Unknown excavations. The most amazing finds of archaeologists

During archaeological excavations, you can find not only the golden helmet of Alexander the Great, as in the movie “Gentlemen of Fortune,” but also come across some rather creepy and shocking finds from ancient times.

Human burials, places of sacrifice and massacres, preserved fragments of the skeletons of ancient animals of not the most pleasant appearance have already been discovered and studied, but will even more terrible exhibits be found in the future?

Therefore, faint-hearted applicants at the doors of archaeological universities can be advised to think about choosing a profession.

The mummified remains of pharaohs and high priests are quite rare, and scientists in their research often have to work with mummies of less noble Egyptians. At the end of the 19th century, a famous French Egyptologist, who was working at that time in one of the museums in Cairo, opened a simple coffin, completely different from the famous gilded sarcophagi. Inside was a mummy with its mouth open in a silent scream, as if the person was experiencing terrible torment before death.

In scientific circles, the mummy with the creepy death mask began to be called “unknown man E.” A variety of versions of the terrible discovery were put forward; the most reliable was then considered to be the idea of ​​torture before death. But everything turned out to be much more prosaic. Already in the 20th century, scientific research and work on translations of ancient texts explained the reason why such a terrible effect occurred.

During the ritual of mummification, the jaw of the deceased was tied with a thin belt or small rope, because it could open when the tissues disintegrated. And no matter how trite it sounds, in this case either they forgot to tie it up, or the rope turned out to be rotten and broke. Similar “screaming” mummies were subsequently found several more times.

Several years ago, archaeologists carried out excavations in the southwest of England, not counting on any grandiose discoveries; the most that scientists hoped for was well-preserved household items of our ancestors. But the result of the excavations turned out to be impressive and eerie in nature. The open mass grave contained the remains of several dozen people, and all the skulls were located a short distance from the rest of the skeleton fragments.

Research conducted by scientists later added a few more strokes to the eerie picture of what happened in the distant past. The age of the burial was attributed to the 9th or 10th centuries, the remains were identified as Vikings of that time, and the number of skulls turned out to be slightly less than the number of skeletons. And most importantly, it was established that the victims’ heads were cut off, most likely with a sword, with identical blows to the front of the neck.

Among several versions of what happened (up to the mass sacrifice), the following opinion seems the most realistic. During that historical period of time, the Anglo-Saxons were often subject to raids by their warlike neighbors. And one day, having captured several dozen Viking prisoners in battle, they staged a public demonstration execution, and took away the missing heads as a sign of intimidation of enemies.

Work in the peat bogs of northern Europe in itself is completely devoid of any romanticism, but the eerie finds that sometimes come across in the process of peat extraction do not add to its attractiveness.

If buried in a swampy area, due to natural conditions such as high acidity of the soil, lack of oxygen and low temperatures, human remains can turn into a well-preserved mummy. Then archaeologists have to work with swamp gifts.

So, in the middle of the 20th century, in one of the swamps of Denmark, a man was found hanged with a leather belt even before our era. The mummy was perfectly preserved, which allowed scientists to even determine what the executed man ate on the last day of his life. Possibly a criminal sentenced to the gallows, he later became known as the Tollund Man. Around the same time, another similar discovery was made - a well-preserved mummy with a broken leg and a slit throat.

Archaeologists discovered another creepy discovery during excavations of an ancient sewer from the times of the Holy Roman Empire in the small Israeli city of Ashkelon, on the Mediterranean coast. In one of the collectors, through which water from Roman baths and sewage was drained in those days, thousands of small bones were found, most likely belonging to babies.

According to Roman law, a child was considered the property of the father, who, at his discretion, could order the death of an unwanted baby before reaching the age of two. Probably, to fulfill such whims, there was a certain institution where children were deprived of their lives. Only with the advent of Christianity to these lands did infanticide begin to be considered a grave sin.

According to another version, prostitutes lived in this area, who, due to the costs of their profession, had to give birth frequently. And if the born girl could still be useful in the future, following in the footsteps of her mother, then unnecessary sons were simply killed.

In one of the National Parks of New Zealand, amateur researchers came across the entrance to a karst cave, in which they were shocked to find a pile of bones with small fragments of skin. The appearance of the monster's remains evoked associations with evil horror movie characters.

In fact, the huge beak and mountain of giant bones were the well-preserved skeleton of a moa bird. A long time ago, the islands of New Zealand were truly a bird's paradise. There were practically no mammals here and these huge birds, due to the lack of natural enemies, lost the ability to fly in the process of evolution.

These numerous mountains of meat weighing up to 250 kilograms became desirable and easy prey for immigrants from the Polynesian islands. These birds have no longer existed for more than two centuries, but enthusiasts believe that one day surviving specimens will be discovered in one of the secluded corners of the island. Why not believe it, since expeditions are still being assembled to search for Bigfoot.

The English archaeologist Albert Mitchell-Hedges is well known to specialists. One of his findings caused a great public outcry. In the 20s of the 20th century, as a result of excavations in the jungles of South America, an abandoned Mayan settlement, he discovered a crystal imitation of a human skull.

According to legends, there are only thirteen such skulls and, by collecting them all together, one can comprehend all the secrets of the universe. Considering the reputation of an adventurer and adventurer, who later became one of the prototypes of the brilliant Indiana Jones, this discovery can be considered a hoax.

Firstly, modern research has shown that the existing skulls made from solid pieces of quartz are the work of modern man, and not the Mayans. Secondly, all the skulls have already been found (most of them are the property of private collectors), but the secrets of the universe have not yet been revealed.

But suddenly the whole point is that the last of the found objects, discovered in Bavaria, turned out to be broken.

Archeology answers our questions about the past and sometimes, if we're lucky, provides some insight into the present and future. However, it also happens that archaeologists bring to light such secrets that are simply impossible to solve. It's like a fascinating novel - but with an open ending. Here are ten of the most intriguing archaeological finds.

Templar Buildings - Malta and Gozo

From about 4000 to 2900 BC, the Templars lived on the islands of Malta and Gozo, leaving behind many temple complexes. What is surprising is not only the architecture of these buildings, but also the fact that the templars simply disappeared at some point, leaving behind not a single trace of themselves, besides the already mentioned temples.

All that archaeologists can say about this is that the reason for the disappearance of the templar civilization was not an epidemic, not war or famine. Perhaps there was religious extremism or environmental factors - there are no other versions.

All that is known about the Templars is that they were apparently obsessed with building stone temples - there are more than thirty of them on both islands. Researchers found traces of sacrifices and complex rituals there, and also found out that the templars were fixated on the ideas of life, sex and death - this is evidenced by sculptures and images of phallic symbols and plump (and, accordingly, fertile) ladies.

Archaeologists also found a complex system of underground tombs, which confirmed the respectful attitude of the templars towards the dead.

Por-Bazhyn - Siberia

In 1891, in the middle of a mountain lake, scientists discovered one of the most mysterious structures in Russia - Por-Bazhyn or “Clay House”. It’s hard to call it a home: Por-Bazhyn is a whole complex of 1,300-year-old buildings covering an area of ​​seven acres and located just 30 kilometers from the border with Mongolia, writes Listverse.

In more than a century that has passed since the discovery of Por-Bazhyn, researchers have not come a hair closer to understanding who built this complex and why.

It is possible that the rulers of the Uyghur Empire were involved in the construction of Por-Bazhyn, since the architectural style is similar to the Chinese. However, since the Clay House is located far from trade routes and settlements, it may well be that it was originally intended as a monastery, summer palace, observatory or monument.

Several artifacts discovered on the territory of the complex suggest that a Buddhist monastery was located at its center, but there is still too little evidence for this theory.

Etruscan underground pyramids - Italy

Four years ago, Italian archaeologists discovered that a whole complex of pyramids was hidden under the medieval city of Orvieto. However, researcher Claudio Bizzari sadly notes: “The problem is that we don’t know how much more we need to dig to get to them.”

It all started with the fact that in an old wine cellar, archaeologists noticed steps in the Etruscan style that went under the floor. Excavations led scientists to a tunnel and a room with inclined walls that converged at one point. During further excavations, archaeologists found Etruscan pottery from the fifth and sixth centuries BC and more than 150 inscriptions in the Etruscan language.

Interestingly, the staircase from the wine cellar went even lower than the level to which the researchers reached, and the tunnel led them to another underground pyramid. Archaeologists ruled out that it might have been a tank for storing something. But there are still plenty of options for the purpose of these strange pyramids.

Ancient Tundra - Greenland

Until recently, scientists believed that glaciers were a kind of “skating rink” that erased not only plants, but also the top layer of soil from the surface of the Earth. However, under a three-kilometer ice sheet in Greenland, real tundra was discovered in its original form. The soil and all organic matter lay in deep freeze for more than two and a half million years.

This ancient landscape will help understand exactly how the planet's climate changed, says researcher Dylan Rood. In the near future, scientists intend to check whether the soil is preserved under other glaciers in Greenland. It is possible that this island was once as green as the tundra in Alaska, notes Listverse.

Musasir Temple - Iraq

In Kurdistan, in northern Iraq, local residents accidentally stumbled upon a real Iron Age treasure - the bases of columns of the supposedly lost temple of Musasir, as well as life-size sculptures of people and a figurine of a goat. At the time these items were created, the northern territories of Iraq were under the control of the city-state of Musasir, but the Assyrians, Scythians, and Urartians all fought for control of the region.

The center of the city-state was located near Lake Van on the Armenian Highlands, stretching across the territory of modern Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Armenia.

Despite the discovery of the bases of the columns of a temple dedicated to Khaldi, the supreme god of the Urartu pantheon, the location of the temple itself remains unknown. Further research is complicated by the fact that many mines remain in the region from past military conflicts, and the Islamic State group controls several Iraqi cities, although Kurdistan formally retains autonomy.

Han Dynasty Palace - Siberia

In 1940, in the vicinity of Abakan, workers involved in the construction of the Abakan-Askiz road accidentally excavated the foundation of an ancient palace. Excavations lasted throughout the Great Patriotic War, and although the ruins were eventually completely excavated, archaeologists never solved their mystery.

The approximate age of the ruins was determined to be two thousand years. The palace itself, with an area of ​​more than one and a half thousand square meters, was built in the style of the Chinese Han dynasty, which ruled from 206 BC to 220 AD. It is interesting that the palace was located on enemy territory - at that time it was controlled by the nomadic Xiongnu tribe. The Xiongnu were such dangerous enemies that the Great Wall of China was built precisely to protect against them.

The Xiongnu did not leave behind any “explanations” as to who might have owned this palace. Historians have put forward two versions. The first says that the owner of the palace was a contender for the throne of the Han dynasty, Liu Fan, who ultimately defected to the Xiongnu side and lived on their territory with his family.

According to another version, General Li Lin, who capitulated after the battle with the Xiongnu in 99 BC, lived in the palace. Emperor Wu Di, considering the general a traitor, executed his family. Having learned about this, Li Ling undertook to teach the Xiongnu military skills, and they, in gratitude, allowed him to build a palace on their territory.

"Provincial Pyramids" - Egypt

The pyramids can rightly be called the hallmark of Egypt, and that is why the discovery of new pyramids is of such interest to archaeologists. One of the most famous “unofficial” pyramids is the three-stage pyramid in the vicinity of the ancient settlement of Edfu, and it is notable for the fact that it is several decades older than its “relative” in Giza. The pyramid, made of sandstone blocks held together with clay mortar, is today only five meters high, although archaeologists believe it was originally about 13 meters high. In the central and southern regions of Egypt, a total of seven such pyramids, called “provincial”, were discovered.

The similarity of the pyramids is obvious - they were clearly built according to the same plan, notes archaeologist Gregory Marouard, who led the work at Edfu. However, the purpose of these pyramids is still unknown. They do not have internal chambers, which means they could not be used as tombs. Most likely, the pyramids served as a monument to the power and authority of the pharaoh - although which one has not yet been established.

Three-thousand-year-old sanctuaries – Armenia

Archaeologists, who carried out excavations in 2003-2011 on the territory of the Armenian fortress near the city of Gegharot, found three small sanctuaries there, the age of which is estimated at 3.3 thousand years. In the clay floor of each of these mini-temples, consisting of one room, depressions were made, filled with ash, and ceramic vessels stood around.

Apparently, shrines were used to predict the future, and diviners burned certain plants and drank wine during rituals to achieve an altered state of consciousness. Professor Adam Smith of Cornell University suggested that the shrines "served" members of the ruling class. However, since there was no written language in Armenia at that time, the names of these rulers are unknown.

Despite the level of technological progress and all the accumulated knowledge about the history of our planet and the civilizations that inhabited it, we still cannot understand some mysterious discoveries.

Most finds allow scientists to learn something new about the past, but there are also artifacts that contradict all logic and challenge generally accepted knowledge about the capabilities of ancient peoples. For example, how exactly was Stonehenge built? Why were the Nazca geoglyphs drawn? Who wrote the Devil's Bible?

However, if we do not understand something, this does not mean that we still cannot try to learn something new thanks to mysterious findings. As a result, researchers will definitely find all the answers. For now, let's just find out what kind of puzzles modern archaeologists are struggling with. Here is a selection of 25 such secrets of the past!

25. Roman dodecahedrons

Roman dodecahedrons date back to the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD and still remain a real mystery to the scientific community. The diameter of these artifacts usually ranges from 3 to 11 centimeters, they are most often made of bronze and represent a polyhedron of 12 regular pentagons with round holes and balls at the top of each corner. According to some versions, dodecahedrons were used either for ritual purposes or as a measuring device. These were very valuable objects, and throughout Europe archaeologists have already found several hundred of these mysterious artifacts.

24. Giant circles

Photo: Rei-artur blog

In Jordan and Syria, 8 huge circles were discovered using satellite imagery. The diameter of the figures ranges from 220 to 455 meters, and no one knows exactly when they appeared here, or why they were drawn. Archaeologists are still excavating the site where the mysterious formations were discovered, but they are already suggesting that these objects date back to the period from the beginning of the Bronze Age to the times of the Roman Empire.

23. Copper scroll

Photo: Wikipedia Commons.com

Among the other scrolls found in the Dead Sea area, there is one manuscript that is different from all the others. The discovery was made in 1952, and unlike parchment or papyrus artifacts, this scroll is made of a metal alloy (mostly copper). The manuscript contains approximately the following text: “In the large cistern, which is located in the courtyard of the pillared hall, in the recess opposite the door, in the corner, nine hundred talents are hidden. In the cistern under the wall on the east side there are six hundred silver bars. In the southern corner of the columned hall at the tomb of Zadok and under the column in the meeting hall there is a spruce vessel for incense and the same vessel made of cassia wood.” Yes, this is a real treasure map. Historians and ordinary treasure hunters have been trying in vain to find this treasure for many years. Some experts even began to suggest that the text is of a metaphorical nature or is more of a kind of recommendation rather than a description of an already completed hiding place.

22. Letters rongo-rongo

Photo: Wikipedia Commons.com

Rongorongo writing was found on Easter Island in the 19th century. They are a collection of wooden tablets covered with mysterious hieroglyphs of unknown origin. No one has ever been able to decipher the meaning of these ancient letters, but some scientists believe that deciphering these texts could help shed light on the mysterious disappearance of the ancient civilization that once inhabited Easter Island.

21. Scottish pyramids of Clava

Photo: Elliott Simpson

These mysterious stone structures are almost 4,000 years old and were discovered on the south bank of the River Nairn in Scotland. Piles of stones are diluted with vertically standing megaliths (stone blocks), and most of all scientists are puzzled by the question of how exactly the people of those years managed to collect all these heavy boulders in one place and install them in the form of a ring monument. In addition, researchers do not quite understand why this ancient complex was built in the first place. Among most theories, the most common ones involve burial rituals, solstice sightings, and even aliens.

20. Pot-bellied Hill or Gobekli Tepe

Photo: Teomancimit

Göbekli Tepe is a huge archaeological complex discovered in Turkey, whose age is approximately 11,000 years old, that is, it is 6,000 years older than even the legendary Stonehenge. In the temple complex, many pillars decorated with carved silhouettes of animals and other mystical creatures, as well as many other religious buildings, were discovered. Initially hidden under a 15-meter hill, the complex was mistaken for an ancient cemetery, but archaeologists later realized that they were faced with something more grandiose. Most likely, it was a temple, but research is still ongoing.

19. American Stonehenge

Photo: (WT-shared) Jtesla16 at wts wikivoyage

American Stonehenge was discovered in the town of Salem, New Hampshire (Salem, New Hampshire). This amazing monument is a system of caves and stone structures, and its origin is still unclear and causes a lot of controversy among experienced archaeologists. The territory on which the complex is located belonged to the Pattees family, but the site remained unnoticed until William Goodwin bought the land in 1937. Since then, archaeological excavations have begun here. Radiocarbon dating showed that they worked on the creation of this mysterious place as early as 2000 BC. But who exactly lived in this American Stonehenge is still unknown to science.

18. Stone balls of Costa Rica Las Bolas

Photo: Shutterstock

Locals call them Las Bolas (balls). These spherical artifacts are scattered along the coast of the Diquis River Delta, on the Nicoya Peninsula and on Caño Island in southern Costa Rica. The giant stone spheres date back to around 600 AD and are composed primarily of gabbro (igneous rock). The purpose of the stone balls is still a mystery, but scientists speculate that they were either used as wayfinders or for the purpose of studying the stars.

17. Treasures and the mysterious disappearance of the Sanxingdui people

Photo: Nishanshaman

This archaeological mystery lies not so much in the artifacts themselves, but in the creators of the finds. In 1929 and again in 1986, a pit containing jade items was discovered in the Chinese province of Sichuan. A simple peasant was the first to find it, and several decades later, a full-fledged excavation was finally carried out here. The treasury contained bronze and stone artifacts, elephant tusks and other amazing finds. Apparently, the Sanxingdui culture lived in these lands on the banks of the Minjing River about 3,000 years ago, but suddenly it literally disappeared from the face of the Earth, and scientists are still wondering why. Among the probable causes are war and famine. One of the most recent speculations involves a strong earthquake. Perhaps, during the next powerful shock, a serious landslide occurred, blocking the river bed and changing its course, which forced the ancient settlement to hastily change its place of residence in search of a new source of water.

16. Nazca geoglyphs

Photo: Unukorno

The lines and geometric patterns in the Nazca Desert (Peru) are one of the world's greatest archaeological mysteries. Scattered throughout the Peruvian plateau are a great many of these mysterious designs, which appeared between 500 AD and 500 BC. The unusual size, huge number, plot and structure of these geoglyphs have puzzled the most prominent scientists. The main version says that these lines and drawings are associated with some ancient rituals or were used by ancient scientists to observe the starry sky.

15. Baghdad battery

Photo: Boynton/flickr

This artifact is almost 2000 years old. A Baghdad battery was found in a suburb of the Iraqi capital. In front of you is a clay vessel with a bitumen stopper and an iron rod passed through the stopper into the vase itself, inside of which there is also a copper cylinder. When filled with vinegar, this battery is capable of producing an electrical voltage of 1.1 volts. However, no written evidence has been found that these vessels were used in this manner. Scientists have not discovered any other devices that would work using these ancient galvanic elements. Skeptics believe that these were ordinary vessels for storing manuscripts.

14. Underground city of Derinkuyu

Photo: Nevit Dilmen

In the Turkish province of Nevsehir, a real city was hidden right underground for many years. There are many similar dungeons in Turkey, but Derinkuyu is the largest of them. The shelter consists of 8 levels and descends to a depth of 80 meters. The cave kingdom was built around the 8th century BC, and the first inhabitants were the ancient Phrygians, and then the early Christians, who hid here from persecution. However, the original purpose of such a grandiose underground structure still remains unknown.

13. Shroud of Turin

Photo: Dianelos Georgoudis

The Shroud of Turin is a 4-meter linen cloth with an imprint of the body of a man executed on the cross. The Shroud is kept in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin and is recognized as one of the most important Christian relics, since believers believe that it was the body of Jesus Christ that was wrapped in it when he was buried in the tomb of a Jewish elder. Scientific research has not yet shed light on the age of the canvas, since some experts believe that the fabric was produced during the Middle Ages, while other scientists attribute it to the time of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church does not recognize the shroud as authentic, and the Orthodox Church has so far refused to take an official position on this matter.

12. Underwater cairn

Photo: Nemo

In Lake Tiberias, using the echolocation method, scientists recently discovered an entire underwater pyramid. The pile of stones stretches approximately 70 meters in diameter, but archaeologists have not yet been able to determine its age or purpose. There are a lot of tilapia swimming in this lake, which has led some experts to believe that this structure was once used for fishing.

11. Stonehenge

Photo: garethwiscombe

Stonehenge is a very famous archaeological complex, which has long been considered a real mystery. The largest stone blocks weigh approximately 25 tons and rise 9 meters above the ground. Some of these giant boulders were brought from West Wales, meaning they were dragged as far as 225 kilometers. How exactly the ancient inhabitants of these places managed to transport such heavy stones is still unknown. Carrying them probably required the coordinated work of several thousand people at once. If this was all true, then the creation of this complex should have marked the real unification of England in those years, because the construction required very serious resources and the involvement of a large number of workers.

10. Sound effects in the hypogeum (sanctuary) of Hal Saflieni

Photo: Wikipedia Commons.com

The Hal Saflieni Temple is located in Malta, and this prehistoric complex is almost 5,000 years old. In addition, it is one of the very few underground sanctuaries dating back to the Bronze Age. No one knows exactly why this hypogeum was built, but the main version is that it served as a refuge for the prophet, and subsequently a burial ground was organized here. This place becomes even more mysterious due to its unusual properties, due to which sounds here are perceived in an unusual way. There is a special room in the dungeon where all the lowest sounds resonate as loudly as if you were in the center of a giant bell, but outside of this room you can hardly hear anything. Was this what ancient people intended during the construction of the complex, or was this an unforeseen effect?

9. Khatt Shebib

Photo: Pixabay.com

Sir Alec Kirkbride discovered the Hutt Shebib in 1948. This is an ancient wall that stretches 150 kilometers across almost the entire Jordan. Since its opening, the structure has been shrouded in mystery and has captivated the minds of prominent archaeologists. No one still knows how ancient the Hutt Shebib is, or what it was intended for. Today, only modest ruins remain of the wall, although previously it was supposedly not too high, which means that the wall was certainly not designed for defensive purposes. It is possible that it was used by ancient farmers, or that it was some kind of symbol of boundaries.

8. Giant Codex or Devil's Bible

Photo: Wikipedia Commons.com

The Codex Gigas (in Latin) is a medieval parchment manuscript recognized as the most voluminous and heaviest handwritten book in all of Western Europe. The vault is so heavy that only 2 people can move it at a time, because the weight of this block is about 75 kilograms. The Gigantic Codex includes the Old and New Testaments, as well as several other texts - the works of Josephus, Isidore of Seville's Etymology, Cosmas of Prague's Czech Chronicle and other books in Latin. The author of the codex is unknown, but presumably he was a single person - a hermit monk who worked on the creation of the manuscript for several decades in a row. This collection was called the Devil's Bible because it also contains a full-page image of Satan.

7. Puma Punku

Photo: Janikorpi

Puma Punku is a Bolivian complex consisting of huge megaliths, carved from stone with the greatest precision. The most important mystery today is not so much the purpose of some of the local objects, but their age. Expert opinions are divided and very different from each other. So, some scientists believe that the complex appeared around 500-600 BC, while others believe that the artifacts are almost 17,000 years old. Another amazing feature of Puma Punku is the incredible precision with which the stones were processed. The blocks look as if they were cut using a diamond cutter, but such technology is unlikely to have existed in such ancient times.

6. Longyou Caves

Photo: Zhangzhugang

Discovered in 1992 near the village of Longyu, the amazing Longyu Caves are a whole system of man-made dungeons that were flooded for a long time. They were discovered while cleaning local ponds, and in the end it turned out that the height of some of the rooms reaches 30 meters. None of the 24 has communication with the neighboring one, but they all have common walls. The dungeons are simply huge, made with incredible skill and require significant effort to create them, but for some reason not a single historical document mentions their existence. The age of the structures was determined by a number of indirect signs (for example, stalactites) and is approximately 2200 years old.

5. Super-Henge

Photo: anonymous

Not far from the famous Stonehenge, archaeologists have discovered an even larger complex hidden deep underground. It was called Superhenge, and this monument consists of 90 huge stone blocks, reminiscent of the megaliths from Stonehenge. Scientists discovered the complex using ground-penetrating radar, and the monument has still not been excavated. Experts find it difficult to answer the question about the purpose of the object, but they are sure that all these stones were buried here with some special intention.

4. Stone labyrinths of Bolshoi Zayatsky Island

Photo: Vitold Muratov

A small Russian island, lost in the White Sea, no more than 2.5 square kilometers in size, is a practically uninhabited piece of land that keeps many secrets. For example, did you know that stone labyrinths have been decorating this place for almost 32 thousand years? All these piles and strange mounds cover the main part of the island, but archaeologists still have not figured out who exactly built the mysterious labyrinths and for what purpose. Perhaps these were religious altars or other ritual objects.

3. Stone slab Cochno

Photo: University of Glasgow

In Scotland, archaeologists have unearthed a 5,000-year-old stone slab decorated with unusual geometric patterns. The Cochno Stone (from the name of the farm near which the artifact was found) is 13 meters long and 7.9 meters wide, and scientists called the designs carved into its surface “bowls and ring marks.” Similar patterns are found around the world and in other prehistoric locations. The meaning of these drawings remains unknown to this day, as well as who created them. In addition, it is not clear how exactly ancient people managed to leave these marks in places so distant from each other. The Kochnin slab was transported to another place not only for further research, but also to protect it from attacks by vandals.

2 Microscopic Copper Finds That Are Nearly 300,000 Years Old

Photo: ugraland

In 1991, mysterious artifacts were discovered on the banks of the Narada, Kozhim and Balbanyu rivers in the Ural Mountains. The microscopic spiral-shaped copper and tungsten parts are surprising because experts are still arguing about their age. Some scientists suggest that these finds are somehow related to rocket tests at the nearby Baikonur and Plesetsk cosmodromes. However, other researchers argue that the rocks in which these mysterious springs were found are too ancient, and analysis of these layers has shown that the finds may be approximately 300,000 years old.

1. Tomb with skulls from Sanken

Photo: Pixabay.com

In Sweden, archaeologists have discovered a burial site of human remains that are almost 8,000 years old. Researchers found 11 skulls of men, women, children and infants there. Scientists have probably stumbled upon a tomb built here during the Stone Age, when hunters and gatherers strung the heads of the dead on one common pole and buried them in lakes. No one knows exactly how and why the ancient people came up with such a terrible ritual.

In the article about the most terrible finds, we posted such exhibits that at first shocked the members of the expeditions that found them, and after the publication of the facts, they shocked the world community.

Virgin of Llullaillaco

The mummy of a girl, who was 13-14 years old at the time of her death, was found in the Andes at an altitude of 6,700 meters by German archaeologist Johann Reinhard.

After research, it became clear that the Incas sacrificed the girl; before that, she was fed high-quality food for a year, and at the same time pumped with narcotic substances. Rather, the terrible death occurred as a result of an overabundance of drugs in the child’s body.

We judge this from the standpoint of the morality of today, but at that time, creepy morals, as it seems to us, were a common occurrence, fueled by religious ideas. By the way, on our website you can see an interesting article about the most unusual ones in the world.

Cemetery of Babies

What could be worse than infanticide? In 1988, work was carried out to study the aqueducts of the Roman Empire near the Israeli city of Ashkelon. As a result of their work, scientists stumbled upon a terrible burial ground in which only infants were buried.

Historians have found out that in ancient times there was an establishment where children were killed at this place. The fact is that according to Roman law, if the father did not recognize the child before the age of 2, he was killed.

Thus, they also got rid of illegitimate children. The boys were killed immediately, but the girls could be saved, and, having matured, they joined the ranks of the priestesses of the most ancient profession.

In 1886, while exploring the pyramids of Egypt, Egyptologist Gaston Maspero found an unusual mummy not of royal origin at all. The buried person was wrapped in sheep's clothing, and the accompanying grave goods were completely absent.

But something else surprised the researchers. Having unwound the mummy, they saw that the hands of the deceased were tied, and his face was frozen as if distorted by a scream. He was given the name "Unknown Man E", and later several more similar burials were discovered.

Scientists' opinions are divided. Some talked about the terrible death that befell these people, and part of the scientific community now agrees that the open mouth is a consequence of natural causes.

Six month old baby

This find is scary simply because of the age of the buried Inuit boy. At the time of his death, which happened around 1475, he was only 6 months old.

It was discovered during archaeological research on the island of Greenland, and 7 other adults were buried next to it. Permafrost allowed not only the clothing, but also the skin of those buried to be well preserved.

This discovery allowed archaeologists and ethnographers to learn a lot about the way of life of the Greenland tribes, what they ate, what they were sick with, and what caused their death.

According to the site, the “most terrible finds” category also included the cemetery of headless Vikings, discovered in 2010 as a result of archaeological research in the English county of Dorset.

The worst thing was that the bodies of 54 warriors were beheaded, and their heads lay to the side of the bodies. In addition, several skulls were missing, and people were killed by a sword blow to the neck from the front.

Perhaps it was a mass demonstration execution, or a sacrifice to the Gods, and the missing skulls were taken as trophies, or put on display for the edification of their comrades.

Thanks to archeology, it was possible to solve a murder committed almost 3 thousand years ago. But it is possible that the man discovered in Denmark was strangled as a ritual sacrifice.

Living in the 3rd century BC, after being strangled, he was thrown into a swamp, so his body and face were well preserved, since peat is an excellent preservative. It was even possible to take a fingerprint.

Local boys discovered the body in 1950, and at first they thought it was their friend who had drowned earlier in these marshy swamps. The terrible discovery provided rich material for understanding the history of the very beginning of the Iron Age.

This discovery, made in 1952, also in the marshes of Denmark, shocked archaeologists not only with the hair preserved on the skull, but also with the causes of death.

According to scientists, he was stabbed to death, most likely by fellow villagers, and thrown into a swamp. In addition, his leg was broken, but it is impossible to determine whether the injury was sustained during life or during the fall.

Still, in the 3rd century BC there were cruel morals, and an innocent man, about 30 years old, was accused of a crop failure, and perhaps of some other troubles, and was killed in cold blood.

That's not all…

We have collected so much interesting material related to this topic that we simply cannot complete it here.

We continue the topic of archeology with an article about. It is very interesting!

When it comes to the world around us, most, as a rule, believe that man has already known it completely: since the Enlightenment, science has been studying it. Nevertheless, even in the 21st century, many secrets of the Universe still remain under seven locks, and as evidence we present the top 10 interesting finds of archaeologists that science still cannot explain.

Stone balls of Costa Rica

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, these stone balls have long continued to haunt the minds of scientists. The balls were made from igneous sedimentary rocks, but their purpose remains a mystery.

The pyramid of the first emperor of China and his terracotta army

The tomb of China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang Di, discovered in 1974, has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Many believe that his body may be located in deeper underground chambers, but archaeologists have no plans to go there yet.
This is what Qin Shihuang's pyramid looks like now.

Amazing Puma Punku Stones
Although these ancient structures are not included in the list of wonders of the world, they are certainly some of the most ancient ruins on our planet.

Most of these structures consist of granite and diorite, which is interesting - on Earth only diamond surpasses them in strength. Thus, the people who created these monuments must have used tools made from diamonds.

Another interesting fact is that the weight of each such monolith is about 800 tons. This is surprising, since the nearest quarry from here is 10 kilometers away. Even with modern technology, it would be incredibly difficult to lift and move them such a distance.

Shroud of Turin
The Shroud of Turin is one of the most famous Christian relics in the world. It is believed that the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped in it during burial.

Great Pyramid of Giza
Considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Pyramid of Giza continues to attract the attention of many archaeologists, physicists and astrologers who, over the centuries, have tried to unravel the mystery it hides.

Undoubtedly, Stonehenge is considered the most popular ancient monument located in Europe. It consists of stone blocks of incredible size, which amaze not so much with their appearance as with the mystery of their origin.

In the center is a stone altar surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped circle of stones. The true purpose of Stonehenge remains a mystery today. There are three main theories, one of which suggests that the site was used for ritual ceremonies and funerals.
Computer reconstruction

Nazca Lines
The Nazca Lines are ancient patterns drawn onto the surface of the earth in the Nazca Desert in Peru. They were discovered in 1927 and became the most unusual legacy of the past.
Nazca Lines, monkey

The lines and numbers traced on the plateau form a complex sequence of patterns reaching several kilometers in length, and they can only be seen from the air.
Nazca Lines, spider

Experts rule out the possibility that the Nazca people had the technology to allow them to fly, but this only raises more questions about how and why these lines were drawn?
Nazca Lines, parrot and astronaut

Traces of cocaine and tobacco found on mummies
In 1992, a team of German researchers found traces of cocaine and nicotine on parts of Egyptian mummies as part of a study called "Studying the Use of Hallucinogenic Substances in Ancient Societies."

Genetic drive
The so-called genetic disk is one of the most incredible artifacts found in Colombia. The disk with a diameter of 27 cm is made of a durable stone called lydite. It is surprising that despite its exceptional strength, this stone has a layered structure, and it is both practically and theoretically impossible to make something similar to this ancient artifact.

Bas-reliefs in the Temple of Hathor
Almost every schoolchild knows the history of the creation of the modern light bulb, but historians say that the ancient Egyptians were most likely also familiar with this subject. On bas-reliefs discovered in 1969 in the temple of the goddess Hathor, scientists found images of objects, the structure and shape of which strikingly reminded them of electric lamps. They immediately remembered that no traces of soot were found in the tombs...

The bas-relief depicting ancient lamps is located in a difficult-to-reach place, accessible only through a narrow passage. According to scientists, this room was not intended for frequent visits; the presence of something mystical is truly felt in the Temple of Hathor. What is actually depicted on Egyptian bas-reliefs is still unknown.

reconstruction of an “ancient lamp”.

Lizard in a space suit
Not long ago, the world was shocked by an amazing discovery, which especially appealed to fans of theories about extraterrestrial civilizations and their presence on our planet. In addition to three skeletons and ritual amulets, a collection of figurines was discovered in the Egyptian tomb at Tel El-Tabila (Dakahlia), one of which particularly attracted the attention of archaeologists. It was a lizard in a space suit; this figurine did not look like anything else. What is this? Who is this? Not yet known.

Three-blade disc
An amazing three-lobed disk was discovered by Egyptologist Walter Bryan. Who and what this disk served for has not yet been established. This artifact is made of very fragile material, so, despite its shape, this object cannot be an ancient wheel. Someone suggested that this disk could be the leg of an oil lamp, but in its shape the disk is more similar to a functional device than a decorative item.

Metal spheres
The origin and purpose of the mysterious metal spheres discovered by miners in South America is still debated by the scientific world. These balls do not exceed three centimeters in diameter; on some of them one can discern parallel lines running along the circumference of the sphere.