New beautiful Kazakh names for girls. Tomiris in business, in society

Choosing a name for a girl is always very difficult. After all, there is so much advice and a variety of sonorous words around. Every mother wants an endowed name to give her daughter happiness and luck in life. Since ancient times, Kazakhs have chosen tender names for their daughters that describe the beauty of the moon, love or nature. We have collected 10 beautiful Kazakh names for moms and dads who will soon become happy parents of a little princess.

Don’t forget that on our portal there is a separate section where you can choose a name for both a girl and a boy.

Names on A


General characteristics of the name “Ayaru”:

The name “Ayaru” came into the Kazakh language from Turkic and means “lunar beauty”. Despite the fact that Ayaru is the spoiled child of the family, she does not take advantage of her position as the “favorite” and listens to her elders. Despite her agreeableness, Ayaru has her own opinion on many things, which she can convey to her interlocutor so that he changes his point of view. He is offended infrequently, but it is difficult to leave; he may not speak to the offender for several days.

Ayaru in business, in society:

Ayaru is self-sufficient and ambitious, so she takes her choice of profession very responsibly. Ayaru will find his recognition in life quite early. Already in middle school, she will begin to engage in activities, an interest in which will only intensify with age. She has good ability to learn languages. He likes to develop in many ways: he enjoys dancing, singing, and music, although most often he regards such activities as additional and does not seek to turn them into a profession.

Ayaru as a child:

Ayaru is the heart of the family. For her, a situation where disagreements arise in relationships with loved ones is unacceptable. She is gentle with her parents, loves hugs and pleasant words. Entering adolescence, Ayaru pays increased attention to his appearance. She likes to put on makeup, try on clothes, and experiment with her look. She also loves to cook and often treats her family to her culinary creations.

Ayaru matures early. She is not characterized by the shocking antics inherent in many teenagers. Of course, she can argue with someone or even stop contacting a person who has become unpleasant to her, but this has less to do with teenage rebellion and more to do with Ayaru’s need to remain true to herself. You can trust her with any secrets that she won’t give away even as a Fendi handbag made from a lady’s fluffy mink. Although... No, still, the trust of friends is more valuable to Ayaru than all the gold in the world.


General characteristics of the name “Aisha”:

The name "Aisha" is one of the most famous Muslim female names. This name was borne by the third—favorite—wife of the Prophet Muhammad. The name "Aisha" is of Arabic origin and means "energetic" or "full of life." Aishas are phenomenal women, possessing a subtle mind and numerous talents, and at the same time - amazingly modest, discreet, and absolutely not vain. This is the type of ideal oriental woman.

Aisha in business, in society:

Aisha is a pleasant conversationalist with a sense of tact. She tries not to offend anyone, not to ask tactless questions, and cleverly avoids topics that are unpleasant for a person in conversation. It is not surprising that the team loves and appreciates Aisha not only as a responsible employee, but also as a good person. Aisha herself is quite sensitive to how others treat her. A woman with this name will most likely choose work related to communicating with people or practicing the arts - music, painting, clothing design, acting.

Aisha as a child:

As a child, Aisha demonstrates an increased need for a sense of security and parental love. The girl continually asks her mother: “How much do you love me?”, and in response she expects tender hugs and kisses from the person closest to her. Being a receptive and romantic person, Aisha has extremely developed intuition. This child feels things that he cannot express in words, but which are of great importance. For example, Aisha can predict danger where no one expects it. He studies well at school and, as a rule, has a humanitarian mindset. He often writes essays on literature better than anyone in the class, loves to read books on history, culture, and novels about love.


General characteristics of the name “Eileen”:

There are several interesting sources for the formation of the name “Eileen”. According to one version, “Aylin” is translated from Turkic as “lunar halo”, “moonlight”, or is used in the meaning of “giving inspiration”. Another theory is that the name has Irish roots and is a form of Eileen, a common name in many parts of Europe.

The owner of this name is a multifaceted personality, not without insight and ambition. She wants to lead the whole world and inspire others. Strong-willed nature, leader by nature. She is flirtatious and knows how to create a favorable impression of herself. She likes to travel, learn new things, and contact people of different cultures. Those around her are charged with her optimism and energy.

Eileen in business, in society:

At work, Eileen does not lose her feminine charm, and successfully uses her attractiveness to attract clients and build relationships with colleagues. She achieves her goal, but does it quietly, measuredly, and does not boast of her high position. Eileen feels like a duck to water in a position that involves constant communication, business trips, making acquaintances and meeting interesting people. Eileen can motivate and push herself to deliver work on time; she does not need external “drivers.” Has a penchant for learning languages. He is also interested in art, visits various exhibitions, museums, and uses knowledge about “beauty” in his activities.

Eileen as a child:

Eileen is a little fashionista. She loves to dress up, asks to do her hair and (mommy, please) makeup. Almost any adult, seeing Eileen, immediately falls under her charm and forgives her little whims. Eileen knows how to lead her peers, but she does it quietly. Even the boys think Eileen is “a good girl to have fun with.” Eileen gets tired quickly, so she should exercise to become more resilient. Thanks to the fact that Eileen knows how to win someone over, teachers treat her favorably.


General characteristics of the name “Ayala”:

There are two versions of the origin of the name "Ayala". One source states that it is derived from the word "ayalau", which means "to caress, cherish, care for." According to another version, the name is Hebrew and is translated as “gazelle.” The owner of this name is graceful and feminine. For strangers she is capricious, for loved ones she is a faithful friend. Vulnerable, although she strives to hide her feelings. She hovers in some kind of world of her own, and must be periodically brought down from “heaven to earth.”

Ayala in business, in society:

“And the reaper, and the reader, and the player of the pipe” - this saying reflects all the internal tossing of Ayala. All she wants is to open her own business, travel around the world, become a chess champion, learn to draw portraits... And all this is desirable today, or even better in the next hour, otherwise a parachute jump and Chinese language courses are planned for tomorrow. Unfortunately, in pursuit of all the hares, squirrels and her own cockroaches, Ayala is not able to complete a single project. The only salvation for her is working in a team that can “stretch” her enthusiasm to the bitter end. Otherwise, Ayala will never be able to settle on one calling, and will constantly change jobs to “now this is definitely mine, and I will do this for the rest of my life.”

Ayala as a child:

Either Ayala is growing up early, or not growing up at all, since her lifestyle of “drama club, photo club, and I also want to sing” does not change with age. Little Ayala also wants to “embrace the immensity.” Studying is difficult for her, because she needs maximum concentration to sit at her desk, and when she says “it’s time to do her homework,” she gets a headache and incredible drowsiness. You shouldn’t scold her too much for her poor performance, because she really tries. She needs her parents' help in organizing her routine. Reminding her about preparing school supplies for tomorrow, helping her tidy up her desk, and reminding her about dinner is the best thing her family can do for her.

Names on B


General characteristics of the name “Bayan”:

“Bayan” is translated from Arabic as “clarity”, “narration”. The Turkic peoples gave this name the meaning of “happy.” Previously, this word was used as a prefix to both female and male names. Now it stands out as a separate name, most often given to girls. Bayan is incredibly strong in spirit. She maintains equanimity even in the most difficult situations. She is serious, reasons intelligently and logically. When making a decision, he tries to isolate himself from emotions. A closed person, he prefers to carry all his experiences within himself so as not to worry others.

Bayan in business, in society:

Bayan is a man of his word. What she says is immediately supported by concrete actions. She loves specifics, is punctual, and does not talk too much. A leader by nature, he sees the potential of a talented person and helps to reveal it. He earns his authority through honest work, does not bully his colleagues, and does not tolerate intrigue in the workplace. She is self-critical and knows how to correctly distribute her strength. Concentrates on one activity to which he devotes maximum time. A perfectionist, very demanding of herself. Does not stop there, develops and improves further.

Bayan in childhood:

At an early age, Bayan is a sensible girl. She is not capricious, you can negotiate with her. Sick a little. Treats elders with respect. The only thing that can make little Bayan sad is a quarrel or discord between her parents. Otherwise, if a girl feels supported by her family, she is ready to grow and develop further.


General characteristics of the name “Bibinur”:

From Persian “bibi” is translated as “girl”, “mistress”, and “nur” - “radiance”, “light”. Translated from Iranian, this name means “fair-faced lady.” Bibinur feels like a queen at this celebration of life. Her friendly facial expression and flying gait make her stand out from the crowd. She is full of optimism. It is difficult for Bibinur to spoil her mood, her inner peace is unshakable. Every morning she seems to say to herself: “Well, dear, it’s time to grace the world with your presence.” She is so self-sufficient that she does not need external confirmation of her beauty or intelligence - Bibinur already knows that she is ideal in every way

Bibinur in business, in society:

Bibinur's calmness and poise help her achieve success in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, medicine, and management. She is also able to master “exact” specialties: programming, economics, construction. Bibinur does not strive to do everything at once; she carries out the work assigned to her methodically, according to plan, without going beyond the scope and schedule. Bibinur quickly joins the new team, creating a friendly and sunny atmosphere in the office.

Bibinur in childhood:

Bibinur is attached to her parents. She needs hugs, kisses and teasing. It is important for her to be accepted in the team, to have a best friend and to know that her family is waiting for her at home. Filled with love in childhood, Bibinur will carry this feeling further into adulthood and happily share it with others.

Names on D


General characteristics of the name “Dayana”:

One source states that the name Dayana is a variant of the name Diana. According to another version, the name “Dayana” is derived from the Jewish male name “Dayan,” which was originally used to call religious judges, that is, the name means “God is a judge.” The third version is this: the name “Dayana” has Turkic roots and is translated as “pilgrim”, “traveler”. In appearance she is tough and strict, but this is just a mask behind which hides a very impulsive, receptive and vulnerable personality. Diana has a complex nature. On the one hand, she is selfish, demanding, and domineering; on the other hand, she is sacrificial, generous, and compliant. Does not tolerate lies, gossip, or intrigue. Often withdraws into himself. It is important for her to be heard and to be realized in the outside world.

Dayana in business, in society:

Dayana gives preference to “serious” professions: finance, medicine, banking, law, economics. She is a materialist, comfort is important to her, and therefore she tries to earn as much as possible. She is not suitable for ordinary, “conveyor” positions. Diana has an “iron” grip. She is able to open her own business and promote a talented person or project as a producer. Competitors who play “unfairly” are dealt with harshly. A business partner who lets her down at least once is irrevocably sent to the “black list”.

Diana in childhood:

Dayanochka is restrained and reasonable. She does not need to be reminded about lessons and preparation for tomorrow - she will do all this herself without reminders. A “little adult”, she can cope with some of the responsibilities of the “big ones”: cook, clean, look after the younger ones. Still, you shouldn’t overload your child beyond a certain amount, because everyone has the same childhood.

Names on TO


General characteristics of the name “Kamila”:

Translated from Arabic it means “perfect”. “Energizer” (in common parlance “electric broom”) by nature, she constantly moves herself and charges others with her energy. She feels comfortable being in an intelligent society. He is not afraid of failures; he sets about his plans again and again, and so on until victory. Tries to avoid conflicts. She is quite emotional, and, at the same time, knows how to hide her true feelings well. Able to view situations objectively. Doesn't like to lie and make empty promises. Endowed with a phenomenal memory. Selfish, but in moderation, if necessary, she is ready to provide help, even if she infringes on her own needs in some way.

Kamila in business, in society:

Kamila is more inclined towards creative professions. A flexible work schedule is most convenient for her. Artist, writer, fashion designer, designer - this is not the entire list of occupations acceptable to her. Kamila also has excellent organizational skills, which helps her make an excellent career as a manager and administrator. In relations with colleagues, he shows friendliness and can become the boss’s favorite without undermining relationships with colleagues.

Kamila in childhood:

Little Camila is distinguished by her prudence and calmness. As a child, she gives her parents virtually no trouble. He likes to calmly go about his business: draw, read, sing. However, in adolescence, her behavior changes dramatically. She constantly rebels, is capable of falling under negative influence and getting into contact with bad company.

Names on M


General characteristics of the name “Mahabbat (Markhabat)”:

Translated from many Turkic languages, the name “Mahabbat” means “love”. It is love that is the essence and purpose of a woman who bears this beautiful fragrant name. It gives its owner not only rich sensuality and passion, but also extremely strong emotions that Mahabbat is sometimes unable to cope with. Love Mahabbat can be a destructive feeling, and, first of all, for itself. This is her curse, and her blessing, her strength.

Mahabbat (Marhabat) in business, in society:

Appearance is of great importance for Mahabbat. She always has a fresh manicure and excellent styling. The girl follows fashion trends, purchasing packs of style magazines. Mahabbat often turns this passion into a profession by opening a beauty salon or a fashion boutique. Mahabbat may become seriously interested in alternative medicine, palmistry and astrology. Such a traditionally male sphere as politics is no stranger to the beauty Mahi. Mahabbat is not afraid of responsibility. Thanks to her ability to find a common language with people and determination, she is able to achieve good results in the “art of the possible,” as politics is called.

Mahabbat (Marhabat) in childhood:

Since the name carries only positive associations among others, people pamper little Makha with special pleasure. Numerous tateshki and apashki shower the girl with gifts and sweets, sighing about their love. The girl is destined to grow up in an atmosphere of kindness and the most benevolent attention. Maha quickly recognizes the power of her spell, and therefore does not put much effort into her studies. After all, everyone loves her anyway. Studying for Mahabbat is usually not of significant importance. Her main passion is communication with peers. Mahabbat has many friends, and the closest ones pass through her entire life, sharing joys and hardships with Maha.

Names on WITH

  • SULU

General characteristics of the name “Sulu”;

The name “Sulu” translated from the Kazakh language means “beautiful”, “beauty”. It is no coincidence that the most famous beauty of the Kazakh folk epic bears the name Bayan Sulu, which means “rich, noble, famous, beautiful.” The name “Sulu” is very popular among the nomadic Turkic peoples, both as an independent name and as part of a compound name. Sulu are women marked by a lot of purely feminine virtues, such as compassion, love for one’s neighbor, gentleness, kindness, and dreaminess. They are compliant and would rather compromise than adhere to principle. Sulu is the ideal classic “weak woman” for a strong man. Or a woman skillfully pretending to be weak, who knows?

Sulu in business, in society;

From a young age, Sulu has been drawn to the work of a doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist. The fact is that a woman with this name has a very developed intuition, and it helps her make a correct medical diagnosis or give a psychological assessment of a person. Sulu should give up his habit of thinking about something for a long time and trust more in his brilliant intuition, which rarely deceives. People around her value Sula, believing that her presence alone is calming and reassuring. There is something magical about this woman, something that binds people to her stronger than the strongest rope. Sulu is also a good organizer and a rather diplomatic person, sensitive in her statements, which has a positive effect on her image in the team. Sulu can flare up, but her anger is short-lived, and, fortunately, she is not at all vindictive.

Sulu in childhood;

Sulu as a child is a charming, neat girl who loves to play with dolls. She does not strive to become a leader, but enjoys playing with her friends. If Sulu has a brother and sister, then an interesting feature can be noted: Sulu is not very friendly with her sister, but she is close with her brother, who becomes her protector and helper. Sulu usually has good musical abilities, and if parents develop them by sending the girl to a music school, she can become an excellent pianist, violinist or domplayer. At Sulu's school there are not enough stars from the sky; she is, rather, from the category of quiet, diligent crammers, but, as a rule, she graduates from school with a good certificate.

While expecting a baby, all future mothers and fathers try to choose for him the best, in their opinion, the most beautiful and euphonious name. This desire does not depend on religion or creed. So, for example, the most beautiful and modern Kazakh names of girls, beautiful modern ones, are selected both according to historical significance and euphony, since for Kazakh families it is very significant that the name contains “iskhan” - a good deed.

Kazakh names for girls are selected in a special way: first of all, the name should be pleasant to the future husband, so that he enjoys it and is happy to call his wife by name. Also, the name must certainly be an expression of beauty, tenderness and femininity. The approach to male names is much simpler: male Kazakh names can be rude and ugly, that is, absolutely anything.

To be fair, it should be noted that the attitude of fathers towards the birth of daughters was not always like this. Before Islam was adopted, girls were often called names such as Jusama (nightmare) or Bagida (hateful, despicable), which very clearly characterizes the relationships in Kazakh families of that era.

With the advent of Islam, the situation changed radically: in modern society, it was the sound of the name that became increasingly important. On Kazakh soil, the names of the prophet’s companions, women who were respected and loved by every man (Fatima, Asiya, Zainab, Maryam, Aisha, Khadija), became widespread. In addition, simply beautiful, euphonious names (Farah, Farida, Malika) have become very popular.

Not so long ago, such female Kazakh names as Amal, Hanan, Iman, Mona, whose sound was soft and caressing to the ears of men, were very popular. Modern Kazakh names for girls in 2013 already adhere to other canons, for example in Saudi, Egypt and Jordan, for example, greater preference is given to names such as Razan, Shahd, Nur, Ghazal, Hala, Layan, Rimas, Jana, etc.

It should be noted that the choice of a Kazakh name for a girl in a modern Kazakh family is also influenced by the parents’ own preferences, desires and tastes, as well as their commitment to tradition. For some of them, the history of the name is of great importance, and therefore girls are often called by the names of the prophet’s companions, or one of their relatives. There are often cases when a child is given a strict and respectable name, which does not have a drop of femininity, tenderness or attractiveness. Thus, not all families try to choose a euphonious name.

Here are some Muslim Kazakh names of beautiful girls:

Aida – useful, reward
Aigansha - moon-like queen
Azhar – sweet, pretty, beautiful
Aibala - beautiful as the moon
Aidana – chaste
Aizada - moon-like
Akylzhan - zhan - soul, akyl - mind,
Anargul – pomegranate flower
Ainagul – devoted, pure, sincere
Aizhamal - beautiful as the moon
Alfia is a long-liver
Aigul - moon flower
Aibike – moon-like beauty
Aru – beautiful
Ayman - glorious, famous
Ainur - moon-faced
Aklima – bright in mind
Aisulu - daughter of the moon, lunar beauty
Adia - gift, reward, gift
Alma - apple
Aisha is life-loving
Asem - beautiful, wonderful
Amina - faithful, noble
Isiah - moonlight
Akmaral – white doe
Aliya - majestic, divine
Asia – noble, kind
Altyngul – golden flower
Aipara – peri moon-like
Alua - oriental sweetness
Ashima - patroness, protector
Aizhan - soul of the moon
Aitoldy - moon
Aybarsha - golden-woven moon
Anar – pomegranate
Asel - honey
Bimarzhan - the pearl dances
Banu - mistress, mistress
Bibigul - beautiful lady
Bibinur – fair-faced lady
Birzhan - soul husband
Bayan - powerful, rich, strong
Bazarayim - radiant, my wealth
Badigulzhamal - incomparable, beautiful
Bagila - faithful
Bates – immaculate, white, pure
Balzhan – honey
Bibigul - princess, mistress of flowers
Balsheker – sweet, like honey and sugar
Botacosis - camel's eye
Bakizat – pure origin
Gulmaria – beautiful like Maria
Gulnaz – charming, beautiful
Gulshat – flower of joy
Gauhar - diamond
Gaini – the most visible
Gulayim - moon flower
Gulzhakhan – flower, peace
Gulbahram - flower of spring
Gulshara - beautiful face
Gulbarshyn - beautiful like a flower
Gulzifa – beautiful as a flower
Gulnisa ​​- the most beautiful woman
Gaziza - dear, sweetheart

Damelya – encouraging
Duria - silk
Dilara - beloved
Dana – chaste, knowledgeable
Danesh is a scientist, knowledgeable
Dara – especially distinguished, special
Dinara - silver coin
Daria - the great river
Danara - talisman
Dilda - gold
Dariga is beautiful
Erkezhan – affectionate, gentle
Zhazira – broad by nature
Zhibek – silk
Zhaniya – dear
Zhanar - dear
Zhuldyz – star
Zhaina - to be a decoration, to shine
Zhupar – fragrant
Zhumabike – princess, born on Friday
Zhamiga – uniting
Zhansaya - to be protection, support
Ziyagul – shining like a flower
Zarina - golden-flowered
Zeynep - plump, plump
Zauresh – Venus, morning star
Zubaida - the best, the chosen one
Zylika – younger sister
Ziyada – special, superior
Zeine – decorated, beautiful
Zere – golden
Ziba - beautiful, elegant
Zara – golden
Zulfiya – curly
Zamzagul – a sea of ​​flowers
Zumrat – emerald
Karlygash - swallow
Kulanda - like a flower
Kalima - peaceful, noble
Kanipa - sincere, true
Kunsulu - sunny
Kamalia – perfect
Kunke - sunshine
Kamaria – beautiful, lunar
Kuanysh - happiness
Kalamkas – thin-browed, black-browed
Leila - night
Meiram - holiday
Maksat – aspiration, goal
Meruert - a pearl
Madina - city
Malika - queen, princess
Rakia – pretty, attractive
Raushan – bright, prominent
Rukhiya - great mood
Rakima - kind, merciful
Rabiga – carefree, affectionate
Rakhat - pleasure
Razia – pleasant, beloved
Rakhila – nimble, agile
Sulushash – black-haired
Saltanat – splendor, brilliance
Saulet – pretty, prominent, beautiful
Sakip - friend, companion
Sarah - noble, high-born
Saida - respected, venerable
Sania is the youngest child
Sabira – calm, patient, resilient
Torgyn - expensive silk
Togzhan – wealthy, happy with life
Urkiya – very attractive
Wasila - support, assistant
Uazipa - beautiful, clean
Umigulsim - Gulsum's mother
Firuza - bright as the sun
Fatima - weaned
Fariza - obligation, vow, duty
Sharbanu - beautiful woman
Sharipa - holy, noble
Sholpan - early star
Shamsia - sunny

But the Kazakh names of girls in 2013 are the most modern and popular (Muslim):

Amira - princess
Basma (Bashima) - smiling
Varda - rose
Gulnara - pomegranate flower
Janeta (Jannat) - heavenly abode
Zukhra - star, flower
Ikram - generosity, hospitality
Kamilya - perfect
Lina - tender
Malika - queen, queen
Nadira - rare
Raja - hope
Samira - night talk
Sabira - patient
Talia – pleasant, cheerful
Fatima is an adult, understanding
Habiba - close, beloved, dear
Sharifa - noble
Elvira – protecting everyone, protecting
Yasmine - jasmine.

In the modern multicultural world, it has become fashionable to give children names that are unusual for central Russia. Most often, parents turn to the West, to European culture, or resort to the ancient classics (Rome, Greece), while the eastern regions, especially those neighboring Russia, are forgotten. In this article we will try to correct this injustice by offering some beautiful Kazakh names for girls to choose from.


Abira. This word in the Tajik language refers to a great-granddaughter. In Kazakhstan, many foreign words are used as girls' names. Muslim Kazakh traditions contribute to such a refraction of culture and foreign languages.

Aguila. Has Arabic roots. In translation it can mean “mind” or “wisdom”.

Adela. Although the same name is found in German with the meaning of "noble", in Kazakhstan this name is used as a derivative of the Arabic word meaning "justice".

Ademi. Describing popular Kazakh girl names? one cannot fail to mention this name. It is translated from the Kazakh language as the word “beauty”.

Adina. Here we see Iranian borrowing. However, in Iran this word means “Friday”? Only boys were named. In Kazakhstan, Adina and similar derivative forms are names for girls. Kazakh modern traditions in this regard sometimes represent an inversion of original customs.

Adia. The Arabic root at the heart of this name means “gift”, “reward”.

Azhar. A purely Kazakh name, difficult to translate into Russian. It can be described with the words “beautiful”, “charming”, “charming”.


Bagilya. Another Arabic borrowing. Means “faithful”, “eternal”.

Bagida. This common noun means “delightful”, “lovely”.


Gaziza. The meaning of this name can be conveyed by the words “honor” and “courtesy”.

Gaini. This playful-sounding name also has a meaning to match. It literally translates as “the most noticeable.”

Gaisha. This is a feminized derivative of the Arabic "Isa", which Muslims call Jesus Christ. It means the same thing - “God saves” or “God’s salvation.”

Galima. The root “knowledge” at the heart of this word allows us to translate this name as “knowing, knowledgeable.”

Galia. It sounds like a Roman name, but no, it has an Arabic root and means “venerable”, “respected”.


Dameli. Kazakh names for girls, as has already become clear, are often rooted in the Arabic language. Dameli is no exception. It can be translated with the word “hope”, “hope”.

Damira. A word that has many meanings. Can mean secret or opinion. On the other hand, it can be translated by the words “conscience” and “reason.”

Dana. They call a girl this name when they want to instill wisdom in her - this word can be translated with this concept.


Eldana. Rare Kazakh names for girls can be composed based on two roots from Arabic and Kazakh languages ​​at the same time. Eldana is one of them. “El” means “people” in Kazakh. And “Dana,” as stated above, is “wisdom.” Accordingly, we get the following translation options - “wise people” or “folk wisdom”.

Enlik. The unusual pronunciation for the Russian ear for this name is due to the Kazakh plant of the same name, the roots of which serve as raw materials for making hair dye.

Yerziba. Another compound common noun, but this time in symbiosis with the Iranian root “ziba”, meaning something beautiful and elegant. “Er” is a Kazakh word that means a man. The semantics of this name can be illustrated by the biblical expression: “a wife is the glory of a husband.” However, there are other options, for example, “masculine beauty.”


Zhazira. Modern people can sometimes perceive Kazakh names of girls and their meaning metaphorically, not in the literal sense. For example, this name literally translates as “broad,” but in a figurative sense it means sociability and sociability.

Zhaina. The very beautiful Kazakh name Zhaina means “brilliance”, “shine”, “shine”.

It stung. The noble name Zhalila can rightfully be included in the beautiful Kazakh names for girls. In its meaning, it personifies the idea of ​​majesty.

Zhamalai. This is another compound name. Zhamali means “beautiful” in Arabic. And “ay” means the moon in the Kazakh dialect. Therefore, literally the name speaks of lunar splendor. But among the Kazakhs, the moon traditionally represents fidelity and eternity, so the name actually plays with many semantic facets and shades.


Zaida. This name can have two meanings: the first is growth and development, the second is “the best.” In a sense, these are two sides of the same thing.

Zaytuna. Some Kazakh girl names are related to plants. In this case, the name Zaytuna represents both the olive tree and the crown of leaves and branches of this plant, which symbolizes victory.

Zakira. In Kazakhstan, many girls' names are Muslim. Kazakh modern realities are such that Islam is the dominant and culture-forming religion in this country. Therefore, the name Zakir in its context is particularly noble, since it is translated as “praising God.”

Zaliha. This name is suitable for a particularly talkative and witty girl. And all because its direct meaning is something between eloquence and caustic language.


Kabira. This name personifies greatness, seriousness, and thoroughness. Has Arabic origin.

Cadia. It is derived from the word “gift”.


Laliba. Symbolizes intelligence and insight.

Laik. An original Kazakh name, the meaning of which can be conveyed by the word “dignity”.

Lala. A very ambiguous name, because it is unknown from which language it came to Kazakhstan. If we postulate its origin from Azerbaijan, then it will mean “poppy”. If we assume that this name came to Kazakhstan from India, then it will need to be translated with the word “pearl”. In addition, it can also be understood as “lily”.

Lamzia. A beautiful name with a beautiful semantic connotation. Means "radiance of light."

Latifa. Kazakh names for girls and their meanings are often tied to feelings and abstract concepts rather than to objects. Latifa is a textbook example among this kind of names, since it combines everything good, bright and kind, personifying goodness, beauty, spiritual purity and all good.


Magira. Arabic name meaning "craftswoman".

Magripa. A very interesting name is Magripa. It means "skill, art, knowledge."

Madina. The word itself means "city". But this usually means Medina - the city that, together with Mecca, is the most important for Muslims, since it played an important role in the life of the Prophet Muhammad.


Alarm. A very interesting name with Persian roots. It means “plant”, “branch”. Another interpretation of this name is “sweetness” or “sugar”.

I'm typing. Literally this name translates as “granddaughter”.

Nabiya. This name is an Arabic word used in the Arab world to describe intelligent and educated women.


Onege. Traditional Kazakh name. It is understood as “exemplary character”, “exemplary virtue”, “example to follow”.

Orazai. The name is of ancient Turkic origin, or more precisely, its first part is “oraz”. Means happiness and good luck. “Ay,” as noted above, means the moon.


Pakiza. When choosing names for girls, modern Kazakh parents often turn to names of Persian origin. Pakiza is one of them. It means purity and innocence.


Rabiga. This name has four versions of interpretation. The first of these suggests that the name represents carelessness. The second version insists that the semantic meaning of the name is “spring”. According to the third hypothesis, this word can be understood as a faithful friend, comrade and partner in any business. And finally, if you believe the fourth assumption, then this name is simply given to the fourth daughter born in the family.

Rabia. A name similar in sound to the previous one. It can personify the process of education, and is also the name of the fourth month of the Arabic calendar.

Radium. The most noble Kazakh names for girls cannot do without Radia, which means chosen one. This name owes its honor to Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, for whom this name serves as an epithet.

Razida. This name means "pleasure" and "satisfaction".


Sabila. The very beautiful-sounding name Sabila is based on an Arabic root, which means travel and road.

Sabira. Literally translated as “patience”, “calmness” and “endurance”.

Sagida. This name is intended to bring success, happiness and prosperity to its owner - these are the things it means.

Sagila. In a narrow sense, it means a green-eyed woman. But in the broad sense of the word it simply means “beautiful eyes.”


Tabiba. This name is given to girls who want to be endowed with healing powers, as it means “doctor.”

Tabila. If, above all else, a newborn girl is wished for long life, then she is named Tabila. This is due to the direct meaning of this word in Arabic - “long life”.


Wasipa. This name combines both the concept of beauty and purity.

Wasila. The Arabic root that underlies this name allows it to be interpreted as a helper or support in life.

Ulbala. This Kazakh name is two-part. The word "ul" means a boy or, if we consider the concept already, a son. This form of the name is due to the tradition according to which only a male offspring can be the heir of a Kazakh. Therefore, when another girl is born, she may be named Ulbala, in the hope that the next child after her will be a boy.


Fazila. A name of Persian origin, which implies dignity and superiority.

Fatima. When describing Kazakh girls' names, one cannot fail to mention Fatima - one of the most popular names in the Islamic world. In its direct meaning, it can be translated as “weaned.” But the cultural meaning of this name is much broader and deeper, in connection with a famous figure from the story of the Prophet Muhammad.

Fatiha. This name means blessing and every good wish.

Feruza. An Iranian name whose meaning can easily be conveyed by the words “radiant” and “happy.”


Hadisha. Not the most pleasant name, since its meaning is “premature”. Given to girls in appropriate situations.

Hadiya. Another variant of the name with the meaning “gift”, “gift”.


Shagil. The last name on our list translates as “favorable”, “prudent”.

ABIRA - Translated from the Tajik language, the word Abera means great-granddaughter.

AGILA - The name comes from the Arabic word agila, which means smart, wise.

AGNESS - These are lively, kind and brave girls: little Agnes is without timidity and will perform in front of guests with pleasure.

ADELYA - The name Adelya comes from the word adil, which translated from Arabic and Kazakh means fair. This name is also found in German, and means a noble person.

ADEMI - Translated from the Kazakh language, the name means graceful, beautiful.

ADINA - Translated from Iranian, the name Adina means Friday. Translated from Aramaic, this name means tender. Muslims consider the fifth day holy. Children born on this day are called by this name. Among the Kazakhs, only girls were called by this name, and among the peoples of Iran - boys.

ADIA - translated from Arabic, this name means - gift, reward, gift.

AZHAR - Translated from the Kazakh language, the word Azhar means appearance, appearance, beautiful, pleasant, noticeable, charming. The Kazakh people say about the external beauty of people “azharly” - beautiful.

AZALAH - Translated from Arabic it means - saddened by grief.

AZAPA - Translated from Arabic, azab means torment, suffering.

AZATKUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, the word azat means free, free. Gul - flower, beauty, grace.

AZIZA - Translated from Arabic, this name means honorable, dear, great, sweet, precious.

AZIMA - Translated from Arabic, this name means feminine, great.

AIDA - Translated from Arabic, this name means benefit, reward. Nowadays, this name is often found among the Kazakh people.

AYASEL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity, eternity. Translated from Arabic, asel means honey, sweet.

AIBALA - Beautiful as the moon.

AIBANU - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Banu translated from Tajik means girl.

AYBARSHA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Barsha - fabric with gold and silver patterns, also means - all, completely.

AIBIBI - Translated from the Kazakh language, ai means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Bibi is the most common prefix to female names among the peoples of Central Asia and the Kazakhs, Bashkirs and Tatars. The Turkic word bibi means "mistress". The prefix bibi also has a special function: it serves as a determinant of female names. For example, boys are usually called Zhamal. This name could also be given to girls, but almost always with the bibi component. For example, Bibijamal or Zhamalbibi.

AIBIKE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ai means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Bike translated from Kazakh means lady, beauty. In the Kazakh language, girls are addressed with the word bikesh, which means beauty.

AYAGYM - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Ganim - comes from the word khanum, which means princess or mistress.

AYGANSHA - Moon-like princess.

AIGERIM - Ay (ah) is an exclamatory interjection, the word kerim means beautiful, wonderful.

AYGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Gul - flower, beauty, grace, pretty. Moon flower, you can convey the meaning - like a shining flower.

AIDAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The word Dana translated from the Kazakh language means knowledgeable, chaste.

AYDARA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from the Kazakh language, the word dara means unique, special.

AIDARIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Daria - sea, big river. The meaning of the name is generous, complacent.

AIZHAINA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Kazakh zhaina means to flourish, shine, shine.

AIZHAKSYM - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zhaksym - from the Kazakh language - my good one.

AIZHAMAL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Arabic, the word jamal means beauty, charm, comeliness.

AIZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The component zhan in the Persian and Kazakh languages ​​is breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh people, this word is used in an affectionate form.

AIZHANAR - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zhanar in translation from the Kazakh language means 1) the shine of the eyes 2) the ray of an elephant.

AIZHANIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Iranian and Tajik, the word zhaniya is translated as sweetheart.

AIZHARKYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zharkyn is translated from the Kazakh language as light, radiant, sweet.

AYZHULDIZ - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zhuldyz is a star.

AYZADA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The Iranian word zada means child, child. The literal meaning of the name is a child like the moon.

AYZARA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Arabic, the word zara means gold.

AYZAT - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zat is a shortened form of the word zada, which translated from Iranian means child, child.

AYZEYNEP - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zeynep (from Arabic zaynap) means full, strong, also means full moon.

AYZERE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Zere is derived from the Iranian word zar, which means gold.

AIZIBA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Iranian, ziba means beautiful, elegant, beautiful.

ISIAH - Moonlight.

AIKEN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ai means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Ken in translation from Kazakh and Arabic means fossil; mine; wealth.

AIKUMIS - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. In translation from the Kazakh language, kumis means “silver”.

AIKUN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Kun translated from Kazakh means day, sun. The moon is common, the sun is common, and everything good is common. (Kazakh proverb)

AYMAN - This name means - 1) famous, clear, glorious 2) translated from Arabic - oath, oath. There is a famous lyrical epic - "Aiman-Sholpan".

AIMARIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Mary, translated from Hebrew, has two meanings: 1) excellent, beautiful; 2) High-ranking madam.

AINA - Translated from the Kazakh language means “mirror”. The mirror is a symbol of purity. Translated from the Kazakh language, the word “aynadai” means pure, like a mirror.

AINAGUL - From the Kazakh language, aina means mirror. The mirror is a symbol of purity. Gul from the Kazakh language means flower, beauty, cuteness.

AINAKHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, aina means “mirror”. The mirror is a symbol of purity. Khan translates as king, ruler.

AYNASH - Translated from the Kazakh language, this name means “mirror”, also an affectionate form of the name.

AYNEK - Translated from Arabic and Iranian, the word ein has the following meanings: 1) eyes; 2) source.

AINUR - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Nur - reflection, radiance, shine. A common name among the Kazakh people.

AINURIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Translated from Arabic, Nuria means clear, beautiful.

AIPARA - Moon-like fairy.

AYSANA - Ay translated from Kazakh means Moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity, eternity. Sana - consciousness, thought, smart.

AYSARA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. From the Hebrew language, the name Sarah means: 1) chosen, noble, precious, good, mistress; 2) oath, oath.

AYSAULE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, eternity and fidelity. Saule - ray, radiance, light.

AISIPAT - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Sipat means: character, trait, image.

AISULU - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Sulu means beautiful.

AYTOL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Tol has the meaning: to mature, to grow up. Be a mature, reasonable person.

AYTOLDY - Full moon.

AYTOKYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Tolkien means "wave". How the wave is unpredictable, how the moon is beautiful. Symbolizes eternity. The wave is endless, the moon is eternal.

AITOLYS - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The word tolys has meanings; mature, grow up, be a mature, reasonable person.

AIKHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Khan - king, ruler; Previously in eastern countries it was the title of princes and monarchs.

AISHA - Translated from Hebrew, Aisha means: living, cheerful.

AISHABBI - Translated from Hebrew, aisha means: living, life-loving. Bibi is the most common prefix to female names among the peoples of Central Asia and the Kazakhs, Bashkirs and Tatars. Bibi is a Turkic word meaning "mistress". The prefix bibi also has a special function: it serves as a determinant of female names.

AISHAGUL - Translated from Hebrew, aisha means: living, cheerful. Gul - flower, beauty, cuteness.

AISHAYYM - Translated from Hebrew, aisha means: living, cheerful. Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The name literally means - my life-loving beauty.

AISHAHAN - Translated from Hebrew, aisha means: living, cheerful; khan - king, high position of a person.

AISHOLPAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Shcholpan is translated from the Kazakh language as Venus.

AYYM - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. My moon.

AYYMBIBI - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Bibi is the most common prefix to female names among the peoples of Central Asia, Kazakhs, Bashkirs and Tatars. The Turkic word "Bibi" means "lady". The prefix bibi also has a special function: it serves as a determinant of female names. For example, boys are usually called Zhamal. This name could also be given to girls, but almost always with the bibi component.

AYYMBIKE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Bike is a beautiful lady. The title of beautiful girls and the address to unfamiliar young girls is “bikesh”.

AYIMGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ai means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Gul - flower, beauty, cuteness.

AIYMZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Ayim means my moon. Zhan in Persian and Kazakh languages ​​- breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language this word is used in an affectionate form.

AYYMKHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ay means “moon”. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. Ayim is my moon. Khan translated from the Kazakh language means king, head, high position.

AYA - Translated from Arabic, this name means: amazing, wonderful, beautiful, delightful, wonderful, special.

AKAISHA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Hebrew, aisha means living, life-loving.

AKALTYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The word altyn is translated as “gold”, “purity”. Pure gold. Let him be poor, but be honest. (Kazakh proverb)

AKBALA - From the Kazakh language ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Bala translates to "child".

AKBANU - From the Kazakh language ak is translated as “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from the Tajik language, banu means girl, mistress.

AKBAYAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Arabic, bayan means: effective, successful, beauty.

AKBIBI - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Bibi is the most common prefix to female names among the peoples of Central Asia and the Kazakhs, Bashkirs and Tatars. The Turkic word "bibi" means "mistress". The prefix bibi also has a special function: it serves as a determinant of female names. For example, boys are called Jamal. This name could also be given to girls, but almost always with the bibi component.

AKBIKE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Bike means lady, beauty. The title of beautiful girls and calling unknown young girls "bikesh".

AKBOPE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Bope is translated as “child”, “baby”.

AKBOTA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Botha is a baby camel. Affectionate form of address.

AKGULIM - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Gulim means: my flower, my beauty.

AKGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Gul means: flower, beauty, comeliness.

AKZHAMAL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Arabic, the word jamal means beauty, charm, comeliness.

AKZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The component zhan from the Persian and Kazakh languages ​​is breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language this word is used in an affectionate form. Clothes are cleaned from washing, the soul from intimate conversation. (Kazakh proverb)

AKZHARKYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Zharkyn is translated as “light”, “radiant”.

AKZHELEK - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The jelly begins to form a petal.

AKZHIBEK - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. From the Kazakh language zhibek means silk. The meaning of the name is gentle, soft.

AKZHULDIZ - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Zhuldyz translated from Kazakh means star.

AKZHUPAR - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from the Kazakh language the word zhupar means aroma.

AKZADA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The Iranian word zada translates as "child", "child".

AKZEYNEP - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Arabic, the word zeine means light, beauty, decoration.

AKZERE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Iranian, zer means gold.

AKZIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Arabic, ziya means shine, radiance.

AKKAL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from the Tajik language, kal (hal) means mole. Among the Kazakh people, a girl with a mole is considered beautiful.

AKKALA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. In the Kazakh language, the verb kala means: choose, choose the best.

AKKENZHE - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Kenzhe translated from the Kazakh language means the youngest, the very last; also kenzhe - an affectionate form of address.

AKKU - Translated from the Kazakh language, akku means “swan”. Among the Kazakh people, beautiful girls were compared to the beauty of a swan. The swan is a symbol of love.

AKKUMIS - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Kumis means: silver, white metal.

AKKYZ - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. A sincere, pure, immaculate girl.

AKLIMA - Translated from Arabic, the word halim means: kind, gentle. Phonetically modified form of the name Halima.

AKMARAL - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Maral is a doe. White doe. This name is common among the Kazakh people.

AKMARZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Marzhan from the Kazakh language means pearls. White pearls. The meaning is purity, purity.

AKNASIA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Iranian it is called quality, grace, charm.

AKNIET - Translated from the Kazakh language ak - white, conscientious, loyal, fair, pure, sinless, innocent. The word Niet is intention. Pure, good intention.

AKNUR - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means white. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Nur - from the Kazakh language - reflection, radiance, beam, shine, ray of light. A common name among the Kazakh people.

AKSAMAL - Translated from the Kazakh language means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Samal - translated from the Kazakh language means - breeze, light wind. The meaning of the name is pleasant, gentle.

AKSANA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Arabic, san (sofa) means purity, transparency.

AKSARA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Translated from Hebrew, the name Sarah means: 1) chosen, noble, precious, good, mistress; 2) oath, oath.

AKSAYA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Saya in the Kazakh language is a shadow, that is, protection, patronage.

AKSULU - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Sulu translated from Kazakh means beauty.

AKTOKYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Tolkyn from the Kazakh language means wave. White wave.

AKTOTY - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The word toty translated from the Kazakh language means firebird. The name has a meaning - beautiful.

AKSHA - Translated from the Kazakh language, the word aksha means: snow-white, tender, white.

AKSHARA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ak means “white”. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. The word shara or chare translated from Persian means an event, a way out of a situation, help.

AKYLZHAN - Akyl - mind, zhan - Soul.

ALIMA - Translated from Arabic, the word alim means learned, knowledgeable, knowledgeable.

ALINA - Translated from Arabic, the name Alina has the meaning - 1) faithful, faithful woman, safe, prosperous.

ALIPA - Translated from Arabic, alif means - 1) friend, girlfriend 2) the name of the first letter of the Arabic alphabet.

ALIYA - Translated from Arabic, the name Alia means dear, beloved, sublime. Historical name - Aliya Moldagulova - Hero of the Soviet Union.

ALKAGUL - Alka translated from the Kazakh language means: necklace, jewelry. Gul - flower, beauty, grace.

ALMA - Translated from the Kazakh language, the name means “apple”. The meaning of the name is beauty, grace.

ALMAGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, the name means “apple”. The meaning of the name is beauty, grace. Apple flower. Gul - flower, beauty, grace.

ALMAZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language it means “apple”. The name has a meaning: beauty, grace. Zhan from Persian and Kazakh languages ​​- breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language it is used in an affectionate form. The main thing is not to be beautiful in body, but in soul. (Kazakh proverb)

ALMASIA - Translated from Arabic, almas means “hardest”. Precious stone.

ALMASH - Translated from the Kazakh language means “apple”. The meaning of the name is beauty, grace. The name Almash is an affectionate form of address.

ALTYN - Translated from the Kazakh language, Altyn means “gold”. The name has a meaning - purity, preciousness.

ALTYNAI - Translated from the Kazakh language, the word altyn means gold, ay means moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity. The name has meanings - golden, precious, beloved and beautiful.

ALTYNBIKE - Translated from the Kazakh language, altyn means “gold”, bike means “lady”, “beauty”. The title of beautiful girls and the address to unfamiliar young girls is “bikesh”.

ALTYNGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, Altyn means “gold”. Gul - flower, beauty, grace, pretty. Golden flower.

ALTYNKUN - Translated from the Kazakh language, Altyn means “gold”. Gold symbolizes purity. Kun is translated from the Kazakh language as “sun”.

ALUA - Translated from Arabic, alua (halva) means “sweetness”. Phonetic alphabet - Kahlua.

ALUASH - Translated from Arabic, alua (halva) means “sweetness”. The phonetic variant is Kahlua.

ALBINA - Translated from Latin it means white. Translated from ancient German it means a gnome or a noble friend. This name is widespread among the Kazakh people.

ALNUR - The term Al in the past indicated the supreme position of a person. The title Al was worn by khans and sultans in eastern countries. Used before a name. Nowadays it serves as a component. The word nur translated from the Kazakh language means: reflection, shine, ray of light.

ALPHIYA - From Arabic, alphayya has the meaning - 1) thousand-line epic 2) millennium 3) eternity. Can be translated as “long-liver.”

ALKHAN - The term Al in the past indicated the supreme position of a person. The title Al was worn by khans and sultans in the eastern country. Used before a name. Nowadays it serves as a component. Khan is a king. This female name is rare.

AMAL - This female name means hope from Persian.

AMANAY - Translated from the Kazakh language, aman means: prosperous, healthy, unharmed; ah - moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity.

AMANGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, aman means: prosperous, healthy, unharmed; gul - flower, beauty, cuteness. AMANKUL

AMANJAN - Translated from Arabic, Aman means: safety, calm, peace, healthy, unharmed. The word zhan in Persian and Kazakh languages ​​means breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language this term is also used as a form of endearment.

AMANKESH - Translated from the Kazakh language, aman means: prosperous, healthy, unharmed. The word kesh literally means evening. The name has meanings: live, live, exist.

AMINAH - Translated from Arabic, the name Amina has the meaning - honest, faithful, safe. A famous name is Amina Umirzakova - People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

ANAR - Translated from the Kazakh language, anar means pomegranate, a round granular dark red fruit with numerous sweet and sour seeds. A beautiful euphonious name.

ANARGUL - Pomegranate flower.

ANIPA - Translated from Arabic, the word hanifa means: true, real.

ANISA - Translated from Arabic, the name means “friend”. "Friendship is priceless wealth." (Kazakh proverb)

ARAY - Translated from the Kazakh language, aray means “morning dawn”. The meaning of the name is beauty, freshness.

ARAILYM - Translated from the Kazakh language, aray means “morning dawn”. The meaning of the name is beauty, freshness, my beauty.

ARZADA - Translated from the Kazakh language, ar means: honor, reputation. Zada translated from Iranian means child, child.

ARIPA - Translated from Arabic it means: knowledgeable, wise.

ARNAGUL - Arna from the Kazakh language means: canyon, a deep narrow valley with very steep slopes, washed away by a river flowing along its bottom, a bed; gul - flower, beauty, grace, pretty.

ARU - Beauty.

ARUZHAN - Translated from the Kazakh language, aru means beauty, miss. Jean - used in an affectionate form.

ARSHAGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, Arsha means: heather, an evergreen shrub with small leaves and lilac-pink flowers. Heather flower. Gul - flower, beauty, grace.

ARSHAT - Translated from Arabic, the word ar means: humanity, conscience, honor. The word shat is translated from Persian as “cheerful, joyful, contented.”

ASEL - Translated from Arabic, Asel means honey, sweet, pleasant.

ASEM - Translated from the Kazakh language, asem means beautiful, graceful.

ASEMAY - Translated from the Kazakh language, asem means beautiful, graceful. Ai is the moon, which symbolizes beauty, fidelity, eternity.

ASEMGUL - Translated from the Kazakh language, asem means: beautiful, graceful. Gul - flower, beauty, grace, pretty.

ASIMA - Protector, Patroness (Arabic)

ASIA - Translated from Arabic, Asia means healer, healer.

ASYLAI - The name Asylai comes from the word asyl. From Arabic, asil means noble, precious. Ay is translated from the Kazakh language as moon. The moon symbolizes beauty, fidelity and eternity.

ASYLBIKE - Translated from Arabic asil: noble, precious. Translated from the Kazakh language, bike means lady, beauty. The title of beautiful girls and the address to unfamiliar young girls is “bikesh”.

ASYLGUL - Translated from Arabic asil: noble, precious. Gul - flower, beauty, grace, pretty.

ASYLZADA - Translated from Arabic asil: noble, precious. Translated from the Iranian language, zada (zaide, zaidan) means son, child. Zadeh is translated from Persian as “descendant”.

ASYLZAT - Translated from Arabic, asil means noble, precious. The semantic meaning is a real person. Zada is translated from Kazakh and Arabic as an aristocrat, a person of noble family.

ASYLNAZ - Translated from Arabic asil: noble, precious. Naz translated from Iranian means coquetry, grace, charm.

AYAGOZ - Translated from the Kazakh language, aya means: the best, beautiful eyes. Goz from a word that means eyes, eye.

AYAZHAN - Aya translated from Kazakh: best, good, beautiful. The component jan from Persian and Kazakh languages ​​is breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language this word is used in an affectionate form.

AYAUZHAN - The word AYAU has the meaning: to regret, to express sympathy. The component jan from Persian and Kazakh languages ​​is breath, soul, life. In the Kazakh language this word is used in an affectionate form. A compassionate, merciful soul.

AYAULYM - Translated from the Kazakh language, the name Ayaulym has the meaning - my dear, my valuable, my good.

All over the world, and in Kazakhstan in particular, his name has always been of great importance to a person. Before naming a child, parents carefully think through and select a name for him that will accompany him throughout his life. After all, this is the personification of a person’s character, and sometimes a name, one way or another, influences human destiny.

General information

Kazakh names are endowed with their own classification, dividing them by structure:

  • simple;
  • complex;
  • complex.

Simple names are the names of animals, birds, food, and household items. In general, everything that is part of the culture and everyday life of the Kazakhs. For example, Alma- apple, Balta- ax, etc.

Compound nouns are formed as follows: they connect either two nouns or part of a noun with a verb. For clarity, here is an example:

  • Baytas: “bai” - rich man, “tas” - stone;
  • Zhylkybay:"zhylky" - horse, "bai" - rich man.

It also happens that boys are given a name that reflects the phenomena and incidents that occur at the moment of his birth. For example, Aytugan- born on a full moon, or Zhanbyrbay- born during the rain.

In the Kazakh language there are also Arabic names that are firmly rooted in the life of the people at certain stages of the formation of their culture. These include Zhusil, Kalima, Zhangali and others.

Kazakh names are constantly undergoing changes: some words forever go into “oblivion”, but new ones take their place, which firmly take root and become beautiful and modern names for Kazakh boys and girls.

We can say with confidence that Kazakh parents have a wide choice of names. You can use more than 10,000 words when choosing.

But what modern names for Kazakh boys are popular now?

Classification by meaning

Many online resources offer a classification of names alphabetically. It's really convenient for searching.

But we will distribute modern Kazakh names for boys with meanings in different categories.

Names for boys that denote character traits

Asmet- distinguished by nobility and humanity.

Abay - observant.

Agzam - great.

Adil - fair.

Aidar- endowed with physical and spiritual strength.

Akylbay- smart, knowledgeable.

Aldiyar - noble.

Aman - healthy.

Anuar - hardworking, reliable.

Asan- Beautiful.

Ayan- popular.

Baysal- reasonable, calm.

Baktiyar- happy.

Battal- fearless.

Bokey- heroic.

Boshay- independent.

Duman- cheerful, amusing.

Edige- good, kind.

Eleu- revered, respected.

Erbolat- a true man.

Ermek- funny.

Yesen- healthy.

Zhangali- fearless, brave.

Zhandos- benevolent, friendly, welcoming.

Jeantoire- a bright, pure soul.

Zsolgay- lucky, lucky.

Zaki- far-sighted.

Ilyas- powerful.

Kadir- omnipotent.

Kaysar- persistent, achieving his goal.

Kaiyrgali - good-natured.

Karim- generous.

Mazhit- doing everything right, coping.

Mamajan- a worthy son.

Mansour- a born winner.

Mardan- brave.

Makhambet- worthy.

Muzaffar- bringing victory.

Mukhtar- chosen, privileged.

Mustafa- chosen one.

Nazarbay- bright, remarkable, attracting attention.

Lobster- full of life.

Raiymbek - merciful, compassionate.

Rakym, Rahman- merciful.

Rashit- brave.

Rustem- strong and brave.

Sabit- strong-willed and loyal.

Sagit- lucky, "favorite of fortune."

Sayin- the best.

Sakhi- generous.

Suleimen- safe, protected.

Taimas- unshakable, achieving the goal.

Talip- inquisitive.

Talmas- active, never tired.

Targyn- stern, fierce.

Uayys- strong, resilient, full of energy.

Huacap- generous.

Hamit- harmless, peaceful.

Shadi- funny guy.

Shashubai- generous.

Sherkhan- the bravest, like a tiger.

Ydyras- diligent.

Yskak- cheerful, laughing.

Male names denoting power and patronage

Popular modern Kazakh names for boys in 2017 are names that mean power. These include:

Amir- lord, good lord.

Arkat- chosen one of the gods.

Askar- greatness.

Beimbet- ruler.

Bekzat- heir to the ruler.

Ilyas, Kadir- powerful.

Kaztugan- descendant of a judge.

Malik- king, lord.

Manap- ruler.

Maulen- a just, beneficent ruler.

Nakip- supervisor.

Nursultan- solar sultan.

Raiys- chairman.

Sultan- Supreme ruler.

Uali- ruler.

Strength, power and courage

For a man, being strong and courageous is one of the main factors. In Kazakh life, a man’s courage plays an important role, so many future parents try to give courage to their future son through a name.

Modern Kazakh names for boys in 2017, denoting courage and strength, are as follows:

Abyz- guardian, patron.

Agzam- omnipotent.

Azamat- a true horseman.

Aidar- strong, brave.

Arystan- brave, like a lion.

Barlas- brave, hero.

Bokey- a strong man who performs feats.

Erasyl- the most expensive hero.

Yerzhan- daredevil, brave man.

Ersayin - famous hero.

Zhangali - brave.

Ilyas- very brave, not afraid of anything.

Kairat- strength, energy.

Kambar- enormous power.

Karasai- a mighty giant.

Kaharman- a brave man, ready for exploits.

Mardan- always victorious.

Nariman- a warrior born from fire.

Rashit- brave man.

Rustem- a powerful and brave husband.

Sabaz- a daredevil, a strong horseman.

Serali- mighty lion.

Uayys- strong, full of energy.

Ulan- a daring man.

Sherkhan- brave like a lion.

Rare names for boys

There are also rare modern Kazakh names for boys in the republic. They are rare, because meeting a guy with that name in Kazakhstan is rare.

Such names appeared several centuries ago, when infant mortality was high, especially among boys. At this time, parents who had many children dying began to give their sons very strange names:

Ultarak- insole.

Eleusiz- inconspicuous.

Elemes- inconspicuous.

Such names can be heard in the modern world among the Kazakh people. They name children to protect them from possible evil eye or damage. Kazakhs believe that an inconspicuous, unsightly name will help ward off all troubles from their sons.

Besides this, there are some other names for modern Kazakh boys, and their meaning is as follows:

Itkul- canine servant.

Karakul- black slave

Satylgan- sold to strangers.

Satybaldy- bought from strangers.

Tulegen- paid.

Tlegen- a long-awaited and very desired son.

Sagyndyk- we missed you.

Tezekbay- as much as dung in the Kazakh steppes.

Bitby- the owner of a huge number of lice.

Kuandyk- they were happy.

Suyundik- admired.

At a time when the mortality rate of newborns was simply colossal, a strange ritual arose: a newly born baby was carried under their hem by several long-lived old women to convey this “gift” to the newborn. After this ceremony, the baby was given a name:

Ushkempir - three old women.

Tortkempir - four old women.

Beskampir - five old women.

The high mortality rate of Kazakh boys also gave rise to such strange and now rare names:

Tursyn- let him stay alive.

Balta- axe. This name was given to a newborn boy who was born after several children died. Thus, the parents wanted the “axe” to cut off all subsequent deaths in the family.

Ulmes- will not die.

Osken- will survive and grow.

Zhanuzak- a soul that will exist for a long time.

Kunuzak- a long, endless day.

Such strange names are considered rare in the Republic of Kazakhstan. They are usually called newborns in honor of their ancestors.


Many modern Muslim Kazakh names for boys denote objects and natural phenomena. These include:

Amanzhol- smooth, good road.

Aidos- having the Moon as a friend.

Aytugan- one whose birth fell on a new moon.

Anwar- Sunbeam.

Ahan- iron.

Zhagypar- a clean spring, stream.

Zhuman- an expensive, valuable stone.

Zhunis- pigeon.

Mohnke- silver.

Mukhit- great ocean.

Oral, Oralbek- a name derived from the name of the Ural River.

Sauryk- young trotter.

Safuan- granite stone.

Hamza- a plant with healing properties.

What other male names are popular?

Altynbek- a rich man who owns gold.

Arkat- chosen by the gods.

Arman- dream.

Asan or Hassan- endowed with a beautiful appearance.

Askar- greatness.

Atabek- mentor, teacher.

Ahat is the only one.

Bakir- searching, exploring.

Bakhyt- happiness.

Bayat- White color.

Burkan- certificate.

Gabit- servant.

Danial- God's gift.

Diyar- area, region.

Jadiger- inheritance.

Jacquia- long-lived.

Zhambyl- reliable fortress.

Zhanabil- father's soul.

Karmys- born among the common population.

Kasiman- a sincere believer.


Kazakh parents, like parents of other nationalities, care about what name their born son will “go through life” with. Therefore, even before the birth of a child, a suitable name for the boy is selected. And we introduced you to modern Kazakh names that are relevant today.