruvian and Chilean basins (coastal areas receive less than 50 mm of precipitation per year).

The most important telescope on the planet, the orbital telescope, opens unprecedented horizons of deep space for astronomers. But, along with great discoveries, Hubble also presents the greatest mysteries.

New World: More than 15 years ago, the World was surprised, amazed and concerned when it came into contact with something completely unusual, mysterious, sensational, which did not fit into the framework of ordinary consciousness - A heavenly city in the center of the galaxy! Photos The Hubble Space Telescope literally shocked the World - the city was immediately called the Abode of God. The authorities immediately classified information about this extraordinary event, but several photographs nevertheless became available to the general public. There was no official communication about this discovery, study, research, but nevertheless the fact of the existence in the center of the galaxy of something completely unimaginable remains and never ceases to excite the minds of people - perhaps this is the Abode of God - the Heavenly Paradise, what they believe in and hope...

IN JANUARY 1995, a German astronomical journal published a short message, to which all scientific, religious and popular publications on the planet immediately responded.

Each publisher drew the attention of its readers to completely different aspects of this message, but the essence boiled down to one thing: “...The Abode of God was discovered in the Universe - on December 26, 1994, a big noise arose at the US Aerospace Agency (NASA..."

After deciphering a series of images transmitted from the Hubble telescope, the films clearly showed a large white city floating in space. NASA representatives did not have time to turn off free access to the telescope’s web server, where all the images received from Hubble go for study in various astronomical laboratories. Thus, photographs taken from the telescope, later (and still) strictly classified, became available to users of the World Wide Web for a few minutes.

So what did astronomers see in these amazing photographs?

At first it was just a small foggy speck in one of the frames. But when University of Florida professor Ken Wilson decided to take a closer look at the photograph and, in addition to Hubble optics, armed himself with a hand-held magnifying glass, he discovered that the speck had a strange structure that could not be explained either by diffraction in the lens set of the telescope itself, or by interference in communication channel when transmitting the image to Earth.

After a short operational meeting, it was decided to re-shoot the area of ​​the starry sky indicated by Professor Wilson with the maximum resolution for Hubble. The huge multi-meter lenses of the space telescope focused on the farthest corner of the Universe accessible to the telescope. Several characteristic clicks of the camera shutter were heard, which were voiced by the prankster operator who voiced the computer command to capture the image on the telescope. And the “spot” appeared before the amazed scientists on the multi-meter screen of the projection installation of the Hubble control laboratory as a shining structure, similar to a fantastic city, a kind of hybrid of Swift’s “flying island”, laputa and science-fiction projects of cities of the future.

A huge structure, stretching across many billions of kilometers in the vastness of Space, shone with an unearthly light. The Floating City was unanimously recognized as the Abode of the Creator, the place where only the throne of the Lord God could be located. A NASA representative said that the City cannot be inhabited in the usual sense of the word; most likely, the souls of dead people live in it.

However, another, no less fantastic version of the origin of the cosmic City has a right to exist. The fact is that in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the very existence of which has not even been questioned for several decades, scientists are faced with a paradox. If we assume that the Universe is massively populated by many civilizations at very different levels of development, then among them there must inevitably be some supercivilizations that not only went into space, but actively populated vast spaces of the Universe. And the activities of these supercivilizations, including engineering - to change the natural habitat (in this case, outer space and objects located in the zone of influence) - should be noticeable at a distance of many millions of light years.

However, until recently, astronomers had not noticed anything like this. And now - an obvious man-made object of galactic proportions. It is possible that the City discovered by Hubble on Catholic Christmas at the end of the 20th century turned out to be exactly the desired engineering structure of an unknown and very powerful extraterrestrial civilization.

The size of the City is amazing

Not a single celestial object known to us is able to compete with this giant. Our Earth in this City would be just a grain of sand on the dusty side of the cosmic avenue. Where is this giant moving - and is it moving at all? Computer analysis of a series of photographs obtained from Hubble showed that the movement of the City generally coincides with the movement of the surrounding galaxies. That is, relative to the Earth, everything happens within the framework of the Big Bang theory. Galaxies “scatter”, the red shift increases with increasing distance, no deviations from the general law are observed.

However, during three-dimensional modeling of the distant part of the Universe, an amazing fact emerged: it is not a part of the Universe that is distant from us, but we are from it.

Why was the starting point moved to the City?

Because it was precisely this foggy speck in the photographs that turned out to be the “center of the Universe” in the computer model. The volumetric moving image clearly demonstrated that the galaxies are scattering, but precisely from the point of the Universe in which the City is located. In other words, all galaxies, including ours, once emerged from exactly this point in space, and it is around the City that the Universe rotates, and therefore the first idea of ​​the City as the Abode of God turned out to be extremely successful and close to the truth.

New World: Bible - God's city:

Revelation 21
16 The city is located in a quadrangle, and its length is the same as its latitude. And he measured the city with a reed for twelve thousand furlongs; its length and breadth and height are equal.
17 And he measured the wall thereof one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, which is the measure of an angel.
18 Its wall was built of jasper, and the city was pure gold, like pure glass.
19 The foundations of the city wall were adorned with all kinds of precious stones: the first foundation was jasper, the second was sapphire, the third was chalcedon, the fourth was emerald,
20 fifth sardonyx, sixth carnelian, seventh chrysolite, eighth virill, ninth topaz, tenth chrysoprase, eleventh hyacinth, twelfth amethyst.
21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: each gate was made of one pearl. The city street is pure gold, like transparent glass.
22 But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty is its temple, and the Lamb.
23 And the city has no need of the sun or the moon to illuminate it, for the glory of God has illuminated it, and its lamp is the Lamb.
24 The saved nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory and honor into it.
25 Its gates will not be locked during the day; and there will be no night there.

The Urantia Book - describes the Isle of Paradise:

"...At the center of this eternal central universe is the motionless Isle of Paradise - the geographical center of infinity and the seat of the eternal God..."

“...The Eternal Isle of Paradise is the eternal center of the universe of universes and the abode of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, the Infinite Spirit, and the coordinated and related divine beings. This central Island represents the most gigantic organized body in the cosmic reality of the entire universe. Heaven is both a material realm and a spiritual abode. All intelligent creatures of the Universal Father live in material abodes; therefore, the absolute center of control must be material, literal. Again it must be repeated that spiritual substances and spiritual beingsare real.

The material beauty of Paradise lies in the splendor of its physical perfection; the greatness of the Island of God is expressed in the high intellectual achievements and development of the minds of its inhabitants; the bliss of the central Island is proclaimed by the infinite gift of the divine spiritual personality - the light of life. However, the depths of spiritual beauty and wonders of this magnificent ensemble are completely inaccessible to the finite intelligence of material creatures. The beauty and spiritual grandeur of the divine abode are beyond mortal understanding. Paradise belongs to eternity; there is no information or legend about the origin of this central Island of Light and Life...”

“... such a huge material universe requires an adequate and worthy capital, a center commensurate with the greatness and infinity of the universal Ruler of this entire huge and vast creation of material worlds and living beings.

In its shape, Paradise differs from inhabited spatial bodies: it is not spherical. It has a distinctly elliptical shape, with the diameter in the north-south direction one-sixth larger than the diameter in the east-west direction.

The differences in size, combined with the immobility of the Island and the large outgoing pressure of force-energy at its northern tip, make it possible to establish absolute directions in the universe.

The Central Island is geographically divided into three areas of activity. We call the surface of Paradise, which is associated with personal activity, upper, and the opposite surface - lower...”

“...Paradise serves many purposes for the administration of the universal spheres, but for creatures it exists primarily as the abode of the Divine. The personal presence of the Universal Father is located at the very center of the upper surface of this almost circular, but not spherical, abode of the Deities. This Paradise presence of the Universal Father is immediately surrounded by the personal presence of the Eternal Son, while both are enveloped in the ineffable splendor of the Infinite Spirit.

God abides, has abided, and will forever abide in this central and eternal abode. We have always found and will always find it here. The Universal Father is cosmically centered, spiritually personalized and geographically located at this center of the universe of universes.

We all know the direct path leading to the Universal Father. Many aspects of the divine abode are beyond your understanding because of its remoteness and the colossal space separating you, but those who are able to understand the meaning of these vast distances know the whereabouts of God as definitely and unambiguously as you know the whereabouts of New York, London, Rome or Singapore, cities having an exact geographical location on Urantia. If you were a competent navigator who owned a ship, and you had a ship at your disposal, maps and compass, you could easily reach these cities. In the same way, if you had the time and the means of transportation, if you had the spiritual training and the necessary guidance, you could be led from one universe to another and from one ring to another; you would move through the starry worlds, always approaching the center, until at last you would appear before the central radiance of the spiritual splendor of the Universal Father. Given all the necessary equipment for such a journey, reaching the personal presence of God at the center of all things is as possible as reaching distant cities on your own planet. The fact that you have not been there does not in any way disprove their reality or actual existence. The fact that only a few have found God in Paradise in no way denies the reality of his existence, nor the reality of his spiritual person at the center of all things.

Father can always be found here. If he had gone, everything would have gone to dust, for in him, in the center of his habitat, the universal lines of gravity converge, extending to the boundaries of creation. Whether we trace the spread of the personality circuit through the universes or observe the personalities ascending to the Father, directed towards the center; whether we trace the lines of material gravity leading to the lower Paradise or observe the cyclical surges of cosmic force; whether we are tracing the lines of spiritual gravity leading to the Eternal Son or watching the procession of the Paradise Sons of God moving towards the center; whether we trace the circuits of the mind or observe the myriads of heavenly creatures generated by the Infinite Spirit, any or all of these observations lead us back to the presence of the Father in his central abode. This is the personal, literal and actual presence of God. And from his infinite being flows streams of life, energy and personality into all universes...”

What does this discovery promise for humanity?

Science and religion have long decided to promote and, to the best of their ability and ability, help each other reveal the secrets and mysteries of the world around us, although this is more aimed at maintaining power, both secular and religious. If science suddenly encounters an insoluble phenomenon, religion almost always provides an accessible explanation for what is happening, which is gradually adopted by the scientific community.

In this case, the opposite happened; science, with the help of technical means, confirmed or at least provided significant evidence of the correctness of the main postulate of religion - the existence of a single Creator living in the shining City in the heavens.

No matter how expected such a message may be, its consequences are practically unpredictable. The general euphoria of religious fanatics, the collapse of the materialistic foundation of modern science - all this can lead to irreversible consequences, loss of dominance and power. Therefore, the photographs were immediately classified, and only people vested with special powers who actually control the life of individual countries and the planet as a whole received access to images of the City of God.

However, secrecy is not the best means of achieving goals. We offer readers one of a series of images transmitted from Hubble, depicting a mysterious City floating in the vast depths of endless Space. Today we can only wait for the official reaction of government agencies and senior officials of the Church to the message about the discovery by astronomers of something that humanity could only guess about for many millennia.

New World: The US secret intelligence services put in their safes information that is of enormous importance for the entire Universe. But how can such a stunning discovery be hidden? Why did America arrogate to itself the right to decide what the inhabitants of the Earth can know, and what it is too early for them to know? The answer to these questions can only be the complete declassification of today's archival secrets and mysteries. Well, we just have to wait for the American safes to open. The abode of God turned out to be hidden from earthlings more reliably than in the depths of the Universe...

A celestial city floating in space. Photo: Secrets of the World

Astronomy has come a long way in its research into distant and nearby stars and galaxies. Hundreds of professionals and millions of amateurs point their telescopes at the starry sky every night. The planet's main telescope, NASA's orbiting Hubble Space Telescope, opens unprecedented horizons of deep space for astronomers. But along with great discoveries, Hubble also presents the greatest mysteries. /website/

IN JANUARY 1995, a German astronomical magazine published a short message, to which all scientific, religious and popular publications on the planet immediately responded. Each publisher drew the attention of its readers to completely different aspects of this message, but the essence boiled down to one thing: the Abode of God had been discovered in the Universe. On December 26, 1994, there was a big uproar at the US Aerospace Agency (NASA).

After deciphering a series of images transmitted from the Hubble telescope, the films clearly showed a large white city floating in space. NASA representatives did not have time to turn off free access to the telescope’s web server, where all the images received from Hubble go for study in various astronomical laboratories. Thus, photographs taken from the telescope, later (and still) strictly classified, became available to users of the World Wide Web for a few minutes.

So what did astronomers see in these amazing photographs? At first it was just a small foggy speck in one of the frames. But when University of Florida professor Ken Wilson decided to take a closer look at the photograph and, in addition to Hubble optics, armed himself with a hand-held magnifying glass, he discovered that the speck had a strange structure that could not be explained either by diffraction in the lens set of the telescope itself, or by interference in communication channel when transmitting the image to Earth.

After a short operational meeting, it was decided to re-shoot the area of ​​the starry sky indicated by Professor Wilson with the maximum resolution for Hubble. The huge multi-meter lenses of the space telescope focused on the farthest corner of the Universe accessible to the telescope. Several characteristic clicks of the camera shutter were heard, which were voiced by the prankster operator who voiced the computer command to capture the image on the telescope.

And the “spot” appeared before the amazed scientists on the multi-meter screen of the projection installation of the Hubble control laboratory as a shining structure, similar to a fantastic city, a kind of hybrid of Swift’s “flying island”, Laputa (a fictional island from Gulliver’s Travels) and science fiction city projects future.

A huge structure, stretching across many billions of kilometers in the vastness of Space, shone with an unearthly light. The Floating City was unanimously recognized as the Abode of the Creator, the place where only the throne of the Lord God could be located. A NASA representative said that the City cannot be inhabited in the usual sense of the word; most likely, the souls of dead people live in it.

However, another, no less fantastic version of the origin of the cosmic City has a right to exist. The fact is that in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the very existence of which has not even been questioned for several decades, scientists are faced with a paradox.

If we assume that the Universe is massively populated by many civilizations at very different levels of development, then among them there must inevitably be some supercivilizations that not only went into space, but actively populated vast spaces of the Universe. And the activities of these supercivilizations, including engineering - to change the natural habitat (in this case, outer space and objects located in the zone of influence) - should be noticeable at a distance of many millions of light years.

However, until recently, astronomers had not noticed anything like this. And now - an obvious man-made object of galactic proportions. It is possible that the City discovered by Hubble on Catholic Christmas at the end of the 20th century turned out to be exactly the desired engineering structure of an unknown and very powerful extraterrestrial civilization.

The size of the City is amazing. Not a single celestial object known to us is able to compete with this giant. Our Earth in this City would be just a grain of sand on the dusty side of the cosmic avenue. Where is this giant moving - and is it moving at all? Computer analysis of a series of photographs obtained from Hubble showed that the movement of the City generally coincides with the movement of the surrounding galaxies, that is, relative to the Earth, everything happens within the framework of the Big Bang theory. Galaxies “scatter”, the red shift increases with increasing distance, no deviations from the general law are observed.

However, during three-dimensional modeling of a distant part of the Universe, an amazing fact emerged: it is not a part of the Universe that is distant from us, but we are from it. Why was the starting point moved to the City? Because it was precisely this foggy speck in the photographs that turned out to be the “center of the Universe” in the computer model.

The three-dimensional moving image clearly demonstrated that the galaxies are scattering, but precisely from the point of the Universe in which the City is located. In other words, all galaxies, including ours, once emerged from precisely this point in space, and it is precisely around the City that the Universe rotates. Therefore, the first idea of ​​the City as the Abode of God turned out to be extremely successful and close to the truth.

What does this discovery promise for humanity, and why has it not been heard of for almost seven years? Science and religion have long decided to make peace, and to the best of their ability and ability, they help each other reveal the secrets and mysteries of the world around us. And if science suddenly encounters an insoluble phenomenon, religion almost always gives what is happening a very real explanation, which is gradually adopted by strict scientific circles.

In this case, the opposite happened - science, with the help of technical means, confirmed or at least provided significant evidence of the correctness of the main postulate of religion - the existence of a single Creator living in the shining City in the heavens.

However, no matter how expected such a message may be, its consequences are practically unpredictable. The general euphoria of religious fanatics, the collapse of the materialistic foundation of modern science - all this can lead to irreversible and terrible consequences. Therefore, the photographs were immediately classified, and access to images of the City of God was given only to people vested with special powers, who in reality, and not on TV, control the life of individual countries and the planet as a whole.

However, secrecy is not the best means of achieving goals, and against any lock there is a master key. We offer readers one of a series of images transmitted from Hubble, depicting a mysterious City floating in the vast depths of endless Space. Today we can only wait for the official reaction of government agencies and senior officials of the Church to the message about the discovery by astronomers of something that humanity could only guess about for many millennia.

The US secret intelligence services put in their safes information that is of enormous importance for the entire Universe. But how can such a stunning discovery be hidden? Why America has arrogated to itself the right to decide what the inhabitants of the Earth can know, and what they should know too early. The answer to these questions can only be to remove them from the agenda.

Either due to the establishment of complete US dominance on the planet, or as having lost relevance due to the complete declassification of today's archival secrets and mysteries. Well, we just have to wait for the opening of American safes in them. The abode of God turned out to be hidden from earthlings more reliably than in the depths of the Universe.

A little history of the emergence of engineering and technological expertise, for example, machine tool expertise? As of 2007, engineering and technological expertise, according to the prominent scientist and theorist Vladimir Afanasyevich Nazarov, looks, in our opinion, somewhat one-sided, since the scientist in his textbook “Forensic Expertise (Expertology)”, unfortunately, considers this a class of technical expertise only from the position of criminal proceedings and, accordingly, from the position of investigating criminal cases involving technological disasters, deaths caused by improper operation of machines, units, equipment, machine tools and other mechanisms.