Unexplained facts of nature. Unexplained phenomena - supernatural and strange mysteries of the modern world

10. Skunk monkey

The skunk ape is a cryptid creature believed to live in Florida. The skunk ape is most often described as a bipedal primate with long, dark fur that smells very foul. He was allegedly seen many times in the swamps near Florida. In 2000, an unknown woman anonymously sent two photographs to the Sarasota Sheriff's Department. A letter accompanying the photos claimed that the photos were taken in the woman's backyard and that the creature was intent on stealing her apples. Skeptics say it's just a man in disguise or an escaped orangutan. But, in truth, it is worth noting that there are many more witnesses who allegedly saw a skunk monkey than people who saw an apple thief dressed as a monkey or an escaped orangutan.

9. Belmes faces

In 1979, members of the Pereira family living in the city of Belmes began to see strange faces in their house that mysteriously appeared and disappeared. They appeared in different places and at different times. According to legend, one day in August, Maria Gomez told her husband that she saw a face right on the kitchen floor. Her husband immediately broke the floor in this place with a pickaxe, but the same face appeared again in another place after a while. After their story, the mayor of the city told them not to touch their face next time, but to leave it for study. Faces appeared over the next 30 years, both male and female, expressing a variety of emotions. It was later determined that the house was built on a cemetery and bodies were found buried under the house. Despite the fact that the floor in the house was changed several times, and faces were constantly washed with various means, they continued to appear. Skeptics claim that the faces were artificial, drawn using oxidizing agents.

8. Alien from Fresno

This is video from two surveillance cameras in Fresno that captured a strange figure walking across the frame. Nothing is known about this recording, and no one can explain what happens on it. The creature in the frame moves in a strange way, as if on stilts. The quality of the recording is not very high, so it is not possible to understand exactly who is depicted on it.
It is alleged that there are other recordings that have captured the movements of similar creatures.

7. Paulding Lights

According to one legend, the Paulding Lights arose when a train at night hit a switchman who was trying to signal something to the sleeping driver. According to another legend, this is the ghost of a man who, with a lantern in the forest at night, was looking for his missing son and was hit by a train. Be that as it may, this mysterious ball of light has been appearing for the past 40 years. He appears almost every night. Students at the University of Michigan claim to have debunked this myth, and the lights are just the headlights of cars passing on a nearby freeway. But many don't believe them. According to eyewitnesses, the lights are white, green and red. The city even installed special signs indicating where it is best to observe this phenomenon.

6. Phantom Train Tracks in San Antonio

These train tracks, located in San Antonio, became known as ghost tracks because of what happened to cars that stopped on them. According to legend, one day a school bus with children stalled right on the tracks, and... you can already guess what happened. The train was hit by a bus and all the children died. Since then, no matter who stops on these rails, the ghosts of children will definitely push the car off them. In addition to the car moving, people say the car shakes and children's voices and whispers are heard. To make things even creepier, people claim to find marks of children's hands on cars after driving along these roads. Skeptics believe that cars simply roll down due to the fact that this section of the road is located on a hill, but they cannot find an explanation for the prints of children's hands.

5. Beckenham Gargoyle

The video, filmed in the British city of Beckenham (video not found on YouTube), shows a gargoyle jumping from a building. Many people later looked for her in the area and said that they then felt as if they were being watched. But no other evidence of the existence of the gargoyle was found. Skeptics deny the existence of the gargoyle, claiming that this video is just a montage. This creature had brightly glowing eyes, and it moved very strangely and quickly.

4. Room 428

This room at Ohio University is not accessible to students. It was sealed due to numerous reports of paranormal activity occurring there. A poltergeist supposedly lives in it: people saw objects flying, doors opened and closed on their own, and inexplicable shadows were visible. The creepiest event associated with this room is the appearance of a demonic face on the door. The door was changed several times, but the face appeared again and again. They say that the room is haunted by the ghost of a student who once committed suicide right there. Imagine superstitious students who have to live and study on the same floor as a ghost!

3. Silent zone in Mapimi

In Mexico, near the city of Mapini, there is a desert in which there is one place that is a zone of anomalous radio wave activity. In July 1970, a missile was test launched from a US military base in Utah, which went off course and fell in this very place. A team was sent to search for the wreckage and bring it back. The rocket allegedly carried a radioactive charge, due to which the upper layers of the soil were contaminated with radiation.

And since then, no radio, no television, no shortwave, no microwave, no satellite signals can pass through this zone. Strange lights, UFOs and pale humanoid creatures have also been seen in this area. Some people claim to have seen and spoken with these creatures. They asked people for water, and when asked where they came from, they answered: “From above.” This may all be wishful thinking, but it has been scientifically proven that this area has unusually high levels of magnetite in the soil. This may be evidence that many meteorites fell here in the past. Either way, something is wrong with this place.

2. Hand of Pangboche

This hand was kept in a Buddhist monastery in Tibet, and some claim it belongs to Bigfoot. Some believe it is a fake, but many tourists came here to look at it. The monks considered this hand sacred and did not allow it to be studied scientifically. It is alleged that one day a man named Peter Byrne stole it and took it to the University of London for study. William Hill studied the hand and came to the following conclusion: the hand indeed belongs to a hominid, but more likely a Neanderthal than a modern person. Then the hand was stolen again, and it is unknown where it is now. It is believed that most likely it is in some private collection, and the owner bought it on the black market.

1. Battle of Los Angeles

On February 24, 1942, an air raid alert was sounded in Los Angeles. Many believed that this was another Japanese attack. The 37th Artillery Brigade opened barrage fire and fired 1,400 anti-aircraft shells at a mysterious object floating in the night sky. The shelling continued for a full hour and was stopped at 7:21 am.

The media went crazy over this incident, the front pages were full of articles about this incident. What kind of object is this that withstood the fire of anti-aircraft shells for an hour? A weather balloon of course! This is exactly what the government said when commenting on the incident. During this event, three people died from heart attacks due to stress. The target at which the fire was fired is described by some eyewitnesses as one huge object, and by others as a cluster of several small objects. Be that as it may, something strange happened that night in Los Angeles, and to this day people do not know the real reason for these events.

Oleg "Solid" Bulygin

Some people encounter miracles all the time, for others these are fairy tales, however, paranormal things happen in our lives, and this is the same reality as, say, rain or snow, which seem so ordinary to us. (website)

Alien artifacts

On the evening of January 29, 1986, a strange event occurred near the Far Eastern town of Dalnegorsk. A large luminous “meteorite” crashed into the hill at great speed. The top of this hill is visible here from all corners of the city, so almost all local residents witnessed something mysterious. Later, lights began to burn on higher ground, resembling welding. Heavy snowfall in January did not allow us to immediately approach the glow, which lasted, as local residents say, about an hour. Only three days later, researchers managed to climb to the top and see strange fragments that had clearly melted under the influence of high temperatures. Surprisingly, at a distance of several centimeters from the fallen celestial body, the bushes and trees remained intact and unharmed.

The collision with the rock left many interesting artifacts, the chemical composition of which turned out to be extremely rare, if not completely atypical for the Earth. For example, balls and structures were found that resembled a mesh in their structure. Many of them had a high melting point, although they appeared to be plastic. Scientists have suggested that such chemical compounds are almost impossible to obtain under natural conditions on our planet. Then - what is this?..

Annabelle doll

These events formed the basis of the American horror film Annabelle. In 1970, an American student celebrated her birthday. Mom gave her a large antique doll, which she purchased at an antique store. A few days later, strange things began to happen. Every morning the girl carefully laid the doll on the bed in the apartment she rented with a friend. The toy's arms were at its sides, and its legs were stretched out. But by evening the doll took a completely different pose. For example, the legs were crossed and the hands were on the knees. The doll could also be seen in unexpected places in the home.

The girls came to the logical conclusion that during their absence, a stranger with a strange sense of humor visits the apartment. It was decided to conduct an experiment and seal the windows and door in such a way that the attacker would leave traces after the visit. Not a single trap worked, and strange things continued to happen to the doll. Moreover, bloody stains began to appear on the doll. Naturally, the police, who were involved a little later in this strange case, could not help the girls in any way. I had to turn to a medium. He said that once upon a time, a seven-year-old girl died on the site of this dwelling, whose spirit was playing with this doll, thereby giving some signs, for example, requests for help. But then something terrible began to happen to the doll.

One day, an acquaintance of theirs was visiting the girls. Suddenly a noise was heard from the next empty room. When the guys looked behind the door, there was no one in it, but on the floor. Suddenly the guy screamed and grabbed his chest. Blood stains appeared on his shirt. The chest was all scratched up. The girls left the apartment that same day and turned to the famous Warren esotericists, who study paranormal phenomena. It turned out that Annabelle is not just a doll, but some evil entity that took advantage of the girls’ trust. The Warrens performed a cleansing ceremony, after which creepy things no longer appeared in the apartment. The girls happily gave the doll itself to their saviors for eternal storage.

Rubber blocks

Over the past thirty years, mysterious artifacts have been regularly discovered on the shores of Europe. These are rectangular rubber blocks with rounded edges and the inscription “TJIPETIR”. It turned out that this word was the name of an Indonesian rubber plantation that existed at the beginning of the last century. But how can we explain the appearance of these products on the other side of the planet? Experts suggest that the plates are washed out from a sunken merchant ship.

But in this case, very mysterious oddities can be traced. Firstly, the plates appear in England, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, France, which indicates a huge number of blocks at the time of the shipwreck. Such an impressive consignment of cargo should be reflected in some archival documents, but none were found. Secondly, the rubber was made 100 years ago, but, to the surprise of researchers of this phenomenon, it was very well preserved. Are these platinums really from a parallel world?..

Incredible facts

Scientists have been trying for centuries to unravel many secrets of the natural world, however, some phenomena still baffle even the best minds of humanity.

From strange flashes in the sky after earthquakes to rocks that spontaneously move across the ground, these phenomena seem to have no particular meaning or purpose.

Here are the 10 most strange, mysterious and incredible phenomena, found in nature.

1. Reports of bright flashes during earthquakes

Light flashes that appear in the sky before and after an earthquake

One of the most mysterious phenomena are the inexplicable flashes in the sky that accompany earthquakes. What causes them? Why do they exist?

Italian physicist Christiano Feruga collected all observations of flashes during earthquakes dating back to 2000 BC. For a long time, scientists were skeptical about this strange phenomenon. But everything changed in 1966, when the first evidence appeared - photographs of the Matsushiro earthquake in Japan.

Nowadays there are a great many such photographs, and the flashes on them are of such different colors and shapes that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a fake.

Among the theories explaining this phenomenon are heat caused by friction, radon gas and piezoelectric effect– an electrical charge that builds up in quartz rocks when tectonic plates move.

In 2003, NASA physicist Dr. Friedemann Freund(Friedemann Freund) conducted a laboratory experiment and showed that perhaps the flashes were caused by electrical activity in the rocks.

The shock wave from an earthquake can change the electrical properties of silicon and oxygen-containing minerals, allowing them to transmit current and emit a glow. However, some believe that the theory may only be one possible explanation.

2. Nazca Drawings

Huge figures drawn on the sand in Peru by ancient people, but no one knows why

The Nazca Lines extend over 450 square meters. km of coastal desert, are huge works of art left on the Peruvian plains. Among them there are geometric figures, as well as drawings of animals, plants and rarely human figures, which can be seen from the air in the form of huge drawings.

They are believed to have been created by the Nazca people during a 1000 year period between 500 BC. and 500 AD, but no one knows why.

Despite its status as a World Heritage Site, Peruvian authorities have difficulty protecting the Nazca Lines from settlers. Meanwhile, archaeologists are trying to study the lines before they are destroyed.

It was initially assumed that these geoglyphs were part of the astronomical calendar, but this version was later refuted. Researchers then focused their attention on the history and culture of the people who created them. Are the Nazca Lines a message to aliens or represent some kind of encrypted message, no one can say.

In 2012, Yamagata University in Japan announced it would open a research center on site and intend to study more than 1,000 drawings over 15 years.

3. Migration of Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies find their way across thousands of kilometers to specific locations.

Every year millions of North American monarch butterflies migrate over a distance of more than 3000 km south for the winter. For many years no one knew where they were flying.

In the 1950s, zoologists began tagging and monitoring the butterflies and discovered that they were found in a mountain forest in Mexico. However, even knowing that monarchs choose 12 of the 15 mountainous sites in Mexico, scientists still can't understand how they navigate.

According to some studies, they take advantage of the position of the Sun to fly south, adjusting to the time of day using the circadian clock of their antennae. But the Sun gives only general direction. How they settle in is still a mystery.

One theory is that geomagnetic forces attract them, but this has not been confirmed. Only recently have scientists begun to study the features of the navigation system of these butterflies.

4. Ball lightning (video)

Fireballs that appear during or after a thunderstorm

Nikola Tesla supposedly created ball lightning in his laboratory. In 1904, he wrote that he had “never seen fireballs, but he was able to determine their formation and reproduce it artificially.”

Modern scientists have never been able to reproduce these results.

Moreover, many are still skeptical about the existence of ball lightning. However, many witnesses, dating back to the era of Ancient Greece, claim to have observed this phenomenon.

Ball lightning is described as a sphere of light that appears during or after a thunderstorm. Some claim to have seen ball lightning passes through window glass and down the chimney.

According to one theory, ball lightning is plasma; according to another, it is a chemiluminescent process - that is, light appears as a result of a chemical reaction.

5. Moving stones in Death Valley

Stones that slide along the ground under the influence of a mysterious force

In the Racetrack Playa area of ​​Death Valley, California, mysterious forces push heavy rocks across the flat surface of a dry lake when no one is looking.

Scientists have been puzzling over this phenomenon since the beginning of the 20th century. Geologists tracked 30 stones weighing up to 25 kg, 28 of which moved over a 7-year period of more than 200 meters.

Analysis of the stone tracks shows that they moved at a speed of 1 m per second and in most cases the stones slid in winter.

There were speculations that it was all to blame wind and ice, as well as algae slime and seismic vibrations.

A 2013 study tried to explain what happens when water on the surface of a dry lake freezes. According to this theory, ice on rocks stays frozen longer than the ice around them because the rock releases heat faster. This reduces the friction between the stones and the surface, making them easier to push around in the wind.

However, no one has yet seen the stones in action, and recently they have become immobile.

6. The Rumble of the Earth

An unknown hum that only some people can hear

The so-called "hum" is the name given to the annoying low frequency noise, which worries residents around the world. However, few are able to hear it, namely only every 20th person.

Scientists attribute the "hum" ringing in the ears, distant waves, industrial noise and singing sand dunes.

In 2006, a researcher from New Zealand claimed to have recorded this anomalous sound.

7. The return of the cicada insects

The insects that suddenly woke up after 17 years to find a partner

In 2013, cicadas of the species appeared from underground in the eastern United States Magicicada septendecim, which have not been shown since 1996. Scientists don't know how the cicadas knew it was time to leave their underground habitat after 17 year old dream.

Periodical cicadas- These are quiet and solitary insects that spend most of their time buried underground. They are the longest-lived insects and do not mature until they are 17 years old. However, this summer, they woke up en masse to reproduce.

After 2-3 weeks they die, leaving behind the fruits of their “love”. The larvae burrow into the ground and a new life cycle begins.

How do they do it? How do they know after so many years that the time has come to emerge?

Interestingly, 17-year cicadas appear in the northeastern states, while in the southeastern states, cicada invasions occur every 13 years. Scientists have suggested that this life cycle of cicadas allows them to avoid meeting their predator enemies.

8. Rain of Animals

When different animals, such as fish and frogs, fall from the sky like rain

In January 1917, the biologist Waldo McAtee(Waldo McAtee) presented his work entitled "Rain of Organic Matter", which reported cases of falling larvae of salamanders, small fish, herring, ants and toads.

Rains of animals have been reported in different parts of the world. For example, frogs rained down in Serbia, perches fell from the sky in Australia, and toads fell in Japan.

Scientists are skeptical about their animals' rain. One explanation was proposed by a French physicist back in the 19th century: winds lift animals and throw them to the ground.

According to a more complex theory, waterspouts suck out aquatic inhabitants, transport them and force them to fall in certain places.

However, there have been no scientific studies to confirm this theory.

9. Stone balls of Costa Rica

Giant stone spheres whose purpose is unclear

Why the ancient people of Costa Rica decided to create hundreds of large balls of stone is still a mystery.

Costa Rican stone balls were discovered in the 1930s by United Fruit Company when workers cleared land for banana plantations. Some of these balls having perfect spherical shape, reached 2 meters in diameter.

The stones that the locals call Las Bolas, belonged to 600 - 1000 AD What makes this phenomenon even more difficult to understand is the fact that there is no written record of the culture of the people who created them. This happened because the Spanish settlers erased all traces of the indigenous cultural heritage.

Scientists began studying the stone balls in 1943, charting their distribution. Later, anthropologist John Hoopes refuted many theories explaining the purpose of the stones, including lost cities and space aliens.

10. Impossible fossils

Remnants of long-dead creatures that appear in the wrong place

Ever since the theory of evolution was proposed, scientists have encountered discoveries that seem to challenge it.

One of the most mysterious phenomena was fossil remains, especially human remains, which appeared in unexpected places.

Fossilized prints and traces were discovered in geographic areas and archaeological time zones to which they did not belong.

Some of these discoveries may provide new information about our origins. Others turned out to be mistakes or hoaxes.

One example is a discovery in 1911, when an archaeologist Charles Dawson(Charles Dawson) collected fragments of a supposedly unknown ancient human with a large brain, dating back 500,000 years ago. Big head Piltdown man led scientists to believe that he was the "missing link" between humans and apes.

- one of the amazing phenomena of our planet, which can usually be seen in northern latitudes. But sometimes it can be seen even in London or Florida. Moreover, the northern lights are visible even in the very south of the Earth - in Antarctica. This phenomenon also occurs on other planets of the solar system: Mars, Jupiter, Venus.

Lenticular clouds are a rare natural phenomenon that can be observed between two layers of air or on the crest of an air wave. Outwardly, they resemble saucers, pancakes, and flying saucers.

Even thunderclouds can look beautiful, but there is one type of cloud that is both awe-inspiring and terrifying. This phenomenon is called asperatus(Undulatus asperatus), which is also known as the scariest clouds. From Latin, their name means wavy-burgy or rough. Indeed, their shape is very reminiscent of foaming sea waves, only located high in the sky.

There are many unusual and even frightening natural phenomena on the planet. One of them was “ bloody rain“, which was witnessed by residents of the Indian state of Kerala. Here it rained for a whole month, the color very much reminiscent of blood. This phenomenon was first recorded here from July 25 to September 21, 2001. Moreover, they claimed that people also saw rain of other colors (yellow, green and black). Bloody rain has fallen over different regions more than once before, so the recent blood rain in Kerala- this is not an isolated phenomenon.

They are rightfully considered one of the most unusual natural phenomena. They were discovered relatively recently - about 30 years ago. They appear mainly before a hurricane, so they can not be seen in all countries.

Moon Rainbow is not only a Soviet science fiction film, but also an unusual natural phenomenon. Its peculiarity is that it is formed at night and is generated by the Moon. It differs from a solar rainbow only in lower brightness.

The history of planet Earth is full of amazing, inexplicable mysteries. And a lifetime is not enough to solve them. But you can look through the keyhole of the door, behind which lies a whole world of unexplained secrets on our planet.

12 photos of inexplicable things on planet Earth:

1. Obelisk, Egypt

They began to cut the obelisk right into the rock, but cracks appeared along it. It was left unfinished. The sizes are simply stunning!

2. Gate of the Sun, Bolivia

The Gate of the Sun is located in Tiwanaku, an ancient and mysterious city. Some scholars believe that in the first millennium AD it was the center of a huge empire. There is still no idea what the drawings on the gate mean. Perhaps they carried some astrological and astronomical value.

3. Underwater city, o. Yonaguni, Japan

The complex was accidentally discovered by diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake. This underwater city destroys all scientific theories. The rock in which it was carved sank under water about 10,000 years ago, that is, much earlier than the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. According to modern ideas of some scientists, in that distant era people huddled in caves and only knew how to collect edible roots and hunt wild animals, and not build stone cities.

4. L'Anse aux Meadows site, Canada

This settlement was founded by the Vikings about 1000 years ago. This means that they reached North America much earlier than Christopher Columbus was born.

5. Moa Bird

Moas are flightless birds that lived in New Zealand and became extinct around 1500, destroyed (according to one theory) by the Maori aborigines. But during one of the expeditions, scientists came across a huge part of a bird’s paw, which was incredibly well preserved.

6. Longyu Grottoes, China

These grottoes were carved out of sandstone by humans - it was a complex task that definitely must have involved thousands of Chinese, but nowhere is there any mention of these grottoes and the hard work that went into creating them.

7. Sacsayhuaman Temple Complex, Peru

This temple complex amazes with its impeccable masonry without a single drop of connecting mortar (even a piece of paper cannot be inserted between some of the stones). And how perfectly the surface of each block is processed.

8. Stone Age Tunnels

The discovery of a vast network of underground tunnels (spanning across Europe from Scotland to Turkey) suggests that Stone Age people spent their days doing more than just hunting and gathering. But the real purpose of the tunnels still remains a complete mystery. Some researchers believe that their task was to protect people from predators, while others believe that people traveled through this system, protected from weather conditions and wars.

9. Mohenjo-Daro (“Hill of the Dead”), Pakistan

For many decades now, archaeologists have been concerned about the mystery of the death of this city. In 1922, Indian archaeologist R. Banarji discovered ancient ruins on one of the islands of the Indus River. Even then, questions arose: how was this large city destroyed, where did its inhabitants go? The excavations did not answer any of them.

10. Giant stone balls of Costa Rica

Mysterious perfectly round stone formations intrigue not only with their appearance, but also with their incomprehensible origin and purpose. They were first discovered in the 30s of the 20th century by workers clearing the jungle for banana plantations. Local legends said that there was supposed to be gold hidden inside the mysterious stone balls. But they were empty. It is unknown by whom and for what purpose these petrospheres were created. It can be assumed that these were symbols of heavenly bodies or designations of boundaries between the lands of different tribes.

11. Golden Incas figurines

Golden figurines found in South America look like flying machines, and it's hard to believe. What served as the prototype for the creation of these figures is unknown.

12. Genetic drive

An incredible artifact - a genetic disk - depicts things and processes that modern man can only observe under a microscope. The disc most likely shows the process of the birth and development of the embryo. Also one of the strange drawings is the head of a man of incomprehensible shape. The disc is made of a durable stone called lydite. Despite its exceptional strength, this stone has a layered structure, and, despite the presence of this ancient artifact, it seems impossible to make something similar to it both practically and theoretically.