Mine division of the Baltic fleet. Baltic Fleet

If you clench your hand into a fist, the pads of your fingers will involuntarily press on the point in the center of your palm, which is responsible for good spirits. Just a few massaging movements and you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

If you want to stay warm, a heat point will help. It is located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the middle finger. Impact on this area will allow heat to quickly spread throughout the body.

In addition, this point is responsible for feelings of anxiety. By pressing on it, the excitement will “disappear” and calmness and balance will take its place.

In total, there are about 700 biologically active points on the human body. The largest number of magical places are located on the hands, feet, and ears. Each point is responsible for the work of a particular organ. As a result of acupressure (reflexotherapy), you can relieve pain, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, stop inflammatory processes in the body, and even increase resistance to viruses and infections.

According to doctors, this method of self-medication can be used as first aid. You just need to know the correct location of the points and the pressure applied. By the way, if you feel slight pain or numbness when massaging a vital point, do not be alarmed. This means you are on the right track.

Dots or needles?

Some compare the method of pressing on biologically active points with acupuncture. Unlike needle treatment, acupressure does not require deep medical knowledge. Just look at the picture with the points indicated and try the method on yourself. In addition, this procedure is painless and externally safe.

How to press on a point

The Chinese divide the degrees of action into treatment points in three ways:

  • for acute pain and for primary treatment, the use of a light circular massage of the point, which is carried out with the tip of the index finger, is indicated. The duration of the massage is from one to five minutes;
  • for chronic diseases, depending, however, on the general condition of the person, it is best and most reliable to use acupressure of medium strength. Multiple massages throughout the day are recommended. Duration - up to thirty (depending on the circumstances) seconds;
  • strong pressure is applied mainly with the thumb. However, in special cases other options are possible. When the desired point is found on the body, lightly touch the skin with the tip of the index finger or thumb, then begin to make circular movements with the finger, shifting the skin relative to the skin or muscle tissue in a rhythm of two revolutions per second. In this case, you should pay attention to ensure that the finger always remains on one (necessary) point of the body. When applying symmetrical pressure on the points, you should be especially careful.


Look at your brush.
The thumb is the head and neck.
Palm - body and internal organs.
The index and middle fingers are the projection of the arm and leg.
In this case, the right hand is responsible for the right half of the body, the left hand for the left.

Heart point
You can normalize the heartbeat by pressing the pad of the upper phalanx of the little finger.

Head point
If you have a headache, try massaging the area between your thumb and index finger. Place the thumb on the back of the hand, the index finger on the palm (the middle of the life line). To achieve a quick effect, you need to massage the point for 2-3 minutes with a certain force. If you feel pain when pressing, the point has been found.

For toothache, try rubbing the point located on the back of your hand under your index finger. Massage will temporarily relieve the pain, but will not affect the cause.

Sexy point
Oddly enough, this point is located on the ring finger of the right hand, on which the wedding ring is worn. The place of pressure is just below the base of the nail. A light massage of the energy point will increase attraction to the opposite sex.

Urogenital point
For genitourinary pathologies, try activating the point located between the tubercles of the ring and middle fingers. Pain when pressed will indicate the development of an inflammatory process.

Feeling point
To restore general well-being, you need to rub your wrists. Here are the points responsible for the balance of forces and energy in the body. Sometimes the effect on this point is compared to a contrast shower: such an effective effect.

Massaging your fingertips will help get rid of a runny nose and sore throat. Just a few times of this massage during the day, and you will feel the disease begin to recede.

Point of view
The middle part of the middle finger is responsible for our eyes. Throughout the day, especially if you work at a computer, massage these areas. This will help relieve eye strain.


Auricular massage is comparable to a rescue service: fast and effective. Impact on the points will help you relax or cheer up, relieve fatigue or come to your senses during a stressful situation.

The point of a cheerful morning
A light massage of the ears will help you wake up faster in the morning. Add to it a warm-up of the lobes (pulling, circular movements) and you will be more energetic than ever.

T restful sleep glasses
Massage the lobe at its base (closest to the hard cartilage) clockwise for 3-4 minutes. A massage will allow you to calm down and relax.

Point of view
The central part of the earlobe is responsible for our eyes. Massaging this area promotes speedy relaxation and recovery after tiring work.

Toothache point
5 minutes of massage of the upper edge of the ear on the side where the tooth hurts, and the pain is gone.

Heart and lung point
It’s easy to find these points: inside the ear, closer to the back of the head. Pressing the index finger on this place stimulates the work of the heart muscle and lungs. Massage is effective for arrhythmia, hypertension, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Anti-smoking point
Pressing the cartilage at the bottom of the ear, just above the lobe, will help reduce mental dependence on nicotine. In addition, massage causes an aversion to tobacco smoke.


I think you have noticed how when you massage your feet, you feel a relationship with certain organs. This is a normal phenomenon, since the feet are the conductors of our body. The largest number of biologically active points are located here. Therefore, self-massage begins in the morning, when we get out of bed, and ends when we sit down or lie down.

Ear-nose-throat point
If you have wet feet, a runny nose or a sore throat, massaging the front of your foot and the side of your foot will warm your body and help soothe the pain.

Point of the maxillary sinuses
Warming up your toes (except your big toes) helps relieve sinusitis or sinusitis. Massage is especially useful during an exacerbation of the disease.

Female point
In the center of the heel there is a point responsible for the functioning of the ovaries. The left heel is responsible for the hymen ovary, the right heel, respectively, for the right one.

The most popular and easiest way to help yourself with any problem or illness is acupressure (acupressure). A big advantage of this method is also the simultaneous development of the energy component. Acupressure is nothing more than the next stage of acupuncture. In this case, the same points (as well as meridians) are used that are used in acupuncture. The difference is that the impact occurs not with the help of needles, but with the help of the fingers.

By pressing special points on our body, we are freed from most ailments.

Acupressure, in addition to relieving pain, reduces the duration of illness, suppresses nervousness and relieves tension. With the help of acupressure, we get rid of those ailments that are based on nervous stress, and these are the majority of them nowadays.

However, its main role is to safely, effectively relieve pain without side effects. By using acupressure, you avoid unnecessary pain and bleeding from injections, as well as infection. This is a safe, reliable and simple method.

Types of points

Harmonizing points located at the beginning and end of the meridian. Acupressure of these points allows you to feel the effect in those organs that belong to this meridian.
Exciting points (one for each meridian). Impact on them allows you to achieve the reaction and performance of the relevant organs.
Calming points (one on each meridian). Acupressure of these points brings a feeling of peace and stress relief. By influencing this group of points, you feel pleasant sensations.

Acupressure of the so-called signal (“Mu-points”) brings the most powerful relief. Each organ has its own signal point, which is used to relieve pain.
Looking for a point

The exact location of the desired point in a drawing or photograph can only be found if it contains general anatomical data. In almost 100% of cases, when you press the desired point, a sharp pain signal occurs. Due to the fact that each human body has its own characteristics, sometimes finding a point according to the diagram is not so easy. To simplify the search for deviations in the location of points, as a rule, they are highlighted on the diagram with a dotted line.

How to influence

In Chinese medicine, there are three main ways to influence the points:

1. When treating for the first time, as well as in case of severe pain, a circular superficial massage of the point is necessary using the pad of the index finger. The duration of exposure is 1–5 minutes.

2. If you have a chronic illness, a medium-impact massage is suitable. Acupressure throughout the day will be most effective. In this case, the time of exposure to a specific point should not exceed 30 seconds.

3. Strong acupressure is carried out using the thumb (however, in practice there are other options for influence).

4. Other methods of influence are also possible (all fingers, finger bones, etc.)

After the desired point is found, they begin to influence it using circular movements of the index finger or thumb. The rhythm of such a procedure is no more than two revolutions per second. It is necessary to ensure that the finger does not stray from the point, and also to be especially careful when asymmetrically affecting several points.


Acupressure is used as an additional treatment method; as a rule, contraindications to it are rare. However they are:

severe fatigue;
serious defects of the heart and circulatory system.

Massage technique

First of all, you need to sit or lie down in a horizontal position and relax. If you like musical accompaniment, turn on a soothing composition or light a scented candle. You cannot be distracted by anything: ask your loved ones to go out for a while, you need to focus only on the procedure. Use the tip of your index finger to find the desired point. Using light pressure on the skin, make circular movements. Acupressure time is from 0.5 to 5 minutes. The effect will not be long in coming and will last for a long time. In this case, acupressure can and should be repeated several times a day.

How to do acupressure

Asthma (period after quitting smoking, cough, shortness of breath)


Execution technique. Perform acupressure with a light movement of the index finger for one minute. Repetition – at any time.

If, when weaning from cigarettes, you want to smoke, immediately do this acupressure. In this case, the impact should be short-term, but intense. If you have hypotension (low blood pressure), this type of acupressure will be even more beneficial.

Eye diseases, to improve vision

Dot "Tali-yuan"

Execution technique. Close eyes. Apply light movements to the eye sockets according to the diagram.

To increase appetite


Execution technique. Do it several times a day before meals. Medium-pressure acupressure (about 20 seconds) on the little fingers of both hands, alternately pressing the thumbnail.

To reduce appetite

Essential Point: Soothing "Yu-pe"

Execution technique. Pressure. Light massage of both hands at the moment of feeling of hunger for 30 seconds.

Colic in the gallbladder


Execution technique. Simultaneously perform acupressure with your index fingers until the pain subsides.

Pain in the occipital region, headaches

Required point: special symmetrical point "Fen-hi"

Execution technique. Acupressure with force with both hands synchronously with both index and thumb.

Pain in the frontal region

Necessary point: symmetrical calming point "Hsi-san"

Execution technique. With your thumbs it is easy to influence the points synchronously. It is recommended to close your eyes and completely relax.

Migraine (headache)

Necessary point: calming point "Ho-gun"

Execution technique. Light acupressure on a point held between the thumb and index finger, lasting up to 5 minutes.

Increased blood pressure (hypertension)


Execution technique. At complete rest, acupressure is performed with the index finger for up to five minutes. If you repeat it constantly, a break is recommended (approximately every week).


Required point: harmonizing "Tsin-tsmel"

Execution technique. Brief but intense acupressure with the index finger. Can be combined with acupressure with a thumbnail on the little finger area of ​​the nail bed of the other hand. Acupressure points "Tsin-tsmel" can be combined with a dot "Vui-ti"(hypotension).


Required point: symmetrical
2. Exciting point "Ku-san"
3. Calming point "Fu-san"

Execution technique. Acupressure using fingertips on both sides synchronously for one minute.


Required point: special point "Henna-anu-ha"

Execution technique. With the thumb, clasping the foot, acupressure is applied with moderate force. It is better to carry out exposure in the morning or evening at large intervals. As an additional effect, you can gently bite the tip of your tongue with your teeth at intervals of once every 20 seconds (additional acupressure as with “Thirst”).

Indigestion (gastrointestinal pain)

Necessary points: harmonizing

1) Point "Duh"- spasms, colic.
2) Symmetrical points "Du-nshi-(li)"- diarrhea.
3) Point "Tu-tssi"- constipation.

Execution technique. Exceptionally light impact (long lasting). A plus would be to take a horizontal position. Acupressure with index fingers. In case of diarrhea, apply simultaneously on both sides.

For tooth pain

Required point: special point "Lo-ba"

Execution technique. For toothache, apply intense force with your index finger (nail) for ten seconds. Repeat several times.

Upper respiratory tract disease

Required point: symmetrical (special) point "Slim-by"

Execution technique. Take a sitting position, close your eyes and perform moderate acupressure using the index fingers of both hands (thumbs resting your chin). In total, you need to perform 64 movements in a circle (8 sets of 8 circular movements).

Low blood pressure and increased blood circulation

Necessary point: excitatory point "Vui-ti"

Execution technique. Briefly apply acupressure using your thumbnail, as intensely as possible. The impact occurs on the little finger of the opposite hand. The entire procedure is performed at rest, preferably in the morning, without getting out of bed.

For blockage of blood vessels, poor blood flow, poor circulation

Necessary point: excitatory point "En-mu"

Execution technique. Use the index finger and thumb of one hand to grab the middle finger of the other. Perform acupressure with medium intensity using the thumbnail according to the rhythm of the heartbeat. The procedure is carried out on both hands, changing the middle fingers every 60 seconds.

Runny nose

Necessary points: all points are symmetrical

1) Harmonizing point "Hi-shni".
2) Exciting point "Hu-san".
3) Calming point "Fusan".
4) Special point "Ni-qi".

Execution technique. Using light pressure from the tips of your index fingers, apply acupressure on both sides (the points are located symmetrically). Perform actions synchronously. The procedure for each pair of points takes 60 seconds. Carry out according to the sequence 1-2-3-4. Do acupressure as a preventative measure to prevent runny nose.

Sweating (excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis)

Required point: special point "Rum-wai"

Technique. Acupressure with minimal pressure using the index finger. The procedure is carried out within three minutes. The result is visible in a short time on the right side; on the left, effectiveness occurs much more slowly.

Radiculitis (in the lumbosacral region)

Required point: special "Ha-se"

Execution technique. Intense acupressure is performed with the thumbs on both sides simultaneously. The duration of the procedure is two minutes.

Cervical radiculitis (lumbago)

Necessary point: harmonizing point "Faiyuan"

Execution technique. We place our index fingers directly on the points, and with our thumbs we pinch the area in this place. Perform acupressure using index fingers on both sides, maintaining synchronicity. At first the pressure should be insignificant, and then the effect intensifies. If necessary, repeat acupressure.

Disorders associated with adolescence

Necessary point: harmonizing point "Tan-neil" or "Yen-May"

Execution technique. Using the tip of your index finger, apply light pressure to the point. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning, lying in bed and keeping complete rest.

Menstrual pain (menstrual disorders)

Necessary point: harmonizing point "Fen-zhu"

Execution technique. Maximum light acupressure, periodically performed during the “critical” days until the condition improves. Along with acupressure, it is recommended to take special herbal teas that alleviate the condition.

Male impotence (impotence), lack of desire in women (coldness), other mental disorders

Required point: special point "Che-li-ke"

Execution technique. It is necessary to alternate between light and intense (strong) acupressure using the index finger. Having acupressure performed by a partner will be a big plus. A prerequisite is a state of rest. It is also recommended to carry out the tantric technique on a woman.

Lack of erection in men (erectile dysfunction)

Required point: special point "Lo-simui"

Execution technique. Perform light acupressure, preferably with the participation of a partner. It is imperative that the man is in a calm environment. To enhance the effect of acupressure points "Lo-simui" you can add acupressure to the previous point "Che-li-ke."

Insomnia (lack of sleep)

Required point: special (harmonizing) point "Han-wan"

Execution technique. While at complete rest, light acupressure is performed using the index fingers. A greater effect is observed on the right side than on the left side.

Rheumatic pain (rheumatism)

Essential Point: Soothing

Execution technique. Acupressure with light movements, but long in time (7 minutes) using the index finger. Carrying out continuous acupressure on both hands. It is necessary that the patient is at rest. We select the point for acupressure according to the sore side of the body.

Cardiac pain (in the heart area)

Essential Point: Soothing

1) “High-ti”(Figure 1)
2) “Ha-fun-li”(Figure 2)

Execution technique. It is necessary to easily grasp the hand with the index finger and thumb, take a “lying” position and perform acupressure with light movements. Complete rest is recommended. Along with acupressure, taking special herbal infusions will not hurt.

Nervous excitement, fears, neuroses, depression

Necessary point: harmonizing point " Divine Indifference»

Execution technique. Take a sitting position and use the index fingers of both hands to apply light acupressure. The duration of exposure is five minutes maximum.

Joint pain

Necessary point: harmonizing point "Yuyin-hai-li"

Execution technique. Acupressure is gently applied using the index fingers. If the pain is sharp, only light impact. If the disease is chronic, intensive acupressure is recommended. The exposure time is until you feel better. It is recommended to use herbal remedies to support joints.

Fatigue, lethargy, fatigue

Required point: special (stimulating)

Execution technique. The little finger on the right hand is sandwiched between the index and thumb of the left hand. Using the tip of the thumb, strong acupressure is produced within reasonable limits. This effect lasts for about an hour. If there is no effect, it is recommended to repeat acupressure again.

Tired legs after walking or running

Necessary point: exciting

Execution technique. The index finger performs medium-effort acupressure. The shin of the leg that is being massaged is not grasped. If necessary, acupressure is repeated.

Ear pain (otitis media, ear pain)

Necessary point: harmonizing point "Yun-yuva"

Execution technique. Light pressure using index fingers. It makes sense to carry it out only directly next to the affected ear. The exposure time is until stable improvement occurs.

Thirst, dehydration

Necessary point: soothing point of the mucous membrane "Yuan-ching"(about one centimeter from the tip of the tongue)

Execution technique. Lightly biting the tongue at the appropriate point (located 1 centimeter from the tip of the tongue) at intervals of once every 20 seconds. This is the only mucosal point for acupressure in the human body; others have not yet been discovered.

Special points

There are several other popular points that are no less popular when performing acupressure.

Point Tzu-San-Li

Impact on this point is good for stomach dysfunction, peptic ulcers, gastritis, vomiting, constipation, enteritis, diarrhea, as well as pain in the legs and knee joints, eye diseases, fever, urinary incontinence, asthenic condition, and has a general strengthening effect. action. Otherwise, this point is called the point from one hundred diseases. This is one of the main acupuncture points according to Chinese medicine. You can stimulate this point in various ways: however, the simplest and no less effective is acupressure. As Chinese healers say, this point works best if massaged clockwise in the first half of the day, and counterclockwise in the second half of the day. In many hospitals in the East they prefer to work with this point, despite the fact that in the first minutes the patient experiences discomfort and pain. After a few minutes, the pain subsides and the person feels an improvement.

Point San-Yin-Jiao

Impact on this point helps with diseases of the tai-yin channel of the spleen: pain in the root of the tongue, belching, jaundice, anxiety, insomnia, bloating, and general movement disorders. It is effective in treating digestive diseases: rumbling in the stomach, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, loose stools, loss of appetite. Her acupressure helps with blood diseases: headaches, insomnia, constipation, amenorrhea due to blood stagnation and lack of blood. Treats diseases of water metabolism: urinary retention, edema, jaundice, difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence. The effect on this point is also effective for diseases of the genital area: amenorrhea, heavy menstruation, dysmenorrhea, infertility, bleeding in the postpartum period, pain in the genitals, impotence, premature ejaculation. Treats the effects on it and diseases of the musculoskeletal system: paralysis and weakness in the limbs, pain in the hip and knee joints.

It is equally effective to massage this point and to influence it with acupuncture. By following these recommendations for acupressure, you can avoid many health problems, as well as alleviate existing ones.

Doctors began to study acupressure massage back in ancient times in the East. They discovered that there are points on the human body that are connected to certain human organs. Typically, the location of the “special” point has a higher sensitivity and a higher temperature.

To find these points, you need to alternately press your fingertip on different places on the surface of the body. When you find a “special”, that is, biologically active point, you feel a slight pain and aches.

Acupressure and its history

The history of acupressure originates in three ancient ideas about the human body. All these ancient Eastern ideas are similar in the concept of a direct connection between man and nature, and all human organs with each other.

  1. The energy of human life – “chi” – flows through fourteen invisible channels. If its flow passes unhindered, then it spreads evenly, and the person’s health is in order. Obstacles encountered on the path of “chi” complicate its path, which leads to illness.
  2. Life is based on two principles - “yin” and “yang”. “Yin” is the maternal principle, “yang” is the paternal one. In the human body there is a constant struggle between these two opposing energies, which is the cause of disease.
  3. connection of human organs with the primary elements of nature. The heart is fire, the kidneys are water, the spleen is earth, the lungs are metal.

Of course, no scientific confirmation of all these 3 points has been found. BUT this does not prove anything and does not disprove anything.

Chinese acupressure

Acupressure (acupressure) entered Europe from China through acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a traditional branch of medicine in China, where treatment is carried out by inserting special needles into specific points on the human body.

Acupressure is treatment through pressing on certain points on the human body.

That is, with acupressure (acupressure) the same points are affected as with acupuncture (acupuncture).

Since acupressure does not require any special needles or precise targeting, this type of massage is considered a simple and affordable method of self-medication.

Acupressure proved to be most effective when:

  • headache;
  • radiculitis;
  • intercostal neurosis;
  • problems in the functioning of the stomach and pancreas.

Acupressure is actually very close to traditional (folk) methods of treatment:

  • whipping with a broom in the bathhouse;
  • rubbing the lower back for radiculitis;
  • rubbing the chest for colds.

It’s just that the area of ​​influence is incomparably wider.

Acupressure points

There are up to seven hundred biologically active points. Each of them is associated with one or another human organ. The most “popular” points for acupressure are:

  • on the foot (acupressure of the foot - the first phase of Thai massage);
  • on the palm;
  • on the head;
  • on the face (lymphatic drainage facial massage includes the procedure of pressing on bioactive points).

In fact, acupressure is part of so many (lymphatic drainage, foot massage, facial massage...)

Here are some exercises you can use to help yourself and your loved ones. Before starting a massage, you need to use palpation to find a “special” point, when pressed you will feel numbness and a slight ache.

1. Massaging the point on the chin will help relieve stress. It is better to carry out the massage in a calm environment, with your eyes closed. After three minutes, stretch your whole body, tense your muscles. And then suddenly relax.

2. Using slightly bent fingers, press on a point located on the back of the neck for one minute (cervical massage). This exercise will relieve pain and tension in both the neck and back.

3. Head massage for headaches. Carry out a rubbing head massage, starting from the crown, then massaging the side surfaces of the head, then the back of the head, and lastly the forehead. Duration up to four minutes.

4. By massaging the point located between the thumb and index finger of the left hand, you can get rid of toothache on the right side. If the diseased tooth is located on the left, then you need to massage it with your right hand.

5. Massage of the buttocks will help restore potency. With the right palm, the right buttock should be massaged, starting from the sacrum and moving along the hip joint. Then, clenching your fingers into a fist, stroke the lateral surface of the buttock in a circular manner.

From personal experience!!!

The story of my acquaintance with acupressure.

It was a long time ago. I went to the dacha by train. And in the middle of the road I started having a terrible coughing attack. The cough was very strong, my tears started flowing. There was neither water nor a piece of bread with me. I had to go to the nearest station and so as not to scare people with my cough, I went out into the vestibule. In the vestibule the coughing intensified.

There was some homeless man standing there, a man clearly from a prosperous class of the population. He came up to me and said:

Give me your hand.

I was in such a state that I was ready to do anything.

He took my hand and pressed his thumb against the pulse point in my wrist.

The cough began to subside. Then he says:

You have problems with your other lung, give me another hand.

He pressed on a point on his other hand. After 2-3 minutes the cough stopped completely. The man gave me complete instructions:

You need to find the pulse point on your wrist and press on it until you feel slight pain. Hold for 5-10 seconds.

This simple and effective method has saved me more than once. I sang in a choir for many years and, due to the unprofessional use of my throat and ligaments, I often got a cough in my throat.

Point “P” saved me in a few seconds!

7 beauty points massage

By influencing the seven beauty points, we will not only smooth out wrinkles on the face, but will also be able to maintain ideal health.

Point No. 1
This point is located in front of the ear. It is recommended to massage the entire area in front of the ear with vertical movements: from bottom to top if you need to relax, and from top to bottom if, on the contrary, you need to invigorate.
Massage is usually started from point No. 1. Especially if a person feels tired and wants to relieve tension. The procedure is also completed at this point. Massage in this area also has a powerful regulating effect on all functions of the human body.
Massaging the point tones the facial muscles, helps relax the nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, stimulates digestion, improves immunity, alleviates the symptoms of rhinitis and increases libido.
Point No. 2
This point stimulates blood circulation in the nasolabial area of ​​the face. It is responsible for the liver, heart, lungs, nose, stomach and lower abdomen. Massaging the point prevents the formation of deep nasolabial wrinkles and folds. Also, correct impact on the point can, if necessary, reduce blood pressure, increase tone, relieve abdominal pain and have a tonic effect on the heart. Point No. 2 is also a resuscitation point and is used for fainting.
Point No. 3
Point No. 3 can reduce the formation of wrinkles between the eyebrows. In addition, this “third eye” zone is responsible for the throat and tonsils, pituitary gland, cervical vertebrae and maxillary sinuses. It restores the nervous system, and can also (with active influence) activate nervous processes. Also, such a massage has a relaxing effect on the psyche as a whole.
Contraindications – hypotension!
Point No. 4
Massaging these points also helps smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows and prevents their formation. They are responsible for the heart, nervous system, eyes, optic nerves and relax the nervous system and normalize sleep in case of insomnia.
Point No. 5
Stimulates blood circulation in the skin of the forehead. In addition, it is responsible for the spine, eyes and liver. This point helps strengthen memory, regulates the production of hormones, stimulates the chakras, relaxes the body, increases tone, regulates energy, reduces pain in the back and head (crown area).
Point No. 6
Just like point No. 5, this point restores the skin of the forehead. It is responsible for the brain, spinal column, tailbone and nose. Stimulation of this point, as well as the area located at the roots of the hair, helps to quickly reduce pain in the lumbar region, as well as increase pressure, eliminate pain in the tailbone and headaches.
Contraindications - hypertension!
Point 7
This point improves blood supply to the chin and the entire lower part of the face. She is responsible for the uterus and small intestine. The point can also be massaged in cases of painful menstruation and at the initial stage of indigestion (diarrhea).

Acupressure head massage video

Acupressure for vigor video

Acupressure back massage is a unique technique of influencing certain areas of the body that are responsible for certain body functions.

It is impossible to list all the causes of back pain, but it is possible to establish connections between certain organs that are interconnected and to influence them.

Localized and radiating back pain

Having established the root cause of pain, it is easy to eliminate the disease. By correctly identifying the points on your back for massage, you can forget about the following diseases forever:

  • headache;
  • migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in the head and ears;
  • numbness of hands;
  • heart pain;
  • nagging pain under the knees.

A person can treat their knees for years without knowing the root cause -

Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae can generally be called the main killer, a provocateur of severe headaches and pressure surges.

Clamping of the 3rd - 4th thoracic vertebrae radiates into the arm - you can do an unlimited number of manipulations along the arms, but the problem will not be solved.

At the same time, a disorder in some organs, such as the liver, kidneys, and gynecology in women, will provoke back pain.

Knowledge of the interconnection of organs in the human body allows you to influence in one place and obtain a healing result in another. To do this, you can use point manipulations.

How it works

Massage on points on the back is based on the same technique as acupuncture. There are approximately 700 places of intense impact on the human body; only 150 are used for massage.

The undeniable advantage of working through zones is to cause a certain reaction at a certain distance from the site of the lesion, which is simply impossible to massage. For example, spinal injuries.

Positive reactions of acupressure

Impact on certain areas causes responses in the body: energetic, stimulating, sedative.

It all depends on the circulatory system and the technique of exposure, as a result of which the following improves:

  • work of the vegetative-vascular system;
  • tissue trophism returns to normal;
  • activity of the glands of the internal system.

After intense exposure in one place, pain and neuromuscular tension decreases.

How to accurately find the center of pain

There are many active points on the back, by acting on which you can quickly achieve results for pain relief.

In the area of ​​influence, when you press on the “desired” zone, the patient will experience a variety of sensations reminiscent of:

  • electric shock;
  • crawling:
  • goose bumps

To make it easier to find important places, pay attention to small bumps and pits in the area being worked on.

Some clients note a special feeling of aching and sudden fatigue when influencing pain centers.

Each massage therapist himself chooses which place of the hand to perform the manipulations:

  • thumb, index or middle finger;
  • bent knuckles;
  • the back of the heel of the hand.

Basic preparation for acupressure

Stroking and rubbing are the main techniques, without which no type of massage can begin.

In contrast to the preparatory period, with intensive study, you can limit it to 1-2 types of each technique. We perform stroking with open palms from the buttocks to the shoulders.

The main rule is not to take your hands off your skin. , We do all movements, whether fan, circular or zigzag, slowly, no more than 25 - 30 strokes per minute. Stroking will calm the nervous system and give a relaxing effect.

Rubbing is performed at a faster pace, 60 – 100 movements per minute with increased intensity of pressure. We perform rubbing with the elbow edges of the hands, simulating sawing, or with the knuckles of bent fingers, rubbing the skin until red in a circular motion.

The muscles prepared in this way are ready for deep work.

Nature of impacts

Depending on the impact, unique actions can be either sedative or stimulating.

In case of spasms of muscle tone, with severe pain radiating to the joints, sedative techniques are used.

Over the course of several seconds, we find the pain center, where the sensations are the strongest, and for 4 - 5 seconds we make circular “screwing” movements in a clockwise direction. We increase the pressure, gradually increase the force, stop for 2 seconds, and smoothly release the hand from the area being worked.

We plan 10-12 seconds for one approach, do this 4-5 times in one place.

Prepare the patient for possible pain, explain that it will last only 5 seconds, count 1,2,..,5 together, then exit.

This is very important for the relaxation of the person himself, because the anticipation of pain is worse than the pain itself. While waiting for the unknown, all the patient’s muscles contract; intense pressure can accidentally injure the tissue and be truly painful. Reassure the client and begin intensive actions together with him.

If the first fears and severe painful sensations are behind you, the exposure time can be increased to 2 minutes, making 7–8 approaches.

When performing a back massage, we make sure to clarify the points of influence with the client according to his feelings. Depending on the patient’s reaction to pressure, which may include a feeling of fullness, pain, or warmth, we adjust the force of pressure.

The excitatory technique is used for symptoms of decreased muscle tone, atrophy of muscle groups, neuritis, and paresis.

In this case, acupressure of the back, the action plan of which is clarified with the doctor, has a different solution. We found a point, twist for up to 6 seconds, and sharply withdraw our hand. This technique is especially effective for paresis and paralysis. We do each approach and exit from 7 to 10 times, increasing the frequency and intensity with each session.

Having studied the technique of performing basic techniques and identified the main problem areas on your body, you can perform self-massage for personal wellness and overall prevention.

Contraindications for acupressure

The high efficiency of screwing manipulations can cause harm in the following diseases:

  • hyperemia;
  • malignant tumors;
  • oncology of any origin;
  • thrombophilia;
  • bleeding;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • fragility of blood vessels.

Acupressure is contraindicated for sexually transmitted diseases and mentally ill people.

“Valuable” points on the back – health improvement and prevention

To improve the health of the whole body, you should regularly do acupressure back massage. Relaxation points on the back allow you to have a therapeutic effect and diagnose the disease.

Cervical region

Working on the cervical spine, and there are only 7 of them:

  • will relieve headaches, reduce nervousness, improve memory by increasing cerebral circulation;
  • improves the production of thyroid hormones;
  • cleanses the skin of acne and eczema;
  • has a positive effect on the restoration of hearing and vision.

Thoracic region

There is a fairly simple method for finding the “right” point.

In the upper part of the thoracic region there are areas responsible for the functioning of the lungs. Do you suffer from asthma, pneumonia or bronchitis? Ask someone close to you to work on points along the 1st to 3rd spine as often as possible.

We must not forget that active pressure can be applied near the vertebra, but not on the spine itself.

Numbness of the fingers and hands is directly related to spasms of the muscles around the 3rd - 4th spine.

By going lower, you can preventively improve the functioning of the following organs:

  • heart;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • stomach.

Acupressure is a real godsend for the treatment of intercostal neuralgia. To solve this, go pointwise along each rib on both sides of the thoracic region, find particularly painful places and press on them using the method described above.

By influencing the lower thoracic region, you can relieve the unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis, improve the condition of hypotension, and alleviate suffering from cholelithiasis.


The 5 lumbar zones are responsible for all processes associated with the functioning of the intestines and bladder.

By massaging these vertebrae you can get rid of constipation, reduce suffering from loose bowel syndrome, and forget about colic.

Men, working on vertebrae 1–5, will improve prostate function and get rid of the risk of impotence.

The female genital organs are directly connected to the lumbar region, which is responsible for:

  • severe menstrual pain;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • risk of cancer.

If hip dysplasia, arthritis and arthrosis of the knees are detected, begin treatment with targeted treatment of the lower back.


An important area of ​​the spine is the coccyx. Do you suffer from hemorrhoids or can’t find the cause of pain in your hip joints? Check the condition of the tailbone.

Try to work daily on your own with twisting movements the most painful spots of the tailbone, both near the spine and at some distance from it, and the answer will not be long in coming.

An ideal alternative to acupressure

If for some reason you do not dare to do point manipulations, purchase a Kuznetsov or Lyapko applicator. These are small plates, completely covered with sharp spikes, which do not injure the skin at all, but cause an intense rush of blood.

When using applicators, you do not need to look for pain zones; they are treated automatically throughout the entire area of ​​​​impact of the needles.

Acupressure is not a panacea, but it is an excellent method to obtain healing without surgery if you do it regularly.

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Make an appointment with a doctor

Acupressure. Chinese medicine

Acupressure. Chinese healers considered the human body to be a bioenergetic system that can be controlled using special points and certain methods. It is believed that the human body is capable of self-healing. But a person does not always know how to handle the healing powers of his body. In this case, acupressure will help restore the effect of such forces.


The basis of Chinese medicine is a special understanding of man and his relationship to the world around him. For a long time, the culture of China was mysterious and mystical for Europeans, and those who used Chinese methods for treatment were not taken seriously and were considered charlatans and magicians. But gradually the opinion changed, and at the beginning of the 20th century the first books about treatment methods using acupressure, acupuncture, etc. began to appear in the West.

Chinese healers considered the human body to be a bioenergetic system that can be controlled using special points and certain methods. It is believed that the human body is capable of self-healing. But a person does not always know how to handle the healing powers of his body. In this case, acupressure will help restore the effect of such forces.

Chinese medicine sees the basis of human health in the free and unhindered circulation of vital energy in the body. Violation or weakening of it leads to the emergence and development of the disease. There can be many reasons for any kind of disorder: nervous strain, poor nutrition, injury, etc.

Acupressure is based on the same principle as acupuncture and moxibustion, with the only difference being that during massage, “vital points” are exposed to the fingertip without damaging the skin. In total, more than 700 such points have been described, but about 150 are most often used.

They are divided into the following groups:

Calm points (with their help, excess energy is removed);

Points of harmonization (they harmonize energy in all groups of organs);

Toning points (they are used to increase the body’s energy levels);

Special points (very important for some diseases; located outside the energy channels).

Conditions for acupressure

The massage should be carried out in a warm, well-ventilated area.

In this case, it is necessary to exclude the presence of unnecessary stimuli: (TV, radio, telephone).

You should not massage immediately after eating or if you are very tired.

The massage therapist's hands should be clean and warm, with nails cut short so as not to leave scratches on the body or cause skin irritation.

The body part being massaged should be relaxed.

During the massage, concentrate all your thoughts on regulating your energy.

You should not massage several points in a row. In order to feel the effect of the massage, you need at least 15 minutes.

The duration of the massage depends on the age and energy of the person. The massage time can be from one to ten minutes.

Acupressure can be performed either by specially trained personnel or by the patient himself, who has mastered certain skills.

What you need to pay special attention to

Acupressure should not replace medical intervention or treatment.

Absolute contraindications for acupressure massage are the following conditions: the presence of malignant or benign neoplasms; acute febrile illnesses; active forms of tuberculosis; blood diseases.

Relative contraindications are: the presence of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; severe exhaustion; severe diseases of the heart, kidneys and lungs.

There are dangerous points, massaging which can harm the body; Thus, during pregnancy (depending on the duration), either abortion or premature birth may occur.

If there are skin diseases at the massage points, then these points cannot be massaged.

It must be remembered that the main task of acupressure is to maintain the vitality of the body, and therefore health.

How to determine the right point

To do this you need to have very sensitive fingers. In some cases, the area where the point is located is a little painful or there are small depressions there. The body itself will tell you how correctly you have found the point.

Acupressure techniques

You should apply your finger carefully, perpendicular to the surface of the skin and strictly at the indicated point. The following methods are applicable:

Touch - light, non-stop stroking;

Light pressure - use the weight of a finger or hand;

Deep pressure - a noticeable dimple is formed on the skin in the area of ​​the point under the finger.

Acupressure technique

The movement of the finger can be horizontally rotating clockwise or vibrating, but must always be non-stop.

Pressure is applied using the pad of the thumb and/or middle finger. Two main methods are used:

1) calming - continuous impact; smooth, slow, rotational movements with a gradual increase in pressure and holding the finger at depth. The technique is repeated 3-4 times, each time returning to the starting position, without lifting the finger from the point.

As a rule, the duration of “soothing pressure” is 3–5 minutes;

2) tonic - short, strong pressure and quick, sharp removal of the finger from the point.

The duration of such exposure is, as a rule, 1/2-1 minute.

Acupressure massage of certain points has an indirect effect on the skin, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. Massage enhances their functional activity and helps improve the performance of the entire body.

Massage increases the protective properties of the skin, its respiratory functions, improves its nutrition and cleansing.

Thanks to massage, muscle tension is relieved and blood circulation is restored. Phenomena such as pain, swelling, etc. disappear. Massage also improves blood circulation, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and facilitates the work of the heart.

Massaging the points responsible for the digestive process, as a rule, helps relieve pain symptoms and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. With its help, you can relieve swelling of the lungs and bronchi, alleviate or completely eliminate attacks of bronchial asthma.

Many diseases of the genitourinary system can be cured with the help of acupressure. It is also successfully used to treat prostatitis.

Acupressure is one of the most effective means of influencing the nervous system, especially its autonomic part.

With the help of massage, the activity of the body's excretory functions improves and metabolism is normalized.

Acupressure is very popular in the East: from early childhood, children are taught the basic techniques of massage and self-massage, and the secrets and mysteries of ancient Chinese medicine are passed on from generation to generation.

In the modern world, people are almost constantly in a state of stress; many diseases are directly or indirectly related to disorders of the nervous system. Relieving general tension in the body means getting rid of one of the causes of the disease - acupressure can do this.

There are several literally miraculous points with the help of which, according to healers, a person can restore his health and prolong his life. One of these points is the “three mile point”. According to legend, it is credited with the ability to work miracles, and therefore, in our time, those who use acupressure often use this point to treat the most severe diseases.

In ancient times, entire systems were created for the interaction of various points on the body, united into meridians, through which the “cosmic energy” Qi (Chinese medicine) or Prana (Indian medicine) flows.

In modern. In medicine, acupressure successfully complements traditional treatment methods and is effectively used by specialists. But once again we would like to remind you that each body reacts differently to massage. Therefore, we warn against improper self-medication. First of all, you need to consult with a doctor who will decide on the possibility of prescribing an individual course of treatment for you and teach you methods of self-massage.

This book will introduce you to the basic and practice-tested techniques of acupressure. You yourself must decide how you will use unconventional methods of treatment. Therefore, take our recommendations seriously and thoughtfully.

1. Three miles.

2. Merchant's Hill.

3. Highest attack.

4. Passage to Yin.

5. Celestial axis.

6. Border source.

7. White side.

8. Ha-ba-es.

9. Special point.

10. A sea of ​​energy.

11. Wind Pond.

12. Pale green pearl.

13. Center of the stomach.

14 Lower channel.

15. Quadruple shine.

16. Pigeon tail.

17. Special point.

18. Radiant Yang.

19. Fish tail.

20. Owner of the aroma.

21. Special point.

22. Melting stream.

23. Middle city.

24. Special point.

26. Pillar on the mountain.

27. Middle of the popliteal fossa.

28. Support place.

30. Eye points.

31. Great Unification.

32. Great truth.

33. Special point 1.

34. Special point 2.

35. Spring on Yan Hill.

1. Achieving Yin.

2. Bone leaving the soil.

3. Help from home spirits.

4. Concentrated point of application of forces.

5. Overwhelming wave.

6. Great stagnation.

7. Meeting point of the three Yin.

8. White side.

9. Bend of the pond.

10. Spring on Yin Hill.

11. Shining light.

12. Yin supplements.

13. Gate of the Gods.

14. High peak.

15. Across the strait.

16. Internal boundary shaft.

17. Lowland in the valley.

18. Fish tail.

19. Parietal point.

20. Occipital point.

22. Special point.

23. Young merchant.

24. Middle Island.

25. Fading lake.

26. Great Unification.

27. Special point.

28. Posterior groove.

29. Special zone.

30. Connection with the inner world.

31. Buyer of the World

Diseases and their treatment


If at rest you have a feeling of lack of air or breathing becomes difficult, then the cause of this disorder should perhaps be sought in physical and mental factors. With the help of acupressure you can significantly reduce asthmatic attacks and restore normal breathing.

To do this, you need to use a special point Ha-ba-es. It is located at the upper extremity of the sternum, in the jugular fossa. Apply light pressure to the point and then gradually increase the pressure to medium pressure. The duration of the massage is at least 5 minutes.

We also use:

Special point 1 - it is located in the middle between the sternum and the navel - press firmly with your finger and massage with rotational movements for 5-7 minutes;

Special point 2, located on the left and right at the height of the third cervical vertebra; press gently, then, increasing the pressure, massage for 10 minutes.

For cramps and abdominal pain

For indigestion and neurotic spasms associated with mental experiences, use the following points:

Source on the mound (on the posterior edge of the tibia, in a palpable depression). Press the point for 5 minutes;

The owner of the aroma (to the left and right of the nostrils). Press lightly at first, then increase the pressure over 5 minutes.

For colic, massage the Radiant Yang point for 5 minutes.

Fatigue and pain in the legs

The causes of these pains may be muscle strain or vascular changes. If swelling appears in the legs, then a cardiac or kidney disorder can be assumed.

In these cases, you should seek help from a doctor and under no circumstances self-medicate. Chinese healers believed that pain in the legs was associated with a person’s lifestyle. In their opinion, this means that a person needs to change something in his life.

A massage of the Three Mile point in combination with a point called Pillar on the Mountain will help relieve tired legs. Press the point in a light circular motion for at least 10 minutes.

You can reduce pain by massaging points called Merchant's Hill and the Great Unification.


This disease is characterized by swelling in the joints, difficulty moving, and severe pain.

With the help of acupressure you can relieve pain and get rid of stiffness in the joints.

To relieve numbness and pain in the limbs, massage the Three Mile Point with medium strength for 5 minutes, as well as the Three Yin Meeting Point.

The special Ko-te point, which is located on the left and right above the pelvic bone, is massaged with force for 10 minutes.

Massaging the Support Point will help relieve lower back pain. Massage with medium force for 10 minutes.

Joint pain

Arthritis and arthrosis of the knee and elbow joints are usually associated with overstrain of the joints, excess weight, injuries, etc.

Acupressure of the following points will reduce pain and slow down the development of knee joint disease:

Press special points with medium force for 5-10 minutes;

Spring on Yang Hill (located in the depression in front under the head of the fibula); rub the point with force for 5-10 minutes;

The middle of the fold of the popliteal cavity. Press this point with medium force for 3 minutes.

You can relieve pain in the elbow joint by massaging the Bend of the Pond point. Massage the point with medium force for 5-6 minutes.

Relieving fatigue

You can also relieve fatigue, increase efficiency and attention with the help of massage.

In this case, a massage of one of the main points - the Sea of ​​Energy - will help you. Gently massage this point periodically for 5 minutes.


High blood pressure is a consequence of narrowing of blood vessels, and this, in turn, requires the heart to work harder.

The causes of hypertension can be: poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance, exhaustion of the nervous system, excessive obesity, etc. All these factors can lead to heart disease such as a heart attack.

The concentrated point of force application and the Overwhelming Wave point are located on the nail folds of the middle finger and little finger. These points can be massaged several times a day, pressing firmly, for 5-6 minutes.

Massaging the Wind Pond point will help you relieve headaches during a hypertensive attack. Massage with medium force for 10 minutes.


In this case, we are talking about low blood pressure, which is manifested by headaches, dizziness, nausea, general lethargy, fatigue, and drowsiness.

For hypotension, a contrast shower and movement are useful. For this disease, use the Concentrated Point of Force Application and the Overwhelming Wave Point, massage them several times a day. Press gently for 5 minutes.

Press the Large congestion point (on the wrist in the area of ​​the muscular eminence of the thumb on the same line as the index finger) with medium force for 5 minutes.

With a light massage of the Sea of ​​Energy point, you can regain your vigor and well-being. Massage for 10 minutes.

For circulatory problems and dizziness

The feeling of coldness in the extremities is associated with poor circulation. The causes may be: smoking, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, and excess weight. Before you get a massage, consult a doctor who will find out the causes of circulatory disorders and the possibility of a massage.

You can massage the Sea of ​​Energy point alternately with the right or left Meeting of Three Yin points, with pressure for 5-10 minutes. Although it is better to simultaneously massage both meeting points of the three Yin with pressure for 5-10 minutes.

Vegetovascular dystonia

This disease manifests itself as general weakness, headache, dizziness, etc.

As a rule, having heard such a diagnosis from a doctor, a person believes that no serious changes are happening in his body. But if these disorders are not treated, they can lead to chronic and quite severe diseases of the nervous system.

In Ancient China, such symptoms were associated with a person’s lack of self-confidence and fear of everyday obstacles. The Overflowing Spring point is massaged by a partner for 2 minutes. The point called the Great Unification is massaged for 3–5 minutes.


Symptoms of a cold include fever, headache, and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. As a rule, this disease is caused by hypothermia.

In this case, the task of acupressure is to generally strengthen and increase the body's defenses.

The White Side point is located in the middle of the shoulder, at the top of the biceps. Press the point gently for 3 minutes.

Press the Gate of the Gods and High Peak points with medium force for 5 minutes.

It is better to massage the Point Through the Strait with your thumb and forefinger, covering your hand; press for 10 minutes.

Press the inner boundary shaft with medium force for 3 minutes.


It performs the functions of self-cleaning of the body. Coughing removes mucus, harmful substances, and dust from the respiratory organs. In this case, acupressure will help you soften the mucous membrane.

Massage the Ha-ba-es point during a severe coughing attack for 5 minutes.

The concentrated point of application of forces is massaged with medium force for 10 minutes.

Massage the Low Point in the valley with medium force for 5 minutes.


Sore throat is an inflammatory process of the tonsils and is considered an infectious disease. Weakness, fever, severe sore throat - all these symptoms are unpleasant and painful. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of treatment. For a sore throat, acupressure will help reduce pain and shorten the recovery period.

Find the Qu Chi point in the depression at the outer edge of the elbow fold, which is formed when the elbow joint is flexed. Massage this point with light circular movements, gradually increasing the pressure, for 30 seconds.

Determine the He-gu point on the back of the hand between the I and II metacarpal bones, closer to the radial edge of the II metacarpal bone. The massage lasts for 20 seconds with medium strength.

Gallbladder dysfunction

You should not wait for the disease to manifest itself; it is better to take care of prevention, which will restore the function of the gallbladder. But you need to be careful and get tested for gallstones. If they are present, then acupressure should be carried out only with the permission and in the presence of a doctor. You should not self-medicate.

For spasms of the gallbladder associated with nervous overload or unhealthy food, it is necessary to use a soothing acupressure massage.

Massage the Source point on the Yang Hill, located diagonally forward from the head of the fibula, towards the ankle. Press firmly for 5 minutes.

Press the Shining Light point for 5 minutes.

Combine Yang addition for 10 minutes. For severe pain, massage the point called Higher Attack. Start the massage with medium strength and gradually increase to a stronger one. Massage for at least 10 minutes.

Combine points depending on your feelings, but carry out all procedures under the supervision of a doctor.

Intestinal disorders

Abnormal bowel movements are associated with many reasons. First of all, this is poor nutrition, infections, metabolic disorders, dysbacteriosis, etc.

Stool upset is always associated with a lack of fluid and mineral salts in the body. In this case, it is necessary to make up for the losses.

The causes of this disease should be determined by a doctor.

Press the Border Source point, which is located a palm's distance above the pubic bone, with medium force for 3 minutes.


Such a disease can be caused by infection, poor diet, etc. In some cases, constipation can also occur due to psychological reasons. In alternative medicine, it is believed that constipation affects people who are overly restrained in their feelings and fearful.

You should not get carried away with laxatives. Watch your diet and move more. Acupressure will help you restore intestinal activity.

A special area on the index finger is massaged on the left and right hands at least ten times.

A point called the Posterior groove is massaged with light pressure for 3–5 minutes.

A massage of the Divine Calm point will help you relieve spasms. Press the point firmly for 5-7 minutes.


The problem of excess weight is always relevant. Chinese medicine offers its own method of treating this disease. Massage the Fading Lake point for 50 seconds.

Massage the Posterior groove point with light movements for 2–3 minutes.


Everyone knows that smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular, pulmonary and cancer diseases. But, unfortunately, not everyone can find the strength to get rid of this bad habit.

A light massage of the Divine Calm point will help balance the energy. Press the point for 5-6 minutes.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa

In this case, it is necessary to switch to a gentle diet and fasting, which helps remove toxins and mucus from the body. It is also necessary to establish the cause of the disease and consult a doctor. Chinese healers directly linked indigestion to a person’s emotional experiences.

With the help of massage you can relieve mild inflammation of the gastric mucosa caused by stress and neuroses. In other cases, it is best to use traditional medicine and massage under the supervision of a physician.

Press the Celestial Axis point with medium force for 5 minutes.

Massage the pale green pearl and the center of the stomach together for belching and heartburn. Press lightly for 3 minutes.

For pain, press the center of the stomach with medium force for 5 minutes.

Press the Sea of ​​Energy point, which is three fingers below the navel, with force for 3 minutes.

You can calm the mucous membrane and normalize its functions if you press firmly on the Low point in the valley for 10 minutes.


In order for treatment to be effective, it is necessary to find out the causes of headaches. Therefore, before starting treatment, you must be examined by a doctor.

Chinese medicine believes that headaches occur when a person has contradictions between feelings and the “mind” or when a person tries to get something that is inaccessible to him and is completely unnecessary. In such cases, medications are usually of little use, so use a massage that will not only relieve pain, but also eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

Press the Source point on Yang Hill firmly for 5-6 minutes.

Then use the psychic harmony point Divine Calm. Massage it for 10 minutes.

If the pain is very severe, press hard on the point called High Attack. Massage this point until the pain subsides.

For pain caused by migraines, massage the fishtail point, which is located at the end of the eyebrow. Press it with medium force for 5 minutes. When headaches begin, massage the Parietal Point, which is located on the inside of the middle finger, on the proximal interphalangeal joint.

Press the occipital point for 5 minutes.

Press the posterior point, located between the metacarpophalangeal joints, firmly for 5 minutes.

Combine the points yourself according to your feelings.

Headaches with osteochondrosis

Acupressure helps best with headaches caused by osteochondrosis.

Massage the Bai Hui point, located on the crown of the head near the crown, with medium force.

Feng chi is located under the back of the head, in the bone cavity behind the ear, at the level of the external auditory canal. In addition to these points, it is necessary to massage the Yang-bai point, which is located above the middle of the eyebrows. This point should be massaged with circular movements. Start with light stroking with your fingertip, then intensify the stroking and finish the massage with strong pressure. Continue applying firm pressure for at least 30 seconds until a feeling of numbness appears.

It must be remembered that no more than 3-4 points are massaged in one session.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses

Unfortunately, quite a large number of people suffer from diseases such as sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.

Manifestations of the inflammatory process are congestion, headache, fever, etc. A doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. But at the first sign of a slight runny nose, it is necessary to conduct several sessions of acupressure. Massage goes well with inhalations and aerosols, which help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane.

The Quadruple Shine point is massaged up to five times a day for 5 minutes.

Massage of the Young Trader point will help improve the excretory system of the nasopharynx. Press it with medium force for 3-5 minutes.

Lowland in the valley helps with swelling of the mucous membrane. Press it firmly for 5 minutes.

Runny nose

In some cases, a runny nose is associated with a weakened immune system. Allergic rhinitis, as a rule, appears in people in childhood and, if left untreated, can lead to bronchial diseases and asthma. Acupressure is recommended for use as a preventative measure in certain seasons when allergic diseases worsen.

For a mild cold, massage special points for 5 minutes.

Point Host aroma enhances blood circulation and relieves swelling of the mucous membrane. Lightly press the point for 5 minutes.

Menopausal disorders

Menopause is associated with feelings such as lethargy, autonomic disorders, and anxiety. The condition can only be improved with the help of medications prescribed by the doctor.

But you can support your psyche and adapt to the changes taking place with the help of massage.

Find a special point located in the dimple of the chin and press it with medium force for 5 minutes.

Apply light pressure with medium force to the Connection with the Inner World point for 10 minutes.

Prostate diseases

Inflammatory processes of the prostate gland are quite common, and the patient feels unpleasant pain in the back, legs, etc.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Acupressure will help ease the course of the disease and relieve pain.

Find a special point on your thigh and press it with medium force for 5 minutes.

Massage of the Sea of ​​Energy point, which must be done while lying down, is very effective. Press this point with medium force for 5 minutes.

You can achieve energetic harmony using the Meeting Point of the Three Yins. Press it with medium to heavy pressure for 10 minutes.

Sleep disorder

With the help of acupressure you can eliminate difficulties when falling asleep. In alternative medicine, insomnia was considered the lot of those who suffer from remorse.

If you are prone to insomnia, you should not rely on sleeping pills as the only treatment.

Take advantage of a massage that will help you restore inner peace and harmony. Press the Divine Calm point and massage it slowly for 10 to 15 minutes.

Massage the Gate of the Gods point with medium force for 5 minutes. This point is for energy alignment.


If for some reason you cannot see a doctor, try using a massage to reduce the pain.

Stimulating certain points will help the body produce special painkillers.

The Aroma Host point can be massaged with gentle force for 2 minutes. The Buyer of the World point is located on the nail bed of the index finger. This point will help relieve toothache. Press it firmly and massage for as long as necessary.

Bladder diseases

You can relieve bladder muscle spasms with acupressure. But, before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination for the presence of stones in the bladder.

Massage the Divine Calm point with medium force for 5 minutes.

A special point is located on the distal interphalangeal joint of the little finger. Press the point for 20 seconds.

For urinary incontinence, massage the point called Home Perfume Help. This point is located on the outside of the foot, right on the heel bone. The massage is performed with medium force for 10 minutes.

Improve vision

Modern man spends most of his time in front of the TV screen and computer monitor. All this does not help improve vision.

In this case, you can also resort to acupressure.

Find the Eye Points and massage them using a gentle rhythmic massage for 1-2 minutes. Do this exercise several times a day and you will soon see that your vision has improved.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Probably everyone is familiar with drowsiness, lethargy and a constant feeling of apathy and fatigue. In this case, you can resort to acupressure.

Massage the special point with your thumbnail for 20 seconds.

Additionally, massage the Three Mile and Sea of ​​Energy points.


The technique of acupressure cannot be learned in a few days; you will need attention, perseverance and training. Avoid affecting adjacent areas where there may be other points that should not be touched. The positive effect of the procedure manifests itself in different ways: for some immediately, for others - after several sessions. Good health to you!