Mogilev Forestry College named after Orlovsky. Educational institution "Mogilev Order of the Red Banner of Labor Professional Agroforestry College named after

Historical and demographic information

The settlement of Buynichi has a 500-year history.

The first written mention of Buinichi dates back to 1399.

The name is based on the ancient word “buy”, which in Belarus means Uzgorok, an open windy place, a high active place, a mountain slope, below which lies the already flat area. The village of Buinichi has been known since the 15th century in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as the center of large land ownership (including lands around Mogilev between Shklov and Bykhov), which belonged to princes Fedor and Lev Tolochkovich - Buinichsky.

In the second half of the 16th century, the Polotsk nobleman Barkulaba Ivanovich Korsak founded the center of possession of Barkolabovo on the Buinichi lands, which included Buinichi.

During the anti-feudal peasant-Cossack uprising in 1595, a battle took place on the Buinichi field between the Cossack-peasant detachment of S. Nalivaiko and the troops of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

In the 17th-18th centuries. Buinichi is a privately owned town in Orsha povet, which belonged to the Solomeretskys, Prince A.G. Polubinsky, Sapega.

In 1633, the Buinichi Holy Spirit Monastery was founded, which was plundered by Swedish invaders during the Northern War.

In the 1630s, S. Sobol’s printing house operated in the town, where the “Psalter” was published (1635).

During the Northern War 1700-1721. near Buinich there was a camp of Swedish troops led by Charles 12 (1708).

After the annexation of Belarus to Russia, part of the town was transferred by Catherine II to the Belarusian governor-general P.B. Apiary.

In 1880, 256 residents lived in the town, there were 2 churches, a girls’ school at the monastery, and a Jewish prayer school.

From February to October 1918, Buinichi was occupied by the troops of the Kaiser's Germany.

In February 1931, the collective farm “13 Years of the Red Army” was organized. In 1933 the village received electricity.

During the Great Patriotic War, the village of Buynichi became the site of fierce battles between Soviet soldiers of the 172nd Infantry Division and Mogilev militias with the Nazi invaders during the defense of Mogilev in 1941. The heaviest battles took place on the Buynichi field, where the front line of defense of the 388th Infantry Regiment under the command of Colonel S.F. Kutepova.

The Buinichi field forever entered the life of the Russian writer Konstantin Simonov, who in his works described the events of the defense of the city of Mogilev and subsequently bequeathed his ashes to be scattered on the field of his first battle.

The agricultural town of Buynichi was developed in 2010.

Agricultural sector

The industrial sector of the agricultural town is represented by JSC Mogilev Rayagropromtekhnika and JSC Agrokomplekt.

OJSC "Mogilev Rayagropromtekhnika" (employing 328 people) is engaged in the production of equipment for cultivating land, providing services to the agro-industrial complex of the region for the repair of agricultural equipment.

The company is also engaged in agricultural production.

The main directions are the production of meat and dairy products, cattle breeding, and crop production.

In 2011, the company celebrated its 50th anniversary. Employees of the enterprise have repeatedly become winners of individual competitions based on the results of work for the year as part of a regional competition among sectors of the national economy.

OJSC "Agrokomplekt" is an enterprise for servicing agricultural production with a workforce of 380 people. Engaged in the manufacture of equipment for livestock farms and grain drying complexes, and the provision of services for processing metal products. The company was awarded gold and silver medals for the development of energy-saving technologies and machines for feed production, livestock and crop production at the Russian agro-industrial exhibition.

Non-state sector of the economy

The proximity of the agricultural town to the city of Mogilev is attractive for the development of the non-state sector of the economy, which is increasingly making itself known.

Private initiative is manifested in various types of activities - production, services (agroecotourism), trade services for the population. Also, the development of non-governmental organizations contributes to the creation of new jobs. The territory of the agricultural town of Buynichi is part of the Mogilev FEZ, which has a positive effect on the further development of the region.

On the territory in the agricultural town of Buynichi, the foreign limited liability company "GEMIKAE ABZ" is implementing an investment project for the construction of a concrete plant "ELKOMIX-120" with an area of ​​18.8 thousand sq.m.


The agro-industrial complex of the village council is represented by Tishovka OJSC with 114 employees. The company specializes in meat and dairy production with developed grain farming and cultivation of fodder crops.

Agricultural lands occupy 3,471 hectares, including arable land - 2,413 hectares.

In 2011, the gross harvest of grain and leguminous crops amounted to 4179.2 tons, which is 408.6 tons more than in 2010. The average yield was 39.8 c/ha (2010 – 38.3 c/ha). The harvesting campaign was carried out within a short agrotechnical timeframe. All workers involved in field work were provided with two hot meals a day.

The measures taken for timely and high-quality harvesting made it possible to fulfill the state order for the supply of grain.

In accordance with the Rural Revival and Development Program for 2005-2010, the agricultural town of Buinichi was developed in 2010. A modern postal module was installed, two new stores and a service center were opened. Electrical cables were replaced and street lighting was installed.

In 2011, 12,351 sq.m. were put into operation using all sources of financing. housing (2010 – 4409 sq.m.). 11.5 km of water supply networks were built (the agricultural town of Buinichi - 8 km). Gas pipeline – 12.5 km (Buinichi agricultural town – 6.8 km). In the town of Buynichi there is 1.5 km of asphalt along the street. Central. 6 bus stops were built, 2 of them in the agricultural town of Buynichi.

In 2011, a new grocery store “Asobna” was built in the agricultural town of Buinichi, with a retail area of ​​125 sq. m. m. In 2011, the 108th residential building was built.

Trade services for the population of the agricultural town are provided by the Mogilev RAIPO store, a private trade facility, the Belmarket store, the Mogilev RAIPO cafeteria, the Asobna store, and the Korchma cultural and entertainment complex with 60 seats.

Medical care for residents of the agricultural town is provided by the FAP. Consumer services for the population are provided by the comprehensive reception center of the Municipal Communal Enterprise “Bytuslugi” (opened in 2010).

There is a post office located on the territory of the agricultural town. Transport services for the population are provided by buses from JSC Mogilevoblavtotrans Bus Park No. 1 in Mogilev, as well as private minibuses.

Utility services for the population are provided by the municipal unitary enterprise "Zhilkomkhoz" and the municipal unitary enterprise "Gorvodokanal" in Mogilev.

Socio-cultural sphere

The network of educational institutions of the agricultural town is represented by the State Educational Institution "Buinichskaya Secondary School", the State Institution "Mogilev District Evening School", the State Institution "Mogilev State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Professional Agroforestry College named after K.P. Orlovsky", two preschool institutions (the State Institution "Nursery Garden No. 1 ", State Educational Institution "Nursery-Garden No. 2").

The percentage of graduates entering higher and secondary specialized educational institutions is more than 60%.

EE "Mogilev State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Professional Agroforestry College named after K.P. Orlovsky" is a state educational institution in the system of continuous integrated professional education.

The subject of the college's activities is the training and retraining of highly qualified workers and specialists for the agro-industrial complex, forestry, trade and other sectors of the economy of the Republic of Belarus.

The college has created all the conditions for successful study, work and rest of students. On the territory of the college there are three educational buildings, an educational and production complex, an autodrome, a tractor track, an educational facility with an equestrian base, training areas and training grounds, 2 dormitories, a dining room (for 350 seats) and a buffet, a House of Culture, a sports complex, a library, a Youth Center , 2 museums.

The area of ​​agricultural land is 360 hectares, the hunting area is 10,000 hectares.

In 2005, the zoo was put into operation, which is a training laboratory for foresters and rangers.

The college is proud of its graduates (more than 1.5 thousand graduates).

On the territory of the agricultural town there is a regional central library with a book fund of 39,531 copies. The library operates a Public Center for Legal Information (PCLI). Cultural and educational work is carried out in the following areas: promotion of Belarusian books and local history, healthy lifestyle.

At the State Educational Institution "Buinichskaya Children's Art School" named after. L.L. Ivanov there are four exemplary groups: the choreographic “Zvonchyk”, an ensemble of violinists, a choir, and an orchestra of folk instruments.

School students take an active part in republican, regional, district competitions, festivals, and olympiads.

Polina Badeeva (Buinichskaya Children's Art School) won the Grand Prix at the International Festival-Competition of Children's Creativity "Golden Bee" in Klimovichi in the nomination vocals, folk singing and for the second time became a scholarship recipient of the special fund for supporting talented youth of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

On the territory of the agricultural town there is a memorial complex “Buinichi Field”, which is used as the main venue for regional and district patriotic events (the “Ring of Sorrow” campaign, the Victory Day, Independence Day holidays, etc.).

The population of the agricultural town “Buinichi” is 4109 people.

The area of ​​the settlement is 211.79 hectares.

The production facilities of Mogilev Rayagropromtekhnika OJSC are located in the agricultural town of Buinichi.

The agricultural town has a full range of social, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities.

The housing stock is represented by sectional and estate development, with a total number of 1253 apartments (houses). Housing construction is carried out by Mogilev Rayagropromtekhnika OJSC, as well as housing construction cooperatives formed at enterprises and organizations in the region.

On the territory of the agricultural town “Buinichi” there are two kindergartens for 149 places, which are on the balance sheet of the education department of the district executive committee. Kindergartens are located in standard buildings.

Children are educated at Buinichi Secondary School. The school building was built in 1980 for 624 places.

On the territory of the agricultural town “Buinichi” there is an art school and a library.

There is a paramedic and midwife station in the agricultural town of Buynichi.

In the agricultural town "Buinichi" available two stores .

A new one was installed in 2010 trade service pavilion , for the construction of which it was spent 230.5 million rubles .

A new building has been installed on the territory of the agricultural town integrated reception center .

The cost of work spent on installing the module was 51.2 million rubles .

In the agricultural town "Buinichi" there is a section of MUKP "Zhilkomkhoz" which maintains the entire multi-storey building of the agricultural town, as well as:

Street sewer networks are 5.1 km, including gravity and pressure sewers.

Street water supply networks: 6.1 km;

The heating main is 3.9 km long.

General length of repaired streets and roads in the village of Buynichi is 11 km.

In the field of housing and communal services in 2010, the following types of work were performed:

Major renovation of housing stock;

Current repairs of housing stock;

Improvement of courtyard areas;

Major repairs of the water supply network;

Major repairs of sewerage networks.

The amount of funds spent on repairs of housing and communal services facilities amounted to 741.6 million rubles .

In the agricultural town "Buinichi" there is a system outdoor lighting .

Agro-town "Buinichi" gasified with natural gas .

The agricultural town "Buinichi" is served by traffic minibuses and bus route No. 3.

A new one was built in 2010 post office , the amount of funds spent was 249.0 million rubles .

Repair of industrial facilities:

In 2010, in the agricultural town of Buynichi, work was carried out on routine repairs of the machine yard and the entrance to the machine yard.

On April 23, 2019, at the Mogilev State Vocational Agroforestry College named after K.P. Orlovsky, a solemn assembly was held dedicated to the results of a charity event called “For the Cause,” which took place on April 17 and 18 of this year, on the territory of the Shklovsky district, and its participants There were students and teachers of our educational institution.
In 2007, on the territory of OJSC Alexandriyskoye, Shklovsky district, with an area of ​​162 hectares, a beautiful apple orchard was founded, which provides residents of the Mogilev region with environmentally friendly gifts. Like any living creature, a garden requires care and attention.
We are proud that, on behalf of the Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee Leonid Konstantinovich Zayets, our team had the honor of providing assistance in caring for this marvelous garden.
For two days, the college team, consisting of students and teachers, worked in the garden, demonstrating hard work, willpower and a sense of mutual assistance.
The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee Andrei Mikhailovich Kuntsevich, who presented the college staff with a letter of gratitude from the Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee L.K. Zaits.

Chernobyl. This cannot be forgotten

There are still events taking place on earth that completely change people's lives. The Chernobyl disaster is one of these terrible tragedies - an accident the like of which cannot be found in recent years. April 26, 1986... This spring sunny day became a tragic date for many Belarusian families, for our entire republic. On the night of April 26, at 1 hour 25 minutes, two explosions followed by a fire occurred in the premises of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In the first days after the explosions in the 4th power unit, people within a radius of 30 km from the nuclear power plant were forced to leave their homes - over 115 thousand people were subject to evacuation. As a result of the accident at the nuclear power plant, a radioactive cloud formed due to the burning reactor, which fell in the form of precipitation over a vast territory of Europe, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. On the eve of the memorable date - the 33rd anniversary of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - a warning lesson “Chernobyl. This cannot be forgotten." The event was opened by the head of the library I.A. Makarenko. She told the students about the events that led to the accident, the scale of the disaster, and the work to eliminate radiation contamination at the accident site. Librarian E.Yu. Radkova told the students about the courage of the people who were the first to take the blow of the accident and their readiness for self-sacrifice. And 33 years later, this day makes us think about the possible consequences of human activity, about our unpayable debt to those who, risking their own lives, saved the world from a radioactive disaster. N.D. was invited to the event. Dorokhova, head of the health center, who informed the students about the radioecological situation, how to reduce the impact of radionuclides on the human body, how to eat properly in conditions of radiation risk, what are the methods for removing radioactive substances from the body, etc. The exhibition and reflection “Echoes of Chernobyl” was timed to coincide with the event, and the students were also shown a video “Chernobyl - Black Pain”. Years and decades will pass, and the dark day of this tragedy will still worry people - both those whom it did not bypass, and those who were born far from that place. This day will always unite everyone living with one memory, one sadness, one hope. The Chernobyl accident is a cruel lesson! God forbid we have such lessons! God forbid us from such eras! The younger generation must learn from the mistakes that people have made and protect their children, themselves, and descendants from such troubles.

I. A. Makarenko, head of the library of the educational institution “MGPALTK im. K.P. Orlovsky"

Transfer of the remains of a Red Army soldier

On April 16, 2019, at the K. Simonov Museum of the educational institution, the remains of the Red Army soldier Ivan Vasilyevich Ruban were transferred to relatives.

Present at the transfer of the remains of a soldier who died during the Great Patriotic War were:

Head of the Main Directorate of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee Ekaterina Anatolyevna Muzychenko;

Head of the direction of ideological work and social protection of the military commissariat of the Mogilev region, Colonel Blashkov Sergey Nikolaevich;

Military Commissar of the city of Mogilev and the Mogilev region, Colonel Belus Vladimir Vladimirovich;

Head of the Mogilev regional search club "Vikkru" Nikolai Sergeevich Borisenko;

Defense Attaché of the Ukrainian Embassy in the Republic of Belarus, Major General Alexey Fridrikhovich Bakumenko;

Military attache of the Embassy in the Republic of Belarus, Lieutenant Colonel Dizha Alexey Nikolaevich.

The hero, who had been listed as missing for 77 years, turned out to be 25-year-old intelligence officer Ivan Vasilyevich Ruban, a native of the Novgorod-Seversky district of the Chernigov region. The remains were discovered near the Mogilev-Gomel highway on October 3, 2018 by soldiers of the 52nd specialized search battalion of the Ministry of Defense together with Mogilev search engines.

Red Army soldier Ivan Ruban managed to fight for about two weeks, and perhaps this was his first and last battle. The land near the village of Sidorovichi, 50 m from the Mogilev-Gomel highway, became his last refuge.

Here, at the site of the battle, fellow soldiers buried their comrade. Departing from the advancing enemy tank hordes, they left the heroically deceased scout in the forest in an unmarked grave at a depth of 50 cm, where he lay until today.

Thanks to the head of the Chernigov group of the Union of Search Teams of Ukraine, Vasily Zhurakhov, the relatives of the Ukrainian Ivan Ruban, who died on Mogilev land, have been identified.

Before the war, he managed to start a family with three children. Of these, son Anatoly has already died, the eldest daughter Nina lives in Penza, and the youngest Galina, born in 1941, now lives at her father’s place of conscription in the Novgorod-Seversky district of the Chernigov region.

Galina Ivanovna told the search engines that her father Ivan Vasilyevich, as he went to war in July 1941, sank into eternity - all these 77 years he was listed as missing. There was no information about him in the family. Now she and sister Nina are asking to transfer their father’s remains to their homeland in order to bury him next to his family.


Mogilev State Order of the Red Banner of Labor

vocational agroforestry college

named after K.P. Orlovsky



Full-time education

based on general basic education

(after 9th grade)

(with general secondary education)

basedgeneral secondary education

(after 11th grade)

Driver of a category “C” car; tractor driver for agricultural production cat. "A", "B", "C"; mechanic for repair of agricultural machinery and equipment, 3rd category; operator of livestock complexes and mechanized farms 4 categories, operator of machine milking 4 categories

Duration of training - 3 years

Duration of training - 1 year 3 months

Forester; huntsman; driver of a category “C” car;

Duration of training - 3 years

Duration of training - 1 year

Salesperson 4th category;

controller-cashier (controller) 4 categories

Duration of training - 3 years

Tractor driver of agricultural production cat. "A",

Mechanic for repairing agricultural machines and equipment, 3rd category

Duration of training - 1 year

Part-time education

Forester ( Acceptance of documents from 01-10.10.2019)

Duration of training - 1 year

List of documents for admission:

1. Application addressed to the head of the educational institution in the prescribed form.

2. Originals of the education document and attachments to it.
3. Medical certificate of health in the form established by the Ministry of Health (a medical examination is carried out at the place of residence).
4. Documents confirming the applicant’s right to benefits during admission to study (Article 180 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education).
5. 6 photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm.

If necessary, the admissions committee is provided with:

6. Medical certificate (form 1 health/u-10) indicating fitness to drive a vehicle, cat. "WITH"; tractor cat. “A”, “B”, “C”, for training in the qualifications “Tractor operator-driver of agricultural production” and “Car driver category “C”.
7. Conclusion of a medical consultation or medical rehabilitation expert commission on the absence of a contraindication for training in the chosen specialty and qualification (for persons with special needs of psychophysical development, disabled children, disabled people of groups I, II or III).
8. A document confirming the assignment of qualifications to a worker (employee) - a certificate of assignment of a qualification rank (class, category) by profession or an extract from the work record book (for those applying for a correspondence course of vocational education).
9. Agreement on targeted training of a worker or employee, drawn up in triplicate and signed by the applicant and the customer - an organization that has a need to train a worker or employee - for applicants participating in the competition for targeted places.

When submitting documents, the applicant presents an identification document (passport)

Address :

213134, Mogilev region, Mogilev district, ag. Buinichi, st. Orlovsky

Directions: bus no. 3 (from the bus station, Ordzhonikidze Square), No. 15 (Pushkin Ave., Shmidt Ave., ZIV),

minibus no. 2 (from the railway station, TSUM), No. 9 (Pushkin Ave., ZIV),

43 (Kazimirovka, TSUM) to the stop "Zoo" or "Buinichi 1"

  • Region: Mogilev region
  • Locality::Buinichi Mogilev district
  • Ultrasound type: SSUZ
  • Type of ultrasound: Education
  • Address:

    212134, Mogilev district, Buinichi village, st. Orlovsky, 1

  • Phones:

    (8-0222) 47-10-09 (reception); (8-0222) 40-58-68 (admissions committee)

  • URL:
  • Email: [email protected]

The activities of the college began on November 20, 1944 as SPTU No. 1. The first building of the college was an ordinary peasant hut with three rooms. Today these are white stone buildings housing classrooms and workshops, a maintenance center for machines and mechanisms, and a dormitory. The college's machine and tractor fleet began with an old KhTZ and NATI, which had one caterpillar track. Today it has dozens of cars. College students practice their skills as masters of the land on 860 hectares of land, on a livestock farm, study, and grow bread and potatoes. Most of the current machine operators in the Mogilev region are graduates of this educational institution.
In 1998, the school was reorganized into the Higher Vocational Agrotechnical School, in which, 2 years later, the training of specialists with secondary specialized education in the specialty “Agricultural Mechanization” began.
Despite the difficulties, the educational and production base of the school is strengthened from year to year. Today, the educational institution has 26 tractors (14 tracked, 12 energy-saturated), 6 grain harvesters, 40 cars and a whole range of agricultural machines.
College students have at their disposal thousands of copies of books not only on vocational guidance, but also on history and other sciences. Plunging into their world, the children grow up to be worthy citizens of their country. Physical health is equally important. Sports help strengthen it. Students have access to an excellent sports complex, which includes wrestling, tennis, volleyball and basketball halls, and a stadium. The college annually holds sports competitions in 16 sports. They also love art here. It has its own wonderful club with a luxurious foyer, stage, assembly hall and costume rooms. Choral, dramatic, dance, vocal-instrumental, pop - this is not a complete list of amateur artistic clubs in which children study in their free time. Amateur groups of the school give more than 50 concerts annually. But the main thing, of course, is study. Every year, young owners of the land emerge from the walls of the Mogilev Professional Agroforestry College named after K.P. Orlovsky, who have received here professional skills, civic maturity, and are ready to serve the Motherland as selflessly as the wonderful person whose bright name the educational institution bears.

Level of vocational education

Training of specialists to obtain vocational and technical education on the basis of general basic and general secondary education.
tractor driver in agricultural production (OBO, OSO)
mechanic for repair of agricultural machinery and equipment (OBO)
car repair mechanic (CAF)
operator of livestock complexes and mechanized farms (OBO)
car driver (OBO, OSO)
car driver (international transport) (OSO)
forester (OBO, OSO)
huntsman (OBO, OSO)
forest feller (OBO, OSO)
computer operator (OBO)
seller (OBO, OSO)
Duration of training on the basis of general education - 3 years, on the basis of general education - 1 year

Level of secondary specialized education

Training of specialists to obtain secondary specialized education on the basis of vocational and technical education in full-time and part-time education.
"Technical support of agricultural production processes." Qualification: mechanical technician.
Duration of training is 2 years.
"Forestry". Qualification: forestry technician.
Duration of training is 2 years.
"Commercial activity". Qualification: merchandising specialist.
Duration of training is 1 year 5 months.