Mathematical city made of geometric shapes. Abstract on the topic "city of geometric shapes"

Summary of GCD using ICT

according to FEMP in the senior group

"Journey to the City of Geometric Shapes"

Compiled by: Kochergina I.V.

Target: generalization of previously acquired knowledge about geometric figures and their properties.

  • deepen children’s understanding of the characteristic features of geometric shapes;
  • teach children to navigate on a sheet of paper;
  • practice quantitative calculations;


  • develop visual and auditory perception, imaginative and logical thinking;
  • develop the ability to act in accordance with the teacher’s instructions;
  • develop fine motor skills;


  • cultivate positive motivation for learning and interest in mathematics;
  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Demo material:presentation, cards depicting scales, geometric trees, houses.

Handout:sets of geometric shapes; worksheets with tasks: “geometric trees”, “geometric houses”, “geometric swing”; cards depicting houses with empty windows.

Ι. Organizing time.
- In a wide circle, I see,
All my friends stood up.
We'll go right now: one, two, three.
Now let's go left: one, two, three.
Let's gather in the center of the circle: one, two, three.
And we’ll all return to our place: one, two, three.
Let's smile, wink,
We'll start studying.
Surprise moment "Letter"

Guys, a letter has arrived in our group. Do you want to know what's in this letter?
- Let's open the envelope. A resident of the country of geometric figures, Geometric, sent us a letter. He invites us to visit him.

ΙΙ. Main part.

Educator. Guys, do we accept the invitation? Then today we are going on a journey through the city of geometric shapes. Why do you think it is called that?

Children. Geometric shapes live in this city.

Educator. Right. In the geometric city, figures are everywhere. You will find out what geometric shapes live in this city by solving riddles:

1. I am a figure - no matter where,
Always very smooth
All angles in me are equal
And four sides.
Kubik is my beloved brother,
Because I... (square) .

2. I have no corners
And I look like a saucer
On the plate and on the lid,
On the ring, on the wheel.
Who am I, friends?
Answer: Circle

3. Look at the figure
And draw in the album
Three corners. Three sides
Connect with each other.
The result was not a square,
And beautiful... (triangle)

4. He looks like an egg
Or on your face.
This is the circle -
Very strange appearance:
The circle became flattened.
It turned out suddenly... (oval).

5. We stretched the square
And presented at a glance,
Who did he look like?
Or something very similar?
Not a brick, not a triangle -
Became a square... (rectangle)
Educator. You guessed the riddles correctly, and we set off on a journey.

Let's turn around and join hands together

Let’s close our eyes - say “AH” - and we’ll be a guest.”

I suggest you sit down at the tables.

Educator. So we approached the city. Guys, look how beautiful the gate is. What's unusual about them? (slide)

Exercise “Name and Count”

Children. They are made of geometric shapes.

Educator. Only the one who can name and count all the figures can pass through these gates and enter the city.

– Count how many circles are depicted on the gate? (4)

– How many triangles? (5)

- How many squares? (2)

– How many rectangles? (3)

Educator. Well done! You completed the task. We can go into the city.

- Guys, look, we are being met by a resident of this city, Geometric. (slide)

Educator. A geometrician wants to test how well we know geometric figures? Listen to the first task.

Exercise "Find the differences"

– Geometric has a friend who is very similar to him. Look at the little men and tell me how they are similar and how they are different? (slide)

Children. They are similar in that these little men are made up of geometric shapes.

Differences: the man on the left has a blue square body, and the man on the right has a green square body; the man on the left has square buttons, and the man on the right has round buttons; the man on the left has triangular legs, and the man on the right has rectangular legs; the cap triangle is turned in different directions.

Educator. Well done boys. You named everything correctly, and we move on.

Exercise "Geometric trees"

Educator. In the city of figures, even the trees have a geometric shape. Here are cards with pictures of trees.
– Show a tree with a crown that looks like a circle (oval, triangle, rectangle, square).

– Let’s count how many trees there are in the picture? We will count in order. (Five trees).
– Which tree has a round crown? (oval, triangular, rectangular, square)?

Educator. Well done boys! You completed the task. And now, guys, Geometric invites us to rest a little. Leave the tables and stand in a circle.

Physical education minute.

How many points are there in this circle?
Let's raise our hands so many times.
How many sticks are there to the point?
We'll stand on our tiptoes that much.
How many green Christmas trees?
We'll do so many bends.
How many circles do we have here?
We'll do so many jumps.
(Sit down at the tables) (slide)

Educator. We rested a little, and nowYou and I are going to Geometricheskaya Street. Consider the houses that are on this street.

Exercise “Geometric houses”

– House numbers are indicated at the top. In what house number do triangles, squares, circles, ovals live?
– Which house is the tallest (lowest)?
– Which house is the widest (narrowest)?
– Which house does the longest (shortest) path lead to?

- Well done, you did a great job.

Educator. In the city of geometric shapes there is a magical swing. Geometric shapes ride on swings.

Exercise "Geometric swing"

- Let's remember where on the card the right (left) side of the swing is?

– On the left side of the swing, place two red squares to ride.

– And on the right side, plant three blue squares.

– Which squares are there more (less)?

– Which squares do you think are heavier? Why?

– What can be done to make the number of red and green squares equal?

Children. Add one red square or remove one green square.

Geometrician is a very cheerful man, he invites us to relax a little and stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Jolly little man”
I am a cheerful person
I walk and sing.
I am a cheerful person
I really like to play.
The index and middle fingers of both hands “walk” along the table.
I'll rub my palms hard,
They rub their palms.
I'll twist each finger,
I'll say hello to him
And I'll start pulling out.
They cover each finger at the base and with rotational movements rise to the nail phalanx.
I'll wash my hands later
They rub their palms.
I'll put my fingers together,
I'll lock them up
And I'll keep it warm.
Place your fingers in a lock.

Educator. And now we go to the construction street.

Exercise “Populate the house with geometric shapes”

Educator. Guys, a new house has been built in a geometric city in which different figures will live. Let's help them settle in. I will tell you where the figures live, and you will move them into apartments.

– Place the square in the upper right corner.
- Circle in the middle of the house.
– Triangle in the lower left corner.
– Oval in the upper left corner.
– Rectangle in the lower right corner.

– How many empty apartments are left?

- Well done guys, we also coped with this task.

Educator. Our trip around the city

geometric shapes ends. Geometric says

GOODBYE to you! He hopes you liked it. We have completed all the tasks and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

“We’ll stamp our feet, we’ll clap our hands.”

Let's turn around ourselves,

Let’s close our eyes – say “AH” – and find ourselves in our kindergarten.”

ΙΙΙ. Reflection.

Educator. Did you like our trip? Where have we been?

– What tasks did you find interesting?

– Which ones are difficult?

– Which tasks did you complete faster?

– Today we visited an unusual city, where everything is connected with mathematics and geometric shapes. You all tried your best, listened carefully, and that’s why you completed all the tasks.

- Thanks guys. And now you can go and rest.

Lesson on the development of mathematical concepts

in children of the preparatory group

Subject: "Journey to the City of Geometric Shapes"

Program content:

Clarify and consolidate the idea of ​​a geometric figure - a ball. Practice the ability to find circle- and ball-shaped objects in the environment.

Materials for the lesson:

Demonstration - flannelgraph, model of a train made of geometric shapes with separately attached square and round wheels; a set of objects of different shapes; installation for shadow theater - lamp, screen; large plane figures - circle, square, triangle, etc., large volumetric figures - ball, cube.

Handout - “Magic bags” with a set of figures - circle, ball, square, cube) one bag for 2-3 children; plasticine of two colors - one color per child.

Methodical techniques: playful, visual, practical.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part.

Guys, today we will be traveling! And we will go to the city of geometric shapes. What can you travel with? You and I will go by train.

Look, this is the train you and I will ride on (a model of a train with square wheels is displayed on a flannelgraph). Do you think we can go already? Why not? (The train won’t run because it has square wheels, but it should be round) Why can’t a train run on square wheels? (the square does not roll, but the circle does).

Let's check it out. (The teacher suggests that one of the children roll a square and a circle around the table).

Why doesn't the square roll? (A square has corners and sides, and they prevent it from rolling)

Why is the circle rolling? (A circle has no corners or sides) Let's put the necessary wheels on our train and go to the city of geometric shapes. Go!

(To the sound of a moving train, children go to the music room decorated with geometric shapes and models of houses made of building material. A task awaits the children near each house).

Main part.

Well, here we are in the city of geometric shapes. Look what a beautiful city! In each house there lives a figure. To keep you interested, geometric shapes have come up with different games for you. Do you want to play?

Game 1. “Magic bag”

The teacher shows the children various objects - for example, a ball, a plate, a book, a dice - and asks them to name their shape. With the help of an adult, children name: circle, ball, cube, rectangle. Then the teacher divides the children into small subgroups and distributes “magic bags”. Children take turns, without looking into the bag, try to determine the shape of a figure by touch, and then, to prove that they are right, they take it out, show it to everyone and put it back in the bag.

At the end of the game, the teacher offers to open the bag, puts a circle and a ball on the table and invites the children to compare them:

What do they have in common and how are they different?

First, children establish signs of difference: a circle is flat, and a ball is three-dimensional. A circle can be “flattened” and hidden between the palms, but a ball cannot be “flattened” - it is a three-dimensional (spatial) figure. What the figures have in common is that both figures are round in shape, have no corners and can roll.

Game 2. “Find and Tell”

Guys, geometric shapes love to play hide and seek. But the circle and the ball are so well hidden among the objects around us that other geometric figures cannot find them. Let's help them.

(Children try to find spherical or circle-shaped objects in the environment. The teacher encourages the most observant ones).

Game 3. “Treat”

Guys, it turns out that soon there will be a holiday in the city of Geometric Shapes and they need to prepare a lot of treats. Do you want to help them? You need to bake round-shaped cookies from the dough, but one cookie will look like a plate, and the other like a pea. Which two molds will the cookies be made from? (Circle and ball)

(Children are divided into two subgroups - one subgroup makes circles from plasticine, and the other balls. During modeling, the teacher clarifies: how can you make a ball, a circle? How can you make a circle from a ball?)

Final part.

Guys, today we had a lot of fun in the city of Geometric Shapes, but it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. As a farewell, city residents want to take a memorable photo. To do this, we will go with you to a photo studio and turn into photographers for a while.

Game "Photographers"

Using a shadow theater (a screen with a lamp), the teacher projects the shadow of a ball - a circle - onto the screen.

What do you see? (Circle)

How is this figure different from a ball? (Children express their guesses.)

Place a circle and a ball on a piece of paper. Look: does the circle fit entirely on the plane of the sheet? (Yes.) And the ball? (No.)

Why? (A circle is a flat figure, and a ball is a three-dimensional figure.)

That's right, and this is their main difference.

Now we have photographs of the residents of the city of Geometric Shapes. Guys, the train is ready to depart. Hurry up, take your seats and hit the road. Go!

(To the sounds of a moving train, children return to the group).

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition" , "Communication" , "Artistic Design" , "Health" . Types of children's activities: cognitive, communicative, productive, motor. Goal: To consolidate children’s previously acquired knowledge.


Develop children's understanding of geometric shapes (circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle). Exercise in correlating the shapes of objects with plane geometric figures. Train children in the ability to make geometric shapes from colored sticks, lay out a picture of geometric shapes according to a model. Develop sensory abilities (perception of color, shape, size). Train fine motor skills of the hands. Improve intelligence (attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech). To instill in children perseverance and the ability to finish what they start.

Planned results: Children know how to work with Voskobovich’s games "Lanterns" , a game "Logic Blocks - Dienesha" , Cuisenaire rods, correlate the shapes of objects with plane geometric figures.

Equipment and materials: Geometric shapes, human figures, costume "Dunno" , Voskobovich's game "Lanterns" (per child), Voskobovich's game "Lanterns" (per child), Voskobovich "Casket" Flashlights (for the teacher), "Logic Blocks - Dienesha" , planar images of trees (geometric shapes),

Cuisenaire sticks, basket with treats, planar images "airplane carpet" (per child).

Preliminary work: Introduction to games, geometric shapes, and shapes.

Dunno: Hello guys! Do you know my name?

Children's answers.

Dunno: Yes! I am Dunno and I know everything in the world! Znayka gave me a watch.

Here! I even know what shape they are! They are...shapes (difficult) (round).

Dunno: Yes! Exactly! I knew that the watch was round, I just didn’t have time to tell. I'm going to town "Geometric Shapes" .

Educator: They say this is a magical city. What do you guys think, who lives there? (geometric figures)

Educator: To travel around the city "Geometric Shapes" , you need to perform different tasks.

(Dunno became sad).

Educator: Dunno, what happened to you? Why did you become


Dunno: I probably won’t cope with the tasks in the city "Geometric Shapes" . And I will never get to this magical city.

Educator: Dunno, I know how to help you. Guys, let's go on a trip to a magical city "Geometric Shapes" together with Dunno and help him complete his tasks there.

Children's answers.

Educator: What do you think you can use to travel? How should you behave when visiting? (bus, plane, boat, bicycle, train).

Educator: Our journey is fabulous, so we will travel on a fairy carpet - an airplane. Look at it carefully.

(Gives a sample, asks a question, children answer)

What geometric figure does the airplane carpet resemble? (rectangle).

Why do you think so? (a rectangle has two long sides and two short sides).

What is the airplane carpet decorated with? (geometric shapes triangle, square, circle).

Educator: Carpet - the plane will take us to "City of Figures" , only

then when the whole thing is decorated with geometric shapes. What geometric shapes do we need? (triangle, square, circle).

Educator: The figures from the set will help us decorate the carpet "Logic Blocks - Dienesha" .

(The teacher gives each child "Carpet plane" , baskets with "Blocks - Dienesha" , children complete the task.)

Educator: "Carpets are airplanes" ready, you can go on a journey, but first let’s say the magic words

Find yourself in a new fairy tale

We want, we want.

On the carpet, on the plane

Let's fly, let's fly.

Educator: Close your eyes. "Carpet plane" and magical music will help us find ourselves in the city "Geometric Shapes" .

(Magic music sounds. When the music stops playing. The children, Dunno, and the teacher end up in the city "Geometric Shapes" , and see various geometric shapes: circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle).

Educator: Oh! Look who is meeting us, what are these figures? (Circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle).

(Dunno suggests incorrectly, the children correct it)

Educator: Dunno, do you know how a circle differs from a triangle? What about a square from a rectangle?

Dunno: No.

Educator: Guys, do you know? Tell Dunno (a circle has no corners).

Dunno: I see that you know geometric shapes, but can you cope with tricky tasks in this city?

Educator: Our knowledge and skills, as well as ingenuity, will help us.

(They go to the first clearing, music plays).

Educator: You and I came to a clearing called "Find similar"

(round shape, red).


“Look carefully at the pictures with geometric shapes and match them with pictures with those objects that are similar to this or that geometric shape” .

(Circle – ball, bun; triangle – cap, pyramid; rectangle – refrigerator, train; square – painting, clock).

Educator: We completed this task. But let's see how we manage to cope with the next task, in the next clearing.

(The teacher with the children and Dunno move to the next clearing, which is called "Fold the figures" .)

Educator: Guys, have you noticed how quiet it is in the forest? You can’t hear the birds singing, look, we are met by a resident of this country with a task.

Educator: What is the shape of the worksheet? What colour? (square shape, green).


“All the birds flew away from our forest, all the animals and insects disappeared. Help us bring back birds, animals, insects. City residents

"Geometric Shapes" .

Educator: Guys, let's help. (Children's answers).

Educator: Will the game help us? "Miracle - honeycomb" .

(Children collect birds, animals, insects. When the children complete the task, birdsong will sound).

Educator: We did a good job. City residents "Geometric Shapes" they say thank you very much to us. Because we returned birds, animals and insects to the forest, they said that at the end of our journey through their city,

a surprise will await us. But what will we find out when we go through all the clearings of the city? "Geometric Shapes" and complete all tasks.

(Children make up one per "Kovgografe" train from Voskobovich's game "Miracle - honeycomb" "Casket" .

Educator: Let's count how many cars there are on the train? (five). Educator: Now let's count the trailers in order (first, second, third, fourth, fifth).

Educator: What is the serial number of the trailer, yellow, green, red...

(Children's answers)

Educator: Guys, let's put down the numbers of the cars.

(Children complete the task).

Educator: The train is ready and waiting for passengers. We will travel in carriage number five.

(The teacher shows the number five, distributes "tickets" Voskobovich's game "The Magic Eight" ) .

Educator: Take the tickets and let's put the number five on them.

Educator: Attention, the train is leaving.

(The locomotive whistle sounds, the children line up one after another, sing a song “Steam locomotive, shiny new locomotive...” and travel around the room - "going by train" ) .

Educator: So we arrived at the next clearing, it’s called "Funny Geometry" . Look, we are met by a resident of this country with a task.

(triangular shape, yellow).


“Use colored sticks to make a square, rectangle, triangle” .

(One child completes the task on the magnetic board).

Children complete the task.

Educator: How many sticks did it take to build a triangle? (three) Square? (four) Rectangle? (six)

Educator: So we completed this task.

Dunno: But I can’t do anything.

Educator: We will help you.

(Children help Dunno).

Educator: Now the last task awaits us, let's go. Look, we are met by a resident of this country with a task

Educator: What shape is the worksheet with the task, what color? (rectangular shape, blue).

Educator: Guys, look, whose houses are these? (Figures)

Educator: Correct! These are houses of geometric shapes.


“We got lost in the forest and can’t find the way to our houses. Residents of the city of “Geometric Figures” .

Educator: Let's help them guys, but first tell me which figure, which house we will take? (circles - into a round-shaped house, triangles into a triangular-shaped house, squares - into a square-shaped house).

(Children and Dunno complete the task).

Educator: I see that you are really great! We completed all the tasks and helped the residents of the city "Figure" return birds, animals, insects to the forest, find lost figures home. Helped Dunno complete his assignments. Now, let's see what kind of surprise the city residents have prepared for us. "Geometric Shapes" . Who remembers what figures these are? (circle, triangle, square, oval, rectangle)

Educator: Well done! Well, now let's go for a surprise.

(Music sounds. The children and the teacher go to a clearing where there is a stump, and on it there is a basket with a surprise (cookies in the shape of geometric shapes)).

Educator: So we got to the treat (what shape, size).

Well, now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's sit on our own

"Carpets - Airplanes" and say the magic words:

On the carpet, on the plane
Let's fly, let's fly,
Find yourself in our group,
We want, we want.

(Music is playing, when the music stops playing, we will find ourselves in our kindergarten.)

Dunno: Well, dear friends,
I'm glad you taught me.
The journey is over.
Thank you for your help.


Be friends with mathematics
Accumulate your knowledge.
Let your efforts help you
Memory, logic, attention!

Dunno: It’s time for me to go home. Goodbye, see you again.

Educator: Guys, you liked our trip.

Educator: What city were we in? What geometric shapes have we come across?

Educator: And now a treat awaits us.

List of used literature: 1. Mikhailova Z.A. "Math from 3 to 7". Educational and methodological manual for kindergarten teachers. Publisher: Childhood Press, 2008. Series: Library of the program “Childhood.

2. T.M. Bondarenko Educational games in preschool educational institutions Lesson notes on educational games by Voskobovich Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions Voronezh 2009

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 35 "Leysan" combined type

Elabuga municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

City of Geometric Shapes

Prepared by: M.M. Yusupova – teacher

MBDOU kindergarten No. 35 “Leysan” EMR RT


Lesson notes on the topic: City of Geometric Shapes

Subject: geometric figure« Rectangle".

Target: introduce a new geometric figure.

Educational tasks: to form a positive attitude towards learning, respectful, friendly relationships with each other.

Educational objectives: consolidate the concept of geometric shapes; learn to find them in objects made up of various geometric shapes.

Developmental tasks: continue to develop children's speech and creative thinking.

Methods: gaming, visual, verbal.

Techniques: questions, instructions, additions, reminders, encouraging words.

Equipment: geometric shapes, Pinocchio, cards.

Main educational area: cognitive development.

Integration of educational areas:

Social and communicative development- conversation about geometric figures, didactic game “Geometric”.

Cognitive development- direct educational activities;

Physical development - physical education lesson “Warm-up begins”, exercise for the hand and fingers« Who has arrived?

Progress of the lesson

1. Exercises for the hand and fingers « Who has arrived?

Who has arrived?( Fast

We, we, we!( The tips of the thumbs are pressed together, and the tips of the other fingers are clapping quickly at the same time.)

Mom mom,

It's you?( X burst with the tips of our thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( We clap with the tips of our index fingers.)

Dad, dad

It's you?( We clap with the tips of our thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( We clap with the tips of our middle fingers.)

Brother, brother,

It's you?( We clap with the tips of our thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( We clap with the tips of our ring fingers.)

Ah, little sister,

It's you?( We clap with the tips of our thumbs.)

Yes Yes Yes!( We clap our little fingers.)

We are all together

Yes Yes Yes!( We clap with all our fingers.)

2. Conversation with children.

- Guys! Today I met Pinocchio on the way. And he really wants to know about the country of geometric shapes.

- Let us continue our acquaintance and take Pinocchio with us.

Children: yes, yes.

- Now let’s remember what cities we visited.

- Let's play.

Buratino, do you agree to play with us (Buratino nods his head). He kindly agreed to play with us. So let's begin.

3. A game « Geometric »

- What city is this?

Children: city« Circle».

- Yes children, that's right. Identify the circles by color and size, count the circles forward and backward.

- Well done, you did it.

- What city is this?

Children: city« Triangle».

- Right. Tell me how many sides does a triangle have?

- Arrange the triangles from largest to smallest.

- Fine.

Children: city« Square».

- Yes that's right. How many sides does a square have?
- What can you say about the sides of a square?

- Name them by color. Arrange the squares from smallest to largest.

- Well done boys.

- Let us now get acquainted with a new figure, what city do you think this is?(children's answer)

- This is the city, guys.« Rectangle». ( Showing and naming rectangles of different sizes and colors). Now determine what this figure looks like?

Children: Wardrobe, table top, door, window...

- Very good, well done.

4.Game "Constructor"

- Guys, I will read you a poem, and you will make pictures from geometric shapes.

I took a triangle and a square,

He built a house from them.

And I am very happy about this:

Now a gnome lives there.

Square, rectangle, circle,

Another rectangle and two circles...

And my friend will be very happy:

I built the car for a friend.

I took three triangles

And a needle stick.

I put them lightly

And suddenly he received a Christmas tree.

First, choose two wheel circles,

And place a triangle between them.

Make a steering wheel out of sticks. And what miracles -

The bike is standing. Now ride, schoolboy!

5. Physical education lesson “Warm-up begins.”

The warm-up begins.

We stood up and straightened our backs.

They leaned left and right,

And they repeated it again.( Tilts to the sides.)

We squat according to the count,

One two three four five.

This is a necessary job -

Train the leg muscles.( Squats.)

And now hand jerks

We do it together with you.

One-jerk and two-jerk,( Hand jerks in front of the chest.)

Let's continue our lesson.

6. Lotto game.

Guys,cover the object with a geometric figure that it resembles.

Drawn items:


Round napkin





- Well done guys, you did it.

7. Card game.

- Guys, now we will work with cards. Determine which figure is missing (game of attention)



Yes children, well done.

8. " Hatching »

Guys, let's shade the geometric shapes with a simple pencil.We draw strokes from top to bottom or from left to right without lifting our hands from the paper, adhering to the contour lines of the drawing.We work carefully and do not go beyond the contours.(When doing shading, you should follow the rules.)

9. Summary of the lesson.

- What new geometric figure did you meet?

- Pinocchio, did you like our lesson?

Pinocchio: yes, I really liked it. I learned a lot about the land of geometric shapes. Can I come visit you next time?

- Yes, of course, come!