Methodological recommendations on the structure of the lesson in the context of the implementation of the second generation federal state education standard. Methodological recommendations for the implementation of federal state standards

State budgetary educational institution of additional professional education

"Nizhny Novgorod Institute for Educational Development"

Methodical letter

on the implementation of basic general education in subject areas and academic subjects in the 5th grade of the Federal State Educational Standard

Nizhny Novgorod

In the 5th grade the following subject areas and academic subjects are implemented (see Table 1):

Table 1




Russian language


Foreign language

Social science subjects

Mathematics and computer science


Science subjects






Physical culture and basic life safety

Physical Culture

The appendices to this methodological letter provide recommendations for the implementation of basic general education in the 5th grade of the Federal State Educational Standard, which contain general characteristics of these subject areas and academic subjects (see Appendix 1 to the letter).

The Federal State Educational Standards for basic general education provide for the presence of an invariant part of the curriculum and a part formed by participants in educational relations (70%/30%). Therefore, the OOP LLC project provides five options for approximate weekly curricula for basic general education.

The invariant part of the curriculum determines the composition of educational subjects of compulsory subject areas for educational organizations that implement state accreditation for this program, implementing EP LLC, and the instructional time allocated for their study by grade (year) of study.

The part formed by the participants in educational relations determines the time allocated for studying the content of education, ensuring the realization of the interests and needs of students, their parents (legal representatives), and the teaching staff of the educational organization.


Various exemplary weekly curricula provide for different “hours” for such subjects as geography, physical education (option No. 2). Subjects such as economics, social studies and computer science are included in the curriculum of an educational organization, based on the hours provided for in the part formed by the participants in educational relations.

The subject “Social Studies” has traditionally been studied from the 6th grade, but recently many topics have received a propaedeutic presentation already at the elementary school level, and in connection with this, the developers of textbooks considered it appropriate, in terms of continuity, to begin studying it from the 5th grade.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that at the moment we only have a draft Model curriculum in 5 versions, which has not been approved as a normative document. This means that the decision about which grade to begin teaching the subject “Social Studies” must be made by the general education organization independently. It seems most appropriate to introduce this subject from the 5th grade through the part formed by the participants in the educational process. Otherwise, it will be necessary to restructure the general content of this academic subject by the school itself, since all textbooks included in the federal list are aimed at starting its study from the fifth grade.

About the number of hours of physical education according to Option No. 1 of the curriculum. If a general education organization has decided to choose option No. 1 of the curriculum, it can use the part formed by the participants in the educational process to introduce the third hour of physical education. If this version of the curriculum receives regulatory approval, then the general education organization has no right to change the mandatory part, nor do territorial education authorities.

The number of training sessions over 5 years (grades 5 – 9) cannot be less than 5267 hours and more than 6020 hours. The minimum number of hours per week in 5th grade with 34 school weeks is 28 hours; maximum – with 35 academic weeks – 32 hours. At the same time, taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation, each educational organization independently determines its operating mode (5-day or 6-day week).

Subject results by year of study are distinguished (see the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education) at two levels: basic (supporting) educational material corresponding to the level of results “the student will learn”, and deepening, complementing, expanding or propaedeutic educational material corresponding to the level of results “the student will receive” opportunity to learn."

A description of the subject, as well as meta-subject and personal results of mastering the subject area (academic subject) is given in a special section of the attached recommendations (Appendix 1).

In the 2015-2016 academic year. year, educational organizations begin to implement the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education. Therefore, the list of teaching materials sold in educational organizations is formed on the basis of the federal list of textbooks for the 2014-2015 academic year. year (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 No. 253), (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 5, 2013 No. 1047).


The choice of teaching materials in the 5th grade should be carried out by the educational organization with the maximum and possible compliance with the principle of continuity of subject-thematic content and approaches to its construction at the level of primary general education.

Appendix 2 to this letter contains information and methodological recommendations for the development of academic subject programs, containing information about the features of constructing the content of work programs for individual academic subjects in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education; approximate structure of the work program of a separate academic subject; requirements for educational and methodological support for the implementation of programs of individual academic subjects.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1897 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of basic general education” determined that the main educational program is implemented by an educational organization, including through extracurricular activities, which are an integral part of the educational process at school.

Extracurricular activities should be understood as educational activities carried out in forms other than classroom activities and aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the main educational program.

Extracurricular activities allow you to solve a number of important problems:

– ensure favorable adaptation of the child at school;

– optimize students’ workload;

– improve conditions for child development;

– take into account the age and individual characteristics of students.

Extracurricular activities are organized in the areas of personal development: physical education, sports and health, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural.

The forms of organization of extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the main educational program of basic general education are determined by the educational organization independently.

The main requirements for the implementation of extracurricular activities are:

1. Availability of approved programs of extracurricular activities courses

2. The number of hours allocated for extracurricular activities is no more than 1,750 hours over 5 years of study at the basic school stage, and no more than 350 hours per year (the important thing is that only the maximum number of hours is regulated).

3. The amount of the weekly educational load (number of classes) implemented through extracurricular activities is determined beyond the number of hours allocated for students to master the curriculum, but not more than 10 hours.

4. It is allowed to transfer the educational load implemented through extracurricular activities during vacation periods (but not more than 1/2 the number of hours). Extracurricular activities during the holidays can be implemented within the framework of thematic programs

5. Depending on the tasks at each stage of the implementation of the approximate educational program, the number of hours allocated to extracurricular activities may change (that is, for example, there may be more of them in grades 5–6, and then decrease, and then the minimum number of these hours will be in 9 class, which objectively takes into account the age-related psychological and pedagogical characteristics and interests of adolescents).

When organizing extracurricular activities for students, if the necessary material and technical base is not available in a general education institution, it is necessary to use the capabilities of educational institutions for additional education of children, cultural and sports institutions. During the holidays, to continue extracurricular activities, the possibilities of organizing children’s recreation and their health improvement, thematic camp and specialized shifts, summer schools created on the basis of general education institutions and educational institutions of additional education for children can be used.

It is necessary to think over a system of continuity in the organization of extracurricular activities between the levels of primary and basic general education. Continuity in the organization of extracurricular activities can be based on value-target(continuity of targets, planned results, assessment systems), meaningful(continuity of implemented areas and types of activities) and organizational components(model of extracurricular activities, conditions and mechanisms for its implementation).

The content of students’ extracurricular activities consists of a combination of directions of personality development(general cultural, general intellectual, social, spiritual and moral, sports and recreational, etc.). These areas are a substantive guideline for the development of appropriate programs of extracurricular activities, but an educational organization has the right to independently choose the areas of extracurricular activities to be implemented, determine the time frame and forms of its organization, taking into account the requests of students and parents, as well as its conditions.

Extracurricular activities closely related with a system of additional education. But it is important to remember that additional education for children involves the implementation additional general education programs. Extracurricular activity programs are aimed at implementing basic educational program basic general education.

When involving specialists from the additional education system in extracurricular activities, a number of important aspects should be taken into account:

Development (improvement) of the regulatory framework for the interaction of general and additional education;

Development of requirements for additional education programs with a focus on obtaining subject, meta-subject and personal results;

Joint examination of the quality of extracurricular activities of students.

When implementing extracurricular activities, it is advisable to design its organization taking into account the diversity and variability of its directions, types and forms. In this case, the subject of design should be a holistic system of its organization, highlighting the priority areas of personal development that will play system-forming role.

When organizing extracurricular activities, it is proposed to conditionally allocate the following stages:

  1. design, which includes diagnosing the interests, hobbies, needs of children, requests of their parents and designing, based on its results, a system for organizing extracurricular activities at school; as an organizational mechanism, a plan (program) for organizing extracurricular activities can be used, which determines the total volume, composition and structure of areas of extracurricular activities by year of study or level of education.
  2. organizational and activity when the developed system of extracurricular activities is created and operated through its resource provision, while it is the integration of human resources that will contribute to the most complete satisfaction of the needs of schoolchildren and the requests of their parents; coordination of individual and collective trajectories of extracurricular employment of schoolchildren can be carried out by a teacher-organizer (deputy director of an educational institution) or another teacher of an educational institution.
  3. analytical – analysis and assessment of the functioning of the created system; It is necessary to develop a criteria base and diagnostic tools to study the state of the system of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren operating in an educational organization. In this case, the subject of analysis and evaluation can be: the effectiveness of mastering OEP tasks, the inclusion of students in the system of extracurricular activities; resource provision of the system of extracurricular activities; variability of directions, types and forms of organization of extracurricular activities; productivity of extracurricular activities (children’s achievements in selected activities); satisfaction of participants in the activity with its organization and results, etc.

At the first stage the efforts of the administration and teachers are directed first to collecting information about what each student is interested in and hobbies, where and how he realizes his interests and needs, what else he would like to do in the classroom, school, institutions of additional education, culture, sports, what is his opinion on his parents have this issue. For this purpose, you can use survey methods (conversation, interviews, questionnaires), game techniques, and performing creative tasks. The information obtained is important for drawing up organizational model and plan extracurricular activities at the level of basic general education, individual employment card for extracurricular activities, which is filled out for each student in a particular class by the class teacher.

The subject of design at this stage should be organizational model and plan extracurricular activities at the level of basic general education. To organize successful activities to develop an organizational model of extracurricular activities, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities in the following areas: organizational; normative; financial and economic; informational; scientific and methodological; personnel; logistical.

Based on the tasks, forms and content of extracurricular activities, for its implementation in the 5th grade, models of extracurricular activities of the same type as in primary general education can be developed: basic, additional education model, “full-day school” model, optimization model, innovative -educational model ( see Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 03-296 dated May 12, 2011 “On the organization of extracurricular activities with the introduction of the federal state educational standard of general education”).

For a full transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for all levels of primary school, we recommend turning to models of extracurricular activities that ensure the implementation of the program for the development of the educational component and allow the systematic integration of all areas of student personality development.

To develop a model of extracurricular activities in an educational organization, we recommend creating a creative group consisting of primary school teachers, additional education teachers, students and their parents.

The organizational mechanism for the implementation of extracurricular activities at the level of basic general education is extracurricular activity plan , which, as in the main educational program of primary general education, is located in the organizational section of the main educational program. The plan for extracurricular activities of an educational institution determines the composition and structure of directions, forms of organization, and the volume of extracurricular activities for students at the level of basic general education, taking into account the interests of students and the capabilities of the educational organization. The educational organization independently develops and approves a plan for extracurricular activities.

Along with determining the directions, types of children's associations of extracurricular activities and the amount of time they participate in them, it is necessary to briefly characterize the substantive aspects of each direction (type) of activity, which are described in more detail in the attached educational programs of extracurricular activities.

On second stage in organizing extracurricular activities, all actions are aimed at implementing the developed model and plan. When organizing extracurricular activities in an educational organization, teaching staff develop various types of educational programs for extracurricular activities corresponding to the areas: comprehensive educational programs; thematic educational programs; educational programs aimed at achieving results at a certain level; educational programs for specific types of extracurricular activities; age-related educational programs; individual educational programs for students. Priority in organizing extracurricular activities of a primary school belongs to educational and socialization programs similar to the program for the development of the educational system.

When developing extracurricular activity programs, it should be taken into account that there is no federal list of extracurricular activity programs. In this regard, you can use published exemplary programs of extracurricular activities and programs of additional education for children, brought in accordance with the requirements for programs of extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activity programs at the level of basic general education are developed for 35 academic weeks. In the program, the number of hours of theoretical classes should not exceed 50% of the total number of hours. The program should be understood as a model of joint activity between a teacher and a child, reflecting the process of learning, upbringing and creative development.

The content of the Program should be aimed at: creating conditions for the creative development of the child’s personality; development of individual motivation for knowledge and creativity; ensuring the emotional well-being of the child; introducing students to universal human values; creating conditions for personal and professional self-determination of students; prevention of antisocial behavior.

When developing the Program, it is necessary to take into account: its continuity and consistency with the educational programs of secondary schools and programs of extracurricular activities at the level of primary general education; age and individual characteristics of students; practical significance, manufacturability of the Program (availability for use in teaching practice); presence of logic in the presentation of materials.

The program of extracurricular activities includes the following structural elements: 1) Title page. 2) Table of contents (for programs of 2 or more years of study). 3) Explanatory note. 4) Curriculum (for programs of 2 or more years of study). 5) Educational and thematic plan. 6) Contents of the course being studied. 7) Methodological support. 8) List of references.

Sample programs of extracurricular activities and programs of extracurricular activities developed by teachers independently serve as the basis for drawing up work programs, which is within the competence of the educational institution (clause 2 of Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

The effectiveness of their implementation largely depends on the provision of resources. Staffing for the implementation of the model is of paramount importance. The subjects of extracurricular activities can and should be class teachers, subject teachers, organizing teachers, educators of extended day groups, additional education teachers, specialists from cultural institutions, sports and other organizations. Only through the integration of human resources is it possible to conduct interesting and useful extracurricular activities, meet the needs of students and the requests of their parents.

The administration of an educational organization needs to take care of the financial and logistical support of the system of extracurricular activities. It is necessary to equip premises specifically designed for conducting training sessions of extracurricular activities, to establish contractual relations with social partners on the use of their resources in working with children.

At the third stage actions of an evaluative and analytical nature play a priority role.

The following aspects are the subject of analysis and assessment:

Inclusion of students in the system of extracurricular activities;

Compliance of the content and methods of organizing extracurricular activities with the principles of the system;

Resource provision for the process of functioning of the system of extracurricular activities for students.

To carry out a deeper and more detailed analysis of students’ involvement in extracurricular activities, it is necessary to have sufficient and systematized information about the participation of schoolchildren in activities outside of school hours.

Possible implementation variable models of organizing extracurricular activities.

Thus, one of them involves the formation of individual educational trajectories of students as part of extracurricular activities, when specialists of an educational organization develop a number of programs formed according to modular principle(some modules may be invariant, some may be variable for passage). The identification of groups of students wishing to study in certain programs occurs before the start of the school year; the schedule of extracurricular activities is drawn up in accordance with the choice of students and the conditions of a particular school.

This model can be presented in the plan as work with a predominance of educational and cognitive activity, when the greatest attention is paid to extracurricular activities in academic subjects and organizational support for educational activities.

Another model involves using design method. At the same time, the content of each project (if it has its own goals and objectives, forms of organization and presentation of results) can ensure the implementation of different areas and types of extracurricular activities. Projects can unfold sequentially or in parallel over an academic year or more; The time for implementing projects, including holidays, is determined depending on the content of the projects. The advantages of this model are that it can be implemented in various conditions of organizing the educational process.

The third model of organizing extracurricular activities can be built within the framework functioning of the school as an educational system, when in the first half of the day the educational process is carried out, and in the second half of the day children are occupied in educational centers (children's public organizations, student government bodies, etc.) and in additional education associations. At the same time, reliance is placed on the integration of basic and additional general education programs. The functioning of the school as an educational system based on the program for the development of the educational component can vary within the framework of the organization of the “educational system”, “educational environment”, “educational learning potential”, “educational activities”, etc.

Extracurricular activities of the “educational type” at the stage of formation of the educational system can be represented through a model of an extracurricular activity plan in the following variations:

A plan model with a predominance of social self-organization of students,

Model plan with a predominance of pedagogical support for students,

A plan model with a predominance of work to ensure the well-being of students in the space of a comprehensive school,

Model plan with a predominance of educational activities.


I. Subject area "Physical culture and basics of life safety." The curriculum of the main educational program of the educational organization of the basic school in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard includes subject area“Physical culture and basics of life safety”, including academic subjects“Physical Education” and “Fundamentals of Life Safety”

II. General characteristics of the academic subject “Physical Education”.

Taking into account the emergence of educational programs based on the state educational standard of the second generation, a consistent transition to their implementation should be made, annually adding the next grade (to the first grade - a second, to the fifth grade - a sixth, etc.). At the same time, classes not yet involved in the process full And mandatory transition to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, work according to previous programs, consistently including elements of new content recommended by exemplary programs for the academic subject “Physical Education” (PE).

The approximate educational program in physical education is intended for implementation by students who have no contraindications for physical education. We are talking about students classified for health reasons in the main and preparatory groups. The sports that make up the content of the program are differentiated according to the requirements for the result.

The sample program, oriented in content to the new generation Federal State Educational Standard, does not contain a curriculum and standards for the physical fitness of students. Educational material is not distributed among classes. The teacher (team of teachers), independently, taking into account the requirements of the theory and methodology of physical education, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the content of the sample program, develops a work program for each level of general education (grades 1-4, 5-9, 10-11).

III. Place of the subject “Physical Education” in the curriculum.

The curriculum for the subject “Physical Education” is developed according to the usual scheme for each level of general education at the rate of three hours per week. It is recommended to use the third hour of the academic subject to increase motor activity and develop the physical qualities of students, to introduce modern systems of physical education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Science of the Russian Federation of August 30, 2010, No. 889).

Example of a curriculum for a primary school:

The teacher determines the list of sections based on the structure of the content of sample physical education programs. The composition of the topics is presented in the section “Approximate thematic planning”. The sequence and distribution of educational material (topics) both by year of study and within the academic year for each class is determined by the teacher independently. The documents of the educational and methodological complex developed by the teacher (work program, work planning) are approved by the head of the educational organization.

Methodological recommendations for drawing up thematic planning of curriculum sections were developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 19-299, dated November 25, 2011. Below in the text, options for calendar and thematic planning are offered.

Thematic planning in the subject “Physical Education”:

Option 1

ü Name of the program section.

ü Lesson topic.

ü Number of hours.

ü Lesson type.

ü Content elements.

ü Requirements for the level of preparedness of students.

ü Type of control

ü Homework.

ü Date of the event (plan - actual).

Option 2

Option 3

Monitoring students' interest in physical education activities

Interest, as an individual’s selective orientation towards any type of activity (or its components), is a reflection of needs and a source of motivation. Therefore, the assessment of its manifestations undoubtedly reflects the effectiveness of the teacher’s professional activities. In the practice of monitoring physical education activities, assessing the interest of those involved in it, at best, occurs according to arbitrarily selected criteria purely visually. This does not allow us to give an objective assessment and make a comparative analysis of the achievements of different teachers.

To solve the problem, you can use an arsenal of tools developed in psychology. However, this is not always advisable. In relation to monitoring students' interest in physical education activities, apparently, one should focus on the most accessible (in terms of resource costs) and simple (in terms of assessment technologies) methods.

It seems that the procedure for assessing students’ interest in physical culture activities should be carried out in relation to the content of the classes and in relation to the teacher who conducts these classes. In this case, the anonymous (nameless) survey method is used. The development of such questionnaires is the work of specialists - psychologists.

This is due to the fact that it requires justification for at least three aspects of the survey according to the criteria of necessity and sufficiency. Firstly, the composition of the questions. Secondly, the content (wording) of the questions. Thirdly, the rating scale and value judgments.

The easiest way to assess interest in physical education activities is to visually determine the number of students with positive reactions to completing tasks within the lesson. It is recommended to use the following questionnaires to survey students.

Questionnaire 1.

In my physical education lesson... all the tasks almost all the tasks individual tasks

...don't like anything

Questionnaire 2.

I come to physical education class...

... always with desire

...almost always with desire

... sometimes with desire, and sometimes not

...almost always without desire

... always without desire

Analysis of the survey results involves calculating the percentage of respondents for each question. Interest is assessed based on quantitative (%) indicators of the distribution of answer options. Conducting a survey over a number of years allows us to judge the dynamics of students’ interest in physical education activities.

A comparative analysis of the results of surveys of various teachers will reveal the best indicators of professional activity. At the same time, high indicators require the study and dissemination of work experience, and the worst ones require the identification and elimination of the reasons for this state of affairs. Naturally, the results obtained should not be absolutized or dramatized.

Taking into account the basic areas of physical education (theoretical, technical and physical training) in the conditions of 3 hours a week, several options for combining the defining areas (physical and technical training) are possible:

Comprehensive (each lesson includes both areas of training),

Based on the priority of physical training (two lessons - physical training, one lesson - technical),

Based on the priority of technical training (two lessons - technical training, one lesson - physical).

In all options, it is possible to add theoretical training tools (according to needs and conditions). Moreover, the older the students are, the more time is allocated in the lesson for theoretical training, but within the framework of the total amount allocated in the curriculum for this type of training.

1. “Work program on physical education for students in grades 1-4 of special medical groups”, Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2014;

2. “Work program on physical education for students in grades 1-11 of special medical groups”, Moscow, Globus publishing house, 2010.

IV. Requirements for learning outcomes and mastering the content of the “Physical Education” course

Personal and meta-subject results mastery of the main educational program is achieved in accordance with their presentation in the content of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Subject results of studying the subject “Physical Education” should reflect:

1) understanding the role and importance of physical culture in the formation of personal qualities, active inclusion in a healthy lifestyle, strengthening and maintaining individual health;

2) mastering a system of knowledge about the physical improvement of a person, creating the basis for the formation of interest in expanding and deepening knowledge, mastering the ability to select physical exercises and regulate physical activity for independent systematic exercises with various functional orientations, taking into account the individual capabilities and characteristics of the body;

3) gaining experience in organizing independent systematic physical education classes in compliance with safety regulations and injury prevention; mastering the ability to provide first aid for minor injuries;

4) expanding experience in organizing and monitoring physical development and physical fitness; developing the ability to monitor the dynamics of development of one’s basic physical qualities: assess the current state of the body and determine the training effect of physical education on it;

5) formation of skills to perform complexes of general developmental, health-improving and corrective exercises, taking into account individual abilities and characteristics, health status and mode of educational activities; mastering the basics of technical actions; expansion of the body's motor experience.

V. Educational and methodological support of the subject"Physical Culture"

General education organizations are recommended to use textbooks in the educational process that are included in Federal list of textbooks (FPU), approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014, No. 253.

According to the new procedure, this list includes textbooks recommended by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the basis of positive expert opinions and meeting the following requirements:

1. Belong to a complete subject line of textbooks.

2. Presented in printed form and have an electronic application, which is their integral part.

3. Have a teaching manual for teachers, containing materials on methods of teaching, studying an academic subject (its section, part) or education.

Organizations carrying out educational activities according to basic educational programs, has the right to use for five years in their educational activities acquired before the entry into force of the Order(No. 253, dated March 31, 2014) textbooks from the Faculty of Education, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1067, dated December 19, 2012) for completing the subject being studied. Along with textbooks, educational publications that are teaching aids can be used in educational activities.

The choice of textbooks is determined by the content of the main educational program implemented by the school. To maintain continuity in mastering the program, it is not advisable to purchase separate textbooks that are included in different subject lines. Teaching staff have the right to choose textbooks, teaching aids, and other means of teaching and education in accordance with the educational program and in the manner established by the legislation on education.

Textbooks on the subject “Physical Education” by various authors, in our opinion, differ little in content from each other. The consistency of the content of textbooks is at a completely acceptable level and does not contradict the content of the second generation educational standard.

Below is a list of textbooks on physical education for grade 5 (in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253)

· Matveev A.P. Physical education, 5th grade. Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye";

· Pogadaev G.I. “Physical education, 5-6 grades. Publishing house "Drofa" LLC;

· Vilensky M.Ya., Turevsky I.M., Torochkova T.Yu. and others. Physical culture. 5-7 grades, Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye"

· Guryev S.V., ed. Vilensky M. Ya. “Physical education”, 5 – 7 classes. Publishing house "Russian Word"

· Petrova T.V., Kopylov Yu.A., Polyanskaya N.V., Petrov S.S. “Physical education”, grades 5 – 7. Publishing center "Ventana-Graf".

· Pogadaev G.I. “Physical culture”, 5th – 6th grade. Publishing house "Drofa".

Please note that textbooks in bold italics, belong to the completed subject line of textbooks.

VI. General characteristics of the educational subject “Fundamentals of Life Safety”.

Currently, security issues have become one of the urgent needs of every person, society and state.

The training of the younger generation of Russians in the field of life safety should be based on an integrated approach to the formation in adolescents of a modern level of safety culture, an individual system of a healthy lifestyle, anti-extremist thinking and anti-terrorist behavior.

The training course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” in primary school is structured so that the following goals are achieved:

· safe behavior of students in emergency situations of a natural, man-made and social nature;

· understanding by each student of the importance of preserving and protecting personal health as an individual and social value;

· acceptance by students of the values ​​of civil society: human rights, the rule of law, family values, fairness of courts and responsibility of authorities;

· anti-extremist thinking and anti-terrorist behavior of students, including intolerance towards actions and influences that pose a threat to human life;

· negative attitude of students towards taking psychoactive substances, including drugs;

· readiness and ability of students for moral self-improvement.

Achieving these goals is ensured by solving such educational tasks as:

· developing in students a model of safe behavior in everyday life, in the transport environment and in emergency situations of a natural, man-made and social nature;

· formation of an individual system of a healthy lifestyle;

· development in students of an anti-extremist and anti-terrorist personal position and a negative attitude towards psychoactive substances and antisocial behavior.

The structure of the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”, with a modular structure of the content of basic general education, includes two educational modules and five sections.

Module 1. Fundamentals of security of the individual, society and state.

Section 1. Fundamentals of integrated security.

Section 2. Protection of the population of the Russian Federation from emergency situations.

Section 3. Fundamentals of countering terrorism and extremism in the Russian Federation.

Module 2. Basics of medical knowledge and healthy lifestyle.

Section 4. Basics of a healthy lifestyle.

Section 5. Fundamentals of medical knowledge and first aid.

The conceptual framework and content of the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” are based on the provisions of the federal laws of the Russian Federation and other regulations.

VII. Place of the subject “Fundamentals of Life Safety” in the curriculum.

The educational subject “Fundamentals of Life Safety” is included in the curriculum of an educational organization, based on the hours provided in the part formed by the participants in educational relations, at the rate of one hour per week, 35 hours per year, 175 hours for five years of study.

5th grade(1 hour per week, total 35 hours)

Topic No.

Thematic planning

Characteristics of student activities

Module 1. Fundamentals of security of the individual, society and state (22 hours)

Section 1. Fundamentals of integrated security (15 hours)

Man, his habitat, human safety (5h)

1.1. The city as a habitat.

1.2. Human housing, life support features of the home.

1.3. Features of natural conditions in the city.

1.4. Relationships between people living in the city and security.

Safety in everyday life

They compare the life support features of urban and rural housing and possible dangerous and emergency situations.

Analyze user instructions for electrical and electronic devices.

There are household chemicals.

Fill out a safety diary. Describe the most effective way to prevent dangerous situations at home

Dangerous situations of man-made nature (6 hours)

2.1. Road traffic, safety of road users.

2.2. A pedestrian. Pedestrian safety.

2.3. Passenger. Passenger safety.

2.4. Driver.

2.5. Fire safety.

Safe behavior in everyday situations

Characterizes the causes of road accidents, the organization of road traffic and the rules of safe behavior of road users.

Remember the rules of safe behavior on the roads.

Analyze the causes of fires in residential and public buildings. Characterize the rights and responsibilities of citizens in the field of fire safety at home. Remember the rules of safe behavior in case of fire

Natural hazards (2 hours)

3.1. Weather conditions and human safety.

Water safety

They characterize the main dangerous weather conditions in their places of residence and their consequences.

There are measures of safe behavior in conditions of dangerous weather conditions (wind, rain, ice).

The state of reservoirs is distinguished at different times of the year.

Explain the rules of behavior on bodies of water. Apply the rules of self- and mutual assistance to those in distress on the water

Emergency situations of natural and man-made nature (2 hours)

4.1. Natural emergencies.

Man-made emergencies

Emergency situations are distinguished according to the reasons for their occurrence.

Analyze the rules of their possible behavior in the event of an emergency

Section 3. Fundamentals of countering extremism and terrorism in the Russian Federation (7 hours)

Dangerous situations of a social nature, antisocial behavior (3 hours)

5.1. Antisocial behavior and its danger.

5.2. Ensuring personal safety at home.

Ensuring personal safety on the street

Characterizes the main types of antisocial behavior and their consequences. Develop a negative attitude towards any types of antisocial behavior. Recognize signs of dangerous situations at home and on the street.

Draw up rules for their own safe behavior at home and on the street in various dangerous situations

Extremism and terrorism - extreme dangers for society and the state (4 hours)

6.1. Extremism and terrorism: basic concepts and reasons for their occurrence.

6.2. Types of extremist and terrorist activities.

6.3. Types of terrorist acts and their consequences.

Responsibility of minors for antisocial behavior and participation in terrorist activities

Explain the general concepts of extremism and terrorism and the reasons for their occurrence. Characterize the main types of terrorist activities.

They formulate their rules of behavior in everyday life so as not to become offenders, and write them down in a safety diary. They draw up a plan of their actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack and in the event of a terrorist attack. Analyze the types of terrorist acts and their characteristic features.

Characterize the responsibility of minors for antisocial behavior

Module 2. Basics of medical knowledge and healthy lifestyle (13 hours)

Section 4. Basics of a healthy lifestyle (5 hours)

Age-related features of human development and a healthy lifestyle

7.1. About a healthy lifestyle.

7.2. Physical activity and hardening of the body are necessary conditions for improving health.

Balanced diet. Food hygiene

Explain the basic principles about a healthy lifestyle.

Recognize types of physical activity and hardening.

Characterize the essence of rational nutrition

Factors that destroy health

8.1. Bad habits and their impact on health.

8.2. Healthy lifestyle and prevention of bad habits (practical exercises)

Explain the harmful effects of bad habits on the health of a schoolchild, his mental and physical abilities.

Develop a negative attitude towards smoking and drinking alcohol

First aid and rules for its provision (8 hours)

9.1. First aid for various types of injuries.

9.2. Providing first aid for bruises and abrasions (practical exercises).

First aid for poisoning (practical exercises)

Describes the purpose and general rules of first aid.

Develop practical skills in providing first aid for bruises and abrasions. Develop practical skills in providing first aid for nicotine and carbon monoxide poisoning

VIII. Requirements for learning outcomes and mastering the content of the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”

Requirements for personal, meta-subject results mastering the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” is achieved in accordance with their presentation in the content of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education.

Requirements for subject results for mastering the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”:

· formation of a modern culture of life safety based on an understanding of the need to protect the individual, society and the state through awareness of the importance of safe behavior in emergency situations of a natural, man-made and social nature;

· developing an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle that excludes the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking and other harm to health;

· knowledge of the main dangerous and emergency situations of a natural, man-made and social nature, including extremism and terrorism, and their consequences for the individual, society and the state;

· knowledge and ability to apply safety measures and rules of behavior in dangerous and emergency situations; ability to provide first aid to victims;

· the ability to make informed decisions in a specific dangerous situation, taking into account the actual situation and individual capabilities;

· mastery of the basics of environmental design of safe life activities, taking into account natural, man-made and social risks in the territory of residence.

IX. Educational and methodological support for the educational subject “Fundamentals of Life Safety”

By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253 the federal list of textbooks (FLU) was approved, recommended for use in the implementation of state accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education. In accordance with this order item"Fundamentals of Life Safety" in 5th grade it is studied from textbooks:

Vinogradova N.F., Smirnov D.V., Sidorenko L.B., Taranin A.B. “Fundamentals of life safety.” 5-6 grades. Publishing center VENTANA-GRAF.

Polyakov V.V., Kuznetsov M.I., Markov V.V. and others. “Fundamentals of life safety.” 5th grade. Ed. "Bustard".

Smirnov A.T., Khrennikov B.O. / Ed. Smirnova A.T. “Fundamentals of life safety.” 5th grade. Ed. "Education".

Frolov M.P., Sholokh V.P., Yuryeva M.V., Mishin B.I. / Ed. Vorobyova Yu.L. “Fundamentals of life safety.” 5th grade. Ed. "Astrel"

Appendix 2

on development of educational subject programs

(courses, modules)


Programs of individual academic subjects are developed on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education for the results of mastering the main educational program. Work programs of academic subjects are a mandatory component of the educational program of basic general education in accordance with clause 9 of Art. 2 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273 - Federal Law.

As a recommended basis for developing work programs for individual academic subjects, one can consider the Designer of programs for individual academic subjects, located on the website in the section “Basic School” (subsection “Programs of Academic Subjects”).

Section 1. Features of constructing the content of work programs in individual academic subjects in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education.

Section 2. Approximate structure of the work program of a separate academic subject (course, module).

Section 3. Requirements for educational and methodological support for the implementation of programs of individual academic subjects (courses, modules).

Section 1. Features of constructing the content of work programs in individual academic subjects in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education

The work program for an academic subject is a project of educational content, on the basis of which the teacher independently decides what to select for presentation to students in accordance with the goals and conditions of teaching activity. Hence the technology for constructing educational information - the process of making pedagogical decisions under the conditions of a system of restrictions and regulations that are dictated by established norms (what and to what extent from the given information students must learn); the initial level of students’ preparedness to perceive educational information; the capabilities of the teacher himself, as well as the school in which he works.

In the content of an academic subject (course), two types of educational material are distinguished: basic (supporting material), the mastery of which ensures the achievement of the level of educational results “the graduate will learn”, and deepening (expanding, complementary, propaedeutic) material corresponding to the level of educational results “the graduate will have the opportunity learn to".

From a technological point of view, the problem of structuring educational material is of fundamental importance. Educational material is a system of ideal models, represented by blocks of didactic material, which is a system of objects, each of which is intended for use in the learning process as a material or materialized model of a particular system, identified within the framework of public knowledge and experience, and intended for use in educational activities.

Since educational activity is considered as a process of solving a system of educational tasks, it is natural that the unit of division of educational material is the educational task. In this regard, the educational material in the work program for an academic subject can be considered as a pedagogically appropriate system of educational tasks. Hence, the construction of a system of educational tasks becomes the core of the teacher’s actions in designing educational material and developing didactic material in which it is embodied.

An approximate form of description in the work program of the content of an academic subject, a course in the form of a system of educational - cognitive and educational - practical tasks in which the content of the planned results is recorded in the form of generalized methods of action with educational material can be the following matrix:

Name of the topic (section) of the academic subject (course):

Table 1

Possible option for presenting the content of subject topics

Content element of educational material

Planned result in the form of generalized methods of action

1. General scientific and basic knowledge for this field

Skills and abilities that contribute to the development of systematic knowledge

2. Meta-subject knowledge, knowledge that complements, deepens and expands the basic educational material

Skills for independent acquisition, transfer and integration of knowledge

3. Problematic issues related to both the field of scientific knowledge being studied and the corresponding field of social practice

Ways to pose and solve problems

Methods of applying learned methods of action (subject and meta-subject) to real life situations

4. Value-semantic attitudes

Values, meanings, beliefs, moral and ethical assessments related to both subject and meta-subject knowledge and skills

Forms of cooperation: organization of educational work in pairs, small groups;

Forms of communication: creation of written, oral, hypertext texts, statements, judgments with given parameters;

Forms of self-organization of educational activities: planning, distribution of responsibilities, correction, quality control of work;

Forms of reflection: self-assessment or analysis of one’s own educational activities;

Forms of using ICT: working in virtual learning environments, with interactive equipment, with various applications.

Work programs for academic subjects (courses) must necessarily contain thematic planning with a definition of the main types of educational activities, which presupposes the presence of various options for thematic planning. One of the possible options for the distribution of universal educational activities according to the topics of the academic subject (course) may have the following form.

table 2

Possible thematic planning option

The second option (with the characteristics of students’ activities highlighted as a separate item) is presented in the Designer.

Section 2. Approximate structure of the work program of a separate academic subject (course, module)

The program of the academic subject (course) includes the following components:

1. Title page, which indicates the name of the educational organization, a mark on the approval of the program, the name of the subject area, the name of the academic subject (course), and the developer of the program.

2. Explanatory note:

2 .1. Implementation goals programs:

Achievement by students of the results of studying the subject in accordance with the requirements approved by the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education. Mastering interdisciplinary concepts, universal educational activities that ensure the successful study of this and other academic subjects at the level of secondary general education, creating conditions for achieving personal results in basic general education.

2.2. Implementation tasks subject programs are formulated based on the general objectives of mastering the content of basic general education:

1) ensuring, in the process of studying the subject, conditions for achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education by all students, including students with disabilities and people with disabilities;

2) creation in the process of studying the subject of conditions for the development of personality, abilities, satisfaction of cognitive interests, self-realization of students, including gifted ones;

3) creating, in the process of studying the subject, conditions for the formation of students’ values, the foundations of their civic identity and social and professional orientations;

4) inclusion of students in the processes of transforming the social environment, developing their leadership qualities, experience in social activities, implementation of social projects and programs;

5) creating, in the process of studying the subject, conditions for students to develop the experience of independent learning activities;

6) creating, in the process of studying the subject, conditions for developing in students the skills of a lifestyle that is healthy and safe for humans and their environment;

7) acquaintance of students with methods of scientific knowledge and methods of studying objects and natural phenomena;

8) developing in students the ability to observe natural phenomena and perform experiments, laboratory work and experimental research using measuring instruments widely used in practical life;

9) students’ mastery of such general scientific concepts as a natural phenomenon, an empirically established fact, a problem, a hypothesis, a theoretical conclusion, the result of an experimental test;

10) students’ understanding of the differences between scientific data and unverified information, the value of science for satisfying everyday, industrial and cultural human needs.

3. General characteristics of the academic subject, course.

3.1. The main sections of the program of an academic subject, course.

3.2. A list of forms for organizing educational activities of students (classroom and extracurricular), including forms involving the resources of other organizations, the sociocultural educational environment of the locality.

3.3. A list of methods for organizing educational activities, including methods of intensive training, with justification for the choice of methods.

3.4. Description of the connection with other academic subjects in terms of continuity of the content of educational elements, the formation of interdisciplinary concepts, support of project activities, convergent education, synchronization of educational modules and topics, including subjects from other subject areas.

4. Place of the academic subject, course in the curriculum.

4.1. The number of hours for mastering an academic subject at the level of basic general education.

4.2. Indication of the classes or periods of study within which it is planned to master the academic subject, and the number of hours in each of the periods of study allocated for studying the subject.

4.3. Indication of the amount of time for organizing intermediate certification and final certification based on the results of mastery.

4.4. Description of the connection with the content of subjects (courses) of students' choice.

4.5. Basis for calculating hours for mastering an academic subject (support for a priority area of ​​study of students’ choice, organization of a system of pre-profile preparation, etc.).

5. Personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results of mastering an academic subject or course.

5.1. Personal and meta-subject results.

5.1.1. Personal results, the formation of which is facilitated by the study of a given academic subject, revealing and specifying the content of the section “Planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.”

5.1.2. Meta-subject results, the formation of which is facilitated by the study of a given academic subject, revealing and specifying the content of “Planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.”

Table 3


Module no.

Educational result

Number of years

for development

Is it subject to intermediate certification?

Meta-subject results:

1. Regulatory

Result 1

2. Cognitive

Result 1

3. Communication

Result 1

Educational result

Number of years to master

Personal results:

Result 1

6.2. Subject results.

6.2.1. Subject results of mastering an academic subject (course), revealing and specifying the content of the section “Planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.”

Table 4

Possiblethinformation presentation option

8. Thematic planning, possible options for which are presented in section 1 of these recommendations.

9. Educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process.

9.1. Educational and methodological support

9.1.1. Textbooks List of textbooks published by organizations included in the list of organizations publishing textbooks that are allowed for use in the educational process in educational organizations that have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general education.

The section “Teaching aids” indicates the workbooks, problem books, workshops, sets of test materials used in the study of this subject, with the exception of electronic educational resources.

Table 5

Possible information presentation option

9.2. Logistics support

9.2.1. Educational equipment and computer technology

Description of available sets of educational equipment: laboratory, gaming, sports, demonstration equipment, modular machines, kits for robotics, construction sets, workshop equipment, computer equipment, voting systems, digital high-tech equipment, multimedia equipment, interactive equipment, photo and video equipment, etc.

Table 6

Possiblethinformation presentation option

Name of training equipment

Topics in which this equipment is used

I. Training equipment

Title 1

1.1., 1.6., 3.4., ...

II. Computer technology and interactive equipment

Title 1

1.1., 1.6., 3.4., ...

III. Sport equipment

Title 1

1.1., 1.6., 3.4., ...

IV. Workshop equipment

Title 1

1.1., 1.6., 3.4., ...

V. Equipment for organizing distance learning

Title 1

1.1., 1.6., 3.4., ...

9.2.1. Basic electronic educational resources used in the study of the subject (course)

The section indicates the electronic educational resources used in the study of this subject, Internet resources, distance testing systems, etc., which allow the implementation of e-learning technologies.

Table 7

Possiblethinformation presentation option

As applications to the programs of educational subjects (courses, modules) can be placed methodological and assessment materials.

Section 3. Requirements for educational and methodological support for the implementation of programs of individual academic subjects (courses, modules)

Educational and methodological support for the implementation of work programs of individual educational subjects (courses, modules) is the selection and creation in an organization carrying out educational activities of an optimal system (complex) of textbooks, educational and teaching aids necessary for the effective organization of the educational process within the framework of the requirements Federal state educational standard for the results, structure and conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs of basic general education.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, educational and methodological support is an integral part of the information and methodological conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of general education and must ensure that the organization carrying out educational activities is equipped with printed and electronic information and educational resources for all subjects of the curriculum: textbooks, including textbooks with electronic applications that are their integral part, educational and methodological literature and materials on all academic subjects of the basic educational program of basic general education in the languages ​​of instruction determined by the founder, additional literature.

The collection of additional literature should include: domestic and foreign, classical and modern fiction; popular science and scientific and technical literature; publications on fine arts, music, physical culture and sports, ecology, rules of safe behavior on the roads; reference, bibliographic and periodical publications; collection of dictionaries; literature on social and professional self-determination of students.

The selection of textbooks and teaching aids included in the educational and methodological support is made in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” by organizations carrying out educational activities according to educational programs of basic general education that have state accreditation, independently.

Thus, the article “Competence, rights, duties and responsibilities of an educational organization” directly states that educational organizations are free to determine the content of education, choose educational and methodological support, educational technologies for the educational programs they implement. Further, this article indicates that the competence of an educational organization in the established field of activity includes determining the list of textbooks in accordance with the approved federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education by organizations providing educational activities, as well as teaching aids approved for use in the implementation of these educational programs by such organizations.

At the same time, the organization carrying out educational activities has the right to choose for use in the implementation of these educational programs:

1) textbooks from those included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of basic general education;

2) teaching aids issued by organizations included in the list of organizations that produce teaching aids that are allowed for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of basic general education.

Order No. 253 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 approved the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education that have state accreditation. The list consists of three parts: textbooks recommended for use when implementing the compulsory part of the main educational program, textbooks recommended for use when implementing part of the main educational program formed by participants in educational relations, textbooks that take into account the regional and ethnocultural characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the implementation of rights citizens to receive education in their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, study their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and literature of the peoples of Russia in their native language.

As indicated in the letter of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2014 No. 08-548, the federal list of textbooks includes textbooks recommended by the Scientific and Methodological Council for Textbooks created by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, based on positive expert opinions based on the results of scientific research , pedagogical, social, ethnocultural and regional expertise and meeting the following requirements:

a) belonging to a completed subject line of textbooks;

b) presented in printed form and having an electronic attachment that is an integral part of them;

c) having a teaching manual for teachers, containing materials on methods of teaching, studying an academic subject (its section, part) or education.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 No. 253, organizations carrying out educational activities in the main

general education programs, has the right to use in educational activities for five years textbooks purchased before the entry into force of this order from:

Federal list of textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in educational institutions for the 2013/14 academic year;

Federal list of textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in special (correctional) educational institutions for the 2013/14 academic year, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2012 N 1067 (registered by the Ministry Justice of the Russian Federation on January 30, 2013, registration number N 26755), as amended by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2013 N 544 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 30, 2013, registration number N 29846 ).

However, this permission does not apply to the choice of textbooks for the fifth grade in the 2014/2015 academic year, since in accordance with the procedure for the phased introduction of federal state educational standards for basic general education, all organizations carrying out educational activities according to state-accredited educational programs of basic general education in the Russian Federation Federations in the fifth grade from September 1, 2015 will work not according to the basic general education programs, but according to the basic educational program of basic general education.

General educational and methodological support for the basic educational program of basic general education integrates educational and methodological support for the programs of individual academic subjects and courses. The developers of programs for individual academic subjects, courses in organizations carrying out educational activities according to state-accredited educational programs of basic general education are teaching staff who have the right to choose textbooks, teaching aids, materials and other means of training and education in accordance with the educational program and in in the manner established by the legislation on education.

This means that when compiling a list of textbooks, educational and teaching aids necessary for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education, the administration of organizations carrying out educational activities according to educational programs of basic general education that have state accreditation must take into account the wishes of teaching staff developing and implementing programs of individual academic subjects, courses regarding the necessary educational and methodological support, if these wishes do not contradict the requirements specified in paragraph 4, article 18 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ.


Federal State Standard of Basic General Education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1897, Section I “General Provisions”, Art. 8 – 11; Section 3 “Requirements for the structure of a POO LLC”, Art. 18.2.2

“On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education” Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253

“On the federal list of textbooks” Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2014 No. 08-548

“On the action plan for the modernization of general education for 2011-2015” Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 7, 2010 No. 1507-r

Clause 4 of Part 3 of Article 47 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ

Federal State Educational Standards – FIRST RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS, PROSPECTS.

A bad teacher teaches the truth

a good one teaches you how to find it.

Adolf Friedrich Diesterweg

Future enters our lives in different ways. Sometimes bright, attractive, impressive and inspiring. Sometimes unnoticed, in small silent steps. Sometimes we do not immediately notice how the reality around us has changed. Often the future not only enters, it bursts into established everyday life, not commensurate with our strength and willingness to accept changes. This is exactly how it burst into our professional lives along with a new educational standard.

September 1, 2011 the development of new standards for first-graders has begun. And in the past school year, the elementary school graduated its first-born children according to the Federal State Educational Standard. What are the first results of the reform? We have the opportunity to comprehend the experience, evaluate the first results, determine development prospects, think about what has worked and what still needs to be worked on.

Federal State Educational Standard second generation for primary school is a fundamentally new document for the national school, which focuses on achieving not only subject-specific educational results, but also, first of all, on the formation of the personality of students, their mastery of universal methods of educational activity, ensuring success in cognitive activity at all stages of further education. New ones have been put forwardrequirements for results, structure and conditions educational process.

Us,teachers Having worked in the traditional system for many years, it was not easy to adapt to new requirements.Educational standards of the second generation set new goals and objectives for the teacher. The teacher must understand and accept the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, know and effectively apply innovative methods and technologies, and be competent.

“Second-generation standards are impossible without a “second-generation” teacher,” this statement belongs to the head of the project for the development of the Federal State Educational Standard, Alexander Kondakov.

Since 2009, the work of the Ministry of Education of primary school teachers has been aimed at actively highlighting and explaining the concept of state educational standards for general education of the new generation among teaching staff.Particular attention was paid to new approaches to the subject content of training, skills to work in the information environment, modern approaches and technologies for achieving planned results.

All teachers working in the conditions of implementation of the standard have completed appropriate advanced training courses. The experience of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Education was summarized at: city and republican seminars, methodological associations, and pedagogical councils. (slide)

What has changed in the work of a primary school teacher with the introduction standards?

Changed approaches to teaching , the teacher turned from a leader into an organizer of children's creative activities. Thus, there is a restructuring of the thinking of each teacher, based on the new tasks posed by modern education. The content of education does not change much, but when implementing the new standard, each teacher must go beyond the scope of his subject, thinking, first of all, about the development of the child’s personality, the need to develop universal educational skills, without which the student will not be able to be successful at the next stages of education, nor in professional activities.

The changes affectedstudent activities . We devote more time during the lesson to children’s independent work. Moreover, the nature of the work has become exploratory, creative, and productive. We develop students' self-control and self-esteem skills.

Reproductive methods and methods of education were abandoned. Actively began to developproject activities younger schoolchildren. The result of this activity is the formation of cognitive motives, research skills, subjectively new knowledge and methods of activity for students.

The priority direction in organizing the educational process has becomegroup forms of work , which provides teamwork skills and the development of the child’s communicative competence.

The task is at the forefronthealth promotion children, development of their physical, moral and intellectual potential. Every minute spent at school gives children a positive communication experience, allows them to express themselves as an active, creative person, and expands their understanding of the world around them.

We are working on the formationdiagnostic tools package . From the first days we have been conducting educational monitoring.

Diagnostic analysis makes it possible to obtain objective and very specific information about the level of assimilation of program material by each student:

identify and measure the level of learning success in the subjects of each student and class;

determine the level of mastery of individual topics from the course studied;

identify students’ difficulties and gaps in their preparation;

differentiate students based on learning success.

At the beginning of September, first-graders’ readiness for learning is monitored in 1st grade. Its purpose is to assess the potential of first-graders in the initial period of education

The data obtained is used to implement an individually differentiated approach to the child during further education.

Now we can sum up the results by comparing the results of the initial and final diagnostics of our first graduates.

The results of comprehensive work carried out in 4 grades allow us to conclude that the inclusion of UUD tasks in the control and evaluation system made it possible to:

To raise students' interest in learning, as well as to develop their creative independence;

Create favorable conditions for the development of skills and abilities of quick thinking, to present brief but accurate conclusions;

Assess the role of knowledge and see its application in practice, feel the interconnection of different areas of knowledge.


As the results of the final diagnostic work showed, schoolchildren are not afraid to perform non-standard tasks; they can apply their knowledge when solving practice-oriented tasks. The ability to choose tasks and methods of solving them significantly reduced the level of anxiety in children when completing them and increased their motivation to learn.

Final assessment The student directly depends on the assessment of the formation of universal educational actions, reflected in their “Portfolio - a portfolio of achievements.” Primary school teachers have created a “Portfolio” for each student.Together with parents, the portfolio is filled with students’ creative works, diplomas, tests, monitoring, etc.

By the end of primary school education, appropriate cumulative material has been collected, giving a visual representation of the dynamics of the student’s educational and creative activity.

Fulfillment of the requirements of the standard was carried out not only through the educational activities of junior schoolchildren, but also through extracurricular activities, which is a fundamental difference between the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO.

Main advantageextracurricular activities is to provide students with a wide range of activities aimed at their development.

The hours allocated for extracurricular activities were used in forms different from the lesson system of education.

According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. 373), the Basic Curriculum allocates up to 10 hours weekly for organizing classes in areas of extracurricular activities that are an integral part of the educational process. The schedule of extracurricular activities was compiledtaking into account the capabilities of the school, the interests of parents and students. Additional education specialists were involved and parents provided assistance.

We pay special attentionproject activities , since it contributes to the formation of key competencies of students, takes the process of learning and education out of the walls of the school into the outside world, and allows creating conditions for activating the personal potential of students. Student design is becoming a popular form of organizing students' creative activity in educational institutions at various levels.

While working on projects, students become acquainted with the diversity of the world around them, gain an understanding of its structure, ways of obtaining knowledge about it, learn to independently obtain information, systematize and generalize it; responsibility for one’s activities, respectful and equal interaction with partners is formed (that is, the system-activity approach underlying the standard is implemented.

So, let's summarize:

Advantages of the standard - the ability to use various technologies contributes to the development of the child’s personality, the development of independence, increasing educational motivation, and reducing the level of anxiety in students; The system-activity approach to teaching forces the student to think, reason, and intensify his activities.

Learning priorities are changing. The teacher’s task is to show the child a variety of ways and techniques for understanding the world and himself, teach him to cope with the information flow (accept, understand, process, reproduce, defend his own opinion without offending the interlocutor, etc.). The student’s task is to choose from the proposed methods the one that is more acceptable to him and use this method for self-development and self-improvement.

Much attention is paid to the individual development of the child. Developmental learning technologies aimed at personal development are used.

Positive changes that occurred in our OS in the process of implementing the standard:

the material and technical base has improved; favorable conditions are created for the development of children; teachers mastered interactive teaching methods, mastered activity-based technologies, and increased the level of professional skills. New conditions motivate the teaching staff to various forms of self-education and a creative approach to professional activities.

Observations of students while attending lessons show: children began to speak better, respond more easily to the teacher’s questions, and enter into dialogue; not only reproduce what they saw or read (heard), but also know how to reason, draw conclusions, and substantiate their opinions; know how to work in pairs; show self-organization skills in a group aimed at solving a learning task; already the majority of children adequately evaluate their activities in the lesson; Observations of teachers’ work in the classroom indicate that teachers have a certain level of methodological training and structure the educational process according to the principle: “student-subject” of educational activity; are active users of information technology, master the basic user tools of multimedia information sources, communication tools, and ICT tools.

planning a modern lesson based on a system-activity approach and modern educational technologies, forming subject and meta-subject UUD

conducting lessons using ICT;

experience in organizing extracurricular activities, the use of ICT in extracurricular activities;

introduction of the “Project Activity” course;

Problems that remain unresolved for us - There is no unified system for assessing meta-subject results. Each educational institution has its own diagnostic meters, the system for assessing the achievements of the planned results of mastering the main educational program is not sufficiently developed, there is no uniformity of requirements, the inability to satisfy all the requests of children and their parents (legal representatives) in extracurricular activities due to the small number of teachers; there are no conditions for full-fledged extracurricular activities (we study in 2 shifts),lack of free space for extracurricular activities.

The main negative aspect of a teacher’s work is the increase in documentation.

There are a lot of children with speech disorders, they need classes with a speech therapist.

To solve the problems of the Federal State Educational Standard, the painstaking work of a psychologist is necessary. Research, diagnosis, work with sick and weak children must be built at a high level.

There are many problems. They are solvable. The main thing is not to retreat and go

the intended road. And remember that no, even the most wonderful,

methodological materials and the most modern equipment will not provide

result if you don’t start with yourself. Even formed communicative,

professional and information competence will not yet be ensured

fulfillment of standard tasks. Guarantee of successful goal implementation

education according to the new standard can become a new consciousness, a new

position, new attitude to teaching activity

“Teaching is an art, therefore perfection is unattainable, and improvement is endless” L.N. Tolstoy

I wish you success!

1. Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs (primary school)…………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………. ..1

1.1. Explanatory note……………………………...…………………………….……..1

2. Requirements for the content of the results of basic general education………….........21

1. General provisions………………………………………………………………...……21

2. General characteristics of the results of basic education……………………….……23

3. Basic approaches to the form of presentation of the Requirements for

mastering basic educational programs (subject results)………………33

institutions of basic educational programs……………………………………...55


Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs

(Basic school)

The requirements for the results of mastering basic general education programs are to a certain extent analogous to the “Requirements for the level of training of graduates” that were part of the content of the first generation general education standards. However, there are several significant differences between these two components of the first and second generation standard.

Firstly, all three versions of the first generation standards (1993, 1998 and 2004) were focused more on maintaining the level of education achieved at the previous stages of development of the national school. The new generation standard is aimed at new goals and values ​​of education, reflecting not only today’s, but future needs of the individual, society and the state in the field of education. This could not but affect the structure and content of basic educational programs and, consequently, the Requirements for their development.

Secondly, a largely new understanding of the values ​​of education that has emerged in recent years has brought to the fore not so much substantive educational results as personal development, and the competency-based approach to the content and definition of educational achievements has updated the importance of the individual’s operational resources. This necessitated the need to expand the composition of the Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs as planned educational results.

Thirdly, in the first generation standards, the requirements for educational outcomes were differentiated by academic subjects and were aimed only at certification of graduates and were essentially addressed only to students and teachers. The requirements for the activities of educational institutions and the education system at different levels for the implementation of basic educational programs were practically not formulated and the standards actually could not fulfill their purpose - to be a criterion for assessing the success of the education system. The implementation of the specified purpose of the standards makes it necessary to formulate directions and indicators of the effectiveness of mastering that part of the main educational programs that is associated with the activities of educational institutions in its development. In fact, we are talking about supplementing the traditionally understood Requirements for educational results with a new component for the standards - indicators of mastering educational programs by educational institutions themselves and the education system as a whole.
The development of the draft Requirements for the results of mastering the educational program of basic general education was carried out on the basis of the results of the previous stages of work on the project “Development of components of the second generation general education standard” in 2005 - 2006:

  • Concepts of state standards of general education of the second generation,

  • The results of sociological studies of the needs (expectations) of the individual, family, society and state in the field of general secondary education,

  • Draft Requirements for the structure of basic educational programs,

  • Draft Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs,

  • Project of the Program for the Development of Universal Learning Activities,

  • Draft Basic Educational Plan,

  • Project of the Fundamental Core of Educational Content

The development is based on analysis priority goals education second stage of school. General education should contribute to the achievement of the value ideals of a democratic society: social justice, equality, welfare, security. The strategic goals of the education system are to ensure the consolidation of the nation, ensure the competitiveness of the nation (individual, state and society), ensure the security of the nation (individual, state and society). Requirements for the results of mastering basic general education programs are formed on the basis of the goals of general education through their decomposition and step-by-step (in documents for various purposes included in the standard) specification.

General education programs are aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting the individual to life in society, creating the basis for conscious choice and development
professional educational programs.

Based on the developed (taking into account the Draft Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation (in terms of changing the concept and structure of the state educational standard). Project No. 448303-4) draft components of the structure of the basic general education program, its content should include:

  • Explanatory note “General provisions”;

  • The main content of the basic general education program;

  • Basic curriculum;

  • Main educational results;

  • Composition of work programs in academic subjects;

  • Recommendations for conducting intermediate and final certification of students during the period of primary and basic general education.
It is also possible to include:

  • Prohibitions on measures that violate children’s rights to quality education;

  • Requirements for the system of measures to ensure the health of students;

  • Ways to monitor the implementation of the main educational program.
In accordance with the previously developed Concept of state standards of general education of the second generation, the Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs are a key, system-forming component of the educational standard, which largely determines the content of its other components. The relationship between the “Requirements for mastering basic educational programs” and “Requirements for the structure of basic educational programs” is determined by the fact that the former are a reflection of the goals of education and thereby occupy a leading place in the hierarchy of documents regulating the content of education, the educational process, its results, the assessment system and etc. Although the Requirements for mastering basic educational programs themselves are more related to the description of educational outcomes, they indirectly set and at the same time are a means of monitoring the implementation of other components of the Requirements for the structure of educational programs. However, the priority function of the Requirements for mastering basic educational programs remains the determination (through the decomposition of educational goals) of the planned educational results.

Requirements for the results of mastering basic general education programs (as the main, system-forming component of the educational standard) should be focused on the implementation of the main functions of standards in the educational process– the functions of ensuring the accessibility of quality education, the formation of cultural identity, the functions of ensuring the objectivity of assessing educational results, normalizing the study load of students, ensuring the process of democratization of education management, and maintaining a unified educational space.

Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs include all groups of results - subject, meta-subject, personal - for each level of education and are a mandatory component of all types of general education programs: the general education program for three levels of school education, model curricula, programs for the development of universal educational activities , comprehensive educational programs, educational programs of general education institutions.

Under personal results The Concept of Educational Standards understands the motivation formed in the educational process, cognitive needs, as well as the system of value relations of students - to themselves, other participants in the educational process, the educational process itself and its results.

Under meta-subject results generalized methods of activity (universal educational actions) mastered by students on the basis of several or all academic subjects are understood, applicable both within the framework of the educational process and when solving real cognitive or practical problems in various fields of human activity. We can distinguish five main types of universal educational actions: personal, regulatory (including self-regulation), cognitive, sign-symbolic, communicative

To subject results mastering educational programs The concept of the standard refers to the results that are expressed in the assimilation by students of specific elements of social experience studied within a separate academic subject - knowledge, skills, experience in solving problems, experience in creative activity, values.

Based on the new understanding of the functions of the standards and the scope of their application, disclosed in their Concept, the Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs should become the basis for constructing procedures and a criterion for:

  • individual assessment of the educational achievements of each student, which consists mainly of his results in the cognitive and operational (meta-subject) areas,

  • integral assessment of the effectiveness of the education system at the level of an individual educational institution, region, (motivational, value) educational results.
General education should ensure the personal self-determination of students - the formation of value relations, moral and civic position, worldview, professional choice, identification of students' creative abilities, development of abilities to independently solve problems in various types and fields of activity.

In the process of general education, conditions must be created for students to develop:

  • the ability to see and understand the value of education, to be interested and motivated to continue it in various forms (including self-education) regardless of further life aspirations and possible professional choice;

  • skills and abilities to organize and plan one’s activities - to determine its goals and objectives, to reasonably choose ways and means of achieving goals and to apply them in practice, to interact with other people in achieving common goals, to evaluate the results achieved;

  • the ability to explain objects and processes of the surrounding reality - the natural, social, cultural, technical environment, i.e., highlight their essential features, systematize and generalize, establish cause-and-effect relationships, evaluate their significance;

  • the ability to navigate in the sphere of social, moral and aesthetic values ​​- to distinguish between facts and assessments, compare evaluative conclusions, see their connection with assessment criteria and the connection of criteria with a certain system of values, formulate and justify one’s own position;

  • abilities to perform certain social roles (voter, consumer, user, resident of a certain area, etc.) - have the ability to analyze specific life situations and choose methods of behavior that are adequate to these situations;

  • key skills (key competencies) that are of universal importance for various types of activities - problem solving skills, decision making, searching, analyzing and processing information, communication skills, measurement skills, collaboration skills.

  • skills of professional self-determination, i.e. to teach one to navigate in the world of professions, in the situation on the labor market and in the vocational education system, in one’s own interests and capabilities, to prepare for the conditions of study in a vocational educational institution, to develop knowledge and skills that are of fundamental importance for vocational education of a certain profile.
In a basic school, the main result of education is the formation of skills in organizing and programming effective individual and collective activities, both educational and social-creative; preparation for a conscious choice of future educational trajectory based on subject knowledge; acquiring knowledge about the extent of one’s rights and responsibilities.

This is especially important in the context of the transition of the senior level of school to specialized education, when primary school students are faced with the task of earlier life orientation. This requires targeted work to gradually transfer the teenager from the position of an object of educational aspirations of the school and teachers to the position of the subject of his own education, a reasonable choice of his ways to continue it.

Modernization of education based on a change in the ideology of its goals and the construction of content leads to the transformation of the basic school as a “school of knowledge” into a “school of growing up, a school of self-determination.” This position is based on the belief that the pedagogical goals of this stage of school education are determined to a greater extent by the personal development of students than with purely educational goals and subject educational results. This led to the inclusion in the educational programs and curriculum of the basic school not only of components related to educational activities, but also of other types of activities.

According to the Concept, the most important feature of the second generation standards is the targeted and consistent implementation in determining the requirements for educational results of the system-activity approach developed by the domestic psychological and pedagogical scientific school. With this approach, the educational process is built as a system of purposefully organized educational activities, during which students master universal and specific methods of action for individual academic subjects, key concepts and theories, essential properties of the objects being studied and the relationships between them.

The focus on the activity-based approach is reflected in the appropriate interpretation of the requirements for the results of basic general education, the formation of which should be ensured by the structure of educational activities, the leading goals of studying a given subject, and the composition and scope of its content.
Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs (Basic school) are developed based on the following provisions:

  • The planned results of mastering basic educational programs for primary schools must correspond to the main goals of general education.

  • The planned results of mastering educational programs for primary schools should reflect the content of the second stage in the implementation of the main goals of general education; they must ensure continuity with the goals of school education and create the prerequisites for the implementation of educational goals in high school.

  • The planned results of mastering educational programs for a primary school should reflect the specifics of education in a primary school, its focus on gradually expanding the sphere of independence and responsibility of students.

  • The planned results of mastering educational programs for primary schools should include:
- the results of the school’s activities, which the school is obliged to identify and present in its open information report;

The results of students' educational activities, which may be the object of pedagogical assessment;

The results of students' educational activities, which should be the subject of their final certification.

  • The planned results of mastering educational programs for primary schools should stimulate integration processes in the field of education, the relationship between the study of academic subjects and other types of student activities.

  • The planned results of mastering educational programs for primary schools should contribute to solving strategic problems of education development - ensuring its accessibility, achieving a new quality of education, and increasing its effectiveness.

  • The planned results of mastering educational programs for primary schools should stimulate the innovative activities of teaching staff, the desire of teachers and school administrators to improve their professional qualifications.

  • The significance of the planned results should be clear to society, parents of students and the students themselves.

Requirements for mastering educational programs of basic general education were developed taking into account:

- age features students at two stages of this level of school (grades 5-6 and 7-9), their cognitive needs and capabilities, in particular, the experience of a number of foreign countries, where the first stage of this stage of school education is assigned to primary school;

- the need to ensure continuity with the goals, planned results and content of education in primary and secondary schools;

- adopted in the Concept of School Standards structures of educational results, which involves a description of the planned personal, meta-subject and subject results ensuring the development of their value, motivational, operational and cognitive resources;

The need for indications of content and nature activities, through which the planned results must be achieved;

- differentiation of requirements content presentation for different categories of “users” of the standard - the results of education should be presented in the documents that make up the standard, with varying degrees of detail. In the section “Requirements for mastering basic general education programs,” which is aimed mainly at the general public, parents, and legislators, the results are presented in general terms as a certain specification of the goals of education. In sample programs for individual academic subjects, which are intended for teachers, Unified State Exam developers, and textbook authors, the results should be more detailed and specific;

Different purposes and functions of two types of requirements for educational results - focused on individual assessment of educational achievements of graduates (mainly subject requirements) and aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the education system at the level of educational institution, regional and federal levels;

The need for greater detail in the planned results of education in academic subjects as a criterion for assessing the educational achievements of individual graduates of the levels of school education during the final certification, presentation of the planned results in the form of a three-component structure: the mastered content of education, the level and qualitative characteristics of the mastered content;

edited by Nadezhda Konstantinovna Bushkova

One of the problems of general education noted
in the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education for 2013-2020”, there is insufficient effectiveness
in the formation of competencies that are in demand in modern social life and the economy, there is an insufficient level of students’ ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice.
To solve the problem of modernizing educational programs in the general education system, to ensure the achievement of modern quality of educational results and socialization results, the introduction of the federal state standard of basic general education (FSES LLC), which is based on a system-activity approach that ensures the formation of readiness for self-development and lifelong education, is called upon. design and construction of the social environment for the development of students in the education system, active educational and cognitive activity of students, construction of the educational process taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.
The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC involves significant changes in the work of teachers and heads of educational organizations, the creation of a legal basis for the introduction of the standard, the development of a basic general education program, the publication of a large number of local regulations, the use of modern educational technologies and high-tech equipment.
In order to assist educators starting activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, taking into account the results of testing the standard in basic schools of the Ryazan region, methodological recommendations were prepared by the following team of authors:
- manager Department of Management, Economics and Law, PhD in Economics. Sc., Associate Professor V.E. Rozhkova, senior lecturer of the Department of Management, Economics and Law O.V. Safonova (Regulatory and legal support for the activities of general education organizations regarding the introduction of the federal state educational standard for basic general education);
- manager Department of Technologies of Education, Education and Additional Education, Ph.D., Associate Professor T.V. Vasilchenkova, Associate Professor of the Department of Technologies of Education, Education and Further Education, Ph.D. philosopher. Sciences Yu.V. Agapov (Organization of the educational process aimed at achieving the results of the implementation of OOP LLC);
- senior lecturer of the department of technologies of training, education and additional education L.N. Gavrilenko (Use of modern educational technologies in the educational process);
- manager Department of Theory and Methodology of Social and Humanitarian Education, Ph.D., Associate Professor N.V. Merzlyakova (Literature. Native literature, Foreign language. Second foreign language), senior teachers of the department of theory and methodology of social and humanitarian education N.N. Paramzina, E.Ya. Fetisova (Russian language. Native language, Literature. Native literature);
- Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Natural Mathematics Education and ICT, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. OH. Naziev (Mathematics);
- Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Social and Humanitarian Education A.I. Ivonina (History);
- Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Science and Mathematics Education and ICT, Candidate of Geography. n. ON THE. Ataeva (Geography);
- biology teacher of MBOU “Secondary School No. 3”, Ryazan G.A. Stukolkina (Biology);
- Associate Professor of the Department of Technologies of Education, Education and Additional Education, Ph.D. E.N. Miroshina (Physical culture).

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