Mother is the heroine of benefits. Conditions and benefits of the Mother Heroine and Parental Glory awards

Nothing can compare with the emotions a mother experiences when her baby is born. To support parents and provide them with some benefits, the state level provides for the presentation of the Mother Hero Award for mothers who have given birth to 4 babies.

In the last century, it was considered the norm for a family to have more than 5 children. Often, especially in villages, it was about 10 boys and girls who were born to one woman. Of course, it was not easy to constantly feed so many kids, especially in view of the lack of a nutritious diet and quality things, but many families succeeded.

To support such parents, the Order “Mother Heroine” appeared in the USSR in 1944. This award was given only to those mothers who gave birth to 10 or more boys and girls, in gratitude for their birth and decent upbringing.

It was believed that every mother raising a large number of children should have such a title in order to increase the demographic level and birth rate in the country. After all, these indicators decreased significantly during the Great Patriotic War due to the death of many people who did not manage to become parents in the pre-war period.

Women raising 10 or more minors could count not only on receiving the appropriate certificate, but also on a number of benefits. For example, such a mother receives various benefits and discounts on utility bills.

The description of such an award suggests that a mother could receive such a title not only for the birth of her babies, but also for adopting children from the maternity hospital. At the same time, the diploma was issued only if, at the time of delivery, the youngest son or daughter was no older than 1 year, and all other minors were alive at that time.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this benefit was abolished.

Modern analogue of “Parental Glory”

The USSR-era Order “Mother Heroine” was abolished simultaneously with the collapse of the Union and the transition to new legislation, so in Russia, in 2020, it is not valid.

By Presidential Decree No. 775 in 2008, a new Order of “Parental Glory” was established, which only parents with many children can count on receiving. The first award took place at the beginning of 2009, for success in raising children.

What does it mean to receive the status of “Parental Glory” from the Soviet Order of “Mother of the Heroine”? Now the award can be given to both parents who are raising 4 or more children in their family. It is also envisaged that such families will receive additional certificates and a one-time payment in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

Parents can also receive additional status raising 7 or more children. This is an order and its miniature copy, which can be worn on special occasions. "Maternal Glory" looks like a bow made of silk ribbon, and a similar award for the father of children is a pentagonal block.

Many believe that in Soviet times, persons awarded an honorary title could count on receiving more benefits, for example, receiving their own living space, good payments for the maintenance of minors. Now the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for anything like this. In some regions, local authorities still give such families some benefits, for example:

  1. Benefits for utility bills ( or compensation for money spent);
  2. Providing an emergency place in kindergarten;
  3. Trips for children to resorts.

How many children do you need to have to get the title?

How to get a reward for raising a large number of minors in a family? The type of award and the possibility of receiving it directly depends on how many children are being raised in the family.

  1. Mother's medal 1st and 2nd degree is given for raising 6 and 5 children;
  2. The Order of "Maternal Glory" 1-3 degrees is given for the birth of 7 to 9 babies.

An innovation in the opportunity to receive this award in 2019-2020 is the strict selection of families who can apply for this title. Now it is not enough for a family to have many children, the number of which is sufficient to have such a sign.

According to the requirements defined in Executive Order 1099, parents who meet the following conditions can count on receiving the award:

  1. Parents are married;
  2. Parents created favorable conditions for their children;
  3. Proper care for all adopted children as if they were our own;
  4. The youngest child in the family must be at least 3 years old;
  5. The family must have adopted children under 5 years of age.

Since the state has limited the number of persons who can count on receiving such a benefit, the regions have also limited the ability to qualify for such an award. So, for example, in some regions, only 2 families per year can apply for such a sign.

What benefits can you expect?

If in Soviet times the Order “Mother Heroine” provided for the possibility of receiving various benefits and benefits, then The law of the Russian Federation does not provide for this.

Now families are given the opportunity to receive only those benefits that are provided for by regional legislation: emergency places in kindergartens, compensation for utility bills.

At the moment, a bill is being considered that provides for payments and benefits for holders of the “Parental Glory” award. It is planned that such large families have the right:

  1. Receiving benefits in the amount of one subsistence minimum for holders of a 3rd class medal;
  2. Payment of 7 times the amount for single mothers as a social pension;
  3. Reducing utility bills;
  4. Preferential admission for children to universities.

A large family will have the right to receive such benefits only if the youngest in the family is already 1 year old. Moreover, each parent must have citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Over the past few years, the role of women in the modern world has changed significantly. Today she can be a politician, an astronaut, the owner of a large company - it all depends only on her desire. However, almost every girl still dreams of becoming a mother. Despite the difficult financial and social conditions in the country, in many families husband and wife decide to raise more than one child. How many children must the heroine mother give birth to in order to receive this honorary status?

The tradition of the honorary title of mother-heroine originated in the 19th century. Thus, the authorities tried to influence the birth rate in the country, promising certain benefits and privileges to those who dared to take such a serious step. The order to present the corresponding medal was signed in the summer of 1944. To obtain it, it was necessary to give birth and raise at least 10 children. At the same time, there was one more mandatory condition: the youngest child must be one year old, all other children in the family must be alive.

For the calculation, it is also taken into account how many children the heroine’s mother adopted. Among other things, if one of the older children died in the performance of military duties or is listed as missing for the same reasons, he is also taken into account when awarding the mother with a medal and rank.

What other medals and orders are provided for heroine mothers?

Now that we know how many children the mother-heroine has, it will be necessary to mention other honorary titles. Thus, the motherhood medal was awarded to women who gave birth and raised more than 5 children. There were several degrees of this order or medal; they were awarded depending on the number of children in the family. Briefly, the scheme invented by the Soviet government looked like this:

  • 5 children - second degree medal;
  • 6 children - first class medal;
  • 7 children - order of the third degree;
  • 8 children - second degree order;
  • 9 children - first degree order.

New initiative of Russian deputies

Unfortunately, this good tradition has been forgotten. In modern society, a large number of children, housekeeping and living arrangements have become a very unpopular activity. However, over time, we return to many correct values, including this one. People first started talking about reviving this good tradition in 2013. A bill on the need to revive the honorary title - the title of "Mother Heroine" - was submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for consideration.

How many children must be born and raised today to receive such a great honor? Deputy Mikhail Serdyuk, the initiator of the return to traditions, believes that this requires the following conditions to be met:

  • have at least 5 children;
  • the age of the youngest is from one year, the oldest - up to 8 years.

The first mother-heroine in the USSR

It should be recalled that the last real order was awarded on November 14, 1991. According to dry statistics, over the years of the existence of this unique title, it has been awarded to more than 430 thousand women who have accomplished the great feat of motherhood. One of the most famous mothers was the first woman to receive an honorary order. Her name was Aleksakhina Anna Savelyevna. All her life she lived in the tiny village of Mamontovka, not far from the capital. In total, Anna Savelyevna had 12 children, 4 of whom died during the Great Patriotic War, defending the borders of their Motherland. At the moment, this first order has been transferred by the relatives of the heroine’s mother to the State Historical Museum and is available for viewing to everyone in the numismatics department.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in Russia, as in many other republics, honorary titles, orders and medals were no longer issued. Instead, they were awarded the Order of Friendship or the medal “For Services to the Fatherland,” but all these awards did not reflect the main essence, feat and work accomplished by hundreds and thousands of Russian women.

Revival of correct traditions

The revival of worthy traditions in our country began only in the 21st century. The prerequisite for this was the establishment of the Order of Parental Glory for Russian parents with many children. What is the fundamental difference between the new award established under President Medvedev and the previous title? How many children must the mother-heroine give birth to be considered such in this case? According to the new conditions, the order is awarded to both parents - both mother and father - if there are 4 or more natural or officially adopted children in their family. Additionally, such a married couple can count on receiving a certificate and a financial sum of 50 thousand rubles at a time.

Appearance of the new order

However, this information does not answer the question of how many children the mother-heroine must have to receive such an honorable status. Families where parents are raising more than 7 children are also awarded a new order. It has a unique and stylish appearance. So, it is a blue cross with the coat of arms of the Russian Federation on it.

What benefits have been and will be provided?

In the Soviet Union, information about how many children the mother-heroine had was extremely important, because in addition to honorary titles, the holders of this title could count on a significant improvement in their living conditions. Thus, many women received separate spacious housing, as well as financial benefits. There is no similar scheme, debugged in a similar way, in the Russian Federation. However, our country, Russia, also grants certain benefits to mothers with many children. The heroine mother has to give birth to how many children to be able to take advantage of them? There is no exact answer to this question; it is determined depending on each specific benefit or benefit. Thus, children from families with three or more children can get into kindergarten out of turn. In general, the list of privileges includes:

  • discount on utilities (depending on the region);
  • trips to camps and resorts.

State support programs are constantly being modernized. Thus, it is planned to provide:

  • benefits of various levels;
  • benefits for higher education for children;
  • reducing the cost of paying for utilities (in those regions where there is no such subsidy yet);
  • provision of minibuses, land plots and much more.

How many children the mother-heroine must have to receive all these benefits is not specified at the moment.

Mother-heroine in the CIS countries

The tradition of awarding such honorary titles has been preserved since Soviet times in Ukraine. Thus, in this country the title “Mother Heroine” is still awarded. How many children in 2013 were able to benefit from such social support! A similar policy is followed in Belarus. Women who give birth to 5 or more children are awarded the title "Heroine Mother". How many children of 2014 can count on such support, and how will it be expressed? So, as already mentioned, a woman must have 5 or more children to receive the honorary title. For all children, a regular general allowance is issued, totaling about 700,000 rubles in local currency; in terms of dollars, this amount looks much less significant and amounts to only 80 dollars. However, heroine mothers can also count on one-time support from President Lukashenko in the amount of 2.5 million. An honorary order is also a pleasant bonus.

Nothing can compare to the emotions that literally overwhelm a woman after the birth of a child.

After all, giving life to a tiny creature that develops and grows under the heart over the course of 9 months is essentially happiness in its purest form, shared with mothers and the state. Moreover, taking into account that raising even one child, as well as providing for all his needs, is not easy, a number of preferences have been established at the legislative level for women who, within the framework of the law, are heroines due to the birth of more than 4 children.

History of the title

Even at the beginning of the last century, it was the norm for ordinary families to raise from 8 to 10 children, and this despite the fact that there were no comfortable homes, no high-quality children's things, no nutritious food rations, not to mention kindergartens, which were not available for many years. everyone. Of course, it was not easy to feed such a number of children, as well as provide for their daily needs, but the parents tried, which actually, several decades later, was expressed in caring for the elderly mother and father of their now grown-up children.

Naturally, the state could not stand aside and, in gratitude for the birth of 10 children or more, as well as their decent upbringing, established the first award for motherhood - “Mother Heroine”. This distinctive sign in the form of an order was provided with the aim of increasing the demographic level and, accordingly, the birth rate, which during the war years not only decreased significantly, but was also difficult due to the death of many young people during the war who were never able to become parents.

Also, with the introduction of this award, women recognized as heroines received not only a diploma from the Presidium of the Armed Forces, but also a number of benefits, both material in the form of an increased amount of benefits, and household benefits, in particular, the same extraordinary admission of children to children. gardens and improving living conditions by receiving apartments from the state. It should be noted that women received the honorary title not only for children born to her personally, but also for those adopted, but provided that they were raising at least 10 children, in total, and by the time they received the honorary title, the youngest was at least one year old, and the rest of the children were alive.

Naturally, with the collapse of the USSR, many of the privileges sank into oblivion, including the honorary title of Mother Heroine, which, due to the nuances of legislation, was valid only during the time of the union, and after the formation of the Russian Federation was leveled, as well as a number of benefits that during its existence About half a million mothers were able to receive this award.

About the “Mother Heroine” award, see the following video:

Modern analogue awards

In Soviet times, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces of 1944, in addition to the Order of the Mother Heroine, a few more awards, namely:

  • Motherhood Medal 1st and 2nd degree for raising 6 and 5 children, respectively;
  • Order of "Maternal Glory" 1-3 degrees for the birth of 9 to 7 children.

That is, in fact, for half a century, motherhood was rewarded at the highest level and encouraged through a number of preferences, which were canceled with the collapse of the USSR and, accordingly, were not applied for more than 15 years until the adoption of Presidential Decree No. 775 in 2008 on the establishment of the Order of “Parental Glory”, through which women are currently rewarded for giving birth and raising children in the Russian Federation. By the way, in 2010, another award was established by Decree No. 1099, namely Medal of the Order of Parental Glory.

It is worth noting that, unlike the previous legislative act on remuneration for motherhood, applied in Soviet times, the current law provides for gratitude for raising children not only in relation to the mother, but also to the father , considering that the birth of babies, as well as their upbringing, rests with both parents, and not just with the mother.

Another innovation was the strict selection of families who can qualify for the stipulated gratitude at the state level, because previously certain conditions, except for the number of children, were not established in the law, unlike now.

So, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 1099, parents can only apply for an honorary title and order subject to the following conditions:

  • being in an officially registered marriage;
  • creating favorable conditions for children, which imply a healthy lifestyle, spiritual and physical development, as well as an appropriate level of care and concern for all the needs of children, both their own and adopted ones;
  • the youngest child reaches at least 3 years of age;
  • raising adopted children for at least 5 years.

Another significant difference should be noted, namely the number of families that are nominated for the award. Indeed, earlier during the Soviet era, more than 10 thousand women a year received the honorary title “Heroine Mother”, while at the moment we are talking about only two families per region. And even then, after a thorough check of the living conditions, maintenance and satisfaction of all the needs of the children, from clothing and diet, to cultural development in the form of visiting museums, exhibitions and water parks.

Family size

In 2008, since the issuance of Decree 775, parents initially received the right to compensation for raising four or more children, however, since a third of the families fell under the agreed parameters, selection was quite difficult.

It was also taken into account that the birth and upbringing of 4 children, in comparison with a large number of children, is much more difficult to implement, both morally and materially, which is why the need to amend this act arose.

In particular, since 2010 Decree No. 1099 it was established that Order of "Parental Glory" can be assigned only to those parents in whose family raising at least 7 children, and with the condition that all children are alive at the time of selection and registration of documents and the youngest child has reached 3 years of age. Moreover, if one or more children out of seven died as a result of performing military duty or died in connection with receiving or illness, the parents do not lose the right to receive the order, given that their child, in fact, fulfilled his public duty in relation to the Russian Federation .

But expect to receive medals of the Order of "Parental Glory" in pursuance of the stipulated Decree, parents who are supported by there are 4 or more children, but provided that the family is complete, self-sufficient and, one might say, exemplary, in view of compliance with all criteria for raising and providing children with proper education, material benefits, and cultural and moral development.

Moreover, both in relation to applicants for the order and for the medal, the order several conditions apply. In particular:

  • applicant families must be citizens of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, have supporting documents of birth of the Russian type;
  • cannot reside outside of Russia;
  • must be a complete and ideal family.

Award procedure

Of course, not all families, even if they have 7 children, can qualify for state awards in view of the list of criteria that are approved by Letter of the Presidential Administration No. AK-3560.

In particular, parents are nominated for an award based on a petition from local authorities , to which is attached the following package of documents:

That is, in essence, the above documents must confirm that children are not only kept in ideal conditions, but also raised in love and care, and also fully develop in all respects, from intellectual to moral.

Wherein cannot claim for an order or medal parents who:

  • were deprived or limited in parental rights;
  • children were placed in state care;
  • have a criminal record or other problems with the law.

The above package of documents is submitted for consideration at the regional level to specially created commissions, which study the provided data and make a decision after 30 days. Then the commission’s decision with a petition and supporting data on consistency is submitted for consideration in the form of a submission to the President through authorized representatives at the regional level.

Over the next 3 months, regulations for presenting awards to parents are being developed, according to which the entire family is invited to an official meeting and receive the order or medal “Parental Glory” in Moscow.

Benefits and allowances

In most cases, large families strive to receive the Order of “Parental Glory” not at all because this gratitude is the highest state award, but in connection with the benefits that come with it. So, in pursuance of Decree No. 775, the award is accompanied by one-time benefit in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, which is paid in the manner approved by Resolution No. 1438.

Also, taking into account that even if there are three children, the family is recognized, but at the local level, parents are offered a number of social benefits, in particular:

The ceremonial presentation of these orders in St. Petersburg is shown in this video:

After the collapse of the USSR in the 90s, it was not at all fashionable to provide social support to large families. Everything that was in any way connected with the notorious “scoop” was categorically rejected, and therefore such a wonderful and honorable title as mother-heroine became a thing of the past.

The history of the appearance of the Order “Mother Heroine”

The title of mother heroine and the badge were introduced in the penultimate year of the war, when the demographic problem associated with gigantic human losses arose in front of the country's leadership. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a Decree that specified the conditions for the award of this honorary title. The title of mother heroine was designated as “the highest degree of distinction” and was awarded to those women who not only gave birth, but also raised ten or more children.

The period for conferring the title of mother heroine was determined by the date when the youngest child turned 1 year old, and at the same time the remaining 9 children were alive. Legally adopted children were also taken into account, as well as children who died in the performance of military duties.

Over the 47-year period of existence of this high title, over 400 thousand Soviet women were awarded it. In addition to the Order of “Mother Heroine”, other similar awards were established in the USSR: the Order of “Maternal Glory” of 3 degrees (for 7, 8, 9 children) and the “Motherhood Medal” of two degrees (for 5, 6 children).

The Soviet state provided benefits to heroine mothers in full. These included cash benefits, free trips to health resorts, and most importantly, apartments were provided out of turn.

Now there is nothing like it. There is no such title - “Mother Heroine”. True, in some republics of the former Soviet Union it was still preserved. For example, there is the title “Mother Heroine of Ukraine”, where it is awarded to women who gave birth and raised 5 or more children up to the age of 8. It is assigned by Presidential Decree, in addition to which a one-time monetary reward is paid in the amount of 10 subsistence minimums. Ukrainian mother-heroines receive a pension supplement (25% of the same subsistence level). And if a woman does not have the work experience necessary to calculate a pension, then she receives benefits from the state.

Order of “Parental Glory” - successor to the Order of “Mother Heroine”?

This order was established in our country in 2009 and is awarded to parents with 4 or more children. In addition, a one-time cash reward of 50 thousand rubles is issued. However, many believe that this is not enough. And at the beginning of 2013, a proposal was submitted to the State Duma to revive the “Heroine Mother” order, which would be awarded to women who gave birth and raised 5 or more children. It is proposed to “support” this title with financial benefits, the list of which is still being developed.

However, many women are asking that this award at least give heroine mothers the right to early retirement. Current pension legislation stipulates this possibility, but only if you have at least 15 years of work experience. What if he is not there? So women are asking to recognize the difficult task of raising children as useful work that gives the right to early retirement.

And if the title of mother-heroine also helps solve the housing problems of large families, then this legislative initiative will certainly receive approval in all regions of Russia. By the way, the regions, to the best of their financial capabilities, already provide support to large families in the form of benefits for utility bills and priority provision of places in kindergartens.

Therefore, many deputies call the revival of the title “Heroine Mother” an initiative that supports and strengthens the institution of family.

Today, the status of mother of the heroine is assigned to women who have raised ten or more children. It is worth noting that at the time of obtaining the status, the youngest child in the family must be at least one year old.

Along with this status, a mother of many children can receive the “Motherhood Medal” award and two orders “Maternal Glory” and “Mother Heroine”.

The status of “Mother Heroine” is the highest degree of distinction, which is awarded to those who have given birth to or adopted at least ten children. When receiving status, the following categories of children are taken into account:

  • officially adopted, in accordance with the current legal order;
  • children who died or went missing while defending the country or during military operations.

This also includes persons who fulfilled their civic duty related to saving human life and protecting socialist property and law and order.

Benefits and rewards for mothers of many children

Mothers with four or more children receive the Order of Parental Glory

Since 2009 they have received the Order of Parental Glory. This award is given to both parents with many children, provided they are raising four or more children. Moreover, in addition to the reward, parents are entitled to financial assistance in the amount of fifty thousand rubles.

In some cases, families are provided with separate apartments and monthly child benefits. In addition to these payments and awards, heroine mothers are entitled to the following benefits:

  1. . Paid over a period of one and a half years. Its size depends on the woman’s earnings over the last two years.
  2. Possibility of early retirement of the mother. This benefit has been provided since 2002. The pension is calculated when a woman reaches the age of 50 years. In this case, the minimum insurance period must be fifteen years. In the absence of the specified length of service, the pension is calculated on a general basis.
  3. Establishment of part-time work. According to the law, a mother of many children has the right to work in this mode (Article 93 of the Labor Code).
  4. Payment for housing and communal services. Large families receive a discount on housing and communal services. The average size of this discount is 30-50%. In addition, a 50% discount on telephone payments is provided.
  5. Educational for children from large families. First of all, children of preschool age are given the right to priority admission to kindergarten. Also, children in preschool and school institutions are entitled to free meals three times a day. In addition, children are given free school and sports uniforms every year.
  6. Transport benefits. Large families are provided with free travel on public transport, with the exception of taxis. Parents who are raising more than five children have the right to receive compensation for travel on public public transport.
  7. Monthly provision of tickets for trips to museums, exhibitions, cinemas, theaters, etc. Also, every year families are issued free vacation vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions.

Since 2008, the heroine’s mothers have the right to open a kindergarten at home. At the same time, they receive the status of a teacher and the newly formed institution joins a regular kindergarten, which will subsequently monitor the work of the new mini-kindergarten.

Having become a teacher, she receives an appropriate entry in her work book and accumulates work experience. In this case, the woman is paid a salary of up to ten thousand rubles. It is worth noting that this benefit is provided to citizens living in Moscow.

Interesting video about the heroine's mother:

The procedure for obtaining the status of mother-heroine

As mentioned above, both parents can receive rewards for raising children, since they jointly participate in the upbringing process. Before assigning status, guardianship authorities must check a large family for compliance with the following requirements:

  • compliance of the family with the social plan;
  • ensuring the development of children, both in the spiritual and moral spheres;
  • maintaining a correct lifestyle;
  • health care