NIU HSE is a national research university "higher school of economics". What subjects do you need to take to enroll in economics at the Higher School of Economics?

To be honest, the teaching of linear algebra at the HSE Faculty of Economics leaves much to be desired. In particular, seminarian E. B. Burmistrova does not teach the material at all, does not conduct consultations, and then arranges incomprehensible and overly complex session work. The result of which is that half of the groups do not receive credits, and the second half receives inadequate grades and with the help of which it is impossible to objectively assess students’ knowledge, makes mistakes in preparing exam assignments, is not interested...

I want to warn applicants and their parents! I entered MIEM HSE last year at a discount. I passed the first two modules with good grades; in the third module I took two exams with a high temperature and failed. In the fourth module, I received another failure, and more than half of the students failed this exam, since the examiner was not entirely adequate, it was just a “failure”. During the academic year, I did not miss a single lecture, passed all deadlines on time, and had no personal life. This is doubly...

The strongest university in the field of economics for sure. All topics are studied in great depth; almost half of the subjects from the 3rd year are taught in English by top teachers. An excellent system of elective courses, that is, in the 3rd and 4th years you choose most of the subjects from the area of ​​your field that interests you most. It’s quite difficult to learn, but you quickly get involved in the process. As for discounts: if you don’t do much, you certainly won’t get to the top of the rankings and won’t get the coveted...

Honestly, I don’t know who writes strange negative reviews about the Higher School of Economics. In my opinion, this is the strongest university in Russia. Before HSE, I studied at Moscow State University. And I can say that at Moscow State University the education is weaker. HSE is also much more liberal than Moscow State University in all respects. And it’s interesting to study here: the teachers are interesting, smart, and intellectually gifted. HSE University is the best university in Russia! And there is no doubt about it! Hooray!

Hi all! I studied at one of the humanities faculties of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in the master's program. I can say that the education there is worthwhile. Better than, say, Moscow State University (I graduated from Moscow State University). The knowledge is not just solid, but high-quality. Moreover, this is information that is relevant to the time and place, and not old, outdated information. At Moscow State University, for example, we were not really taught what a source is. But this is so important for a professional humanist who is engaged in research to know. I am very glad...

The Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics is a swamp where everything is bought. Only a few teachers are worthy of teaching students.

And I want to write about security. It's a shame! Always drunk, screaming, women who cannot speak normally, obviously with a dubious past. Please note that after 20.00 people are often drunk. My opinion is that another contingent should guard the Higher School of Economics because the first people we see when we come to the institute are guards and the first impression leaves much to be desired.

Perm and Nizhny Novgorod. It was established on a government initiative in 1992, and a few years later received the status of a national research university. The Higher School of Economics is a general institution with a humanitarian focus and is known in the academic world for its extremely high research activity. The Higher School of Economics is one of the best universities and has been recognized by foreign rankings and THE.

Advantages of the Higher School of Economics

As can be understood from its name, the Higher School of Economics is strongest in educational programs in the field of economic sciences: world economy, econometrics, business management And management. In addition, HSE offers a double degree program in economics with the London School of Economics, one of the best economic universities in the world. However, in addition to the purely economic direction, HSE is also strong in humanitarian areas - political science, sociology And philosophy. In all of the above-mentioned areas, HSE is famous not only for its high-quality programs, but also for its high reputation among employers: 80% of HSE graduates find work in their field within one year.
As a holder of the status of a research university, the Higher School of Economics undertakes a significant part of research in the field of humanities. For example, in 2014, HSE won the competition “Development of Breakthrough Research in the Field of IT”, held by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Also, as part of the Educational Innovation Fund program, HSE has developed about 30 projects in the field of educational technologies, which are practiced at the school to this day.

Admission Requirements

To enter the Higher School of Economics, all applicants - from schoolchildren to future graduate students - must pass the entrance exams:
  • For schoolchildren, admission will cost only the Unified State Exam in four subjects: mathematics (55 points), Russian language (60 points), social studies (55 points) and foreign language (55 points). The overall passing score for the Unified State Exam is 352 points.
  • Applicants to master's and postgraduate programs take exams according to the university program: a foreign language (written) and testing in a specialized subject (oral or written, depending on the specialty). The exam program is advertised on the HSE website.
  • For admission to certain specialties (design, architecture, urban planning, etc.), the student must provide a portfolio.
  • Winners of All-Russian Olympiads can enter HSE without competition.
Deadlines for submitting documents vary depending on the specialty and level of study. To study in bachelor's programs, you must submit documents no later than July - deadlines fall from 8 to 26 July. Future masters must submit all documents from July 1 until August 19(until September 30 for the master's program "International Relations"). Applications for postgraduate study are accepted until September 9.

Tuition fees and scholarships at the Higher School of Economics

Tuition fees at the Higher School of Economics vary significantly across different programs and levels of study. For bachelor's programs the cost will be from 270,000 to 440,000 rubles per year, for master's programs it will be from 220,000 to 330,000 rubles per year. However, even taking into account the fact that at first glance, studying at HSE is quite expensive compared to other Moscow universities, the majority of students pay significantly less than regular rates, since the university provides discounts on tuition of 20%, 50%, 70% and even 100% of the cost for those students who study without C grades. A discount can also be obtained if upon admission the student has a good package of documents, but did not pass the competition for free places.
The Higher School of Economics provides dormitories for nonresident students. The cost of living is about 10,000 rubles for the whole year.
HSE students have the opportunity to receive a scholarship from the university or the state. A standard academic scholarship is approximately 1,500 rubles per month. In addition, some faculties provide the opportunity to participate in independent scholarship programs, where financial assistance can reach 15,000 rubles per month.

Construction of the Higher School of Economics

The main building of HSE is located in the center of Moscow, on the busy Myasnitskaya Street, not far from the Lubyanka and Chistye Prudy metro stations. This is where the bulk of the faculties are located. Several university buildings are located separately: the school of historical sciences and the center of oriental studies occupy a building on Petrovka, not far from the Central Department Store; the departments of political and social sciences are located on Ilyinka, not far from Red Square; the Faculty of Design occupies a building near the Kurskaya metro station; The Faculty of Business Management is located in the eastern part of the city, next to the Izmailovo metro station. All university buildings have access to WiFi, and faculty buildings have their own libraries.
The Higher School of Economics has ten dormitories located at different ends of the city. Some of them have gyms, laundries and student canteens.

Interesting facts about the Higher School of Economics

  • Dormitory No. 4 in Moscow in 2013 took first place in the city as part of the “Best Infrastructure” competition, in which more than 50 Moscow universities participated.
  • Representatives of the National Research University Higher School of Economics participated in the UN meeting on Internet governance in 2014.

Today the Higher School of Economics is:

  • 4 campuses (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm)
  • 7,000 teachers and researchers
  • 37,200 full-time students
  • 72,400 graduates of basic educational programs

10 important facts about HSE University

  1. The Higher School of Economics was founded on November 27, 1992. This is a university created from scratch, which does not bring into the future the problems accumulated during the Soviet era.
  2. Examinations for students at HSE are accepted exclusively in written form - in the form of tests and essays.
  3. HSE has adopted a rating system for assessing student performance. Open student ratings are published, both current and accumulated over the entire period of study. Based on the results of the rating, they give discounts on fees for contract students, and also award scholarships to state-funded students, and some are even expelled.
  4. HSE was the first in the country to switch to a modular education system - each academic module lasts 2 months and ends with a session, so students take not two, but four sessions a year.
  5. The Higher School of Economics employs the highest paid teachers in the country. The average monthly salary of HSE teachers: professor - 160 thousand rubles, associate professor - 90 thousand rubles; (senior) teacher - 62 thousand rubles. 5% of HSE teachers have a PhD scientific degree, almost half of them are visiting teachers at foreign universities.
  6. Currently, HSE has 20 dormitories.
  7. HSE has more than 20 double degree programs with foreign universities.
  8. The average discount on tuition fees for freshmen in the 2015-2016 academic season was 38%, while 79% of applicants for paid education received discounts (from 25 to 100%).
  9. Since 2008, the ratio of girls to boys has constantly increased towards an increase in female preponderance. In 2011, the number of girls in the stream of applicants increased to a record 61%, but the very next year the boys took revenge - 53.5% of men entered the first year.
  10. In 2015, the Higher School of Economics was included in the “51-100” group in the field of development studies (studies of social development) of the QS ranking - one of the most famous international rankings of universities in the world. In this rating category, the Higher School of Economics is the only Russian university. Also, HSE is the only Russian university that is ranked in such subject groups as “economics and econometrics” and “sociology” (group 151-200). The world-famous British consulting company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) annually publishes its ranking of the best universities in the world. The QS university assessment methodology is recognized throughout the world as one of the most advanced and objective.

Bachelor's degree

  • 80 educational programs
  • independent work from the 1st year under the supervision of a supervising teacher;
  • the opportunity to receive several scholarships at once for high grades and active participation in the life of the university, some students receive 25,000 - 30,000 rubles per month;
  • the opportunity to engage in research in scientific-educational and design-educational laboratories and groups;
  • mandatory receipt of an international certificate of English language proficiency;
  • participation in international scientific conferences on an equal basis with leading world scientists;
  • participation in exchange programs with HSE partner universities in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Canada, China, USA, South Korea, France, Japan and other countries;
  • the opportunity to become a paid teaching assistant;
  • access to one of the largest university libraries in Russia.

Master's degree

  • 31 areas of training
  • 165 master's programs
  • 21 programs in English
  • the opportunity to change the direction of study and master a new specialty
  • participation in international internships and student exchanges
  • participation in double degree programs
  • Opportunity to become a paid teaching assistant or teacher
  • participation in research and design work in laboratories and scientific institutes of the Higher School of Economics.

Study abroad and double degrees

The Higher School of Economics works closely with leading foreign universities, business schools and research centers. Each faculty of the National Research University Higher School of Economics offers students the opportunity to undergo internships and participate in exchange programs with partner universities. The main educational partners of the National Research University Higher School of Economics abroad:

  • Erasmus University (Netherlands)
  • University named after J. Mason (USA)
  • Sorbonne (France)
  • University of Bologna (Italy)
  • Humboldt University (Germany)
  • Paul Cézanne University
  • Westphalian Wilhelm University (Germany)
  • Technical University of Eindhoven (Netherlands), etc.

A year ago, we found and described as many as 4 ways to enroll in HSE:

Briefly here:

The first option is the Unified State Exam. The site even already has subjects that applicants of 2016 need to take in order to get into their chosen direction Look at the scores of previous years and estimate your strength, but do not forget that the passing score changes. In three areas (journalism, design and media communications), you will have to take additional entrance examinations (DTE).

The second option is the Olympics. You don't have to be the absolute winner of the All-Russian championship to enter without exams. You can still be a winner of all-Ukrainian Olympiads and international Olympiads. HSE also accepts both its own Olympiads (Higher Test or Junior Competition) and Olympiads of Moscow State University (Conquer Sparrow Hills, Lomonosov) and other universities. More Olympiads here:

Some give 100 points in the subject, and some even allow admission without exams (you just need to score a minimum of points...

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Mathematics. The most necessary subject for almost any economic specialty, therefore it is specialized. You cannot do without excellent knowledge of mathematics in the economic field. And since mathematics is already a compulsory subject for all school graduates, you will have to take it in any case.

Russian language. Another mandatory exam. In some universities, the results of the Russian language are not counted towards the applicant’s overall score, so you just need to pass this subject with at least the minimum score.

Social science. It is an additional exam for the vast majority of economic specialties. Especially in areas related to global or political economy, management.

Foreign language. It is often found among tests for economic faculties, especially in Moscow universities or in specialties and faculties related to international law, hotel business and tourism.

Physics. Enough...

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Every year, school graduates are faced with a serious question: where should they go to study and what exams should they take? Making a decision is not easy. Statistics show that most students choose mathematics, and economics is the most common specialty chosen by modern school graduates.

An economist's responsibilities include developing financial plans for companies. The profession allows you to constantly develop your thinking and gain new knowledge. The demand for economists is growing every year, so after graduating from a higher education institution it is almost impossible to remain without a job. Any enterprise or government structure needs a highly qualified specialist with an economic education. When choosing this profession, feel free to take into account the fact that it will always be in demand.

What exams should I prepare for?

The school program is designed for general development, so it is not necessary to pass all subjects to enter...

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At HSE on a budget

National Research University Higher School of Economics is one of the best universities in the country, where it is prestigious to study. It’s difficult to get into HSE on a budget. High scores on the Unified State Exam do not guarantee you admission, because... The competition for a place is large, and the number of places is limited and distributed among applicants on a general basis (including winners of Olympiads), persons with special rights, and targeted admission.

Photo by:

In 2015, in order to enter the HSE on a budget for the specialty “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”, you had to score 260 points for 3 subjects, for the specialty “Economics” - 366 points for 4 subjects. Additional points are given for applicants' achievements in various fields. When entering HSE on a budget, a certificate with honors (3 points), a GTO badge, and sporting achievements (up to 5 additional points) are taken into account. The HSE rector's office, as well as the rector of Moscow State University, are supporters of returning the essay to the list of mandatory...

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Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam, of course, requires time, effort, and often money. How to properly organize the preparatory process and what to take into account?

To learn more...

According to statistics, applicants who receive high scores on the Unified State Exam take additional classes under the guidance of an experienced teacher in preparation for the exams.

Find out the cost of courses in Moscow...

To avoid excessive workload, it is important to create an optimal schedule of preparatory classes taking into account the student’s daily schedule.

Evening preparation for the Unified State Exam...

To obtain the highest possible result, preparation for the Unified State Exam should begin long before the exam itself.

Sign up for courses...

Preparation for the Unified State Exam on the basis of a respectable private school is a guaranteed increase in the quality of knowledge and a high level of service.

How to choose the best school?

The Unified State Exam (USE), first introduced in Russia in 2001,...

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Yuri Kustyshev,

student, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg)

What brought you to the St. Petersburg Higher School of Economics?

Immediately after school I entered the history department of Yaroslavl University. After studying there for a year, I realized that this was not for me: I didn’t want to be a historian. That's why I left there to study political science at St. Petersburg State University. Alas, I did not have enough points to enter there, and as a result, I spent a whole year preparing to take the Unified State Exam again, since the validity of the old certificate had expired. Of course, I, like many applicants, applied to different universities and different specialties. The Higher School of Economics is a good, prestigious university, so it was a priority for me. I entered two specialties at once: jurisprudence and political science. It took me a long time to choose between them: I wanted to study political science more, but I understood that jurisprudence was more promising. Even on the train, when I was going to St. Petersburg to submit documents, I still did not know where I would go. But in the end the scales...

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Admission to a prestigious university on a budget is the dream of any high school graduate. Fortunately, our country has a huge number of excellent higher education institutions that offer many budget places in 2016. One of such institutions is the Higher School of Economics - HSE.

This university is engaged in a fairly wide range of activities and is not limited to training highly qualified personnel in the field of economics and management. In addition to training professionals for financial, managerial and information work, HSE is engaged in its own scientific activities, preparing schoolchildren for entering a university and obtaining a profession, and also provides additional education to adult professionals, allowing them to expand their scope of activity and increase their wages.

To be admitted to HSE, applicants will have to show high scores on the Unified State Exam in 2016. It's even harder to get on budget. However, some students have no other choice. Many Russian families are not in...

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Instructions for applicants or Joining the HSE

On the eve of the start of the 2015 admission campaign, The HSE decided to figure out how to enroll at the HSE University

The Unified State Exam is the most common way to enter universities. The main period for conducting the Unified State Exam in 2015: May-June.

You can donate any number of items from the proposed list. The choice in most cases should depend on the planned specialty for continuing education in educational institutions of higher education.

Let's assume that you have already passed the Unified State Exam and have your results in hand. You can submit your documents to five universities for three areas of study each. Before submitting documents, you should sensibly assess your strengths. You need to look at the passing score of the previous year, which usually does not differ much from the current year's score.

You shouldn’t overestimate yourself, even if you have 299 points out of a possible 300, because your place can be taken by guys who scored 300 points...

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Hello! At the moment I am studying at the Moscow Pedagogical University on a budgetary basis (Faculty of Philology). Please tell me, is there an opportunity for me to enter the Faculty of Psychology at HSE on a BUDGET (of course, subject to successfully passing exams and passing the general competition)? Or has my “chance” to get a free education already been used?

After completing your bachelor's degree, you can enroll in a master's program in psychology at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) on a budget place (if such a place is provided for by the program).

A list of master's programs in psychology can be found here:

10/19/16 Natalia -> Olga Kosareva

Hello. My son was enrolled in the Faculty of Logistics on a paid basis by order dated August 10, 2016. Now he wants to go to another department. Is it possible to terminate the previous contract...

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The author of the post himself 5 years ago entered all 3 of the above universities on a budget (and ultimately chose one), so now he knowledgeably shares his thoughts on how to prepare for admission to the most prestigious educational institutions in the country.

For convenience, we will divide these thoughts into 6 important points.

Point 1. Choosing a university.

First of all, you need to understand that entering a prestigious university in Russia does not give you any guarantees of a happy life, a successful career, etc. Moreover, in some cases this can become a problem, because not all employers like highly intelligent, ambitious and proactive young specialists.

Secondly, forget about the conventional “prestige” and “brand” of the same MSU or MGIMO. Think about what exactly a particular university can give you.

Consider the following points:


Talk to students and alumni, read “Overheard” from a particular university, analyze what...

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Program choice: world economics at HSE

Why it’s difficult for careerists to study at HSE, how student debates about the death penalty are going, and why being an international economist is more profitable than just being an economist. The story is told by Yulia Dundukova, a student at the Faculty of World Economics and Politics at the Higher School of Economics.

Yulia Dundukova, Higher School of Economics, Faculty of World Economy and World Politics

How did you get the idea to enroll at HSE and why did you choose the Faculty of World Economy and International Politics?

While studying in high school, I understood that I wanted to work in the economic field, so I considered faculties related to economics. Where to study economics if not at the Higher School of Economics? I have heard extremely positive reviews about this university, including about the teaching staff, the learning process and the demand for graduates. Of course, I considered other options, but they were more of a backup option, since...

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schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews from the National Research University Higher School of Economics

Valentina Fomina 18:51 04/29/2013

Some specialties: Internet project manager, logistician, Innovation management and many others. It’s not particularly difficult to enroll if you score the required number of points to pass. However, you shouldn’t expect freebies there. You must have a zeal for studying, they can easily kick you out. And this can lead to negative opinions about the university. Still, you need to come there with with a clearly defined goal and to study specialized subjects, and not just sit and get a diploma at the end. That won’t work here. On the...

Nadezhda Semenova 13:13 04/29/2013

After receiving my diploma and Unified State Exam scores, I chose the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Sociology. It was easy to do. First, you submit the necessary documents to the admissions committee, then wait for the admission results. It should be noted that while submitting documents, I had to wait about an hour because the queue was huge. But I am glad that the admissions committee works quickly and smoothly. Everything was simple: it was indicated where to go, what to take, when to wait your turn. Next, the list is posted on the university website...

HSE Gallery

general information

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

Branches of the National Research University Higher School of Economics


No. 02593 is valid from 05/24/2017 to


No. 02626 is valid from 06/22/2017 to 05/12/2020

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the National Research University Higher School of Economics

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 7 7 7 5
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study85.44 85.38 85.32 86.81 88.1
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget95.11 93.28 89.95 90.86 92.77
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis80.56 80.46 79.03 77.66 80.9
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled61.14 61.2 62.16 62.72 59.07
Number of students25046 22362 19680 17760 17477
Full-time department24127 21518 18823 16710 16192
Part-time department905 833 850 1043 1242
Extramural14 11 7 7 43
All data Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

The best law universities in Russia according to the international information group "Interfax" and the radio station "Echo of Moscow"

The best financial universities in Russia according to the magazine "FINANCE". The rating is based on data on the education of financial directors of large enterprises.

Moscow universities that have budget places in the field of Linguistics. Admission 2013: list of Unified State Examinations, passing score, number of budget places and tuition fees.

TOP 5 universities in Moscow with the highest and lowest USE passing scores for the field of study "Jurisprudence" in 2013. Cost of paid training.

Results of the 2013 admissions campaign to specialized economic universities in Moscow. Budget places, USE passing score, tuition fees. Profiles of training of economists.

TOP-10 largest universities in Moscow by the number of students from monitoring the effectiveness of educational organizations of higher education by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2016.

About HSE

The Higher School of Economics was founded in 1992 in Moscow. In 2009, it received the status of a National Research University. This is a public educational institution. Currently, the rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics is Y.I. Kuzminov. Since 1993, the university has used a two-level (Bologna) education system: bachelor's degree - 4 years, master's degree - 2 years.


The university uses a modular education system. The academic year is divided into 4 modules rather than regular semesters. This division makes it possible to distribute the academic load among students more evenly and thereby ensure consistency of student efforts throughout the year. Assessment of academic performance consists of several components, i.e. A cumulative system is used, thanks to which students’ knowledge is assessed more objectively.

An annual rating of teachers and students is also carried out. Based on student assessments, ratings are created, according to which a discount of up to 70% of the cost of tuition can be calculated for students receiving education on a paid basis. Many HSE students receive several scholarships, the amount of which can reach up to 30,000 rubles.

Economics occupies the main place in the educational process of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. At all faculties, students receive knowledge in microeconomics, macroeconomics and institutional economics. They also attend lectures on applied economic subjects according to their chosen specialization. Each of the faculties has subjects related to social knowledge (philosophy, sociology, logic, psychology and others). Foreign languages ​​also occupy one of the leading places at HSE - some subjects are taught in English.

In the learning process, the resources of electronic libraries are widely used. HSE University is subscribed to 39 electronic library databases, which provide access to the full text of 53,000 scientific journals.

The university successfully implements double degree programs and so-called “cross” education, as well as student exchange programs. HSE has more than 160 foreign partners, which makes it possible for graduates to receive diplomas from various European universities. Every year, the Higher School of Economics carries out more than 600 additional education programs, including business education, second higher education, MBA, EMBA and DBA. In order to develop additional education and professional retraining, in 2012, the GASIS Academy and the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) joined the Higher School of Economics.


A large number of senior university students gain work experience in their chosen specialty during their student years.

At the time of receiving their diploma, about 60% of students already have a future job. 6 months after graduating from the National Research University Higher School of Economics, about 80% of graduates work, and the remaining 20% ​​of students continue to receive education in master's or postgraduate studies directly in Russia or abroad.

According to statistics from the HSE Internal Monitoring Center, graduates are employed in such fields as marketing, advertising, PR, business, consulting, insurance, education, accounting, finance, trade, press and journalism, energy, telecommunications, IT.

University structure

The following activities are carried out at the Higher School of Economics:

  • 107 research institutes and centers,
  • 32 design-educational and scientific-educational laboratories,
  • 4 campuses in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod.

The university is one of the few educational institutions where, after the military reform, a military department remained. Future officers for missile and ground forces units are trained here. Students undergo drill, tactical and tactical-special fire training. Information and educational work with students and moral and psychological support were also organized. Practical training is carried out with future officers. Undergraduate and postgraduate students of the National Research University Higher School of Economics are provided with places to live in the dormitory.

HSE has a faculty of pre-university preparation. Schoolchildren in grades 5-11 are trained at this faculty. Teachers from the National Research University Higher School of Economics prepare them for the Unified State Exam, Olympiads, and State Examinations. In 2013, a lyceum for high school students was opened.

Program “University open to the city”

In 2013, the university launched the “University Open to the City” program. In Moscow's Gorky Park this summer, university scientists began holding lectures in public for the first time. Thus, anyone who is interested in the topic can listen to the lecture. In the fall, the lecture hall moved to Moscow museums. Lectures are now held every Thursday, admission is absolutely free and free.

Higher in ratings

In 2015, the Higher School of Economics joined the group<51-100>in the field of Development studies (social development studies) of the QS ranking (Quacquarelli Symonds) - one of the most famous international rankings of universities in the world. In this rating category, the Higher School of Economics is the only Russian university.