My pedagogical essay. Kindergarten teacher essay

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Essay by a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Tashkirmen secondary school

Sabanaeva Valentina Mikhailovna.

My teaching skills.

Many of us became teachers because in childhood we had before us an example of high pedagogical skill. Therefore, I never faced the problem of choosing a profession. My favorite teacher was the teacher of Russian language and literature Nazhia Abdullovna. I liked her calm and confident behavior in class, her beautiful, competent speech, and her accessible and interesting presentation of the lesson material. I followed in her footsteps. And in 1996 she graduated from the Faculty of Russian Philology of the Kazan State Pedagogical University.

Since 1994 I have been working at the Tashkirmen basic secondary school. It just so happened that for 16 of those years I worked as a teacher of the Tatar language, and for 7 years now I have been working as a teacher of Russian language and literature.

I completely agree that a teacher teaches children as long as he himself studies. He learns by working on himself, he learns by passing on his knowledge to others. A true teacher is always open to new knowledge, constantly grows professionally, and receives satisfaction and pleasure from his work. There is still a lot to learn, a lot to understand, and I am ready for this, because my activity gives me pleasure and gives me the opportunity to explore the world again and again, making all kinds of discoveries.

So who is a teacher? A creator or a creative person who, through creative activity, strives to find himself, the core of his personality, his deep essence? After all, every teacher is an artistic, creative, energetic, versatile, enthusiastic and passionate person. When necessary, he is an artist, an artist, when required - a writer, researcher, dancer, singer. Yes, the teaching profession is perhaps one of the most interesting and difficult at the same time. But children should also be raised by people who by nature gravitate towards this work, which requires enormous love and dedication. I have more opportunities to realize my creative ideas in the educational process, because the process of teaching the Russian language and literature allows us to create ideal conditions in the classroom for the development of a child’s creative abilities. And the teacher’s mission is to help every child realize their capabilities, believe in themselves, reveal their talent, self-realization - this is what I see as the goal of my teaching activity. Therefore, I chose the methodological topic in accordance with these goals: “Development of speech and creative abilities of students in Russian language and literature lessons and in extracurricular activities”

The joy of joint work, co-creation, empathy - these are the wonderful moments of our profession that cannot be compared with any advantages of other professions. And I completely agree with the words of D.S. Likhachev: “Teaching is an art, work no less titanic than the work of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible. The teacher addresses the human soul not through music, like a composer, or with the help of paints, like an artist, but directly. He educates with his knowledge and love, his attitude towards the world.”

Our life does not stand still. We are developing, technologies are developing and improving. In our progressive age, a modern lesson can no longer be imagined without information and communication technologies. And now, with the advent of a projector in the Russian language and literature classroom, the possibilities of using computer technology in the classroom have expanded significantly. Of all the academic subjects, it seems to me that it is the Russian language and literature that are more conducive to the development and education of the student’s personality, his moral orientation in this world. Today, modern technologies are relevant, based on the principles of the activity approach and developmental learning. I am closer to the technologies of critical thinking, problem-based learning, and the project method. “The system of Evgeniy Nikolaevich Ilyin: teaching literature as a subject that shapes a person” perfectly represents the essence of student-centered learning. It is based on problem-based learning. It aims at the moral and emotional education of the individual, during which the necessary training is carried out. It has long been proven that each student masters new knowledge differently. And E.N. Ilyin’s method will allow even a weak student to participate in dialogue and search for a solution to the problem. After all, a literature lesson, according to Ilyin, is “a human-forming process, a communication lesson, art, and not just an educational activity, and life. This is a joint activity between teacher and student on a creative basis, spiritual equality and interpersonal communication.” The use of heart-to-heart conversations in literature lessons, vivid examples from literature, from one’s own life experience and the experience of students helps a teenager to believe in his own abilities and to cultivate in him the best personality traits. I believe that the teacher's personality, live communication, verbal exchange of information - all this is an important component of learning. The true skill of a teacher, in my opinion, is to combine traditional and innovative teaching methods and technologies. After all, both of them have one task - to teach the child. In my lessons, of course, I use various psychological and pedagogical technologies (communicative and developmental, gaming, research). The fact that 90% of children at school do not speak Russian as their native language obliges us to pay more attention in lessons to speech development and vocabulary enrichment. In my work, I actively use multimedia materials and Internet resources. These include computer presentations, including those prepared by my students, and online testing. I use these materials when organizing revision, checking homework, when studying new material, when monitoring students’ knowledge, when preparing for olympiads, and for final certification. But no technology, in my opinion, can replace a live interlocutor, inspire, or interest in the material being studied. Any technical teaching aid, even the most modern and promising, is only a faithful assistant, an auxiliary tool. Nothing can ever replace a living, emotional teacher’s word.

What does it consist of, pedagogical skill? Perhaps the results of our activities are that students pass exams without failing grades and go to study at the educational institutions of their choice. The fact is that they simply remain good people and do not forget their teachers.

I can't say that I am a perfect master of my craft. Mastery is a process that does not stop for a minute. There will always be someone better than me. For now, I’ll just work and teach reading, writing, thinking, speaking in my lessons. Moreover, I do this not only in class, but for the last four years also in the classes of the ethno-local history club. Many people don’t understand what the Russian language and literature have to do with it. But this is all that I know and what I want to teach children: the development of speech, broadening their horizons, nurturing moral qualities. We communicate with different people, interview fellow villagers, record their life stories, ask them to tell us about their family, study the original folklore of our people, the history of the village, tell about this to tourists who come to us from all over the vast Russian Federation - all this is a huge job as both in language learning and in broadening one’s horizons.

The life of a rural teacher is so structured that we cannot draw the line where our work ends and our personal life begins. I don't work as a teacher, I live this profession and don't regret it!

Essay "My pedagogical happiness"

Elena Vasilievna Barbashina, teacher of the highest qualification category, State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 10 SPDS "Alyonushka" work experience – 21 years

“... To the child for the complete and harmonious development of his personality
it is necessary to grow up in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.”

From the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

A kindergarten is a cozy home for many children. Is it possible to imagine a home without comfort, the warmth of the people around you and good traditions?

In my opinion, being a teacher is a very interesting profession: children love you and expect something new from you, and you live their lives and rejoice in their successes with them.

Working as a teacher, I realized that I had to be the same child and do all the tasks with him: crawling, jumping, drawing, being a mom and dad. All children have very different characters, so you can’t do without an individual approach, someone needs to be caressed and pitied, and someone needs to be scolded, because the teacher is a second mother, and she should have the key to each child.

Everyone knows what impressions they have about their native nature. Received in childhood, they are remembered for a lifetime and often influence a person’s attitude towards the nature of his region, towards his Motherland.

From a very early age, I instill in children a love for the forest, young green spaces, teach them to take care of birds and in general "our little brothers" . Teaching children to see beauty is a difficult task, because if I sincerely love nature and treat it with care, then I can convey these feelings to children. And children are very observant and sensitive to my words, my mood and deeds, they quickly see the positive and imitate me.

You just need to see with what interest the children look at the birds that fly to our site, asking their name and where they came from.

No matter how many years I work, I am surprised that sometimes I should know no less than a teacher at a school or institute. So many questions at once! Where can I get the answer? If necessary, I open the encyclopedia and look for answers in it.

I consider one of my main tasks to be to cultivate friendly relationships in children, the habit of playing, working, studying together, striving to please elders with good deeds, and also developing the ability to evaluate the actions of oneself and other people.

I think that many will agree with me, because not every person, having received the profession of a teacher, can work as one. You have to love working with children so much that you go to kindergarten with a good mood and a desire to bring something new and, of course, positive to your children. It’s so nice to see the shining eyes of children when they perform beautiful and elegant at the holidays, when everything works out for them, and they cuddle together and say: "I love you!" Nothing can compare to this moment of happiness!

I am proud of my profession, I am proud of every small victory, I am proud of the trust of children, the opportunity to raise a new generation, I am proud of the achievement of each child, the expansion of my social circle, the emergence of new friends and like-minded people, the opportunity to realize my own creativity.

We live in a modern society, where every day something new happens, both positive and negative, but one thing is obvious: a lot depends on my mood, and therefore I leave all the negativity outside the kindergarten, and if you asked me today , I would like to change my profession, the answer would be unequivocal - no!

Essay by a preschool teacher

Kolomytseva Raisa Vladimirovna, teacher of the Raduga MBDOU in the village of Tatsinskaya, Rostov region.
Description of work: This material can be used by teachers for their portfolios and for various competitions.
Target: Disclosure of the meaning of the word educator.
- create a cozy atmosphere when familiarizing yourself with the material.
- cultivate a sense of interest in the material.

Teacher's Essay

“A teacher is a magician who opens
children's door to the world of adults. And what and how he teaches his pupils depends on what the teacher knows and can do.”

K. Helvetius

Essay by a teacher.

What does it mean - the profession of a kindergarten teacher, a teacher of extraordinary children whom parents trust, the most precious and most priceless?
It is very difficult and difficult to answer this question, to choose the right words and formulate them into sentences, in what letters to express that happiness when a child gives you a warm palm, trustingly snuggling and rejoicing at you. You need to have great patience and compassion for children, a desire to see “your children,” worry about their successes and failures, rejoice at personal achievements and small victories. In fact, these children are not relatives, but you “grow together” with them, you begin to think with them, wonder and admire how they are, and now - these are already “my children”
The teacher is like a potter, in whose hands soft, pliable clay turns into an elegant vessel. The teacher’s task is to fill this vessel with goodness, creativity, knowledge and skills. After the mother, the teacher is the first teacher who meets on the child’s life path. This is the same profession when a teacher always remains a child at heart, otherwise children simply will not accept him into their world, they will not let him into their hearts. I believe that the most important thing is to love children, give them your heart, love just like that, for nothing, just because they exist!

Teacher - who is he?
Mentor or edifier?
Or maybe he is a creator and soul sculptor
Or maybe just a person
Leaving a mark forever?
And simplicity and depth of soul
Capable of building bridges to our lives!

I have been working in a kindergarten for fifteen years and I don’t want any other profession for myself. I try to learn something new and keep up with new technologies in the field of preschool education. The main thing is that I love children and I have a great desire to work. At work, daily self-education in communication with children, colleagues, parents. Every day I plan something, implement it, show it, communicate.

Yes, the teacher is a star destiny,
There is a search in it, the joy of insight,
Fight for children's souls
The work is simply inspiration!

During my stay in kindergarten, I had the opportunity to work with different ages: from junior nursery to pre-school, and I will say without hiding that each age has its own “zest”, its own distinctive features. When you reach a younger age and move, step by step, towards graduation from kindergarten, during this time you become closer to the children and grow with them. A child is sick - and your heart hurts for him - how is he doing, is everything okay, has nothing serious happened? The most crucial moment is the child’s adaptation to the nursery group. When a baby cries and doesn’t want to let his mother go to work, you gather all your knowledge and skills, techniques and methods, gain patience and try to do everything to make the baby’s stay comfortable and cozy. And how great it is that this baby, who was crying recently, comes into your arms and reaches out as if he were a loved one. Parting with your mother is already easier and more painless. I think this means one thing - you have become your own, second after your mother.
Every time the children leave kindergarten after prom, a piece of my soul leaves with them. Over time, you give so much love and energy, and in return you are given trust, joy and most importantly - love. I am proud that when my former students meet me, they smile with the smile by which I recognize them, say hello, and share their news and achievements.
Working with preschool children, you never cease to be amazed at how amazing, funny, caring, and wonderful they are. Curious. Each child is unique in his own way, with his own character and mood, talent and unpredictability. The future of the child and what he will teach them depends on what an adult knows and can do. The time of progress inexorably provides an opportunity for self-improvement, mastering innovative technologies and unconventional methods. To satisfy the curiosity of a modern child, knowledge of modern methods and technologies is necessary.
I am convinced that the true right to education is not a diploma of professional education, but a vocation, the main criterion of which is concern for the destinies of others, high human virtues that determine the main pedagogical activity.
During my work, fate brought me together with wonderful people. I learned a difficult skill from more experienced and senior teachers, because being a teacher is a huge responsibility, such work can only be done by those who love children and are dedicated to their profession. The great teacher G. Pestalozzi, who practiced the pedagogy of love, said: “If you don’t love, then you don’t have the right to educate,” and every day I am convinced that he is right.
My profession is my life! I spend most of my time at work, but due to my workload and employment, I also manage to fulfill my family responsibilities. In my free time, I like to pamper myself with a fascinating book, arrange a small holiday for the soul, because reading is an opening to a completely different world and living a few moments in this world is very cool! I love making various crafts from salt dough. When I get carried away with a new job, I am distracted from everyday worries; for me, this is a kind of relaxation that allows me to relieve stress after everyday work. And, of course, I’m always happy with the end result. My hobby was also picked up by my daughter Tatyana, although she is not really in the mood for fun now, because she is graduating from a secondary school and is thoroughly preparing for the Unified State Exam, and my eldest son Vladislav entered the Southern Russian State Pedagogical University and is a first-year student.
There is never a dull moment in kindergarten; every day is filled with something new and unexpected. It is simply impossible to calculate the situation. After all, children are unpredictable and act, almost always, contrary to logic. I am very pleased when a child goes to kindergarten without tears, with a smile on his face and greets him joyfully, but goes home with regret and disappointment.
I think that the profession of a teacher has become my calling, it has helped me find my path, my place in life, it has given me the opportunity to sincerely devote myself to what I love, to give my love and knowledge to children and not to burn out from it, but to become purer and richer in soul.
I am happy that I have tied myself with strong ties to a great and wonderful cause - raising children. I learned to look at the world through the enthusiastic eyes of children and contemplate it as it is. I learned to wake up every day expecting a miracle. I have the feeling that by raising children, I am raising myself!

I'm a teacher and I'm proud of it
That I am learning to live in the world together with children,
Yes, I am an actress of many roles.
But the main role is to replace mothers!

Thank you for your attention!

Regional competition “Teacher of the Year - 2015”

Competition task "Essay"

"I'am a teacher"

Kuznetsova N.S.

Gryazovets district

School... My path to it was determined by my childhood dream of being a teacher.

I was born in the village of Petrino, Cherepovets district, where my best years, my childhood, passed.

September 1, 1976. Sunny September morning. I’m in a great mood, the weather is beautiful, I’m running around the rooms and singing: “Sister Natasha is now a first-grader, now she’s a student. And our whole street knows about it and our whole country knows about it.” On this day, not only I was going to school, but also my parents: they were teachers. Mom is a teacher of Russian language and literature, and dad is a physics teacher.

For me, the word “teacher” is filled with deep meaning. Perhaps because my parents were teachers and since childhood I saw and understood what a real teacher should be: smart, caring, kind, understanding. Like my parents are teachers.

A person who completely devotes himself to this profession never takes into account his time. Mom threw herself into her favorite work: she was an activist both when she was in school and when she then came to work as a pioneer leader. Pioneer gatherings, Komsomol meetings, rallies, pioneer bonfires and hikes - all this was in our family life.

And how great it was.

Since childhood I dreamed of becoming a teacher,

Maybe like dad, or maybe like mother.

Friends said - well, you are a fool!

We wouldn't go to ped for anything, ever!

To go to bed late and get up early,

Bring notebooks home to check...

Being a teacher is your life’s work.”

I made my choice by entering the Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Ahead of me was a life full of tension, joy, anxiety, sleepless nights and happiness. Happiness of constant movement forward, creativity and discovery. I became a teacher.

It is hardly possible to find the name of a person’s profession that would sound as beautiful, proud, soulful, warm and soulful as the word teacher. This concept has a deep meaning and a large, varied meaning, which is fully consistent with the enormous tasks facing those who are called by this word. A teacher, educator, mentor is not a profession, but rather a vocation... “Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, must be and cannot be otherwise ...,” L.N. correctly noted. Tolstoy.

It all starts from childhood. And childhood - from family and school. A family is, first of all, parents, and at school these are teachers. School is a special world of childhood. This world is thin, fragile, acutely aware of lies and falsehood, and does not forgive the mistakes of adults...

What should a real teacher be like? How does the child want to see me? How do my students' parents want to see me? What is my mission as a teacher?

I asked these questions to my students, to those kids who are on the verge of graduating from school and in whose lives there have been many different teachers.

“In my opinion, a teacher should be fair, diplomatic, have a sense of humor, be able to defuse the situation in the lesson, and understand. A good teacher is one who is a role model..."

“Let us turn to the word “teacher” itself. It is derived from the word “teach.” This means that the teacher must teach, teach his subject. Give all your knowledge to the student. Everyone can be trained. There are no unteachable people..."

“When explaining material to students, a teacher must be able to interest them. And explain it the way he understands it himself..."

“A real teacher is a real person...”

Reading these lines, you understand that a real teacher must be

Professional. As a professional teacher, I am required to have a deep and comprehensive knowledge of my subject at a modern scientific level. Students will forgive their teachers for severity, dryness, and even pickiness, but they will not forgive poor knowledge of the matter...

The skill of a professional teacher is not only the scientific erudition and methodological wisdom of the teacher, but also a subtle art, and the true art of teaching and upbringing does not tolerate arrogance, humiliating severity, callousness and formalism, empty phrases and verbal chatter, behind which there is no living thought and sincere feelings. A professional teacher helps each child comprehend and live life, revealing its content to him, and together ascend to a new level of development.

The subject I teach is very difficult. I am well aware that many children do not like him. But I also know that mutual understanding between teacher and student is the basis of success. If all children cope with the task assigned to them, if they work with passion, pleasure, helping each other, if they go home happy with the lesson and look forward to the next one, the desire to learn grows stronger. And this is one of the indicators of the success of teaching.

Personality. Moreover, such a Personality that you want to follow. A person you want to listen to with your mouth open. How to become such a person or at least get closer to this ideal? In fact, there is only one way - to constantly grow spiritually, not to relax, to make the most of your abilities and to be as demanding of yourself as you are of those around you. This is on the one hand, and on the other - giving children what they really need: simple human warmth, interest in their fate...

A student. Seneca said: “By teaching others, we teach ourselves.” A real teacher is a good student, he respects his teacher in the student, since children are his teachers.

Citizen. The feeling of involvement in the fate of one’s homeland, responsibility for it, is formed gradually. The school plays a huge role in this process: it is here that the young citizens of our country grow up, and therefore the teacher, who, while shaping the student’s personality, must himself be an example. A Teacher with a Capital T is a Person and a Citizen...

Researcher, Creator!.. To always invent, try, improve and improve - this is the only course of a teacher’s life. Such teachers’ worldview changes, their approaches to teaching become creative: after all, from now on they must teach and educate students who are thoughtful and capable of independently acquiring knowledge.

In my teaching practice I use problem-based learning technology. Problem-based learning is an integral didactic system based on the logical and psychological laws of creative knowledge acquisition in educational activities. The goal of problem-based learning is to develop the creative thinking of the younger generation. In my opinion, the most justified approach is one that puts the student in the position of a creative researcher of physical reality. And then, after graduating from school, a young man may forget Ohm’s law, but, relying on the creative abilities formed while studying this law, he will always find the right solution to a life situation.

“I don’t know if my life will be connected with physics, but these lessons will remain in my memory forever. On them I learn to think, reason, correctly use scientific knowledge, learn to communicate"- these are the words of a student who really did not connect his life with physics.

Who is the Teacher? First of all, this is the one through whom the most important and most complex science is comprehended - Life! The lessons of mathematics and geography, physics and chemistry end... but the lessons of life never end! Everyone who works in school today works for the future and is responsible for this future.

Giving an interesting lesson is great; knowing your subject brilliantly is great. And yet the main thing is the ability to appeal to the soul and heart of your ward! The teacher’s mission is to care not so much about the transfer of knowledge, but about the internal development of the child. Strive to ensure that the guys not only understand, but feel it, let it pass through their souls.

Being a modern teacher is difficult, but possible. A modern teacher, as in all previous eras, must be an interesting person, fair and strict, understanding, respectful and appreciative of his students, and he must also be sincere, sensitive and, most importantly, happy! After all, only a happy teacher can have happy students.

Am I a happy person? And when is a person happy? Yes, probably when he is happy with life, when he knows why he lives. And I can answer with complete confidence: “Yes! I am a happy man. I am a teacher, I do what I love - raising children, teaching them a very complex science called “physics”.

Patimat Bagomedova
My pedagogical essay


He is always on the road, in worries, in search, anxiety -

And there is never peace.

And 100 questions on the doorstep,

And you need to give the correct answer.

He judges himself more harshly than everyone else.

He is all earthly, but strives upward.

You can’t count, perhaps, how many destinies

Intertwined with his destiny!

Start your own essay I want from the commandment of Pythagoras. He was the first to coin the word "philosophy", which translated from ancient Greek means "love of wisdom". “What is wisdom?”- asks Pythagoras. And myself answers: “Knowledge of order. If you want to be wise throughout your life, put everything in its place. … Make a plan for your life and follow one invariably until the last minute of your existence.” For many of you and for me, including, the meaning of life and life itself lie in a simple word - "educator".

The profession of a teacher is a very difficult and difficult work, it is a constant search for something new, it is a creative approach, it is new discoveries. And in order to be necessary and useful to children, you need to constantly improve yourself, you need a desire to grow in the profession, like teacher, which over time, with the acquisition of experience, only becomes wiser. Now, in connection with the implementation and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool institutions, for teachers greater scope is provided for the development of creative and design capabilities, for self-development. And only with a very strong desire can you achieve the greatest heights.

To be a teacher means to have patience, compassion, a desire to see children - "your children". After all, in essence, these are children who are not relatives, but about whom you start talking - "my children", you rejoice at the achievements of each child, albeit small, but his personal victories.

Personally, I don’t work as a teacher, I live as a teacher. I live for the children. Sometimes I Think: What prompts me to go to my work every morning with joy again and again? After all, to kindergarten teacher, who is trusted with the most precious thing that parents have, has special and very serious requirements. And the answer to my own question is simple - it’s love, love for children, love for one’s profession.

A teacher must see more than many others, be able to apply a wide variety of knowledge from various fields of science, learn to answer thousands, sometimes completely "not childish" questions from our children. Therefore, I never stop at the achieved level of knowledge and always improve my professional skills, trying to keep up with the times. I'm interested All: entertaining facts and various knowledge about the world around us, research by psychologists, new educational technologies. And all this helps me in my work. I pass on my knowledge to the children, no matter what we do with them - play, learn or work - I try to show attention to everyone and to everyone at the same time, so that the child feels like an irreplaceable person. After all teacher A kindergarten teacher must be attentive to children, understand their problems, feel their mood, empathize with them, be ready to always come to the rescue and comfort them in difficult times, and also need to be demanding and fair. I firmly believe that every child can be captivated by finding in each his own grain of knowledge that will captivate him. And the main task of modern teacher– the ability to discern this knowledge in every child, direct it in the right direction, develop and improve it. ... After all, at the very beginning of his life, every child is like a flower bud - just as closed. Only after the bud receives warmth from the sun's rays and nutrition from the soil will it open and all the beauty of the flower hidden in it will become visible. In the same way, children need warmth, love and nutrition, that is, care, in order to open up and discover all the unique beauty that God has invested in every child.

My pedagogical The principle is to help the child open up, become an active figure, able to ask questions and freely express his opinion. At this time, it is important to identify the natural inclinations of each child and, on their basis, develop certain abilities, while maintaining individuality. The interests and needs of children encourage me to find new methods, techniques and forms of work that contributed to the fullest disclosure of the unique potential of the individual, the main of which, I believe, are problem-search and research. With their help, I try to teach children to independently find answers to any questions posed, building work in the form of dialogue and directing children’s activities in the right direction.

Theses of my pedagogical philosophies are extremely simple! Surprising - to surprise, being carried away - to captivate. Any knowledge of the world begins with surprise. Surprise is an emotion, it is interest in the upcoming task, it is a motive for action. I have the power to turn any children's activity into pleasure, something surprising and exciting. No wonder they say “Creativity is the best teacher!” To raise a person in the full sense of the word means to perform a miracle, and I, an ordinary educator, try to perform such miracles every day, every hour. Every minute. Telling, showing, explaining is not enough. It is important to be able to captivate and lead every child, to work with him in collaboration and co-creation, to be an example to him in everything.

Every child is unique. It is home to a talented artist, an inquisitive observer, and a tireless experimenter. He is open to beauty and goodness and is sensitive to lies and injustice.

Their development largely depends on the environment in which children find themselves. In order for children in the group to learn a lot of new and interesting things, to develop their cognitive interest, curiosity, creativity, and physical development, the teacher needs to create a developmental environment. This is the space where teacher can apply all his skills, express his creativity.

For a small child, everything is important in kindergarten; and the comfort in the group, and the beauty of the toys, and the look, and the word of the teacher, and the peer, even the sun that shines through the window brighter than usual. V.P. Sheremetevsky turned out to be right in his statement: “The whole business of teaching little people is made up of little things. From all the little things, the foundation is imperceptibly laid, without which the entire edifice of education is shaky, tottering, and sideways.” Therefore, every little thing that in any way concerns the child has a certain meaning.

I often hear from parents how difficult it is for them with small children, how much nerves they spend. And here the teacher must come to the aid of parents who find it difficult to raise their children, and must become their friend and adviser. When preparing for a meeting with parents, I always think carefully about how to make it interesting, educational, and as useful as possible. "alive". I want parents to understand and know that next to them and their child is a reliable and competent person in all matters teacher.

I came up with a simple one for myself formula: I am a locomotive, and my children are carriages. If I develop high speed, the fragile trailers may fall apart or the connection between us will be lost. If I stop, then everything will remain as it was, there will be no movement, no development. If I move too slowly, we won't get far and won't learn much. My main task is to choose a speed on this road in order to move as far as possible with these trailers. And so far I think I can do it.

Am I a happy person, having chosen my business and this work? Yes! I love my profession, where I succeed in everything. I enjoy communicating with parents, I am happy to share my ideas with colleagues, I really love my life with the guys! I am a happy person, because with joy and love I give my knowledge, my experience, my heart to children! Therefore, if I start my life over, I will definitely choose the profession of a teacher again.

Communication with children is a kind of exam every time. Little wise teachers test your strength, and at the same time love you with an all-consuming love, in which you can dissolve without a trace. The secret of their pure love simple: They are open and simple-minded. Working with children, I never cease to be amazed at how different, unpredictable, interesting, and funny they are.

Profession teacher one of the most important and significant in the life of modern society. Being a teacher is a calling, it means wanting and being able to live childhood again and again with each child, seeing the world through his eyes, being surprised and learning with him, being invisible when the baby is busy with his own business, and invisible when he needs help and support.

I really like oriental saying: “The work of a teacher can be compared with the work of a gardener growing various plants. One plant loves the sun, another cool shade; one loves the bank of a stream, the other a dry mountain peak; one grows on sandy soil, the other on oily clay soil. Everyone needs special care that is just right for them.”

Working as a teacher, I can say that there is no better profession than mine. It makes you forget all your sorrows, grievances, and gives you a feeling of eternal youth. Do I fit into the category of a modern educator? It's hard to evaluate myself, but I think I'm qualified. I love children the way they are. I try to keep up with the times, get acquainted with new techniques and apply them in my work. I am learning innovative technologies.

I am in constant search and do not allow myself to stop there. In everything you want to get to the very essence, make discoveries and grasp the thread of events. I'm ordinary teacher"silverless", not expecting any honors or rewards from fate. My happiness, like any other worker, is to see the fruits of my hard work.