New Cheryomushki (metro station). Panorama Novye Cheryomushki (metro station)

Laying depth, m: Number of platforms: Platform type:


Platform Shape: Architects:

M.F. Markovsky, A.K. Ryzhkov

Design engineers:

A. Pashin, O.A. Sergeev

Access to the streets: Opening time: Closing time: Station code: "New Cheryomushki" on Wikimedia Commons Novye Cheryomushki (metro station)
Botanical Garden
China town
Leninsky Prospekt
Trade Union
New Cheryomushki
PM-5 "Kaluzhskoye"

"New Cheryomushki"- station of the Moscow metro. Located on the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line, between the Profsoyuznaya and Kaluzhskaya stations.

History and origin of the name


At the station there are two rows of 40 columns with a pitch of 4 m. The columns are decorated with yellowish marble; the track walls are lined with white (main color), black (lower part) and brown (two stripes) ceramic tiles; the floor is paved with gray and red granite.

Public transport


  • 1 (D/K MSU - Sevastopolsky Prospekt)
  • 41 (Metro station "Dobryninskaya" -)

    60 (Metro station “New Cheryomushki” - Metro station “Varshavskaya”)


    On March 7, 2016, at approximately 14:00, a fire occurred in the northern vestibule of the New Cheryomushki station. According to official data, the cause of the accident was the fire of a relay cabinet, as a result of which signaling equipment failed on the southern radius of the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line. Officially, work restrictions were established until 1:00 on March 12: on the Oktyabrskaya - Teply Stan section, train movement was limited, and on the Teply Stan - Novoyasenevskaya section, boarding and disembarking passengers towards the center was prohibited. Also from 7:00 to 10:30 and from 16:00 to 21:00 the Shabolovskaya and Akademicheskaya stations are temporarily closed. In fact, the restrictions were lifted on the morning of March 11, except for the New Cheryomushki station, where the repair of the southern vestibule was extended until 5:30 on March 14. of the year

    Kaluzhskaya (closed)

    An excerpt characterizing Novye Cheryomushki (metro station)

    Rostov saw that all this was well thought out by them. Sonya amazed him with her beauty yesterday too. Today, having caught a glimpse of her, she seemed even better to him. She was a lovely 16-year-old girl, obviously loving him passionately (he did not doubt this for a minute). Why shouldn’t he love her now, and not even marry her, Rostov thought, but now there are so many other joys and activities! “Yes, they came up with this perfectly,” he thought, “we must remain free.”
    “Well, great,” he said, “we’ll talk later.” Oh, how glad I am for you! - he added.
    - Well, why didn’t you cheat on Boris? - asked the brother.
    - This is nonsense! – Natasha shouted laughing. “I don’t think about him or anyone else and I don’t want to know.”
    - That's how it is! So what are you doing?
    - I? – Natasha asked again, and a happy smile lit up her face. -Have you seen Duport?
    - No.
    – Have you seen the famous Duport the dancer? Well, you won't understand. That's what I am. “Natasha took her skirt, rounding her arms, as they dance, ran a few steps, turned over, did an entreche, kicked her leg against the leg and, standing on the very tips of her socks, walked a few steps.
    - Am I standing? after all, she said; but couldn’t help herself on her tiptoes. - So that’s what I am! I will never marry anyone, but will become a dancer. But do not tell anyone.
    Rostov laughed so loudly and cheerfully that Denisov from his room became envious, and Natasha could not resist laughing with him. - No, it’s good, isn’t it? – she kept saying.
    - Okay, don’t you want to marry Boris anymore?
    Natasha flushed. - I don’t want to marry anyone. I'll tell him the same thing when I see him.
    - That's how it is! - said Rostov.
    “Well, yes, it’s all nothing,” Natasha continued to chatter. - Why is Denisov good? – she asked.
    - Good.
    - Well, goodbye, get dressed. Is he scary, Denisov?
    - Why is it scary? – asked Nicholas. - No. Vaska is nice.
    - You call him Vaska - strange. And that he is very good?
    - Very good.
    - Well, come quickly and drink tea. Together.
    And Natasha stood on tiptoe and walked out of the room the way dancers do, but smiling the way only happy 15-year-old girls smile. Having met Sonya in the living room, Rostov blushed. He didn't know how to deal with her. Yesterday they kissed in the first minute of the joy of their date, but today they felt that it was impossible to do this; he felt that everyone, his mother and sisters, looked at him questioningly and expected from him how he would behave with her. He kissed her hand and called her you - Sonya. But their eyes, having met, said “you” to each other and kissed tenderly. With her gaze she asked him for forgiveness for the fact that at Natasha’s embassy she dared to remind him of his promise and thanked him for his love. With his gaze he thanked her for the offer of freedom and said that one way or another, he would never stop loving her, because it was impossible not to love her.
    “How strange it is,” said Vera, choosing a general moment of silence, “that Sonya and Nikolenka now met like strangers.” – Vera’s remark was fair, like all her comments; but like most of her remarks, everyone felt awkward, and not only Sonya, Nikolai and Natasha, but also the old countess, who was afraid of this son’s love for Sonya, which could deprive him of a brilliant party, also blushed like a girl. Denisov, to Rostov’s surprise, in a new uniform, pomaded and perfumed, appeared in the living room as dandy as he was in battle, and as amiable with ladies and gentlemen as Rostov had never expected to see him.

    Returning to Moscow from the army, Nikolai Rostov was accepted by his family as the best son, hero and beloved Nikolushka; relatives - as a sweet, pleasant and respectful young man; acquaintances - like a handsome hussar lieutenant, a deft dancer and one of the best grooms in Moscow.
    The Rostovs knew all of Moscow; this year the old count had enough money, because all his estates had been remortgaged, and therefore Nikolushka, having got his own trotter and the most fashionable leggings, special ones that no one else in Moscow had, and boots, the most fashionable, with the most pointed socks and little silver spurs, had a lot of fun. Rostov, returning home, experienced a pleasant feeling after some period of time trying on himself to the old living conditions. It seemed to him that he had matured and grown very much. Despair for failing to pass an exam according to the law of God, borrowing money from Gavrila for a cab driver, secret kisses with Sonya, he remembered all this as childishness, from which he was now immeasurably far away. Now he is a hussar lieutenant in a silver mentic, with a soldier's George, preparing his trotter to run, together with famous hunters, elderly, respectable. He knows a lady on the boulevard whom he goes to see in the evening. He conducted a mazurka at the Arkharovs’ ball, talked about the war with Field Marshal Kamensky, visited an English club, and was on friendly terms with a forty-year-old colonel whom Denisov introduced him to.
    His passion for the sovereign weakened somewhat in Moscow, since during this time he did not see him. But he often talked about the sovereign, about his love for him, making it felt that he was not telling everything yet, that there was something else in his feelings for the sovereign that could not be understood by everyone; and with all my heart he shared the general feeling of adoration in Moscow at that time for Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, who in Moscow at that time was given the name of an angel in the flesh.
    During this short stay of Rostov in Moscow, before leaving for the army, he did not become close, but on the contrary, broke up with Sonya. She was very pretty, sweet, and obviously passionately in love with him; but he was in that time of youth when there seems to be so much to do that there is no time to do it, and the young man is afraid to get involved - he values ​​​​his freedom, which he needs for many other things. When he thought about Sonya during this new stay in Moscow, he said to himself: Eh! there will be many more, many more of these, somewhere, still unknown to me. I’ll still have time to make love when I want, but now there’s no time. In addition, it seemed to him that there was something humiliating for his courage in female society. He went to balls and sororities, pretending that he was doing it against his will. Running, an English club, carousing with Denisov, a trip there - that was another matter: it was befitting of a fine hussar.

See also Novye Cheryomushki (JSC) “Novye Cheryomushki” is a station of the Moscow metro. Located on the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line, between the Profsoyuznaya and Kaluzhskaya stations.

History and origin of the name

The station was built in 1962 as part of the Oktyabrskaya - New Cheryomushki section. The name comes from the Novye Cheryomushki district, in which the station is located, one of the first two areas of mass (“Khrushchev’s”) development. The name of the district, in turn, comes from the Cheryomushki district located to the northeast, located on the site of the village of the same name known since the 16th century.

Lobbies and transfers

There is no ground vestibule; access to the city is via underground passages to Profsoyuznaya and Garibaldi streets, Proektiruemy Proezd No. 4668. There are no transitions to other stations.

Technical specifications

“New Cheryomushki” is a shallow column station (centipede). Depth - 7 m; with three spans. Built according to the design of architects M. F. Markovsky and A. K. Ryzhkov. Behind the station there are reversible dead ends used during peak hours, as well as during the daytime for maintenance and stagnation of trains. There is also a branch to the Kaluzhskoye electric depot.


At the station there are two rows of 40 columns with a pitch of 4 m. The columns are decorated with yellowish marble; the track walls are lined with white (main color), black (lower part) and brown (two stripes) ceramic tiles; the floor is laid with gray and red granite.

Public transport


1 (D/K MSU - Sevastopolsky Prospekt) 41 (Metro station "Dobryninskaya" - Metro "Kaluzhskaya") 103 (23rd block of New Cheryomushki - General Dorokhov Street) 113 (D/K MSU - Metro "Profsoyuznaya") 196 (Kaluzhskaya square - Troparevo) 246 (23rd block of New Cheryomushki - Metro "Prospekt Vernadskogo") 616 (Metro "New Cheryomushki" - Metro "Prospekt Vernadskogo") 648 (Metro "New Cheryomushki" - Metro "Bitsevsky Park") 684 (Metro "New Cheryomushki" - Metro "Profsoyuznaya" 710 (Metro "New Cheryomushki" - Metro "Kakhovskaya") 721 (Metro "New Cheryomushki" - Ulitsa Novatorov) C5 (Metro "New Cheryomushki" - Ulitsa Shvernika)


60 (Metro station “New Cheryomushki” - Metro station “Varshavskaya”)


On March 7, 2016, at approximately 14:00, a fire occurred in the northern vestibule of the New Cheryomushki station. According to official data, the cause of the accident was the fire of a relay cabinet, as a result of which signaling equipment failed on the southern radius of the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line. Officially, work restrictions were established until 1:00 on March 12: on the Oktyabrskaya - Teply Stan section, train movement was limited, and on the Teply Stan - Novoyasenevskaya section, boarding and disembarking passengers towards the center was prohibited. Also from 7:00 to 10:30 and from 16:00 to 21:00 the Shabolovskaya and Akademicheskaya stations are temporarily closed. In fact, the restrictions were lifted on the morning of March 11, except for the New Cheryomushki station, where the repair of the southern vestibule was extended until 5:30 on March 14. Since the Department of Transport and Road Transport Development…

“New Cheryomushki” is clearly not one of the outstanding works of underground architecture that Moscow is so rich in. But over the last half century, it has become an integral part of life for several generations of Muscovites. Let's take a closer look at it.

From Moscow history

The New Cheryomushki metro station received its first passengers back in 1962. This happened when the launch section of the southern radius of the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line from the Oktyabrskaya station was put into operation. The Novye Cheryomushki metro station on this section was the final station in 1962. The development of the transport system in the southern direction in the early sixties was more than relevant. In Moscow during this historical period, massive housing development of new areas was carried out. And the Kaluga radius of the metro line was supposed to provide reliable and convenient communication for residents of new microdistricts with the center of the capital. A similar situation was typical for many peripheral districts of Moscow. The construction of transport communications lagged behind the construction of housing.

Construction boom of the sixties

Moscow has never been built at such a pace as in the post-war period of Soviet history. During these years, many Muscovites moved from communal apartments to new apartments. Residents of most Moscow outskirts were eagerly waiting for the name of their area to be reflected in the constantly updated metro map. "New Cheryomushki" is a legacy of the era of mass housing construction. The name of the station coincides with the name of the area in which it is located. And this area is usually remembered in architectural circles when it comes to analyzing the pros and cons of this approach to urban planning. He's very characterful. The code name "New Cheryomushki" even became a household name. They began to refer to residential areas of standard construction in many cities of the Soviet Union. Even in those where the construction of a metro was never planned.

Against the background of architectural and historical circumstances

The design and construction of the New Cheryomushki metro station took place during the period of the famous historical document aimed at the so-called “fight against architectural excesses”. Most of the construction at this time was carried out according to standard designs. This approach made it possible to save significant material resources and significantly reduce the time required to put residential buildings and transport infrastructure into operation. But architecturally, most of the buildings of that time look faceless and monotonous. This trend is especially noticeable on the lines and stations of the Moscow metro that came into operation in the sixties. Later, this approach to architecture had to be abandoned.

Architectural features

Structurally, “Novye Cheryomushki” is a shallow, three-span column station. You can find plenty of similar architectural solutions in the Moscow metro. Standard station design. In the professional jargon of architects, it is called a “centipede” due to the large number of columns arranged in two rows. We should give credit to the authors of the New Cheryomushki station for the fact that, under the conditions of a standard project, they were able to give their creation certain expressive features. This was achieved mainly due to the balance of decorative design. Two rows of columns are decorated with light yellow marble. The granite floor covering is made in the same tone, which is favorably accentuated by the reddish slabs along the axis of the room. The track walls are decorated with wide red stripes directed in the direction the trains are moving. The New Cheryomushki metro station does not have transitions to other stations and ground-based vestibules. You can get here through Garibaldi and Profsoyuznaya streets.

"New Cheryomushki" today

Over time, the status of the residential area around the metro station has changed considerably. Against the backdrop of the decision made in July 2012 to expand Moscow in the southwestern direction, few people today remember that half a century ago this area was considered a working outskirts. Many modern residential complexes have been built here, and the New Cheryomushki metro area is rated quite highly among real estate agencies. For many Muscovites it continues to be quite attractive. This is due to the relatively short distance from the city center and the availability of such reliable transport communications as the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya metro line. Around the New Cheryomushki metro station, active business and commercial life is in full swing. There are many shopping and service centers, administrative structures, and entertainment establishments located here.