Reluctance to do anything reasons. Apathy as a sign of schizophrenia and organic brain damage

With the onset of gloomy autumn days, you don’t want to get out of a warm and cozy bed, especially if you have your favorite gadget at hand. It seems that I would have lain there for a week if I didn’t have to slam the doors of the refrigerator and toilet. “Apathy has overcome us,” we timidly justify ourselves, because we are ashamed to admit our usual laziness, first of all, to ourselves. This is how we easily, without thinking, set ourselves a serious diagnosis. So apathy or laziness, or maybe something even more serious? Let's try to figure out what's really happening to us and what to do if we don't want to do anything.

Banal laziness

So let's start with laziness. Let's finally admit that she is the most “dear and green” laziness - a real bad habit. Yes, it is a habit that is not associated with either physical or mental problems. And its basis lies in two reasons: lack of motivation and a weak strong-willed component of character. If a teenager sits on the computer, not caring about an important test, this is laziness. And not throwing away the Christmas tree until March 8th is also lazy.

How to deal with this? In principle, unfortunately, there are only two common options left: carrot or stick. Force or offer incentives in return for work done. Probably, if we are talking about children, this option can still work. But sometimes forcing an adult, or even worse, a loved one, is simply an impossible task.

But it’s not for nothing that we started talking about motivation. If a person who is overcome by laziness is offered not a boring job or a study that is “sitting in the liver,” but a visit or something else very interesting, then you will not even recognize the unfortunate person who was cowering just recently! So the surest way is to select the necessary motivation and work with the education of will. Or maybe it’s really time for you to change your boring and imposed job?

Fatigue should not be written off

There are times when we simply cannot concentrate properly and fall off our feet. There is a lot of work, and we reproach ourselves for being slow and wanting to simply “hibernate.” And sometimes this is what happens: we just turn off the phone, send the children to grandma and are ready to not open our eyes for days on end. Or maybe not even a day. Can we talk about laziness here? No, if this is not common for you at all. And, at the same time, the rest of the time you work “for wear and tear”.

The fact is that the reserves of the human body are not endless and are very individual. When this same organism is depleted, it simply refuses to function normally.

Moreover, we are talking not only about physical overload, which can be understood and tracked. We are talking about nervous or mental (mental) overload. And sometimes also psychological. After all, if we submit this damned report 24 hours a day, which we redo a hundred times in the shortest possible time, while at the same time we are faced with facts of outright envy and sabotage of “good colleagues.” Naturally, after a successful fait accompli, sometimes you just want to get some sleep (getting drunk before that is a topic for a separate discussion).

What to do in this case? Allow yourself to relax, without any remorse. After all, if you don’t do this, the body can rest without your knowledge. Yes, don’t be surprised, he’ll just get sick! After all, if he doesn’t have the strength to work normally, where will he get the strength to resist illness?

Another thing is that “just getting enough sleep” in case of constant mental overstrain is great, but not everything.

It is very important to change the type of activity to establish balance. In short, if you are exhausted at the office, be sure to find some movement! Fitness, yoga, cycling. Just take a walk in the park in the evening.

Such physical activity often restores better than any passive rest. Sometimes I heard reviews from clients who barely trudged to the dance with the thought of “how would I fall and fall asleep.” And they returned charged with energy, as if they had “swallowed a battery.”

What if everything is much more serious?

It’s a completely different matter if the dishes aren’t washed, not because the person is “stuck” on social networks, but because he simply doesn’t have the strength. Moreover, washing itself does not seem like a boring job to him, nor does communicating with virtual friends seem like an interesting pastime. Nothing around him evokes any emotional response at all. Just like the “rest” itself is not enjoyable. That’s when you should think about apathy or even depression.

Characteristic signs of apathy

  • You don’t want anything at all, it’s impossible to single out what can give you pleasure at the moment;
  • It is impossible to rest and sleep; the condition lasts more than two weeks;
  • The manifestation appears suddenly and has never been observed before. In contrast, laziness is a trait that develops gradually.

Reasons for development

  1. Asthenic apathy develops as a result of a previous illness or surgical intervention, when the body must normalize its functioning. It's just worth experiencing. The recovery process also depends on you. It has been scientifically proven that even a deliberately strained smile, in the end, also lifts your mood. The harder you try to motivate yourself and start doing something, the faster you will return to normal. Although the help of a therapist and psychologist will also not be superfluous.
  2. Apathy due to lack of nutrients. As a rule, these are vitamins. (For some, such manifestations are observed in February). But symptoms can also occur with anorexia and during improper diets. Apathy or depression can also occur due to a deficiency of certain microelements. But don’t forget that too good is also not good. An excess of forcibly administered vitamins and minerals will not lead to anything good. And the final verdict on what your body is missing should be made by a doctor after preliminary tests.
  3. Apathy caused by hormonal imbalances. Sometimes drowsiness and complete loss of all desires can be a companion to PMS, menopause or the period preceding it, and can also be observed when the hormone-producing glands malfunction. So be sure to check your hormonal levels and thyroid gland. As for critical and menopausal days, remember that such a course of the described periods is not the norm. Be sure to consult a gynecologist for advice.
  4. Apathy as a variant of neurasthenia. This is a case when a person experiences severe psychological trauma (death of significant people, sudden and painful breakup, unplanned and shock dismissal). But in this case we should not talk about true apathy. Here there will be no indifference to the surrounding reality. Rather, the picture will consist of very rapid fatigue, depression, tearfulness and irritability, up to emotional explosions. Why then do we consider neurasthenia in the context of apathy? Because, with certain features of the nervous system, a person can simply withdraw completely into himself and sleep for days on end. He will have no appetite and generally no desire to live, which is very similar to the symptoms mentioned. But, at the same time, he will have a clearly defined “black event”, the memory of which will certainly cause a reaction, even a negative one.
  5. Apathy as a sign of psychiatric illness. This is too broad a topic to cover quickly. But, in any case, this is an option that requires the immediate intervention of a psychiatrist. So, if you know about a person's psychiatric diagnosis and see signs of apathy on their part, act immediately. Because the patient himself is not able, in this state, to soberly assess the situation and help himself.

The Roman philosopher Seneca argued that it is possible to cultivate a feeling of hatred for life only with the help of two things: laziness and apathy. There is no person who does not experience fatigue, a painful feeling of inner emptiness, detachment and reluctance to take any action. These are symptoms of apathy, a severe mental state that for some time “knocks you out” of the usual schedule of life, makes you feel lost, lonely, causes not only physical passivity, but also indifference to any aspects of daily life, to other people.

It is important not to confuse the state of apathy with a depressive state, because depression is a complex mental disorder, during which apathy can be only one of the symptoms. In most cases, apathy is an excellent indicator of intrapersonal problems and conflicts. If you do not want to one day be overtaken by constant complete apathy towards life, then the time has come for you to get to know the reasons for its occurrence, learn its symptoms, and also arm yourself with knowledge on how to overcome this negative condition.

The term “apathy” was first used in ancient times, but with a completely different meaning. Apathy was considered the highest human virtue and was a sign of a certain detachment and asceticism characteristic of a true sage.

In our time, apathy in different directions of psychology means a negative state that brings psychological discomfort to a person’s life. Apathy towards life appears suddenly, and often a person does not understand its causes and does not know what to do.

Apathy has various causes; knowledge of them provides the basis for searching for tools to get rid of this dangerous condition. Analyze the main causes of apathy to know what to do next:

Normally, a state of apathy is a warning signal of deeper problems. She talks about the need to stop and think about qualitative changes in your lifestyle and emotional state.

How to determine that this is apathy?

Observe yourself, if you find some of the indicated symptoms in your behavior and feelings, then you may have apathy.

  • Closedness. You do not want to communicate or even see other people; any forced contacts cause a range of negative emotions, a desire to run away and hide from the whole world.
  • Passivity. You are plagued by constant fatigue and reluctance to do anything. Habitual professional and activities and household chores fade into the background, you don’t want to do anything. The daily routine changes, constant insomnia torments, which is replaced by daytime sleepiness.
  • You not only do not want to do anything, but you feel physical weakness, which causes drowsiness and does not allow you to lead your usual lifestyle. It is difficult for you to even speak expressively.
  • Emotional coldness. Manifestations of emotions and feelings become monotonous and inexpressive. The general emotional background is negative, the facial expression is gloomy, the look is sad and downcast. There is a weak reaction to the emotions of other people, they simply cease to be of interest. Moreover, you feel that there are no specific reasons for this condition.
  • Indifference. An indifferent attitude towards your appearance arises; you can spend the whole day in bed, feeling drowsy, ignoring food and hygiene procedures. There is a passive reaction to any requests and wishes from other people.

Take action

Constant fatigue and drowsiness, which are common causes of apathy, can disappear without a trace on their own, without the use of special methods or seeking help from specialists. Perhaps your body just wanted to rest and apathy expressed its fatigue and oversaturation. But if these symptoms do not disappear for several weeks, and other symptoms are added to them, then you should seek help from a professional psychologist. But first, try to get out of this state yourself using the following actions:

  • Find reasons. Think about why you might be feeling apathetic. Since it is the surface of the problem, try to find the root that could lead to this condition. If the reason is hard work, consider changing your field of activity or taking a temporary vacation. If you are surrounded by “difficult” people, try changing your social circle. New decisions will give you inner strength, and you will have more energy for further actions.
  • Try to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Change your diet, take up any sport: fitness, swimming, cycling, running or visiting the gym. Take a course of therapeutic or relaxing massage. Such procedures will fill your body with new energy, balancing the physical and mental stress on the body.
  • Plan your day. Make a schedule of your daily activities for a month. If you manage to take a vacation, then fill these days with meetings with pleasant people, new activities and creativity. You can also start unusual repairs.
  • Try to compare your life with the lives of other people. Look beyond the boundaries of your own life and notice how many people live in more difficult life circumstances. Find out what kind of help your local orphanage needs and help based on your ability.
  • Go on a trip. If you have such an opportunity, then a radical change of circumstances would be an excellent option. Go on a trip abroad or just to your dacha, where you will be surrounded by other people and things. But don’t forget, this is not an escape from problems, but giving new colors to life.

How to deal with apathy and depression, video:

Take a test for depression, Beck scale (free) >>>

Our life is absolutely amazing, it can delight and surprise every day. However, not every person manages to enjoy existence. Many of us feel depressed and depressed from time to time. Often, this situation is completely normal and normalizes quickly enough without special correction. However, if you are constantly depressed, you need to sound the alarm. It may well be that such apathy requires a more serious attitude, let’s try to determine the possible causes of this condition, and answer the question: what to do if you don’t want anything?

Why does apathy occur, what are the reasons leading to it?

According to psychologists, there are a huge number of factors that can provoke the development of apathy at different ages. There is a popular point of view that such a pathological condition can develop due to a certain hereditary predisposition. There is also evidence that apathy can be a consequence of certain endocrine disorders. One of the most common reasons for such a violation is considered to be stress of various kinds; the role of such emotional shock can be played by retirement, the loss of a loved one, conflicts, loss of a job, as well as problems with the law. In addition, it is not so rare that apathy develops as a side effect from the consumption of certain medications. It can also be provoked by slight depression.

In addition to the reasons already listed, such a disorder sometimes occurs against the background of chronic severe illnesses, most often due to a heart attack, cancer, diabetes, paralysis, etc. This condition can also develop in women with premenstrual syndrome.

Quite often, people who have failed to realize themselves (especially creatively), as well as those who are susceptible to alcoholism and drug addiction, suffer from apathy. Another similar disorder is diagnosed in older people.

As for medications that can provoke apathy, these include various birth control pills, as well as heart medications and compounds designed to lower blood pressure. In addition, this group also includes sleeping pills, antibiotics and steroids.

In certain cases, apathy becomes a consequence. In young people, this condition is often provoked by a decrease in energy, as well as serious illnesses, vitamin deficiency and a constant lack of sunlight. In certain cases, a violation of this kind becomes a consequence of emotional or physical stress.

“Sick of” apathy - what to do if you don’t want anything?

For successful treatment of apathy, it is extremely important to correctly determine the causes of this pathological condition. If this disorder is the result of the influence of serious illnesses, including depression, alcoholism, etc., then it is practically impossible to cope with it without medication. In this case, the correct, timely and adequate impact on the underlying disease plays a particularly important role.

If the disease occurs in a particularly severe form, in which the patient completely refuses food and shows indifference to everything around him, therapy should be carried out in an inpatient department, because such a condition can pose a threat to the patient’s life, as well as his health.

If the apathy has not gone that far, perhaps you should let yourself sour a little. Relax and grieve to your heart's content, but try to concentrate not on various failures, but on personal experiences. At the same time, it is strongly recommended not to prolong this period - a couple of evenings will be quite enough.

In most cases, self-pity will quickly be replaced by a desire to act. After digging within ourselves, we can feel the desire to change something, grow and develop.

Correct and dosed physical activity, a balanced diet and systematic stay in the fresh air will be beneficial in the fight against apathy. In order to fully shake up your body, you can change your job or place of residence, or go on an unexpected trip. You can also visit salons and medical institutions for a tonic massage (and other types of influence) and take multivitamin complexes.

Of course, apathy requires a full night’s sleep and the absence of excessive stress (both emotional and physical).

In certain cases, it is simply impossible to manage this condition without drug treatment. In this case, the patient may be prescribed tranquilizers and antipsychotic drugs. Such compositions are usually used if apathy is accompanied by agitation or destructive tendencies.

Also, correction may involve the use of stimulating drugs, represented by nootropics, Schisandra extract or Eleutherococcus. A similar treatment option is possible if the disease causes a lethargic state.

Another treatment for apathy caused by traumatic injuries can be carried out by using dehydration drugs, which are diuretics. The doctor may also prescribe antidepressants, various vitamins and herbal remedies. The use of homeopathic medicines under the supervision of a qualified homeopath has a good effect.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Cold days make you want to soak up the sun longer, wrapped in a blanket and buried in a book. But things don’t wait... Laziness has overcome, some say. Apathy set in, others explain. It seems that this definition sounds nobler, and it’s a shame to admit laziness.

But from a medical point of view, apathy is a mental disorder, which can also be a sign of other diseases, including schizophrenia, senile dementia, and organic brain damage. Isn't it better to understand these concepts and not attribute non-existent diagnoses to yourself?


Laziness is a character trait, a bad habit, and not a physical or psychological state. For example, when a teenager watches TV, not caring about studying for tomorrow's test, or an employee leaves work early without finishing an important report because he is in a hurry to visit friends, this is laziness. The common thing here is a lack of motivation. I don’t want to do something, because it’s more pleasant and interesting to do something else. Even when someone leaves unwashed dishes in the sink and goes to lie on the sofa or soak in the bathroom, because washing dishes is a boring and boring task, we are talking about preference, and therefore about laziness.

It’s another matter if you don’t want anything at all. For example, the dishes are not washed, the person is on the sofa, but this does not give him any pleasure. And washing doesn’t seem boring, it seems like there’s absolutely no energy for it... This is where it’s worth thinking about how to overcome apathy.

If it seems to you that you have suddenly become lazy, and nothing like this has happened before, we are definitely not talking about laziness. After all, it is a lack of hard work, a conscious or semi-conscious preference for entertainment and idleness rather than work, a desire to avoid difficulties. And the assessment of laziness varies in different cultures, because it is a category of morality. This quality can be considered the “engine of progress”, helping to invent everything that simplifies human life. Or lack of motivation - once you choose the right incentive, laziness will disappear. Scientists have created a dopamine theory of laziness: it turns out that normally, an increase in the level of the pleasure hormone is associated with the area of ​​the brain responsible for potential reward. And those who already release dopamine at rest are, as it were, in a state of organic drug addiction, because any efforts and changes can reduce the level of existing satisfaction.


So is the desire to pamper yourself on a rainy evening apathy or laziness? Neither one nor the other. If the body requires rest and pleasure (but this is not your permanent choice), then it simply needs to save energy. This happens when a person is tired, and it is not always physical fatigue. With him it’s usually clearer: muscles ache, weakness, but just lie down and everything will return to normal. If you become overtired during intellectual work or become nervous, fatigue is also possible. True, relaxing on the couch will not help here - a change of activity is more useful, for example, moderate and pleasant physical activity (for example, dancing), walks in the fresh air, a favorite hobby that requires muscle effort (handcrafting).

In autumn and spring, with vitamin deficiency, a person gets tired faster. Allow yourself to rest and your strength will be restored.

If you overcome yourself (and it doesn’t matter whether you dig potatoes with all your might, or delve into protracted conflicts of your neighbors, overcome psychological stress, “keep up your brand” and smile, although you want to cry), fatigue accumulates. Recovery may take much longer. Chronic stress is usually accompanied by constant fatigue. Her main “motto”: I want a lot, but I don’t have the strength to do anything. Unlike apathy, in which you can even live as usual, but you don’t want anything. However, there are two controversial points in the distinction between apathy and fatigue, even for scientists: chronic fatigue syndrome and emotional burnout.


Specific psychological fatigue associated with increased emotional stress, without the use of any preventive measures, usually leads to emotional burnout. Moreover, apathy - lack of desires, indifference - becomes the most striking manifestation of such constant overwork. Typically, professionals who work directly with people suffer from burnout: managers, teachers, doctors, psychologists, social workers. Those who suffer are the most seemingly dedicated people, those who place a lot of hope in their work, dream of helping not formally, but in essence, are inclined to compassion, and are somewhat idealists who do not recognize their right to free time, fatigue, and weakness. Often the rules are violated and the person goes beyond the scope of his official duties. Such psychologists agree to support clients by telephone after the session, and doctors sit at the patient’s bedside after a working day. The amount of negativity that a person encounters gradually increases, and the resources for processing it are becoming less and less. Psychosomatic diseases develop. A “fuse” is triggered in the psyche: any emotions are turned off during professional activities, interest disappears. The specialist begins to work formally, with indifference or irritation towards clients and colleagues. He is indifferent to the results of labor.

There is apathy, of course. After all, the same protective mechanism of the psyche is triggered: if too much psychic energy is spent, the body begins to save it and inhibition processes begin to predominate. But what distinguishes burnout from apathy as a separate disease?

Apathy during emotional burnout is aimed only at things related to work. Perhaps, even at home, a devastated professional will feel increased weakness (especially if psychosomatic diseases have occurred), however, favorite entertainment, hobbies, communication with family and friends will still be of interest. But with apathy not associated with emotional burnout, indifference to the environment, passivity, inactivity, and drowsiness increase.


Apathy as a consequence of overwork after a serious illness has also been known for a long time. Energy is spent not on physical work, but on recovery after operations, severe infectious diseases (pneumonia, influenza), and intoxication. The reasons are different, but the result is the same - the body needs to accumulate strength, so it needs much more rest than usual. This condition is usually called asthenic syndrome. It includes a feeling of powerlessness - both physical and mental, increased fatigue and exhaustion, and tearfulness. A person cannot complete previously familiar tasks at one time, as he needs more breaks from work. Psychological stress (even pleasant, for example, holiday excitement) turns into fatigue, tears, and irritation. Asthenia can also be considered a condition that accompanies many chronic diseases that lead to loss of energy: hypothyroidism, imbalance of sex hormones, hypotension, diabetes mellitus, various kidney diseases, AIDS. Sometimes even doctors say that such a patient suffers from apathy. Indeed, he may not be interested in anything and may not want anything, because his health is being undermined by illness. But to be more precise, this is not exactly apathy: as soon as the problem is eliminated and strength is restored (after rest, vitamin supplementation, increased immunity), indifference will disappear.

A type of asthenia that is confused with apathy is neurasthenia, that is, caused by psychological trauma. The principle is the same: the body saves energy, only it recovers after acute stress (death of loved ones, dismissal, breakup, etc.). In this state, people lose interest in usual pleasures, but this is not cold indifference, as in classical apathy, but irritation, rapid changes from interest to fatigue.


Apathy is one of the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). But opinions differ about the syndrome itself. Some scientists believe that this is just another name for asthenia or neurasthenia. Others, to emphasize the physical basis of the disease, propose names for it such as immune dysfunction or myalgic encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord and brain, expressed by muscle pain). Chronic fatigue is contagious.

The causes of the disease are still unknown. But unlike asthenic syndrome, CFS can affect large groups of people at the same time. The most common hypotheses are: a virus that has not yet been discovered, an imbalance of bacteria in the intestines and a change in immunity in this regard, or a hidden chronic food allergy. Fatigue and apathy are accompanied by insomnia, muscle weakness, sometimes body aches, low-grade fever, and enlarged lymph nodes and spleen. And the fatigue itself reaches complete exhaustion, when patients even wash while sitting, because it is hard to stand, or eat in bed.

Doctors agree that apathy here is a consequence of fatigue, but it is still possible to arouse interest in the patient, and the person is able to sincerely smile at friends and loved ones.


What happens when a person suffers from apathy (in previous cases, apathy meant a symptom, not a disease)? He can maintain normal physical shape, therefore, having decided to do something, he carries out his plans without any special difficulties. But at the same time, the psychologically ill person “does not care” about everything so much that even basic hygiene and household concerns cease to interest him. Such a person may stop preparing food for himself, go to work, and spend whole days in bed. He is of little interest in what all this will lead to, what will happen to him. Both the sympathy and anger of those around him are met with his indifference. And we are, of course, not talking about indifference as a character trait, because quite recently such a patient was emotional and active. Weakly expressed emotions are another noticeable feature. The nervous system of a patient with apathy weakly responds to stimuli, inhibition processes predominate.

What other signs are characteristic?

  • Loss of interest in communication. The life of friends and relatives ceases to interest me. A person avoids companies, get-togethers, and meetings with those he loved before.
  • Giving up hobbies and previously loved ways of spending leisure time.
  • Slow reactions. The person, as they say, “slows down.” In addition, the reactions are weak.
  • Slow movements.
  • Speech becomes monotonous, intonation becomes monotonous.
  • Absent-mindedness. A person loses things, forgets instructions, and cannot perform usual actions. He doesn’t worry if he forgot something or didn’t fulfill his promise.
  • Difficulty concentrating. It is difficult for the patient to concentrate on one thing. He looks “dreaming in reality”, “hovering in the clouds”.
  • Memory loss. Due to inattention and the peculiarities of the ongoing processes, a person forgets even what he wanted to say, sometimes he has to write down thoughts in advance in order to conduct a dialogue.

If such a condition lasts longer than two weeks and does not go away after rest, and is not associated with somatic diseases, you should urgently see a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Often loved ones believe that a person has become depressed. They look for some psychological trauma in his life, console him, try to improve his mood. But - with apathy there is no self-blame, suffering due to a feeling of one’s own guilt, expressed sadness. A person simply does not have enough energy for deep sadness. And yet, loved ones are right in their own way, because the full name of apathy is apathetic depression. This is also a type of depression, but different from classic depression; it is even classified as atypical. A person does not consider life terrible and unbearable, but devalues ​​it and recognizes it as meaningless. He can perform the necessary actions without any desire, but life without pleasure is fraught with suicide attempts. The worst thing is for those who interpret apathy as laziness and begin to overload themselves with activities, work, and communication. Such overload can lead to a breakdown when the patient no longer wants to get out of bed.

Sometimes doctors divide mournful insensitivity (mental anesthesia) for depression as “conscious apathy,” when the patient feels that he is missing something, he has lost his emotions, the vividness of sensations. He critically assesses his condition - as coldness, painful indifference. With “pure” apathy there is no criticism; the patient does not think that his condition is unusual. “I don’t want anything, and that’s fine with me.”


Apathy is a condition in which you should immediately consult a doctor, since in addition to all of the above options, it can be a manifestation of such severe neurological diseases as Pick's disease, Alzheimer's disease, various dementias, and neuroinfections. In this case, the symptom is a consequence of degradation. The weakening of the intellect is accompanied by a loss of motivation, except for satisfying the simplest needs.

It is important to know that apathy can be one of the first symptoms of schizophrenia. The person does not have hallucinations, he does not express delusional ideas, but suddenly falls into apathy. Emotional liveliness, activity, interest in something disappears, a person has difficulty “killing time”, not knowing what to do with himself. The patient becomes untidy, stops throwing away trash, and creates a bizarre and unsanitary environment in his home. He may explain his condition by saying that he is thinking hard and needs to be alone. With schizophrenia, over time, hallucinations are added to this condition or delusional ideas appear, which attract the patient’s attention and seem to restore his energy. The sooner psychiatric treatment begins, the greater the chances of recovery in this case.


If this is a symptom of a disease, you need to get rid of it - and then the problem will be solved. If we are talking about apathetic depression, drug treatment is necessary. Usually nootropics and specific antidepressants are prescribed, as well as psychostimulants (which cope with excess inhibition). It is dangerous to take antidepressants without a doctor’s prescription, because those medications that help with classic depression (dampen suffering), with apathy, can further dampen the response to external stimuli and worsen the condition.

Getting rid of apathy, like any other form of depression, must begin “from the mind”, while there is no desire yet. But don’t strain yourself with work, but introduce previously favorite activities and entertainment into your life. Walking, feasible physical exercise, massage and self-massage are useful. It is important to adhere to a daily routine, and allocate more time than usual for sleep and rest. “I will part the clouds with my hands!” Five unusual ways to overcome apathy.

Negative emotions break through - do you want to cry, feel sorry for yourself, get angry at your helplessness? Allow yourself to express your feelings, because this is a sign of recovery. Negative emotions often require more energy than others, and if you find the strength for this, then the ability to rejoice will appear.

If you suspect a friend or relative is apathetic, try to refer them to a doctor. After all, such patients are indifferent to their fate and will not turn to doctors themselves. You shouldn’t attribute everything to laziness, promiscuity, or wait for it to “go away on its own.” Remember: the longer a person remains in such a state, the more the body gets used to the “economy mode” and the more difficult it will be to overcome apathy.

Our unconscious desires are hidden from us. Therefore, we may not even know what our psyche is asking for. The main reason for apathy is the lack of realization of our desires.

I don't want anything. I sit like a vegetable, there are no desires, no feelings, no aspirations of any kind. Complete lack of interest in life. I don’t even have the strength to move or do anything. I should go to bed, and it would be better forever.

But before, life inside was burning with fire. There were desires, there were aspirations, it was interesting, and life brought pleasure. Now there is only emptiness in my soul. What broke, what went wrong? Who should I turn to for help, what should I try?

We understand the causes of the condition and with the help of the latest knowledge of our time - system-vector psychology.

Man is the principle of pleasure

What is apathy? A state of indifference and indifference to everything around. How does this even happen? Let's start to understand this from the very beginning: with what a healthy person is.

A person in essence is his psyche, that is, a set of desires and properties that in system-vector psychology are combined into vectors. There are 8 vectors in total, each of which carries its own unique desires and characteristics, determining the values, aspirations, type of thinking and all other traits of their owners.

Man unconsciously always strives for pleasure. Everything he does in his life, he does with the desire to have fun. Feeling a desire for something, a person goes to realize it. When he gets what he wants, he enjoys it, and then the desire doubles. Next, we make greater efforts, but the pleasure from achieving the goal is greater.

The obstacle is that our unconscious desires are hidden from us. Therefore, we may not even know what our psyche is asking for. The main reason for apathy is the lack of realization of our desires.

What are they about, our unconscious desires?

To understand how apathy arises and how to deal with it, let’s take a closer look at what desires a person lives in each vector.

  • The owners strive for superiority - social and material. Status in society and the opportunity to earn good money for their work are important to them.
  • For owners, the main value is family, children and home. Respect and recognition are important to them in society. They are the best professionals, masters of their craft.
  • For representatives, the meaning of life is love, warm, heartfelt relationships. They want emotional connections with people.
  • People with the main request are knowledge of the forces that control this world and the people around them, knowledge of their purpose, the meaning of appearing on this earth.

To understand how to treat apathy, you need to formulate the exact cause of apathetic conditions. It will sound like this: “I want it and I don’t get it.”

Causes of apathy

1) We are not aware, which means we do not realize our desires.

A person is disoriented and often makes mistakes; he does not realize his own desires, but those imposed by society. For example, a person with an anal vector seems to feel that he wants a family, but from all sides they shout: “First you need a career, then a family! Once you start a family, you won’t get a career!” And he tries, works hard to build a career. Inside there is constant dissatisfaction. It's like you're not doing what's right for you.

A person does not know himself and makes efforts in the wrong place. He invests, but doesn’t get any satisfaction. Again he makes efforts - again he gets nothing. And then you no longer have the strength to do anything, and you don’t want to do anything. An apathetic state occurs.

2) Bad scenario or traumatic experience.

A person may be fully aware of his desires, but something may prevent him from getting what he wants.

For example, in a skin vector this could be a failure scenario. It is formed in childhood, when a child with the cutaneous vector is beaten or humiliated. As a result, the child relearns to unconsciously derive pleasure not from achievements and victories, but from failures and setbacks. He consciously sets big goals for himself, wants status, money, but unconsciously relaxes and calms down if nothing works out again.

When a person is unaware of such a scenario, he can fight like a fish against ice, but still achieve nothing. Until the scenario for failure is realized and worked out, nothing will change. Then it gradually extinguishes frustration, knocks down the desire for the person to feel less pain from endless fruitless efforts.

People with a visual vector are very emotional and sensitive. Their main desire is love. With all their hearts they strive for her - for a warm, tender relationship. But it doesn’t always work out to build emotional connections. A person can suffer, try, but still not get what he wants. And after a lot of pain experienced, he resigns himself and doesn’t try anymore. And he doesn’t want anything...

Injuries in the visual vector are also possible: a strong shock has occurred, for example, the loss of loved ones, and the psyche, in order to preserve itself, turns on a defense mechanism and blocks emotional sensitivity. Then a person experiences a complete or partial shutdown of emotions, he feels emotional emptiness. But this is a temporary condition.

3) Desire gets into time trouble.

It happens that a desire is completely felt and realized, but in the given life circumstances it is not possible to realize it. This happens, for example, to women on maternity leave, when they do not have the opportunity to do their favorite job, communicate with people, or “go out into the world.”

Fading desires

When a desire is not realized for a long time, it turns into frustration, into internal tension. When frustrations (“I want and don’t get”) accumulate for a long time, a person constantly feels pain and dissatisfaction. He becomes aggressive - he begins to hate everyone, get irritated, yell or throw hysterics, that is, “dump” his shortcomings on those around him. All this aggression begins to corrode him from the inside. This manifests itself in the form of psychosomatic diseases and disorders.

And then, gradually, the psyche begins to curtail desires in order to save the person. This is a kind of mercy of nature. A person becomes lethargic, without energy, doesn’t want anything, and can no longer do anything. It just fades away completely. No desires - no life.

How can this happen, for example, in a woman with an anal vector? Her main value is family, home, children. But in situations where a family has broken up or loved ones have died, an inner emptiness sets in; women often call this condition emotional burnout. Who should I knit warm socks for? Who should bake the pies? Who to meet after work, who to take care of? The meaning of life is lost, there is emptiness inside. Gradually it comes so that it won’t be so painful to live.

Complete apathy and depression

The sound vector stands separately in the hierarchy of desires. His only desires are not related to the material world. If earthly desires (in the other seven vectors) are fully realized by people, then the desires of the sound vector are most often not realized.

Desires in the sound vector are desires to reveal the structure of the world, what is hidden, the reasons for our birth, the meaning of life, our purpose. If these desires are not fulfilled, a person completely loses interest in anything, does not want to communicate with people, loses the meaning of any daily actions, feels physical weakness, drowsiness, calling it chronic fatigue syndrome. in the sound vector - a consequence of severe conditions, depression, this is complete exhaustion and despair from the inability to fulfill one’s sound desires.

The sound vector is dominant - this means that if his desires are not fulfilled, then this gradually reduces desires in other vectors (desire for communication, family, money, love, etc.). Gradually, a person completely loses meaning in life, may hate people, and constantly strive for loneliness.

He doesn’t want to communicate with anyone, but he needs to answer the questions that others constantly ask him. A person does not understand what he wants, where he should go, and more often than not he does not want anything at all. A complex emotional disorder arises - a person is alive, but psychologically, emotionally he seems to be dying, he simply lives automatically, in apathy.

How to get rid of apathy and depression in order to return to a full life? Revealing the structure of the psyche at the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan, a sound person forgets about depression, he awakens a completely unbridled interest in life and the desire to live.

Apathy: what to do if you don’t want anything

Advice from a systems psychologist: realize your natural desires, use in life the principle of pleasure that corresponds to the internal structure of your psyche.

When a person realizes his own nature, his true unconscious desires, already at this stage his energy is freed. This makes it possible to start moving in your life not at random, but in the right direction, with knowledge of your structure. Treatment of apathy is a solvable problem.

You won't have to have bad experiences anymore. In addition, you will be able to free yourself from the shackles of previous experience, from the obstacles that prevent you from fulfilling your desires.

Scenario for failure, resentment, bad experience, procrastination (postponing for later), fears, panic attacks, phobias. All these problems are studied at the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

System-vector psychology is multifaceted knowledge about the human psyche, about what drives us from the inside. For people with a sound vector, learning this knowledge is the greatest pleasure available in our time.

It's time to get back to life. This world is waiting for you - alive, energetic, waiting for the realization of your talents! No person is born just like that - this world needs him, and every person is capable of becoming happy when he realizes himself according to the properties inherent in him by nature. confirm this. These people were able to return to life from their depression and apathy:

“There was a certain anticipation of new discoveries of each coming day. I started going outside and now I can’t sit still for a minute. A new source of energy appeared inside - the thirst for life. Understanding myself, the components of my psyche (vector) and their needs, I clearly realize that I do not have the right to do something that is not my job in life and be in the wrong place!!”

And you too can overcome apathy. Start with the free online training “System-vector psychology”, which will be held in the near future. .

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»