Talk to three boxes about the meaning. Meaning of three boxes in a spelling dictionary


  • Expression "tell a big lie" According to one version, it has pagan roots and is associated with Baba Yaga. As many probably remember, Baba Yaga gave Ivan Tsarevich a ball of thread, which was a kind of guide for him. According to legend, Baba Yaga kept such balls in birch bark boxes. Lying with three boxes literally meant that Baba Yaga gave out the “wrong” balls in large quantities.

  • Expression "Balzac age" arose after the publication of Balzac's novel "A Thirty-Year-Old Woman" and is acceptable for women between 30 and 40 years old.

  • Expression "In a healthy body healthy mind" was originally taken from the satire of the Roman writer Juvenal and sounded like this: “We must pray to the gods so that a healthy spirit will be in a healthy body.” It is believed that this line is based on a proverb known in Ancient Rome: “A healthy mind is a rare occurrence in a healthy body.”

  • Expression "Chinese letter" corresponds to the English idiom It is Greek to me." Similar expressions exist in other languages, often with different standards of difficulty. For example, the German expression appeals to the Spanish language, the Romanian to the Turkish, the Turkish to the French, and the Chinese to the bird language.

  • Phrase "Elementary Watson!", which we are accustomed to associate with Sherlock Holmes, is never found in Conan Doyle’s original books.

  • Tyutelka is a diminutive of the dialect tyutya ("blow, hit" is the name of an accurate hit with an ax in the same place during carpentry work. Today, the expression is used to denote high accuracy "Tucked up."

  • The most experienced and strong barge hauler, walking first in the strap, was called a cone. This turned into an expression "big boss" to denote an important person.

  • Previously, Friday was a day off from work, and, as a result, a market day. On Friday, when they received the goods, they promised to give the money due for it on the next market day. Since then, to refer to people who do not keep their promises, they say: "He has seven Fridays a week."

  • Previously, the nose, in addition to part of the face, was a tag that was worn with oneself and on which notches were placed to record work, debts, etc. Thanks to this, the expression arose "Nick down". In another meaning, the nose was a bribe, an offering. Expression "stay on your toes" it meant leaving with an unaccepted offering without reaching an agreement.

  • The possessive adjective "sharashkina" was formed from the dialect sharan ("trash, rogue, crook." Expression "Sharashka's office" at first it meant literally “an institution, an organization of swindlers, deceivers,” and today it is used to mean simply an undignified office.

  • After ancient doctors discovered nerves in the human body, they named them by their similarity to the strings of musical instruments with the same word nervous. This is where the expression for annoying actions comes from "play on your nerves"

  • According to Christian custom, a priest confessed a person who did not have long to live, gave him communion and burned incense. As a result, the expression "breathing its last breath."

  • According to the Gospel legend, Pontius Pilate, forced to agree to the execution of Jesus, washed his hands in front of the crowd and said: “I am innocent of the blood of this Righteous One.” This is where expressions for abdicating responsibility come from "I wash hands".

  • According to the ancient Jewish rite, on the day of remission of sins, the high priest placed his hands on the head of the goat and thereby laid the sins of the entire people on it. This is where the expression comes from "scapegoat".

  • The small horny tubercle on the tip of the tongue of birds, which helps them peck food, is called pip. The growth of such a tubercle may be a sign of illness. Hard pimples in human language are called pips by analogy with these bird tubercles. According to superstitious beliefs, pip usually appears in deceitful people. Hence the bad wish "peck your tongue."

  • The opening of the nail-like Eiffel Tower was timed to coincide with the 1889 World Exhibition in Paris, which created a sensation. Since then the expression has entered the language "the highlight of the program."

  • The famous phrase of Khrushchev “I’ll show you Kuzka’s mother!” at the UN Assembly they literally translated “Kuzma’s mother.” The meaning of the phrase was completely incomprehensible and this made the threat take on a completely ominous character. Subsequently, the expression “Kuzma’s mother” was also used to refer to the atomic bombs of the USSR.

  • Expression "after the rain on Thursday" arose from distrust of Perun, the Slavic god of thunder and lightning, whose day was Thursday. Prayers to him often did not achieve their goal, so they began to talk about the impossible, that this would happen after the rain on Thursday.

  • Expression "it is not worth it" came from the speech of gamblers, who spoke this way about a very small winning, which does not pay for the cost of the candles that burned out during the game.

  • During the rise of the Moscow principality, large tribute was collected from other cities. Cities sent petitioners to Moscow with complaints of injustice. The king sometimes severely punished complainants to intimidate others. This is where, according to one version, the expression came from "Moscow does not believe in tears".

  • Koltsov’s 1924 feuilleton talked about a major scam uncovered during the transfer of an oil concession in California. The most senior US officials were involved in the scam. This is where the expression was first used "It smells like kerosene."

  • In the old days, it was believed that the human soul was located in the depression between the collarbones, the dimple in the neck. It was customary to keep money in the same place on the chest. That's why they say about a poor man that he has "There is nothing behind the soul."

  • In the old days, blanks for wooden utensils cut from logs were called baklushi. Their manufacture was considered easy, requiring no effort or skill. Now we use the expression "knock your socks off" to denote idleness.

  • In the old days, village women, after washing, “rolled” their laundry using a special rolling pin. Well-rolled laundry turned out to be wrung out, ironed and clean, even if the wash was not of very high quality. Today, to denote achieving a goal by any means, the expression is used “If we don’t wash, we just roll.”

  • In the 17th century, by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the distances between Moscow and the royal summer residence in the village of Kolomenskoye were re-measured and very high milestones were installed. Since then, tall and thin people have been called "Verstaya Kolomenskaya"

  • In the 13th century, the monetary and weight unit in Rus' was the hryvnia, divided into 4 parts (“ruble”). The especially weighty remainder of the ingot was called the “long ruble.” These words are associated with the expression about big and easy earnings. "chasing a long ruble."

  • “One scientist, having bought 20 ducks, immediately ordered one of them to be cut into small pieces, which he fed to the rest of the birds. A few minutes later, he did the same with another duck, and so on, until one remained, which thus devoured 19 of its girlfriends." This note was published in the newspaper by the Belgian humorist Cornelissen to mock the gullibility of the public. Since then, according to one version, false news is called "newspaper ducks"
Based on materials from the site

Lie with three boxes

Lie with three boxes

to lie, to let turuses in, to deceive the truth, to lie, to let turuses on wheels, to lie, to lie, to deceive oneself, to lie, to cast a bullet

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

See what “to tell a big lie” is in other dictionaries:


    WITH THREE BOXES- lie, tell lies, promise, etc. A lot, God knows how much. It is implied that the content of whose l. words do not quite correspond to reality. This means that the face (X) is too much, extremely exaggerated and... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    With three boxes- Simple. Express A lot (talk, lie, promise). They told me a lot about you, but you’re like a crucian carp, that’s all (Saltykov Shchedrin. Crucian carp is an idealist). They've probably told you a lot about me (Chekhov. Tina) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    Simple Iron. Talk a lot, promise, lie. Jig. 1969, 212; DP, 411; SRNG 20, 81; FSRY, 208; BMS 1998, 305; ZS 1996, 336; SRGM 1986, 61; WWTP, 161; Glukhov 1988, 165; Mokienko 1990, 140; F 1, 319; NOS 12, 83 ...

    I'm lying, I'm lying; lied, la, lo; lied to; corvid, a, o; St. Razg. 1. what, about what, what and with appendages. additional Tell lies, nonsense, nonsense. N. to a friend. N. about marriage. He lied that he was going on a business trip. N. with three boxes (a lot). 2. usually in... encyclopedic Dictionary

    lie- lying/, lying; navra/l, la/, lo; on/wrong; corvid, a/, o; St.; decomposition see also to lie 1) what, about what, what and with appendages. additional Tell lies, nonsense, nonsense. Lie to a friend. Lying about marriage... Dictionary of many expressions

    Simple The same as talking to three boxes. FSRY, 208; FSS, 119... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

lie, lie, promise and so on.

A lot, who knows how many.

It is implied that someone's content words do not quite correspond to reality. What is meant is that face ( X) talks too much, extremely exaggeratedly and irresponsibly about something, promises smb., pursuing their own, usually selfish, goals, which causes another person or group of people ( Y) obvious distrust. Spoken to disapproval. unformedX told Y with three boxes . unism. In the role obst. Order of component words fixed

Have you heard about these keys, Demyan Romanych?.. - And you... you listen to them more, they are hunters, they will lie to you with three boxes. Hot keys! G. Markov, Salt of the Earth.[Nina:] ... He doesn’t take on much, but he is a master of his word. Not like some. Navrut with three boxes, they promise, but in reality they only know how to babble. A. Vampilov, Elder brother.

... the aunt said with a sigh: “Now Rezanov will be famous all over.” He'll gossip with three boxes. - Why should she weave? F. Abramov, Mamonikha.

Father, he harnesses his chariot, Ilya the Prophet, and he drives and drives across the sky,” grandmother explained to Vovka. “Don’t listen to her, Vladimir,” the grandfather stood up, “don’t listen, she’ll tell you lies.” with three boxes. V. Belov, Vovka-satyuk.

I used to tell her with three boxes- At work, they say, there is a lot to do, and he and his friends are going fishing! ( Speech)

We remembered our historian, who stayed at school for a little over a month... Promised with three boxes: I said we’ll go to museums, I’ll refurbish my office. A. Sensitively, Class as a class.

I don’t believe a single word you say, that won’t buy me. I know you, noble ones. Speak with three boxes, but just don’t pity her, don’t appease her. K. Sedykh, Fatherland.

This Nikolai is an empty bastard, the men will sometimes say, he said with three boxes, but in reality the case is not worth a penny. P. Romanov, Good character.

cultural commentary: Box- “a product like a basket for storing and carrying something.” In the past in boxes small traders carried goods. Such traders were called peddlers. When persuading buyers, peddlers often exaggerated the merits of their goods ( Wed proverb He'll lie about three boxes, but he'll get it inexpensively). (Felitsyna V.P., Mokienko V.M. Russian phraseological units. Linguistic and regional dictionary. M., 1990. P. 75.) Image phraseol. goes back to the subject area of ​​culture. Component box, in addition to its natural, objective properties, carries a meaning that is functionally significant for culture, giving this name the role of a sign of the “language” of culture, or its symbolary, acquiring in its composition phraseol. symbolic meaning - “many different kinds of speculation or promises.” Component three, correlated with the numerical code of culture, has long been accepted as a means of magical and ritual enhancement and gives phraseol. expression. phraseol. generally acts as a stereotypical idea of ​​an exaggerated lie, a promise and so on.
  • - lie, tell lies, promise, etc. A lot, God knows how much. It is implied that the content of smb. words do not quite correspond to reality...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 16 chattered, lied, told a lot of lies, told forty barrels of prisoners, piled up, put a load in the ears ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

  • - with tr "and k"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - about a hopeless situation Neither from the yoke, nor into the yoke - there is no outcome, neither here nor there Wed. They didn’t fold their arms and get to work, but came up with a new one that was completely safe.....
  • - three boxes - a lot Wed. Boasts; And if you catch him, he’ll laugh it off... Nekrasov. To whom in Rus'. 2. Last...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - a lot Wed. It boasts about three boxes; And if you catch him, he’ll laugh it off... Nekrasov. To whom in Rus'. 2. Last...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Three boxes is a lot. Wed. He boasts about three boxes; And if you catch him, he’ll laugh it off... Nekrasov. To whom in Rus'. 2. Last...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Simple. Express Say a lot of implausible things, lie, make up a lot of fables. - Ay, old woman, ay. I filled three boxes! Where have you heard this? . Just look and listen, you'll fill three boxes...
  • - Simple. Express So many. “They told me a lot about you, and you’re like a crucian carp, that’s all.” - They've probably told you a lot about me...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Cm....
  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TALK -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see. It would babble, but would not doze...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - People's Disapproved The same thing that doesn’t fit into the box and doesn’t come out of the box. DP, 472...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - a lot of,...

    Synonym dictionary


Products made from canvas in the form of a box

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Construction of the box

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Construction of the box 1. Preparing the doorway. Before constructing a new door frame, it may be necessary to dismantle the old door. This must be done carefully so as not to break part of the wall along with the door frame. First, remove the door leaf from the hinges. Then

Raised bed boxes

author Kurdyumov Nikolay Ivanovich

Raised beds-boxes I will build a house out of stone. I'll sow radishes there. On the day of Chrysanthemums I will give it to my mother-in-law. Will you please have some sake?.. Japanese folk tanka Particularly suitable for humid northern regions: they warm up earlier, and in case of waterlogging, they do not get wet. Those who garden

Narrow beds and narrow boxes

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Narrow beds and narrow boxes...And the narrowness of the bed, in our time, speaks of a broad outlook. Narrow beds are the most efficient and productive of all bed forms. Their width is no more than half a meter. And the passages between them are about a meter. Each bed is two rows of vegetables planted

Three more boxes of miracles

From the book Secrets of the Russian Magi [Miracles and mysteries of pagan Rus'] author Asov Alexander Igorevich

Three more boxes of miracles Miracles of the Red Mountain It is obvious that Busovo’s magic is strongly manifested in places connected by roots with the ancient Vedic, Vedorussian tradition. These are Pyatigorye in the Caucasus, and Kitezh places in the Volga region, and Moscow... Of course, you can’t say about everything, but oh

Box beds

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Box beds Box beds are fenced beds (Fig. 32). They are indispensable for the northern regions. The soil in such beds warms up faster and is not washed away by rain. Those who have a vegetable garden located on an elevated area can do without such beds. Rice. 32.

Light boxes

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Light boxes Light boxes are three-dimensional structures illuminated from the inside. Made from plastic or banner fabric. There are double-sided and also more complex shapes. Light boxes are quickly manufactured. They can either change the entire panel or

With three boxes / Politics and economics / In Russia

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Three boxes / Politics and economics / In Russia Three boxes / Politics and economics / In Russia Why the new budget did not have enough money to carry out Putin’s orders The adolescence for the new government can be considered over.


From the book History of Garbage. author Silguy Catherine de

PREFECT PUBEL INTRODUCES WASTE BOXES AND BASKETS For a long time, industrialists and financiers have been trying to secure lucrative contracts for municipal waste collection. They repeatedly offered their services, seeking a monopoly on this

With three boxes Simple. Express A lot (talk, lie, promise). - They told me a lot about you, and you’re like a crucian carp, that’s all(Saltykov-Shchedrin. Crucian carp is an idealist). - You've probably already been told a lot about me(Chekhov. Tina).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “With three boxes” is in other dictionaries:

    Three boxes- Three (with three) boxes (foreign language) is a lot. Wed. He boasts about three boxes; And if you catch him, he’ll laugh it off... Nekrasov. To whom in Rus'. 2. Lastly. Wed. He immediately fell into the strictest silence, which, of course, satisfied everyone much more than... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)


    three (with three) boxes- (foreign language) a lot Wed. It boasts about three boxes; And if you catch him, he’ll laugh it off... Nekrasov. To whom in Rus'. 2. Last. Wed. He immediately entered into the strictest silence, which, of course, satisfied everyone much more than if he had spoken a lot.... ...

    with three boxes- three (with three) boxes (foreign) a lot Wed. It boasts about three boxes; And if you catch him, he’ll laugh it off... Nekrasov. To whom in Rus'. 2. Last. Wed. He immediately entered into the strictest silence, which, of course, satisfied everyone much more than if... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    WITH THREE BOXES- lie, tell lies, promise, etc. A lot, God knows how much. It is implied that the content of whose l. words do not quite correspond to reality. This means that the face (X) is too much, extremely exaggerated and... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    with three boxes- many, many Dictionary of Russian synonyms. with three boxes adverb, number of synonyms: 2 a lot (196) a lot ... Synonym dictionary

    with three boxes- with tr and to oroba (to lie, slander) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Simple Express Say a lot of implausible things, lie, make up a lot of fables. Ay, old woman, ay. I filled three boxes! Where have you heard this? (Leskov. Slow-witted). [Lopukhin:] Just look and listen, you’ll fill three boxes (A. Ostrovsky. Comedian... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    promised with three boxes- adj., number of synonyms: 7 promised (16) promised (54) promised golden mountains... Synonym dictionary

    To punish with three boxes (to heap)- BOX, ah, plural. a, ov, m. Bast or birch bark product for laying, socks what n. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • I lie about three boxes. Pulp Fiction, Mikhail Bukanov. Dear reader! You are offered a somewhat unusual view of the genre, which was previously called science fiction, but has now risen in rank and proudly calls itself “fantasy.” But no one can... Buy for 320 rubles eBook
  • Three boxes of truth, or The Vinegar Man's Daughter, Svetozar Chernov. 1892, St. Petersburg. The director of the Durnovo police department urgently calls Stepan Faberovsky, a former London detective, and Artemy Ivanovich Vladimirov from exile in Yakutia,...
lie, tell lies, promise, etc. A lot, God knows how much.

It is implied that the content of smb. words do not quite correspond to reality. This means that a person (X) speaks too much, in an extremely exaggerated and irresponsible way about something, promises something, in pursuit of his own, usually selfish, goals, which causes another person or a group of people (Y) to obvious distrust. Spoken with disapproval. unformed ? X told Y with three boxes. unism. In the role of obst. The order of the component words is fixed.

Have you heard about these keys, Demyan Romanych?.. - And you... you listen to them more, they are hunters, they will lie to you with three boxes. Hot keys! G. Markov, Salt of the Earth. [Nina:] ... He doesn’t take on much, but he is the master of his word. Not like some. Navrut with three boxes, they promise, but in reality they only know how to babble. A. Vampilov, Elder brother.

... the aunt said with a sigh: “Now Rezanov will be famous all over.” He'll gossip with three boxes. - Why should she weave? F. Abramov, Mamonikha.

Father, he harnesses his chariot, Ilya the Prophet, and he drives and drives across the sky,” grandmother explained to Vovka. “Don’t listen to her, Vladimir,” the grandfather stood up, “don’t listen, she’ll tell you lies.” with three boxes. V. Belov, Vovka-satyuk.

I used to tell her with three boxes- At work, they say, there is a lot to do, and he and his friends are going fishing! (Speech)

We remembered our historian, who stayed at school for a little over a month... Promised with three boxes: I said we’ll go to museums, I’ll refurbish my office. A. Sensitively, Class as a class.

I don’t believe a single word you say, that won’t buy me. I know you, noble ones. Speak with three boxes, but just don’t pity her, don’t appease her. K. Sedykh, Fatherland.

This Nikolai is an empty bastard, the men will sometimes say, he said with three boxes, but in reality the case is not worth a penny. P. Romanov, Good character.

Last time you filled me up here three boxes talked about his social work in the factory department. V. Belyaev, Old Fortress.

cultural commentary: Box- “a product like a basket for storing and carrying something.” In the past in boxes small traders carried goods. Such traders were called peddlers. When persuading buyers, peddlers often exaggerated the merits of their goods (cf. the proverb He will lie to three boxes, but will take it inexpensively). (Felitsyna V.P., Mokienko V.M. Russian phraseological units. Linguistic and cultural dictionary. M., 1990. P. 75.) Image of phraseological units. goes back to the subject area of ​​culture. Component box, in addition to its natural, objective properties, carries a meaning that is functionally significant for culture, giving this name the role of a sign of the “language” of culture, or its symbolism, acquiring phraseols in its composition. symbolic meaning - “many different kinds of speculation or promises.” Component three, correlated with the numerical code of culture, has long been accepted as a means of magical and ritual enhancement and imparts phraseology. expression. phraseol. generally acts as a stereotypical idea of ​​exaggerated lies, promises, etc.