Birds sang merrily on the branches as a test. Scenario of musical entertainment for children of the senior group “Sounds of the spring forest”

Natalia Penkova

Today took place in our group entertainment"By spring paths", we invited guests to this holiday - children from the senior group - always together more fun. We bring to your attention a photo report. Children enter the hall to the music.


How beautiful it is in our hall,

What kind of holiday are these guys having?

The sun plays joyfully.

And everyone's eyes are burning.

Why is the leaf green?

Does it tend to go up here and there?

Why are there birds on the branches?

Loudly, sing merrily?

Why are there animals in the forest?

No time for sleep today?

Because it has arrived

The long-awaited Spring!

Guys, Spring invites us to visit spring meadow. But to get to spring meadow, you have to walk along the narrow path(tightrope).

So we came to spring meadow. Lives here cheerful sunshine, it always smiles, why? Yes, because he always has a lot of friends. And we will sing a round dance song about it “Spring has come to us again”

The guys prepared poems for the sun

Then there was thunder and the sound of rain, and Cloud appeared.

I don't need the sun at all

I'll hide it somewhere along the way!

Let them try to find it!

Children ask not to take Sunshine away and sing a song "A cloud walked across the sky"

And then we played a game "Rain"

The sun shone again and the children sang a song "Sunny bunnies"

performed cheerful dance"Game of Color"

Locomotive signal. Guys, quickly take your seats, it’s time to move on, to visit Spring.

Birds singing is heard and Spring appears.

Leading: We were really waiting for you, Vesna, and we really want to tell you what we know about you.

It's good to walk in the forest

Sing songs and relax.

Everyone, come here to me,

Spin in a round dance!

Spring asked riddles for children, and for the last riddle:

Red dots in spring

It's girly on the nose.

What are they called? Right …. FRECKLES.

The girls sang a song "Freckles"

The game was fun“Pick up a bouquet for Spring”

Oh and we have fun

It's time for us all to start dancing.

Thank you for fun, here, take a treat,

Sunshine sweets, help yourself, kids!

So that everyone grows up quickly and gets a tan in the summer!

Back forward

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(Slide No. 2)


  • create conditions for practicing the skill of consciously writing tested unstressed words in the root word;
  • promote the development of students’ mental activity;
  • cultivate a communicative culture.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, computer; individual marker board, cards No. 1, 2, 3 for all students, cards for students with a high level of development. Visualization - hints, help cards (cards by Vova Znaykin for self-testing tasks and Daria Oshibkina for correcting mistakes).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Teacher: The cheerful bell rang, the long-awaited lesson began.

Children to each other: Think, listen, reason and help your neighbor.

It's more interesting to think together. It's good when we're together.

II. Introductory and motivational stage

Teacher: There is a particularly tricky vowel. We hear him perfectly. What letter is in the letter? Science will help us here... What vowel are we talking about?

(Children's answers)

Teacher: Today we have a training lesson on the topic: “Spelling unstressed vowels in the root word.” 2 guests came to us - Vova Znaykin and Daria Oshibkina. Znaykin Vova is my and your assistant. He prepared cards No. 1, 2, 3 with tasks for everyone, cards with tasks No. 1, 2 for those who quickly cope with the work in the textbook and notebook. You will compare your independent work with his and give yourself a mark.

And Daria Oshibkina really wants to correct her mistakes and not make them again. Guys, let's help Daria Oshibkina.

III. Updating knowledge (Slide No. 3).

Teacher: What does she need to know about unstressed vowel sounds in order to correctly denote them with letters?

(Children's answers) Analyze words in order to identify the unstressed vowel sound at the root of the word, i.e. find “dangerous places”.

You must be able to compare the sound and letter recordings of words.

Set spelling tasks. See meaningful function of letters. Select words with the same root or related words. Place emphasis.

Teacher: I agree with your opinion. Let's check it with an example.

Let's start by writing down the number s[i]11th (s e tenth – seven)

An unstressed vowel sound in the root is denoted by the same letter that denotes shock vowel in this root.


Teacher: Open the textbook on page 82, ex. No. 2. Read the text. Guess what kind of verification is needed in the proposals.

1) Birds were cheerfully (?) singing on the branches. 2) Dad quietly (?) supported me. 3) I (?) washed down the tablet with water.

Write down the sentences and write the test words in brackets.

1) It’s fun (singing) on ​​the branches e there are birds. 2) Dad quietly (sang) to me e shaft. 3) I (drank) the pill And filled with water.

(Differentiated task No. 1 on Znaykin Vova’s card for students with high level of development to identify the meaning-distinguishing function of letters ).

Task No. 1. Match the sound and letter recordings of the words, write down the words.


Testing within a group of high-level students and collectively. (Slide No. 4, 5)

m I chi" – ball l And sa" - fox k And you" – whale

m e chi" – sword l e sa" – forest k O you" - cat

Conclusion: when checking unstressed vowels in the root of a word, you need to be careful in choosing test words: these should be related words that have a common part and are close in meaning.


Teacher: Open your notebook to page 12, ex. No. 1. (Slide No. 6).

(Children open a notebook and read poetry)

I’ll open the notebook and put it on an angle.
I won’t hide it from you, friends, I hold my hand like this.
I will sit up straight and not bend over. I work with interest.

Group work (for students of intermediate and low levels).

Indicate “dangerous places” in the transcription. Choose test words, write down the test word, then make a letter entry.

Teacher: Tell Daria Oshibkina the algorithm for finding “dangerous places”. Now remind each other in pairs.

[bizhal] run-b e zha"l; [valna] in"waves-in O lna"; [bal"shoy"] bo"more-b O only

[initial "noy"] night–n O chno"th; [kr"ich"al] cry-kr And cha"l; [gr"iby] mushroom-gr And would"

High-level students who have completed the exercise independently complete Znaykin Vova’s task).

Teacher. Take card 2. Read the word. Return the letter to its place. Check the unstressed vowel sound. Match the word with the correct letter.

IV. Fizminutka

You and I got into the car. (Squat).

And we went, and we went. (Children “drive” the car).

Carousels, carousels. (Imitation of a swing - moving your arms to the right, left).

You and I boarded the plane. (Squat).

And they flew and flew. (They spread their arms to the sides - airplane wings).

They flew and flew. (Students wave their hands)

And they sat down quietly, quietly. (The guys sat down at the desk.)

V. Systematization and generalization of knowledge

Teacher: What unstressed vowel sounds were found in the words?

Children: The words contained sounds [and], [a]. (Slide No. 7).

Teacher: What letters denoted the unstressed vowel sound [a]?

Children: The unstressed vowel sound [a] is denoted by letters A, ABOUT.

INDEPENDENT WORK (on an individual marker board):

Teacher: Take card No. 1. (Card No. 8).

sh[a]gi, g[a]ra, m[a]rya, s[a]va


Read the assignment. Label the sound[A] letters O, A. Select a task by color. Work in 3 groups: 1 – writes out words with letters O, 2 – with a letter A, 3 – with letters O, A. Complete the task on a custom whiteboard using colored markers. For students low level I offer a hint.

SELF-CHECK. (Slide No. 9).

Teacher. Check your work against the Znayka sample.


G O" ry - g O ra"

m O" re–m O rya"

With O" you are with O va"


w A g – w A gi"

(Children show a marker board. And the rest correct their mistakes).

Conclusion: The unstressed vowel sound [a] is denoted by the letters o, a.

Teacher: What letters denoted the unstressed vowel sound [i]?

Children: The unstressed vowel sound [i] is denoted by letters And, e, I. (Slide 10).

Teacher. Take card number 2.

R. ka, l. sty, color you, R. yes,

I e and

Read the assignment. Label the sound[And] letters I, e, and. Work in 3 groups: 1 – writes out words with letters I, the second - with the letter e, the third - with the letter And. Students with high and average development levels choose words with different letters at will.(Slide No. 11).

SELF-CHECK. (Slide No. 12).

Teacher: Check your work with the Znayka example.

Teacher. You have checked your work against the sample. Whoever correctly completed the task gives himself a high five.

(Children show a marker board). And the rest correct their mistakes.

Conclusion: The unstressed vowel sound [i] is denoted by the letters i, e, i.

Teacher: Take card No. 3. Complete the task yourself, check in pairs. Read the assignment. Teacher Alla Ivanovna checked Dasha Oshibkina’s work and found errors. Find them, correct them, write them down correctly.

A) Maryak-mark, soda-soda, autumn-wasp, chick-bird, snow-snowball

Collective bug fixing.

sailor - sea "re - m O rya"k ( I select a test single-root word mo "re)

s[a]dy – garden – s A yes" ( I select a test single-root word garden)

[a] autumn - o "sen - O senniy ( Test cognate word O "canopy)

chick - chick - chick ( Test related word pte "tip)

snow" – snow – sn e ha" (I put emphasis on the test related word)

B) Read the group of words. Fill in the missing letter. Underline the test words:

petno – spotted – spots – speck – a loop

weighs hung hanging stuck hanging

(Slide No. 13, 14). Correcting errors: P I tno" – five"tnafive "tnyshko"

V And si"t – povi"sdepend onvi"snet

VI. Lesson summary

Teacher. We helped Daria Oshibkina. She is very grateful to us.

And we are grateful to Vova Znaykin for interesting assignments and for help in checking independent work.

Teacher: For what purpose did we analyze the words?

Children: We defined a “dangerous place.”

Children: We compared the sound and letter recordings of words.

Children: Proved the semantic-distinguishing function of letters.

Teacher: How did we check the unstressed vowel at the root of a word?

(Slide No. 15). Children: To check the unstressed vowel sound in the root of a word, you need to change the form of the word or choose a related word so that the unstressed vowel sound is stressed.

VII. Reflection. Continue the sentence:

The lesson excited me...

The lesson made me think...

Choose the figure that matches your mood and attach it to the mood screen.


Goal of the work– test the ability to write down text from dictation using the rules for writing a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, names of people, names of animals, as well as words with combinations zhi-shi, thicket, chu-chu.


Spring came. A thin sticky growth has grown. The buds burst. Leaves are visible on the branches. Here are fluffy flowers. They smell like honey. Bees love to drink nectar.

Words for reference: bees, nectar, buds, leaflets (leaves).


Everything is melting. The sonorous kids woke up. Streams are running and laughing. They are happy about spring. Birds sing merrily in the forest. Here is the little gray bunny Puska running.

Words for reference: fun, birds.

Note. Talk about placing a comma in the third sentence.

Puppy Pulka

Ilyusha named the puppy Pulka. He has fluffy fur. Little ears stick out. The puny tail jumps in different directions. Ilya loves a puppy.

Words for reference: named, wool, puppy, Ilya.

Jackdaw on an ice floe

The ice has broken on the river. There is noise and crackling all around. Ice floes float and melt. A jackdaw sat on the edge of the ice. She was afraid of water. Fly away, jackdaw! Fly away!

Words for reference: afraid, edge, ice.

Note. Talk about placing a comma in the sixth sentence.


Forest handsome

Olga entered the thicket. A fragrant lily of the valley grew there. This is a forest miracle! Dewdrops fell to the ground. This is how the flowers were washed. Lilies of the valley are the beauty of forests.


In what sentences could you put these words? Mark the desired location with a tick.

transparent – ​​____,
deaf – ____,
snow-white – ____.

Where has spring gone?

The blizzard howled. The cat Vyun was sitting on the stove. He purred. A cricket was sleeping behind the stove. Mice rustled in the silence. Grandfather used his hockey stick to wake up Vyun. Everyone was waiting for spring.


In what sentences could you put these words? Write it down as a number. In the sentence, put a tick in the correct place.

winter – ____,
bold – ____,
hungry - ____.

Behind the cones

The students went into the forest to get some pine cones. Here comes the forester Makar Ilyich. He has pine cones in his bag. Children often take pine cones from the forester and make toys.


After which offer on the account would you place this offer? Write it down as a number. In the text, put a tick in the right place.

From them he will take seeds and grow Christmas trees. _____.


1. Make a sentence from the words and write it down.

Swifts returned, and swallows, in the spring, to their homeland

2. Make a sentence from the words in each line. Write them down in order.

and, pants, he, wore, wide, warm, cap

forest, in, lived, Gnome, wonderful

3. Compose and write down the answer to the question. Use the words in brackets.

Where does the swallow build its nest?

(On the sandy bank of the river, under the roof of a house, on a tree, in the bushes, in the attic, in the grass.)

4. Write the sentences in order. Compose a coherent text. Come up with a title for the text.

    This beetle is a pest.

    Misha has a cockchafer in his hands.

    Misha put the beetle in a glass jar.

    He took pity on the beetle and gave it poplar leaves.

5. Write down the text. Add punctuation marks.

Spring has come, frequent rain began to pour, suddenly the sun became quiet, there was a rainbow in the sky, the children were jumping in the puddles, sparrows were chirping.

Software tasks:-develop the ability to express the emotional content of music in an artistic image;

- develop cognitive interest in sound reality through musical-sensory culture, vocal and choral skills;

- cultivate a creative attitude towards different types of musical activities.

Material and equipment: scenery for decorating forest and flower meadows, a music center, audio recordings of: instrumental music, rain, sounds of the forest, the waltz “Voices of Spring” by J. Strauss, costumes for Spring, the Forest Fairy, forest birds, medallions for droplets, animals, flowers, hats for frogs , rays, hoops with flowers, musical instruments: xylophone, metallophones, bells, triangles, noise instruments: paper plumes, nuts, paper, drum, envelope with a letter from Spring, graphic diagrams with images of emotions (joy, calm, anger), Magic wand.

Characters: Spring, Forest Fairy - adults, forest bird, rays - children.

Preliminary work: learning and conducting musical and didactic games, learning songs, poems, dance and rhythmic compositions, listening to the sounds of nature (rain, stream, droplets, birdsong), showing illustrations, playing musical and noise instruments.

Progress of musical entertainment

Instrumental music plays, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Musical director (M.r..).

What is beautiful in the world,

Music can convey everything to us:

And the sound of the waves, and the singing of birds,

And the rain and the wind -

She can tell us everything.

M. Sidorova

M.R.(approaches the droplet children).

Raindrops are very naughty

They love to have fun and dance.

There will be a spring concert in the meadow,

We invite you to welcome Spring!

Droplets, settle down in the clearing.

The droplet children sit on chairs, the music director approaches the animal children and frog children.

M.R. Forest animals, mischievous frogs woke up, spring birds flew in. You have to hurry to the spring concert! Hey, forest animals, mischievous frogs, here is your clearing! (Sit down on chairs.)

The music director addresses the flower children and points to a flower meadow.

M.R. Here is a flower meadow, the first spring flowers have appeared on it: beautiful snowdrops, scillas, tulips. Flowers, your meadow is the sunniest!

Miracles await you. Do you want to hear magical sounds? (Yes.) They live in a magical land, which can be reached using a magical “guessing game”. And the game will help us with this.

Instrumental music sounds, children take musical and noise instruments and sit on chairs.

Game "Forest Fantasy"

M.R. Spring has come! The sun became bright and warm, the first flowers appeared, forest animals ran out into the clearing.

1st child. The bunnies danced merrily in the spring meadow. (Xylophone sounds.)

2nd child. The bears woke up and left the den for a walk. (Paper rustles.)

3rd child. Forest boars frolicked in a sunny clearing. (The sound of a drum is heard.)

4th child. The squirrels jumped out of the hollow and began happily knocking their nuts. (The clatter of nuts is heard.)

5th child. The first snowdrops blossomed and sang songs.

6th and 7th child. Blue streams ran in the forest. (The metallophone sounds.)

8th and 9th child. The breeze blew and the leaves rustled. (The sound of a paper plume is heard.)

10th and 11th child. The sun hid behind the clouds, the first spring rain began to fall. (Sounds of triangles are heard.)

M.R. But the forest animals were not afraid of the rain, because it was warm, calm and gentle.

An audio recording of the sound of rain plays.

M.R. Now we know what sounds live in the spring forest, let's name them. (Children list.) Guys, leave the musical instruments in the clearings and meet the guest. The Forest Fairy is hurrying to us, she will tell us the spring news.

The waltz “Voices of Spring” by J. Strauss sounds.

The Forest Fairy appears in the clearing and spins around.

Forest Fairy. Hello! I am the Forest Fairy, a good sorceress.

I've been going for a long time, guys.

Listen to music in the forest!

And a grasshopper and a woodpecker,

And a bee and a dragonfly.

Knocks, whistles...

And on the branches and in the bushes

Famous artists

They hide in different places.

T. Shorygina

Song "Forest Song"(lyrics by P. Kachanova, music by V. Vitlin)

Forest Fairy.

At noon I listen to the drops:

She murmurs like a bird's trill.

Sounds like a crystal bell,

Cheerful joyful messenger!

The drops are murmuring, ringing, singing,

She breaks snow and ice.

She doesn’t care about a big snowdrift,

She runs like a living stream.

T. Shorygina

Song "Sunny Drops"(lyrics by I. Vakhrusheva, music by S. Sosnin)

Forest Fairy. Guys, look, there is an envelope in the clearing. Who is it from? (Looks at him.) This letter is from Vesna! (Shows it to the children.) Let's read what is written in it. (Reads the letter.)

Magic forest, spring forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

The magic brook began to gurgle,

Said hello to the sun.

The birds sing merrily

You are invited to visit.

T. Shorygina

Let's turn into a stream and go through the spring forest to meet Spring. I have a magic wand, it will help us. Magic wand, help us, turn us into a stream.

Instrumental music is playing. Children hold hands and run like a snake around the hall. They meet raindrops, they argue among themselves.

1st drop. I am the most dexterous and strong droplet. I will fly to the ground faster than you. As soon as it starts to rain, I’ll already be waiting for you in the puddle.

2nd drop. Don't wonder! Let's see which of us will arrive faster! Time will show.

Forest Fairy. While you were arguing, other droplets arrived and wanted to dance a funny dance.

Dance “Mischievous Droplets”

Forest Fairy. These are the types of droplets: cheerful, mischievous, joyful. What kind of rain is there? (Playful, mischievous, quiet, calm, angry, loud.) Let's turn into rain. Magic wand, help us, turn us into rain!

Game "Rain"

Children are invited to turn into a quiet, calm rain - they clap their hands, imitate its noise, saying in a whisper: “Klep-klep-klep.”

Then the children are invited to turn into a joyful, mischievous, cheerful rain - they clap their hands loudly, imitate the sound of rain, loudly saying: “Gag-gag-gag.”

To depict loud, angry rain, children perform footsteps, imitate the sound of rain, loudly saying: “Top-tep-tep.”

Then, following the rhythmic sound gesture of the music director (tap or clap), the children reproduce the sound of angry, calm and cheerful rain.

The music director shows the children graphic diagrams depicting emotions and asks them to correlate the depicted emotion with the music.

Forest Fairy. Our journey continues, the stream gurgles and runs through the spring forest towards Spring.

Instrumental music plays, children run like a stream and meet a forest bird.


Together with young Spring,

We hurried to our native land.

Evil blizzards were flying,

They spun and flew.

They blocked the way to Spring.

Children, do you believe me?

T. Shorygina

Children. We believe!

Forest Fairy. I know how to help Vesna. I have good friends - rays of sunshine. They will help us.

Ray children put on hats and read poetry.


We are the rays of spring!

We are fast and hot!

1st ray.

We rush forward like arrows,

Let's quickly melt the white snow.

2nd ray.

We will drive away the evil blizzard,

The blizzard will run away from us.

3rd ray.

And the icicle is their friend

Let's easily turn it into drops!

T. Shorygina

Song “Spring is coming again” (T. Borovik)

Instrumental music sounds and Spring enters the hall.


I love when gardens bloom

And the grass turns green.

Dragonflies glide by the water,

The oak forest leaves are rustling!

Then I'll touch lightly

To the bud of a sleeping flower -

And by the movement of the hand

The flower will open its petals.

T. Shorygina

Dance "Flower Fantasy"(performed by flower girls)


The musicians are forest talents!

Come out into the clearing

Have fun with all your guests!

For the sun to shine,

To make it more fun!

You jumping frogs,

Have fun until the morning!

The sun is laughing!

Spring came!!!

T. Shorygina

Song-dance “Happy Frogs” (T. Borovik)

Spring. Guys, what sounds live in the spring forest? (The sounds of a stream, the singing of birds, the sounds of rain, the rustling of leaves, the knocking of nuts, the croaking of frogs, the sounds of droplets, the steps of a bear, the clatter of wild boars.)

Instrumental music is playing.

Spring. I'm not saying goodbye to you! I'm glad that we met in the spring forest.

Song "Song, the sun and you"(lyrics by E. Prikhodko, music by E. Zaritskaya)

Forest Fairy. So our journey into the spring forest has ended. We learned where sounds live, what they are, and how they sound.

A. Smerdova, N. Kuznetsova