Despite the fact that together or separately. Using the derivative preposition “despite that”: rules, examples

To the question How to write correctly: “despite the fact that...” or “despite” or something else? given by the author Stretch the best answer is Yes, but not so. “Even though” is a subordinating conjunction, and a comma can go in front of it rather than inside it. (NOT A PREPOSITION!)
"Question No. 240499
“However, despite the fact that supplier reliability is identified as a risk factor, almost a third of respondents believe that there is no point in checking it.” Are punctuation marks correct?
Answer from the Russian language help desk:
“The punctuation is correct.”
Cm. :
Rule see:
"If the subordinate clause is connected to the main clause using a complex subordinating conjunction (due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, because, because, despite the fact that, instead of, in order to, with so that, while, after, before, since, as well as others), then the comma is placed once: before the conjunction, if the subordinate clause follows the main one or is located inside it, or after the subordinate clause, if it precedes the main one.
More often, a complex subordinating conjunction is not dissected if the subordinate clause precedes the main clause, for example: As the chaise approached the porch, Manilov’s eyes became more cheerful and his smile widened more and more (Gogol); Before I stopped in this birch forest, I and my dog ​​walked through a tall aspen grove (Turgenev); Since I got married, I don’t see the same love from you (A. N. Ostrovsky); Only after four hours of duty at Stepan’s bedside had passed did Ivan Ivanovich depart in spirit (Koptyaev).”

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to write correctly: “despite the fact that...” or “despite” or something else?

Answer from skinny[newbie]

Answer from Eurovision[newbie]

Answer from Yoofia[guru]
Correctly write “despite the fact that”: “despite” is a preposition, written together.
For example: despite all the difficulties, despite everything.
BUT! The participle “despite” is written separately. For example: without looking around.
I advise you to use the Russian language help service GRAMOTA. RU
This is a very good site for checking the correct spelling of words.
Good luck!

Answer from Altair200967[guru]
the first one is correct

Answer from Leshchuk Valery Ivanovich[guru]
Write “despite” together and with an “e” at the beginning of the word, but otherwise the beginning of the phrase is already written...

Answer from Rock"n"idiot[expert]
There are two options. if the expression has a direct meaning, that is, it is formed from the verb “to look” in the meaning of contemplate, then without looking. and if, for example, contrary to some conditions, or DESPITE these conditions, then the word is written together.

    1) despite whom (what), prev. with wine in spite of anyone and anything, without paying attention to anyone or anything. Works out despite being tired; 2) despite the fact that the union expresses a concession, despite the fact that, regardless of the fact that. Let's go, even though I was walking... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    DESPITE the pretext, for whom? In spite of something, in contradiction with something. Despite the heavy rain, it was warm (not to be confused with despite the gerund of the verb to look from the negative. not). ❖ Despite everything, despite everything... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Service, used. very often If something happens despite any circumstances, it means it happens in spite of them. Despite all the talk about financial stabilization, prices are rising by leaps and bounds. | Despite the fact that officially... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    despite- despite / despite, preposition Despite the abundance of greenery, it is difficult to breathe. Despite everything. Despite the fatigue. Wed. “not” and verb. without looking /: Without looking at your feet, go forward... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

    Despite, despite Dictionary of Russian synonyms. despite adverb, number of synonyms: 2 despite (24) regardless ... Synonym dictionary

    Against, across, against, in spite of, despite Dictionary of Russian synonyms. despite the sentence, number of synonyms: 5 despite (24) ... Synonym dictionary

    With all that, with all that, with all that, nevertheless, Dictionary of Russian synonyms. despite that adverb, number of synonyms: 4 for all that (19) ... Synonym dictionary

    Suggestion with wine It is used to express concessionary relations and corresponds in meaning to the word: regardless of anything. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    - DESPITE ◊ Despite everything. In spite of everything, no matter what (under any conditions, circumstances). ◁ Despite everything, in the meaning. pretext. In spite of everything, in spite of everything. He was cheerful despite the pain. They were late, despite... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Preposition with wine. n. (in combination with “on”: despite). In spite of everything, in spite of everything. [Nezhdanov] recognized himself as lonely, despite the affection of his friends. Turgenev, Nov. Despite the wound that weighed heavily on him, a cheerful and... ... Small academic dictionary


  • Despite everything. How to overcome fear, rejection and criticism on the path to your dreams, McGuinness M.. If you want to achieve something truly worthwhile in life, you will have to learn to cope with criticism and rejection of others. If you are a creative person, your work will be...
  • Despite everything: getting married successfully, Yaroslava Lim. If you really want to get married, but some circumstances are preventing you, then this book is for you! Eight works by the author are collected here so that everything turns out beautifully in your life: 1) Get married with two...

Please tell me, in the sentence “Despite the heat, she was wearing a headscarf,” are there two grammatical stems or one? And if two, which ones?

There is one grammatical basis here. Not in pretext despite written together.

Question No. 297480

Hello, dear “” I wrote over the weekend, but there is no answer, please help me. It's a serious matter, the kids could get hurt. You have already been inundated with questions about the spelling of school names, I understand, but I have a difficult case. For the certificate, the following name must be elevated to the accusative case - municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipal formation of the city of Omsk, secondary school No. 4 named after Hero Sarabey. The name contains the generic name “institution” denoting the organizational and legal type of activity, if secondary school No. 4 named after Hero Sarabey were in quotation marks, there would be no questions, but according to the charter without quotation marks and according to the rules of the Russian language, there are such methodological recommendations that if the name of the institution contains the word “name”, then quotation marks are not placed, i.e. the case is difficult and non-standard, and all our schools prefer in this case to decline both parts of the name, but this is incorrect, not in Russian, if there is a generic word, you cannot decline the second part despite the absence of quotation marks, am I right? Tell me how the accusative case sounds correctly in this case: 1) graduated from the municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipal formation of the city of Omsk, secondary school No. 4 named after Hero Sarabey 2) graduated from the municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipal formation of the city of Omsk, secondary school No. 4 named after Hero Sarabeya has a source that says that you can’t put quotation marks if there is the word “name” in the title, I found it, please tell me if the correct answer is No. 1, a source that can be referred to, that in my case the accusative case applies only to the generic word “institution”

Russian help desk response

All such official names sound bad and create insurmountable grammatical and spelling difficulties. To stay within the norms of the Russian language, we offer this option: graduated from the municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipal formation of the city of Omsk - secondary school No. 4 named after Hero Sarabey. And check how the last part of the name is written in accordance with the charter.

Question No. 292117

While everyone is sleeping in warm beds, he goes for a run, no matter what the weather is like outside. In this case, should “despite” be written together or separately?

Russian help desk response

Separate spelling is correct, because... despite in this case, a gerund, synonymous with the form not looking. Pretext despite similar in meaning to the preposition contrary to. Offer He goes for a run despite the weather outside. impossible. For this use there is a lack of a definition with a negative meaning in the word weather (he goes out despite the fact that the weather outside is bad / despite the bad weather).

Question No. 290166

Hello! Please help me figure it out! Are the commas placed correctly (there are too many of them)? Probably because, despite her well-being, there was genuine melancholy in her eyes in the photograph. Thank you in advance! Best regards, Galina.

Russian help desk response

The punctuation is correct, but there is a problem with the spelling: combination despitepreposition and should be written in two words, not three. Please note: the sentence is poorly constructed (precisely because of the forced accumulation of commas), it is better to rebuild it.

Question No. 289753

How to write boom with or without quotes? For example: "Despite such a boom in innovation..."

Russian help desk response

Quotes are not needed. Right: Despite such a boom in innovation...

Question No. 288062

Good afternoon Are the punctuation marks correct in the following sentence: “Despite this, no decisions were made by the head of the Department based on the results of consideration of these reports.” If there is an error in punctuation, please point out the error. Thanks for the help.

Russian help desk response

There is no reason to put commas in this sentence. Despite written in two words. Correct punctuation: Despite this, no decisions were made by the head of the department based on the results of consideration of these reports.

Let us note that the entire proposal is extremely difficult to perceive and should be restructured. Possible variant: Despite this, the head of the department, having examined these reports, did not make any decisions.

Question No. 286040

Please help me figure it out. I was told that it is written separately, but why? After all, here (not) looking is used in the sense of “not paying attention.” - The house, despite the coolness of the evening, was stuffy.

Russian help desk response

In the sentence you provided despite written together. The preposition used here is despite"in spite of anything, in spite of anything." The negative particle with the gerund is written separately: despite(=without looking), for example: walked down the street without looking around.

Question No. 272964
In what cases is it written despite and despite? How will this affect punctuation?

Russian help desk response

orthographic dictionary

despite, pretext deepr. despite (not looking at the side)

Question No. 272787
It is written together or separately “despite”

Russian help desk response

Pretext despite written together ( despite all the difficulties), gerunds - separately ( without looking around).

Question No. 272397
How to write “despite” depending on the context

Russian help desk response

Despite– preposition: worked despite the difficulties(=despite difficulties). Despite - participle: he was ashamed and sat there, not looking at dad(=didn't watch).

Question No. 271923
Tell me, please, is it possible to say about a thing - a glass figurine that is blown by a master glassblower - that it was made by hand in order to emphasize its uniqueness, despite the fact that it has nothing to do directly with the hands?

Russian help desk response

Question No. 267770
Good afternoon, despite the presence of similar questions, I still doubt it. Please clarify question No. 267764

Russian help desk response
You only need a comma before.

Could you please indicate the rule so that I know for the future.
Thank you in advance!

Russian help desk response

Here's the rule: if the subordinating conjunction is preceded by intensifying particles just, only, only, exclusively etc., then a comma is placed in front of them contrary to intonation.

Question No. 267764
Good afternoon, despite the presence of similar questions, I still doubt whether a comma is needed here:
Mysterious creatures that live inside the earth's core and emerge to the surface only to influence politics.
JUST SO - is there a comma needed here somewhere and if so, where?
PS there is no more context, there is a simple listing of other conspiracy theories
Thank you in advance!

Russian help desk response

Need a comma before only.

Question No. 261374
Please tell me in which cases it is written together “in spite of”, and in which separately.

Russian help desk response

Wed: despite, pretext(despite all the difficulties, despite everything), but deepr. despite (not looking at the side).

Question No. 257198
Question about the declension of Armenian male surnames. Is it correct not to decline an Armenian male surname: for example, Takhmazyan Vartan’s notebook? Native speakers are very opposed to declination of surnames, despite the rules of the Russian language. However, the question is very serious, since in administrative government circles, during official document flow, they require the endings of surnames to be declined according to the rules for the decline of foreign male surnames. How can you officially confirm or deny the desire to preserve the uniqueness of your surname? Thank you in advance for your response.

Russian help desk response

Declension is required. There is a clear grammatical norm (recorded in any normative linguistic publication, where there is a section on the declension of proper names): male surnames ending in a consonant are declined (except for surnames ending in -y, -them type Black, Long), women's - no. The linguistic origin of the surname does not matter.

The correct spelling of many words in Russian is difficult. And all because most words are spelled differently from how they are pronounced. Many difficulties arise in choosing whether to write words together or separately, for example: how to write, regardless of whether they are written together or separately. Let's try to figure out this problem.

To begin with, it is worth understanding that the preposition “on” in this case is always written separately. But how to spell despite is often a problem, because there are cases of both separate and joint spelling.

Note! Spelling depends on what part of speech the word is in the context of the sentence.

For example:

  1. Despite the rain, we went for a walk in the park.
  2. He walked past without looking at her.

In the first case, despite is a preposition (hint - the construction includes two words), so “not” is written together. In the second case, despite – (hint – the construction includes 3 words). Here “not” is written separately, as with all verbs and gerunds.

A little analysis of the word will help us determine which part of speech we have. It consists of using simple methods, which will be discussed below.

When “despite” is written separately

Separately write “not” with “looking” for gerunds, since “not” is a negative particle.

It is easy to recognize the participle: it is asked the question “what are you doing (at the same time)?” from the verb. It can also be replaced with the synonym “without looking.”

Here's what it looks like in an example:

  • question: passed, (doing what?) – without looking;
  • synonym: He walked past without looking at her at all.

Two more main points indicating that the part of speech of this word is a gerund:

  • When “not” is omitted, the word takes on the opposite meaning.
  • Next to the gerund there are usually nouns or prepositions.

In such cases, if the question arises - together or separately - separate writing is chosen.

Why is “despite” written together?

“Despite” is written together when it is a preposition. Why? The answer is simple: the prefix “not” in writing is not separated from the preposition.

To make sure that it is a preposition, replacing it with the following words will help:

  • not considering;
  • contrary to;
  • in defiance

If you can replace a word without losing its meaning, then there should be no doubt that you have a preposition.

A few more important points indicating that “despite” belongs to prepositions:

  • the meaning of concession;
  • the form is constant (not used without “not”);
  • the question is not asked about the word (it is impossible to ask a question about the auxiliary parts of speech);
  • replacement with a verb is not possible.

So, the preposition “despite” with the prefix “not” is written together.

How to remember spelling

It is interesting that the gerund despite has the literal meaning of “without looking at a person (object) with your eyes.” If this meaning does not exist, it means that this is not a gerund.

For example:

  • Despite her boyfriend, she left silently.
  • The little girl, despite the screams of passers-by, boldly approached the counter.

Important! In order to quickly determine when a word is written together and when separately, you just need to remember the association with the eyes.

This is what it consists of. A person always looks with two eyes, which are located separately from each other. The word “despite” is also written separately in the sense of not looking with the eyes. When there is no relation to the eyes, choose continuous writing.

Synonyms for "despite"

The grammatical and semantic meanings of this preposition are as follows:

  • means “not paying attention to someone (something)”;
  • expresses an attitude of concession;
  • used with a noun (pronoun) in the accusative case.

It is by these meanings that one can determine its synonyms:

  • contrary to;
  • out of spite;
  • contrary to;
  • independently;
  • across;
  • regardless.

Accordingly, if a word is easily replaced by a synonym while maintaining the meaning, then we have a preposition. And when it is impossible to replace, most likely it is a gerund.

Isolation in a sentence

There is another problem regarding the word under study. It lies in punctuation: whether a word is isolated or not in a sentence.

According to the rules of the Russian language, a phrase in which this preposition is present is always separated by commas.

Placement rules:

  • when the turn is in the middle of a sentence - on both sides;
  • if at the beginning of a sentence - after it;
  • at the end - in front of him.

The participial phrase also has commas, the placement of which follows the rules described above.

Examples of sentences with the prepositions “despite”

The following sentences with prepositions will help you come up with your own examples:

  • Despite the heavy rain the day before, the walk into the forest took place.
  • He went to the club, despite his father's admonitions.
  • Despite doctors' prohibitions, Roman periodically consumed sweets.
  • The student stated the essence in his own words, despite the speech prepared in advance.
  • Alice did an excellent job with presentations, despite her poor academic performance.

Writing proposals will be necessary when completing assignments in an educational institution. Also, in this exercise, performed independently, you can practice the skill of quickly determining the correct spelling.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

In order to avoid mistakes, you need to understand all the nuances of the spelling of a given word and assimilate the information you have learned. And in order to remember the correct spelling of “despite”, you need to come up with several examples yourself, scroll through their meaning in your head and practice replacing them with synonyms.



The adverbial phrases “despite + noun” are usually distinguished by punctuation marks (commas).

Among the Russian officials there was one guard, a Chukhonian named Yurko, who knew how to acquire, despite your humble title, special favor of the owner. A. Pushkin, Undertaker. The children were all incredibly sweet and decidedly did not want to be like big boys., despite all the admonitions of governesses and mothers. F. Dostoevsky, Christmas tree and wedding. At the beginning of April the snow melted and, despite significant cold, Here and there young grass began to emerge. A. Fet, Spring difficulties. Despite sunny, warm morning, he was wearing a fur coat and apparently basking in the sun. D. Mamin-Sibiryak, Wizard. It turned out to be skinny, despite constant theft, a fiery red stray cat with white markings on his belly. K. Paustovsky, Thief Cat.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


See what “despite” is in other dictionaries:

    DESPITE- 1) despite whom (what), prev. with wine in spite of anyone and anything, without paying attention to anyone or anything. Works out despite being tired; 2) despite the fact that the union expresses a concession, despite the fact that, regardless of the fact that. Let's go, even though I was walking... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    DESPITE- DESPITE, an excuse, on whom what. In spite of something, in contradiction with something. Despite the heavy rain, it was warm (not to be confused with despite the gerund of the verb to look from the negative. not). ❖ Despite everything, despite everything... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    despite- service, used very often If something happens despite any circumstances, it means it happens in spite of them. Despite all the talk about financial stabilization, prices are rising by leaps and bounds. | Despite the fact that officially... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    despite- despite / despite, preposition Despite the abundance of greenery, it is difficult to breathe. Despite everything. Despite the fatigue. Wed. “not” and verb. without looking /: Without looking at your feet, go forward... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

    despite- despite, excuse (despite fatigue, despite the request) ... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    despite- despite, despite Dictionary of Russian synonyms. despite adverb, number of synonyms: 2 despite (24) regardless ... Synonym dictionary

    despite- against, across, against, in spite of, despite Dictionary of Russian synonyms. despite the sentence, number of synonyms: 5 despite (24) ... Synonym dictionary

    despite- with all that, with all that, with all that, nevertheless Dictionary of Russian synonyms. despite that adverb, number of synonyms: 4 for all that (19) ... Synonym dictionary

    Despite- sentence with wine It is used to express concessionary relations and corresponds in meaning to the word: regardless of anything. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    despite- DESPITE ◊ Despite everything. In spite of everything, no matter what (under any conditions, circumstances). ◁ Despite everything, in the meaning. pretext. In spite of everything, in spite of everything. He was cheerful despite the pain. They were late, despite... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    despite- preposition with wine. n. (in combination with “on”: despite). In spite of everything, in spite of everything. [Nezhdanov] recognized himself as lonely, despite the affection of his friends. Turgenev, Nov. Despite the wound that weighed heavily on him, a cheerful and... ... Small academic dictionary


  • Despite everything. How to overcome fear, rejection and criticism on the path to your dreams, McGuinness M.. If you want to achieve something truly worthwhile in life, you will have to learn to cope with criticism and rejection of others. If you are a creative person, your work will be...