Novomoskovsk branch of the University of the Russian Academy of Education (NF URAO). Reviews about "University of Russian Innovative Education"

Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education "University of Russian Innovative Education"


No. 01960 valid indefinitely from 02/24/2016


No data

Previous names of URIO

  • University of the Russian Academy of Education

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for URIO

2015 result: monitoring results are not shown for universities that, according to the results of monitoring in 2014, scored less than 4 points out of 7 (report)

Index18 year17 year16 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 6 6 3
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study- 66.84 67.32 62.2
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget- - - -
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis- 66.67 68.36 64.78
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled- 65.02 58.59 41.64
Number of students100 121 1474 2746
Full-time department55 65 420 462
Part-time department0 0 262 328
Extramural45 56 792 1956
All data Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

We choose Moscow universities where you can learn up to several foreign languages. Large list of universities, summary analysis of profiles, forms and costs of training.


The University of the Russian Academy of Education, together with its branches in the cities of Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk and Samara, was recognized as effective according to a study conducted in 2013 by the Ministry of Education and Science. For comparison, 58 universities were considered ineffective in the educational process.

Faculties of URAO

At the university you can get higher education in 6 faculties:

  • journalism and humanities, which has 3 departments - Russian language and literature, philosophy and general history and journalism and advertising. Foreign languages ​​are studied here with special care and multimedia technologies are mastered. Students consolidate their acquired theoretical knowledge in workshops on communicative practice and journalistic creativity. Graduates of the faculty receive a state diploma;
  • information technology, which trains students in the specialties of information security, applied mathematics and computer science, business informatics, mathematical methods in economics and information technology security in the law enforcement industry. The faculty offers courses for additional education, basic computer training is provided, in which students thoroughly study Windows 7 and its Word and Excel programs;
  • foreign languages, where you can get a bachelor's or master's degree in translation and translation studies or theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures. In order for students to better understand the program and receive a better education, their training is carried out in small groups of 8-10 people. Many faculty members have experience as translators, are authors of textbooks used to teach students at other universities, and have also undergone internships at universities and enterprises in the USA and Great Britain;
  • psychological, where students are trained in the departments of general psychology, pedagogy and psychology, as well as social psychology. At the moment, the faculty has already graduated more than 1000 highly qualified specialists who can work as psychologist-consultants in educational institutions of different levels and in various enterprises and firms; work as psychologists in clinics where they can help all people who find themselves in a difficult situation; teach psychology in schools and universities and in many other places;
  • artistic, where specialists in the field of fine arts are trained. Faculty students are taught by teachers who are members of the Union of Designers, the Union of Artists of Russia, the Union of Cinematographers and the Union of Architects. This means that most teachers have already gone through the thorny path of their profession, and now they can pass on all their experience in this area to URAO students;
  • economics and law, where they try to prepare highly qualified professionals who will be able to work in the field of economics and successfully compete in the labor market thanks to their knowledge and skills. During their studies, students will have the opportunity to listen to a course of lectures from the best professors at the University of Washington, as well as undergo an internship or practice abroad.

Postgraduate studies at URAO

Having received a specialist diploma or a master's degree, university students can continue their studies in graduate school. URAO graduate students will receive high-quality postgraduate education thanks to highly qualified teaching staff, participation in various scientific research and the latest material and technical base.

While studying in graduate school, students will be able to:

  • 3-4 years of writing a PhD thesis, constantly consulting with your supervisor;
  • obtain a PhD degree;
  • gain professional skills to conduct scientific research;
  • learn to creatively approach solving various problems;
  • study in educational programs that will provide students with a high professional level in their chosen specialization;
  • will be able not only to study, but also to work part-time at their home university, receiving a decent salary;
  • participate in various scientific competitions and receive grants from their founders;
  • complete an internship in Italy, Austria, Canada, USA.

Research activities of URAO

More than half of the university's full-time students are engaged in research activities. Over the past three years, university students have participated in more than two hundred scientific events, in several international and all-Russian conferences.

Every year URAO holds a “University Science Week”, during which the university and its branches organize general exhibitions of student work, round tables, meetings and conferences. In the warm atmosphere of the scientific week, students share with each other their knowledge in the fields of economics and business, foreign languages, as well as journalism and the humanities, and inspire each other to conquer new heights of knowledge.

Thanks to receiving a quality education, university students receive various awards every year at scientific competitions, which encourages them to study even more and achieve new victories. The scientific work of students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, who distinguish themselves at international events, especially stands out. Their work is constantly noted with letters of gratitude to the Rector of URAO from the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In addition, students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​often participate in the educational process of the university, attending lectures by foreign university teachers as translators.

A wonderful university, I have warm and pleasant memories. He defended himself perfectly, everything was fine. I found a good job in my specialty. The price-quality ratio is quite balanced.

I entered URAO with an academic certificate, they said they would enroll me in the first year and if she studied well, they would try to speed it up. We tried, we studied, we didn’t miss anything, we ended the year debt-free. As a result, the license was revoked. They offered to make the transfer to URIO, I arrived and signed the transfer papers. As a result, the curriculum was changed, and debts appeared for the first year in subjects that were not even taught to us. But several disciplines that were passed were simply removed. Afterwards they offered to come and hand over the debts in paid form for 500...

Sharaga, not an institute! A terrible institute, as well as the decoration there. They said that they accept entrance exams, okay, I passed the entrance exams, paid for the semester, and a couple of weeks later they called back: “We can’t enroll you, you don’t have the Unified State Examination. But they said upon admission that you only need to pass the entrance exams. For six months they couldn’t return the money, no I can count on my fingers how many times I came to this terrible establishment just for breakfast from the institute. I had to hire a lawyer and sue. The money was returned, but...

I read reviews that the university does not provide any education. I don’t know who doesn’t give what to whom. I enjoy going to lectures, and after the lectures we talk with the teachers. Connecting with experts in your field is the best way to gain knowledge.

And you read the reviews on the study-review website. Some of your money was used in the election campaign, invested in the purchase of a mansion, etc.

Upon arrival everything was normal. I entered linguistics. Now it's covered. They have been riveting the brain with accreditation since February. They didn't let us transfer. We came up with an agreement with MIL. The MIL said that these agreements are complete bullshit. They didn’t send documents to the MIL for 4 months; they fed them breakfast, just like the students. As a result, the students were never transferred to MIL and their money was simply cut off. They forced me to take the exam early. Since the linguistics department was closed, students began to transfer. And here are the problems...

HOORAY! Computer testing. Gentlemen, at URIO education has been replaced by computer testing! Those who know the difference will understand what we are talking about. They will not teach you, only test you. and take money. take. carry. Berulava is not enough. The family is wonderful, but they still don’t have enough money. I want more. Therefore, they will not teach you, they will test you to see who has how much money and who can be scammed. And they have a “huge number” of wonderful teachers, only 1 left. Look on the website, or at the university...

The hysterical, squeaky cries about “new times” in the Ural Autonomous Okrug are an outright custom, which is scratched by a Sochi girl who has never even been to Moscow. Apparently, the dense Berulave consider this a brilliant marketing move. But any fraudulent PR ends when faced with reality. But the reality is that as of June 1, 2016, not a single application for admission has been submitted to this completely discredited, so to speak, “university.” Who will go to study with sick people?

Now URIO can write anything in its own defense, and the main extortionists are the leadership of URIO, which regularly collected money from students and did not say anything about the suspension of accreditation, and those who wanted to transfer to other universities were forced to write complaints to Rosobrnadzor so that They got their money back. They said that until you write a piece of paper stating that there are no financial claims, we will not issue an academic certificate. Beware of this place, dear applicants, and everything about the material base is a lie, it is bearable only in the management’s offices.

The university is great, especially now that computer testing is being introduced, and no one will be able to take bribes anymore, and it’s good that all this came to light and these employees, fortunately, have already been fired. HURRAY - the university has been cleared.

The teaching staff of the institute determines the level of the institute. The teachers working at URAO are, for the most part, impeccable people. In addition to their colossal knowledge, they also perfectly master the skill of explaining what seemed to be the most complex things. Teachers value and respect their students, this can be seen in the eyes and felt in communication. With such an approach, the university will undoubtedly succeed!

The university began to be revived - complete nonsense! Look at the website, who is the rector? Of the documents for the right to operate, only the License and that’s it. Of the teachers - 1 person. But the cost of training is indicated. Gentlemen, bring your money, we will “attach” it again, as we have already done the same with the money of other students (URAO), and now URIO. They haven't collected your money yet. It's right. According to the law, the cost of training cannot be lower than that established by the state and this is not 60,000 or 70,000. Therefore, accreditation...

Since June of this year, the university has introduced a computer testing system, when all students will take tests and exams using a computer. Now the possibility of giving a bribe is 100% excluded. Those who previously fed on bribes do not like this. We know that they are the ones who write nasty things about our university.

We know well those snakes by name who were immediately fired and who hiss in the corners and try to re-enter the university - don’t send them out again.

I agree, 95 percent of the teachers were of the highest level. All the extortion was carried out by petty office plankton of various levels. Well done to the University President for not being afraid to remove them all. We know that from June he will introduce a computer-based testing system, when students will take all tests and exams on computers. And those who fed from this really don’t like it. We know that it is they who write all the nasty things about the university.

This year our university, like many others, fell under the control of Rosobrnadzor. The checks of which actually blocked his work and killed his image, which had been built up over the years. But besides external enemies, there were also many internal ones who, due to their laziness, were unable to submit documents for inspection. And for inspectors, the main thing is not the quality of education, but the documents. Many of the employees who let the university down have now been gotten rid of, they are hissing, and the new team has begun to actively restore the university. We hope that soon we can be proud of the university again!

Berulava is a real communist! The toad is strangling this toad to pay the poor and unfortunate methodologists and teachers an extra 40-50 thousand in severance pay. After all, soon I will be elected to the Duma again, I need to buy a new car. There is always something to spend on, there is no such thing as too much money! So why should the animals, oh, that is, the employees, be paid? So he and his lackeys force them to write about the unfortunate and downtrodden workers of URAO (sorry, the sign was changed to URIO, at their own request. Anyone with threats (they say, we will fire “under the article”, “with wolfish...

We entered the correspondence department at URAO in 2014 at the Faculty of Law after secondary specialized education, because it takes a year less to study. During the first orientation session, there were no particular questions, because, to be honest, I didn’t appear there much due to work. At the second session, I began to notice that URAO is like a vocational school among technical schools, and the teachers ask as much as if I was studying at Cherepovets Harvard. At the same time, the return is felt only from units. The truly good teachers can be listed...

I started studying at URAO in 2006, when it had a department of history and philosophy and was taught by employees of scientific institutes, who later, unfortunately, left. Their lectures gave me a lot; the lectures of V.V. Trepavlov were of particular importance to me. At the same time, the instability of the completion of subjects within the session, taking into account my health problems, caused a lot of difficulties, and no less a problem was created by the difficulty of contacting teachers, some of whom were difficult to contact on different...

Received his diploma in 1999. Studied at the Faculty of Law. I was pleased with the program and the teaching of the disciplines. The faculty and teaching staff are excellent. I have been working as a lawyer for 16 years in various areas of jurisprudence, participating in trials. I am sure that even today this faculty is the strongest among other law faculties in Moscow. I wish my native URAO prosperity, and its students good grades and honors. P.S. When people ask me...

About the university

Non-state educational institution of higher professional education "University of the Russian Academy of Education" Novomoskovsk branch
(NOU VPO “URAO” NF, abbreviated as NF URAO).

License for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher professional education A No. 166281 dated 06/13/2006 (valid until 03/24/2011) (copy - 157 Kb)

Certificate of state accreditation AA No. 002177 dated July 17, 2009 (valid until July 17, 2014) (copy - 166 Kb)

Graduates of the branch receive a state diploma.
A sample of the diploma and insert can be viewed here (diploma - 122 Kb, Appendix 1 - 153 Kb, Appendix 2 - 155 Kb).

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, a full-time student of the NF URAO is granted a deferment from military service for the entire period of study (subject to the conditions specified by the Law).

Sufficient material resources and highly qualified teachers are the key to obtaining high-quality higher education.

Today, the NF URAO provides training in 6 specialties. Read more about this in the “applicant” section. The NF URAO trains mainly specialists in the humanities, but the classical direction of the University of RAO obliges us to develop technical specialties. Our branch is focused on market needs and is sensitive to changing market conditions. Therefore, if society needs specialists of a new profile, the corresponding specialty will be opened in our branch quite quickly. If you think that you have something to offer us for development, please write! Our contact details are on the “coordinates” page.

Our state constantly monitors the quality of student training in higher educational institutions. To ensure training that meets state standards, appropriate requirements for staffing the educational process have been created. Approximately 60% of all teachers who prepare a student must have an academic degree and/or academic title. And 10% should be doctors of science or professors. Our branch is obliged to comply with these standards and complies with them - as shown by an inspection carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science during the branch’s passage through the state certification and accreditation procedure. This is the best confirmation that the NF URAO employs only professionals, true masters of their craft, who clearly know their subject and the methods of teaching students.

RAO University is a non-state educational institution. Therefore, there is no funding from the state. Consequently, the only source of funds for the University is its students. All our students pay tuition. However, it should be taken into account that RAO University is a non-profit organization, which means that 100% of the funds that students pay for education go specifically to their education. Undoubtedly, this also includes paying employees, but without this, the training of specialists will not take place. Our branch has no profit and cannot have it.

Remember this: investing in your own education is very profitable. This investment pays off quickly.

Novomoskovsk branch of RAO University:

* trains specialists in higher professional education programs;
* provides the opportunity to obtain a second higher education in a shorter period of time;
* allows you to shorten the period of study at the branch by drawing up an individual plan for the student (if there are sufficient circumstances);
* provides training in all possible forms of education: full-time (daytime), part-time (evening), part-time.
* organizes leisure time for students.

In full-time study, students are occupied 5 (6) days a week, the total number of classroom sessions is approximately 32 hours per week.

For correspondence courses, there are 2 sessions per year, lasting 40-50 days. The session schedule is sliding and is determined individually for each stream.

The Novomoskovsk branch of the RAO University has:

* administrative and educational building (Berezhny St., 12);
* educational building (Mira St., 10 A);
* educational building (Str. Trudovye Reservy, 28 A);
* well-stocked literary fund (more than 20,000 items, more than 18,000 new acquisitions over the past 5 years). All students are fully provided with educational literature;
* modern computer classes;
* clean, bright, artistically decorated classrooms in which all conditions for successful learning are created;
* autonomous heating system of the 1st academic building (heat is supplied to the branch building when necessary, and not exclusively during the heating season);
* org. equipment necessary for organizing the educational process