The husband is rude. Encyclopedia "Human Vices: Rude

Encyclopedia "Human Vices: Rude

Rough means unprocessed, unworn, not fitted to a certain standard. If so, then any manifestation of talent and other human qualities that inevitably goes beyond the ordinary should be considered rude. After all, everything outstanding involuntarily humiliates mediocrity and neglects its custom. Isn’t any manifestation of original, bright, original ability an insult to ordinary nature? A rude person involuntarily embarrasses those around him. He does not seek to harm them, does not want to humiliate or insult them. Rudeness is by no means identical to arrogance or cruelty, although it often leads to unceremonious and hurtful actions. A rude person does not strive for evil, although he often causes it. A rude person simply remains himself, he acts in accordance with the properties of his personality, he does not know how to take into account either the characteristics of people or real circumstances. The only drawback of a rude person is this simplicity: the naive, uncouth confidence that there is no one else in the world except him; or at least no one and nothing worth conforming to. Rudeness, therefore, is a manifestation of a kind of mental myopia. It contains an indifferent attitude that does not distinguish one from the other, unable to take into account the uniqueness of reality. However, this same feature of rudeness also reveals the rude man’s peculiar charm. A rude person is spontaneity itself (although often burdensome). He doesn't know how to be an opportunist. In our world of people skilled in the use of masks, the artlessness of the brute makes a strange but advantageous impression. He who is rude is careless. Or maybe brave. After all, every person approaches life with understandable caution and even apprehension. Only a rude person does not notice the difficult temper of the surrounding reality and completely ignores it. An uncontrollable grasp of his own nature, in which he finds himself captive, is the main thing that distinguishes a rude person. Moreover, as follows from this definition, a true rude person can also be someone who has not uttered a single swear word. The inability of a rude person to resort to artificial means of self-affirmation, which have long become commonplace for the vast majority, can touch the most indifferent. A rude person hates to overstep himself, resort to cunning and hypocrisy. He is embarrassed to “pretend”; he is organically incapable of expressing what is not natural to him. The remarkable and, for many, surprising combination of rudeness and shyness is by no means accidental, but, as we see, constitutes a pattern in the life of a rude person. After all, a rude person is someone who “doesn’t know how to behave,” who can only be himself, and not observe the established order and follow generally accepted manners. Feeling this ineptitude of his, the rude man is naturally embarrassed; and then, in order not to seem funny, he becomes harsh. The most desperate outbursts of rudeness arise precisely from the feeling of awkwardness of one’s own behavior and the mental confusion that arises from this. Many features of the behavior of a rude person follow from the above characteristics of rudeness. Thus, a rude person is intolerant of falsehood and hypocrisy. He has an extremely peculiar attitude towards “good”. He believes that everything good, heartfelt, and tender is not spoken about, because the word is public, and everything that is best in a person is deeply intimate. Everything worthy is within us, and there, not brought to light, not disturbed by words, hidden, it must remain. One can only talk about everyday, everyday, external things, but tenderness should be kept in the soul, the rude man believes. Undoubtedly, a rude nature has a somewhat very romantic vision of the world! Rude people often make wonderful friends. A polite, helpful person has an obvious advantage over a rude one. And yet: whomever God wants to deprive of friends, he endows with ineradicable politeness. Most of all, a polite person is afraid of disturbing and hurting another, which is why he is rarely completely sincere. He subordinates his behavior to the requirements of good manners, and not to his own motives and impulses. As a result, friendly relations are deprived of spontaneity and the sincerity and dedication so necessary in friendship. On the contrary, a rude person is more likely to destroy friendly relations themselves than to change the idea of ​​​​friendship, which is based on selfless and selfless concern for another. A rude friend looks out for the best in us more faithfully than we do ourselves. Having accepted our “I” in a friendly manner, he defends it selflessly and stubbornly in front of the whole world - even in front of our attempts to change ourselves. That is why a rude person is very valuable in friendship. Take rude people as friends! You can't give in to rudeness, but you can tolerate it. Condescend in a very simple way: without paying attention to her, without noticing her blatant unceremoniousness. Take into account only the pure content of what the rude nature offers, ignoring the offensive form. A rude person tends to be demonstrative. Your restrained behavior will discourage him and, deprived of the counteraction necessary for the increase of rudeness, he will wilt. The calm independence of another person tames the brute best. The unpleasant side of rudeness is expressed in the fact that a natural rude person always feels superior to those around him. From this feeling comes contempt for everything that catches your eye. Whoever once submitted to rudeness fell under a relationship of superiority and subordination. Then rude inclinations dictate their influence more and more uncontrollably, as a result of which the actions of a rude person oppress and destroy the dignity of the individual. From this inevitably arises a desperate protest of a living being who wants to preserve himself. Brought to the limit of tension, relationships break down with scandal, grief, often ending in tragedy. In short, unbridled rudeness leads to disaster. And therefore, treat the rude person tolerantly, with restraint - but adamantly. Do not give in to him, and do not respond harshly, accept his rudeness as nonsense, as an absurd act of an insane creature. Believe me, the rude person himself will be grateful to you for such a tender attitude, and will respond to it with rude, somewhat unceremonious, but sincere devotion.

Source: Encyclopedia of Vices

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Running with the Wolves. Female archetype in myths and tales

Translated into more than twenty-five languages, Clarissa Estes's book has been one of the first places in the world book rankings for several years.
This book about the female archetype is truly universal. Replace the concept of “Primordial Woman” with “Primordial Man” - and you will see that the benefits this book will bring to your soul have no gender.
Inside every woman lives a pristine, natural being, full of good instincts, compassionate creativity and eternal wisdom. But this creature - the Wild Woman - is on the verge of extinction. The “civilizing” influence of society, unfortunately, suppresses everything “wild”, that is, natural, in a child.
Clarissa Estes, who has been practicing and teaching Jungian analytical psychology for more than twenty years and exploring the myths of different cultures, shows how the primordial Spirit of a woman can be revived through “psychoarchaeological excavations” in the field of the female unconscious. The healthy, instinctive, clairvoyant, healing archetypal Wild Woman lives a full life in ancient myths and fairy tales. But it can reappear in the soul of every woman in the modern world.

894 rub

Steal like an artist. 10 Lessons on Creative Expression

What is this book about?
You don't need to be a genius, just be yourself! This is the main message of Austin Kleon, a young writer and artist who believes that creativity is present in everything and is accessible to everyone.
There is nothing original in the world, so do not reject other people's influence, collect ideas, think about them again, arrange them in a new way in search of your own path. Follow your interests wherever they take you and give freedom to your creative self!
STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST is a manifesto for the digital era. This is a positive, original guide, full of illustrations, exercises and examples, the purpose of which is to help the reader tap into the creative side of his character.

Who is this book for?
For anyone trying to bring creativity into their life and work.

Book feature
This book was born out of a lecture that Austin Kleon gave at New York University. He gave students ten pieces of advice that he wished he had received when he was an aspiring artist. The text of the lecture later hit the Internet and began to spread at incredible speed. And then the author decided to deepen his ideas and wrote this book.

Why we decided to publish this book
This is an amazingly inspiring, bright, original, practical and fun book about creativity!

From the author
One of my theories is that when people give you advice, they are actually just talking to their past selves.
In this book, I'm talking to a previous version of myself.
Here you will find what I have learned from nearly a decade of trying to figure out how art is made. The funny thing is that when I started sharing my knowledge with others, I realized that it would be useful not only for artists. And in general to everyone.
Yes, these ideas are useful for anyone trying to bring creativity into their lives and their work (which should apply to all of us).
In other words, this book is for you.
Whoever you are, whatever you do.

about the author
Austin Kleon is a young writer and artist. Author of the bestselling Steal Like An Artist (2012), an illustrated manifesto on creativity in the digital age, and Newspaper Blackout (2010), an original collection of poems from newspaper articles.
His work can be seen on the websites 20?, NPR's Morning Edition, PBSNewshour, as well as on the pages of The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Austin gives lectures on creativity at Pixar, Google, SXSW, TEDx events. In a “past life” he was a web designer and copywriter.

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Chicken broth for the soul. 101 love stories

As a child, when you were sick, your grandmother would give you chicken soup. Today your soul needs nourishment and care. Little stories from "Chicken Soup" will heal emotional wounds and strengthen the spirit, give your dreams new wings and reveal the secret of the greatest happiness - the happiness of sharing and loving.
What to do if you fall in love and you... monk. How does a date that begins with a broken headlight end? An original way to meet the Prince is to collect frogs. A 33-year-old divorced woman meets her first love - a school teacher. How not to despair when everyone around you is getting married, and you are still waiting. The more children, the less romance - or vice versa?! And other 95 exciting love stories you won't be able to put down.




History of success:
1993: The Book Nobody Wanted to Publish / #1 New York Times Bestseller / 20,000 copies sold
2003 Year: + 180 new books in the series / Best-selling series / 80,000 copies sold
2013 Year: About 250 books in series / Best-selling series in history / Over 500,000 copies sold

How it all began
The story of the creation of the book "Chicken Soup" is no less inspiring than the small stories that it consists of.
Jack Canfield and Mark Hansen, both popular motivational speakers, liked to spice up their talks with an inspiring story or two. After the trainings, many people turned to them: “Where can I find that story about a Girl Scout? I would buy the book for her son.” “And that story about the guy and the puppy - can I read it somewhere?”
Over the course of a year, Canfield and Hansen wrote down stories they had experienced or heard from friends, and when they reached 101, they sent them out to publishing houses. They received 144 refusals.
Then Jack and Mark decided to find buyers before the book was published, in the hope of convincing the publishers. They told their friends and training participants about it, and asked everyone who was interested to write a receipt for the purchase of the future book. When there were more than 20,000 such receipts, Jack and Mark turned to publishers again.
The book was published, and everyone who made a promise bought it. And then... sales stopped. Jack and Mark didn't want to give up. They had a goal of selling 1.5 million in 1.5 years.
Then they came up with the “Rule of Five”: take five active steps every day to promote and sell a book. From that moment on, Canfield and Hansen sent out 5 copies every day to journalists, Hollywood stars, and made 5 calls to company executives offering to donate books to employees. As a result, after 1.5 years, 1.3 million copies were sold.
The publisher asked me to write a sequel.
Over time, the book, which was rejected by 144 publishing houses, became one of the most successful projects in the history of book publishing.

Popular science portal "Attic"

What is this book about
It is generally accepted that mathematicians are people endowed with remarkable intellectual abilities that need to be developed from childhood. And for most, the accuracy and logic of mathematical thinking is inaccessible. Barbara Oakley, Ph.D., proves that anyone can change the way they think and master the techniques that all STEM professionals use.

Why the book is worth reading
From this book you will learn:

  • why it is important to absorb knowledge in portions;
  • how to overcome the “stupor” and achieve insight;
  • what role does sleep play in solving complex problems;
  • what is procrastination and how to deal with it;
  • why the practice of recall is much more effective than rereading the same thing several times;
  • what is “interleaving” and why is it so useful for remembering and assimilating new information.

    Who is author
    Barbara Oakley, Ph.D., is a consulting engineer and board member of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering. Barbara changed several professions: she was a translator from Russian on a Soviet trawler in the Bering Sea, worked as a teacher in China, served in the US Signal Corps, and in West Germany as the commander of a communications department. She proved from her personal experience that a person is able to train his brain and master new, seemingly inaccessible areas of knowledge.

    Key Concepts
    Brain, mathematics, science, training, learning, knowledge, task, procrastination, information.

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    > quoted1 > > Once - and they took it off!

    Ahas - Once - and they took it off! Chords and lyrics

    The audio tag is not supported by your browser.

    Intro: D#m B - 2 times D#m

    Our house has three corners,
    Our house has three courtyards,
    D#7 G#m
    Light bulbs illuminated the road

    The house manager said cruelly:
    "Remove the lamps - current leakage",
    B D#m D#7
    Once - and they took it off!

    The house manager said cruelly:
    "Remove the lamps - current leakage"
    B D#m
    Once - and they took it off!

    I bought myself some panties
    I bought Olympic ones
    They charged me a lot for them

    I'm leaving the store
    And two Georgians came towards me,
    Once - and they took it off!

    I'm leaving the store
    And two Georgians came towards me,
    Once - and they took it off!

    After that, one day,
    We decided to go to the Caucasus -
    The Armenians greeted us joyfully

    They offered a dacha
    What a dacha, what luck!
    Once - and they took it off!

    They offered a dacha
    What a dacha, what luck!
    Once - and they took it off!

    They offered a house -
    Chickens used to live in it,
    But this is not a topic for sadness

    For the house where the chickens lived,
    They tore off two skins from us -
    This is what those Armenians were like

    For the house where the chickens lived,
    They tore off two skins from us -
    This is what those Armenians were like

    I thought for a long time and decided -
    I bought myself a Moskvich
    They promised to build me a garage

    That same night, from my car,
    A couple of valves and tires
    Once - and they took it off!

    That same night, from my car,
    A couple of valves and tires
    Once - and they took it off!

    My wife and I, at a late hour,
    We were returning from the cinema,
    Quietly, someone is driving up...

    ROUGH, hard, callous, strong, thick, rough, harsh, sloppy, clumsy, manly, impolite, impudent. Rough linen, fabric. Rough food. Rough finish. Rough voice. Rough answer. Rough limestone, limestone with sand and... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    ROUGH, rough, rude; rude, rude, rude. 1. Unprocessed, unfinished, primitive, devoid of grace, subtlety, unskillful. Rough clothes. Rough animal. Rough work. Rough food. Rough acting. Rough facial features. Rough taste. 2.… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Coarse, wild, masculine, ill-mannered, indelicate, uncultured, uneducated, neo(b)hewn, plebeian, ignorant, rude, bourbon, hillbilly, animal, cattle, brute; cynical (cynical); oak, simple, clumsy, clumsy... ... Synonym dictionary

    RUDE, oh, oh; rude, rude, rude, rude and rude. 1. Insufficiently cultured, indelicate, insensitive, insubtle. G. person. Rude behavior. Rude manners. Rough soul. Rough heart. Rough play (in sports: with sharp techniques, with violation... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    rude- rude, short f. rude, rude, rude, rude and acceptable rude; compare Art. rougher (wrong rougher) ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    rude- uneven strong reliable - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general Synonyms uneven, strong, reliable EN rugged ... Technical Translator's Guide

    rude- 1 extremely rude extremely rude deliberately rude unbearably rude unacceptably rude unusually rude unusually rude amazingly rude terribly rude amazingly rude 2 gross deception gross excess rude... ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    rude- oh, oh; rough, rude/, rough 1) Insufficiently or poorly finished, processed; simple, without grace. Rough shoes. Rough furniture. On the other side of the rough, unplaned table was Colonel Antoine Molay (Nikulin). Synonyms:... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    Rude, rude, rude, Ukrainian. rude, art. glory mushroom ἄγροικος, ἰδιώτης, Serbo-Croatian. rude, slovenian grǫb, Czech, Slavic hruby, Polish gręby, v. puddle hruby. Possible, related lit. grumbù, grubaũ, grùpti to become dull, to become uneven, to become covered... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

    Adj., used. often Morphology: coarse, coarse, rough, rough and rough; rougher; adv. rough 1. Material, raw materials, etc. are called rough if they are poorly or insufficiently processed or finished. The suit was made of coarse wool. | He was wearing boots made of... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    rude- ▲ corresponding bad rough bad corresponding (# calculation. # decision). rough (#rate). primitive. primitive, little developed (# ideas. # technology) ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language


    • , Gruby Sergey Vitalievich. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the cutting process and tool wear are presented. Mathematical modeling of the process was carried out and a methodology was given...
    • Optimization of the machining process and control of operating parameters, S.V. Gruby. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the cutting process and tool wear are presented. Mathematical modeling of the process was carried out and a methodology was given...

    The way a person treats his boss says nothing about him. But the way he behaves with the waiter is a magical window into his soul.

    Why is it important?

    The Waiter Rule suggests that how we treat waitstaff can reveal a lot about our personality. Most CEOs of famous companies agree with this. When a candidate is interviewed for a leadership position, he is necessarily tested on how he will treat his assistant. Rudeness and demandingness in such cases is proof that such a person cannot be on the team of players.

    Moreover, psychologists advise paying attention to how a person treats the waiter when choosing his future life partner. In light of the above, I would like to know how a person's behavior towards service personnel reveals his personality. To determine this, let's analyze some common behavior patterns.

    A friendly person who always says “thank you”

    We all know such people. They are always friendly. They greet the waiters and always address them by name. And they say “thank you” - sometimes too much. This is the type of person who sees everyone as equal.

    Such people recognize that having a high-paying job does not make you superior, nor does it give you the right to treat people poorly. They treat all people with compassion and empathy, regardless of whether they know each other closely or not.

    Such people recognize that every person has his own story. A waiter or waitress may be the family's sole breadwinner, and he or she may be working two jobs. Perhaps they are paying for their education. Regardless of the situation, this type of person realizes that we are all equal. Such people always remain kind.

    This attitude indicates that this person is capable of working well in a team. He loves to see people happy and is never prejudiced towards them. This is a truly good person.

    Rude man

    Most likely, in restaurants you have more than once seen people who are rude to waiters? Have you noticed men or women who talk to the waiter in a condescending manner? Maybe they were just having a bad day (although that doesn't give them the right to treat others badly)... Maybe this is an isolated incident.

    However, for some people this is a common occurrence. Often they don't even realize that they are being rude. They address the waiter in a condescending manner. They snap their fingers to get their attention. For such people, waiters and waitresses are invisible. Whether this attitude is intentional or not, they treat the service staff as lower class because of their job.

    Because these people pay waiters, they think that waiters should satisfy their needs, whether they are justified or not.

    People who exhibit this behavior are demanding individuals. They may think that they are better than other people. They may feel superior to others. Such people are selfish, they crave control and power.

    Most likely, they have what is known as a situational value system. This means that they change their behavior depending on the perceived status of the person they are interacting with.

    But in addition to people who are friendly with waiters and those who are rude to them, there are also those who prefer minimal interaction with them.

    People who prefer minimal contact

    Some people prefer not to have long conversations with the waiter or waitress. This doesn't mean they are rude. It just might mean that today is not their best day and therefore they are not in the mood to talk to anyone. Each of us has those days when we don’t want to let anyone into our personal space.

    It is also quite possible that such people will turn out to be introverts. They prefer everyone to focus on their work. They can use the same strategy in their workplace. Introverts can be goal-oriented and focused on getting things done efficiently and quickly.

    But while some people prefer to be quiet, others like to have long conversations with everyone around them.

    People who love to talk

    We all have friends who like to ask a lot of questions. And their interactions with waiters are no exception.

    This can happen due to a number of reasons. Of course, there is a possibility that your friend enjoys annoying the waiter. But it's much more likely that this person is actually curious and would like to know as much information as possible when they are a customer and paying for something.

    In addition, the person may be an extrovert. In this case, he actually enjoys meeting new people and getting to know them as well as possible.

    Such people are confident that they know exactly what they want and are not afraid to express their opinions. And they're not afraid to ask questions to make sure they're getting exactly what they want.

    Moral of the story

    The behavior pattern we use when interacting with waiters can reveal a lot about our personality. While some of the traits identified are fairly harmless, as is the case with introverts and extroverts, there are others that make the waiter feel bad. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your behavior. All people are equal, no matter what their status at work.

    If you imagine that you are stuck on an island with a wildly hysterical dude who yells at you for no reason and always demands something, then you probably would have punched him in the face a long time ago to calm him down. The method is certainly not bad, but this guy will definitely not calm down after your pill. Put aside violence, let's think correctly. You need to stop this guy from wanting to be rude to you. It's not difficult if you know a few rules:

    1. Remember, sometimes you can be rude too.

    Maybe not this time, but we appreciate that there was definitely a case when you were wrong and were rude to your interlocutor. And that doesn't mean you're a bad person. So the next time someone treats you rudely, remember that they are just like you. He just lost his temper and that doesn't mean he's a bad person now.

    2. Don't take it personally (even if it's personal)

    When someone is rude and especially if he gets personal, it hurts you. But you have a choice, you can decide for yourself how to react to such comments. Just understand for yourself that the personal insults that he throws out at you are, in fact, his problems. He feels bad and is trying to rehabilitate himself through your failures.

    3. Find out why

    People have their own reasons for being rude. Perhaps he was having a bad day. He may not even realize how rude he was being. Why guess? You will never know the exact reason until you ask him yourself. Just calmly ask, “I think that’s pretty rude. Why are you talking to me like that? "The answer may surprise you.

    4. Be objective and analytical.

    Think about why this person behaved this way? Was there any point in this? What was the reason? Well, well, you strained your brains, there is no good reason for such hysterics. Now you can ignore him with a satisfied smile. In those rare cases when logic is present, it is easy to destroy the root of the problem.

    5. Don't become a part of a theatrical production.

    You can’t control yourself anymore and you feel like you’re about to fall on this ghoul. No need. If you join in this drama, it will only escalate the situation. If you are dealing with a drama king/queen who created this altercation on purpose, then behave with dignity. Don't let rude behavior provoke you.

    6. Just go away

    The rudeness is limitless, but if you find the strength within yourself and just get away from the epicenter of hysterical screams, then we will shake your hand. This is the fastest and most reliable way to avoid more rude behavior and a scandal. Walk away even if he is still saying things to you. Moreover, if it is a stranger, you will never deal with him again. If this is a friend or colleague, then he will soon understand that you should not speak rudely to you. In any case, the person will understand that he behaved incorrectly.

    7. Offer help

    Well, yes, most often rudeness is the result of bad manners. It's just that sometimes a person who is rude does it because he is disappointed with something. If you are able to help a person solve his problem, then offer your help. And soon, instead of meaningless squabbling, music of gratitude will begin to flow from his lips.

    8. Sometimes rudeness is a habit

    Some people behave simply because it is natural behavior for them. Once rudeness becomes a habit, it is difficult to get rid of it. Such a person does not learn anything. This kind of rudeness should not be taken to heart. It's just a pattern that's hard to break.

    9. Don't try to change a person

    You can't force him to be polite if he wants to be rude. In fact, he will behave even worse after such conversations. Sometimes the best option is to prove that the reasons for his rudeness are not your fault. Now let him somehow solve this problem himself. This doesn't concern you anymore.

    10. Rudeness versus kindness

    Don't let rudeness take over your territory. The best way to get rid of rude behavior is to remain friendly, thereby giving the other person a chance to calm down. Soon his behavior will be the same as yours.

    The main thing is that you don’t get mad while you’re trying to calm this guy down. He has every chance of infecting you with hysterics. But try to control yourself, remember that you are above this pathetic behavior. Real men remain calm under almost any circumstances.