A new look at national military strategy. General Staff in the singular

Alexander Ivanovich Vladimirov(1923-2003) - lieutenant of the Soviet Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1943).


Born on November 5, 1923 in the village of Sychi (now Orsha district of Mari El) in a peasant family. He attended high school and then worked as a lumberjack. In 1942, Vladimirov was drafted into the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Since August of the same year - on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. By October 1943, Junior Sergeant Alexandra Vladimirov commanded a section of the 1281st Infantry Regiment of the 60th Infantry Division of the 65th Army of the Central Front. He distinguished himself during the Battle of the Dnieper.

On the night of October 16-17, 1943, Vladimirov, together with his squad, crossed the Dnieper south of the village of Loev in the Gomel Region of the Belarusian SSR and captured a bridgehead on its western bank. Subsequently, during the battles for the village of Byvalki, Loevsky district, Vladimirov was the first in his unit to burst into an enemy trench and destroy several enemy soldiers in hand-to-hand combat. Vladimirov’s squad also repelled two enemy counterattacks.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 30, 1943, for “exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against German invaders and the courage and heroism shown,” junior sergeant Alexander Vladimirov was awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold medal Star" number 1651.

In 1944 he graduated from the courses for junior lieutenants. In 1945 he joined the CPSU(b). In 1947, with the rank of lieutenant, he was transferred to the reserve. He lived in Yoshkar-Ola, died on August 4, 2003, and was buried at the Turunovsky cemetery.


  • Medal "Gold Star" (1943),
  • Order of Lenin (1943),
  • Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree,
  • medals.


  • A memorial plaque in memory of Vladimirov was installed by the Russian Military Historical Society on the building of the Markovsky secondary school in the Orsha district, where he studied.

Major General Alexander Vladimirov answers questions about military reform (section closed)

Alexander Ivanovich Vladimirov - reserve major general, vice-president of the College of Military Experts of Russia, member of the National Strategy Council, candidate of political sciences.

Born April 17, 1945. Graduated from the Moscow Suvorov Military School, Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School (1966), Military Academy named after. M.V. Frunze, Military Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

He served in the Far East, in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, in Belarus, in Vietnam. Recipient of 20 state awards.

He took part in the development of the “Fundamentals of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation”, the laws of the Russian Federation “On Defense”, “On Security”, “On the Status of Military Personnel” and other legislative acts.

21.03.2012 Nakhimov School
Good afternoon. Alexander Vladimirovich. We are not a military family, my son is growing up, I want to send him to the Nakhimov School. I am making every effort to be smart, athletic, in general everything that a real Nakhimovite should be. I want him to begin the life of a naval officer. But they don’t take civilians. What should we do then? Thanks in advance. Author of the question: Safiulina Elena Yurievna

27.06.2009 Reform
What will operational commands be like and their features in relation to the Navy. Author of the question: Saik A.P.

25.05.2009 Training after 5 years of institute
Dear Alexander Vladimirov! Answer this question. Is it possible to study at naval institutes (or any other) if you have previously received a higher education? If yes, in which institutions and what is required for this.
Thank you in advance. Posted by: Vladimir

24.05.2009 Hydrography
Are we needed (who, why, how, where, where) if not, then why? Posted by: Sasha

29.04.2009 regarding the arrival of girls
Hello, Alexander Vladimirovich!
This year I heard that girls can apply to you! This is true?!
If this is so, then what is needed for this?!
I live in Vladivostok, I study at college, at VGUES. For a marketer. I'm getting my diploma this year! and now I have a great desire to join you!!!
please tell me how... Author of the question: Julia

25.04.2009 about military pensioners
Why did they forget about military pensioners during the military reform? I, senior midshipman of the Northern Fleet, am currently receiving a pension in the amount of 5,600 rubles in my hands - and already taking into account the “northern interest”. Perhaps the Ministry of Defense does not know that not all pensioners of the Armed Forces are colonels? Author of the question: Viktor Sushkov

22.04.2009 Distribution
Dear Alexander Ivanovich!
This year, 2009, my son is finishing his internship in surgery at the Military Medical Academy named after. S.M.Kirova (St. Petersburg), lieutenant of medical service. I would like to ask you: will he be employed in the military (he has a naval faculty)? Since there are rumors that military doctors will be removed from the staff and transferred to the reserve from the RF Armed Forces without signing a contract with them.
With respect, reserve major, participant in combat operations in the DRA, Vasily Nikolaevich Gubin. Author of the question: Gubin Vasily Nikolaevich

18.04.2009 Personal
Dear Alexander Vladimirovich, I am writing to you with a personal request. In the 90s, my husband and I served in the West Group under the command of Nikolai Sidorov. Unfortunately we lost contact with him. We know that some time ago he served as Commander of the Coastal Forces of the Pacific Fleet. We really ask, we just beg you, to help us contact him. At one time we were very friendly and retained the best memories of him. Please pass on our address: Vyborg, Leningrad region Leningradskoe highway, building 12, sq.2
E-mail: K [email protected]
[email protected]
Mobile phone: 8 921 64 99882
Kosyak Elena Alekseevna
Author of the question: Kosyak Elena

17.04.2009 Reform
Hello Alexander Vasilievich.
I would like to ask this: does the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation have any relation to the management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or is it simply or “looking” from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief? And if so, what kind of service experience (commanding units, formations, associations.....) does Syurdyukov have, what academies did he graduate from?
A lieutenant platoon commander was trained for four years at a military school (under Catherine the Great, a nobleman was enlisted for service even before birth and he was born with the experience of a ready-made platoon commander - maybe we can introduce this in the reform process)), and how much did they train the Ministry of Defense and where? I am a captain of the 2nd rank of the reserves, but I wouldn’t be able to sell furniture - even if I really wanted to - I don’t have enough education and experience, and here on the scale of the Armed Forces one-sixth of the landmass - so it begs the question - do these Armed Forces of the Russian Federation exist, which have been reforming for fifteen years now? ?Or maybe they have already been reformed to the point of complete disappearance, and they are fooling us and cheating us out of taxes?
With respect, captain 2nd rank reserve Chukhontsev Sergey Vasilievich. Author of the question: Sergey Vasilievich

03.04.2009 Responsibility for reformation
Alexander Ivanovich, hello!
There have been reports in the press about the possible removal of Mr. Serdyukov from the post of Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The reason is obvious – overzealousness in “reformism”. It is clear that ambiguity could not exist forever, in which the President declares one thing about reform, and the “would-be reformers” do who knows what in troubled waters. It would be good if this “breaking wood” stops, but again, most likely, no one will answer for their outrages. At the same time, reform of the Army is needed, and real reform.
Theoretically, it is clear that the reform should have specific and well-known authors, who should bear responsibility for its outcome. But what, in your opinion, is NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT to be done in practice so that this responsibility this time is real, tangible, i.e. one that would guarantee a competent, professional, comprehensive, patriotic approach to the development and implementation of such a necessary reform for the country’s Armed Forces?
Thank you.
Author of the question: Captain 2nd rank reserve Shevchenko V.A.

28.03.2009 Economic aspect
Hello, Alexander Ivanovich.

In general, it is clear that defense spending is classified information.
But, if possible, please clarify whether there are “in nature” serious (or at least not very) calculations of the cost of this or that option for reforming the RF Armed Forces, if, of course, there are “in nature” the options for carrying out the reform.

Thanks in advance,
Vymorkov I.F., captain 2nd rank reserve. Author of the question: Vymorkov I.F.

27.03.2009 mercenaries
Are mercenaries really better than an armed people (meaning a conscript army) and isn’t this a danger for the citizens themselves and the state? Can civic duty be a profession? Author of the question: Sergey Vasilievich

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In this section, the opinion of the editors of the Central Naval Portal does not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the author of the article or the interviewee. We consider it important and necessary to convey to readers the point of view of anyone, if it has a reasoned basis.

Major General of the Reserve.

Candidate of Political Sciences.

Served in the Far East, in the GSVG, in Belarus, in Vietnam.

During his service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, he held all command and staff positions from the commander of a motorized rifle platoon, to the chief of staff - first deputy commander of the combined arms army, and constantly served in deployed combat units.

For outstanding achievements in service:

Twice he received regular military ranks ahead of schedule:

the title of “captain” and captain’s shoulder straps were awarded to Alexander Vladimirov for skillful command of a motorized rifle company and excellent results shown during company live-fire exercises at the training ground, after the end of the exercises personally by the USSR Minister of Defense, Marshal;

The rank of “lieutenant colonel” was awarded to Major Alexander Vladimirov upon excellent completion of the Military Academy named after. in 1977 and appointment to the post of commander of the 411th motorized rifle regiment of the 5th OA Far Eastern Military District;

In 1979, for success in combat and political training, initiative and skillful command of the 411th motorized rifle regiment of the 5th Combined Arms Army of the Far Eastern Military District during the Vostok-79 strategic maneuvers, he was awarded the Order “For Service to the Motherland in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces”, III class;

In 1985, at the end of the year, the 35th motorized rifle division of the 20th Combined Arms Army of the GSVG, which he commanded, was recognized as the best in the USSR Armed Forces and the division was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the USSR Armed Forces;

In 1988, following the results of the strategic exercises “Autumn - 88”, the 28th Combined Arms Army of the BVI and its Army Headquarters, by order of the Minister of Defense, were recognized as the best in the USSR Armed Forces.

Awarded 30 state, departmental and foreign awards.

Have worked: Assistant to the USSR Minister of Defense for Military Reform; Military Advisor to the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation; Head of the Department for Analysis of Problems of the Armed Forces and the Military-Industrial Complex of the Analytical Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation; Advisor to the International Fund for Economic and Social Reform (Reform Fund); General Director of the publishing house "Military Parade"; senior researcher at the Institute of USA and Canada, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Currently- Vice-President of the College of Military Experts of Russia, Vice-Chairman of the All-Russian Union of Cadet Associations “Open Commonwealth of Suvorov, Nakhimov and Cadets of Russia”, Honorary Chairman of the Regional Veteran, Charitable Public, Organization “Moscow Commonwealth of Suvorov, Nakhimov, Cadet”, Member of the National Council strategy, senior researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the National Council of the party “For Our Motherland!”, Member of the Board of the “People's Assembly of Russia”, Member of the Public Chamber for Education in Moscow.

Participated in the development“Fundamentals of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation”, Laws of the Russian Federation “On Defense”, “On Security”, “On the Status of Military Personnel”, “On Conversion”, “On Veterans”, Messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on National Security, Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation, “Fundamentals of the strategy for national security and development of Russia 2050.”

Author more than 150 works and publications on the problems of the national state idea, military reform, reform of the Armed Forces, civilian control over the security forces of the state, on problems of international, regional and national security, national strategy, on problems of state building and management, as well as five monographs: “On the national state idea of ​​Russia”, “Military reform in Russia”, “Strategic studies”, “Theses on the strategy of Russia”, “Conceptual foundations of the national strategy of Russia. Political aspect"; six almanacs “Cadet Bulletin of Russia”.

Today: He leads the cadet movement in Moscow and Russia, leads the fight to save the national Suvorov military school, works to create a system of cadet education in Russia; conducts active journalistic, patriotic educational and scientific work, works on the fundamental work “Fundamentals of the General Theory of War”.

Married, has four children and three grandchildren.

Major General Alexander Ivanovich Vladimirov is the first officer of the Soviet Army who, in 1986, while still the commander of the 35th motorized rifle division of the 20th Combined Arms Army of the GSVG, formulated general approaches and specific directions for military reform in the USSR;

contrary to the wishes of the USSR Minister of Defense, the marshal achieved their publication in the magazine “Military Thought” No. 10 1988, in the article “Reflections of a combined arms commander” and an all-army discussion of his ideas in the USSR;

then, his main ideas for military reform were published in the book “Army and Society” in 1990;

for which in 1990, from the post of Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the 28th Army BVO, he was sent “to correct the spirit” to Vietnam, where for a year he successfully commanded a group of Soviet military advisers and a group of national troops in one of the neighboring countries.

After arriving from Vietnam in the spring of 1991 and his personal conversation with the USSR Minister of Defense, Marshal, in July of the same year he was dismissed from the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces without announcing the reasons.

After the putsch, Major General Alexander Vladimirov was reinstated in the army and served as Assistant Minister of Defense of the USSR (Air Marshal) for military reform.

At the end of 1991, he made a report and initiative to reform the Armed Forces of the USSR, implementing his ideas through the creation of a new military organization of the country, as the strategic basis of the United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States (similar to NATO), for which in 1992, at the age of 47, he was dismissed from the CIS Armed Forces (!) due to illness.

In 1993, he personally presented to the first President of Russia his report “Fundamentals of the Military Policy of the Russian Federation,” which was highly appreciated by the President of Russia, after which he accepted it into his Administration.

Attempts to reform the Russian Armed Forces from the heights of the Administration of the President of Russia, in which he worked as the Head of the Department of Problems of the Armed Forces and the Military-Industrial Complex of the Analytical Directorate and a member of the Expert Council under the President of the Russian Federation, did not lead to positive results; in the late 90s he was fired “due to reduction states,” but then, until 2006, he worked as an adviser to the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Today, that is, almost twenty years after the publication of his ideas, military reform has begun in Russia in accordance with his approaches and ideas.

This one concerns: the idea of ​​teams; military police; legal and economic independence of units and formations; optimization and standardization; military uniform and military economy; reducing the mobilization burden on the economy and troops; creating units of constant combat readiness; issues of training junior commanders; creating the institution of officers' meetings of units; issues of the new personnel policy in the army and the new Regulations on military service for officers; a new calculation of the salary of military personnel and solutions to their housing problems; tasks and composition of the Branches of the Armed Forces, the Organized Reserve and the Commands of the troops of strategic directions; issues of civilian control and demilitarization of the country; issues of state ideology and ethics of military service; formation of a new quality of professional military education, and so on.

Some general results of activities

Alexander Ivanovich Vladimirov

In the field of science

1. Development and publication of five monographs on fundamental issues of state and military development in Russia : “On the national state idea of ​​Russia”, “Military reform in Russia”, “Strategic studies”, “Theses on the strategy of Russia”, “Conceptual foundations of the national strategy of Russia. Political aspect".

2. Development of the fundamental work “Fundamentals of the General Theory of War”.

3. Development of the “Fundamentals of the National Strategy for Development and Security of Russia - 2050. Security through development.”

4. Development of the basics of the topic “Economics of War”.

5. Development of the conceptual apparatus of modern political science: “Challenges”, “Risks”, “Dangers”, “Threats”, “Crises”, “Disasters” and “Collapse”.

6. Development of a new conceptual apparatus of the National Strategy of Russia.

7. Development of a new conceptual apparatus of the theory of war.

8. Development of proposals for the “National Security Strategy of Russia”.

9. Development of the Fundamentals of a strategy for the formation of a national space.

10. Development of proposals for the new Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation.

11. Development of proposals for military reform in the Russian Federation.

12. Development of the foundations of the theory and history of the cadet movement in Russia.

13. Development of a system of Working, Official and Scientific Notes for the President, Government and Security Council of the Russian Federation on the main issues of National Strategy, National Security, Military Reform and State Building.

14. Publication of more than 150 works, articles and interviews.

15. Preparation and delivery of lectures on national strategy and the theory of war in higher education institutions (MSU, VAGSH of the RF Armed Forces, OA of the RF Armed Forces, DPA of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation).

In the field of development of civil society institutions in Russia

1. Successful long-term leadership of the cadet movement of Russia, public associations of Suvorov veterans: Regional Charitable Public Association “Moscow Suvorov-Nakhimov Commonwealth”; All-Russian Union of Cadet Associations of Russia “Open Commonwealth of Suvorov, Nakhimov and Cadet of Russia.”

2. Many years of work as part of the Public Chamber of Education of the city of Moscow (Commission on Patriotic Education and Cadet Education).

3. Many years of work as Vice-President of the College of Military Experts of Russia.

4. Many years of work as a Member of the Council for the National Strategy of Russia.

5. Formation of the political party “For our Motherland!” as Chairman of the National Council. Development of the Party Program, National Strategy - 2050.

6. Formation of the People's Assembly of Russia as one of the initiators and members of the board.

7. Preparation and holding of the All-Russian Forum “The People's Assembly of Russia as a civil initiative.”

8. Development of the main documents of the People's Assembly of Russia: Regulations “On the People's Assembly of Russia”, Regulations “On the People's Mandate”, “On the necessity and foundations of national ideology”, Image of Russia “Kingdom of Truth”, Recommendations to associations of the People's Assembly of Russia.

In the field of theory and practice of the Suvorov military school and patriotic education of Russian citizens

1. Leadership of the Moscow Suvorov-Nakhimov Commonwealth - 2 years

2. Creation of the All-Russian Union of Cadet Associations of Russia “Open Commonwealth of Suvorovites. Nakhimovtsev and Cadet of Russia”, uniting more than 100,000 graduates of all Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval schools, special military schools and cadet corps of the USSR and modern Russia.

3. Management of OS SNKR - 2007 – 2009

4. Organization and holding of three All-Cadet Congresses (Moscow 2007, St. Petersburg 2009, Yekaterinburg 2011).

5. Development of the main theoretical documents of the cadet movement of Russia: “Declaration on the principles of activity of cadet associations of Russia”; “Fundamentals of the strategy of the cadet movement of Russia”; “Fundamentals of the history of the cadet movement in Russia”; “Fundamentals of the regulations for holding congresses of Russian cadets.”

6. Development of symbols and a system of awards for the cadet movement of Russia: “ICSU Cadet Cross Award - For service to the Fatherland”; “Award Cadet Cross OS NKR - For loyalty to Russia”; medal “For service to the Fatherland since childhood”; “Personal Cadet Ring MCNS”; “Certificate of Honor – Cadet Commendation.

7. Development of the idea of ​​the Banner of the Moscow Commonwealth of Suvorov, Nakhimov, cadets.

8. Development of the concept of cadet education as a system for training the national elites of Russia.

9. Development of amendments to the Law “On Education” and the draft Law “On Cadet Education in Russia”.

10. Release of six almanacs “Cadet Bulletin of Russia”.

11. Formation of communication and interaction between the Russian cadet movement and associations of Russian cadet corps abroad.

12. Participation in the organization and conduct of the XIX, XX, XXI congresses of foreign cadets in Moscow, Washington and Belgrade.

13. Promoting the transfer of the historical Russian military library of Baron A. Brudberg from San Francisco to the Russian Abroad Foundation in Moscow.

14. Constant personal participation in educational work in the Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Defense and cadet corps of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

15. Personal participation in the formation of the system of cadet corps in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

16. Initiative to officially determine and adopt the start date of the Russian cadetship “Cadet Day” and the “Cadet Calendar”.

17. Initiative to prepare and conduct a system of Presidential Cadet Reviews in the CIS countries.

State and departmental awards, awards of public organizations - 37 in total

State awards - 8 + 9

1. Order“For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” III Art.

2. Medals - 7:

· “For military valor” In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of

birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - 1970

· “For impeccable service in the Armed Forces of the USSR” III Art.

· “For impeccable service in the Armed Forces of the USSR” II Art. – 1982

· “For impeccable service in the Armed Forces of the USSR” 1st Art. – 1987

· “Veteran of the USSR Armed Forces” - 1989

· “For strengthening the military community” - 2003

· “For merits in ensuring national security” - 2005

Anniversary medals9:

40 years of the USSR Armed Forces - 1968

50 years of the USSR Armed Forces - 1978

60 years of the USSR Armed Forces - 1988

70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR - 1998

20 years of Victory in the Second World War - 1965

30 years of Victory in the Second World War – 1975

40 years of Victory in the Second World War - 1985

50 years of Victory in the Second World War – 1995

60 years of Victory in the Second World War – 2005

Awards of the Russian Academy of Sciences - 1

· Anniversary medal of the Institute of Economics RAS – 2010

Awards of the Moscow Government - 2

· “850 years of Moscow” – 1997

· “Cadet education” - 2008

Awards from foreign countries - 5

GDR - 3

· “Order of Scharnhorst” – 1987

· “Arthur Becker Medal” in gold – 1985

· “Golden sign of Soviet-German friendship” - 1986

People's Republic of Vietnam- “Order of Friendship” - 1991

Republic of Belarus - Anniversary Medal – 2005

Awards of the Imperial House of Romanov - 2

· “For military merit” Military Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 1st degree - 2005

· “For military merit” Military Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, II degree and

personal nobility – 2010

Awards from public organizations - 8

· “For service to the Fatherland” Award Cadet Cross MCNS - 2008

· “For service to the Fatherland since childhood” ICSU Medal 2009

· “For loyalty to Russia” Award Cadet Cross OS NKR – 2009

· “For Military Merit” Order of the Association of Heroes of Russia – 2005

· “For loyalty and love for the Fatherland” Order of the International Union of Georgia – 2008

· “Alexander Nevsky” Order of the Academy of Security and Law and Order – 2005

· “Cadet Glory” Award Cross of the Cadet Union of the Urals – 2007

· “90 years of the USSR Armed Forces” Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 2008

Registered Cossack Awards - 2

· “For public service” - 2011

· “To the faithful son of the Fatherland. Matvey Platov" - 2011

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  • Important Topics

    Alexander Vladimirov
    President of the College of Military Experts,
    Member of the National Strategy Council,
    head of the Cadet movement of Russia,
    candidate of political sciences,
    retired major general

    Strategic situation and Serdyukov’s reform: what to do

    Dear Colleagues!
    I consider the creation and work of the Izborsk Club to be an extremely important factor in modern Russian reality, since, in our opinion, despite a whole list of failures and scandals, Russia’s historical time has not yet been exhausted and we can not only save ourselves, but also really get back into the ranks great powers respected by the world, and the founders of the new world order, as a world of mutually respected worlds.
    To do this, we need to understand the severity of the moment of our development we are experiencing, and also know what and how to do.
    I am the developer and author of the fundamental work “Fundamentals of the General Theory of War” and therefore I consider it important to present the stated topic in the paradigm, that is, in the basic scheme, of this theory, since, in our opinion, it is the theory of war that can become the basis of theory, practice and art state management.
    We will try to convey to you some of our ideas and ideas in clarifying these issues in this report.

    I. Main trends in the development of the global military-strategic situation

    1. General situation at the level of humanity and its civilizations

    This situation lies in the essence of the basic conditions and trends in the development of the world.
    1. The main trends in the development of human civilization forcibly introduced by globalization:
    . destruction of all existing Faiths as religions;
    . destruction of the Family as the basis of society;
    . destruction of the national state as the basis of planetary society;
    . the formation of a unified ideology of consumption, requiring the destruction of all previous meanings of existence, except for the process of consumption itself and life for the sake of consumption.
    That is why all the main and most important social institutions of humanity are in a specially organized crisis and dead end.
    This dead end is presented by the ideologists of world globalism as the exhaustion of their positive possibilities, their uselessness and even a danger for the positive development of mankind.
    2. The civilization of the West, that is, Europe and the United States, and all the international institutions they created, are in a philosophical, historical, ideological and moral impasse, since the whole world and they themselves are increasingly aware of the ultimate depravity of their basic foundations - the universal corruption that has rendered meaningless their existence, and this no longer evokes either understanding or sympathy from anyone in the world.
    The global economic crisis that came to us from the USA is, in fact, a crisis of the existing model of governing the world through the “idea of ​​profit,” which turned out to be an erroneous, vicious and inhumane idea.
    They are no longer capable of changing it to another, since the basis of their philosophical and ethical constructions is the “triumph of vicious minorities” (from the point of view of genetics and medicine, gays and lesbians are just individuals with congenital or acquired deviations from the human norm, but in everyday life they are simply "freaks"), successfully seeking their political revenge at the expense of the nation and the vast majority of simply normal people.
    Today they are especially strong in Europe and, probably, that is why it is so “tolerant”, “politically correct” that it is already becoming Muslim.
    For example, an example of complete and voluntary civilizational degeneration can be considered the position of the governments of Belgium and Denmark, which, in order not to irritate the Muslim part of their population, officially banned the installation of Christmas trees at Christmas and removed Christian crosses from national symbols.
    Almost all the main values, goals and directions of development of Western civilization have turned into their opposites.
    Freedom and democracy have turned into unbridled debauchery, permissiveness, irresponsibility and the triumph of the morality of sexual minorities, which today set the tone for the entire political and cultural life of Europe and the United States.
    Human rights have become the most relevant and have surpassed the rights of peoples to freedom, national sovereignty and even their place in history.
    The criteria for the success of an individual and life as wealth have led to the immorality of the means of obtaining it.
    The separation of Church and state, and “freedom of conscience” - led to a mutual decline in their morality as institutions of human society, which destroyed the historical traditional Christian way of life of the West, led to the dominance of entertainment-totalitarian sects and the moral decay of its society.
    Multiculturalism and Tolerance led to the practical destruction of European Christian culture and its unfriendly replacement with the values ​​and culture of Islam.
    World law is formed by the needs of several global transnational players and the market, and changes arbitrarily depending on the needs of the moment and the agreement of the powerful.
    The strategy and reliance on forceful expansion into the world of the “democratic values” of the West, as “single universal human values,” turned out to be vicious and ineffective, which leads to the moral bankruptcy of not only the United States and its armed forces, but also the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance.
    At the same time, today the West is no longer homogeneous, its “golden billion” has narrowed almost to the “golden million”, that is, the differentiation of wealth and property of the population there is reaching a new limit of conflict.
    In Europe, there is a growing awareness of the disastrous process of replacing its indigenous ethnic groups with alien ethnic groups who do not intend to be part of its historically Christian civilization, and an understanding of the general depravity of the actions of their elites and states, but the national political elites, fearing for their own existence in power, are simply cowardly, openly betraying their peoples, which cannot be affected by the growth of nationalism and even the possibility of religious wars.
    Therefore, Europe and the USA are practically doomed by history, and therefore they have no other alternative to survival - only the unbridled increase in their expansion outside, Europe - the expansion of the “flawed foundations of statehood”, the USA - the expansion of power.
    All this has its final limits, which are almost reached
    2. China is still “concentrating” and its global expansion is already underway, although it is still peaceful and quiet.
    “But by 2020, China should reach the peak of greatness and become a powerful, harmonious, modernized socialist state.”
    At the same time, the increase in total power will be reflected by two main indicators:
    The first: “the creation of powerful armed forces corresponding to the new international status of the Middle State.” By this time, the rearmament of the PLA (seven aircraft carriers, a 5th generation fighter, new missiles, military space and cyber warfare capabilities) should be completed, which will allow China to win any conflict in Southeast, Northeast and Central Asia. The “soft power” of the echeloned “scientific development” of the previous decade will acquire the steel core of the “force of arms”.
    Second: the creation of a social state focused on domestic consumption more than on external demand. Namely: compared to 2010, “the real disposable income of the average Chinese should double by 2020, along with double GDP growth.” That is, by 2020, China will become the world's largest economy, overtaking the United States. In this connection, the task is gradually being set to “be lenient towards the United States” and avoid a situation where the United States “loses face.”
    3. Islam is disunited and has not yet turned into a cohesive superethnos, but is quickly moving in this direction, and is even faster absorbing the area of ​​Christianity in Europe and Russia, making full use of the network structure of its faith and the terrorism of political Islam.
    4. Russia - still undecided.
    Moreover, only China and Russia have in their ethnic basis large (despite their quantitative incomparability) monolithic great ethnic groups - Han and Russian, which is a unique resource for development and stability.
    Thus, all civilizations have already somehow decided on their “special Path in history,” but only Russia is still “throwing around” regarding the answer to the question “where and with whom to go?”
    It seems to us that any options for Russia’s movement to the West to Europe and defining itself as part of it, or its movement to the East to China, or flirting with the world of Islam (since “...we have 20 million Muslims and we are one of the largest Muslim countries") - all these are movements in the wrong directions, each of which inevitably leads Russia only to historical destruction.
    In the “part of the West” option, Russia will be its supporting rear, the place of its latrines.
    With the “to China” option, Russia will inevitably become its federal part.
    With the “Islamization” option, it will not happen at all.

    2. Strategic features of the moment
    The main strategic feature of the moment is that it is defined as a state of permanent war.
    According to the general theory of war, war is an eternal form of existence and state of society, which is always resolved by the victory of the stronger and the beginning of the loser’s formation of the conditions for his victory in a new war, which is the motive and prerequisite for development.
    Despite the fact that the war of civilizations is a war of meanings, in which the winner is not the side that wins space, resources, or even temporarily comes to control the enemy’s country, but the one that captures the future.
    The war of meanings and nerves is the war itself, and the basis of geopolitical interactions, despite the fact that the war of forces and means of armed struggle is only part of them.
    Thus, today the war is not for space or resources, today the war is for the future of the nation.
    The war for the future is a war for:
    . the very right of a nation to exist in history;
    . for her place and role in the world, obtained as a result of victory in the war;
    . for the formation of a post-war picture of the world and the participation of the nation in the new system of managing human society;
    . for the right to enjoy the strategic effects of their victory in the war, leading to an improvement in the conditions of national existence and an increase in the power of the nation.
    The war itself is waged by states that represent or form the basis of a particular civilization.
    The main struggle is being waged at all levels and spheres, but most severely at the level and in the spheres of national consciousness and basic national values.
    It is victory in these areas that, in the shortest and most cost-effective way, leads the winner to the resources of the vanquished, and to his national property, and to his spaces.
    The seizure of the future occurs constantly and is carried out by methods of forceful, unfriendly absorption of some civilizations by others, and specifically - weak or weakening ones by stronger and more viable ones.
    The capture of the future, in the paradigms of the general theory of war, is carried out in the following forms.
    US strategy:
    . operations to change national consciousness and expand their value bases and cultural principles, with the simultaneous forceful seizure of bridgeheads of control in Eurasia - Afghanistan, Europe - Kosovo, the Middle East - Iraq;
    . maintaining the world in a state of chaos of one’s own problems and showdowns, and “managing this chaos,” since “managing order” is much more costly, complex, and subtle;
    . the formation of an army capable of quickly and thoroughly destroying the political, military and economic infrastructure of any country, as the main instrument of national power;
    . the creation in the spaces of Russia, as the holder of the last world resources, of an armament state necessary for the protection of resource spaces, and always ready to solve the problems of the West to the detriment of its national interests.
    China's strategy:
    . unhurried filling of someone else's national space with one's physical presence, with general cultural and ideological tolerance;
    . the formation of the country as a global factory with no other global alternative;
    . the formation of a modern army capable of physically controlling vast spaces, including sea ones.
    Islam Strategy:
    . filling someone else's national space with their physical presence while simultaneously displacing indigenous ethnic groups and their cultures from their historical place of development, including through the methods of political Islam and terror;
    . reformatting the culture and way of life of indigenous ethnic groups in accordance with the traditions and customs of Islam.
    At the same time, we believe that Russia does not have its own national strategy, but it does have:
    two direct external ideological, political and organized enemies:
    the first is radical political liberalism;
    the second is radical political Islam;
    and also only one option for survival and development - the creation of one’s own geopolitical project - EURAS - in the spaces of the former USSR.

    1. The coming “era of change” will not only be an era of planetary instability, but will inevitably become an era of war as a direct armed struggle.
    2. The United States is purposefully shaping itself as the only combat and superior military force, as the main factor in winning the war, and this is the main direction of its national strategy.
    3. The world is heading towards a big war, as a global armed struggle, and Russia will not be able to avoid it.
    4. That is why the problem of war and peace in national strategy as a science, practice and art of statecraft is the main one today.

    3. American Meaning and Method of War

    3.1 The USA is the main actor in the world war
    Analysis of events in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iran and Afghanistan, as well as the general trend of changes in the direction and intensity of the West-US expansion into the world, allows us to draw conclusions about the underlying causes of modern war and its main actor, that is, the main protagonist of modern world politics.
    In our understanding, an actor in modern geopolitics is its main (one of the main) participant and subject, interested in the implementation of his own strategic goals and projects, having his own and sufficient strength, means, experience and will for this.
    It seems that in order to really be, be considered and be recognized by the world as an actor of modern world-class geopolitics, it is necessary to have a certain necessary (and sufficient) set immanently, that is, by defining the inherent capabilities, properties and characteristics of a nation that can be defined as factors that determine strategic success in war.
    We are convinced that, in addition to everything else, for example, the presence of our own resources or a powerful national ideology, the factors of strategic success should be considered:
    1. Superior national military power;
    2. Superior military and scientific-technical thought, as well as the ability to implement its achievements;
    3. Awareness by the nation and its elite (ruling political regime, class) of their Mission and Purpose in the world;
    4. The presence of a developed and adopted national strategy that carries and reflects the Meaning of national existence;
    5. Availability of political will;
    6. Having your own war mechanisms and the ability to fight for your strategic goals.
    Today, only one power has all these properties and capabilities - we are talking about the United States of America.

    We can state that immediate preparations for war, as an armed struggle, are in full swing.
    In this regard, we see that today all these obligatory actions of the aggressor have already been manifested, and in the interests of preparing for war and in the process of waging it, the United States is today taking the following strategic actions.
    1. A new “ideological bipolarity” is being formed along the lines of “Democrats - Outcasts”, as the creation of an ideological basis for a world war.
    This is a new “Curzon Line”, but which is not carried out along ethnic lines, but according to the principle “democrats are the rest of the villains”, and “those who do not dream are against us, and they are all subject to punishment.”
    In the Islamic world, the sides of the great war were identified:
    this is the Sunni group of the South and the Shiite group of the North, on the side of which the US West already stands.
    2. Strengthening one’s own combat power and ensuring the security of the country’s national territory - annual six hundred billion state military budgets, the creation of a national missile defense system on other continents and a system of global military presence, etc.
    3. Preparation of theaters of war - creation of the main bases of military-political control of the world: in space; in the sea; In Europe - Kosovo; in Asia - Afghanistan.
    Expansion of the system of military presence with direct access to the borders of states subject to aggression
    4. Weakening strategic opponents
    . The rest of the world is the forceful expansion of its civilizational principles; the involvement of the whole world in solving the problems of its own survival and at its expense; introduces mechanisms for the destruction of national states, through the application of new geopolitical information technologies to them, as new operational means of war and by implementing the “export of revolution” by changing political regimes in a non-violent way (worked out in the USSR, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Georgia, Libya, Egypt, Syria; next in line are Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia...); the formation of crises in the economy, financial sector and internal politics of the opposing countries, and so on.
    . Europe - transferring its own economic crises and national crises to Europe and the world; encouraging the formation of bridgeheads of other civilizations; practical elimination of national armed forces; diverting Europe's attention to issues of its own financial crisis and the crisis of European identity.
    . China - restriction of access to resources in Africa, Asia and Russia; creating springboards for “democracy and radical Islam.”
    . Russia - creating conditions for the country's self-destruction; deceiving public opinion with a “reset”; “buying up” the national elite and the deliberate destruction of national science, culture, education and the capacity of the main institutions of the state, depopulation of the country; practical liquidation of the country's national defense system.
    Today Russia is already a limitrophe - a border territory of war for both the United States and China.
    5. Creation of a system of complete control of space, air, sea and information and interactive spaces and the transition to readiness to technically and physically carry out this control.

    3.2 The American Meaning of War
    According to the Eighth Postulate of the Foundations of the General Theory of War, which states that modern war is a war of Meanings, we consider it important to understand “what and what the Meaning is,” for example, for the main actor of the war, that is, for the United States.
    To better understand this issue, we will use the following logic of statements that seem obvious to us.
    1. The only power (country, nation) that initiates and wages war as an armed struggle is only and exclusively the United States.
    The United States holds its allies, for example, all of Western Europe, as military hostages, having its military contingents and nuclear weapons in Germany, England, a base in Kosovo, as well as its military bases (facilities) in almost most countries of the world, and is conducting active fighting in Africa and Asia, unleashing wars there in those areas and against those states that own resources or are trying to be independent, for example, in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iran and (probably) Pakistan.
    All other countries of the world, including all the great powers China, Russia, England, Germany, France, and so on, only participate in US wars in the roles of allies, partners, opponents or victims.
    2. Of course, the whole world knows that for the United States the official main thing is to “bring peace and democracy to the world,” including through “enforcement of peace,” or “by armed inoculation of democracy into dictatorial regimes and punishing them for the sacrifices of peaceful population” and so on, however, the United States also has another, as we understand, main meaning of the war.
    We are convinced that the only, deepest and most fundamental (genetic) Meaning of the war that the United States is waging against the whole world and its root cause is
    - the unlimited right and opportunity of a private organization - the Federal Reserve System of the United States of America - to print its own unbacked dollars, then and in those quantities that would provide it with the opportunity to buy up the rest of the world in bulk, thereby exercising its eternal power over it and living for his account. It is in this that we see the national Meaning of the United States, its “desired image of the future,” as well as its history.
    3. It is this American National Meaning that drives the world into globalization, into permanent war, breeds poverty, injustice and lawlessness in the world, and today shapes our history and the history of the whole world.
    4. The center for the formation of new Meanings of the West, as well as the development, financial, economic, ideological, technological, information, organizational and actual power support for the survival of the United States (the golden billion) - moved from national-state management systems to a system of private transnational corporations, to its own kind, their “Iron Heel”, capable of creating the most completely savage form of social system - “global oligarchic fascism”.

    3.3War as an American method of getting out of any crisis and writing off debts
    The banner of neoliberalism, under the blows of the crisis of the credit and financial system of the industrial society of the West, has become severely askew.
    And all peoples and even the architects of the globalization project of all countries themselves had fair and absolutely Russian questions regarding the global crisis: “Who is to blame”? and “What to do”?
    At the same time, as strange as it may seem, the founding fathers of the liberal project themselves recognized the main culprit of the crisis as neoliberalism itself, which had shaken the foundations of industrial capital with bubbles of “counterfeit money.”
    They “found” the most effective way of salvation, namely:
    destroy the shaky edifice of neoliberalism(!) and build a new information society of the knowledge economy on the ruins of “financial pyramids”;
    but at the same time preserve the existing financial system, based on the monopoly financial and organizational power of a private corporation - the US Federal Reserve System.
    A proven way to demolish the old socio-economic system that has entered a crisis, a healing procedure for the rotten body of power, is painful treatment with the bitter medicine of war.
    Today, the most dangerous and new strategic trend is the Anglo-American (Anglo-Saxon) approach to war as a universal (and, from their point of view, legal) method of “nullifying national debts and obligations,” the main method of forming a new strategic reality in the interests of the United States, and also a major factor in national economic development.

    The main strategic method of modern warfare of the United States
    Firstly, permanent war is waged based on:
    . coup d'etat and “democratic” overthrow of unwanted regimes;
    . for bribery, as buying up national elites and resources of states to be “assimilated”;
    . on the ability to maintain and manage global military instability;
    . to destroy the actual military (armed) capabilities of states to resist aggression.
    Secondly, the war during:
    . undeniable economic, informational and military superiority itself, which allows any enemy resistance to be considered insignificant;
    . as well as in exercising complete control over the political elites of all developed countries (except China for now).

    II. Liberal military reform of Putin-Serdyukov and its results

    1. Some results of military reform
    The military reform of Putin-Serdyukov had the character of a forced demilitarization of the country with the aim of transforming the military component of Russia into a military organization capable of becoming a regional component of NATO, but, by definition, incapable of playing any independent global role.
    Ideologically, it proceeded from the Anglo-American system of views of neoliberalism, according to which the development of the military organization of Russia should be carried out in accordance with the natural course of things, that is: by the method of quantitative and qualitative reduction of its capabilities, for reasons of new liberal values, national poverty and due to the lack of strategic opponents.
    The military doctrine of Russia, following the United States, recognizes only “three evils”:
    . international terrorism,
    . religious extremism
    . national separatism,
    . today they are supplemented by cyber terrorism and, sometimes, drug mafia
    and all these “three evils” are represented only by militant gangs, pirates, hackers and the partisan underground.
    Therefore, as the main strategic conclusion, Russia does not need a global military strategy in the aerospace, ocean and land theaters of war.
    There is no need for a massive army capable of protecting the country’s economic interests in the world.
    Because there are no serious enemies, and global security on the supply routes for raw materials and fuel (including Russian) was ensured by the military power of the United States and NATO.
    The reform of the Russian Armed Forces under the doctrine of neoliberalism was brilliantly carried out by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in civilian clothes, Serdyukov A.E. and his Chief of the General Staff N. Makarov.
    Today, as unnecessary, during the reform, the structures of national strategy, the highest echelon of national military thought and military art, which were involved in global assessments of the situation and the development of a national strategy, were eliminated or “optimized” (reduced to a minimum):
    . The Security Council of the Russian Federation, which has been specially turned into an amorphous body of coordination, rather than strategic goal-setting;
    . Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU GSH):
    . Academy of the General Staff;
    . The General Staff itself has lost all analytical structures, and its personnel composition is professionally and qualitatively terrible;
    . national military professional education ceased to exist as such.
    In the “new look” of the Armed Forces, the subjects of operational art and strategy - divisions and armies - have disappeared, which means division commanders, army commanders and generals have disappeared; there is nowhere to take them, since no one in Russia is training them today.
    After all, with the transition to the brigade structure of the ground forces, the battalion became the main combat unit, and the military leader of the regular Russian army on the battlefield with the breakthrough gangs of terrorists became the “company leader” and “foreman” with the ranks of major - lieutenant colonel-colonel.
    As for the carriers of Russian nuclear weapons: strategic missile forces, long-range aviation and missile-carrying submarine fleet, since the time of US President Reagan, in the eyes of liberals they have constituted the bestial great-power grin of the “evil empire”, and therefore, according to the START treaties, they have been constantly reduced.
    After all, they are not needed either for “restoring the constitutional order”, or for conducting “counter-terrorism operations”, or for “enforcing peace” (in Georgia).
    At the same time, it should be especially noted that the only strategic factor that still makes a full-scale world war unrealistic is Russia's deterrent nuclear capabilities.
    But the “cause of disarmament” of Russia continues to develop successfully, for example, at the international conference on nuclear disarmament held recently in Moscow, representatives of the US public organization “Global Zero” suggested that Russia independently decide to reduce its strategic warheads to one thousand, and then It won’t be long before our own sloppiness and the US national missile defense system will make it possible to neutralize this threat.
    In general, due to strategic errors in goal setting, lack of education, ignorance, inability, bias and political cowardice of our political establishment and generals, we, as a result of the transition to a “new look,” now have an Army:
    . meaningless, since Soviet military thought has died, and there is no new Russian military thought, and our entire military, previously great, “strategy” has descended to the level of a battalion fighting for the capture or defense of a village, since a brigade does not fight differently, but divisions and there are no armies;
    . brainless, since there is no longer any professional military education in Russia, officers do not study, since there is no one, nothing, nowhere and nothing to teach them, and the General Staff is not suited to the role of “brain of the army”;
    . blind and deaf, since military intelligence has been destroyed as such, and our communications and the entire military information sphere lags behind our “probable friends” forever;
    . spineless, since the junior command staff is not properly trained and, as the main component of a modern army, is missing;
    . unspiritual, since there is no accepted state ideology of military service, and corporate military ethics of officers, which could become the basis of their internal leadership in the service;
    . powerless, since there are no modern weapons and sometimes there is simply nothing to shoot with;
    . immobilized, since there are no means of performing strategic maneuver even within the same theater of military operations;
    . aimless, since she herself does not understand why she is needed;
    . uncontrolled, since it is not controlled by either the state, society, or even its own command;
    . and, in general, useless, since it, like a special military state corporation, cannot do anything.
    The paradox of the situation is that if, according to the theory, military reform is carried out in order to obtain a new military quality for the military organization of the state, corresponding to the dictates of the times, then Serdyukov’s reform completed this task.
    The new quality of the Russian Armed Forces is that they practically no longer exist, that is, there are no combat-ready Army, Air Force and Navy, but there is something militarized and outsourced, specially, but not very adapted to solve only regional, border and internal tasks.
    In other words, today (with all the talk “about all the good things that Serdyukov’s team has done”):
    The Russian army is not combat-ready and not combat-ready;
    Russia cannot defend its territory and borders, its sky, space and ocean;
    and does not know how to do it, and does not have what to do it with - this is the result of the activities of the “effective” minister E. Serdyukov.
    Fortunately, this military reform ended, but not with a report from Defense Minister E. Serdyukov on the work done and its achievements, but with a huge corruption scandal.
    Of course, V. Putin appointed Serdyukov not to steal, but to carry out reform, but as a result of it, Russia became defenseless, and total theft in the Ministry of Defense is a national shame, the likes of which have never been known in Russian history.
    What to do now, when the fuse of war, as an armed struggle, is already burning in the Greater Middle East, and Henry Kissinger notified the world, saying that: “Only the deaf do not hear the drums of war.”
    There is only one answer - to quickly and efficiently restore your national military power, since in the modern world it is the only factor ensuring the safe development and historical success of the nation.
    Of course, we are catastrophically behind in the deployment of modern military construction and equipment of the Army, but better late than never.
    Does Russia have a chance to regain its lost capabilities and status as a great military power, without reference to its remaining nuclear power?
    The answer is clear - there is such a chance.
    The US signal for war and examples of its conduct were finally heard and even felt both by ourselves and in Russia.
    Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who returned to the presidential post in May 2012, took up nationally oriented military development.
    Long-term plans for huge military expenditures were voiced.
    Patriot Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin was appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister for military-technical issues and implementation of the weapons program.
    And in November 2012, Sergei Kozhugetovich Shoigu, strong-willed, experienced, intelligent and comfortable in an atmosphere of emergency situations, was appointed Minister of Defense with the rank of Army General.
    It is quite obvious that the planned resuscitation of Russia’s military power will require a new concept of fighting not against gangs of thugs, but against strategic opponents, or, let’s call them “probable friends.”
    The choice here is small:
    . either an enemy of the United States and then Russia becomes China’s strategic rear;
    . or the enemy is China and then Russia, helping the United States, opens a second front against China in Siberia,
    . and all this taking into account the fact that today Russia is the strategic rear of both the United States and China, and practically opens its national territory for their armed struggle for resources located in our spaces.
    But Russia also has a third way - to make itself great, and it seems preferable to us.

    2. What to do
    According to the theory of war, the Army is the personification and concentrated expression of the strength of the nation, strength as the ability of the state to achieve the necessary result - the goals of the national strategy, including by forcing changes in the behavior of certain objects of society, participants in the political process, subjects of world interactions.
    The military power of a nation is intended to ensure that the nation has the opportunity to “stimulate” the type of behavior of its counterparties necessary for its interests, through the threat of the use of force or real forceful influence on them.
    To do this, the Army must be what it is obliged to be according to its direct purpose, that is, in peacetime - to learn to fight and not allow the desire to fight with Russia, and in wartime - to fight successfully and win the war.
    The tragedy of the state and the Army was the fact that for the last several decades, each successive Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces had a worse and worse idea of ​​why he needed this state and the Army, and what should be done with them.
    These issues were understood even worse by members of all Russian governments, in which the main role was played and continues to be played by apologists of liberalism and its proteges, who have never proven their professional suitability and benefit to the country.
    So what needs to be done, and what a roadmap for returning Russia's military greatness might look like.
    Without touching on the issues of rearmament of the Army, Aviation and Navy, issues of social protection of their personnel and general issues of mobilization, we consider it important to draw the attention of the President and the Minister of Defense to the mandatory nature of the following actions.
    At the federal level:
    . Create and adopt the National Strategy of Russia, and only then develop the military doctrine of the power
    . Re-form the Security Council of the Russian Federation as a structure for strategic goal-setting and control
    . Create an Independent Expertise Center
    . Restore strategic planning, procurement and support practices
    . To form a system of civilian control over the entire sphere of national defense, using the powers of executive, legislative and municipal authorities, corporate military ethics, as well as civil society institutions
    . Change the attitude towards the national information sphere towards the formation of its unambiguous patriotism
    . To form a system for training the national elite and the service stratum of Russia from childhood, on the basis of cadet education institutions
    . Increase attention to the work of the CSTO and SCO
    . Strengthen the state's attention to the military aspect of fundamental and applied sciences of all profiles and directions, as well as to military science itself, because there is nothing more useful in the world than a good theory
    . Develop a system of criteria and indicators for the state of all spheres of the country’s life, as the basis for assessing the effectiveness of the state’s activities, a clear understanding of the direction and course of national development, as well as for determining the state of the state in the “war-peace” paradigm
    . Develop new approaches, criteria and government practices to the system of mobilization of the economy and society
    . Create a system of mandatory courses to train the leadership of the state and army in the basics of the general theory of war and government
    . Carry out a personnel purge
    . Clearly define the personal responsibility of each official for the quality and consequences of decisions made, and also ensure the publicity of its occurrence
    In the Ministry of Defense
    . Recreate the GRU General Staff in full of its structures, powers, personnel and capabilities
    . Create Special Operations Command
    . Create a structure for military professional education, information and military science
    . Create a Center for Strategic and Sociological Analysis
    . Create an institute for training (retraining) teaching and command staff of military professional education institutions
    . Include a new mandatory element “Independent training” in the combat and operational training of headquarters and troops.
    . Recreate the infrastructure of military culture in garrisons and units
    . Develop and implement the state ideology of military service
    . Develop and implement a new Regulation on the service of officers, introduce, among other things, a new understanding of the category “reserve service”
    . Introduce army aviation into the Ground Forces and strategic groups
    . In each strategic direction, create 1-2 combined-arms armies and combined-arms divisions, including in each the required number of troops, forces and equipment, as a combined-arms basis for groupings of troops, and so on

    It is obvious that we, that is, the Russian expert community, have answers to almost most of the questions of our state and military development; there can be many similar proposals, and they can come from any part of Russia.
    We believe that it is necessary to take them into account and ensure careful consideration of all proposals, including personal work with their authors, followed by publication and discussion, as well as create mechanisms for their implementation and implementation.
    It is important to realize that it is necessary to listen to everyone who has something to say, offer, and who wants to help the Motherland.
    That is why the institution of independent expertise is so vitally necessary, the only one capable of correctly and properly assessing the quality of each idea or project, as well as their totality.
    We believe that there is a danger that the new Minister of Defense and his team will primarily deal with the burning problems of technical re-equipment and social security of the Army, and may miss the issues of education and professional military education in Russia, issues of the genetic foundations of the Army, that is, its ideology, morale and ethics.
    If this is so, then we will never extirpate the Army (troops) from the market, and no trillions of money will make our Army combat-ready and successful.
    I would especially like to emphasize the need for widespread (and well-paid) use of the experience of officers and generals of the Soviet military school.
    We are convinced that in addition to all necessary and urgent actions, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the Minister of Defense and the General Staff must conduct a series of strategic maneuvers and games, with the involvement of the entire composition of the Russian Government, regional authorities, so that each minister and official understands his area ,duties, roles and responsibilities in preparing and waging war.
    The result of these strategic exercises and games should be the development of a National Defense Plan, which historically was never developed in Russia, since the Ministry of Defense made do with the Plan for the use of the Armed Forces, and which always led to the fact that with the beginning of the war no one knew what to do and where to run, we suffered unjustified losses, and then won “with one victorious leap of our innumerable forces.”
    Obviously, it is impossible to repeat this again, since there is neither time nor energy.

    Dear Colleagues!
    We are always open and ready to work to bring Russia and its Army out of the crisis.
    We know what needs to be done, we know how to work, and we expect that the Motherland and the Army will demand our knowledge and capabilities.

    Thank you for attention.