Zaitsev's early reading method. Zaitsev Nikolay Alexandrovich

All parents want their children to be the smartest, most developed. How much pride they feel when a 3-4 year old child, walking down the street, perfectly reads the names of stores, advertisements... And, starting to teach the child to read, they are faced with a huge selection of various methods. Zaitsev's cubes are an effective method of teaching children to read from a very early age. This is one of those techniques that is of great interest to many parents.

Who is Nikolay Zaitsev

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev's parents worked in a rural school. After finishing school, Nikolai worked at a factory for 2 years, after which he followed in the footsteps of his parents. In 1958 he entered the Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology. In his fifth year, he is sent to practice in Indonesia, where he works as a translator.

It was this period of time, when he had to teach adults a Russian language that was not their native language, that gave rise to the development of his famous method of teaching reading and writing. Implementing new techniques, creating interesting tables on the go, he tried to “convey the essence of the language to others.”

Having developed his own teaching method, the young teacher decided to test it in the middle classes of a comprehensive school. However, a huge failure awaited him here. The students only knew how to memorize the rules without trying to understand them. Accustomed to such training, they could not readjust.

Then Nikolai Alexandrovich decided to try his method on children. The methodology was revised, he conducted all classes in a playful way. And here huge success awaited him. Toddlers as young as one and a half years old and preschoolers who had problems learning to read and write only needed a few lessons to start reading. Some schools began to fully implement his teaching system, using the “ringing miracle” (as the cubes were called) in their work.

Observing the kids, the teacher came to the following conclusions:

  • In order to learn to read, little ones don’t need to know what the letters are called. Most often in alphabet books, letters are associated with pictures. The child remembers the image of the letter and the image that he associates with it. Then it is very difficult to explain to him that CAT (letter K), SCISSORS (letter H), TOY (letter I), MUSHROOM (letter G) and STORK (letter A) add up to one word BOOK.
  • Reading syllables is very difficult for a child. Even if a child learns the names of letters without pictures, it will be difficult for him to understand how the syllable MA is formed from the letters M and A. In order for children to understand the principle of merging syllables, teachers have to use various tricks in their work. But in the Russian language there are words of one syllable, in which there are many consecutive consonants (for example, VSPLESK). Reading such words will be very difficult for a child who reads syllables.
  • It is easier for a person to first learn to write than to read. By writing he understood the transformation of sounds into signs, and by reading - the transformation of signs into sounds. It will be much easier for your baby to learn to read through writing.

In the next video you can find out interesting information about Nikolai Zaitsev and his legendary cubes.

General principles of Zaitsev’s technique

Zaitsev’s unique proprietary method has been around for over 20 years. However, the famous teacher does not stop constantly improving it. Now many different techniques and games have already been created to complement the basics. Using the technique, you can successfully teach even very young children to read and write. At the same time, for preschoolers 6 years old, just a few lessons will be enough, and you will be able to see that he can already begin to read.

This teaching method is suitable not only for children who like quiet games with blocks, but also for active, restless children. The use of this technique is suitable for working with children who are hard of hearing, have very poor vision and have mental development disorders. When working with them you can get very good results. You can see a good effect when working with children with autism.

In his methodology, Zaitsev emphasized that the child’s cognitive processes must go through all types of perception: auditory, visual, motor memory, touch and thinking. When working with children, a teacher must be able to organize a fun, playful learning environment and act as a mentor in the learning process.

Using dice games:

  • the baby's vocabulary will expand;
  • competent writing skills will be developed;
  • the child’s speech will become more intelligible;
  • a number of speech therapy problems can be corrected;
  • develop the child’s logic and thinking;
  • teach the baby to work independently.

Games with Zaitsev's cubes help to master not only reading, but also develop speech, logic, writing, and instill a love of books


The standard set includes:

  • 61 pcs. assembled cardboard cube
  • 6 pcs. cardboard tables with syllables, letters and other graphic signs
  • 4 things. cardboard tables B3 format
  • listening disk with songs for cubes and tables
  • a teaching aid that you can use as a lesson summary.

What is a warehouse

In his technique, Nikolai Zaitsev offers an alternative to syllables - he uses warehouses. For him, this is the basic unit of language. The warehouse can be one letter, a combination of a vowel and a consonant, a consonant and a hard sign, a consonant and a hard sign. This principle of reading - warehouse - is the basis of Zaitsev’s methodology. This technique is very similar to Fedot Kuzmichev’s primer, 19th century, and L. Tolstoy’s alphabet. These books also used the principle of warehouse training.

The warehouse can be determined by placing your hand below the chin and saying the word. That muscle effort that you feel with your hand will be the warehouse.

According to his method, warehouses are located on cubes and in tables. He used vision, hearing and tactile sensations to help him learn, because... analytical thinking, the formation of which is required when reading, develops only by the age of 7. By placing the warehouses on cubes, Zaitsev made them different in color, sound, and size. With this, when the child picks up the blocks, different channels of perception are activated.

Description of the technique

Classes should be held only in a playful way. Children should not sit in one place, they need to move, jump, dance and sing. All movements in the lesson take place in a game with cubes.

Cubes may vary in size. Large cubes depict warehouses with a solid sound. On small cubes - with a soft sound. They can be single or double. On the double cubes there are consonants that do not combine with all vowels (zha-zhu-zhi).

The sonority of the warehouse is indicated by metal, the dullness by wood.

Gold - vowels. The hard sign is depicted on iron-wooden cubes, the soft one - on wooden-gold ones. The white cube contains punctuation marks. The color selection for letters is different from school. Here the color blue is used to indicate vowels, consonants are indicated in blue, and hard and soft signs are used in green. This the difference from school blue, red and green colors, according to Zaitsev, helps children begin to read fluently.

The filling of the cubes is also different.

Cubes 52 pcs. in the set, besides them there are 7 more repeat ones. In total, the cubes depict 200 warehouses.

Sets can be different:

  • a layout may be offered for gluing the cubes yourself;
  • may already be assembled;
  • with a plastic base.

Gluing the cubes together yourself will take a lot of time. They need to be further strengthened from the inside. This can be done using a cardboard cube of the same size. After gluing, it is better to cover it with rubber bands, this is necessary so that your cube does not fall apart while it dries. For better protection, cover each cube with film or laminate the unfolded cube. If you choose this version of the cubes, it is better to make a copy of each scan. This way, during the game you will definitely have enough warehouses to write words.

Tables should be hung quite high. This helps prevent scoliosis and visual impairment. If you are working only with your child, then it is better to determine the height by the baby’s raised hand. It should touch the top edge of the table. It will be convenient to hang tables in the corners of the room, so it will be more convenient for the baby to look for the necessary warehouses. Tables can also be wrapped in film to increase their service life. Using tables is just as important as playing with dice.

According to Nikolai Alexandrovich’s method, all the warehouses on the cubes must be sung. He believes that the effect of this is much better, and it is more interesting for the child to study with music, which helps to instill an interest in learning.

Provide your child with all the blocks to play with at once. This textbook should never be taken away from him. They must always be in his field of vision. Let the baby get to know them and look at them carefully.

Ask him to choose the one cube that interests him the most. Warehouses written on its edges must be shown by singing. Ask to find a large cube, then a small one, iron, wood, gold. The child must understand that all cubes are different in size and sound.

After he has mastered this information, introduce him to syllable tables. Sing one of the columns of the table and ask your child to bring a cube with the same folds. Sing artistically, showing your child what the voices can be: voiced or voiceless, small or large. You can even use appropriate movements. There is no need to ask your child to sing the words back to you. When he is ready for this, he will begin to sing with you and on his own.

Teach your child to write using blocks or a pointer. By singing the words and showing them on the table, the baby will begin to understand how words are composed. You can teach your child to write and play outdoor games at the same time. Ask him to write the names of loved ones at different ends of the room. Now let the child run to visit loved ones.

Once again, please note that all classes should be held only in a playful way. The child should not sit in one place; give him complete freedom of movement. Each child is individual. He doesn't owe anything in class. Let the baby develop to the best of his ability, don’t rush things. Don't make the game a forced activity. Of course, it’s better to study every day, at least a little, but if your child is not in the mood to study today, then it’s better to postpone it than to force him. You can play both in the morning and in the evening. Focus on your baby's mood.

Choose games that your child will enjoy most. If you are restless, it is better to use outdoor games in class. If your baby prefers calm games, If you spend a long time putting together puzzles, then use games that do not involve activity during class.

If the baby loves to build, then invite him to build named locomotives, towers with warehouses, roads, houses from cubes.

For the main points regarding teaching children, see the following video.

At what age can you start learning and what games to play?

You can introduce your baby to blocks almost from birth. Keep in mind that at this age the child is not yet capable of studying. Until six months of age, a child’s development proceeds at a very rapid pace. There is no need to overload it further now. The cubes can be used as a rattle, only occasionally showing him a warehouse or a word. Do not try to see any results during this period, do not expect them from the child. Now, with their help, you will only prepare the child for the learning that awaits him ahead.

After 6 months, the child is no longer interested in playing with blocks like a rattle. Now you can start singing the warehouses. Until the child reaches one year of age, continue to show cubes, warehouses, and simple words. Let the baby crawl among them. You can try asking him to give you a cube with a certain warehouse. Leave folds on the objects whose names you have made up and throughout the day, show and sing them to your baby.

The older the child gets, the more difficult the games are offered to him. A one-year-old baby, along with the games that came before, can already increase the level of difficulty by offering new ones. Take things gradually. You can use N. Zaitsev’s manual “Writing. Reading. Account”, which offers a lot of entertaining games, or you can come up with your own. Use your child’s imagination, ask him what games he wants to play.

Play Zoo. Let the child place various animals around the zoo, making up their names from the warehouses. In the “Shop” he can arrange the goods on the shelves. When going on a “Journey,” you definitely need to pack your suitcase. Let him play the role of a cook, putting in a saucepan the names of ingredients needed to prepare soup or his favorite dish.

Invite your child to play the game “Who can name the most?” Name words that begin with a given word. You can make this game themed.

Place cubes in front of him, from the warehouses on them it should be possible to form his name. Let the child try to do it on his own. Next time, complicate the task; he must find suitable warehouses himself. Let him put words together from cubes, and then look for these warehouses in the table, pointing with a pointer to the required warehouse.

The child will play with great pleasure the games that you come up with together, because they are much more entertaining for him than those proposed by the author. These games will be exactly the ones he likes, designed with his interests in mind.

Pros and cons of the technique

Like every modern method, learning to read using Zaitsev’s cubes has both its advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look.


  • Children learn to read very quickly. It takes very little time for a child to start doing this. Moreover, the older he is, the faster the learning process proceeds. According to the author himself, even children who have just turned 4 years old can start reading on their own after just 4 lessons. Of course, this does not apply to all children. On average, children 3-4 years old need six months to study, an older preschooler needs 10-12 lessons, a child 6-7 years old will need a week.
  • The Zaitsev teaching method is not tied to any specific age. You can start practicing when your child is 6 months old, or you can use it for first graders.
  • The sounds produced by the cubes, different in timbre, pitch and volume, will contribute to the development of hearing, memory, will perfectly develop a sense of rhythm.
  • As a result of playing with blocks, the child’s fine motor skills actively develop, which is very important for the development of intelligence.
  • Learning takes place at a pace that the child's abilities allow. Everything is very individual. No one rushes or pushes the guys, no one tells them that they owe something.
  • Mastering the technique will not be difficult. It can be successfully used at home.
  • Children immediately learn to write correctly. There are no warehouses on the cubes that are impossible in the Russian language (such as CHYA, ZHY).
  • The Zaitsev teaching method promotes the prevention, preservation and promotion of health. While playing, the child trains the eye muscles. This helps preserve vision. Its preservation is facilitated by the placement of large text on the tables in different places, and the bright color of the cubes, which does not irritate the eyes.

Game aids, located taking into account the requirements of the methodology at the proper height and in different places, serve as an excellent prevention of poor posture, physical inactivity, and overload of didactics during classes.

In general, this game method of teaching reading successfully helps in the development of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality.

  • The method is built on the principles of cooperation pedagogy, which allows you to avoid conflicts between children, parents and teachers.
  • Children play by themselves. This perfectly develops independence and self-organization. Even short lessons are enough for successful learning. Playing with them constantly and keeping them inconspicuous according to the “by the way” principle will give excellent learning results.
  • The technique is very simple, systematized, and visual.
  • The child does not have to learn how to combine letters into syllables, he teaches ready-made warehouses, which contributes to the ability to read fluently and without hesitation.


Despite the huge number of advantages when choosing this method of learning, you may encounter a number of problems.

  • Teachers, defectologists and speech therapists say that when learning words without understanding how to combine letters, children often begin to miss the endings of words. Problems may arise when dividing words into syllables and parsing words by composition.
  • The color of the sounds is different from the school one(blue, blue, green instead of blue, green, red) create problems for the student in phonemic analysis of words. Re-teaching children is more difficult than teaching from scratch.
  • High cost of benefits. A lot of hassle when gluing cubes together yourself.
  • Certain difficulties arise when choosing the spelling of the letters E and E. The cubes have warehouses such as BE, VE. In Russian they can be found very rarely. We will have to constantly stop the child’s desire to write the letter E in words where after a hard consonant we hear E, but we need to write E (for example, the word TENNIS).
  • The use of the technique will be more effective in children whose right hemisphere of the brain is more developed. They have more developed imaginative thinking.
  • Children may have difficulty isolating a separate sound from a word, what will affect the writing.
  • This method of teaching is practically does not develop children's creative abilities.

Comparison with Chaplygin cubes

Evgeny Chaplygin created his technique based on Zaitsev’s technique. However, his way of teaching is unique and patented. The set of Chaplygin cubes contains: 10 single cubes with letters and 10 double cubes forming blocks, instructions for use. The cubes in the blocks rotate around their axis, forming warehouses.

Let's look at the main differences between the methods.

  • Chaplygin cubes are easier to use.
  • In Chaplygin’s method there is no memorization of warehouses, like Zaitsev’s. He uses letters and syllables. It is easier for children to understand how to form words.
  • Chaplygin cubes do not require much storage space.

What are N. Zaitsev’s Methods?

LLC Techniques N. Zaitsev

N. Zaitsev’s methods are characterized by specialists (physiologists, doctors, psychologists) as nature-conforming, health-preserving and universally adaptive, taking into account the individual characteristics of various groups of children, including those with characteristics of psychophysical development.

N. Zaitsev's manuals are sets of educational materials on teaching reading, calligraphy, mathematics, Russian grammar, and English. They are intended for use at home, in preschools, primary and secondary schools.

The basis of N. Zaitsev’s methods is strict adherence to the basic didactic principles that everyone knows, but which are not followed anywhere:

  1. From general to specific and from specific to general.
  2. From the concrete-figurative through the visual-effective to the verbal-logical.
  3. Providing visibility (not just from the word look) using various channels of perception.
  4. Systemic material supply.
  5. Algorithmization of educational actions.
  6. Taking into account the physiology of perception of educational information.
  7. Protecting the health of students.

The training tables included in the training kits can serve as an example of visualization, modeling and systematization of educational material. With their help, the child forms an accurate image-representation that reveals the essence of a concept or object. Tables play the role of a multifunctional mediator between a child and an adult: they teach, inform, orientate in educational material, train and develop the necessary skills.

A prerequisite for work is to place all the tables in the set on the walls of the classroom at once. The system of tables creates an information field of the subject, designed for quick immersion and use in solving numerous and varied problems and examples. Each of them is needed when introducing, comprehending, consolidating and repeating material, and is designed to remind you of the work done previously, based on it. There are opportunities for mutual learning between students.


As extensive testing shows, after 15-20 hour lessons, children four to five years old begin to read, add and subtract within a hundred. In the future, work is underway to strengthen reading, writing and counting skills.

By the age of six or seven, again with two classes a week, at least 80-90% of children are able to study according to the current programs for the second, third, and fourth grades.

N. Zaitsev’s methods allow you to save a lot of teaching time when studying Russian grammar, mathematics and English not only in primary but also in secondary school.


Didactic principles, techniques, and methods of work are set out in detail in the methodological manual for each manual; they contain a lot of exercises, games, examples, and practical material necessary for teachers and making their work easier.

The methods are accompanied by audio, video materials and video courses.

Evidence of the availability of techniques is the constantly increasing circulation of manuals. Many educators, teachers, including those providing tutoring and tutoring services, and even parents successfully use all the benefits without prior training under the guidance of specialists.

An indirect confirmation of the popularity of the methods is that manuals similar to Zaitsev’s Cubes have been developed (with the participation of the author) and are successfully used in teaching children and adults to read in other languages.

Health protection, development of psychophysical characteristics of students

A characteristic feature, noted by scientists, teachers, and specialists, is the absence of overload, weakened vision and posture, so characteristic of most modern techniques. Classes are conducted in a playful and competitive form, with the singing of educational materials (provided with an audio recording), in motion, monotony, long periods of students sitting in a sitting position and associated school stress are eliminated. Methodological support allows classes to be conducted outdoors.

Vision and posture often even improve.

Early learning to read and count using N. Zaitsev’s methods is the most reliable diagnostic tool. Children clearly manifest themselves in their activities; after a few lessons, any teacher without special tests can clearly see who is who. Children are identified as talented, extremely capable of learning, both fast and slow, requiring special attention, and some even special examination. The sooner we identify this, the greater the chance of correcting them.

Some economic aspects

Each set of manuals can be used both for individual training and in work with a group or class, and is tens of times cheaper than the traditional provision of individual manuals and textbooks that fragmentarily present the material being studied.

Each benefit can be used for several years.

Zaitsev’s method is based on a natural form of understanding the world for children... The child enjoys learning and shows successful results...

When to start learning to read? Early development methods recommend starting educational work with children almost from the cradle. This approach makes sense, because the baby’s brain is actively growing and it is simply necessary to load it with information.

Alternative way of learning:

In addition, modern requirements for primary education are so high that a child must enter first grade knowing how to read fluently, write letters and simple words, and have an understanding of counting within ten. Preparation for school should be carried out in a preschool educational institution, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to learn to read fluently one year before school.

That is why many parents begin to work with their children on their own from a very early age. How correctly and easily? One of the best solutions is offered by Nikolai Zaitsev’s method, which has long established itself as the most effective.

Principles of Zaitsev’s technique

Zaitsev’s system is based on general pedagogical didactic teaching principles:

  • systems approach;
  • taking into account the physiology of the baby, the speed of thought processes;
  • visibility of training;
  • stimulating analytical thinking activity using the “from particular to general” method.

The idea of ​​the innovative approach is to abandon traditional teaching of reading by breaking down words into individual letters. This is much more physiological for a baby who speaks not in letters, but in indivisible speech units - syllables.

The second important point is that the method is based on a natural form of learning the world and processing information for children - play. Game cubes arouse genuine interest in children and allow them to perfectly organize information. They differ in size, color and even content, that is, they use different ways of perceiving information.

Zaitsev's development method is not limited to cubes: systematized tables, sound chants, and interesting games have been developed. However, it is the method of training with the help of Zaitsev’s cubes that is considered the secret of effectiveness. The student is not limited in his movements: during classes he can stand, sit, crawl, and lie down. The child does not get tired during half-hour classes, which means his interest is not lost.

Sound warehouses and game material

The creator of the technique replaced the traditional syllable with a combination of a vowel and a consonant, a consonant with a soft sign. This is the warehouse - a new speech unit that is understandable to the baby. Each side of the cube contains a separate warehouse, so making up a word is not difficult.

The process is so simple that a four year old can be taught to read well in two weeks. He simply plays with blocks while absorbing information. This is the secret of the effectiveness of the technique.

There are no age restrictions for training according to Zaitsev’s system: you can study with six-month-old babies, three-year-olds and preschoolers, even first-graders. Training can be adapted to any age. The youngest students, after several months of lessons, begin to speak and read at the same time. A four-year-old child can read quite fluently after the fifth lesson.

Color is an important teaching component. The cubes are painted in different colors. Color differentiation allows a child to quickly and easily master such complex school knowledge as the pairing of consonants in terms of sonority and softness, as well as understand the difference between a consonant and a vowel sound.

A sound system has been invented for very young children. Different filling of the cubes allows you to connect the auditory perception of information.

Thematic material:

Mathematics and English

Zaitsev's method for children is not limited to teaching reading skills. Separate programs for teaching mathematics and learning English have been developed. The mathematical variety of the technique is called “Counting by Hundreds,” it allows you to see the totality of numerical values ​​from zero to 99. The child immediately gets a complete understanding of the composition of any number within the first hundred, and easily solves examples of addition and subtraction.

The didactic material is presented with special cards, a number column and a number tape, which is very easy to work with.

The clarity of learning, practical actions with numbers, and the game form of classes allow you to master the basics of arithmetic easily and without coercion, develop mathematical thinking, and increase your intellectual level.

Learning English is one of the areas of the methodology. Multi-colored cubes carry complete information about the morphology and syntax of an English sentence, allowing you to easily and correctly construct a statement in a foreign language. A system of tables has been developed that fully describes English grammar. The clarity and systematization of educational material make it possible to use the system for teaching children and adults.

The advantages of the Zaitsev system are obvious. Sometimes parents are afraid that the child may have difficulties at school, because phonetic principles are at odds with the idea of ​​​​the “Zaitsevsky warehouse”. However, a smart kid will easily master school material.

Greetings to all blog readers.

Today’s material is more “to the taste” of parents of kindergarten graduates - future first-graders, because we will learn to read. Learning to read has long been an unspoken responsibility for parents. All schools are looking forward to children who are already reading and already counting. All we have to do is be patient and find a method that will allow us to quickly and, importantly, interestingly teach a child to read.

Perhaps the most popular reading training technique was the reading method of Zaitsev, a teacher from St. Petersburg. Why is she so good that she stands out among all the others?

Lesson plan:

How did the idea come about and what did it lead to?

His parents were teachers in a rural school, so no one doubted who their son would become in the future. It just so happened that from the fifth year of the Faculty of Philology, student Zaitsev was sent to Indonesia as a translator.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here. Yes, it’s not so simple that “the fairy tale was told,” but the matter has completely reached a dead end. Zaitsev's Indonesian students were far from the Russian language, which was difficult for foreign minds to comprehend. I had to look for original ways to convey Russian phonetics, draw tables and draw cards.

So, step by step, all his practical experiments grew into a real methodology, which, upon returning to his homeland, he decided to test on preschool children, somewhat similar to those same Indonesians who were “still blind” in Russian.

What did this lead to? A real sensation.

Zaitsev’s cubes were known as “ringing miracles”, capable of teaching even those children who had difficulty reading in a short time to read. Moreover, feedback from teachers served as an impetus for many schools to switch to the Zaitsev method of teaching reading.

What's all the fuss about?

Teacher Zaitsev's observation of young children provided the basis for understanding why it is sometimes so difficult for children to learn to read.

Such little tricks led to Zaitsev “inventing” his own unit of the Russian language, different from the syllable familiar to everyone. This is the so-called warehouse. What he really is? Yes, everything is simple - a sweet couple: consonant + vowel, well, there is also a consonant + hard or soft sign.

This is exactly what living conversational speech sounds like, understandable to a child. They transferred these same warehouses to cubes, which became a fundamentally important tool in learning.

Why not the usual cards, but cubes? The author of the method explains this by the lack of analytical thinking in children (by the way, it is formed by the age of seven), which is replaced by a focus on visual, auditory and tactile memory. Therefore, his instrumentation has warehouses of different colors and different sizes drawn on the edges in accordance with the sound series.

That is, we learn from Zaitsev from the visual to the logical: to see once instead of telling twenty times.

What is Zaitsev’s technique “made” of?

In Zaitsev's toolkit there are only 52 cubes, plus seven repeated ones to form words like “MA-MA” or “BA-BA”. There are 200 warehouses in total. They all differ in color, there are small and large, single and double. Even for punctuation marks there is a white cube. And now, in order and in more detail. The set for the little ones (from two years old) includes the main set.

At first glance, everything is complicated, but when you see the cubes, everything quickly falls into place and becomes clear.

Zaitsev's warehouses are also located in tables, which are hung in convenient places so that the child can find the right combinations with his eyes. The tabular form serves as an additional toolkit for the game dice.

You can buy ready-made materials, but you can also purchase kits that are designed for self-gluing. The process, of course, is labor-intensive, but if you involve a child in it, it will be entertaining.

Tricks of using the technique

The student’s initial acquaintance occurs with the entire mass, and only then the young reader chooses the parts he likes most for singing. Gradually, “to the music,” they are introduced to small and large, iron and wood, to make it clear that they, like warehouses, are different.

As the famous teacher promises, 15-20 lessons are enough for the child to master “how to read well” and no longer ask you: “Read, please!” Read it!”

And further! Parents often ask the question: “When to start?!” So, as the author Zaitsev claims, even from birth.

After all, the technical tools are nothing more than a toy for a child, which will first develop, and then gradually, his hearing and form his reading skills. Already a one-year-old student can be asked to sing songs with combinations and asked to look for cubes with the necessary combinations.

Is there a fly in the ointment in the ointment?

We have already found out that this method of teaching reading is simply a godsend. But as always happens: not all that glitters is gold.

In other words, here too there are some disadvantages that should be taken into account.

  1. First of all, speech therapists are concerned that children, when memorizing words, do not understand the mechanism of folding letters separately and subsequently often miss the endings of words and face a problem when tasked with dividing words into syllables that Zaitsev dislikes when parsing them according to their composition.
  2. Then there are difficulties with phonetic tasks, because in the school curriculum the colors for sounds are different (as we remember, blue and red) than in Zaitsev’s (blue, indigo and green). Teachers complain: it is easier to teach children than to re-educate them.
  3. Thirdly, confusion arises in similar-sounding vowels. So, for example, such Zaitsevsky warehouses as “BE” and “VE” often become substitutes for the correct “BE” and “VE” in children’s writing (well, the word “tennis” can be written by a “Zaitsevsky” child as he hears it - “tennis” ).

There are also gaps in the identification of individual sounds, which directly affects literacy.

Be that as it may, there are many supporters of this technique who like this game form of teaching reading. Teachers recommend it for those children whose right brain hemisphere is more developed (and we remember that at least all of them are left-handed) - they think figuratively. And at the same time they do not forget to say that this method does not develop. Although for some this is not such a big problem.

I found a video on the topic in which dad and baby have a lot of fun doing it using the method presented above. Look)

Good luck to everyone in your studies!

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev, a famous innovative teacher, was born in 1939 into a family of teachers. He studied Russian philology at the Institute. Herzen. Although he never received a diploma, already in his student years Nikolai Zaitsev showed his unconventional approaches, his thesis had only 18 pages, but should have been at least 200. The breadth of Zaitsev’s pedagogical activity is striking - he worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, a teacher in a colony and in boarding school for special children, teacher of Russian language and literature in a secondary school, teacher of English. He also taught Russian for foreigners. It is not surprising that with such rich teaching experience, Nikolai Zaitsev was able to create an innovative method of teaching children.

The essence of Zaitsev’s method for teaching reading is warehouse reading. After all, a human being does not communicate with individual sounds, from infancy a person makes sounds - “ma”, “va”, “ua”, “by”, “ko” - I think that all mothers have heard such sounds-sounds from their babies. But when the baby grows up and parents begin to teach him to read and write, they teach him individual letters. And it’s difficult for a child to learn to read precisely because it’s hard labor to put individual letters into a word. But in order for learning to read to be not hard labor, but an exciting game, Nikolai Zaitsev’s method was developed.

The essence of the method is not only that the child learns to read using cubes with folds. It is also important that all these cubes are different in color, weight and sound. It is also important that all classes “according to Zaitsev” are held in a fun, playful atmosphere. After all, Zaitsev developed not only a methodology for teaching reading. He has interesting methods for both mathematics and teaching English. But the game is the main thing. Another important point is taking care of the child’s health. After all, as the famous Ukrainian pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky noted, “a happy child is a healthy child.” Therefore, all Nikolai Zaitsev’s methods and all his manuals are also aimed at preserving the baby’s health. During classes, children can freely place themselves in the room, sit, lie down, stand, or even perform gymnastic exercises. Agree that this is much more beneficial for children’s vision and posture than sitting in one position at a desk. A lot of attention is also paid to the development of musical ear - these are manuals, “Musical Mathematics”. It's very cool when a child learns letters and counting simply by singing funny, sonorous songs.

Now Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev heads the center “Non-standard technologies in education”. We are confident that his activities will bring many more benefits to children, their parents, and teachers. Because the education that secondary school provides now is no longer very effective, life moves forward and in order to keep up with it, other methods are needed. And such techniques already exist, the main thing is not to be lazy in using them.