Read green noise from Nekrasov. Listen to Nekrasov's poem Green Noise

Nikolai Nekrasov can hardly be called a lover of landscape poetry, although many of his poems contain entire chapters devoted to the description of nature. The author was initially interested in social issues, so Nekrasov treated writers who dedicated poems to the beauty of meadows and forests with some condemnation, believing that they were simply wasting their talent.

However, in 1863, under the impression of Ukrainian folk songs, Nekrasov wrote the poem “Green Noise”. In Ukraine, spring was often bestowed with a similar colorful epithet, which brought with it the transformation and renewal of nature. Such a figurative expression impressed the poet so much that he made it the key one in his poem, using it as a kind of refrain. It is not surprising that later the lines from this work formed the basis of the song of the same name.

The poem begins with the phrase that “the Green Noise is coming and going.” And immediately the pedantic author gives a decoding of this line, talking about how “playfully, the riding wind suddenly disperses.” It runs in waves over the tops of bushes and trees, which have only recently become covered with young foliage. This is the same Green Noise that cannot be confused with anything else. A symbol of spring, it reminds us that the most delightful time of the year has come, when “like a cloud, everything is divided, both air and water!”

After such a lyrical introduction, Nekrasov nevertheless moves on to his favorite social theme, using minor touches to recreate the picture of rural life. This time the poet's attention was drawn to a love triangle, in the center of which was a simple rural woman who cheated on her husband while he was working in St. Petersburg. The fierce winter, which locked the couple in the hut, instilled not the most pious thoughts in the heart of the head of the family. He wanted to kill the traitor, because to endure such deception “there is no strength like that.” And as a result, the knife has already been sharpened, and the thought of murder becomes more and more tangible. But spring came and dispelled the obsession, and now “warmed by the warm sun, the cheerful pine forests are rustling.” When your soul is light, all dark thoughts go away. And the magical Green Noise seems to put everything in its place, cleansing the heart of filth. A husband forgives his unfaithful wife with the words:

“Love as long as you love.” And this favorable attitude towards the woman who caused him severe mental pain can be perceived as another gift of spring, which became a turning point in the life of a rural couple.

Nikolai Nekrasov is a very interesting author. It is extremely difficult to call him a lover of some kind of landscape poetry, but at the same time, in many of his works there are entire chapters completely devoted to the description of nature. For the most part, the author focuses on acute social topics, which, however, is a kind of axiom for many creators of that time, since all of them, one way or another, touched on the topic of society. The very attitude of the writer towards authors who devote entire poems to meadows and forests in their works is interesting. In his opinion, such creators simply waste their strength and talent on describing some completely natural, everyday things.

In 1863 Nikolai Alekseevich created the poem “Green Noise”. It was inspired by the author of Ukrainian folk songs. It should be noted that spring is described with such a colorful and somewhat surprising epithet in Ukraine. Why was spring called “Green Noise”? Everything is quite simple - spring brings transformation, renewal of nature, everything around turns green, becomes brighter and more colorful. The wind blows across the expanses, causing the young foliage to rustle. This combination of green color and the play of wind in the renewal of nature gives the beautiful epithet “Green Noise”.

The figurative expression of the Ukrainian people truly inspired the poet to create the work of the same name. He made it key in his work, using it as a kind of refrain. Later, as you know, some lines from Nekrasov’s work formed the basis of the song of the same name.

Poem "Green Noise"

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Playfully, disperses
Suddenly a riding wind:
The alder bushes will shake,
Will raise flower dust,
Like a cloud, everything is green:
Both air and water!
The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!
My hostess is modest
Natalya Patrikeevna,
It won't muddy the water!
Yes, something bad happened to her
How I spent the summer in St. Petersburg...
She said it herself, stupid
Tick ​​her tongue!
In a hut, one-on-one with a liar
Winter has locked us in
My eyes are harsh
The wife looks and is silent.
I’m silent... but my thoughts are fierce
Gives no rest:
Kill... so sorry for my heart!
There is no strength to endure!
And here the winter is shaggy
Roars day and night:
“Kill, kill the traitor!
Get rid of the villain!
Otherwise you'll be lost for the rest of your life,
Not during the day, not during the long night
You won't find peace.
Shameless in your eyes
The neighbors will spit!..”
To the song of a winter blizzard
The fierce thought grew stronger -
I have a sharp knife...
Yes, suddenly spring has crept up...
The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Like drenched in milk,
There are cherry orchards,
They make a quiet noise;
Warmed by the warm sun,
Happy people making noise
Pine forests;
And next to it there is new greenery
They babble a new song
And the pale-leaved linden,
And a white birch tree
With a green braid!
A small reed makes noise,
The tall maple tree is rustling...
They make a new noise
In a new way, spring...
The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!
The fierce thought weakens,
The knife falls from my hands,
And I still hear the song
One - in the forest, in the meadow:
“Love as long as you love,
Be patient as long as you can,
Goodbye while it's goodbye
And God will be your judge!”

Analysis of the work

The poem itself begins with the phrase: “Green noise goes and hums.” Due to the fact that Nekrasov was a pedantic person in life, he immediately gives a transcript of the line to the reader so that he understands what he is talking about - “playfully, the riding wind suddenly disperses.” It carefully, gently runs its waves over the tops of bushes and trees, which are literally just covered with young foliage. Here it is - this Green Noise. It cannot be confused with anything else, it is one of a kind, so piercing with its amazing beauty. “Green noise” is a symbol of spring, that very delightful moment when the best time of the year comes, that time, “like a cloud, everything is divided, both air and water!”

Despite the fact that the beginning of the work is very lyrical and not very similar to what the writer had previously done and created, then he goes into his usual direction - he touches on a social theme. He uses insignificant, almost imperceptible touches, but achieves his goal - he recreates in his work a picture of ordinary rural life.

In the context of this work, the author considers a love triangle. At the center of the story, as usual, is a woman. While her husband was working in St. Petersburg, she cheated on him. The bitter winter locked the couple within four walls and instilled extremely ungodly thoughts in the man’s heart. He cannot tolerate such deception as betrayal, believing that “there is no strength like that.” He is overcome by the darkest intentions, he wants to kill the woman. As a result, the knife has already been sharpened, and the thought itself, it seems, is becoming more and more a reality that is about to come true.

Green noise managed to dispel this obsession. The coming spring seemed to provide an opportunity to look at life from a different angle. Already “warmed by the warm sun, cheerful pine forests are rustling.”

The writer tells readers that when there is light in the soul, then all negative thoughts literally go into oblivion, and that same Green noise is able to put everything in its place, make people happy, no matter what, cleanse the soul and heart of a person from accumulated filth.


Describing the Green Noise, spring, as a time of year, Nekrasov is trying to hint to us that this time is truly beautiful, not only with its appearance, but also with its gifts. Thanks to Green Noise, everything blooms not only outside, in the trees, but also inside each of us.
Spring is a time that personifies the divine, pure energy of love, goodness, warmth and light, a time when everything is bright both in the soul and around any person. In Nekrasov’s work, it symbolizes the awakening of nature from a long winter hibernation, is a symbol of the revival of Russian nature, a symbol of the transformation of the human soul. The hero’s thoughts and intentions change in the blink of an eye, when it would seem that he is about to sin. Crazy plans are replaced by patience, mercy and love for your woman. He leaves the right to judge only to God, realizing that only he can do this.

Nekrasov’s “Green Noise” is literally dotted with various kinds of expressive means, which only more strongly allow the reader to feel all the emotions, what the husband felt after the betrayal and during the onset of spring. The writer succeeded in nothing less than finding a strophic and rhythmic structure that spurs the reader on and involves him in the process. Subsequently, he once again uses a similar “scheme for presenting” his thoughts when he writes the work “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” Green noise in the work of the same name represents a certain judge who decided that a married couple may well have another, new life, and this decision, which as a result is made by the cheating husband, is the very bridge that both of them need. Thus, in the work, traditionally for many other writers, there are forces of good and evil. In this case, Nekrasov describes evil in the image of winter, which quarreled a married couple, and goodness in the image of spring.

The poem has a unique stylistic originality, which lies in the ideal combination of several forms of poetic reflection of reality. On the one hand, Nekrasov uses the skaz form, when the protagonist’s speech appears in the work, the narration on his behalf, and the lyrical form, when we look at the situation from the outside. As a result, when we read, we have the opportunity to evaluate the situation from the perspective of all the actors. This is the uniqueness of the poem.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!

Playfully, disperses
Suddenly a riding wind:
The alder bushes will shake,
Will raise flower dust,
Like a cloud, everything is green:
Both air and water!

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!

My hostess is modest
Natalya Patrikeevna,
It won't muddy the water!
Yes, something bad happened to her
How I spent the summer in St. Petersburg...
She said it herself, stupid
Tick ​​her tongue!

In a hut, one-on-one with a liar
Winter has locked us in
My eyes are harsh
The wife looks and remains silent.
I’m silent... but my thoughts are fierce
Gives no rest:
Kill... so sorry for my heart!
There is no strength to endure!
And here the winter is shaggy
Roars day and night:
“Kill, kill the traitor!
Get rid of the villain!
Otherwise you'll be lost for the rest of your life,
Not during the day, not during the long night
You won't find peace.
Shameless in your eyes
The neighbors will spit!..”
To the song of a winter blizzard
The fierce thought grew stronger -
I have a sharp knife...
Yes, suddenly spring has crept up...

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!

Like drenched in milk,
There are cherry orchards,
They make a quiet noise;
Warmed by the warm sun,
Happy people making noise
Pine forests;
And next to it there is new greenery
They babble a new song
And the pale-leaved linden,
And a white birch tree
With a green braid!
A small reed makes noise,
The tall maple tree is rustling...
They make a new noise
In a new way, spring...

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!

The fierce thought weakens,
The knife falls from my hands,
And I still hear the song
One - in the forest, in the meadow:
“Love as long as you love,
Be patient as long as you can,
Goodbye while it's goodbye
And God will be your judge!”

Nikolai Nekrasov can hardly be called a lover of landscape poetry, although many of his poems contain entire chapters devoted to the description of nature. The author was initially interested in social issues, so Nekrasov treated writers who dedicated poems to the beauty of meadows and forests with some condemnation, believing that they were simply wasting their talent.

However, in 1863, under the impression of Ukrainian folk songs, Nekrasov wrote the poem “Green Noise”. In Ukraine, spring was often bestowed with a similar colorful epithet, which brought with it the transformation and renewal of nature. Such a figurative expression impressed the poet so much that he made it the key one in his poem, using it as a kind of refrain. It is not surprising that later the lines from this work formed the basis of the song of the same name.

The poem begins with the phrase that “the Green Noise is coming and going.” And immediately the pedantic author gives a decoding of this line, talking about how “playfully, the riding wind suddenly disperses.” It runs in waves over the tops of bushes and trees, which have only recently become covered with young foliage. This is the same Green Noise that cannot be confused with anything else. A symbol of spring, it reminds us that the most delightful time of the year has come, when “like a cloud, everything is divided, both air and water!”

After such a lyrical introduction, Nekrasov nevertheless moves on to his favorite social theme, using minor touches to recreate the picture of rural life. This time the poet's attention was drawn to a love triangle, in the center of which was a simple rural woman who cheated on her husband while he was working in St. Petersburg. The fierce winter, which locked the couple in the hut, instilled not the most pious thoughts in the heart of the head of the family. He wanted to kill the traitor, because to endure such deception “there is no strength like that.” And as a result, the knife has already been sharpened, and the thought of murder becomes more and more tangible. But spring came and dispelled the obsession, and now “warmed by the warm sun, the cheerful pine forests are rustling.” When your soul is light, all dark thoughts go away. And the magical Green Noise seems to put everything in its place, cleansing the heart of filth. The husband forgives his unfaithful wife with the words: “Love as long as you love.” And this favorable attitude towards the woman who caused him severe mental pain can be perceived as another gift of spring, which became a turning point in the life of a rural couple.

The poem “Green Noise” was written in 1863 and published in Sovremennik No. 3 for 1863, then included in the collection of 1864.

Nekrasov became acquainted with the image of green noise after reading a Ukrainian song with comments by Maksimovich in 1856. They described how the Dnieper, to which the girls addressed in song, and the entire space around was covered with greenery, the wind rose, clouds of pollen appeared. Nekrasov used these images in the poem.

The poem “Green Noise” was repeatedly set to music (its landscape part).

Literary direction, genre

The poem can be classified as role-playing lyrics. The epic hero is a peasant who came from working in St. Petersburg and learned about his wife’s infidelity. Nekrasov imitates the genre of family songs about love and betrayal. Realist writers greatly appreciated folk songs of this genre, believing that they speak about what happens in life, which is typical.

Theme, main idea and composition

The theme is that a husband experiences his wife’s betrayal and refrains from murder, succumbing to the influence of spring renewal.

The main idea: the victory of life (spring) over death (winter), forgiveness over vengeance. The revival of nature after hibernation and the liberation of man from resentment, unforgiveness and everything that kills the soul.

The poem is built on psychological parallelism (renewal of nature and the human soul). Compositionally, it is divided into 4 parts with two alternating themes. The first and third parts tell about the arrival of spring and changes in nature, its decoration and renewal. The refrain is repeated four times.

The second and fourth parts are devoted to the plot of a peasant and his traitorous wife. Nekrasov uses the landscape as a frame to describe the dramatic events in the family of the epic hero and his confession. In the first epic part, he talks about his wife’s betrayal, his hesitation about what to do, and his plan to kill the traitor, which matured over the long winter. The first epic part ends with the arrival of change: “But then spring crept up.” In the second epic part, the state of nature and man comes into harmony, the epic hero seems to receive from nature itself, from the song that sounds everywhere, the gift of wisdom and forgiveness, God's gift.

Paths and images

Nekrasov's landscape is active and dynamic. “The green noise goes and hums” is the personification of the coming spring and a symbol of a new beginning, change, revitalization of nature and soul. In this folklore image, which Nekrasov borrowed from the song, as he honestly said in the note, fresh color and restless sound are combined. Green noise – metonymy (noise of greenery). The poem personifies the high wind (strong spring wind), which “ playfully, disperses" Trees are described using personifications: pine forests cheerful, linden and birch babble a song, by the birch green braid. The spring landscape contains comparisons: green floral alder dust is like a cloud, cherry orchards seem to be doused with milk.

In the landscape part, Nekrasov uses constant folklore epithets: spring noise, warm sun, pale-leaved linden, white birch, green braid, small reed, tall maple. Repetition of a word or words with the same root focuses attention on the word: green noise, reed noise, maple noise, new noise, new greenery, new song.

The epic part also uses epithets and metaphorical epithets: modest housewife, stern eyes, fierce thoughts, shaggy winter, long night, shameless eyes, winter blizzard song, sharp knife. These are permanent folklore epithets or epithets associated with the winter state of nature and the human heart. To further connect winter in nature and in the heart, Nekrasov uses personifications: winter locked the spouses in the hut and roared day and night, demanding to kill the traitor and the villain.

The speech of the epic hero is chaotic, replete with unfinished phrases. Nekrasov imitates colloquial speech with incomplete sentences, phraseological units (“she won’t muddy the waters” - quiet, modest, “tip her tongue”, don’t give a damn in her shameless eyes). The epic hero calls his wife by her first name and patronymic not out of special respect, but according to Russian tradition. He is annoyed that his wife told him about the betrayal, violating the usual harmony, and calls her stupid. The epic hero cannot even utter words about treason, replacing them with a paraphrase: “Something bad happened to her.”

Nekrasov’s word is precise and succinct. Phrase " I feel sorry for her, my dear"reveals the hero's love for his wife. Having made his moral choice, the hero accepts love, patience and forgiveness, and all the worst in the heart, which symbolizes the defeated winter, is handed over to God’s judgment.

Meter and rhyme

The meter of the poem is similar to iambic tetrameter, but numerous pyrrhic elements bring it closer to tonic song verse. The poem has no rhyme (blank verse).

  • “It’s stuffy! Without happiness and will...", analysis of Nekrasov’s poem
  • “Farewell”, analysis of Nekrasov’s poem

Analysis of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Green Noise".

In this poem, the image of “Green Noise” is borrowed by the poet from a game song of Ukrainian girls. Nekrasov found the strophic and rhythmic structure that was later used in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” The work has been set to music many times.

In this poem, the patience of the Russian people, hated by Nekrasov, turns out to be a positive quality. The hero of this work, the peasant, thanks to the influence of the beauty of the awakening spring nature, overcomes in himself the “fierce thought”, the desire to “kill the traitor”, the “deceiver” - his wife. There are two symbolic images here - the image of winter and the image of spring. Winter represents something evil and scary. All the dark beginnings of the human soul are concentrated in this image. It is no coincidence that it is under the howling of a blizzard that the main character has the idea of ​​killing his own wife, which is a terrible sin, a crime of the commandment:

And here the winter is shaggy

Roars day and night:

“Kill, kill the traitor.”

In addition to the image of winter, there is also a traditional image of spring for many Russian poets - a symbol of the awakening of nature from a long winter sleep, a symbol of rebirth, the transformation of the human soul.

“The fierce thought weakens,

The knife falls out of my hands.”

Along with winter, anger goes away, and along with nature, the hero’s soul blossoms.

“Love as long as you love,

Be patient as long as you can,

Goodbye while it's goodbye

And God is your judge!”

The conclusion made by the main character echoes the biblical commandments. The hero comes to a truly popular, inherently truly Christian understanding of the highest values ​​of human existence - love, patience, mercy. Thus, the poem runs through the theme of sin and repentance.

The same theme runs through Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm”. The heroine of the play, Katerina, also cheated on her husband, the merchant Tikhon. Like the heroine of Green Noise, she confessed her sin to her deceived husband. Sensitive and religious Katerina could not live with the sin of a traitor and threw herself into the pool. Tikhon was able to find the strength to forgive her. The image of winter in Nekrasov’s poem echoes the image of Kabanikha and the environment in which the action in “The Thunderstorm” takes place. They also personify the evil spirit that pushed Katerina to commit suicide.

Katerina throws herself into the water - a symbol of cleansing from sins, so we can say that the image of spring echoes the image of water. However, in the drama “The Thunderstorm”, Katerina decides her own fate, she is tormented by remorse, and in the poem the wife is “silent”, and the husband reflects. But in the end, both characters come to repentance.

The poem “Green Noise” is rich in expressive means. The introduction-refrain contains a supporting image. Refrain-repetition - this favorite technique of folk songs is used by the author four times. He opens the text and divides it into compositional parts, bringing the style of the poem closer to folklore. The refrain opens the poem and sounds like the animation of spring:

“The Green Noise is coming and going,

Green Noise, spring noise!

Perseverance, the energy of spring, and swiftness are created by the persistence of repetition of words, the humming sound “u”, conveying the breath of the wind. Assonance is used here.

In the next stanza, the wind is shown unexpectedly and sweepingly:

Suddenly the wind is high.”

The wind fills the world with colors and the lightness of the breath of spring, unites all nature: “everything is green, both the air and the water!” Jubilant intonations grow in this stanza, and the refrain appears again.

In the next stanza, the hero’s tenderness towards his wife, sympathy and annoyance (“tip on her tongue!”) is revealed. His wife’s betrayal made the hero’s eyes “severe,” so the refrain about spring does not return here. The next long stanza talks about the “shaggy winter”, when a “fierce thought” torments, “the cruel song of the blizzard roars day and night”, pushing the hero to revenge and bitterness. The intonation of this stanza is sharp and alarming:

“Kill, kill the traitor!

The stanza ends with the words: “yes, suddenly spring sneaked up" The author uses this verb to show that the warmth of love hidden in the hero’s soul was suddenly revealed. And the refrain returns again, full of spring roar.

The next stanza, as large as the stanza about winter, shows us that anger, driven by love, passes in the same way as winter gives way to spring. A man of the people lives according to the laws of nature. We see a picture of renewal: “cherry orchards are quietly rustling,” pine forests are “warmed by the warm sun,” linden and birch trees are “babbling a new song.”

And again the refrain returns, sounding even more loudly and confidently. The last stanza is like a sigh of relief from agony. “The fierce thought is weakening...” The hero remains in agreement with the world and with himself.

This work has a stylistic originality. It lies in the fact that it combines two different forms of poetic reflection of reality: the fairy tale (the plot-narrative part, in which the story is told on behalf of the hero) and the lyrical.

This poem can be classified as philosophical lyrics, because there is a traditional Nekrasov theme of sin and repentance. It can also be classified as a landscape painting, because a significant place here is given to the landscape, which here also plays the role of an image-symbol.

Contemporaries always spoke of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov as a simple, kind and gentle person. The great Russian poet grew up in nature and from a young age knew its natural affection, spiritual closeness, and beauty. Nature for Nekrasov is like his own mother; all his memories of childhood are inextricably linked with it. It is not surprising that the theme of nature is considered by the famous poet in many works, for example, in “About the Volga”, in “The Railway” and others.

The poem “Green Noise” is no exception to the rule, where the author touches on two main natural images - winter and spring. Winter is presented by the poet as the dark beginning of the human soul; it contains all the most evil and terrible that can be found in a person. It is no coincidence that the cold season of the year seems to force the main character to be left alone with his deceiving wife in order to sort out the relationship and punish his heart for the committed betrayal:

In a hut, one-on-one with a liar

Winter has locked us in

And here the winter is shaggy

Roars day and night:

“Kill, kill the traitor!

Spring, on the contrary, personifies the divine energy of love, goodness, warmth and light. In the poem, it symbolizes the awakening of nature from a long winter hibernation, is a symbol of the revival of Russian nature, a symbol of the transformation of the human soul. The hero radically changes his intentions and thoughts. Instead of crazy, sinful plans, he is imbued with patience, mercy, and love towards his wife. And following the biblical commandments, he entrusts the right to judge his actions to God:

“The fierce thought weakens,

The knife falls from my hands,

And I still hear the song

One - in the forest, in the meadow:

“Love as long as you love,

Be patient as long as you can,

Goodbye while it's goodbye

And God will be your judge!”

Nekrasov's poem is rich in expressive means. The poet probably took the image of “Green Noise” from a game song of Ukrainian girls. He managed to find that very strophic and rhythmic structure, which he later applied in the work “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” The refrain-repetition, rightfully recognized as a favorite technique of folk songs, is used by Nekrasov in the text as many as 4 times! It is he who opens the poem, divides it into compositional parts and brings the style of the work as close as possible to folklore.

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Analysis of Nikolai Nekrasov’s poem “Green Noise”

The Russian poet Nekrasov cannot be called an admirer of landscape lyricism. He believed that a poet who respects his talent should write about social problems, and not glorify the beauty of the meadow.

However, after the opportunity to listen to folk songs in Ukrainian about the coming of spring, the poet was so impressed that he gives readers such a poetic pearl as a poem called “Green Noise.”

This brightly colorful epithet has always been harmoniously combined with spring, which brings the transformation of nature. This peculiar phrase became the key one in the poetic work of the Russian poet. It actually became a refrain.

The beginning of the verse is intriguing: “The Green Noise is coming and going.” But it is followed by a decoding phrase, which tells us that “playfully, the wind disperses”, which happily ran through the crowns of trees and branches of bushes, which in early spring put on young green leaves. This is how a unique Green Noise is formed. It is a symbol of an amazing time of year - the beauty of spring, so it cannot be confused with other sounds.

There is nothing strange in the fact that after the lyrical introduction, the author makes the transition to his favorite social topic, painting a picture of the life of the village. The poet is attracted by an episode that is very typical. An ordinary peasant woman cheats on her husband when he leaves for work. Having learned about this, the husband seeks revenge. Nature itself accompanies him, since the severe cold winter locks the door in the hut where the spouses stay.

The husband decides to kill the traitor; he has already sharpened his knife. And here nature intervenes again: spring comes. She warms everything with the sun's rays, awakens her to life, cheers her up and dispels her husband's bad thoughts.

This amazing Green Noise in a pine forest puts everything in its place, cleansing the soul and heart. A devoted husband, despite the pain of his soul, forgives the traitor: “Love as long as you love.” This climactic moment becomes a kind of bridge to the new life of this couple.

In the poem “Green Noise” two images appear before our eyes - winter (the embodiment of evil) and spring (the personification of goodness and love).

This poetry by Nekrasov has a wide abundance of means of expression. The structure of the entire poem is strophic and rhythmic-melodic, therefore the writing style is very close to folklore genres.

“Green Noise” N. Nekrasov

“Green Noise” Nikolai Nekrasov

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!

Playfully, disperses
Suddenly a riding wind:
The alder bushes will shake,
Will raise flower dust,
Like a cloud, everything is green:
Both air and water!

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!

My hostess is modest
Natalya Patrikeevna,
It won't muddy the water!
Yes, something bad happened to her
How I spent the summer in St. Petersburg...
She said it herself, stupid
Tick ​​her tongue!

In a hut, one-on-one with a liar
Winter has locked us in
My eyes are harsh
The wife looks and remains silent.
I’m silent... but my thoughts are fierce
Gives no rest:
Kill... so sorry for my heart!
There is no strength to endure!
And here the winter is shaggy
Roars day and night:
“Kill, kill the traitor!
Get rid of the villain!
Otherwise you'll be lost for the rest of your life,
Not during the day, not during the long night
You won't find peace.
Shameless in your eyes
The neighbors won't care. »
To the song of a winter blizzard
The fierce thought grew stronger -
I have a sharp knife...
Yes, suddenly spring has crept up...

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!

Like drenched in milk,
There are cherry orchards,
They make a quiet noise;
Warmed by the warm sun,
Happy people making noise
Pine forests;
And next to it there is new greenery
They babble a new song
And the pale-leaved linden,
And a white birch tree
With a green braid!
A small reed makes noise,
The tall maple tree is rustling...
They make a new noise
In a new way, spring...

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!

The fierce thought weakens,
The knife falls from my hands,
And I still hear the song
One - in the forest, in the meadow:
“Love as long as you love,
Be patient as long as you can,
Goodbye while it's goodbye
And God will be your judge!”

Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “Green Noise”

Nikolai Nekrasov can hardly be called a lover of landscape poetry, although many of his poems contain entire chapters devoted to the description of nature. The author was initially interested in social issues, so Nekrasov treated writers who dedicated poems to the beauty of meadows and forests with some condemnation, believing that they were simply wasting their talent.

However, in 1863, under the impression of Ukrainian folk songs, Nekrasov wrote the poem “Green Noise”. In Ukraine, spring was often bestowed with a similar colorful epithet, which brought with it the transformation and renewal of nature. Such a figurative expression impressed the poet so much that he made it the key one in his poem, using it as a kind of refrain. It is not surprising that later the lines from this work formed the basis of the song of the same name.

The poem begins with the phrase that “the Green Noise is coming and going.” And immediately the pedantic author gives a decoding of this line, talking about how “playfully, the riding wind suddenly disperses.” It runs in waves over the tops of bushes and trees, which have only recently become covered with young foliage. This is the same Green Noise that cannot be confused with anything else. A symbol of spring, it reminds us that the most delightful time of the year has come, when “like a cloud, everything is divided, both air and water!”

After such a lyrical introduction, Nekrasov nevertheless moves on to his favorite social theme, using minor touches to recreate the picture of rural life. This time the poet's attention was drawn to a love triangle, in the center of which was a simple rural woman who cheated on her husband while he was working in St. Petersburg. The fierce winter, which locked the couple in the hut, instilled not the most pious thoughts in the heart of the head of the family. He wanted to kill the traitor, because to endure such deception “there is no strength like that.” And as a result, the knife has already been sharpened, and the thought of murder becomes more and more tangible. But spring came and dispelled the obsession, and now “warmed by the warm sun, the cheerful pine forests are rustling.” When your soul is light, all dark thoughts go away. And the magical Green Noise seems to put everything in its place, cleansing the heart of filth. The husband forgives his unfaithful wife with the words: “Love as long as you love.” And this favorable attitude towards the woman who caused him severe mental pain can be perceived as another gift of spring, which became a turning point in the life of a rural couple.

Listen to Nekrasov's poem Green Noise

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